Tamara Falcó: La Marquesa (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Mi cuarenta cumpleaños - full transcript

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There's no red light.

Are you filming?


That's me,

Tamara Falcó Preysler,
on my 40th birthday.

One thing's for sure, up until now,
my life's been very eventful.

I'm going to seize the moment
to give you something

that's very important to us,
for our future.

- I really wasn't expecting so much.
- No.

Almost my entire life can be found
on the front pages of Hello!

I'm Isabel Preysler's daughter,
one of the most elegant women in Spain...

...and Carlos Falcó, a famous viticulturist,

Marquis of Griñón and a grandee of Spain.

And yes,

I'm a marchioness.

When we opened up the will,

I couldn't believe it.

Now, I work as an influencer,

I have my own fashion label,

and I work on one of the most successful
television programs in the country.

But I found my true passion
in the kitchen.

I'm a chef.

A few years ago, faith came into my life.

Instead of going out at night,

having seven drinks and whatever,

I wanted to stay at home
saying the Rosary.

I even considered becoming a nun.

The Pope told me off, for kneeling!

For kneeling down!

But that wasn't God's plan.

And I decided to get myself a boyfriend.



Íñigo and I are very different,

but we complement each other.

What you spend on dresses
I'll spend on DJs, okay?

Even though we have the odd disagreement...

Would you forgive him for cheating?

...I think he's the love of my life.

I've always liked challenges.

That's why I've decided
to open a restaurant.

It sounds complicated.

- A restaurant? Yes.
- Yes.

Especially a restaurant in El Rincón.

El Rincón is a special place to me
that I inherited when my dad died.

I'm sure there'll be obstacles
along the way.

- The cars are here... Great.
- Yes...

It's all falling apart.

I have to create a menu in record time.

I don't like the taste. Here, try it.

And to top it off,
convince my mom that I can do it.

- Don't take it apart.
- Mom, I mean...

I'm cordon bleu,
I've been taking these apart all year.

What may seem like a life
straight out of a movie,

for me, it's the most normal thing
in the world.

We're eight siblings.

The Iglesias, Chabeli, Julio and Enrique.

You probably know him
because he's a world superstar.

The Falcós,

and Ana, on the Boyer side.

They're not all here today,

but I've a great party ahead
and I've lots of things to say.

My forties have just begun,
and big changes are coming.

My favorite song is,
For she's a jolly good fellow

For she's a jolly good fellow

For she's a jolly good fellow

For she's a jolly good fellow

And so say all of us!

How are you?

Good morning.

- Hey!
- Hi there!

The birthday girl.

- How are you?
- Good. Last night went well, right?

Are you hungover?

Not really.

I didn't drink that much.

Íñigo was a real surprise, because...

If you'd told me three years ago
that I'd end up with him,

I'd have said, "Not in a million years,"

because he's so different to me.

You were outrageous.

It was like a movie, right?


- Is my hair better down?
- It's better down.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

- Really?
- Yes.

- You're sure? Really?
- Yes, I love it.

- You're sure?
- Yes.

- Look.
- You look beautiful.

- Gorgeous.
- Tamara, we have a present for you...

Have you got room for dinner?

I don't know how much
I'll be able to eat in this dress.

- Do you like the dress?
- I love it.

People probably think that

- I'm getting married.
- Sure.

Don't think that's a hint
or anything like that.

I just think I look nice.

Goodness me, look at all those people.

- You look stunning!
- Thank you.

- What a dress!
- Thank you.

How are you?

- Hi, how are you?
- You look incredible.

Congratulations, Tamara!

- Well, finally!
- You look stunning.

- You look gorgeous.
- Thank you. So do you.

You look beautiful.

So beautiful.

I was born, literally,
in front of the press.

Ever since I was little,
I've had a good relationship with them.

They brought me balloons

or a present to later write
about my birthday in the magazines.

Oh, God.

- Thank you.
- You look gorgeous, Tammy.


- Is my lipstick okay?
- It's perfect.

- And my pose?
- It's all perfect.

Don't talk, just smile
and be more serious.

- Ready. Let's go.
- Great.

- Happy birthday, Tamara.
- Thank you.

Is starting a new decade,
your forties, a shock?

- A little, yes.
- Is the whole family here?

It would be a good time for Íñigo
to get on his knee and propose.

We're here on our knees.

- One thing.
- Would you like that?

All in good time.
Today I want to celebrate my birthday.

What did he give you?

He hasn't given me anything.

- Bad boy!
- You're right!

- What present would you like?
- I want a blanket for my motorbike.

I'm always freezing on it.

Your mom said she's really excited
about being a grandmother.

- She is already.
- With you!

See you later.

I think there's a time for everything.

I'd hate to go back to being five,

to being 18,

or 25, or 35...

I've already done it, why do it again?


- How are you?
- Wow!


- Nice to finally meet you!
- Finally.

- You've never met?
- No.

We've spoken on the phone,
but only on the phone.

Juanito and I are super close.

I call up Juan, you know,

with all my crazy stuff
and he always has time.

I have a great time with him.

He cracks me up
by just being next to me, he's so funny.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. About time.

- Let's see.
- She wants to see.


He's engaged.

Hi there!

You look gorgeous.

- You really think so?
- You're gorgeous.

Really gorgeous.
I really like the neckline.

You didn't mention the neckline. Okay.

You like the neckline?

Something made me think,
"They'll think it's a wedding dress."

Then I thought,

"When else can I wear this dress
that looks like a cake?"

I know, it's a bit like a cake, but...

- Stunning.
- Really?

I look a bit like a cake.

I'm a cake. Yes, I'm a cake.

When else can I dress like a cake?

Never! I thought,
"Let them think what they want."

- Do you like my dress, Mom?
- I love it.

- Really?
- It's fabulous.

- It's haute couture.
- Don't take it off for dinner.

- I won't take it off.
- Of course.


Can we all say something funny, like...


Everyone, "40."

- Forty?
- Forty.

Is that funny?

- You think that's funny?
- Yes.

- Thirty?
- It's 40.

- Not bad at all.
- You're fantastic.

I love birthdays, I really do.

Actually, I warn people beforehand,

"My birthday's coming up." Always.

Maybe because I have good memories
of my birthday when I was little.


It was my day.

We're here for one reason only.

The lovely Tamara's birthday.

Tammy, happy birthday.

Wish I could be there with you.
Sending a big hug.


Happy 40th birthday. I love you.

And Julio?

Tammy, happy 40th birthday.

I hope all your career dreams come true.
I love you.

I'm really lucky to have them.
They're family.

I can always count on them.

Forty years old. So now what?

If the average age...

for dying is 85 years old,
40 is practically half.

- The equator.
- The equator.

So I think I'd like to open
my own restaurant.

No, you have to open one.

- Really?
- Why all the training if not?

It's a hobby.

No, not a hobby. You have to open it.

- Really?
- Sure, you're great at it.

Do you know what I'd like?


- Multisensory experiences.
- It has to be a total experience.

No one just goes to eat anymore.

First you have to think
about where to do it.

I have an idea.

El Rincón is a mansion, a palace,

that my dad inherited from Aunt Paloma.

My dad lived here for a while.

I remember coming to see him,
coming for lunch.

It was our place.

I'd like to do it in Dad's honor.
I think he'd like that.

I think you could do something
really great there.

- Would you help?
- Of course.

It's a part of you, right?
And every chef transmits that,

a part of them, their personality.

Just the idea is a bit overwhelming.

I've turned 40,

and my next challenge
is to open a pop-up restaurant.

Who knows?

Maybe then a permanent one.

Jacinta likes avocado.

Don't you want any breakfast?

- Ham?
- What's going?

Want a churro?

No, thank you.

As it's the day after my birthday,
my actual birthday,

I'm having a churro.

Did you get me a blanket?

For the motorbike?

The famous motorbike blanket?

I heard you told the press yesterday
that I was getting you one.

No, I hoped you'd get me one,

because I freeze to death
at eight o'clock in the morning.

So I don't know if you got the hint...

- Thanks for the coffee.
- It's not exactly a blanket,

but it'll keep you as warm.

You have great motorbike pants

- that go on top of your clothes...
- I didn't want pants.

- The blanket takes up so much space...
- The blanket...

It's because you have to have it installed

and you haven't done it, even for my 40th.

That's why.

I won't hold it against you though.

Don't worry.

We fight a lot.

I mean, we have huge rows.


But besides all that,

even though sometimes
it feels like the end of the world,

we come back stronger,

because we love each other.

Besides my routine
of exercising in the morning

and then having breakfast,
no two days are the same.

- This one.
- I love that one!

- Yes, I like that one.
- Wow.

- You liked the one on the left.
- I love it.

- It's dynamic.
- You know, when you make that pose,

- your face is so beautiful...
- Okay, you can...

- We can leave both, right?
- Yes.

- And the contrast with the blue.
- Carlos, can you email them to us?

- Okay. Thanks for everything.
- Okay, cool.

Bravo! Well done, guys.

- They're marvelous.
- Thank you.

- Until next time.
- Thank you.


I'm a curious person.

I love discovering things.

I'm lucky enough to be involved

with several companies' campaigns
that I really connect with.

How are you?

Do I have to take a bow, marchioness?

- I'll take her in.
- Let's go.

- See you soon.
- See you later.

Hi, how are you?

- Tamara.
- Smile, please.

- Over here, Tamara.
- A bit higher.

The middle, please.

The Virgin is so important to me
so it made perfect sense

to design the collection around her.

Ready, steady, go!

I think the idea was for the pieces
to reflect your personality. Tell us more.

Well, they're actually things
we found in virgins' crowns,

as we researched quite a few,

and I wanted it
to be focused on the Virgin.

The gem of your life?

A typical question, I know,
but we all have a gem in our lives.

- Or gems, it can be plural.
- Yes, obviously...

My family, obviously, my family's a gem.
They always support me.

But lately it's Íñigo. Íñigo is a gem.

I knew you'd love that, but it's true!

- Even though they insist on...
- Despite the rumors?

Even though they insist on...

They insist on...? Ah, yes, okay.

- You don't care.
- There's a new story every day, Tamara.

They've said all sorts
about our relationship.

There was a contestant on Supervivientes
who said that Íñigo tried to

make out with her
and cheated on me at a party.

And now, which is even more ridiculous,

now they say that I put up with it

and I know about it,

that I put up with him being unfaithful.

How do you deal with the rumors,
and how does he deal with them?

We stay calm and don't take any notice.
Why would we?

I guess we've all been through it.

It's almost harassment,
it's bullying, you know?

I mean, the way
they're attacking us like this.

- We're rock solid.
- You're used to it, right?

It made me really anxious

because it broke up my routine,

and I had a crowd of people around me

asking some really personal questions

that were really, you know...

I remember filling up my car
in the gas station

and looking behind me
to see if they were coming,

because the harassment was non-stop.

Would you forgive him cheating?

If he were to...

I wouldn't like to be in that position.

I think dating is really a time

to get to know the other person.

And I think it's a different thing

to forgive cheating,
which must be very painful,

when you're married with kids and so on,

than when you're dating
and getting to know each other.

But anyway, about those rumors...
I'm positive they're wrong.

- Positive.
- Would you bet your life on it?

I'd bet my life on it.

I know the truth, Íñigo knows the truth,

and that's that.

If the people watching those programs
want to believe it...

No one should watch these awful programs.

How are you?

Thanks for keeping that secret
and thanks for your help.

I want to see that bump.

You what?

- Eugenia!
- The clock's ticking!

- It is. What's wrong?
- Eugenia, give me some time.

- What are you waiting for?
- We're taking it slow.

- Come on!
- It's true.

- You keep the child...
- Eugenia, we have to wrap it up.

- It's not a problem.
- But, Eugenia...


- I mean it.
- Let's see.

What I want to do now is shape the idea

of setting up my own restaurant
and do it in El Rincón.

Why is Juan my right-hand man
for the project?

Because it doesn't matter
what you suggest to Juan,

he's always on board.

- How are you?
- I'm great.

He met Íñigo at my birthday,
he hadn't met him before.

How about that.

I saw him looking at you at the party.

- Yes.
- And...

He's just so straight. He really is.
He's just so straight.

- That's why all my alarms went off.
- Thank goodness!

When I met him, "He's very..."
The first thing I said to you.

- "He's very straight."
- I said, "He's cute, but so straight."

- I like him, he's a real alpha male...
- Yes.

...without being one.

"Tamara, Íñigo is so straight,"
and I was like...

El Rincón has its own soul.

It's a really special place,

a home...

How do you feel when you visit?
I mean, emotionally.

To be honest,

I don't go much, it really upsets me.

- Yeah, right?
- Yes.

It's a challenge.
I want it to go well to honor Dad,

and it's a bit complicated
because it's still a massive house,

it's a palace really,

and it needs a complete renovation.

I don't even know what state it's in.

- So, you haven't done...
- The house has been closed

since my dad died.

This is my third year without him.

I really miss him.

My dad was the reason
I went to the countryside

and spent time there.

It was a peaceful time for both of us.

That was something that...

I won't share that with anyone else.
No one else will do that for me.

- Well, here we are.
- Here we are.

It looks fabulous.

Wait till you go inside.

From outside, El Rincón s great, but...

people have to have dinner here,

and that's where it gets complicated.

- This is the main entrance.
- It's wonderful, Tamara.

I think houses with a bit of...
Fucking hell!

- Okay, I hadn't seen that.
- Now what?

- I hadn't seen it.
- You were saying?

We just come along with a bit of...

- Yes.
- But we can fix this.

I mean, it's not that...

In my mind,
opening it here was a good idea, but...

It might have been easier
to hire a space in Madrid.

How do you imagine it?

I imagine it like it was before, you know?

I can show you photos.

People greeting you in their uniforms,

having a drink while you...

- Wait to get seated.
- Yes, and get great service.

A whole experience, you know?
I think that's original.

Just coming in is an experience.
You're used to it, but it's like, "Wow!"

We came in here.

The castle is over here.

My Uncle Fernando went to school
with the former king,

and we were always
really fond of him at home.

- This part is beautiful.
- Let's see.

How about that.

When I was little, I was blown away

- by the dog cemetery.
- What?

They were our pets,
like members of the family,

and it's one of the places I remember.

When I was little it gave me the creeps,
but I liked it too.

- Weren't you scared sleeping here?
- No.

These are all the kings who've been here.

- The empress...
- All of them?

Not all of them.
I think my dad got tired of it,

and didn't engrave the last ones. But...

But these are the ones
that came, and the dates.



What a shame, the water lilies have died.

- Let's see.
- Yes. This looks awful.

This was full of water lilies.

- I like this perspective.
- This perspective is so beautiful.


- It's just so... It's like...
- There's a lot more.

There were 50 servants.

- My grandma traveled with 50 servants.
- With 50 servants?

You had to wind the cars up,

you had to heat the irons
in the fire and then iron.

They were different times.

- Is that your Aunt Paloma?
- Yes.

She liked taking photos
of herself, like me.

If she'd had Instagram,
she'd have been an influencer.

Look at that.

- This is the best.
- Me likey.

Whenever we came
to El Rincón before, I always thought...

I'd always think,
you know, of you as a bride,

because lately of course
everyone's asking me about it,

I'd imagine your wedding,
and I'd see it here.

- Would you get married here?
- Yes.

- I think so.
- You would?

I mean, it is my palace.

It wouldn't make much sense
for me to hire somewhere, would it?

- What silly questions you ask.
- I know.

I'll do some lists.

- I want to show you something.
- Okay.

There's a menu here.

- Well...
- Wow.

I think it's cool to have
a personalized menu for each day.

- "Fraise Melba."
- Yes, look.

- Fraise?
- Take these down.

We have to bring them back.
Fraise Melba is so chic, and the gâteau.

I love the little logos too.

I learned how to do these too,
eggs Florentine.

It just so happens to be French cuisine,
which is what I studied,


let's do it.

- Let's make some lists.
- Okay.

Jackets, I'll start with...


How about the mold
and the roof falling in?

Jackets? We're starting with jackets?

Rose-tinted glasses, darling.

We'll be wearing perfect jackets
as the roof falls in.

Okay, great. Let's see.

Honestly, I trust your taste,

but I think we should ask
a professional for help with the damp.

Evening, Rafa, how are you?

Could you help with the bouquet
I've brought for Mom?

My mom's tea parties
are evenings for talking,

for laughing, for sharing.

An evening to spend time with friends.

Isn't anybody here yet? You're all alone?

You're the punctual one.

That's me.

You don't believe a word of it,
but anyway, suit yourself.

- I'll tell everyone.
- So, moving on...

I brought you the book I promised you.

You said everyone had a book except you.

I wrote this book because it was important
to preserve our family recipes.

It seems obvious
because some of them are so simple,

but those recipes get lost too,

and I didn't want
my grandmother's to get lost.

That's why it was important.

How are you?


- Boris!
- With flowers...


...and some new things, I'll show you later.

- Hats...
- What a hat...

Flowers, my love.

- From London, and well, it's crazy.
- Look at him in his hat.

He's intelligent, he's funny, he's clever.

He's frivolous when he needs to be,
intellectual when he needs to be.

He's a good friend.

This is the book!

- It's here! Fabulous.
- Haven't you seen it?

I've seen it, you sent it to me.
You've dedicated it.

Read it.

- You read it to me.
- Yes, go on.

"Dear Mom, this book
wouldn't have been possible

without your constant support."
"Thank you so much."

"For now and so many other times."
"I love you, Tammy."

It's so sweet.

I thought it was
much more heartfelt and loving.

- Not at all.
- I did it in the car. It's awful, Mom.

- No, it was really loving.
- It's so sweet.

- No, love...
- I'll write you a better one.

- No, it was really loving.
- It's sweet.

My mom doesn't express
her feelings easily.

She's not a mom
who tells you what you want to hear.

She tells you exactly what she thinks,
and her standards are high

because she's hard on herself too.

Mom was so competitive when we were little

that even when we were looking
for the Easter Bunny's eggs,

you know, we had to find the most.

- The Easter eggs.
- When we did the sack race,

we had to win, you know?

- The winners.
- Exactly.

- It's in her blood.
- No, she always loved it.

- Exactly.
- Acting, being in front of a camera.

- She's always liked that.
- When?


- At home we called you "the actress"!
- Totally.

She used to say things
she wasn't supposed to say.

- One day...
- Mom!

- What did she say?
- What are you going to say?

- Let's change the subject to Boris.
- No, I have to say this.

- Do you remember...
- Hold on.

You're using the past tense,

but I think she still says
everything she shouldn't.

- That's why everyone loves Tamara.
- Exactly.

- Come on...
- Here's the lemonade.

You're giving me a totally hard time.

It's not my fault they know these details.

- Hello there!
- Give me a big hug.

So lovely to be here.


My mom was always really delicate,
as if she were floating.

Don't you think?
When she makes her entrance,

- like, so confident...
- Pure harmony.

I loved watching her get ready

when I was tiny, maybe three years old.

I used to hang from the towel rail,
and my mom would say,

"Careful, Tamara, you'll break that."

And I thought, "That's so silly."

I thought, "What's she on about?"

- So, I ignored her.
- She'd hang like this. All her weight.

I'd say, "Tamara,
that's for towels, not for people."

- One day...
- "Mom, I love watching you."

And one day, bang!

I think there's still a lot
of that three-year-old girl in me.

I'm very stubborn, so I've been told.

I get that a lot.

No, she laughed like a rabbit.

- Yes, really, but...
- Excuse me?

That's a new one, Mom.

Laughed like a rabbit?

Yes, you used to laugh a little bit
like a rabbit. It was very funny.

I hadn't had my teeth fixed.

When I was little, I'd say something
and people would laugh.

"But I didn't say anything funny."
And they'd laugh.

And I'd be like,

"It's not funny, I'm just talking."

I have something to tell you.

- Oh, God.
- I'm opening a restaurant.

- I think it's great news.
- When?

Well, it's a temporary restaurant that...

- A pop-up?
- A pop-up. Exactly.

- Okay, great.
- It'll be located in El Rincón.

- In El Rincón!
- Wonderful.

- It sounds complicated.
- A restaurant? Yes.

- I agree.
- Especially a restaurant in El Rincón.

- In El Rincón...
- It turns out...

If you told me
it was going to be in Jorge Juan...

- Yes.
- Indeed.

- ...you know?
- I think it's a bit far away.

- But that's where it'll be.
- We're amongst friends.

- It's so typical of family.
- I've said what I think.

Then they say, "Sounds too far to me."

Yes, it's far. So what?

- But we'll go.
- Of course we'll go.

- It's an experience.
- Exactly.

The idea is to capture a little
of the same spirit it had

when Aunt Paloma
and Uncle Pepito lived there.

But, Tamara, you can't expect people

to want that, to want an experience,

when all they want is to go for dinner.

It's not forever, it's a temporary thing.

Exactly, and you can only have
that type of experience

in El Rincón, to start with.

We have to design it there.

Then you can bring it
to Jorge Juan as I said, for example.

For example.

- Hello, how are you?
- How are you?

- Great, thank you.
- This way, please. Welcome.

Thank you.

Hello, good evening.

That's great, thank you.

I'm sitting on the plane, Mom.

See you very soon in New York!



- See you later, Mario.
- Great.


- Ciao.
- Ciao.


I'm going to New York
for the Carolina Herrera runway.


You're from...?


- Tamara wants to see wedding dresses.
- Hang on.

You say such silly things.

There are bridal dresses
and graduation dresses.

She needs a graduation one,

because she still acts like a teenager.

Pick up, my love.

He just hung up.

Do you know what "fraise Melba" is?
Fraise Melba?

- Fraise Melba?
- Yes.

The crêpe guy looks like
he was from a casting, a real hottie.

You're so sexy.

Tamara, get on the bike.

- Mikel, how long have we been going?
- Five seconds to go!

- Some legs have fallen off.
- What do you mean fallen off?

I don't believe you.

Watch out!

The spotlights. I'm amazed,
because it's all full of...

- There are spotlights up there too?
- Yes!

I can see the potential here.

This is for the fireplace.
For the other, you wanted something more...

- I mean, "palace," you know?
- Yes.

You know, like...

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name...


I won't tolerate anybody
criticizing the Pope, okay?


The Pope told me off.

- It's Dad's birthday.
- Yes.

He always wanted
a restaurant in El Rincón.

- Really?
- It was his dream.

- Come on, it's getting cold!
- Come on.

I'm about to go to the kitchen
and see what's going on.

- Someone else do the beans.
- Coming.

Tamara, get a bowl
and put some sauce on this, please.

I'm coming!

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.