Tales of Wells Fargo (1957–1962): Season 3, Episode 33 - The Tall Texan - full transcript

A tip sends Jim Hardie to Wagner, Montana on the outlook for outlaws. At the hotel he runs into Laurie Hammer who ran away from home with the outlaw Will Carver. He tells her he recently saw her parents and they would like her to ...

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Hyah! Hyah!

NARRATOR: Tales of Wells Fargo.

JIM: My name's Jim Hardie.
Special investigator for Wells Fargo.

Like any other company
that has to deal with criminals,

we sometimes receive
anonymous tips.

They usually mean betrayal.

One outlaw turning
against his kind.

Usually they're unreliable.
We have to check them all.

When I got the word that
some of Butch Cassidy's

Hole-in-the-Wall Gang
might be showing up soon

in the little one-horse
town in Montana,

I headed for there.

Somehow this smelled like
a train robbery in the making,

and that made it my business.

Hello, Laurie.

What are you doing here?

Just what it looks like.

Checking in the hotel.

I might ask you
the same question.

And I might give
you the same answer.

I'm sitting in the lobby.

I don't think we have to
hedge like this, do we?

I've known you for a long time.

Have you?

As far as I know, I'm not looking
for anyone named Will Carver.


Oh, I see. All right.

We'll just both pretend we never
heard of anyone named Carver.

When was the last time
you heard from your folks?

You ought to know.

You were there the
night they threw me out.

They didn't throw you out.

You walked out on
them, if you remember.

Does it make any difference?

None, I suppose.

I stopped by to see them
on the way up from Denver.

Now, don't try telling me, they sent
you here to get me to come back.

They don't even know where I am.

No. I wouldn't
try to lie to you.

But don't tell me you like
sitting around the lobby

of a cheap hotel waiting either.

What's wrong with it?

It's not quiet the
dream you had, is it?

Not quiet the bright, gay life
that Will Craver promised you

the night you ran off with him.

Quit talking about
Will Carver, will you?

Why don't you get away
from me and leave me alone?

All right.

Jim, wait.

How are the folks? Mom and Pop?

Good as can be expected.

Lonesome maybe.
Worried over you.

Are they making out all right?

On the farm?

They're not getting rich,
if that's what you mean.

But that's no news.

Jim, it's a hard life. I just
couldn't take it any longer.

LAURIE: I've always
wanted nice things.

Pretty things.

Like a picture I saw
in a magazine once.

St. Louis. A big hotel.

Lights, white table clothes,
women with jewels in their hair.

You think you're
gonna get those things,

hanging around with a
bunch of cheap outlaws?

I'll never have
them any other way.

You're not gonna get
them either, Laurie.

JIM: You're gonna have to
find that yourself I suppose.

Nobody can tell you.

Good day.

JIM: Began to look as though the
tip I'd had might lead somewhere.

Laurie Hammer being there didn't
necessarily mean Will Carver would show.

But it always had before.

Carver was one
of the wild bunch.

And here was another one.

Ben Kilpatrick, known for
obvious reasons as the Tall Texan.

I didn't know the pair who
seemed to be with him.

Hello, Ben.

Speaking to me?

You're name's
Kilpatrick, isn't it?

I don't recollect, I
ever saw you before.

You saw me all right.

Though I'll admit
the light was dim.

Give me a beer.

It was in Lander, Wyoming.

You and a friend of yours
tried to bushwhack me.

My name's Hardie.
Mean anything to you?

Wells Fargo, huh?

You remember.

Think that light must
have been real bad.

I've never been in Lander.

All right. Have it your own way.

You weren't figurin' on
trying to arrest me, were you?

If you weren't in Lander,
I've got not charge.

You got no help either.

There's no law in this town.

So, relax. Drink your beer,

It's on me, Bigfoot.

Thank you.

Best regards.

You got any particular
business in town?

Yup. My own.

You act like you're
watching for somebody.

Hoping maybe to run
into Kid Curry, Sundance.

I ain't laid on eyes on any
of that crowd in over a year.

You know, I sorta had the
impression they wasn't exactly honest.


Now, what brought that
about? Rumors I heard.

Then there was them reward
posters I kept running into.

I bet that bothered
you a good deal.

What about Will Carver?

What about him?

I saw his girl
over at the hotel.

Will got a girl?

You know, Ben,

I think you better see a doctor
about that memory of yours.

I think you're
beginning to lose it.

See you around. Don't
go out of your way.

What's he doing here?

Someone tipped our
hand about the job tonight.

Wasn't either of us,
Ben. We've been careful.

I find out who it was, he's
wish he'd been more careful.

And what about Hardie?

We can't let him ruin this job.

We better get him.

All right. Let's get him.

Where is he? Where'd he go?

Hotel maybe.

You come with me.

Wiley, you check the stables,
he might be leaving town.


Hold it.

Turn around.

Drop your gun.

Drop it.

The stable.

What's that Texan
up to? Nothing.

And you have nothing on me.

I don't know nothing
and neither do you.

All right, I'll find
out my own way.

Take the front.

Stay where you are.


Have a look outside.

BEN: Give me a hand.

No one in sight.

What you're gonna do with him?

TEXAN: Put him in there, hurry.


CARTMAN: Hyah! Hyah!

So long, partner.

Are you sure, you
got it straight. Yeah.

The eastbound arrives at the
tower for water at three a.m.

Wiley, you be
with me. All right.

We'll stand ready to attack the
engine the moment she stops.

It's Will Carver. What's
he doing in town?

So here you are.

What's the idea of
dragging her into a saloon?

What are you
trying to do to her?

Will, I came into this
place of my own accord.

And you'll leave
with me. Sit down.

Get out of here, Carver,
before you get yourself in trouble.

You got no claim to her.

Don't you know, she
left you for a better man?

I was never much
good for her. I know that.

At least I had some
respect for her.

Now, come on. She's stayin'.


I'm all right.

Come on, you got more
important things to think about.

JIM: How long I had been
out, I had no way of knowing.

I only knew one
thing, I had to get back.

I needed a gun and a horse.

I got the gun from the
freighter for twenty dollars.

Lose your horse,
mister? Or he lose you?

Neither one. I'm afraid,
I'm gonna have to use yours.

I am kinda usin' him myself.

Climb down. Now wait a minute.

If it's money
you're looking for...

It's not. I'm a Wells
Fargo detective,

and this is an emergency.

Oh, well, I guess
that makes it different.

Help yourself.

Here's fifty dollars
for your trouble.

I'll leave your horse for
you at the livery stable in Wagner.

Just a minute, friend.

If I was you, I wouldn't ride
that horse back into Wagner.

Why not?

That's where I stole him

Feed and water him,
and find out who owns him.

Big Train Robbery At Wagner.

Believed to be an work of
the Hole-in-the-Wall gang.

A fortune stolen
from the express car.

That's one of a sat out.

Wake up.

Oh, hello.

What you doin' in my room?

I figured you weren't usin' it.

Helped myself.

Been here since last night.

What happened to you?

Friend of mine did this to me.

Tall Texan.

You care to talk about it?

You heard about
the train holdup?

Yes, I did. I thought likely.

Been lyin' here all day, listenin'
to voices outside the window.

Must have been a big one.

According to the papers it was.

You weren't in on it, I suppose?

I had nothin' to do
with it. That's the truth.

But you knew about it.

Yeah, I knew.

You're guessing pretty good.

Let me guess again.

I think you are the one that
wrote the letter to tip me off.

It was me.

But I had to for Laurie's sake.

Can you understand that?

I'm tryin' to.

She left me for the Tall Texan.

And you figure with
Kilpatrick out of the way,

you can get her
back, isn't that right?

No. I just want her to go home.

I knew I wasn't
any good for her.

But he's worse.

I couldn't stand
thinking about it.

So I followed him here.

I tried to take her away
from him with a gun.

I couldn't do it.

Where's Kilpatrick now?

Guess he's gone with
her and the money.

St. Louis maybe.

Laurie always talked
about St. Louis.

Yes, she did. Find
her for me, Hardie.

Make her go home to her folks.

May be too late for
that. Kilpatrick's my job.

Who're those two men with him?

Oh, couple of small fries
he picked up somewhere.

A fellow named Burns
and a fellow named Wiley.

Watch out for Burns.

He's the one who wears two guns.

All right, Carver.

I think I can take your word that
you weren't involved in the holdup.

I'll go out and see if I can
pick up Kilpatrick's trail.


No, no, Hardie.

Get down.

Turn around.

Where's The Tall Texan?

He double-crossed me and Burns.

Took the loot, every cent of it.

Ran out on us.
Him and that girl.

Where did they
go? I don't know.

Where did they go?

Honest, Hardie. St. Louis?

Maybe. Talked about it a lot.

Pulled out on us when
our backs were turned.

WILEY: Left us with nothing.

Let's go.

JIM: I checked
with the home office.

In that one robbery, Wells
Fargo had lost twenty thousand

brand-spankin'-new greenbacks.

Fortunately, we had
the serial numbers.

St. Louis was a big town. It
had the waterfront saloons

and the fancy restaurants.

I went to most of them.

I knew what Laurie wanted.

The dream she'd always had,
that no one ever understood.

And I knew Ben.

If he had the money, and if he
was in town, I knew he'd spend it.

More coffee? No, thank you.

The rest is for you.

Shall we go? Yes we don't
wanna be late for the theater.

Let me these a minute.

I'd like to change with you.

That's for you. Ahh.

JIM: This is all the
evidence I needed.

Two twenty dollar bills
with the right serial numbers.

Better go back to the
hotel and start packing.

What's wrong, Ben?

Nothin', I saw a man
inside, I wanna talk to.

I won't be long.

Why should I pack?

I understand the weather's very good
in South America this time of the year.

But, Ben. Now, run along.

Sit down, Ben. Thanks.

Bring a couple of
brandies, please?

You're a little off your
home range, aren't you?

I was just about to say
the same thing to you.

I'm traveling for my health.

You didn't travel
near far enough.

There's trains
leaving all the time.

You're not going to
be on one of them.

I wouldn't make
any bets on that.

Already have.

These bills were taken in
the train holdup in Wagner.

Me rob a train?

You know me better than that.

Holding up a train is one thing,

but I don't like you
stealing my hat.

I was gonna send it back to you.

It don't fit me very good.

You don't need to, I picked it
up in your room earlier today.

Well, that saves
me a lot of trouble.

Bring me a check, please.

Here's to Laurie.

Meanin' what?

I don't think you'd
understand if I told you, Ben.

Drink your brandy.

You ready to go?

Yeah, I'm ready.

But I'm a little particular
about the company I keep.

I'm goin' alone.

You've got tangled up

in your own loop, Ben... it's
the end of the line for you.

I got a gun under the table
and it's pointing right at you.

I don't bluff that easy.

Ever hear a sound
like that before?

Yes, I have.

You know, I just
changed my mind.

I was gonna leave alone, but
now I think I'll take you with me.

They won't hang you for holding up
a train, but they will for killing a man.

I don't think you'll
shoot me in here.

You don't think so, you
just keep sitting there.

Maybe you would.

About to finish what
we started in Montana.

You get the general idea.

But that time I had
a gun too remember.

Then you can't expect to have
everything the same. That's good enough.

Well Jim, I'm sorry it
had to end this way.

I've got nothing
against you personally.

Well it's nice to know, but it
doesn't make me feel any better.

You don't give me a choice.

I tried shipping you out of town
once before and didn't work out.

Wiley and Burns
warned me it wouldn't.

They were right. That's why
they're are not around today.

What do you mean?

Don't tell me you...

All right, Ben. Get up.

You sent me on a trip once.
Now I'm gonna repay that favor.

Only you won't be
coming back so soon.

Hello, Laurie.

Well, it's quiet a
layout, you got here.

How did you know I was here?

You told me, a long time ago.

Remember a dream you had
about a big suite in a big hotel

in a big city like St. Louis?

Well, you better get out of
here before Ben comes back.

He won't be coming back.

I arrested him an hour ago.

He broke the law, he
know what to expect.

Would you like the same?

No. No!


You don't understand, Jim.

I'm glad he's not coming back.

I don't like it here.

I don't like the running
and being hunted.

I've hated it, I've hated
it for the past two years.

Then why didn't you go home,
when Will Carver wanted you to?

How could I?

I'm ashamed.

My folks wouldn't want me.

I don't think you believe that.

Did you ever give them a chance to
prove whether they wanted you or not?

I've got an extra
ticket for Cheyenne.

If you'd like to use it.



Thank you.

I'll wait for you downstairs.

JIM: Well, that's
the end of this story.

The Tall Texan got himself
ten years in Leavenworth.

Laurie got her ticket back home

and a welcome that she'd
never even dreamed of.

And me?

I found my next assignment

waiting for me when I
got to San Francisco.