Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Chapter 10: Deja-Vu - full transcript

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"Tale of The Nine Tailed"

Where are we headed though?

Where A Eum and my story began and ended.

This is the mountain I used to rule.

It was my hometown, my home,

and my workplace.

Did you know that there was a day...

similar to Valentine's in Joseon Dynasty?

On March 5,
when all living things awaken,

couples exchanged ginkgo
nuts as a token of their love.

Why ginkgo nuts though?

Male and female trees
mate to reproduce...

and they live way past 1,000 years.

So you're still holding on
to the Valentine's Day gift...

from your ex-girlfriend.

Actually, these were a parting gift.

We parted ways after exchanging them.


I'll protect you.


A mountain spirits protect
all creations of the woods.

One must also be protected in return.

Why you though?

Because I like you.

What gives you the right?

You're too powerless.

Why are you being this way?

Being able to converse with me
doesn't make you someone special.

In your dreams.

You'll never be as powerful as I am.

In what way will you protect me?

You're a mere mortal.

Do you mean that?

Yes, I do.

So don't ever come up here again.

You didn't mean it though, did you?

I was scared.

I didn't know what would
happen if I fell for a human...

who would someday die.

How did you two meet again then?

Did you seek her out?

I'm the ruler of the mountains...

and therefore bound to it.

A mountain spirit can't leave
where it has been assigned to.

What would happen if you do?

I'll grow weaker...

since I'll no longer have the
powers of a mountain spirit.

This one time,

I crossed the boundary
while chasing spirits...

that were disrupting the peace.

A nine-tailed fox has
attacked our village!

A nine-tailed fox? Is
that what you just said?

We must catch it. My gosh!

A nine-tailed fox!
It's a nine-tailed fox!

Where did it go?

It left a blood trail.

Over there. It went that way!

Goodness! Go after it.

My gosh.

What a disgrace!

Let's go that way. My goodness.

Can you believe it?

Now, go.

If you follow this path,
your forest will appear.

A Eum.

I did not see you today.

Thank you.

I will repay you for this no matter what.

"Chapter 10: Deja-vu"

I found you.

I'll soon be coming for you,

so sit tight.

What's so funny?

The stage is almost complete.

"The stage"? Thanks
to the Spirit of Darkness,

I was able to find out that Lee Yeon...

will never be able
to kill her in this life.

But is there a reason
why it has to be those two?

I was supposed to have it all.

I was meant to be the mountain spirit...

and have that woman by my side.

Are you saying... I'm
going to take over...

the mountain spirit's body...

and have her become my wife.

Gosh, this place is mesmerizing.

Why aren't you asking me anything?

Why aren't you asking
me why I betrayed you?

Don't you want to know why I killed you?

On my way here,

I noticed that there are many legends...

regarding this beautiful waterfall.

It's about a married couple
who were madly in love.

But some stories say the wife
dies and some say the husband dies.

So I'm sure there's also
something I don't know...

about the Tale of the Nine Tailed...

where the nine-tailed fox
tragically had to kill his first love.

A Eum.

Why did you shoot me?

This woman's body is very useful.

Mountain spirits never
let their guard down,

but I was even able to
shoot you with an arrow.


Long time no see,
Yeon. I waited for you for a long time.

Where is A Eum? In here.

She willingly gave me her body
so she could save her father.

Come out from that body.

I forgot to tell you something.

That was an evening
primrose from the burial ground.

I told you to come out.

She's mine. Show yourself!

Should I kill her and leave her body?

She means nothing to me.

I do not believe you. You
think you used her as bait.

But don't you get it? I used
her as bait to get to you.

Don't kill me!

I don't want to die.

You promised me.

You promised to love
me until the day I die.



A Eum.

Is that you?

Don't come near me!

It's you.


I killed the villagers.

I killed everyone.

It's not your fault.

Help me, Yeon.

Stop me from hurting anyone else.

Stop me from hurting you.

Just kill me.

It's okay. You have me.

Everything will be all right.

This girl is pretty feisty.

You can't kill me,
but you can't keep me alive either.

What you want is me, right?

Take my body,

and let her go.

How touching.

Don't make me repeat myself.

Will you choose the body of
a mountain spirit or her body?

Fine. I'll let her go.


give me your heart.

I heard the energy of mountain spirits...

lies in their hearts.

Give me your heart.

A Eum.

You're listening, right?

Promise me one thing.

Promise me that you'll forget about me.

Forget about me...

and live a long life.

You don't need to be sorry...

or grateful.

My life belongs to you anyway.

Who says you can die?

A Eum.

Let me go. I'm okay.


You asked me to forget you.

But I won't ask the same.

Don't forget me.

What are you saying?
I'll crawl out of my grave...

if you ever fall in love
with another woman.

Let go.

Repay what you owe me, Yeon.


Please kill me.

See? I promised...

that I would...

protect you.

Thank you, Yeon,

for keeping your
promise not to forget me.


I'm sorry...

for making you wait so long.

That's precious to you.

Because you are not a shadow of my past.

I'll take...

a good look at you.

Not A Eum reborn, but you.

You're here?

I thought you had died in
the Forest of the Starved.

Whatever. I'm disappointed.


Well, come or not. Whatever.

Are you all right? Should
I call Shin Ju back?

Stop freaking out. It's nothing.

It isn't the poison, is it?

Your life is expiring.

I'm right, aren't I?

I've lived pretty long for a half fox.

Please eat the ground cherry.

You can steal years from people
and live for as long as you want.

Yeon is on his way here.

I'm going to tell him who Imoogi is.

I'm the only one who
knows what he looks like.

What about you?

It's not like I've ever
dreamed of the future.

Don't do it! Please stop!

Why must you go that far just for Yeon?

You can't tell Yeon.

Don't meet with Yeon.

Go see Imoogi and ask him to save you.

Or tell me where they are.
I'll get you a ground cherry.

Yu Ri.

Why are you crying for me?

It's infuriating!

I told you...

never to cry for another person.

Don't make your life a B-movie.

You said that I should be
the one that takes, not loses.

That's what you said to me...

when we first met, as you were
drenched in the zookeeper's blood.

You told me to live like that.

I tend to be fickle.

Stop sniffling,
and go buy me some naengmyeon.

I'm craving Pyongyang naengmyeon.

I wish we could go back to those days.

I can't remember how
the azaleas tasted...

back then.


What are you so focused on all day long?

I'm sure I've seen him before.

Who? Ms. Nam's boyfriend.

you are the best at recognizing people.

What shows have we done recently?

"The Gig Job Staircase",
"The Cursed Wedding Ring",

"The Haunted..." Wait.

It was sometime around then.

This is driving me mad. Who is he?

The red umbrella?

What do you mean?

You're right. The man
that you met that day...

is the red umbrella
that we had investigated.

What's wrong?

Am I not the person you were waiting for?

Where did he go?


Do you know me?

Where's Rang?

I don't know. I stepped out,
and he wasn't here when I got back.

He won't answer his phone either.

Seeing what a rude punk you are,
you must be her.

The necklace thief. The dog owner.

The one with 99 points.

What gibberish is that? Just something.

Pyongyang naengmyeon.

Don't eat that! It's for Mr. Lee!

Naengmyeon tastes bad
if the noodles get soggy.

My gosh. You look so pale.

Will you keep a distance?

You smell like rotting corpses.

It's the scent of death.

Since I've lived much longer
than I should've, as have you.

Want one?

No thanks.

Do you plan to sacrifice
your life for your pride?

Is it worth it?

Do you think I'm desperate
to stay alive as you are?

Definitely not.

Then why do you look
like you don't want to go?

This is unlike you.

Get to your point.

Do you plan to defy our master?

He's "your" master, not "our" master.

I know you're upset because of
what the Spirit of Darkness did.

But that was a misunderstanding.

You threw me into the Forest
of the Starved, but what?

A misunderstanding?

It was a risky move that
we took to catch Yeon.

We wouldn't have left you there.


but I can't bear to listen
to your lies anymore.

I'm sure you know that,
even in this state,

I can kill you no problem.

Wait. Wait a minute.

That's odd.

Your master should show up by now.

Shall I take a guess?


is not in this house right now.

That was good.

What are you looking at? Get out. Scram.

All you have are ice cubes.

Is ice cream not something you enjoy?

I can't believe he adopted
some rude pet from overseas.

I hate you, you know.

I never asked for your opinion.

Stay away from Mr. Lee.

What if I don't? I'll kill you.

Who do you think you
are? I'm Ki Yu Ri. Why?

I never asked for your name.

But you just asked.

You don't seem all that smart to me.

Can you and Rang even communicate?

I'm smart, you know. As if.

Mr. Lee only adds
mustard to his naengmyeon,

gets blisters on his
lips after eating crabs,

and hates cucumbers in gimbap.

All you can name are his eating habits.

But because of you...
Because of a jerk like you he...

You can't tell Yeon.

Go on.

Darn it. Just forget it.

You're laughing?

You can't kill me. You
shouldn't even think about it.

What? I'm the one who saved you...

from the fatal wound inflicted by Yeon.

What you owe me hasn't been cleared yet.

Who on earth are you?

A passer-by who saw that
you were in grave danger.

As if.

I smell the stench of a
rotting corpse from you.

I'm a human who happened
to have prolonged his life.

Why did you save my life?

Does the reason truly matter?

All I want is for you to
return the favor one day.

I'm sure there will come a time.

You have a deal to abide by.

A fox can't go back on the deal it made.

Thanks to me,
you were able to bring Imoogi back.

No, that was my doing.

All you added was a bit of flair.

You approached me so that
you could use me someday...

knowing that Yeon was my brother.

In what other way would
a half-fox be of any use?

Please consume the ground cherry.

Live and return the favor you owe me.

What do you want from me?

You have two days to bring me Lee Yeon.

It's his body I need.

I should get going.

Yes, go ahead. So long and farewell.

Rang talks about how
miserable his life has been,

but I guess it wasn't all that bad.

Since you live to protect him,
please do so until the very end.

Give Rang this.

It's for the naengmyeon.

What on earth?

So let me summarize.

The man you're dating is the suspect...

of that case we've been investigating?

Not the suspect, but the culprit.

Does he have a prior?

He's never been prosecuted,

but he's committed similar crimes before.

And you're still dating him?

Yes. Why?

Because he waited for
me to be reincarnated.

He's the first love of my past life.

That's something we tell
stories about on our show.

Maybe it's a metaphor.

She loves him so much
to the point to feel that way.

Do you think it's a coincidence
that the three of us met?

I believe fate brought us together.

Fate, my foot. Cut the nonsense.

Just tell me why. What's going on?

The two of you could be in danger.

You're the people closest to me...

in my past life and in this one as well.

Are you still going on about
this past life nonsense?

You're both too well-educated
to be convinced with words alone.

So see for yourselves.

What's with the spectacles?

It's a tiger's eyebrow.
From the Korean folk tale?

That's right. Do you have a mirror?



What... What?

Where are we going?

Someplace far from the palace.

Is it just you two?

Our apologies, Your Highness.

We promise to keep you safe though.


Only set one table from now on. Sorry?

We're no longer in the palace
which means no one's watching us.

Join me for meals.

That's absurd... Comply with the order,

or I'll starve myself.

Your Highness!

Are you going somewhere?

Yes, out to get some fresh air.

Don't think about following
me. Just please stay away...

from the forest up north.

Why? Rumor has it that...

a 1,000-year-old fox lives there.

A fox?

Your Highness,

here you go. It's fish.

You have rice on your chin.

Your Highness!

Ta-da. Goodness.

Gosh, you shouldn't have.

You should sit too.

That won't be necessary.

Come on and join us. Sit.

Go ahead. It's quite pretty, you know.

It'll suit you well.


This is our past life?

Is this for real or not?

Please tell me I've been hypnotized.

Could this be VR goggles?

I just can't believe it.

If past lives do exist,

I reckoned I'd be a princess, not you.

It's still better than being a eunuch.

That little boy called me a eunuch,

These are the same glasses. No way.

Being at this show for too long
must've messed with our heads.

So tell me.

I doubt you wanted to only
spread the shock around,

so why did you show us this?

The monster that's after me...

is a lot closer to us than we think.

It might even be someone we know.

I want to protect you guys...

just like how you protected
me in our past lives.

What about your boyfriend?

Who is he really?

Come inside.

Hello. This must be your first
time meeting a nine-tailed fox.

What's wrong? You can't believe me?

They seemed a lot more
shocked than I expected.

I knew it wouldn't be easy.

I understand why they
can't seem to accept it.

Let me know if you need my
help. I'll just erase their memory.

Did you meet your brother?

I think Imoogi got to him faster than me.

I see.

He used the Spirit of
Darkness to keep an eye on us,

so he probably knew...

that Rang will become a ticking
bomb once he starts getting swayed.

I was hoping we'd get to find a clue.

Don't be too disappointed.

I kind of expected this to happen.

So I had a back-up plan ready.

Where were you?

I want to be alone.

Rang, you look...

Did you eat the ground cherry?


let me be alone.

Look over there.

Yeon came and left it for you.

I can't believe this.

Yes, sir.

What brings you to call me at this hour?

I have a personal favor to ask you.

You have a personal favor to ask me?

I'll do anything for you, sir.

Yes, he'll go see you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Sleep tight.

What about Ms. Nam?
Doesn't she want fried chicken?

No, she must've been tired. She's asleep.

Are you going to let
her stay here for a while?

Yes, this place is safer as a basecamp.

Did you see him?

I didn't get to see Imoogi,

but I saw a middle-aged guy
taking Rang into the house.

He's probably the guy with a
criminal branding on his forehead.

We know where he lives,
so that's good enough.

Make sure you be careful. Okay.

Here you go.

Why do you always give me the drumsticks?

Because they're drumsticks.

Thank you for the meal.

Thanks a lot.

For both this and the incident
with the Spirit of Darkness.

The people at the Samdo
River helped me out.

That granny...

never gives anyone anything for free.

What did you have to give
her? What was the deal?

I signed a slave contract.


I promised to sail ships
at the Samdo River.

I'll be in charge of taking
the dead to the Underworld.

Apparently, they're short of
hands because it's an aging society.

But you get seasick.

I'll be working there after I die.

I'm sure I won't get
seasick once I'm dead.

You do.

You know what? I'll have
you transferred to a desk job.

I'll bribe the upper management.

I'm going to count on you.

But just so you know,
I still have a long life to live.

You should hit things off with
that necklace thief before you die.

Will you please call her by
her beautiful name, Yu Ri?

Did you meet her?

Yes, she's a pretty decent person.

You overslept.

Why do you look so startled?

You know who I am, right?

Gosh, my stomach hurts.
My stomach is killing me.

Do you guys want some coffee? Yes, hurry.

Thank you. Thank you.

I feel like I'm in a nice cafe.

It's sweet, isn't it? It
tastes like a barista made it.

I'd ask for nothing more if
my life was just as sweet...

as this coffee.

Hey, about yesterday...

I looked everywhere for you guys.

Wrap it up and come to the office.


Come on. Hurry.

Come inside.

What's the fuss?

Say hello.

He's our new intern.

I look forward to working with you guys.

How did you find this place?

That's a business secret.
You don't need to know that.

I looked everywhere,
but I couldn't find it. Where is it?

I don't know.

I didn't even tell you
what I was looking for.

Everyone says that at first.

I really don't know.

Didn't you hear the rumors?

People tend to tell me
things when they meet me.

What are you talking about?


It's a great day to torture someone.

My name is Terry.

It sounds similar to Terrius.

It's easy to remember,
right? Did you say you were 22?

He goes to a university in
the US. He's an Ivy Leaguer.

Who helped you get an intern job here?

What? All the interns here...

get their jobs using connections.

And judging by how kind
the team manager is to you,

I'm guessing it's someone very high up.

What's the matter with you?

She can be very feisty.

You need to be careful. It
gets worse when she's hungry.

He's not my dad,
but my guardian is an important figure...

in this industry.

He works in this industry?


I like that you're honest.

My name is Nam Ji A.

It's nice to see you guys get along.

My gosh, this is nice.

Be nice to him, okay?

Send me the documents
I asked for earlier.

By the way, have we met before?

I'm not sure.

Why can't I hear anything?

He may be an intern,
but he's pretty much our boss.


I can't believe a guy
can be that handsome.

If I earn brownie points
from the president this time,

I will be the youngest
station director ever.

He has finally begun to make his move.

The only way to stop the calamity...

Is that child's sacrifice the only way?

"Dead Souls Management Center"

Shake, shake, shake.


You know it's our wedding
anniversary. Did you forget again?

Do you even love me?

Oh my gosh. You scared me.

Look at the time.

Why didn't you answer the phone?

Why were you charging up
a storm with my credit card?

It's true. People do not change.

Honey bear! Guess what I brought!

But first,
guess what I'm holding behind my back.

I'm not sure.

That hurts.

I said not to stray from your duties.

No. I paid a lot for that.

Look at this hairdo.

Is the Afterlife a club?



I have a favor to ask you.

I'm willing to do anything now.

I'll do anything to save
both myself and that woman.

What can I do for you?

First, open Granny's heart a little.

Open her heart?

I'm sure she knows...

how to get rid of Imoogi.

She has been worried to
death ever since Imoogi awoke.

She would've done
something if she knew the way.

It may require breaking a forbidden law.

"Nam Ji A, Terry"

Is there something on
the back of my head?

No. No.

Just say it. Well...

Are you even human?

How could you be so
calm after what you saw?

What did she see?

It's nothing. Are you
being sassy with me?

It really is nothing.

If it's nothing, tell me. What is it?

Did you see the breaking
news? Breaking news?

They found a mummy
in a construction site.

A mummy? Not in Egypt,
but in our country?

Terry. Let me see that.



My gosh. This looks fun. This is great.

Hey. Jae Hwan. Get going.

I have an interview in an
hour. Get me a camera.

I'll go. Okay.

May I go as well?

Listen up, intern.

This isn't training.
This is the real deal.

It may be a blurb in your resume,
but this is our occupation.

If you get in the way
of the investigation...

Fire me.

I'm going to check the camera.

Where did you learn
how to use the camera?

I taught myself. I'm not sure if
I'm good enough for you though.

Can you film it? Yes.

Even dead bodies?

I have to film dead bodies? Yes.

To be honest, I'm not sure I can.

Why not?

I don't think the
deceased will welcome it.

What do you mean?
Whatever the reason may be,

I think I'd be sad if my death
was being displayed to strangers...

through a camera.

You're qualified. Excuse me?

People whose curiosity comes
first when they see dead people...

aren't qualified to be a
cameraman in my opinion.

Does that mean I pass?

You pass.

Why are you smiling? Because I'm happy.

About what?

Because I like you.

You're looking for your cat,
right? A female Russian Blue.

Go to the bathroom behind Soobyung Park.

I heard from stray cats in the area,
so it's reliable.

You can send the 200 dollars
of finder's fee to my account.


Darn it.


What brings you here?

I wanted to drink, but no bars were open.

Drink? Forget it if you don't want to.

What's your problem?

Anastasia was waiting for you.

Don't act like we're close.

Why are you laughing?

She wants to join us since
you have beef jerky in there.

How did you know that?

I'll give you a doggy jerky treat.

Hey. Hi Yeon.

That punk is so dejected.

"Lee Rang"

Look who's here.

I came to ask you something.

Let me ask you something first.

Tell me. What do you think I am?

What else? Answer me.

Master of Samdo River between
the Living Realm and the Afterlife.

With your insight, you can...


When was it?

When asked the same question
at that very spot, Yeon said this.

"I hope you get rheumatoid arthritis."

Show yourself.

Darn it.

Did you think that little
trick would work on me?

I thought maybe it would.

You've picked up bad
habits from your big brother.

Yeon doesn't do disguises.

He thinks it's ignoble.

Both the before and
after are annoying faces.

But I am curious.

Why did this fugitive fox...

come voluntarily to this dangerous place?

Should I send you to the Underworld?

Let me go today.

I'm way on top of the list anyway.


You punks.

The Underground isn't some restaurant...

you can swing by
whenever you feel like it.

It doesn't scare me.

Why would it...

when your brother will
be accompanying you?

What's wrong? Isn't it what
you've desired for so long?

You desperately wanted
to end your brother's life.

Of course, you would know everything.

Since you know,
I'll be straight with you.

I wish to break a deal.

Why did you save my life?

All I want is for you to
return the favor one day.

You have two days to bring me Lee Yeon.

It's his body I need.

There's a reason...

why the Almighty
shackled you to one rule...

while giving you the power
humans can never dream to have.

It's because he despised
those arrogant as you...

who would end up trying
to dominate humans.

You can swear at me all you want
as long as there's a way around it.

Well, there is.

What is it?


Only the fox's death...

can break a deal made by a fox.

Rather than thinking
about breaking the deal,

think of a way to untangle the mess.

What? Keep in mind...

that all deals follow
the rule of quid pro quo.

The fact that Mr. Lee
could die scares me.

I have no friends and no family.

I have no one.

What are you talking
about? You have Anastasia...

and also me.

If it weren't for Mr. Lee,
I would've been put to death...

at that unlicensed zoo.

Kids banging on the glass
kept me up during the day...

and ticks irritated me at night
to the point that I couldn't sleep.

I kept shedding fur, the food was awful,

and the zookeeper physically abused me.

What? Where on earth is that place?

I'll skin him and eat
him alive if I could.

How dare he beat you!

Are you drunk?


Sorry about that. Why
are you apologizing?

I prefer the rougher you, you know.

Really? Yes.

Just so you know,
my nickname used to be CF.

"Crazy Fox." Really? You?

I lost all three of my sisters
to a trap set by humans...

and that made me lose it.

Tell me more in detail.

Hunters, woodcutters,
salt merchants, and many others.

I'd bewitch everyone I saw.

You have no idea how many
died after losing their minds.

You're more of a scumbag than I am.

I escaped the mountain spirit I served...

to save my life and ended
up in Mr. Lee's forest.

And? The former spirit yelled...

and demanded to send me back to him,

but Mr. Lee Yeon said this.

What's with the yelling?

No way. What enters
my forest belongs to me.

That's when I decided...

to serve Mr. Lee.

That's how I ended up training
in the medical field and...

How about we sleep together?

What? Sleep with me.

I especially love that
messy past of yours.

There are a few steps in a relationship.

You either ask someone
out on a date first...

or ask them to be your
boyfriend or girlfriend.

I'd rather skip all that.

Never in my life have I
seen a body like this before.

I couldn't sleep at all...

due to the images that
kept flashing before my eyes.

Is it a real mummy? See it for yourself.

Hey, you. No filming.

The corpse is too dry to get
a viable fingerprint anyway.

We need to know the details...

if we want people to call us with tips.

When have I ever published
anything without your permission?

The disappearance of
all those island people...

Okay, fine.

Has the body been drained of blood?

Think of a tree that's
been drained of all its sap.

No visible trauma.

She was found at a construction site?

The workers found her...

and it seems like no
one bothered to bury her.

So it wasn't put there to be hidden...

but to be put on display?

What if she died by a natural cause?

There's a chance
that she could've died...

of dehydration at an
abandoned construction site.

A body that died of natural causes...

was once found in
Gyeonggi Province in 2002.

I remember that. The lady
from the Papyong Yoon clan?

The lady from the Papyong Yoon clan...

was buried under stone
that was as think as concrete.

The stone sealed the
grave from air getting in.

The body didn't decay because
the air had been removed.

This couldn't have happened
if the body was exposed to air...

like at the construction site.

Are you saying someone did this to her?

What are you staring at?

This looks familiar.

These nails...

Detective Baek, I should get going.

Just like that? Hand
him everything else...

you have on the body.

Hold on. Ji A!

Do you perhaps know the
woman who wore this fake nail?

Did you see it too?

The body that is all skin.

Astonishing, isn't it?

What on earth are you?

What do I look like to you?

Seogyeong Traitor.

Signs of human branding was present.

"Seo" as in west and
"Gyeong" as in Seoul.

You're the one who took my parents!

This is the carnation I folded for them.

See what's on the back.

"Ji A, why won't you save us?"

Ji A, why won't you save us?

Are they alive?


Bring me the mountain spirit
and I'll return your parents to you.

I told you to sit tight, didn't I?

"Ji A, why won't you save us?"

You haven't changed at
all. You're still very arrogant.

You must think you have
the world at your feet.

I don't know about anything else,
but I do think that way about you.

You make me want to trample on you.

Your brother, your woman,

and the life of her parents.

I have control over them all.

What do you have?

Let me make a reasonable offer.

Yeon, if you give up your body,
I will let everyone else live.

"Tale of The Nine Tailed"

Your woman and the life of her parents.

I have control over them all.

Is there a way to take out
what's inside Ji A's body?

I'm a little scared.

I want to kill him.

What am I to you?

You got abandoned again.

I want to live.

So how about you help
me out and just die?

I'm going to put an end
to this exhausting fight.