Taken (2002): Season 1, Episode 7 - God's Equation - full transcript

Mary Crawford has joined her father's project but is proving to be cut from the same cloth as her grandfather as she is quite vicious and will stop at nothing to succeed. The scientists believe they have found a way to block signals from the implant. Charlie and Lisa meet quite by accident in a group therapy session and after subsequently undergoing hypnotherapy, realize that Charlie is the father of Lisa's 9-year old daughter Allie. When an emotionally unstable member of the therapy group shoots Charlie and takes all of the others hostage, Allie demonstrates remarkable powers. In order to save everyone however, Allie agrees to go with Mary Crawford.

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07 God's Equation - Miniseries 2002 English

- Are you about ready, Patty?
- Ready.


We were coming back
from a fishing trip,

and we're on Highway 89
coming out of Tahoe City.

It wasn't a fishing trip.
You always tell it as a fishing trip.

We'd gone to visit the Nortons.

No, no, no.
We didn't visit the Nortons.

We were fishing Echo Lake.

There was no fishing on this trip.

One of the most memorable nights
of your life, and you don't remember...

- I know I wasn't fishing.
- Can I finish telling the man the story?

I'm not saying don't tell him.

Get your facts straight,
is all I'm saying.

You know what?
She always does this to me.

Anyway, we're coming down
Highway 89 from Tahoe City...

You're not gonna argue
about it being Highway 89?

Why would I?

God. Anyway,
so I look at my watch,

and it's 7. 30, and then,
all of a sudden...

All of a sudden,
there's this blinding flash.

I mean...
you know what it's like

when you stare into the sun
when you were a kid?

It was a lot brighter than that.

Why would he have
stared at the sun?

- Most kids do.
- I never did.

Well, aren't we
the second coming?

- Can I finish the story?
- Who's stopping you?

You are, dear.

Anyway, this light,
it doesn't even pass over us,

but more like through us,
and then it's up in the sky,

and then it goes down
behind these pine trees,

so we stop the car
and we get out,

we got this glowing behind the trees,
and we have no idea what it is...

My Mike was so brave.

- Well, you were, sweetheart.
- I didn't do anything.

You took my hand
and told me not to worry.

Yeah, well, anybody
would've done that.

Oh, no, they wouldn't have.

So, anyway, this light
starts coming through the trees,

and then the car dies.

We're up on this mountain,
and my car goes dead.

We got curved roads,
we got a steep drop-off,

engine won't start,
I've got no steering,

but here's the funny thing, see...
With this light coming at us,

I don't care because I know
that we're gonna be all right.

The next thing we know,
we're driving down Walnut Street

and pulling up
in front of our house.

It's 5.00 in the morning.
The sky is just starting to get pink.

We're at the top of that hill
at 7.30 at night,

we didn't get to the bottom
till 5.00 in the morning,

more than nine hours later.

And this is all just
what happened that night.

It wasn't till about three months later
that Mike started having the dreams.

You know, you wouldn't think
that dreams could scare you,

but mine got so bad,
I wouldn't go to sleep.

I was having them, too,
but neither of us were talking about it,

so neither of us knew
what the other was dreaming.

We'd just be sitting there watching TV,
trying not to fall asleep,

not knowing what was on
the other person's mind.

It wasn't until we got sent
to that hypnotherapies Dr Fulton.

That's when we both
remembered where we'd been

that night for that nine and a half hours
and who we'd been with.

This is a picture Mike drew when
Dr Fulton asked him under hypnosis

what happened to us
on the road that night.

And that there...
is a picture that Patty drew

when the doc asked her
the same question.

This is the truth of it,
and there can be no doubt...

Is that my wife Patricia
and I were taken by aliens.

We've been interviewed
quite a few times.

You seem to have more than
just a passing interest in this.

Do you have your own story?



[ALLIE] If a dream is just a dream.

Something that happens
in your mind while you're asleep.

Then that's all right.

It's yours to take with you
into the morning.

And it fades away
there in the light.

But when the dreams start
to come while you're awake.

And they come with the light.
Then that is not all right.

What we look for then
is other people

who have dreamt
what we've dreamt.

Who have seen what we've seen.

When the dreams become real.

Sometimes the only comfort you can
find is in knowing that you're not alone.

♪ I caught up with my ex-boyfriend ♪

♪ You're the reason
I'm in this mess ♪

♪ And when they show up ♪

♪ I'll give them what you said ♪

♪ Your address ♪

I just get to this place where I feel
like it is so totally out of my control.

I just don't see the point.
It all ends, anyway, right?

So why bother?

I get up every day,
all I see is the end of the day,

and I just... I'm not into
doing anything at all.

I... I could use
some help with that.

When you play a song,
when you're right in the middle,

are you thinking about
how the song ends?

No way. It's all I can do
to get through a song

just staying focused
right where I am.

Oh... okay.


Thank you.

Dude, this little girl's profound.

Hi, Mum.

Hey. Are we here to get enlightenment
or play some rock n roll?

Hey, you sit close to me, all right?

My timing's always a little better
when you're around.

That's 'cause she's
a drummer's daughter.

♪ This is the heart of nowhere ♪

♪ It's a dark, one-way street ♪

♪ This is the land... ♪

As long as I can remember.
People have liked to talk to me.

You know. Kind of how somebody
says something to you.

Doesn't have to mean so much.

It's just that
it opens a door for you.

And you can see into a room
you couldn't see into before.

It doesn't really matter
how you got there.

The important part is.

You're seeing something
new and different.

♪ This is the heart of nowhere ♪

- Morning.
- Morning.

Rough waters out there.

[MARY] This new footage of Allie
just came in from our man in Seattle.

[ERIC] She can block a shot on goal,
but other than that,

she hasn't demonstrated any of the kind
of powers we were expecting.

She's a little kid.
Give her time.

A lot of genetic traits don't demonstrate
until just before adolescence.

Schizophrenia, for example.

We still can't pick her up.

They'll just take her back
like they did when we tried for Lisa.

- That used to be the case.
- Used to be?

Wanna see what we can do?
Step this way.

Microwave radiation...
That part of the light spectrum,

in the case of the oven,
12. 5 centimetres, to be exact.

We block that wavelength,
and the hamster's on easy street.

But we let that same
wavelength through...


In meditation, we learn
the oneness of all things,

the harmony that flows
through nature.

This is the same idea, stripped
of the comforting notion of divinity,

that we find in science,
more specifically in mathematics.

One, one, two, three, five, eight.
The Fibonacci Sequence.

One number added
to the one before it

makes the next number
in the sequence,

and from this sequence,
we get the golden mean.

We find these numbers everywhere...
Shells, nebulae,

the spiral of a pine cone,
bee hives... DNA.

God's equation writ large
across the heavens.

The cow grazing contentedly
in the meadow,

the grass on which she grazes,
the breeze that blows through.

All parts of the one, the whole.

- Is this going somewhere?
- Their crafts hold five.

Add the number of confirmed sightings
in New Mexico last year... 1,597.

They have three fingers,
one thumb.

The number of breeding pairs
you charted last year

when you were figuring out
who Allie was... 55.

1, 3, 5, 55, 1, 597.

All Fibonacci numbers.

How many lights
on the board? 46,367.

- And with our little friend Allie?
- 46, 368.

The 24th Fibonacci.

So, how do we take our revelation
and turn it into an effective block

so that we can grab little 46, 368...

Our little Allie?

[WAKEMAN] This is Peter Miller.

Mr Miller's been taken 13 times.
Oh, don't worry.

I'm not gonna splatter him
all over the room.

Janitorial would never
forgive me.

Mr Miller has an implant.

We're monitoring it.

You can see it
right here on the map.

Topeka, Montpelier,
Somerset, Augusta.

There we are... Ellsworth, Maine.

Right here.

The implants broadcast
on a spread spectrum.

The frequencies are all based around
the hydrogen hyperfine transition line,

the most fundamental
wavelength in the universe.

Check this out.

We block those frequencies,

and in much the same manner
as the hamster didn't splatter,

the implant doesn't register.

If we wanna pick someone up,
we ought to be able to do it

without having them
grabbed right back.

Will this work on the girl?

Allie has no implant.
She doesn't need one.

She's got the neuron spiral.

But the same principle applies.

We can block her frequency, too.

And they can't find her.

Okay, let's pick her up
before she demonstrates.

After that,
we may not be able to.

We're sure she hasn't
demonstrated at all yet, right?

Not according to our agent.

You know that therapy group
her mother's in?

We have someone in that group.


[MAN] I believe this all has to do
with the landing strip

at the bottom of Lake Superior.

You look at the contrails.

As soon as they appeared
in the sky above St. Paul,

the incidence
of severe upper respiratory infection

quadrupled in the twin cities.

These trails are messages.

[WOMAN] You're reaching there.

The idea of group is to listen.
We're not judging each other.

I think you're reaching here, Ray.

There is a base and a landing strip
at the bottom of Lake Superior.

That's why the government
has spread this cover story

about pollution in the lake,
to keep the curious away.

And those contrails, they are messages
to the denizens of this base.

[WOMAN] Where do you get
your information, Ray?

I was taken there
on my third abduction.

How come you didn't drown?

[RAY] They did something
that enabled me to breathe underwater.

That makes sense.

We're to believe your story about
seeing your dead son on a spaceship,

but I can't go to the bottom
of Lake Superior?

- I didn't say I didn't believe you.
- It was on your face. The doubt.

I was thinking about
my own experience about my boy.

Can you share some
of that story with us, Dale?

We lost our son Luke
in the Gulf War, Desert Storm.

They got names
for these things like movies,

but this was no damn movie.

This wasn't anything
that made any sense.

He was driving in a truck, taking
supplies somewhere in the desert.

The war was already over.
There was a mine.

No one ever knew
if it was theirs or ours.

About six months after
we got the news about Luke

is when they first came for me.

I woke up, and there were these five
young men standing by my bed.

Soldiers, just like my boy.

They asked me
if I wanted to see Luke,

and I don't remember anything else
until I was in this big, bright room.

And Luke was there.
And we were talking.

We... had had this fight,
Luke and I.

You know, like boys and fathers do,
then he went into the army

before we had a chance
to make it right.

But there we were,
talking like there was no tomorrow.

They would come for me
every night, these same soldiers.

At first, I'd just
sit and talk with my son...

How are the Mariners doing,
and what's going on down at the plant?

That sort of thing.

It was wonderful...
to see my boy again.

But then they started
taking him away.

We'd be talking,
and then, uh, he'd be gone.

It was as if they wanted to see

what would happen if they
could make me grieve again.

Sometimes we'd start to fight,
having that same fight.

Your son's dead.
You're having bad dreams, that's all.

DALE: That's what my wife said.

[WOMAN] That's why
the two of you separated, isn't it?

That was just an excuse.

Truth of it was, we couldn't stand
to look at each other anymore.

All either one of us
could see was Luke.

You were a jerk to him,
and you feel bad about it

now that it's too late,
and it's not something you can fix.

Do these look
like dreams to you?

Is that what you'd name them?

That could've happened any way.
You could've done it to yourself.

Please. Please, Dale,
sit down. Sit down.

Now, you're here,

you're all here because you believe
you've experienced something.

This is hard work,
it's painful work,

but we can get through it
if we work together, all right?


Why don't you believe
my experience?

You've been taken.
You know how it works.

Just offering alternatives.


Sorry, everybody.

I had to drop off Allie
at soccer practise.

Lisa, we have a guest today.
This is Charlie.

Charlie's been videotaping the session
for a documentary he's doing.

He's been interviewing people
all around the country

who've had experiences
like all of yours,

and now he's found
his way to us.

The rest of us have agreed to allow
ourselves to be put on tape, but...

if you're not comfortable
with that, then...

No, I'm not.

- Turn that off, please.
- Sorry.

I just try to keep
my life private.

I'm sorry. I understand.

Do I...

Did Dorothy share today?
She thinks her cats are aliens.

Do they live at the bottom
of Lake Superior?

That's the nice thing
about being in the group.

It makes me feel
positively normal.


You're doing a documentary?

Not exactly.

I've... had experiences myself.

How long have they
been taking you?

Since I was a kid.

I didn't really know what was
going on until I'd grown up, but...

since I was a kid.

Me, too.

They don't take me anymore.
They haven't in nine years.

And what I've been trying to do since
then is prove that it really happened,

figure out why they stopped.

I'd just stick to the story about being
a documentary film-maker.

Did... did you like
your abductions?

[CHARLIE] Like them?

Yeah, as in look forward
to 'em, enjoy 'em?

For me, it was always that.

I used to get this buzz,
this energy thing.

It felt great.

I believe
this whole abduction deal

is gonna turn out to be
a positive event.

Right now, people think
we're whack, fringe dwellers,

but that's gonna change.

We've been chosen for something.

This thing busts open,
we're gonna be the folks to see.

For me, it was never a buzz,
anything like that.

I didn't know
what was happening to me,

and I fought back
as hard as I could.


I... I should get going.

My daughter will be home soon
from soccer practise.

You have a daughter?

Allie. She's nine.

You have any pictures
of yourself as a kid?

- You think it goes back that far?
- Why not?

Yeah, I have one of me
and my mum.

She's pretty.

Oh, that's my dad.

That's him as a little kid
with my grandfather.

You would agree with me
this whole thing's kind of weird, right?

Well, it just got
a whole lot weirder.

This is the guy.

I've never come across
anything like this.

It's extraordinary.
This is your father?

He had been taken, too?

- It started with my grandfather.
- It seems to run in families.

We call these screen memories.

It's as if they take
a sample of our memories

and choose the realities
they present us with.

This was something, this carnival,

that scared my father.

And they used it.

That's not
an uncommon part of the experience.

But this...

to take a sample
of your father's memory

and use it as a screen
on both of you?

Why, it's... truly remarkable.

I thought you'd like it.

I'd like to regress you both,
take you back to one of your abductions,

see if we can figure out
what this is all about,

maybe even find out
where the two of you met.

Lisa, I think it might help Charlie
if you and I were to work together first.

With this new information, I might take
you in a completely different direction.

- Anytime.
- How about now?

Do you mind if Charlie stays?

We... do seem to have
a lot in common.


I guess we should've
gone home and changed first.

I don't care if you don't.
Doesn't bother me at all.

Have you ever been here before?

My dad took me here
when I was a kid.

Hope I remember
which fork to use.

With me and my mum,
it was mostly pizza.

Where's your mum now?


She's a nurse.
That's how she met my dad.

- Was he a doctor?
- He was a patient.

How about you?
What does your dad do?

My dad died when I was eight.

I'm sorry.

My step dad,
he's a musician, a guitarist.

My mum's a nutritionist.

She could tell you not to eat
anything they serve here.

My real dad...
You use a computer?


He invented the buzz control scheme
and half of the floating point logic.

I thought, with our luck,
we'd wind up in a carnival.

This is kind of like a carnival.

- To us.
- Us.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I'm Charlie.
- Okay.

You're in the third grade, right?
You're doing State History?

You're reading
Sarah. Plain and Tall?

This is the big ideas year in science...
Electricity, magnetism.

I taught third grade
the last three years.

We read
Sarah. Plain and Tall last year.

This year,
it's Island of the Blue Dolphins.

[CHARLIE] It's a good one.

So this is the year
I find out how everything works?

- The big ideas?
- Mm-hmm.

And everybody
takes these classes?

[CHARLIE] Pretty much.

So then what happens,
they all forget?

I never thought
about it like that...

[LISA] Sorry, Al.

I had to park all the way over
by Parson Gardens.

You're cute. Where's Lisa?

She, uh... Lisa's getting garlic.

Hey, girls.
How was soccer practise?

I'm trying to convince my god-daughter
she doesn't want to play goalie.

It's either boring, boring, boring or,
oh, my God, oh, my God.

I don't think it's so boring.

You get to watch the play
come to you.

And then it gets there,
and oh, my God, oh, my God.

Not if you've
been watching the play.

There's no getting around you.

Who are you?

We've been trying
to figure that out all day.

- Oh, another day-tripper?
- It's... a long story.

For which I don't have time.

I've got four freshmen
who want Celtic bands

and a concept artist
who designed his own tattoo.

He says it goes
across his face to cover the lie.

I'm gonna be up all night.

I do tattoos.


You should get Lisa
to show you her alien.

You know, you really are cute.

I bet I'm gonna
be seeing you around.

Will you take a picture of his face
once you've covered up the lie?

Without question.
Good-bye, sweetheart.


I guess Charlie's
staying for dinner.

Maybe if you're real good,
he'll help you set the table.

Did I hear you say
you're a schoolteacher?

I was, yeah.

What happened?

I got a little too interested
in other things.

You've been on
the spaceships, too?

At first, I wondered
if I should tell her,

but it would've been weirder
to try and go to the group

without even mentioning it.

Yes, I have.

Was it scary?

Kind of.

Did it make you mean?

I don't think so. How come?

My mum didn't get mean, either.

But some of the people
she knows did.

I think people get mean
when they're scared.

You're working late.

Just wanna make sure
there's nothing I missed.

In this light,
you look like my father.

You have his singleness of vision,
something I never had.

I envy you for that.

I just wanna see this through.

That's what I mean.

She just looks like
a little girl, doesn't she?

She doesn't look special at all.

This is Brad. This is Devon.

And this is Rich.
He's the cutest.

[LISA] She does this
just to humiliate me.

I'm nine. I'm supposed
to like this stuff.

I like this song.

This Alayna one's
really good, too.

Oh, my God, man,
the both of you...

I drive a lot, I listen to the radio.
I like these guys.

What am I gonna do,
brand my own child with a scarlet L?


For lame.

♪ Every time I press rewind ♪

♪ Stop when
the red light flashes ♪

♪ Upsy-daisy,
my whole world crashes ♪

That's my journal.

I write down things
I think of and stuff.

Oh, that's a good idea.
I always wished I'd done that,

but every time I start,
I kind of get too lazy.

Maybe sometime
I could read you mine.

That'd be great.

You're up next, you know.

Up next?

Your regression with Harriet.
You're next.

You've never done it before,
have you?

Sometimes that can be
a lot of information, just so you know.

♪ Come on, hold my hand ♪

♪ Talk to me
and help me understand ♪

♪ Tell me how my eye
got black and blue ♪

[ALLIE] I grew up.
Just my mum and me.

I never thought a lot about who
my father was or where he'd gone.

I guess I knew
there was something missing.

But when you're a kid.
Your life is just your life.

You don't think about
all the other ways it might have been.

- Allie?
- Hi, Mr Watson.

Is your mum inside?

Guess I'm a little early.

I get cooped up in my apartment.

Guess I just need to get out.

Your son Luke...

He loved you very much.

Why did you say that?

I just thought you should know.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Thank you very much.

I think. When you're older.
What gets hard is that you forget

how to take things as they come.

And sometimes.
The things that do come

are more than anyone
should have to take.

[GIRL] Come on, guys!

[NINA] Keep your feet moving.
Don't get stuck in one place.

All right, let's get two passes.

Good. Good.

Nice pass.

Nice pass. Good.

That boy's going down.

[NINA] Heads up, Allie!

[NINA] Okay, we got it back.

Good. Good work, girls.

Allie and I are very... close.

- How do you wanna tell her?
- I I don't know.

I don't know
if I wanna tell her.

She has to know.

No, she doesn't.
We're doing fine here.

Allie and me are fine.

I don't know you.

I don't know if I want you
to be her father.


She's a beautiful little girl.

Does she even wanna know
who her dad is?

- I mean, does she ask about that?
- Sometimes.

What do you tell her?

That he was a nice guy,
that I didn't know him very well,

that sometimes people can mean
a lot to each other for a short time.

And she doesn't
even ask to see him?

No... she doesn't.

I I knew... I mean,
I didn't know you,

but I knew she was...

damn it.

I go around pretending I'm cool
with all of this, and I have to tell you,

I'm not cool with it at all.

What are they doing?

What do they want
out of all this?

[WAKEMAN] They wanna make
us better to enable us to move

to the next rung of the ladder,

and in doing that,
they'll better themselves as well.

[MARY] I have another idea.

Say it began
as a research project,

a project on a scale completely
beyond our imagination,

a detailed accounting
of our entire planet.

A history of the planet,
a catalogue of everything.

Now imagine this... while they're
doing this research, this cataloguing,

they inadvertently come across
an incredible insight,

something that utterly transforms
the way they see the universe.

And that's what Allie is...
The result of this insight.

Yeah, but they're
smarter than us.

They can do things we can't
even begin to understand.

- They're more highly evolved.
- Evolution has a cost.

Every choice is the death
of all other possibilities.

Maybe something
was lost along the way.

probably something very simple.

And now they've put it back.

Maybe. Maybe it's become
something more than that.

From the first time I set foot in that room
in Groom Lake, saw that body,

all I've ever wanted
was to understand them,

to see through their eyes,
just... catch a glimpse.

I feel kind of...
I've never said this to anyone...

But I feel this sense
of being with them.

We are so close, Mary.
We'll have the girl.

And through her,
we'll be able to talk to them.

I've waited my entire life
for this moment.

I-I'm an arrogant bastard.

I always knew I'd get there in the end.
I always knew.

What I never knew,
what I had no idea about,

was that I'd find someone
to share the moment with me.





Well, that is quite a surprise.
Thank you very much.


yeah, I look forward
to seeing you as well.

It is unexpected, but that
is one of life's great joys, isn't it?

Happy accidents.


There's a new wrinkle.
Allie's dad just showed up.

Well, that's interesting.

We're gonna have
to deal with that.

[MAN] I just can't stand this feeling...
That my life is out of control,

that someone else
is pulling the strings.

Welcome to the world.
No one has control.

Who could say?

They're more advanced than us,
but that doesn't make them God.

It does from where we're sitting.

What makes me furious, somebody
has cut a deal with these guys.

That has to be what's happening.

The government knows about this,

and they're covering it up
in return for something.

For what? You always come back
to that, but I just don't see it.

I think the government
is just as confused as we are.

Yeah, but you'll give me this...
They know about it.

[RAY] Blah blah blah blah blah.
You people.

I mean, we're all such victims.

It's time someone did something.

I mean, they come into our homes,
they take us up into their ships,

they do things to us.

And we just sit around here,
and we talk about it.

Ray, we talk about it
because it helps.

What else can we do?

With an attitude like that, nothing.
It's pathetic.

You talk like
we could fight back.

I've been taken so many times,
I can't count 'em.

Fighting back is not an option.

What about you, Ray?
Have you ever fought back?

Yeah, I-I-I'd like to think that I have,
but that's not what I'm talking about.

There's us here
in this room, okay, fine.

But those people out in the world,
they treat us like we're crazy.

Like we're making this up.

If we're all alone,
then there's no fighting back.

But if we were believed...
if there was proof...

That was your idea, too,
wasn't it, Charlie?

- To get proof?
- It was, yeah.

Not anymore?

Well, some things have come up
that kind of rearrange my priorities.

[whistle blows]

All right, come on, girls.
Come on down field.

Stick to the fundamentals.
Watch your dribbling.

Throw the ball.

All right.


Shoot! Come on!

[NINA] Good. Good.
Remember the fundamentals.


[NINA] Good. Good.

Make eye contact
with the other players.

If you're making a checklist
of superpowers... that was a big one.

She can manipulate time.

Let's get back to the cars.

Have you told Allie?

We... we've talked about it,
but we don't know how to do it yet.

We want to understand it first before
we try to help her to understand it.

If I know Allie, she probably
could explain the whole thing to you.

This is so romantic, really.

Soul mates destined to find
each other in the stars.

You seem threatened
by Lisa's story, Ray.

She always comes here with
these warm and fuzzy little tales.

It's like aliens are bunny rabbits,
like they're nice or something.

Why don't you back off
and let Lisa tell her story?

Hey, Charlie,
I don't need your help.

I've been doing fine
without you for nine years.

You wanna go with that, Lisa?

I think it would be fair to say you
have a certain a normal resentment

about being a single mother,

even under these truly
abnormal circumstances.

I just don't need anyone
weighing in at the 11th hour

thinking I need taking care of.

Hey, don't get all over me.

I didn't know I was a father
until yesterday afternoon.

I'm not all over you.

I'm just saying
I don't need any help.

Just because you haven't had any
doesn't mean you don't need it.


Meaning you're living
in a small apartment,

supporting yourself and Allie
by playing drums in a band.

You could use a little help.

What the hell do you know
about how I'm living?

I know what I see.

You have nothing to say about it,

not about me
and not about my daughter.

[RAY] Hey, Lisa,
I got a question.

Which story do you think
Allie's gonna like better...

Mummy got nailed
by some loser musician,

or Mummy and Daddy never met,
but did the nasty on a flying saucer?

Why do you come?

Why do you come if all you're gonna do
Is heap abuse on everybody? Why?

So I can spend
more time with you.

Go to hell, Ray.

Oh, I've been,
on more than one occasion.

Why don't you lighten up, buddy?

Why don't I lighten up?

Because I am sick and tired of your
cosmic girlfriend's incessant whining.

My father was half alien. Yeah.

All that crap.

Oh, you didn't know
about that, did you?

Yeah, one of these guys
shows up in Grandma's barn,

knocks the old lady up.

Nine months later, you got yourself
a walking, talking hybrid.

It's a wonder
your back's not broken,

the size of that chip
you're carrying around.

You gonna be the one
to knock it off?

Gentlemen, please.

Harriet, I think we need
to ask him to leave the group.

He does nothing
but cause trouble.

We are all here
to help each other.

He's not helping anybody.
He's just making things worse.

I agree.

You know, Ray, all you ever do
is shoot down everyone's stories,

spreading trash, but we've never heard
too much about your close encounter.

She's got a point, Ray.

Yeah, you said you fought back.
Tell us about that.

- Come on.
- Tell us your story.

What are you looking at?

Maybe you should
answer their questions.

[EVERYONE] Yeah, come on, Ray.

Tell us your story.

You wanna hear my story?

Ray, sit down.

Here's my story.

What are you doing?!

Put your gun away, Ray.
You don't wanna do this.

- Put the gun away!
- No, I don't think so.

I got a better idea.

All right, everybody,
get over in that corner.

You stay away from the windows.

Sit down on the floor
where I can see you.

Come on!

I'll shoot the new boy first,
then I'll start in on the rest of you. Sit!

Ray, nobody's getting shot here.
That doesn't have to happen.

Oh, my God, he's gonna shoot us.

He's not gonna shoot anybody.
He's just showing off.

Is that what you think?
Is that what you truly believe?

Shoot me. See if I care.

What are we doing here, Ray?

Hey! I asked you to sit down.

Get that thing out of my face.
I've been abducted by aliens.

You think I care about
your little toy trumpet?


[RAY] You sit down, hero,
or I will shoot your bride-to-be.

[DR PENZLER] Ray, I'm sure if we talk
about this, we can work it out.

Ray, listen to Dr Penzler.
It's gonna be all right.

[DR PENZLER] Give me the gun.
Give me the gun.

Please, give it to her, Ray.



Can't think
with the phone ringing.

Dorothy, get over to the window
and shut the blinds.

The rest of you stay put.
Don't do anything stupid.

Come on, Dorothy!

All right, back with the others.


What's that?

Whose is that? Is that you?


- Answer it.
- You sure?

Just don't say
anything stupid, huh?



Ni-Ni-Nina, it's really
not a good time.

Allie doesn't run off, Nina.
That's not something she does.

I I can't.
It's really hard to explain.

- Hang up.
- My daughter's missing.

- Hang up the phone.
- You can just wait.

Is she okay?

- Yeah, she's all right.
- How do you know?

I know. She's scared,
but she's all right. Listen, Nina...

End the damn call, Lisa.
Hang up now.


Oh, my God.



Help me sit him up.

It's all right. Come on.

- There you go.
- Oh, my God.

[CHARLIE] Cellophane.

- What?
- Cellophane.

Cellophane. Somebody find
some cellophane somewhere.

All right, he's got it.
Get it off.

I've got a scarf!
I've got a scarf!

Where are you going?

I'm getting my scarf
because you shot him, Ray!

Ray, Charlie is really hurt.

We've gotta get him to a hospital.

I guess I wasn't that much
help to you after all, was I?

This doesn't have to get
any worse, Ray.

Everything gets worse,
Dr Penzler.

Every stinking thing
in this world.

What are you gonna do?

Let me think!

I gotta think.

Who else has a cell phone?

Um... turn 'em off
and slide 'em over to me.

- Ray, it's in my coat.
- Go ahead.

- What happens now, Ray?
- I'm thinking.

There's no time, Ray.

Charlie doesn't have
that kind of time.

Okay... I want you
to call the FBI.

You know which one
of these is yours?

The little flip phone.

This one?

What should I tell them?

The FBI, Ray.
What should I tell them?

Um... tell 'em I'm armed, and I'm gonna
have to start shooting people

if my demands aren't met.

Oh, God. We're gonna die.
We're gonna die.

Just shut up!
I'm only gonna shoot you

if they don't do
what I'm asking them.

- Ray?
- What?

What demands?
What are you asking them to do?

Tell 'em I wanna talk
to the person in charge of their, um...

you know, whatever they call it,
their... their extraterrestrial project.

You want Will Smith
or Tommy Lee Jones?

Cynthia, you're not helping.

I'm not sure who
I should be asking for.

Dr Penzler, just make the call.

All right, all right.

FBI, please.

What are you gonna do once
you get to somebody in charge?

I'm gonna make my demands.

You're gonna call
the federal government and say,

Let me speak to the man in charge
of your super-secret operation

because, if I don't,
I'll shoot a few people?

That's pathetic is what that is.

Well, no one ever said
that Ray wasn't pathetic.

[CYNTHIA] I knew I never
should've joined this damn group.

This is like White people land.

Do you know how many Asian people
have been abducted since 1947?

Will you please shut up?

Maybe seven, and you're
looking at one of them.

So I decide to be open and honest
about it, and this is what I get...

I'm abducted by Homer Simpson.

White people land.

Hello. Hello.
Is this the... the FBI?

- You got 'em on the phone?
- Um, yes.

Uh-huh. See?
This is, um, Dr Harriet Penzler.

I'm hoping you can help me.
I have a bit of a problem here.


Um, I have a group of people here,
and one of thems been shot.

The... the man who shot him...

Lisa, what are you doing?

[DR PENZLER] And, um...
hold on a minute.

[EVERYONE] Lisa? Sit down.

Where do you think you're going?

Isn't this sweet?

Now we got
the whole happy family.

Allie... it's okay.

Come here. Come here.

It's okay.

[DR PENZLER] Ten adults
and one child.

That's right, exactly.

Sit down.
Okay, here's the thing.

I don't want any cops.

I don't want any hostage negotiator

or any of that
Dog Day Afternoon crap...

Every thing's gonna be okay.

I'm not gonna
let anyone hurt you.

[RAY] One Swat team or anything,
I start shooting these people.

Good. I want someone here
in 15 minutes.

There is a problem here right now,
Allie, but it's gonna be all right.

Ray is just a little angry.

Ray is just a little angry?

No, Ray is majorly pissed off.

I mean,
you should be angry, too.

Look what they did to you
and what's-his-name... Charlie.

Look at that!

I mean, how can you sit here

and let that kind of thing
go unanswered?

Come on, we don't need
to talk about that.

What, we're not supposed to tell
Allie she's a test-tube baby?

You sorry bastard.


Charlie's hurt.


Is he going to be all right?

I don't know, honey.

If Ray will let us get him
to the hospital...

No one's going anywhere
until I get what I want.

[knock on door]

[GUARD] Campus security.
Dr Penzler?

We had a report of a gunshot.

Hands up.

Get your hands up.

Yeah, you keep 'em up there.

Here's the situation.

I'm holding these people
hostage, all right?

I've already shot one of them.
I'm angry and unpredictable.

Look at me!

What we're doing here,
we're waiting for the FBI.

There's two more security officers
coming from other parts of the campus.

Yeah, so?

What do you want me
to do about them?

I want you to go out there
and talk to them.

I want you all to come up with
something to clear this place out, okay?

Say something exploded,
say anything you want.

Just keep the world away from me
till the FBI gets here, okay?

Hey, don't be stupid.

A lot of people
are gonna get killed.

You can go now.

What are you doing, Ray?

What do you think
you're gonna get done?

We live in a world
that's out of our control.

You should know that
better than anyone.

I mean, things happen, right?

What is that, God's will?
The hell with that.

We all feel that way sometimes...

Spare me the couch, Dr Penzler.

I'm not a crazy person.

I mean, things really happen to me,
and I'm sick and tired

of nobody believing me
but you fruit loops.

What am I gonna do?
Okay, so it's very simple.

The government is gonna
come clean on national TV.

They're gonna tell the world
this is all real, and then no one...

no one will ever think
I'm crazy again.

Answer your question?

We do exactly what he wants.

We clear the area,
evacuate the building,

keep the students
and faculty safe.

By then, the FBI will be here,
and then it will all be their problem.

- Start setting up the barricades.
- Right away.

Something frightened you.
That's why you came here?

I don't really know
what happened.

There were some people.

And you felt as if they
were coming after you?

- And I started to run...
- But?

And then...

I don't know what happened.

You did something.

I think so.

[GUARD] This way, folks. Come down
this way as quickly as you can.

All right, folks, calmly. This way.

Quickly as you can,
please move down.

Just follow them. Thank you.

Right through the barricades there.
That's right.

Do you wanna know
what I'm worried about?

I wanna know
who's gonna feed my cats.

We'll all be out of here soon.

You'll be home
to feed them yourself.

And what if that doesn't happen?

Relax, Dorothy.
The aliens will feed 'em.

Yeah, they're old friends
of your cats, right?


What are you looking at?

You really think if you're
cruel enough to other people,

all your own misery
will go away?


Just keeps my mind
off it for a while.

[RAY] Gas trucks. Nice touch.




Answer it.


It's for you.

Sit down. Yeah?


I see you.

What do I want?

How about a world cruise
and a winning lottery ticket?


Why don't you come up here?
We can talk about it.

Just you.

Your little friends
can wait down there.

Hey, sit down.
What do you think you're doing?

I'm gonna get some ice
for my neck because you hurt me.

And tomorrow morning, after the FBI
either lock you up or shoot you dead,

I'm gonna have to get up and go
to work like any other day,

and I'd just as soon do that looking
as fresh and pretty as possible.

Get some water for Charlie,
will you please, Cynthia?


Anybody else?

- Is that okay?
- Yeah.


We got to get him
out of here, Ray.

Yeah? Let's just hope this lady
coming up the stairs now

feels the same way
about that as you do.

I felt good about this guy
as soon as I saw him.

[LISA] Me, too.


Answer it.

Come on.

Out of the way, Dr Penzler.
Let me see her.

Are you the one
who asked for the FBI?

[SCOFFS] Yeah.

I'm here. You can talk to me.

Did anyone tell you
what this was all about?

Man in therapist's office holding
ten hostages demands FBI agent.

I asked for someone from
the FBI extraterrestrial project.

Someone who knows about aliens.

You mean, like on X-Files?

I'm the one you want.

[RAY] Okay.

Let me bring you up to speed
on our situation here.

I shot him.

And he's gonna die if he doesn't
get medical attention.

That's one.

After that, if I don't
get what I ask for,

these people, they're just fish in
a barrel to me, you understand that?

That was the lady in the park,
the one who tried to grab me.

[RAY] You understand?

This is what I want you to do.
I want you to go public.

Go public?

Call the New York Times.
Call CNN.

Tell 'em everything you know,
tell 'em this is all real.

You just signed
our death warrant.

- You think she cares about killing 11...
- Shut up!

She's not gonna call CNN, Ray.
She's gonna have us all killed.

I can't tell you how many times
I've wanted to make that call.

My people have a very old-fashioned,
Cold-War slant on things.

It's not right... keeping
something like this secret...

as I'm sure
everyone here would agree.

This is news
that belongs to the world.

How do you know she's
from the government, Ray?

How do you know
she's not one of them?

Sit down.

Why don't you let
the little girl come with me?

It's the kind of gesture
that would go a long way.

Give me the girl, and I promise,
I'll do everything I can for you.

[WILSON] Look at the eyes, Ray.

You see? Those are alien eyes.

[RAY] Wilson, shut up.

Let me have the girl.

Let Allie go, Ray.
She doesn't have to get hurt.

Allie, stand up.

Stand up.

You've got something I want,
now I've got something you want.

Get out.

Get out!

[MAN] Clear it off
the south perimeter!

[MAN] Here comes your dad.

The rooms here also...

What's the situation?

He's gonna kill the girl unless we call
CNN and tell the world we're not alone.

You two were going to pick her up.
This was supposed to be easy.

It got a little complicated.
I'm handling it.


I say what I have to,
promise him anything he wants.

Just make sure the girl
doesn't get hurt.

No one's going
to get killed here today.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You got a nice move to the post.

That kid yesterday thought
he could get one past you,

but you were right there.

What I do is I fool myself.

I make myself believe
I'm really going to cover.

Because I believe it,
he believes it.

How do you get yourself
over to the post?

I don't know.

I'm afraid if I ever stop
to think about it,

it won't work anymore.

Do you know why you're here?

Do you know what this is about?

I'm not sure yet, but I think
we're gonna find out soon.

This is the year
for the big ideas, right?


Hey... hey.

- I may pass out here.
- No, you won't.

- Do you know CPR?
- Uh, n-no.

You're gonna need to take
my right arm and put it across my chest.

Make sure I don't roll over.

Then what do I do?

You're gonna have
to give me mouth-to-mouth.

I'm sorry I said those things
about the way you live.

I was scared.

It's like Allie said... people
get mean when they get scared.

All right.

She's a wonderful girl, Lisa.
You did great.

You want CNN here so badly,
why don't you call 'em yourself?

Because they'd just think
he was crazy,

and he wants everyone to know
that he isn't crazy at all.




The media will be here
in 15 minutes.

We're almost home, fruit loops.



Get down.

Who took that shot?


What the hell
do you think you're doing?!

What'd you think would happen
if you tried something like that?

It was a miscommunication.
I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

You're damn right it won't!

Next time something
like that happens...

the little girl is coming out of
the window with a bullet in her head.

[ERIC] Mary.

Oh, what the hell, Ray?
Leave the little girl alone.

You stay right there.

You sad little man.

Who do you think you are? God?

You shut up.

He's not God, Dorothy.

He's just
a poor excuse for a man.

A man without any faith.


You're gonna talk
to me about faith?

God comes down and, pluck,
there goes your son, no more Luke.

Bye-bye. Why? Dale, why?

Because He's up in His Heaven
and all's right with the world?

Or because we live in a stinking sewer
where nothing makes one bit of sense?

[RAY] But you have faith.

Your son dies for no reason,
but you have faith.

You get taken and tortured,
but you have faith.

[Ray laughs]

If I didn't, then I wouldn't have
any reason to go on living.

Then you crawl away and you die,
because this right here...

This is as much sense
as the world will ever make.

What are you doing?

I told you I didn't
want anyone killed.

What am I doing?
I'm trying to keep the little girl alive.

I put a man up there, I told him if he
had a clean shot, he should take it.

And he missed, and we'll
be lucky to get her out alive.

Pull everybody back.

And do what?
What do you suggest?

We should call CNN for him?

This little girl is everything.
She's what it's all about.

We can't afford to lose her.


Yes. Ray.

I am so sorry about
what happened by the window.

There are some people out here

who've seen too many
Lethal Weapon movies.

Look up at the window.

You get me what I want.
Do it now.

[RAY] Go sit down
with your mum and dad.

You don't have
to be scared, Mum.

This is all going to be all right.

A lot of things are going
to happen because of this.

That's all.

But it's going to be all right.

You better hope you're right,

or you're gonna have
to start praying for a little intervention

from your grandfather's
side of the family.

You're not gonna
get it any cleaner.

He's gonna kill her.
We've gotta take him out.

I'm not gonna be a party
to any more killing, Mary.

I'm done with that.

I don't think you are, Dad.

You know who's in there, right,
besides the little girl?

Her mother
and her father... Charlie.

That means he knows.

And that's two people
with a lot of information

that have had some pretty bad
experiences with us over the years.

They have to go.
Dr Penzler, too.

I can't risk a leak.
It's too important.

They don't matter anymore.
It's all about Allie.

You're not in charge here, Mary.
I am.

Take a step back. Calm down.

I'm sorry. You're right.

Just, the two of them having gotten
together has made me a little nervous.

- They could really gum us up.
- No one's getting killed here, Mary.

Of course not.

[CYNTHIA] I got to go
to the bathroom.

Grab a cup. Knock yourself out.

Lisa, how's he doing?

He's still breathing.

Are you all right?

I just don't want
any more bad news.

Mr Watson?

Luke, when he died,
he wasn't mad at you anymore.

DALE: He wasn't?

He knew.

It was just one of those things
that happens.

He was growing up,
and that was hard for you both.

He loved you very,
very much, Mr Watson.

And that's what
he was thinking when he died.

I just wish I could see him
one more time.

I wish I could tell him
that I was sorry.

He knows, Mr Watson.

He knows.


It's okay, Dad.

You can let go.

Now I can see why those people
want you so badly.

When it gets dark, we shoot
for the windows again.

At the same time, we bring
two men through the hallway.

He'll be down on the floor,
won't be looking to the door.

We've got a man
up in the heating ducts.

He'll coordinate by earphone,
drop down through

at the same time
the two men from the hall enter.

And then he turns
and shoots the girl.

That room is covered by snipers.
These men know what they're doing.

It all goes by the numbers,
we take him out.

- And the others?
- Not a problem.

I don't want my father
to see you do it.

You look like a college kid
doing his homework.

- What are you working on?
- Oh, just a little theory.

Their craft was, I like to call it,

Allie may be a stronger manifestation
of that power, that energy.

How long have you been
sleeping with my daughter?

About six years.

You get some kind of sick pleasure
from that, the boss' daughter?


I thought we were friends.

I love Mary.

And I think she loves me.

I want your desk
cleaned out by tomorrow.

After this is over,
I'll be going back to Maine.

I don't wanna see you there
when I go into the office.

How you feeling?

What's happening to me?

- It's in her DNA, isn't it?
- That's what makes her special.


I never believed that part of your story...
My grandfather was an alien.

- Allie...
- Your dad... could he do things?

I never saw it,
but, yes, he could.

- But you never could.
- I can play drums and sing harmony.

A lot of people
would tell you that's amazing.

There's you and me.

The way I know where you are,
how you're feeling, if you're safe.

I always figured that was
just because I'm your only daughter

and you love me so much.

Yeah, I suppose
it could be that.

It's what made your dad sick,
isn't it, doing these things?

You're not my dad, honey.

You've got a lot
of other things in you.

You've got Charlie's family, too.

[MAN] Everybody in position?

He's not gonna last much longer.

You got a lot of hell
on your plate.

[MAN] What are we
doing here, Ray?

This man needs help.

Are you just gonna sit there
while he bleeds to death?

Nothing you do is going
to change anything

about what happened
to you, Mr Morrison.

What are you talking about?

That man in the woods
when you were eight.

The one that took you
in that shed.

He wasn't from another planet.
He was just mean and crazy.

You shut up about that.

You're just going to hurt
more people, that's all.

It's not going to make
what happened to you go away.

Shut up!

- [LISA] Allie...
- It would be easier, wouldn't it?

Blame it on them.

They came down and took you.

You stop it.

It's a lot scarier to think
that the monsters might be us.

Shut up!

- Ray!
- You shut up right now!

Ray! She doesn't mean it!

She's a little kid. She doesn't
know what she's saying.

[DOROTHY] One day, you're gonna
stand in front of the Lord,

and you're gonna have to explain
what happened here today.

You are gonna have to explain.

I'm not the one who has
the explaining to do.

Dale's son... explain that.

Explain cancer.

Explain war.

Explain the whole damn thing
to me just one time...

so I can understand why
everything has to be so hard.

[SOBS] Oh, God.

I'm sorry I hurt him.

Oh, God, I'm so sorry.


[LISA] Allie...

What are you doing, Allie?


Look at me.

Look at me.

Look at me, Dad.

He's all right?

What do you think
we ought to do now?


Yes, Ray?

Hello. Ray?

No. This is Allie.

We're all going to come out
of the building now.

Please tell everybody
not to shoot.

I'll go with you.

All right.

They're coming down.

She says she'll come with us
if we let the others go.

Everybody set?

- Mary... you can't do this.
- Do what?

You can't kill anyone.

What makes you think
they'll let you?

They don't care about Lisa and Charlie
now any more than we do.

It's all about Allie.

Then where are they?
We tried to pick up Lisa.

Lisa was helpless.

Allie can take care of herself.

Then what makes you think
any of this will work?

I don't know if it's gonna work.

At least I'm not afraid to try.

Mary, don't do this.

Listen to me. I-I know this.

Walk away.

Even if you lose the project,
walk away...

before you do something
you can't walk away from.

[MAN] Here they come.

Why don't you just fade away?

You're a burden to the project.

You don't have the stomach for it,
and you don't have the brains.

You have no idea
what I'm capable of?

What I've done?

I won't have
any more blood on my hands.

Everybody set?

Get a tight lead
on that subject.

Run away!

Take the little girl!
It's a trick!

Run! It's a trick!

[WOMAN] Oh, my God.

It's okay.

Come on!

I'll take care of you. Come on.

[MARY] It's okay. Keep coming.

I'll take care of you all.
Come on.

It's okay. It's all right.

Keep coming.

I'll take care of you.

Come on.


[ALLIE] Miss Crawford.

I'm ready to go with you now.

Little girl...

I love the way your mind works.