Take Note (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Growth - full transcript

It's "Folk Music Week" and Calvin struggles to find a connection with music written years before he was born.

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Welcome back to the final round

of distraction action sing down.

No matter how strong your voice,

there are times
where it's your focus

that's really challenged.

Calvin and Ivy have
survived singing

while being tickled
by ostrich feathers.

Wearing mustaches
made of pepper.

While listening to the sound

of people eating
macaroni and cheese.

And for the last two hours,

Calvin and Ivy have
been marinating

in boba balls that smell
like sardines and feet

for the right to take tonight's

super secret mini
challenge prize.

So, how you two holding up?

I can't do it.

Get me out of this
boba barf fest.

Oh and Calvin's out.

That means our winner is Ivy!

You stink.

By winning today's challenge,

Ivy has secured Take
Note's most valuable prize,

the coveted saving grace note.


Ivy, this pendant has the power
to reverse an elimination.

Now she's invincible.

It can only be used once.

There's only one in
this entire competition

and it belongs to you.

Look at her, she doesn't
even seem to care.

I won! I won! I won!



Why do I have to stay here?

I don't know.

Who made this decision?

I don't know.

Why in my room?

You're in the family suite
with only two occupants.

Apart from that, I don't know.

So you're telling me
that there were literally

no other rooms available
in this entire hotel?

I don't know.

Well, I've told you everything
I know so I gotta go.

Good morning note heads.

Take Note School is to find
America's next big pop star

but we want a winner
who's more than that.

That is why this is
be the change week.

In the '60s singers like Bob
Dylan, Joan Baez, Sam Cook,

and Marvin Gaye sang
about change in America.

Now, each of you will pick
an iconic song from that era

to perform and be the change
by making it your own.

So are you ready to
be the next Bob Dylan?


Bob who?

I've never heard
of any of the songs

or artists on this week's list.

What did you end up getting?

Bob Dylan's "Blowin'
in the Wind".

Have you ever heard Dylan sing?

It's somewhere between Kendrick
Lamar with a sinus infection

and a goat going
through a carwash.

Well, my grandma
said that Dylan made

a lot of protest songs.

He should've made one about
me being stuck with Ivy.

Come on, it can't be that bad.

Yeah I've heard you
laugh at Miles' jokes.

If you can do that,
you can do anything.


I just don't get folk music.

Boy, you're black folk
and you like music.

You'll figure it out.

Folk, that gives me an idea
for you performance look.

Yeah I'm sorry but wardrobe
is the least of my problems.

I don't understand
my song at all.

Of course not honey.

You are grappling
with the challenge

of learning a new concept.

Your adrenal glands,

they are producing
so Mum, please.

Yeah, baby, you know the
boys and I don't like

when you therapize us.

Since when is living
my family therapizing?

We know you miss work,

but can't you just be mom
instead of Dr. Richards?

Fine, in this family
I'll just be mom.

The doctor's out.

Be have to change.
Be have to change.

Oh, hey new roomy?

How sweet, you're in my robe.

Well, I found you in my room.

This is my room.

Not anymore, you're
sleeping with grandma.

And your nanny
staying here with you?

No, my nanny is
sleeping on the couch.

I don't do roommates.

Wait, why should
I be the change?

She should be the change.


What are you doing?

Taking the sheets off my bed.

This is my bed.

Then what's it doing in my room?

Okay look, I'm gonna stay
in my room in my own bed.

Deal with it or you
can sleep on the couch.

Well, if we're gonna share,

you need to try and be
a little less selfish.

Okay just stop.

Why are you singing like a
goat going through a carwash?

Oh you picked up one that huh?

Just sing the way you
normally do Calvin.

From the top again.



Do you want me to give
it to you straight

or do you want me
to sugar coat it?

We have been at
this all afternoon.

Just give it to me
straight, no smoke.

If you don't figure this out,

this could be your last week.

Give it to me with the smoke.

This is baaaa-ad.

I just don't get this old music.

It's basically ancient history.

Well, it's not ancient
but it is history.

Let's dig into it a little bit.

What genre is
"Blowin' in the Wind"


Yep but there's
different kinds of folk.

Everything from bluegrass to
Appalachians to jug bands.

Jug bands?

You're messing with me, right?

Is that we here with the camera.

Focus, let me connect some dots.

Do you know what else
is rooted in folk music?

Probably frying pans.

Spirituals, that's
where we get the music

that we sing in choir from.

"Amazing Grace" and
"Blowin' in the Wind"

are like third cousins twice
removed, dots connected.

You get my point?

Clear as jug.

Let me get this straight.

So Bob Dylan is your uncle?

Bob's your uncle?

No, Bob Dylan married
his amazing aunt Grace

who gave his cousin a jug
to hold his blue grass?


Sound check in five.


Hey Calvin.

You know, I'm not
feeling so well.

Got a throat thing so I
have to skip the sound check

and go home and rest my voice.

Yeah, no problem but first,

you gonna have to see the medic.

On second thought, I don't wanna

Honey, this outfit.

Waste any more of your time.

I'm on my way to see the medic.

The medic's that way.

I like going the long way.

Okay, after my
wardrobe with Vivian.

- Every single room... Bye.

- In this entire hotel...
- Okay.

She had to be in mine.

- Catch you later honey.
- Like it's serious.

Like the '80s couldn't have
arranged something else?

She's torturing me.

She's taking my clothes.

She's in my room.

She took my bed.

Like it's insane.

I love the smell of
fashion in the morning.

Well, if it wasn't
the little visionary.

Vivian, I may have a vision
but you are a vision.

Oh Jaxon, whatever
you're selling,

I'm not buying.

Whatever you want,
I don't have it.

Okay well, I've got this idea

Viv's listening.

I need an hour alone
with a sowing machine.


And someone who can use it.

Viv's no longer listening.

Jaxon's not giving up.

And she said my
nightlight was stupid.

Cats aren't stupid,
they're heroic.

I can't stand it.

Ivy is the worst.

I'm the worst?


Actually, yes you are and
you've got a whole lot worse

since you got your little
immunity badge or whatever.

It's a saving grace now and
I should win another one

for letting you
sleep in my room.

It's my room.

It's my room.

What are you talking about?

It's my room.

- It's my room.
- Do you know..

What this is all about?

I don't know.

Are you gonna help 'em?

I don't know.

Should I help them?

I don't know.

What are you talking about?

- Didn't say I couldn't.
- You are so annoying.

I can't take you anymore.

I'm the annoying
one? Doctor's in.

You're the one who
showed up in my room.

Everything okay here?

Who are you?

Calvin's mom.

You've met her like six times.

Besides being Calvin's mom,

I know a thing or two
of not seeing eye-to-eye

with a friend.

We're not friends.

I hear you but are you
hearing each other?

I know some exercises

that might help you two
speak the same language

and if you're interested.

Perfect timing.

I've been looking for you.

Jaxon, you've got one hour.

One hour for what?

One hour for what?

To go through some performance
looks I've put together

until we find one that I like.

Oh no, I'm out.

I called this one mad for plad.


No problem?

This one's more
duck hunter chic.

Definitely no.

Okay well, this one...

Okay let me stop
you right there.

None of these are me at all.

Literally, why is your
face on every outfit?

I just couldn't help myself.

I'm sorry, I know you
don't take me seriously,

but I also know you're struggling
with your song this week

and I really wanna help you

but this is the only
one I know how to do it.

Styling me to be you
isn't gonna help.

This isn't me and I'm not
just talking about the faces.

You gotta look at me, man.

Don't be like that.

You know, you're my bro and
I do take you seriously.

You know, I heard they
have double cherry mango

at the frozen machine.

You had me at double.

Let's go.

Well, the trust fall
was a massive failure.

Tried to warn you.

So why don't we try
a word association?

Sydney, what's the first
thing that pops into your head

when you hear Ivy?


Okay Ivy, what's the first
thing that pops into your head

when you hear Sydney?


Let's keep it in the room.

Overbearing. Intrusive.

Good, now you're getting it.





Bad manicure.

Worst pedicure.

Are you still talking
about each other?

Too much perfume.

Outdated fashion sense.
Okay good session.

I'm gonna let you guys
sit with those feelings

while I schedule a
head-to-toe make over.

I gotta admit, great
all on the froyo.


What is it? CROWD:
Don't shoot.

New protests.

Don't shoot.

No justice.

No peace!

No justice.

No peace!

No justice.

No peace!

No justice.

No peace!

No justice.

No peace!

No justice.

No peace!

Are you ready for
the show tonight?

Be the change am I right?

Are you thinking
about the protests?


Wanna talk about it?


Calvin, what's up with
your mom trying to help us?

What are you talking about?

Apparently she appointed
herself the show therapists

and made us talk to each other

for like 50 minutes
about our feelings.

It was awful, right?

The worst.

I don't have time for this.

Mom, you promised
no therapizing.

I have enough on my plate.

Now kids are coming up at random

to complain about
you therapizing them.

In this house, we start a
conversation with hello.



You need to talk
your son before I do.

Yes, I do.

Come on.

All right, talk to me, Cal.

We're not leaving this
room until you talk.

This is not how this
family operates.

I might get eliminated
'cause I can't sing

the song that I got stuck
with, but what does it matter?

The protests are going on.

Who can think about
singing anyways.

And then Sydney and Ivy coming
up complaining about mom.

Hey, slow down.

You just said a mouthful.

Let's deal with
it one at a time.

You still love singing, right?

I don't know.

It's supposed to
be my happy place

and right now I'm not happy.

Well, part of the
assignment this week

was to make the song your own.


Well, did you study the lyrics?

I don't mean just memorize them.

Did you really
try to understand?

What do you mean?

Take the lines, how many
years can some people exist

before they're
allowed to be free.

What do you think Dylan
was talking about?

I don't know.

Well, think about it son.


That's part of it, sure

but Dylan was
singing in the '60s.

The Civil Rights Movement?

Yes, he was talking about things

that we're still
protesting today.

That doesn't make
me wanna sing about.

It just makes me sadder.

Singing is not always about
being in your happy place son

or singing from joy.

It's about expressing
sadness too.

You know, the song, "A
Change is Gonna Come"

Of course, we sing
it in our choir.

Did you know that
"Blowin' in the Wind"

inspired Sam Cook
to write that song?

It did?

Sam was feeling the same pain

but he used different lyrics

and used his own
style to express it.

Emotion makes music powerful.

And it's why Sam Cook,
Bob Dylan, and you

are so interconnected.

So when you say you don't
get it, you don't have to.

It's already inside you.

You just have to figure out
how what you're feeling now

lives in those lyrics.

I've never thought about
music that we before.

That's all right.

It's all a part of
growing as an artist

and finding that
deeper connection.

So you ready to go back out
there and give it another go?

Yeah, I think so.

All right.

Thanks dad.

You're welcome son.

You know, there's something
else you got to do, right?

I know.


In this family, all apologies

are directed to the face please.

Go on.

My room's been fixed
so I can go back.


Staying with you
wasn't totally awful.

Oh, well I guess you
weren't the worst after all.

Calvin's mom, she's the worst.

Oh, for real.

So should we hug it out?

No, but okay enough.
Yes, still got it.

Why are you spying on me?

Why are you spying on them?

My plan worked.

Girls needed something to
bond over so I let it be me.

Turns out my
therapizing annoys them

as much as it annoys
my own family.

Well that's some
real 40 chest baby.

That's right.

Go on, I know what you up to.

Tidy up.

Oh, this it I promise,
the perfect fit.

But Vivian already
gave me an outfit.

Hear me out.

I heard you and dad talking
about Bob Dylan and Sam cook.


Okay, eavesdropped.

The point is I got it.

I finally saw you.

I appreciate that.

I am just gonna leave this here

but whatever you decide to wear,

I know you're gonna smash it.

Thanks bro.

I love you.

Welcome back to be
the change week.

And now the wind of change
is blowing in from Atlanta.

Let's take note of, Calvin.

He picked my outfit.

Of course he did.

He gets it, he really gets it.

Wow, that was just
beautiful, Calvin.

Calvin, with everything going
on in the world right now

that is exactly what
we all needed to hear.

We'll be right back.

He did your suit proud.

I know, right?

Well judges, I don't
envy you tonight.

Athena, let's start with you.

Be the change week was always
gonna be a big challenge

and every single one of you
proved that you were up for it.

So if tonight's any indication,

I feel really good
about the future.

That said, one of you has to go.

Succinct as always Rudy, but
unfortunately he's right.

Which means tonight, we
reluctantly say goodbye

to Miles.

Miles, saying goodbye to
such a talent is never easy,

but this was one of those
special Take Note nights

where the competition
was just too strong.

Join me America in
wishing Miles well,

and we'll see you next week.

Good night.

And that's a wrap.

Can't believe you're
actually leaving.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

Me too.

If I was watching
the show from home,

you would've been my favorite.

Thanks guys.

Our time together has really
meant the world to me.

There hasn't been
a parting this sad

since Glenn don and
alphabet weekend.

You Googled that didn't you?
