TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017): Season 1, Episode 8 - Challenge - full transcript

Against Abe's wishes, Anna searches for enemy intelligence at an exclusive gentleman's party hosted by British spymaster John Andre.

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I'm off to see Cook.

I just wanted to say good luck.

Uh, you--

you just missed a--


I'll get it for you.

Selah will be glad to see you.

Will he?

The moment after
I show him this pardon,

I have the grand privilege
to inform him

that all we own is forfeit.

And the last of his estate
is being parceled off

to the Royal Army by you.

His fields will be seized
with or without me,

but with me,
we earn the trust of the enemy.

At least he'll be spared the pain
of looking on Setauket again.

Maybe life will improve for us
in Connecticut.


Selah has family there
and he can recover under their care.

There's nothing left for us
on Long Island.

I can't help but think

about how things might have
turned out differently.


Major Hewlett,
he was determined

to make a disciplinary example
for what happened in the tavern--

I meant between us.

If you hadn't
broken our engagement,

none of this
would've happened.

- It wasn't that simple.
- It was.

- No. No.
- Yes, it was.

I had obligations
to my family, to my father.

A father you never agreed with.

Look, after my brother died
at those riots--

Your brother died
fighting for the king.

If Thomas' fate wasn't
a clear sign from God

to make a break with your family,
I don't know what is.

- You know nothing about it.
- Then tell me what happened.

Tell me why
you broke your promise.

This is likely the last
we're to see each other.

Tell me the truth.

The truth is some things
just aren't meant to be.

Shoulder your firelocks!

Colonel Lee Bowman.
Major John Ainsley.

Captain Colin Darbyshire.
Captain Samuel Tallmadge.

Where are ya, Benjamin?

Can you believe
the whelp didn't come

to collect his own brother?

If it were my kin on a prison ship,

I'd be the first one
to welcome him home.


Caleb... Brewster.

What are you doing here?
Where's Samuel?


Yeah, Ben's brother.

The man they just called out.

Where's Samuel?

Dead. He's dead.

Selah Strong, dead.


These two seem
to know each other.

Robert Rogers was the one
that pulled you out?



Hold fire!

The shot came from our side!
From those trees!

Rearguard formation!
Get him up!

Get back, men!
Get behind the wagon!

You four come with me.

Major Rogers,

you fired on an exchange
sanctioned under the flag of truce.

I am hunting a fugitive

who is masquerading
as a soldier.

A man you just let slip
to the other side.

You have overstepped
your bounds.

I will be reporting this
incident to your superiors.

I'll leave the chinwagging

in your capable hands,
then, Captain.

What do we do now?

Now we are going
to hunt down Mr. Strong

and that curious bearded bastard

before they warn Tallmadge.

But ain't that rebel land
that they're crossing into?

It's my land, pup.

It's all my land.

♪ Hush, hush ♪

♪ There's snakes in the garden ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ Blood on the rise ♪

♪ Hush, hush ♪

- ♪ I can't wait anymore ♪
- ♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

♪ Hush, hush. ♪

Done and done.

Who needs the green fields
of Connecticut, I say,

when we have Long Island?

Land flowing with
milk and honey.

Or pork and cauliflower.

Be sure to give your father my best
upon your return.

Oh, I shall indeed,
but, uh, he also said

he expected me
to return with a story.

- Did he, now?
- Well, he did.

He said, "Son, you're in York City,

the greatest port in the colonies.

Drink Spanish wine,
eat Scottish salmon and...

...sing the song of Solomon!"

That's right.

I was hoping that you might
show me the best places for singing.

At my expense, of course,
and we'll celebrate our deal.

Yes, well, I recommend
you sample it all, my lad,

but I'm afraid you'll have
to sing solo tonight.

I have a previous engagement.

Passing up on free quim?
Must be important.

Who said anything
about passing up quim?

I see.

What sort of engagement is this?

Oh, a local chapter
of a very old club.

- The Masons?
- No, much more fun.

No, tonight's dinner is
headed by Major John Andre

and he's a marvelous toastmaster.


Of course, outsiders
are rarely allowed.

But there are exceptions.

Especially if there's
business to be done.


What, you just leave him here, then?

He's not Samuel Tallmadge.

He's not even a soldier.

No, he's Selah Strong.
I've known him all my life.

He's more Patriot
than you and I put together.

He's not on the list.

And he was released
to our care by the enemy

- with some theatrics to boot.
- Theatrics?

He's calling your wound theatrics.
I'd knock him out.

I will not bring him into camp.


I can make it on my own.

You can barely stand
on your own two feet.

All right, when you do
get back to camp,

you find Major Tallmadge,
tell him you're a nob,

and then tell him "Genevieve."

All right?
He'll know what I mean.

Come on, Strong.

You're stuck with me
till we get into friendly territory.

When you're on the march,

act as if you were
sneaking up on a deer.

Or a lion.

You don't weight me down
like a mule,

maybe I don't
make so much noise.


See your enemy first
before he sees you, boy.

My name is Jordan, not "boy."

What's your true name, boy?

The one they beat out of you?


- Louder.
- Akinbode.

and do you know who I am?

I'm the one who's gonna
give you your name back

as soon as I stop
hearing you breathe.


What are you doing here?
Where's Selah?

How did it go with Cook?

He refused to sign
the agreement, didn't he?

Where is he?
I'll talk to--

First, tell me what happened.

I signed over the cauliflower,
so that's done.

And then you gained his trust?

What I gained was an invite

to a social affair
at Major John Andre's house.

I can't have either of you
two frustrating the scheme.

I won't.
I want to go with you.

Where? To the dinner?

- Tonight?
- You're allowed a guest.

This is the same
Major John Andre

whom I deciphered
the safe house letter from.

The same Major John Andre
whom my housemaid Abigail

- is now set under.
- Well--

I have friends inside.
If it's a supper...

Abigail will likely be getting supplies
at the market near his house.

- And does Selah know about this?
- Selah's dead.

He's been dead for two months.

I have nowhere to go.
I am going with you.

- Anna, I am so sorry.
- To hell with sorrow.

It's revenge I'm after
and I'll see it done.

Listen to me.

While you are in this state,
you will likely give us both away.

That is why I can't take you.

They have taken
everything from me.

I know.

I'll be back
tomorrow morning.

We can talk about
everything, all right?

But until then,
you must promise me

that you'll wait here.

Promise me you'll wait.

Just a bit further.

Can't. Need to rest.

All right, here.

Sip and stretch.
Can't stop long.


So, this Genevieve...

is a tavern wench?

Aye, prettiest I've ever seen.

That's where we're headed--
Elizabeth Town Tavern.

Was she dark or fair?

She were both.

Like my Anna?

Get down!

It's three against two.

In your shite condition,
it's more like three against one.

- Robert Rogers?
- Aye, I think so.

Give me a gun.

Well, the bright side,
if Rogers does kill us,

at least Benny boy
will be still alive to murder him, huh?

- Captain Henry?
- Major.

What news of
the prisoner exchange?

We were ambushed, sir.
Queen's Rangers.


My brother?
Where's my brother?

They attempted to pose
another man in his stead, sir.

Brewster vouched for him,
but I couldn't risk

bringing an unknown
prisoner back to camp.

What about Brewster?
Where's Brewster?

He headed north, sir,
through neutral territory.

He said to tell you "Genevieve."

He was sure you'd understand
what it meant.

Come on, boy.

Three dozen to be sent directly
to the residence of Major John Andre.



You're in New York?

- But why?
- Cicero's fine, Abby.

He's staying with Aberdeen
for a short spell

while I take care of business
here in the city.

Did you get my message
about Simcoe?

I did and I thank you,
but right now I'm more concerned

with the dinner you're
preparing for tonight.

- How did you know?
- I want you to help me get in.

You don't, trust me.

It's no place for a lady.

- Especially you.
- You let me determine that.

It's too dangerous for me.

You asked a favor of me once.

You asked me to care for your son.

I want that favor returned.

- You don't own me anymore.
- I own nothing anymore.

And you will get me into that party
whether you like it or not.

Madam, is this slave
troubling you?

If so, I'll see to it
she's taken care of.

No, we just had a simple

But that's all been made clear.

Isn't that right?

Thank you
for sitting with me, Mr. Robeson.

Well, If I can be of aid, I will.

I've been charged by Major Hewlett
with ferreting out

- a conspiracy in town.
- Conspiracy?

Tell me what you know

about Benjamin Tallmadge
and Caleb Brewster.

Well, there's not much to tell, really.

Any associates?
People in the town

they might've been
in league with?

Well, there's Tallmadge's father.

- He used to be the minister here.
- And Brewster?

His father died of the palsy
a few years back.

Has a sister still alive with it

and an uncle he was very fond of.

What about that weasel Woodhull,
for example?

The one who got away
with the murder of Captain Joyce?

Ensign Clayton killed the captain.

Do you really believe that one
of His Majesty's finest captains

was done in by
the regimental drummer?

If it's rebel sympathizers
you're looking for,

the petition
for the New York Convention

is a good place to start.


You sing the girl part.

Well, I am much prettier than you.


Try to chant
in tune, milady.

♪ Soldier, soldier,
will you marry me ♪

♪ With your musket,
fife, and drum? ♪

♪ Oh, how can I marry
such a pretty girl as you ♪

♪ When I have no hat
to put on? ♪

♪ And off to the haberdasher
she did go ♪

♪ As fast as she could run ♪

♪ She bought him a hat,
the best that there was ♪

♪ And the soldier put it on. ♪

Here's someone you should meet.

Major Andre, may I present
Abraham Woodhull,

a trader from Long Island?

Major Andre.
It's an honor to meet you, sir.

Gird yourself for battle,
Mr. Woodhull.

We plan to give Dionysus
a spirited contest for his crown.

They are, of course, ahead of us.

Each man is budgeted
for one bottle of champagne,

three bottles of wine during,
and one bottle of port after.

One's glass must always be full.

So you're our man on Long Island?

Oh, Woodhull.
Abraham Woodhull.

- Challenge!
- Challenge!

Colonel Cook.

Oh, don't dare to dream

you can outbumper me,
young man.

Answer my challenge
and we'll bumper together.


Who would you kill...

if there were no repercussions
and you could get away clean?

You, for positing a challenge
worthy of a first-rate tonker.

Yeah, bumper!

Oh, Oh!

Now answer your own
frivolous thrust.

- Who would you kill?
- George Washington,

so we can end
this bloody war.


One hopes
that Lieutenant Gracely

won't hit his mark too soon.

There's profit to be made
in this bloody war.

Oh, absolutely.

How can I be of assistance?

The army needs fuel,

and coal from Durham
and South Wales

is too expensive to ship.

Cordwood will suffice,

and the orchards on Long Island
are a rich source.

Uh, what's the going rate?

By requisition,

the desired rate is zero,

That's why the war helps us

as regards to those
we brand rebels.

Confiscation eschews

Don't we have to wait

until the rebels in question
are proven guilty?

Guilt is relative.

Whatever proof we don't have
can be adjusted.

You provide the names,
we provide the attainders.

I see.

To the spoils of war.


Don't drink that yet!

Oh, relax, relax.

Just a little ritual mischief
for the initiate.

You can get me back later.

I certainly hope so.

On three, two, one!

Get down!

Get him under cover!


What the hell
are you doing here?

- Trying to save you.
- I meant for us to meet at...

the Elizabeth Town Tavern,
all right?

Don't you know a trap
when you see one?

You're welcome, Brewster.

Well, you wanted Rogers, right?
You got him.

Go on.

Woodhull! Woodhull!

Excuse me, Corporal.

Did a young woman
with brown hair

wearing a coral dress
come by yet?

Coral? You mean like pink?


Not that I've seen.

Oh, she's late.

The major won't be pleased.
Won't be pleased at all.

No shame in casting up
one's accounts.

I suggest you use
your chunder bucket

early and often.

It's the only way
to survive the night.

Gentlemen. Gentlemen.


Gentlemen, I believe
we are expecting

a delivery of flowers soon.

To firm erection, fine insertion,

excellent distillation, and...

No contamination.

Where's your pass?


oh, no!

I must have dropped it.

Perhaps somewhere on the coach.

It's all right.
You're expected.

- Shh, shh.
- Look, girls.

She's in the wrong place,
isn't she?

Don't mind them.

Plenty of eligible officers
to go around.

I just have a few nervous
butterflies is all.

I get them every time
I go onstage.

Use them to embolden
your performance.

Remember to be visible,

and most importantly,

♪ ...sent a petition ♪

♪ That he their Inspirer ♪

♪ And Patron would be ♪

♪ When this answer arrived
from the jolly... ♪

♪ Old Grecian... ♪

- Sing the bloody song!
- Come on!

Chirp, chirp, nightingale!

You've never seen girls before?


♪ And, besides,
I'll instruct you ♪

♪ Like me to entwine ♪

♪ The Myrtle of Venus ♪

♪ With Bacchus's vine. ♪

I see our dance partners
have arrived.

Not so fast.

Would you do me the honor
of being my partner?

The pleasure would be mine.

You promised me
you'd stay behind.

Promises get broken.

You should wait before
you do something reckless.

I waited for you
when we were engaged

and that all went to hell.

I waited to get Selah released
and now he's gone.

I'm done waiting.

Major Andre.

A word in private?

He fired on the exchange?

With no regard for the prisoners
or the proceeding.

After Washington's letter regarding
the ill treatment of prisoners,

even General Howe will see fit
to rein in his favorite cur.

Robert Rogers showed no discipline,
no respect for the rule of law.

His arrogance does
a disservice to us all.

How soon can you be back
in neutral territory?

It's just over
two hours' hard ride.

I have fresh horses standing by.

I'm giving you permission
to kill him if he resists.

I need a squirrel.


Their brains...

...help to heal the wound.

I'll go get one.

Don't forget your musket.

I don't need it.

Tell me about my brother.

He's got a right to know, Selah.

The Jersey...

was hell.

We had to fight for food,
air to breathe.

We became animals.

We cursed God, all of us...

except Samuel.

Your brother prayed every night.

Convinced me to pray, too.

To fight.

We protected each other.

But I couldn't protect him
from dysentery.

When it was done,

I was the one who carried
Samuel above deck.

I prayed his soul
go to heaven

and sent his body
to the sea.

Hey, at least
he's at peace now, Ben.


What peace?

My brother died like a dog...

with everything
stripped from him.

And now, even in death, Rogers--

he steals his name
to set a trap for me?

He dies tonight.

It means "brave one," "warrior."

- What?
- My name.

And what's the name
for "quiet one"?

You've forgotten, eh?

That boy's a good shot.

Hit his target
from horseback.

You like him.

War makes brothers of us all.

It's the boy's right
to avenge his brother.

And it's my right to avenge mine.

We should get away

from all this... formality

to a place where
we can be alone.

This is just the first course.

- I'm concerned for her.
- She's not herself.

She told me she plans to steal
into the major's bedroom.

He keeps a black book there
with information about the war.

She forced me to tell her about it.

I'll find my way to the bedroom.

You follow at your discretion.

I'd kill Gracely
for not letting me court his sister.

I'd kill whoever made this wine.

Who do I have to murder
to get a decent claret?


I have a plan.

Yeah? Would you mind
filling me in?

Victory or death.

- No.
- It's the only option, Caleb.

You're not going out
as some decoy.

I won't let you die because of me.

I'm sorry about Sammy,
Tall-boy. I am.

And I can't bring him back
like I promised.

But I can help you get out
of these woods and back to camp.


Hold the line.

Uh, about getting you
back to camp...

Whoa. Whoa.

We know you're there.

We followed the report
of your guns.

This standoff must cease and desist

by order of Major John Andre.

Both parties
must put aside their arms

and come down!

Get out of here.

Weir is coming and--

Now you'll take me?

Out of what, jealousy?

If you'd married me,
none of this would've happened.


But you're afraid
to act from your heart.

You're a coward
who lives for caution,

afraid of your own shad--


Didn't expect I'd get you
back quite so soon, eh? Eh?

Don't worry, you can have a taste
of this bun if you like,

now that it's been buttered.

I will not be played for a fool.

- Now look what you've done.
- Where's the book?

I want your backwater scab
out of here now.

You can't possibly
understand a word of it.

It's a code key, all right?
The same as ours.

Ben will be able to decipher it.

Abraham, wait.

What do you think you're doing?

You were gonna lay with him,
is that it?

Is that your plan?

You would've spread your legs for--

I don't care what happens
to my body, not anymore.

Well, neither do I.

Is this man bothering you?


I think that you'd find, sir,
that the bother was mine.

All right?
She's dry as dust.

I suggest you chuck her back
in the trough with the rest of them.

There is a line, sir,
and you've crossed it.

Time for you to retire.

Mr. Woodhull will be leaving us.

He can't leave yet.
He hasn't answered the challenge.

There is no challenge for him.

I've stopped the game.
I'll see myself out.

- The challenge must be answered!
- I'll see myself out.

- Please.
- The challenge must be answered.

Who would you kill?
We demand your answer.


I would ki--

I would kill the man
who killed my brother.

Well, I am piqued.
Carry on.

All right.

You'll all remember
the Liberty Pole riots

at the commons near King's College
about three years ago.

Sons of Liberty
would erect their poles

and our men would tear it down,
week in, week out.

- Like a game.
- I was a student of the law back then.

I had no time for games.

Until one night
some drunken fool,

he climbed up the pole,

he put a Phrygian cap
on the top.

It was just another game,

to be sure, a prank.

But that cap, that--

that ancient Roman symbol
of freedom,

that was a direct insult
to our king.

- Mm-hmm.
- Right.

It was a prank.

A prank turned a game
into a riot,

a riot that my--

my brother Thomas...

...he came down
to put it down.

He was a captain
in the king's militia back then.

And he was outnumbered
by the rioters that day.

I don't want the man who--

who ran him through or the--

the man who trampled him.

I want the--

the coward...

who put the hat on the pole.

Because without him...

none of it would've happened, so...

Well, that was bleak.

- I'm sorry, miss.
- My dress.

Let me get something to clean it.

Don't think twice about it, Abigail.

Let it go.
Thank you, Abigail.

The flag of truce is a symbol

that must be treated
with the highest honor

and respect at all times,

not the least of which

during a sanctioned
exchange of prisoners.

As representatives
of His Excellency,

General George Washington,

we do concur and abide
by this tradition.

That man is not
who he pretends to be.

May I see your papers, sir?

Are you Samuel Tallmadge?

Yes, I am.

This man is my only brother,

Captain Samuel Tallmadge,

imprisoned on the Jersey
these past six months.

So confirmed.

I place these three men
under my protection,

and you, Major,

have orders to report
to Major Andre at once.

There is no place
on this continent

that you can hide from me.

Oh, I won't be hiding.


One good hat deserves another.

- A petition?
- Yes.

A local is helping me
track it down.

Judge Woodhull
was looking for a petition,

one that named Selah Strong
as a delegate to an illegal body.

Selah Strong?

Even with this petition,

we would need more hard evidence
there are rebels in our midst.

See to it.


Of course, sir.

You started the riots?

Who else knows?

Just you.

♪ Why weep ye by the tide, lady? ♪

♪ Why weep ye by the tide? ♪

♪ I'll wed ye to my youngest son ♪

♪ And ye shall be his bride ♪

♪ The kirk was decked
at morning tide ♪

♪ The tapers glimmered fair ♪

♪ The priest and bridegroom
wait the bride ♪

♪ And dame and knight
were there ♪

♪ They sought for her
in bower and ha' ♪

♪ The lady was nae seen ♪

♪ She's o'er the border and awa' ♪

♪ Wi' Jock O'Hazeldean. ♪

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