TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017): Season 1, Episode 10 - The Battle of Setauket - full transcript

Mary grapples with the realization that Abe is a rebel spy. Ben and Caleb lead a raid on Setauket to save the Patriot families.

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"729, Setauket.

711, General Washington.

725, C. Brewster."

Four out of seven ain't bad.

- Do you think they got lost?
- No, Selah knows his way.

Could be they caught a swell
up near Mastic

and wound up there.

- Then we wait for them.
- Bullshit. You wait.

I'm gonna get my uncle
before they hang him.

Nobody's getting hanged
at midnight.

We wait for the rest of the unit

and then we take them
by surprise, all of us.

My father's in that cellar, too,
you know.

You send Luke and Jeremiah
to Whitehall?

Aberdeen needed extra hands.

She's attending
to your father's health

and doesn't have time
for the house.

I thought you
were attending to him.

His wish was that I returned here.

I'm sorry if that upsets you.

What do you mean?

Mary, what's wrong?

I'm afraid.

Of what?

You know.

The traitors here in Setauket,
hiding in secret,

plotting to kill us.

The men who shot your father.

Now listen to me.

I'm gonna tell you something
that you can't repeat

to anyone else,
and I mean it this time.

If you whisper this
like you did the gravestones,

there will be a price
to pay for both of us.

Captain Simcoe shot my father.


He used an accomplice.
Not sure who it was.

I don't think he cared
if my father lived or died,

just as long as he
hanged a Tallmadge for it.

This is wrong.

Well, Mary, it's the truth, so...

What about the petition

that Tallmadge
and the others signed?

The one that
you prosecuted them for?

All the petition says
is that they believe in liberty.

I took the case on
with the aim to prove that.

You lied to everyone.

Didn't you just hear what I--

That's just fine, then.

Now that- no, now that you know,
you can go make it right.

No, go tell Hewlett.
Go and get that ruling reversed

so you can see
all of those men hanged.

- I wouldn't do that.
- No, of course you wouldn't

because then you'd be
the wife of a traitor.

And you would
be hanged for treason.


Is that truly how you see it?

- Yes, that's the law.
- And is that what you believe?

Huh? Tell me.

Tell me what you believe in.

I believe in family.

I believe that a husband
should live with his wife,

should lay with his wife
if he's able to,

and if he's not,
then be truthful about why.

You don't think that I'm able?

Well, I haven't had any proof
since the winter.

I assume you've been
proving it elsewhere.

Just another thing
that you've been hiding.

You want proof?

I wouldn't want to force you.
You might not believe in it.

Are you sure you don't want to
drink something first?

This is Baker's bed.

This is my house.

Prove it.

♪ Hush, hush ♪

♪ There's snakes in the garden ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ Blood on the rise ♪

♪ Hush, hush ♪

- ♪ I can't wait anymore ♪
- ♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

♪ Hush, hush. ♪

Good morning.


What are you doing?

Riding into town with you.

You have to buy seed
for replanting

and I have a house
to get back in order.

We'll spend the whole day together,
hmm, Thomas?

- Sun's up.
- Not yet.

Ben, the sun's up
and we still outnumber Hewlett,

even with this lot.

All right.

Get down.

Ready firelocks.

That's William Blaine
and his son Tom.

Now they come.

Caleb, he's only a boy.

Those are fishing rods,
not muskets.

Getting soft, are we?

What? Caleb!

- Hi, Bill.
- Run, Tom! Run!

Go and tell the major!

- Stop him!
- He's getting away!


Hold fire!


- Parsons.
- Yes, sir.

Wait until they beach,
then fall in.

You take the north hill,
we'll take the flank.

We march!

No need to alter the ship.
I like it.

Just change the first three letters.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Careful now.
Slow down.

He says the rebels
took his dear old dad

down by the cove
and they'll come for us next.

Ships and soldiers,
hundreds of them.

Or 500 of them.

It's true.

I saw Benjamin Tallmadge
all done up in blue and gold.

Open it.

Cut them down.

You sure?
Just gonna string them up again.

Maybe we shoot them
right here.

We'll likely need
our ammunition today,

and I want Captain Tallmadge

to see his father swing
from the gallows.

It's an image I've had
in my head for quite a while.

My son? How--

Ensign, you are
to ride to Sag Harbor

and inform Colonel Floyd
that we are under attack

and request reinforcements,

preferably along
with the armed vessel

we so graciously loaned him
in order to ship his tobacco.

- Yes, Major.
- Go!

Richard, what are you doing
out of bed?

- I'm coming with you.
- No, no, nonsense.

You've already taken a wound
in service to the crown.

It is now time for me
to defend Setauket

from those who wish
to defile her.

I knew this day was coming

and I am ready, my old friend.

I want to meet my enemy

You must protect Whitehall.

It's sure to be a target of this raid.

I will try to hold them
at the water.


Please, I cooperated.

I gave you the names
of these men, remember?

Like it was yesterday.

Come on, Brewster.
Up with you.

Give him some help.

We were sentenced
to a prison ship.

Under whose orders
are we now to be hanged?


We're with you!

To the garrison!
Grab them!

Shoulder the muskets.

Tend to the cannon.

Make ready! Present!



Into the church!

Fall back!

Fall back!

- Get back in there.
- Get your hands off me.

Don't give me any trouble.

The town's ours.

They've taken the captives
to the church.


Search every door and get
everyone inside the tavern.

All right.

And remind the men
that no private property

is to be destroyed.

That's Selah Strong.


You're gonna love this.

You know them bloody-backs
used the church as stables?

Well, they're using your old
schoolhouse as a magazine.

Two dozen barrels of powder.

He wasn't lying.
They ripped out the gravestones.

Unholy bastards.

Ah, here comes their leader.

Smuggle out the powder

and any other military
stores you can find.

All right.

I don't recall giving the orders
to hang anyone.

But, sir, don't you see?

This very raid confirms
the treason of the accused.

They obviously got word
out to these rebels

to come and rescue them.

No doubt the selfsame dragoons

that ambushed
our regiment in Connecticut.

I cannot abide executing
prisoners, Captain.

Not when it reflects dishonorably
upon my command.

This conflict will be
conducted in a civil manner!

Complement one,
are you ready to fire?

Well, uh...

we'll likely
hit the gallows, sir.

If that's acceptable.

No, it is not.

You secured the prisoners,
but not the powder!

Complement two,

adjust your quadrant,
target the storehouse.


Assistance is on its way

and I will not have the rebels
absconding with our powder

or using it against us.

You may fire when ready.

Shh, shh. It's all right.

It's all right. Shh, shh.

It's all right.
Come on. Shh, shh.

- It's all right.

Would you please
shut that thing up?

May I offer your men some ale?

May you offer?

This is my tavern, DeJong.

I built it. I own it.

And your wife sold it to me.

I had no choice.
They were going to take it anyway.

She had no right to sell it.

The agreement is not binding.

I did not write the attainder.

Take it up with Judge Woodhull.

Oh, I will, trust me.

I have plenty to settle
with the judge.

Last one out the door. Quickly.

- Got it.
- Careful with it!

Stand clear.

Fall back! Fall back!



- Reload!
- Yes, sir.

- And hold fire until ordered!
- Reloading.

- Sir? Sir?
- Yes?

The magistrate is requesting
access into camp.

Richard, you shouldn't be here.

Have you seen my son?
ls he in the town?

Let's get you inside.


Will you burn your hometown now,

It's the king's men
who are burning it,

but take heart,
we'll have them out soon enough.

Why don't you hold
your tongue, Robeson?

Before you lose it?


Hewlett has us at range.

We can't hope
to hit him from here.

I need you to put pressure
on his flank.

We can move up the ridge
to conceal our approach.

That's even higher ground
than his church.

Our church.
Let's take it back, hmm?

Come with me.

Say something.


The major isn't firing on us,
he's firing on you.

Now, whatever you
boys came here to prove,

I think you've proved it.

But I'm telling you right now,
you will never take that garrison.

All you're gonna do is get
all these people killed, all right?

Is that your wife, Woodhull?
And your son?

Yes, it is, yeah.


It's very fine to meet you,
Mrs. Woodhull.

I seem to remember your husband
as a much quieter man.

Where the bloody hell is Floyd?

Are you sure we need him?

Seems to me you're doing
an excellent job

of repelling the rebels.

If you simply continue
the bombardment--

My orders are to protect this port,
not level it.

We must hold for reinforcements.

We have the high ground, sir,

and they failed
to achieve their objective

with their opening thrust.

To simply wait when it's within
our power to crush them--

I will determine the strategy here,
Captain Sim--

Rear right forward!

Take aim! Fire!

"They that sow wickedness,
reap the same."

Indeed, Reverend.

Put your arms up
towards the heavens.

Shield the windows
with the others!

Captain, don't do this.

Sit down before you fall down.

Hold your fire.

Who's the fastest man here?

Damn it, what kind
of a commander

uses prisoners as a barricade?

It's likely Captain Simcoe.
You may not know of him,

but he's less subtle
than the major.

They mean to hold out
until reinforcements arrive.

I figure we got
till sundown to break them.

If that. You need to take
another detachment

and round on them from the east.

Then I'll send forth terms
for surrender.

If we take the church,
then we can use their cannons

to defend against
the next wave.

Hewlett will never surrender to you.

And Simcoe will shoot down
any Continental

who approaches the church

and then he will kill
your father and your uncle.

Well, maybe we'll use his men
to shield us.

Leave him be!

If you say you're better than them,

then show it by your restraint,

The major is a fair man.
He will respect a flag of truce.

You said that Selah saw
the magistrate inside the church.

That means your father's
there as well, Abe.

Whatever happens to mine
happens to yours,

which makes you the perfect man
to deliver our terms.

Let's take him
somewhere private, huh?


- Don't worry, ma'am.
- It's all right.

We need your husband
to send a message.

We're not gonna hurt him.

Not much anyways.

Mrs. Strong, would you kindly
open the cellar for us?

Easy, easy, easy!

Hey, hey!

Just keeping up the ruse,
Woody, all right?

Ben, what the hell is this?

Shh. You want them
to hear us up there?

Hey, I'm sorry.

I couldn't send warning.
There was no time.

It was only by God's good grace

that we came across Walter Havens.

He told us about the hangings.

- There were no hangings.
- What?

Not till you showed up.

I had convinced Hewlett
to commute their sentences.

They were bound instead
for the Jersey.

Oh, the Jersey.

'Cause that ain't
a death sentence, is it?

Apparently it's not.

I stood on the deck
of that ship

and had the warden tell me

that Selah died there
over Christmas.

I have lived with that belief

since last we were
in New York spying for you.

Surely you had time enough
to warn me

that my husband was alive
and sewing alongside you both.


Anna, I'm sorry.

It was my decision.

Caleb wanted to tell you,
but I said no.

The truth is,
your husband is alive

because my brother is dead.

Robert Rogers used
the promise of Samuel

as bait to trap me.

Samuel is dead?

Selah was with him
when he passed.

So I can confirm for you that, yes,

the Jersey is a death sentence,

and I will not see
my father sent there.


So this raid
is family business?

It's personal?

You saying you
wouldn't do the same?

No, no, I'm just saying
it makes sense, is all.

More sense than Washington
sending you both here anyway.

He granted me discretion
to advance my mission as I see fit.

Oh, I see. So you're gonna
have to explain it all to him, then.

Good. When you do,
please inform 711

that his precious
Mr. Culpepper is finished.

- I am out.
- Nobody is out.

Your standing in this town is intact

and I intend to keep it that way.

I'm not a soldier
in your army, Major.

I don't have to take your orders.

But you're right about one thing.

My standing in this town
is all you've got left.

Now, I wasn't lying when I told you

Hewlett would never surrender.

And you know there's no chance
that you take that church

before some force
on this island shows up.

We ain't leavin' without
our family, all right?

Well, then I guess today
you take your orders from me.

They are more than 50,
less than 100.

I tried to take a silent count,
but they caught me lookin'.

I knew their numbers
were exaggerated.

They still outnumber us
and they have our flank.

- So you mean to surrender?
- No.

- They don't request--
- Good because I'd hate you

to become the first commander

to let the Patriots get
a foothold on Long Island.

They don't ask
for surrender, sir.

They-- they know
that you will never bow.

Abraham, what are their terms?

Tallmadge says that he will trade

the soldiers that
he has in his custody

for the prisoners
here in the church.

And that he will then order
a withdrawal, sir.

Eight civilians in exchange
for conceding the field?

When they have the numbers?

I can't decide whether
they think themselves cowards

or us fools.

If further harm comes to any
of the prisoners here, sir,

he will retaliate in kind,

and I am concerned
for my family

and the other Loyalist captives
down there.

Your concern
is none of our concern.

Enough! You make it
so I cannot hear myself think.

Major, you said yourself these men
are like a gangrenous limb,

a sickness that needs
to be bled from this town.

- This is our chance.
- A sickness?

What do you know
of sickness, Woodhull?

Quiet, Lucas,
if you know what's good for you.

And this Major Tallmadge,
he has given his word

that he will withdraw
following the exchange?

The word of a traitor means nothing.

These are hardened criminals.
If we just let them go,

we're only adding to the ranks
of the Continental Army!

Captain, you will keep your opinion
to when it is required.

To yield is to show weakness.

I will yield nothing
that I do not wish to yield!

- I'm trying to save the town!
- Then kill the enemy!

Force them to charge
the barricade!

Give them cannon
and musket full-on!

All they require
is proper motivation!

Captain, bring him back at once!


No, Caleb, stop!


- Calm down. Caleb.

- Caleb, calm down.
- God!

Eastin, your pistol, please.

Belay that.
Arrest Captain Simcoe.


You deserve what's coming to you,
Oyster Major.

That's what they call you,
you know.

Commander of the army's
backwater-bred --

Prepare the cannon
to repel a charge.

We're in a fight
to the death now.

Not if you let them go.

The prisoners, now.
All of them.

I'm quite sure an exchange
is off the table, Richard.

No exchange-- a release,

unconditional and immediate.

And the good reverend
will convince his son to withdraw.

I see no honor in
this fight going on.

Only further bloodshed.

I'll have you know,

it wasn't me who took
that shot at you.

- Come on!
- Just calm down. Calm down.

Just stay down.

All right!

- Just stay down. Stay down.
- All right!

- Caleb, Caleb! Stop!
- Incoming!

Don't fire.
Shoulder your firelocks!

Get ready.


Take the bastard's
shackles off him.

Shoulder your firelocks.


Fall back on me.

Grab your haversacks
and head for the boats.

Mr. Woodhull, please express
my thanks to the major

for freeing the survivors

as well as my wish
that he administers

the proper justice
to Captain Simcoe.

I will.



Tell Washington
it's Samuel Culper,

not Culpepper.

I won't sign the letters
as anyone else.


It's all right. It's all right.

Lawful citizens of Setauket!

We are here to protect your persons
and your property.

Retreat to your homes
and stay there

until we've driven out the enemy.

Just in time, eh, Major?


Let me look at you.

I'm sorry.

- The cause needs me here.
- Anna?

- No!
- Fire!

Hold fire!

Don't hit her!

Don't just stand there.
She's trying to escape them.

Go in and get her!

It's all right. It's all right.

You all right?

The application of military force,

like every other thing
in creation,

is subject to the natural laws
of cause and effect,

especially when it is misused.

You are familiar with the science
of Sir Isaac Newton?

I'm trying to quit.

Sherry or physics?

Best of luck with that.

You may need a drink
after we're done.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't come
when I was summoned,

but, you see, the cursed rebels
had other ideas.

Benedict Arnold cut off
half our regiments from the fleet.

If it weren't for the Queen's Rangers--

Saving our men from a harsh fate

won't spare you from yours, Robert.

Did you really think
General Howe would countenance

your insubordination
of last month's prisoner exchange?

For every action,

there is an equal
and opposite reaction.

Or consequence,
if you prefer.

Inspector General Innes
has granted me full authority

to overhaul our provincial forces

before they become, and I quote,

"a disorderly
and destructive banditti."

This ain't about
no prisoner exchange, is it?

You lads have had it in for me

ever since I refused
to line your pockets

in exchange for commissions
and weak officers.

Instead, I hire mean sorts--

Indians, trackers, Negroes, brawlers--

and I refuse to let any man

tell me how to go about
my business.

That shouldn't
be a problem anymore.

The Queen's Rangers will be
put under another's command.

I am the Queen's Rangers,

and those boys won't
follow anyone else.

Those boys are mercenaries.

They follow coin.

And I plan to pay.

Oh, aye, you'll pay, all right.


I get your meaning

about causes
and their effects.


A trick about these effects
is they have ways

of turning into new causes
if you're not careful.

What goes up
must come down, huh?

How's your father?

He's safe at home.

I just hope he
didn't inflame his wound

with his efforts today.

Are you all right?



Well, I can't imagine why.

Where's Thomas?


What have you done?
What have you done?

What have I done?
What have I done?

Oh, are you going to shoot
me now, Abe? ls that it?

- No. No.
- Am I your enemy, Abraham?

- Have I always been your enemy?
- Mary, listen to me!

Just-- just let me explain,
all right?

Let me explain about all of this.

What is there to explain?

You are a traitor and an adulterer

and a spy for Washington.

Oh, I'm sorry-- 711, is it?

If I had known that
you were going to bring

your Patriot friends here
to attack our town,

I would've taken that book
straight to Major Hewlett,

for now I am a party to treason.

Damn it, Mary, I didn't know that
Tallmadge was coming here!

He didn't warn me!

It's just my luck, I suppose.

Always walking in
when I'm not wanted.

Step away, Mary.

Please-- please don't.

You know I have to.

No, you don't. You don't.
You don't.

You can let me leave.

I will run away from here
and I won't return.

You may be a treasonist,
Mr. Woodhull,

but I can't be.

Mr. Baker. Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker.

The rebels.

The rebels fled the town,

and some of them went to the boats
but not all of them.

Some of them came through
the farms on their way out.

Four of them passed
through our field.

Ensign Baker saw them,
he tried to stop them.

- They shot him.
- Mary!

They shot him!

And then they burnt down the house
of the judge's son.

But they took mercy on us
on account of our child,

who still needs
his mother and his father.

As providence would have it,

they were able
to move into Whitehall

just as they always should have.

I know how to clean up a mess.

Are you gonna
go and get Thomas?

You scared him
with that shot of yours.



♪ This one night, this one night ♪

♪ Every night and all ♪

♪ Fire and sleet and candlelight ♪

♪ And Christ receive thy soul ♪

♪ When from thorny wood
shall pass ♪

♪ Every night and all ♪

♪ The fire shall burn thee
to thy bone ♪

♪ And Christ receive thy soul ♪

♪ And Christ receive thy soul ♪

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