T.J. Hooker (1982–1986): Season 5, Episode 6 - Rip-Off - full transcript

A plan to capture a drug dealer backfires, resulting in Hooker losing an officer and the FBI losing $100,000.

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(fast tempo instrumental music)

- [Man Radio Voice]
Air 20 to dispatch here,

20 to dispatch.

We need assistance on a
blown narcotics stake out

from any units in the vicinity.

- [Woman Radio Voice] Roger
Air 20, what is your location?

- [Man Radio Voice] Dispatch
we are at 14th and Broadway

in pursuit of a late model red
sedan headed west on 14th.

(dramatic music)

- [Woman Radio Voice]
Four Adam 30 and any units

in the vicinity, Air 20
needs assistance in pursuit

of late model red sedan
headed west on 14th.

- We're Adam 30
to air 20 on tack two.


- [Man Radio Voice] This is
Air 20, what do you have 30?

- I've just spotted a red sedan
going west from 6th and Pen.

- [Man Radio Voice] Roger
30, that's our narcotics suspect.

Our ETA is one minute.

(mid tempo saxophone music)


We got him 30, south
bound on Mason to Bridgeton.

- How far from me?


- [Man Radio Voice] He
should be exiting a side street

just ahead to your right.


(engine revs)

- Air 20 I've got him,
right in my sights,

dead ahead.

(sirens blaring)

(fast tempo music)


(engine revs)


Air 20, light her up!


(gun fires)


- I kinda like you Hooker,

even if you did
almost break my arm.

See, you got respect
for my intelligence.

Any other cop would be
telling me I wouldn't have

to go back to the slammer if
I spit out a couple of names.

- You're going back
behind bars Freddie,

no question about that.

- I told you man, my name
ain't Freddie anymore it's Jamal.

- Okay Jamal, but there are
prisons and there are prisons.

You want to do hard time
or you wanna do soft time?

- Come on man, give me a break.

- Four months ago
you bought that car used

from a guy named Angel.

- He was just a guy I met.

- Hard time Freddie!

- Jamal man, Jamal!

What do you want Angel for?

- Angel's an old friend
who deals heavy dope

and I want to reach
out and touch him.

- Jamal, tell us the
truth, do yourself a favor.

- Well, maybe it can't hurt

to do a favor for
some old friends.

I got Angel's
number if that'd help.

- Looks like you're gonna
set up your bust after all.

- Rico, your better
half is on the line.

- Thanks Stace.

Honey, what'd the doctors say?

- How is she?

- Maria's the one
with morning sickness

and Rico's the one
who's panicking.

- This is kid number three
what's he so uptight about?

- Take whatever the
doctor gives you okay?

Nothing's too good
for my first son.

- And probably future
president of the United States.

- You got it buddy.

Yeah, yeah, Maria, late.

Look I'm sorry
I got a job to do.

I'll see you then, I love you.

- Don't we have to deal with
the Feds on this drug bust?

- They got 50% but our
50% has all the muscle.

- And you're
looking at him baby.

- Rico, I'm not so sure I
want you in on this one.

- Uh, no way, no way.

I been following this
deal from the get go

and I'm not quitting.

- Priorities man.

You got a pregnant wife, family.

- And a job and
I intend to do it.

(dramatic music)

- This is Hooker.

- Go ahead Hooker.

- Is this thing set?

Your man is overdue
already isn't he?

- Hooker, I got it covered.

- What about the deployment?

You getting Rico the
right kind of back up?

- Leave it alone Hooker.

I know how to run a buy,
I been at it enough years.

- Yeah, and I've crossed
swords with you Feds enough

to know yous get it
wrong half the time.

(slow moody music)

Emile's doing a solo.

- He's alone?

- So far but don't count
on anything staying

the way it looks.

He's going in.

I'll keep an eye on the
lobby and when he comes up

Bennet do it right.

- Is he always this
pleasant to work with?

- Hooker, never asks for
anything more than perfection.

- Angel hasn't contacted
anyone in the lobby.

He's on his way up
Bennet, look alive.

- Are we ready?


- Sound I been waiting for.

We in business good looking?

- Bet he says
that to all his cops.

- Looks like LCPD's finest
is about to make a buy Tom.

- Yeah, all you guys that
work with Hooker sound alike.

It's still a Federal case Rico,
don't forget who found him.

- Right, right, I mean, you
dudes got the room bugged,

radio equipment that'd
break the city's budget,

a hundred thou in cash
and all we can come up with

is talent and man power.

Especially talent.


- Angel, come on in.

- [Rico] Angel!

- Hey.

Hey, I'm clean man.

- Okay.

- Looks like you come
empty handed Angel.

- Hey I can get the
snow in two minutes man.

But we count first then we deal.

- Bird don't leave the
room till the snow arrives.

You hear me talking Angel?

- Hey, it's only because
of a short relationship

that a man has to take his time.

Make sure things
are cool, you know?

- Hey it's cool.


Count it Angel.

- One hundred
thou, nice, real nice.

- It's all yours, as soon as
see five keys of snow white.

- I'll be right back.

Oh, just one thing!


(gun fires)

(dramatic music)

- It's a rip off, move in!

(gun fires)

- Number one car
he's going down!

(dramatic music)

- Hey alright, I had
to shoot one of them.

It was a set up.

Cops were all over up there.

- But you did get the money?

- Hey what do you think man?

You're talking to
Angel, I got it all.

(gun fires)

(dramatic music)



- Stand back!



(steps clattering)

(radio chatters)

- Hey easy with him.

- How is he?

- Through and through,
nobody knows yet.

Look what about Rico's wife?

She ought to hear it from of us.

- I convinced Maria this
was the best job in the world

for Rico, and I trained him.

She's got to hear it from me.

I gotta get some answers.

This thing's a circus.

Right now everybody in
it looks like a star clown.

Three slugs in Angel.

How many shots
you say he got off?

- Three.

But they're in the elevator
doors on the 16th floor.

- I got questions.

What happened to the money?

- The US Treasury.

- Who covered the elevators?

What floors were staked out?

That garage looks
like a big black hole.

- Bennet was calling the
shots, he was in charge,

it was their case, remember?

- No, it became our case
the minute that drug pusher

squeezed the trigger
that hit our man.

- [Stacy] Hooker do you read me?

- Yeah Stacy what is it?

- Nine millimeter casings
and they still smell fresh.

- [Hooker] How many?

- Three, they
landed on the floor

right outside the elevator.

- Three casings on the
floor, three slugs in Angel.

I don't think he ever
got off the elevator.

- Angel didn't stop
on the fifth floor

just to pick up three slugs.

- I'm betting he had a partner

and got himself double crossed.

Alright, Stacy stick
with it until you get a lift

from every push
button on that elevator.

Jim, have the ME
move on Angel's autopsy

and then toss the
registration desk for everybody

who checked in or out of
the fifth floor, everybody!

Bell boys, maids,
waitresses, push em hard.

(slow music)


- Corrigan, what the hell
happened in that hotel?

- It was a rip off Lieutenant.

Rico got caught in the middle.

- Well how is he?

- They're treating him for
shock, getting him new blood.

Doctor says they can't operate
on him until he stabilizes.

The best that we can do Rico
is to smoke out what's been

happening to him since
we loaned him to the Feds

two weeks ago.

Recover the territory,
snitches, connections.


I want to find out who
Angel's partner was

that set up the rip.

He's the one that's responsible
for what happened to Rico.

- What about the Feds?

They found Angel,
it was their case.

- That's right.

How bout it Bennet?

- Well, it was nothing
fancy Lieutenant.

Randolph, the undercover
agent in the room with Rico

picked up a rumble
that Angel was dealing

and we set it up.

- Yeah, I remember.

You said you knew
how to run a buy.

- Hooker, the
hotel had 20 floors.

Now I couldn't stake them all.

I admit, looking back on
it now, it did go too easy.

Kilo buys don't usually
come down that smooth.

- They never come that easy.

From here on I want Hooker
to call the shots on this case.

Now, do I call your supervisor
and we debate as to whose

case this is or do we
have an understanding?

- Okay, we reach
an understanding.

- I want the man who's
responsible for this.

I want him fast.
- We'll get him.

- You still here?

- I'm going, I'm going.

- Hooker, my husband is
laying in there right now.

Now, I don't know if
he's going to live or die.

- Maria, who ever did this,
I promise you I'll get him.

- Two years ago, right
here, it was the same thing.

Only you were telling me
what a terrific job Rico had done.

What a terrific job he did
before that 10 inch switch blade

went up to its hilt in his body.

Now my husband has been used.

Why can't he be like other cops?

Why can't he come home at five

instead of spending his nights

working the sewers of the city?

- He volunteered for the job.

He volunteered because
he wants the city clean

for his kids, for all the kids.

So they won't ever
end up in that sewer.

- You really believe that?

- I believe it.

Rico believes it.

You believe it Maria.


- Can I

can I hold on to you please?

- Yeah, got it, yeah.

- What'd he say Corrigan?

- Yeah, what'd he say?

- Latents wrapped up the
comparisons on Angel's prints

and the partials lifted from
the inside elevator buttons.

Latents on the fifth and 16th
floor buttons belong to Angel.

No match in the partial
lifted from the elevator button

on the fifth floor.

- Yeah, that means
Angel intended to go to five

and our mystery man sent
him down the rest of the way.

- If Angel intended to stop
that means he had a reason

and that reason
means he had a partner.



- We've got it down to one
room on the fifth floor Hooker.

The registration desk put a
guy in Alvarado in at noon.

But nobody's seen
him since the rip off.

- Have forensics go over that
room with a vacuum cleaner.

- Right.

Oh, there's also a good
chance this guy might be

wearing a beard or a mustache.

Found a small
bottle of spirit gum.

- That's good police work.

When you round up the
employees from the hotel

let's make a special on
everyone who saw a guy

with a beard or a mustache.

Bring them in for interviews.

- Will do.

- What's that about a mustache?

- Stacy found a
bottle of spirit gum.

Seems our mystery
man likes to play actor.

That ring any bells?

- No, not a thing.

Look, why don't I take a
copy of the partial you lifted

off the elevator button?

- Why it's only a partial?

You got a name to go with it?

- No, no name.

I just thought we could
start checking it against

major drug dealers.

Forget it.

The hundred thous got
me pushing too hard.

Look, I got some
reports I got to get out.

I'll see you guys
in the morning.

- Yeah.

Jim, roll our police
artist out of bed.

Tell him we need a composite
as quickly as possible.

And Jim?

Have our analytical officer
do a run down on every narc rip

we've ever hard of.

- Okay you got it.

(steps clattering)

(moody music)

- Yes, Mr. Alvarado, room
220, like to place a call please.



- This is Rita.

- I have a message for Martinez.

- Yes Mr. Castro.

- Tell him I have
all but $50,000.

I should have the
rest within a week.

- Mr. Martinez expects
shipment within five days.

He asked that inform
you of his circumstance.

- What circumstance?

- Mr. Martinez has other people
wanting to buy his shipment.

He will negotiate with
the first buyer available

when the shipment arrives.

- You tell him I am his buyer.

I have been getting
ready for one year for this.

I will not lose it now.

- I can only relay
Mr. Martinez's message.

I can't argue with you.

Please, continue to use
the same number for contact

at the designated times.

Eight and 10 a.m.,
eight and 10 p.m.

Adios senior Castro.

- Hello?

Get me airline information.

(steps clattering)

- Hooker!

Autopsy on Angel.

Three 9 millimeter slugs.

Two are good for comparison
if we can find the gun.

- What else?

- Latents got one
partial index finger

out of the fifth
floor hotel room.

Came off the glue bottle.

Matches 10 points the one
we got out of the elevator.

- That's the ribbon
on the package.

Tight conspiracy on the
rip and Angel's murder.

- And the analytical
officer asked me to tell you

that she checked
their files on narc rips.

Nothing comes close to this case

except for the Benny
Goldstone rip six months ago.

He's still in jail.

- Did they say what
else the Feds have?

- She said they had nothing.

- Come on.

- That's what she said.

She called the records man,
five minutes later he calls back

says nothing connects.

- Five minutes?

Well have her call again.

Tell them to look this time.



They did a nice job on
the composite Hooker.

Next to the maid she got
one good long look at him.

Corrigan's running
some copies off now.

- Yeah well, we're all
working like dogs here.

- I appreciate it.

I been getting a lot of
heat from that hundred thou.

- Well, we all have a
stake in the matter see?

Rico's life is on the line.

You closed the door Tim.

- I don't follow.

- We called your records
office in Washington.

Five minutes later they
don't know anything about

any narc rip anywhere
in the country.

- Maybe they
didn't have anything.

- Come on, the
Benny Goldstone rip.

I gave them the
information personally.

That Miami rip was all over
the newspapers two months ago.

Your files aren't that sloppy.

- Hooker, no doors are closed.

We're in this together.

Maybe you just got
a lazy records man.

I'll check it out
personally, okay?

- Hooker, there's our man.

- Ring any bells Tim?

- Does nothing for me.

Listen, I'll go
back to the office,

get an in house
distribution going.

Maybe one of our
people can make him.

- Check out your filing
system at the same time.

Pull half the day
watch together.

Distribute it to every
precinct in the city.

And set up a special telephone.

Start with the mug books,
pull every known drug pusher.

- Where you going?

- I'm gonna do a little fishing.

(moody music)

Alright everyone listen up.

As of now Tim
Bennet is shut off.

He gets nothing, understand?

- Okay he gets nothing
but I don't understand.

- Bennet and Gregory Loman III

just had a nice
cozy little chat.

- Gregory Loman III what?

- He's a federal narc.

Bennet has been sucking
us dry and running to him

with the information.

- But why?

- That's a question I'm
gonna ask at the right time.

- I've distributed 1000
copies of Castro's picture

with the suggestion that he
might be wearing a phony beard.

Now if he is spotted,
they are to leave him alone

but call us.

- Airports?

- Of course.

Look, relax.

This creep is gonna surface
somewhere and then I am

gonna nail him.

And then you'll be out of it.

- I'll be out of friends too.


- Alright.

- Get outta here.

- The salary scale isn't great
but there's a departmental

rule against moonlighting.

- I been out on the street
rapping with the girls.

- Any particular reason?

- Angel's girlfriend
was looking for him.

So I let her find me.

Then I told her Angel was
dead and that this was the dude

who pulled the trigger.

- Did she ID the drawing?

- Yeah, she said his
name is Gunther Castro,

Angel's new business partner.

She also came
up with an address.

Regent Arms on Sycamore.

He's using the name Alvarado.

- That's good police work.

Change into something decent.


Pick up a warrant,
you and Jim get on it.


What about Maria?

Rico's dead.

(slow sad music)

Pick up that damn warrant.

- The manager said he's
been here three weeks.

He left two hours ago.

- Visitors?

- He's only recall
is of two people

and the description matches
Angel and his girlfriend.

And one possible lead,

he made a phone call last night.


- The phone been dusted?

- Yeah?

- Jim the eye sheet on
Castro says he's a dealer.

He's been busted three,
four times for narcotics.

The last time was a year ago.

- He do time?

- None of the cases held up.

Interested in who had
charge of the cases?

- Tell me it was your
friend Gregory Loman III,

government super narc.

- How'd you ever guess?

We been had.


- But you owe me
an answer Loman.

What's with you and Castro?

I mean, why do you
want him so bad?

- Okay, I have had him three
times in the last five years

and each time he has gotten off.

The last time I made a case
he planted the evidence himself

and then proved
it phony in court.

He made a fool of me
and this time I want him.

And I've almost got him.

- How can you be so sure?

- Because an airport
guard recognized him

from one of the photos
an alerted our men.

He's on route to Detroit where
he's probably getting ready

to set up another rip off
to fund his next big buy.

I've got a surveillance
team on him right now.

- So why don't you just
step in and bust him?

Why tail him?

- Because I don't want
him for some small rip.

I want him for the big buy.

I want him to be tasting
that money in his mouth

so I could just
pull it right out.

- But you gotta make
a case against him first,

catch him dirty.

All Hooker's gotta
do is find him first.

He's bought and paid for.

- Yeah, like you say.

All Hooker has to
do is find him first.

- Pardon me for not knocking.

Fancy seeing you here Bennet.

- Hooker I...
- Shut up.

I want some answers
to some questions.

- We lost $100,000.

- Well yeah, but it
was he who lost it.

Wasn't it Bennet that lost it?

Sure it was him.

What do you know about him?

- If I told you what would
you do with the information?

- Use it.

What happened
to all the team work

we were supposed to have Bennet?

- Hooker I'm sorry.

- Rico's dead.

It was your operation
that got him killed.

This maggot set it up.

I think you have
an obligation to us.

Gunther Castro.

His criminal record
dates back to 1966.

His last arrest
was May last year.

Loman here ran the
show, only he slopped it up

and Castro beat his
case for the third time.

- Congratulations.

What else do you know?

- What is it with you?

An ego trip Loman?

- We have got six
million in cocaine,

three mules in the
joint but we lost him.

- Is that any reason
to cut me out?

- This creep's responsible
for killing a cop!

- I'll give you this
much Hooker,

when we took him he
had a million up front.

The dope was seized
and it bankrupted him.

Now I didn't know
he was in your city.

We had no idea that he
was setting a rip up here.

He was clearly trying
to build a new bank roll

to buy a big shipment.

- Where?

- I don't know.

- You're lying.

- Stay off the case Hooker.

You'll have your shot at him.

- I want it now.

- I've got five years invested.

- I got a dead cop invested!

Nobody does that in this city.

If Castro doesn't go on
trial there's that much more

jeopardy for a
thousand other cops.

Alright, I've located
Castro's path

and I know a certain telephone
number he's been calling.

I'm putting that up for trade.

- I've got nothing to trade.

- Then stay the
hell out of my way.

(moody music)

(door clicks)

- Phone company traced
that number Hooker.

The number Castro called's a
public telephone in the valley.

- Nothing comes easy.

It's all we got, it's
gotta be important.

I want a surveillance team.

- We're out of bodies Hooker.

I'll spring one for you
tonight, but Corrigan and Stacy

will have to cover
in the morning.

- Consider it done.

- Hooker, sweating it out
here all night isn't gonna bring

Rico back.

- Neither is lying in
bed with my eyes open.

- Hooker?

Two drug dealers were shot
to death tonight in Detroit.

Looks like another rip off.

- Castro style?

- Yeah, Castro style.

Loman had a tail on him
but the guys nearly slipped it.

- Loman's ego's running up
a hell of a tab you know that?

- Yeah.

Look Hooker, from everything
I've been able to find out

it looks like Castro's coming
back here for a big buy.

Now that's all we really know.

And I just wanted
you to know that.

- Tim?

Welcome back.

(slow tempo music)

- I don't think anyone's
even alive at this end of town.

- What are you talking about?

Here comes a live one now.

- Anything?

- We had one tricky looking
woman about 8 o'clock.

Parked by the phone booths
like she was waiting for a call.

Smoked a cigarette, looked
and the scenery and split.

- Any suggestions?

- Yeah, stick with it.

Castro slipped through
Loman's fingers in Detroit.

He's expected back in town.

(engine revs)

- She's back.

- Stacy, go make a phone
call and keep your ears open.

(rock music)


- Hello?

Who is this Dad?

I don't want to talk
to you put mom on.

Yeah I'll wait.


Come on, I haven't got all day.

- This is Rita.

- Castro here.

- Yes Senior Castro.

Our friend has the merchandise.

He is concerned
about your situation.

- I just got back into town
after a very successful trip.

You tell him my
situation is perfect.

I'll meet him in one hour
at the designated place.

- He will want to know what
you consider successful.

- Five hundred thousand.

- Five hundred
thousand is a nice figure.

Senior Martinez will
be pleased to hear that.

One hour we'll be there.


- Hooker to team she's yours.

- It's going down in an hour.

Cool half million.

- Alright, let's go.


- [Radio] Four x-ray to 30
this is O'Brien in control three.

- Four x-ray 30 go ahead.

- I just got off the line
with the attorney general

and I had to give your friend
Loman all our information

including what you're
doing and your location

and he's rolling now.

- You know, if Loman
takes Castro he gets priority.

- Our orders say cooperate.

- How far is this
cooperation supposed to go?

- You're to give Loman all
the information on the progress

of your case.

- Who takes Castro first?

- I didn't ask.


- [Radio] Four x-ray 16.

We've moved into front
position on our lady.

We're south bound
on the Harbor Freeway.

- That's a roger stay with it.

She has to pick up
the merchandise.

All other units, fall back.

Keep up informed 16.

- [Radio] Roger.

(serious music)

(engine rumbles)

- Four x-ray 16
we're rolling again.

Our lady just picked
up a male passenger.

They're heading north on Lake.

- Roger, x-ray 30, moving
up into Septer Forbes street.

We'll be behind you.

(door clicks)

(steps clattering)

(serious music)


- [Radio] Five A
base to four x-ray 30.

- X-ray 30 go.

- [Radio] Staff 7 requests
you relay all information

to an Agent Loman
who wants to meet you

at termination point when known.

- That's a roger.

Connect me through to
Loman, I'll keep him informed.

(moody music)


- It's church,
he's got religion.

(steps clattering)


(steps clattering)

- Cover the rear.

- I appreciate the
cooperation Hooker.

- We're on even turf.

No attorney general,
nobody to call the shots.

I find Castro, he's mine.

(steps clattering)

That's no priest.

- Oh it's Castro.


- It's my bust man.

- We hand him over to you,

you get priority
jurisdiction over him.

- What's the difference?

The scum is
still off the street.

- Good man named Rico is
dead, that's the difference.

(dramatic music)

- The money's under the seat.

Make the count.


- Move in.

(dramatic music)

(gun fires)

(steps clattering)

(gun fires)

(steps clattering)





I don't like your methods
Loman and I don't like you.

But you made a good case
back there in the church.

You want him, you got him.

- [Radio] 12 A 79 clear.

- Hooker?

I been thinking...

- Change will do you good.

- Could be.

Anyway Uncle Sam
got back all the money

that Tim Bennet lost.

- You know I wasn't worried
about Bennet or the money.

- Well he was worried
about losing your respect.

- Well you got what you want.

Case closed.

- Listen, I've also
been thinking.

What the hell?

The dope's off the
street and that's good.

Take him, he's yours.

- Why Loman?

You had the edge?

- Maybe I've
developed a conscience.

Or maybe I just don't want
you mad at me anymore.

- Okay.

- Is that really
Gregory Loman III?

- Maybe it's the church.

Maybe he got religion in there.

- Whatever it is, I'll
say it for Rico, Amen.

(slow music)

(fast paced music)