Surviving Summer (2022–…): Season 0, Episode 0 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ You should know better
Than to mess around with that ♪

♪ 'Cause we don't keep 'em
Guessing where the power is ♪

♪ I ain't trying to be a man
Something 'bout being a rock ♪

♪ I can leave you sitting
In the dust like ah ♪

♪ When you want to court
All taut like glass ♪

♪ And I had the last laugh
Like what ha ha! ♪


Shorehaven sucks!

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

♪ Sweat it out now
Better bow down ♪

♪ We the go getters
Pow pow ♪

♪ You should know better
Than to mess around with that ♪

♪ 'Cause we don't keep 'em
Guessing where the power is ♪

♪ We are G.O.G.E.T.T.E.R ♪

It's like he's made himself
at home with the idiot brigade.

I'm glad they took him.

It's obviously
where he belongs.

Feeling a bit
outnumbered are we?

Just a little bit.

It's a good thing you guys
thrive under tough conditions,

and you both
smashed your heats,

so either of you
could win this.

And if you both stay focused
over the next couple of days,

then the State Team
here we come, let's go...

Sorry, sorry.
Not sorry.

I'm gonna kick that
thing onto the street.

It's going to be a long night.

They've only got so many
brain cells to burn.

They'll tire themselves
out eventually.

What are they doing?

I've got ear plugs
if you want those.

There. I told you.

Right, that's it.

Oi, keep it down!

Oh! Far out.

Poppy, you nearly
made me crap myself.

What are you doing?

Nothing. I'm just
listening to some music.

Is your taste as bad as
the rest of your team?

Aye, oh no don't.

I feed my spirit. I train my
body. I am strong and powerful.

What is this?

Just affirmations.

They help me focus
before comps.

So you listen to some girl
tell you how awesome you are?

That figures.

As if you don't
have your thing.

I see you walking
around before heats,

headphones in,
talking to yourself.

I do not talk to myself.

Don't be embarrassed.

It's cute.

Look, just tell your
mates to keep it down.

Sure thing.

Night Pops.

Always enjoy our chats.

♪ Real sorry about
Your broken heart ♪

♪ I'm trying to walk
On broken glass ♪

♪ Do it all again for art ♪

♪ Like had to write
A song about it ♪

♪ I'll go if you go,
If you're cool with that ♪

♪ I'll go if you go, I have
Hope that you know that ♪

♪ I'll go if you go,
If you're cool with that ♪

♪ I'll go if you go, I have
Hope that you know that ♪

♪ I just want
To get groceries ♪

♪ I'll pray you want
To get close to me ♪

♪ I'll give it some,
Give it some,

♪ Give it some time ♪

♪ But I think we're
Supposed to be ♪

♪ And if you want
To get groceries ♪

♪ And if you want
To get close to me ♪

♪ Just gimme some, gimme some,
Gimme some sign ♪

♪ I think that we're
Supposed to be ♪

♪ I wish that I
Could let it pass ♪

Come on

♪ I don't mind that
You put it last ♪

♪ I made it worse,
I put you first ♪

♪ We're laughing
Like it didn't hurt ♪

♪ I'm in the dirt,
I'll make it work though ♪

♪ I'll go if you go,
If you're cool with that ♪

♪ I'll go if you go ♪


Hold up!

Ahhh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Change of plans.

No, no, we had a deal.

You were supposed to distract
Dad while I get to the island.

Relax! I put Honey on it.

See what I did there?

Honey can't hold him
off for that long.

Why would you even
want to come?

I don't know,
to annoy my mum.

Couldn't make things
easy for her, could I?

I can't believe
I trusted you with this.

Ever since you got here,

you have done nothing
but mess things up for me.

Tell me how you really feel.

Okay fine!

I feel like you've
ruined my life

and I'm glad that you're
finally leaving.

I'm leaving...

..just not yet.

Yo! What's your name?


All right,
well step on it Stan.

We've got a ferry to catch.

It's day two of
the Jarrah Island pro juniors,

starting with the Under 16
Girls quarter finals.

It's not looking great
for Tetanui so far,

she's going after everything,

but wave selection has
been all over the shop.

Why is she going
for that move again?

I told her to play
her percentages.

She's been kind of
distracted all morning.

This is the last
of the State qualifying rounds,

so it's do or die now,

as these groms battle it out
for a spot on the State Team.

Last chance for Tetanui here,
stays in the pocket and...


Nails it.

There you have it folks.

Anchor Cove's
Lily Tran takes first,

Tetanui scrapes in a second,

and they'll both
advance to the semi's.

I was worried
there for a second.

Nah, never in doubt.

Flip it up Bodhs!

Oi, what was that about?

I was having fun. Aren't you
all about the joy Manu?

Yeah, I'm about strategic joy.

All right.

You just opened the door
for Tran and Lineker

to steal your spot
on the State Team.

If they do well in their semi's
then it's over for you Pops.



Not much I can
do about that now.


Oh no!

Yo, are they like
into each other?

Oh no.

He's just messing
with her head.


Yeah, he's just pretending
to have a thing for her.

We'll tell her tomorrow before
the final, to psych her out.

Whatever it takes. Right?

Hey you two.


Thanks Marlon's mum.

Wait, wait, wait!
No please!

I need to get on that ferry.

Oh, I'm an idiot.

My whole season ruined because
I didn't book a ferry ticket.

I knew you'd give up at
the first hurdle. Come on.

The ferry will
commence boarding

in ten minutes.

Passengers on foot please wait

until the vehicles are
all boarded, thank you.

♪ Ooh
You tangled me in thread ♪

♪ I'm sewed into my bed
Kept me under control ♪

♪ Ooh lies
So bright that I was blind ♪

♪ Just feeling for the light
And taking any signs ♪

♪ Ooh
A dazzle in my eyes ♪

♪ You gassed me with your lies
A poisonous cloud nine ♪

♪ Ooh
My honesty is true ♪

Now what?

Ahh, great!

If you've got a better
plan I'm all ears.

It's your dad.

He must've figured
it out already.

Would you relax. I changed
your mum's contact details

on his phone to mine.

So he thinks he's
texting Abbie right now.

- Okay, that's kind of genius.
- Yeah.

"Yeah, the kids are with me,
nearly at the airport."

"See you soon."

Wait wait wait,
three x's and a smiley face.

That's how mum always signs off.

Skilling up Gibson.

1, 2, 3.

And sent.

If this works,
it'll be a miracle.

So, Summer just
woke up and decided

to go with Mum to
the airport did she?

Yeah. Yeah!
Classic Summer, so fickle.

And this was after she
gave you a skateboard.

Out of the goodness
of her heart. Yeah.

Hmm hmm. And Ari just
tagged along did he?

For moral support. Correct.

I think I see
what's going on here.

Those two are trying
to worm their way

back into our good books.

See, underneath it all,
they're both pretty good kids.

Yeah. Yeah. They really are.


Sorry sir, we will be
underway shortly.

Attention passengers,

the ferry is now boarding.

I wish I'd left 15 minutes ago.

There is no way I'm
making it to my heat now.

In other news, Bodhi and Poppy
made it to the semi's.

Yeah. Set.

Hey, question.

Suppose you do make it
to the State Team.

What then?

Abbie and Thommo are still
going to lock you in the shed.

If they still don't get
on board, I'll move out.

I'll get a job.

Look, there's this school
I've been looking at

on the Gold Coast,
it has a surf academy.

I'm done,
asking for permission.

Wow, what a rebel.

What about you?
What are you doing here?

I told you,
messing with Margot.

I don't buy that.

You said you can't wait to
get out of this stinkhole,

away from us yokels,

and then the day
your mum arrives

to take you home,
you do a runner?

The way I talked to you guys,

to the girls,

it wasn't cool.

Okay I can't just
leave it like that.


- What a sweetheart.
- Oh shut up.


Okay, you go, go, go!

Let's go!


It just came out.
All right.

Yeah that's it over there,
Jarrah Island.

And when we get off
this thing,

how far to the beach?

About an hour by foot.

Part of your plan is
walking for an hour?


Okay. Okay.

I'll call Poppy and see if she
can get my heat pushed back.



- The Prawn!
- Mate, what're you doing here?

Oh, a few mates
are going to go surf

the bombie at Jarrah Rocks.
It should be sweet.

What about you? Your folks
changed their mind last minute?

Yeah. Yeah.
Something like that.

Cutting it a bit short there,
aren't you mate?

Yo Prawnie.
Tell me you've got the van.


Ari's on his
way here right now.

Come on Robo mate, he
just needs another 15 minutes.

you know the policy,

and what is it with
Shorehaven surfers

being late for heats.
Get it together.

What if I surf Ari's heat
and he surf's mine?

We're seeded the same anyway.

Hey, well what about your prep?
Are you even warmed up?

Better get out there
quick smart.

All right guys.

Hey, there's a lot of little
ones out there today.

So just put the airs away
and be patient.

Think about the waves
you want to surf.

We made
them wait for it,

but the Under 16 Boys

are finally getting
their chance to shred.

Another measured ride
from Sousa there,

not his usual style,
but I like what I see.

How about that?

He actually listened to me.

And all it took
was changing teams.

Yes Marlon,
another one.

Sousa has
cruised through comfortably,

along with fellow
Anchor Cove rider Ahmed,

and we are cruising
straight into heat three

to see who will be joining him.

Come on Ari, hurry up.

What was that?

That was me killing it.


Why did you swap heats?

Hey, skin of your teeth
brother. Come on.

- Ari!
- Let's go Ari!

And wait
for the right one.

Hey ladies.

Told you she'd tag along.

Be patient!

Come on, you didn't think

you could get rid of me
that easy did you?

We never tried to get
rid of you Summer.

You're the one
who hates being here.

I didn't mean
all that stuff I said.

I was angry and I shouldn't
have taken it out on you guys.

We're trying
to watch Ari's heat.

Come on, Ari!

these choppy conditions

are proving a bit of a headache
for some of our competitors

but not Ari Gibson.

He just keeps getting
better since he's come back.

And right now he
seems unstoppable.

Look mate we get it,
he's your mate,

you wanted to help him out.

But you're an Anchor now

we need you to have
our backs, not theirs.


- Oh yeah, I do.
- Good.

Because if Ahmed's going
to get the score he needs

to make the State Team,

we need somebody to keep
Gibson out of the way.

- You want me to sit on Ari?
- Yeah.

Put the Club first.

I'm here to win.

Not sabotage my chances.

As long as you come second,

you'll get your shot
in the final.

You told us, that they didn't
respect you at Shorehaven.

We wouldn't ask if we didn't
think you were up to it.

So you with us or not?

Let's do this.

All right.

You got this.

Okay, and in,




and out,




and in,


three, that's good,
keep doing that.

Now remember what we talked
about, hold your bottom turn,

stay in the pocket and
leave it all out there.

just seconds away

from the start
of this semi.

Soon we'll find out who'll make
it to tomorrow's Grand Final.

Good luck man.

Ahmed takes off.
Such a power house.

He's off to a flyer.

Come on Ari,
get around him.

Marlon's not even
catching anything.

He's just blocking Ari.

It's smart.
Puts Ari under the pump.

Can't get a look in,
hey mate.

So you're just gonna give your
new buddy a free ride now ha?

Come on mate!

Gibson finally
slips away from Sousa.

Let's see if he can
make the most of it.

Ari! Yes!

There you go,
there you go Ari!

Pick it up!

[crowd clapping

a 6.2 for Gibson.

Finally he's in the game.

Your move bro.

If any of these guys

want to make the State Team,

failure here, is not an option.

♪ I'm high and lovesick ♪

♪ I laugh now ♪

What a contest
this has turned into.

Looks like Ahmed's
starting to feel the pressure.

Well the lead's been
changing all heat,

and still anyone's
for the taking.

It could come down
to the last wave.

Gibson drops to third
as the clock ticks down.

Come on Ari.

Last roll
of the dice for Gibson.

Can he hold his nerve?

♪ Trying to swim out
I'm stuck here watching me ♪

♪ Laying away
The colours will fade ♪

♪ Someday get out my love
Don't want you 'cause now ♪

♪ I'm high and lovesick ♪

♪ I laugh now ♪

♪ I'm fine to just
Let you go ♪

And he's done it!

Gibson wins!

Sousa through in second place
and Ahmed just missing out.


Hey what's wrong
with you Sousa?

Yeah, I didn't feel
like playing dirty.

It's called strategy,
we don't play dirty.

Oh yeah!

Why don't you tell
that to Poppy?

I've got no idea what
you're talking about.

I called it. Massive mistake
taking on a Shorehaven kook.

Oi! Stop!

- Get off him.
- We're telling the judges.

You're done.

Backstabber Marlon.

Oh honey.

Leave it to the
last second bro!

I'm a wreak. On ya mate.

I can't believe you actually
pulled it off Gibson.

I haven't won yet but I wouldn't
have made it without you.

Listen, what I said at the bus,

I, you haven't ruined my life

and I'm not glad
that you're leaving...

Hey Ari, shut up!

I don't want to go either.
