Supernatural (2005–…): Season 3, Episode 14 - Long-Distance Call - full transcript

Sam and Dean are on the trail of the Crocotta, an entity that secures its victims by communicating as a loved one via phone and computer. While Sam watches over a family being tormented by the ghostly communiques, Dean walks into a trap when a voice from beyond the grave gives the whereabouts of the demon who holds his contract.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I got a year to live and I'd
like to make the most of it.

what do you say we kill some evil sons
of bitches and we raise a little hell?

I know how you feel,Dean.

Dad's dead.

He left a hole and it hurts
so bad that you can't take it.

I'm ok. I swear to the next person who ask
me if I'm ok,I am start to throw punches.

There's no way to save me
from the pit,isn't it? no

You are gonna die. And this
is what you are gonna become.

I don't want to go to hell.
we'll find a way to save you.

let Dean out of his deal right now.

I'm just a saleswoman. I
got a boss,like everybody.

who holds the contract.

I can't tell you.

tell me what?

there's a new big uping
comer. Her name is Lilith.



You know about this? Gee Sam, is
there anything else I should know?

Supernatural 314

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I had to talk to you.

You can't keep calling here.

Ow,I know.

Just tell me you
thought about it,please.

There's nothing to think about.

Don't say that.

I can't. You know
I can't -- My wife.

I'm begging you. Come
to me. Come to me,Ben.


Linda,please. Please,just
leave me alone.

I'm not gonna stop. I miss you,Ben.

We can be together.
We can be happy.

This is --
This is crazy.

I love you forever.
Don't you love me?

You know I do.

More than anything.


I'm sorry.



You win.

I'm coming.

Yep. I got it. Okay,bye.


So,the professor doesn't know crap.

Shocking. Pack your panties,Sammy.
We're hitting the road.

What? What's up?

That was bobby.

Some banker guy blew
his head off in ohio,

And he thinks there's
a spirit involved.

So you two were talking a case?

No,we were actually
talking about our feelings

And then our favorite boy bands.

Yeah,we were talking a case.

So,a spirit
-- What?

Yeah,well,banker was complaining

About some electrical problems
at his pad for,like,a week --

Phones going haywire,
computers flipping on and off.



This is not ringing your bell?

on a case.

Whose? Yours.

Right,yeah. Could have fooled me.

What the hell else
have we ha doing lately

Other than trying
to break your deal?

Chasing our tails,that's what.

Sam,we've talked to
every professor,witch,

Soothsayer,and two-Bit
carny act in the lower 48.

Nobody knows squat.

And we can't find bela.
We can't find the colt.

So until we actually
find something,

I'd like to do my job.

Well,there's one thing we
haven't tried yet. No,Sam. No.

Dean,we should summon ruby. I'm
not gonna have this fight with you.

She says she knows how to
save you! Well,she can't!

Oh,really? You know
that for sure? I do.

How? Because she told me,okay?


She told me...


that she could not
save me -- Nobody can.

And you just somehow neglected
to mention this to me?

Well,you know,I really don't
care what that bitch thinks,

And neither should you,so...

so what -- Now you're
keeping secretfrom me,Dean?

You really want to wk about
who's keeping secrets from who?

Now where are you going?

Guess I'm going to ohig

I found him...there.

Why don't you just tell us
everything you saw,mrs. Waters?

You mean besides my dead husband?

Well,just everything saw,please.

There was,uh,blood...everywhere.

The phone was ripped from the wall,

His favorite scotch on the desk.

What else could yoco
possibly want to know?

Why was the phone
ripped from the wall?

I don't know.

You mind if I take a look?

I already went over all this
with the other detectives.

We'll be out of your
hair in no time nma'am.

Ma'am,what time did
your husband die?

Sometime after 11:00.

What about strange phone cas?

Receive any of
those lately --

Weird interference,static,
anything like that?



Mrs. Waters,withholding
information from the police

Is a capital off

In some parts he world,I'm sure.

A couple of weeks
ago,um,there was this...

this what?

I woke up one morning,
i heard Ben in his study.

I thought he was
talking to a woman.

What made you think that?

Because he kept calling her linda.

The thing is...

i picked up the other line,

And...nobody was there.

Ben was talking to
nobody. There was nothing?

Just static.

Did you ever speak to
Ben about this phone call?

No. I should have,but,no.

Did he ever say who linda was?

What difference does it make?!

There was no one on the other end!

Linda's a babe...

or was.

Find her?

Yeah,linda bateman.


So what happened? Drunk
driver hit Ben walked away.

So,what -- Dead
flame calls to chat?

You would think,but
linda was cremated.

So why is she still
floating around?

Uh,you got me.

What about that,uh,caller i.D.?

Turns out it's a phone number.

It's no phone number ever seen.

Yeah,because it's
about a century old

From back when phones sd cranks.

So why use that number to reach out and touch someone?

You got me there,too,

But either way,we
should run a trace on it.

Well,how the hell are we gonna trace
a number that's over 100 years old?

We don't get too many
folks from h.Q. Down here.

Yes,well,office mentioned

That there would be a lunch.

Well,I'm sure we can
arrange something.

The man you gentlemen want to
be speaking to is right this --

I know. Sorry.

Got something of a hygiene
issue down here,if you ask me.


What did I tell you about
keeping this place clean?

Spam mail. Spam mail.


I don't know how all this got here.

...from headquarters.


Give these gentlemen
whatever they need.

Thank you. Thanks.

So,can I help you?



Word to the wise -- Platinum
membership worth every penny.

Right. Anyway,um,we're
here to trace a number.

Where did you get this?

Off caller i.D. Oh,no.
That's impossible.

Hasn't been used in
a few years. We know.

"A few years." It's
prehistoric. Trust me.

Nobody's using this number anymore.

Sure. Could you run it anyways?

Sure. Why don't I just
rearrange my whole life first?


You got like six kinds

Of employee-Code
violations down here,

Not to mention the sickening porn

Clogging up your hard drive.

When my partner
says run the number,

I suggest you run the number.

Holy crap. What?

I can't tell you where
the number comes from.

But I can tell you
where it's been going.

What do you mean?

10 different houses
in the past two weeks

All got calls from the Same number.

So,are we,e here?

'Cause I was sort of busy.



Hello,sir. I'm with
the phone cpany.

Uh,we didn't call
the phone company.

Oh,no,sir. No,see,we're
calling you.

We've had a lot of complaints from
the neighborhood lately. Compla


Maybe even strange voices
on the other end of thne?

No,we haven't had any of that here.

Nothing? No.

Okay,uh,great. Just
thought we'd check. Thanks.

No problem.

Let's go.

No way you work for
the phone company.

Sure,I do.

Since when does a
phone guy drive a rental

Or wear a cheap suit?

Yeah? Well,maybe
we're both keg secrets.

D you ask my dad if we heard
strange voices on the phone?

Why? Did you hear something? No.

My mistake. Thought maybe you did.

Well,I didn't,okay?

Okay. Sorry to bother you.

Because,you know...

if you did,

Then I would have
told you that I've been

Right where you're
standing right now.

Hearing things,

Even seeing things that
couldn't be explained.

Maybe I would have been able
to help out a little bit.




...maybe I've been
talking on the phone...


With my mom.

Well,that's not so stra s

She's dead...

like three years now dead.

How often does she call you?

A few times.

It started a week ago.

I thought I was,like,crazy
or something.

Well,I can tell you
one thing for sure,

And you're gonna have to
go with me on this,okay?

You're not crazy.

Dude,stiffs are calling
people all over town.

Tell me about it

I just talked to an enghty years gradmother
Who's having phone sex with her husband...

- who died in korea.
- Ugh.

Completely rocked my understanding
Of the word "necrophilia."

So,what the hell's
going on here,Dean?

Beats me,but we
better find out soon.

This place is turning
into spook central.

Yeah. All right,I'll
call you later.





Dean,is that you?


I mean Dad?

You really think it was dad?

I don't know. Maybe.

Well,what did he sound like?

Like oprah. It was dad.

He sounded like dad.
What do you think?

What did he say?

My name.

That's it?

Yeah,the call dropped out.

Why would not he call
in the first place,Dean?

I don't know,man. Why are ghosts
calling anybody in this town?

But I mean,other people are
hearing from their loved ones.

Why can't we? It's at
least a possibility,right?

Yeah,I guess.

Okay,so what...

what if it really is dad?

What happens if he calls back?

What do you mean?

What do I say?



What you come back
with -- "Hello"?


Find anything?

After three hours,i
have found no reason

Why anything supernatural
would be going on here.

Wow,you know,you'd think
a stanford education

And a high-School
hookup rate of 0.0

Would produce better
results than that.


Sam,you're just looking
in the wrong places,pal.

And what are the right places,Dean?

Motel pamphlet rack.

Milan,ohio -- Birthplace
of thomas edison.

Yeah,right. So what?

Keep reading.

You're kidding.

And we're walking.

And here we have
one of the museum's

Most unique and
treasured possessions --

Thomas edison's "spirit phone."

Did you know that mr. Edison,

While being one of america's
most beloved inventors,

Was also a devout "occultist"?


What's with the quotey fingers?

He spent years working on this
- his final invention

Which he was
convinced could be used

To "communicate" with the "dead."

Pretty spooky,huh?

And we're walking. We are walking.

And we are not touching
that. And we are walking.



What do you think?


It kind of looks like an
old pile of junk to me.

It's not even plugged in.

- Maybe it doesn't work like that.
- Okay.

Maybe it's like a radio tower,

You know,broadcasting
the dead all over town.

Could be.

Well,you know,the caller
i.D.'S 100 years old,right?

Right around the time
this thing was built.

Yeah,but why would it all
of a sudden ssu working now?

I don't know.

But as long as the moldy are
calling the freshes around here,

It's the best reason we got.


So maybe it really is dad.



Is it really you?

It's me.

How can I be sure?

You can't.

Dean,how could you do it?

Do what?

Sell your soul.

I was looking after
Sammy like you told me to.

I never wanted
this --Never.

You're my boy. I love you.

I can't watch you go to hell,Dean.

I'm sorry. I don't
know how to stop it

Because if you break
the deal,Sam dies,right?


- Well,I know a way out...for both of you.
- How?

The demon who holds
your contract --


(ok,see you tomorrow)

(Lanie? Is that you?)


(I asked you a question last
night. Have you thought about it?)

(I don't know what you want Of
course you do. I want to see you)

(I went to see you.
At the cemetery.)

(That's not what I mean.)

(But I am scared.)

(Don't be scared. I am
right here with you.)

(come to me)

What's up?

Girl lanie
--Her mom's ghost

Spooked her out
pretty bad last night.

- That sucks.
- Yeah,it does.

What are you doing?

I think dad's right.

I think the demon is here.

Check it out.

What is this
--Weather reports?

Omens --
Demonic omens --

Electrical storms everywhere
we've beenFor the past two weeks.

I-I don't remember
any lightning storms.

Well,I don't remember you studying
meteorology as a kid,either.

But I'm telling you -- That
bastard's been tailing me,

Wearing some poor dude's meat.

And it's following you because...?

I guess I'm big game,you know?

My ass is too sweet
to let out of sight.


Don't get too excited,Sammy.
You might pull something.

Dean,look,I want to believe
this,man. I really do.

Then believe it!

I mean,if we get this
sucker,it's miller time.

Yeah,that's another thing.

Dad rattles off an exorcism
that can kill a demon --

I mean,not just send it
back to hell,but kill it?

I checked it out.

This is heavy-Duty dark ages.

15th century.

Yeah,I checked on it,too,Dean.

And so did bobby.

Okay. and?

Look,it definitely
is an exorcism,okay?

There's just no evidence
that it can kill a demon.

- No evidence it can't.
- Dean,come on.

Hey,as far as I
know,the only one of us

That's actually been
to hell is dad,okay?

Think maybe he picked up a
couple of tricks down there --

- Like which exorcisms work?
- Maybe it does,okay?

- Look,I hope it does,too,but we just got to be sure.
- Why aren't we sure?

Because I don't know what's
going on around here,Dean.

I mean,some guy
blows his brains out,

A little girl is
scared out of her wits.

Wow,man! A couple of civvies
are freaked out by some ghosts.

flash,Sam --

People are supposed to
be freaked out by ghosts!

Dad tell you where
to find the demon?

I'm waiting on the call!

I told lanie I'd stop by.


No,you go hang out with jailbait.

Just watch out for chris hansen.

Meanwhile,I'll be here,you know,

Getting ready to save my life.

You are unbelievable,you know that?

I mean,for months we've been
trying to break this demon deal.

Now dad's about to give
us the freakin' address,

And you can't accept it?!

The man is dead,and you're
still butting heads with the guy!

- That is not what this is about.
- Then what is it?!

The fact is,we got no
hard proof here,Dean.

After everything,you're still
just going on blind faith!

Yeah,well,maybe! You know,
maybe that's all I got,okay?!


Just please don't go anywhere

Until I get back,okay,Dean?


Have you told your
father about any of this?

And bother him at work? No.

He wouldn't believe me anyway.

He'd just chuck me into therapy.

So what did your mother say?

That she wanted to see me.

So,at first,I thought I was
supposed to go to the cemetery.

- Did you?
- Nothing happened.

But then she started asking
me to do other things.

What sort of things?

Bad things.

Hello? Simon greenfield speaking.


- Yeah,I want to see you.
- Where are you?



Where's the demon?

Lanie,please. Tell
me what happened.

It's very important.

Mom told me to go to
dad's medicine cabinet.


Take his sleeping pills --
Take all his sleeping pills!

She wanted you to kill yourself?

Why would my mom
want me to do that?

I don't know.

I mean,just so I could come to her?

What'd you say?

She wanted me to come to her.

No,no,no,no,no. How
did she say it exactly?

"Come to me --"
Like,a million times.

Lanie, that's not your mother.

All right,listen to me.

Don't answer the phone.
Don't use the computer.

Don't do anything unless
i say to,all right?


Where's simon?


Dean,it's not dad. What is it?

A crocotta. Is that a sandwich?

Some kind of scavenger
-- Mimics loved ones,

Whispers "come to me,"

and loses you in the dark
and swallows your soul.

Crocotta -- Right.
Damn,that makes sense.

Dean,look. I'm
sorry,man. I know --

Hey,don't these things
live in filth? Yeah.

Sam,the flies at the phone company.

This is herman munster.
Leave a message.

Dean,I'm in the parking
lot. He's here. Hurry.

Whoa,what the hell?!

I know what you are.

Wait,mister,please. And
I know how to kill you.


If we're overcharging
you for the call-Waiting

Something, i --
I can fix that.

I'm your friend.

Just -- Just
don't kill me.

Don't kill me,please!


That's what happens

When you mess with the
phone company,dillweed!

Thank you,clark.

Forget about it.


I'm -- I'm

I'm sorry for
whatever I did to you.

I'm sorry. Please.

Wait! Wait. Don't do it.

You're awake.

You're not a killer,clark. No!

There's a -- There's a good
man inside of you. I know it.

What do you think,Sammy?

Am I a good man?

Just let him go.

I would. I really would.

If only I'd had more
than a salad for lunch.


I'm starving.

No! Ugh!

My last call
with Dean --

It was you.

You led me here.

Some calls I make,
some calls I take.

But you have to admit, i
had you fooled for a while.

All that edison phone crap...


What are you doing?

I'm killing your brother.

Or maybe I'm killing another guy.

We'll just have to see how it goes.




I thought you said you
weren't gonna call anymore.

I know,daddy.

You know how sad this
makes your old man.

How upset I was at your funeral.

I had to call. I know
who killed me,daddy.


The man who killed me --
He's at the house right now.

What -- What are
you saying to me?

He's at the house,daddy.
He wants to kill you,too.

You know,mimicking
Dean's one thing.

But my dad -- That's
a hell of a trick.

Ll,once I made you two
as hunters,it was easy.

Found Dean's number,
then your number,

Then your father's numbers,

Then to e-Mails,voice
mails -- Everything.

You see,people think that
that stuff just gets erased.

But it doesn't.

You'd be surprised at
how much of yourself

Is just floating out there,

waiting to be plucked.

Dean's not gonna fall for this.

He's not gonna kill that guy.

Then the guy kills him.


...makes life so much easier.

It used to be I'd -- I'd
hide in the woods for days,


whispering to people,

Trying to draw them
out into the night.

But they had community.

They all looked out
after each other.

I'd be lucky to eat maybe
one, two souls a year.

But now when I'm hungry,
i simply make a phone call.

You're all so connected...

but you've never been so alone.

What is this?

Your funeral.




Did you do this to my daughter,too?

- How the hell did you get out?
- Did you do this to my daughter,too?!

- Wait.This is a mistake.
- You killed her.

You killed her, you son of a bitch!

She was 9 years old!

Stop! I didn't!

You got to believe me!

Why did you kill her?

I'm sorry.

I didn't kill your daughter.

Then what are you doing here?

I don't know.

Right back at you.



That would explain the flies.

Yeah,it would.


look,I'm sorry it wasn't dad.

I gave you a hell of
a time on this one.

No,you were right.

Forget about it.

I can't.

I wanted to believe so badly

That there was a way out of this.

I mean,I'm staring down
the barrel at this thing...

you know,hell...

for real,forever, and I'm just...


I'm scared,Sam.

I'm really scared.

I know.

I guess I was willing to

believe anything --

You know,last act
of a desperate man.

There's nothing wrong
with having hope,you know.

Hope doesn't get you jack squat.

I can't expect dad to show up

With some miracle
at the last minute.

I can't expect
anybody to, you know?

And the only person that can
get me out of this thing is me.

And me.

"And me"?


Deep revelation, having
a real moment here,

That's what you come
back with -- "And me"?

Want a poem?

Moment's gme

Unbelievable. Roger smith...