Supernatural (2005–…): Season 13, Episode 23 - Let the Good Times Roll - full transcript

Our heroes, Sam and Dean Winchester, continue to be tested in the battle between good and evil, but one impulsive decision could alter the lives of one of the brothers forever.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Dean Winchester.

That big fella is my brother Sam.

We kill monsters.

Well, this is boring.

Is there...
I don't know, music?

We've got portals
to apocalyptic worlds.

We've got shape-shifting demons.

Dealing with a whole new set
of tiddlywinks.

So much for simple.

Your mother. She's alive.

We're gonna save Jack and Mom.


Michael wants to come to Earth
and destroy it

- and we need your help.
- Let's go.

Welcome to the team.

We grab Satan,

and we use his grace
to open up a door between two universes.

Then we get Mom,
we get Jack, and we get out.

Team Free Will 2.0.

Here we go.

We're running out of time.
Let's pick up the pace.


That was awesome.

The ice caps are melting.
People marching.

A little bit of craziness
in the movie world.

Businessman, billionaire mogul
turned President,

embroiled in yet another controversy.

And that is pretty much the world,

our world, right now.

Let me get this right.

The ice caps are melting,

a movie where a girl
goes all the way with a fish

wins Best Picture,

and that damn fool idjit
from The Apprentice is President.


And you call where we come
from Apocalypse World?

Good point. Sorry.

Excuse me.

- Dean.
- Hey, Sam. Got something.

All right. I'm on my way.

All right, gang's all here.

How many are inside?

I can hear three.
Wait, maybe, maybe four.

They're talking about whether
Kylie Jenner would make a good mother.

The consensus is no.

Yeah, well, that's why I'm a Khloé man.

All right, we're talking
werewolves, which means...

- Silver bullets.
- That's right.


You know the play.

Let's do it to it.

And that...

That is why I'm a Khloé man.

So you really like the rain?

When it's this beautiful, I do.

So what are you gonna do now?

Honestly, I got no clue.

Everyone seems to be settling in
okay in town.

Ketch is out doing Ketch things.

Rowena and Charlie are road tripping it
through the Southwest.

That's trouble.

Ginger trouble, the worst kind.


Without an archangel,
it's not like we can go back home.

And I'm not sure I'd want to.

I like it here.

Is that...



- Kid did great.
- Yeah, no kidding.

I mean, he keeps this up, and...

- And what?
- I don't know.

Hey, you remember...

Remember when you asked

if we could stop it?

- All the evil in the world?
- Yeah.

If we could really change things?

Well, maybe with Jack, we can.

Maybe you're right.

But then what will we do?

Mmm. Yeah.


A whole lot of this.

But on a beach somewhere, you know?

Can you imagine?

You, me, Cass, toes in the sand,
couple of them little umbrella drinks.

Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously.

Some hula girls.

You talking about retiring? You?

If I knew the world was safe?

Hell, yeah. And you know why?

'Cause we freaking earned it, man.

- I'll drink to that.
- Yeah.

Hell, yeah.



Jack? Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.


You're just having a bad dream.


It's okay. You don't have to apologize.

I have 'em, too. All the time.

- You do?
- Sure.

What do you...

What do you see?

Well, depends.


Mostly people I couldn't save.

Me, too.

Over there in the other world,
I said I'd protect those people.


I saw so many of them die.

And I tried to save them.

I tried, but...

I'm sorry.

I wasn't strong enough.


It's not about being strong.

I mean...

Look, I don't know
what you saw over there

and I don't know what you went through.

I know it was bad.

But I also know that
you came out the other side

because you are strong.

But even when we're strong,
man, things are gonna happen.

We're gonna make mistakes.

Nobody's perfect. Right?

But we can get better.

Every day, we can get better.

So whatever you're dealing with,
you know, whatever...

Whatever comes at us,

we'll figure out a way
to deal with it, together.

You're family, kid,

and we look after our own.


What's wrong?


I said, I'd protect her, and, Sam...

Stop, Jack. This isn't your fault.

- What happened to her?
- I don't know.

Doesn't look supernatural.

Looks like some son of a bitch
beat on her until...

Who would do something like this?

Word is, you're friends with Maggie.

Yeah, since we came over.

Me and her, we didn't have anybody else,
so we kind of stuck together.

So I'm sure you know
she went out last night.

Well, she didn't come home.


Is Maggie in trouble?

She's dead.


No, that's not...

We were supposed to be safe here.

We need to know where Maggie went,
who she was talking to.

I don't...

- There was a boy.
- What boy?


He works at that store out on Route 281.

Maggie, she had a crush.

That's why she snuck out last night.

She was going to meet him.

All right, well,
let's go talk to this boy. Jack...


Why'd you do it?

Tell me!

- I didn't.
- Liar!

Jack! No!


- Let him go.
- All right.


You... You shot me.

To get your attention.
You're acting like a psycho!

- Jack.
- He killed Maggie.

Maggie? Maggie's dead?

Jack, listen to me.

He didn't kill Maggie.

Look at him.

I'm sorry.


It's okay. Just let him go.

You keep hurting people!

You keep...


Why do you keep hurting people?

You shot him.


Rubber bullets.

Yeah, a training exercise.

We're FBI. I'm Agent Rowland.

This is Agent Knowles
and Agent Williams.

You need to go. Now.

Hi, son.


- It's not possible.
- Yeah, tell him that.

Hey, fellas.

Miss me?

No, no, no, Cass. Don't!

No, Cass. Do. Please.


Go, go, go, go!

Is this...

Are you real?


Sam said you're dead.
He said Michael killed you.

Yeah, I don't like
to speak ill of people,

but Sam is a big, fat liar
and he's a bad person

and, like, freakishly tall, so...

I don't understand.

No, Michael didn't...

Sam was the one who left me behind.

- What?
- Yep.

I mean, I think he thought
I'd be trapped over there

in "Giant Litter Box World" forever,

'cause that worked so well
the first time.

I don't blame him, though, okay?

I mean...

For everything that
I've done to him, I think, uh,

I had it coming, you know?

But you know what?

I'm moving on.

But if the rift is closed,
then how are you here?

No. Not how.


I'm here for you, Jack.

Because, you know, even though
the Three Amigos...

Sam, Dean, and the other one
won't admit it, you need me.

You do, 'cause we're blood.

And we're not human,
no matter how much we pretend to be.

See, humans are limited and fragile.

And I'll admit, they bring out
the worst in me, I gotta say.

It seems like, you know,
no matter how much

you try to do right around them,
something always goes wrong.



I know.

Right? And that's not
their fault, or ours.

It's just, us and humans,
we're like oil and water.

You know, sardines and strawberries.
It's just a bad combination.

What do we do?


I mean...

There's a whole universe
out there, buddy.

Planets. Stars. Galaxies.

Why should we stay here on Earth
when we can go anywhere else?

Heck, everywhere else.


Like Star Wars?

It's exactly like Star Wars.

You want a lightsaber?

I can make you a lightsaber.

Heck, I can make you a Wookiee.

But, no. Sam, Dean, and Castiel,
they'll miss me.

Yes, they will.
They will. It'll be hard.

But you have to live your life for you.


This is our second chance, kiddo.

This is our opportunity

to escape our past and our sins

and start over.

What do you say?

Father, son.

You up for an adventure, buddy?


I'd like that.

But there's something
you need to do first.

Talked to the other refugees.

No one's got any idea
who'd wanna hurt Maggie.

Maybe it wasn't one of them.


There are monsters in this world
that aren't monsters.

Jack! Hey...


Kid, what the Sam Hill?

It's all right, okay? He's here to help.

- He is?
- You know it, Longmire.

Call Sam. Now.

So you're leaving dead bodies
on tables now.

- Nice.
- We were waiting,

to give her a hunter's funeral.

You won't have to.

My father, he's gonna
bring Maggie back to life.

I am?

Yeah, boys, we got a problem.

Jack, what are you doing?

What I have to.


It's my second chance.

Yeah, uh, Jack,
about this resurrection stuff.

It's not always a great idea because,

you know, people come back different.

Well, Sam didn't.

Right. Well, Sam's always been
sort of different. You know what I mean?

Some would say "special."

No offense.

You said you'd do anything.



Has he done something to you?

I heard that. Heard it.

Mary, everything's gonna be fine.




He's not...

He's gone.

How did Michael and Lucifer
both get here?

- How did they open a rift?
- You know what? It doesn't...

We've gotta find Jack

before Michael does
whatever the hell he's gonna do, okay?

I'll call Jody and everybody else.

You're gonna put out
an APB on the Devil?

Yeah, I am.

I'll check angel radio.

Sam, even if we find Lucifer,

how we gonna stop him?

Maggie? Hey, sorry.

You okay?

I'm alive, so...



Listen, I know this is weird, so weird,

but, um, before you died,

do you remember anything
about the person that killed you?

Does it matter?

Kind of seems like you have
bigger, you know,

Satan-y problems.

Yeah, but we're dealing with those.


But, yes, it does matter.
It matters to me.


I never saw his face, but...

I saw his eyes.

Magnificent, isn't it?

It really is.

All right, Jody's lookin'. So far, nada.

Yeah, angel radio is nothing but static,
which is disturbing.

Great. Well, we'll just
add that to the list.

So what do we do now?

What's happening?

What the hell?

Oh, no.

What the hell is that?

Mom, Bobby, take Maggie,
get her out of here.

- Go through the garage.
- We'll buy you some time.


- Mom!
- Please!

- Go.
- Go!

You really thought
you could run from me?

- Yeah, how did you...
- Get here?

Easy. I made a deal.

I saw how they do the spell.

I know what it takes.

It's some blood, some fruit,
a glowy rock, and then...

Bam. We step through, both of us.

And now, this world is mine.

I can save it, purge it of sin.

Yeah, 'cause that
really worked on your rock.

I'm not perfect. Yes, I made mistakes.

But second time's the charm.

And you, Dean Winchester,

will be the first life that I take
in this world, first soul I save.

Some would consider that an honor.

Well, as Shakespeare once said,

eat me, dick bag.

Jack, Jack.

Jack, I don't know where you are,

and I don't even know
if you can hear this prayer,

but we need you.

We need you.

Look at all those worlds, Jack.

We're gonna take the grand tour, buddy.

We're gonna explore every nook
and cranny of creation.

We might even learn something,

maybe come up with some improvements.


Yeah, yeah. We'll talk about that later.

Jack, Jack, I don't know
where you are,

and I don't even know
if you can hear this prayer.

We need you.

What's up, buddy?

You all right?

Could've done this quick,
but I wanted to enjoy it,

that moment when the soul
leaves the body,

it's beautiful.


I heard your prayer.

Yeah, it's me. Yay!

We done, buddy?


You hurt my friends.

You hurt my family!


Lucifer, we... We had a deal!

Okay, game over.
Hey, buddy, let's, let's...

Split, okay?

What does he mean?

I don't know. I didn't... I didn't hear.

They had a deal.

Lucifer gets you
and Michael gets everything else.

He's gonna nuke our world, Jack,
just like he did his.

- Is that true?
- No! It's not.

Is that why you wanted us to leave?


He said...

He said we'd go to the stars.

What, and you're just gonna
leave the rest of us here to burn?

Okay. Hold on a second.

Let's slow down, 'cause I...

I'm not currently the bad guy here.

Yeah, tell that to Maggie.

What about Maggie?

Maggie saw the eyes
of the person who killed her,

the glowing, red eyes.

You're gonna believe this guy?

- Come on, man! Sam's a hater!
- Tell me.

He would say anything
to get you on his side.

Tell me the truth!

She saw me when I was
scouting out the bunker.

She saw me and she screamed,

so I crushed her skull
with my bare hands.

And it was warm and wet, and I liked it.

You're not my father.

You're a monster.

Come on, man!


I tried with you.

I really tried with you.

Everything you told me was a lie.

Because I told you
what you wanted to hear, man.

So what? I killed the girl! Big deal!

She's a... She's a human!
She doesn't matter!

So am I!


And that's your problem.

You're too much like your mother.


Stay back.

I'll handle him.

Will you?

Oh, buddy.

We could've been something, you and me.

We could've remade the universe.
It would've been great.

We could've been better gods than Dad.

And I really wanted that, pal.
I wanted that.

But now,
if I can't have it with you, I...

I don't need ya.

I just need your power.

- Jack!
- No!

- Jack.
- Sammy!



- What just happened?
- I don't know.

The Devil won.

That's what happened.

Really, Sam? Hitching a ride?

I mean, do you ever quit?

- Go to hell.
- Hell, yeah.

Been there. Done that.

How do we stop him?

You don't.

After consuming the Nephilim's
grace, Lucifer's juiced up.

He's super-charged.

He'll kill the boy, your brother.

Hell, he could end the whole universe
if he put his mind to it.

And you thought I was bad.

No. No, you beat him. I saw you.

When he was weaker, and I was stronger.

Believe me,
I'd love to rip my brother apart.

But now in this banged up meatsuit...

Not happening.

This is the end, of everything.


What if...

What if you had your sword?

You know, it's been real fun.

I really had a great time with you,
but I think we should see other people.

What do you say?


Now, why should I listen to you?


- I'm your son.
- Oh, yeah.

Well, you had a chance with that, but...


As for kids, I can make more of those.

Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue.

But your little Jackie,

the nougat-loving boy
that you had before,

he's killed people.

He's got lots of blood on his hands.

I don't care.

He's family.


What's family done for anybody?

My dad left me.

My brothers tried to kill me. A lot.

Family blows.

I'm gonna prove it to you.

What, by killing me? Go ahead.

No, I'm not gonna kill you.

He is.

Dean, no.

I am your sword.

It's you. You're the Michael Sword.

Your perfect vessel.

Why do you think you two
are the vessels?

Michael and Lucifer.

You were born to this, boys.

With me, you'd be stronger
than you've ever been.

I know what you are.

If we work together,
can we beat Lucifer?

- Dean...
- Can we?

We'd have a chance.

Dean, you can't.

Lucifer has Sam.

He has Jack.

Cass, I don't have a choice!

If we do this, it's a onetime deal.

I'm in charge.

You're the engine,
but I'm behind the wheel.


Now I could...
I probably should execute you.

I mean, really, really
use my imagination.

But I'm feeling generous today.

So one of you is gonna
walk out that door,

and the other one will be
laying dead on the ground.

You choose.


Or you could do that
and I can murder you both

and end all life in the universe.

Remake it in my image,
better than Dad ever could.

I'm thinkin', mmm...

Fire-breathing dragons,

sassy talking robots.

I might give humans another chance
if they know their place

and worship me, 'cause I've earned it.

But, hey, it'll probably take a few days
to unravel the universe,

maybe seven, 10 days tops.

So maybe, just maybe,
one of you could stop me.


Well, let's see. Clock's ticking, guys.

Kill me.

- What?
- Kill me.

You can stop him, Jack.

You can get your power back.

No, I can't. I can't beat him.

- But you can.
- What?

I know you can.

No, no, no, no, no. Jack.

Don't! Jack!


I love you. I love all of you.

Jack, don't! Don't!


Hiya, Sammy.

You let my brother in.

Well, turns out, he and I
have something in common.

We both wanna gut your ass.


Good try, Dean.
I'll give you that, buddy.

I'm not just powerful now.

I am power.

And I don't need a blade
to end you, pal.


Goodbye, Dean.

Is he...


He's dead.

Holy crap.

You did it.


No, we did it.

We did it.


- Dean!
- We had a deal!


Thanks for the suit.