Succession (2018–…): Season 4, Episode 10 - With Open Eyes - full transcript

Ahead of the final board meeting on the Waystar-Gojo Deal, Kendall and Shiv try to shore up their opposing interests...and get a fix on the whereabouts of a physically and emotionally bruised Roman.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
terms of M&A action,

we're hearing that
GoJo and Waystar

could seal their long-gestated
deal as soon as tomorrow.

Word is that regulatory
concerns have receded.

So Lukas Matsson may
soon take control

of the deceased
Logan Roy's empire

to add to his
streaming, betting,

sports, and socials
everything app

- to create that all-singing...
- All right.

Okay, okay. Carpe
the diem, people.

Hey, hey! Okay.

Telly! Let's run this, uh,
board presentation, shall we?

- Yeah, great. Thanks.
- Good stuff.

- So, uh...
- What?

Just Stewy. That was his guy,

- and, um...
- Yeah?

Yeah, I don't think we got him.


Cool. Cool.


- Where is he?
- Um...

Get me him direct.
It might be smokescreen.

I think... Yeah, that'll
be... That'll be smokescreen.

I can pull in Stew.

- Ken, I...
- Man.

I don't think we have
the shareholders,

and I don't think we have the
board numbers to stop this.

I'll get the votes.

Uh, if we had more
time, but by tomorrow?

- I'll get the votes.
- Ken, we...

You wanna just, uh,
outline the path here?

Okay. I got fucking
me, I got Ewan,

I got Paul, I got Dewi. Locked.

- So, yeah?
- Mm-hmm. Okay, great. And?

And I still think
I can get Stewy.

I think maybe Sonya.

Maybe Frank. There are
multiple, multiple routes.

Right now, you have
four, and one of them...

And is Roman even gonna
show? Is he gonna vote?

Don't worry about Roman.

- But just where does he stand?
- I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.
I don't fucking know. Okay?

I don't know.

Okay? Does that make
you feel better?

- I
- don't know where he is.

I don't know where he
stands. But I got him. Okay?

I fucking got this, Telly Bear.

Okay! I think they lost Stewy.

He's wonked. So
that means we got...

Kendall in the trunk,

all trussed up and
ready to fucking bake!

- Yeah?
- It's good.

Okay. 'Cause, you know,
we got me, obviously...

Here. Uh... me, Simon, Frank,

Sandy and Sandi, locked.
And then Stewy. I...

Look, he talks a lot of shit,
but I think he's gonna stay.

He's not gonna split.
'Cause money, honey, right?

So, then we got
Diane Liu, Sonya.

And then we... we have it.

Then, if we peel off
Dewi, Paul, and Ewan,

then there's only,
like... is that...

Ken and Rome in the against.

That's fuckin'... And Rome
might not even show up

from whatever jerk dungeon
he's being pity-spanked in.

You happy?

- Very happy. Very... yeah.
- Uh-huh. Yeah. Good.

Success! Yeah.

Oh, and, uh, I'm
checking in on Frank,

if you wanna still do
the old-school signing?

- Perfect.
- You know, um, me as new CEO?

Yes? Uh, and your list?
What's... what's on...

You wanna talk Tom?

Or I know you've been
thinking about ATN?

And just... just say out
loud. It's no big deal for me.

Well, we've, uh, we've had some

initial, like, um,
vibe meets, um...

Yeah, I mean, he's
shitting himself.

Yeah. Well, the
delta between a guy

and a 10x guy is...

is obviously life and death,

- and ATN is central. So...
- Sure.

Tom. Tom.

Yeah. I don't know.
Um... what do you think?

Okay. Well, he's very
competent, but if he irks you,

or it's complicated, it is okay.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

He is very plausible
corporate matter,

but he's also just a highly
interchangeable modular part.

And I would say
that to his face.


Okay, but if we
wanted continuity

because there's been
a lot of changes...

You know, ATN is
going gangbusters,

and he is well-liked. So
if he were to stay on,

that would also be okay with me.

- Okay, good to know.
- Yeah.

This is separate feelings aside,

Tom will honestly suck the
biggest dick in the room.

- That's just my assessment.
- Love is in the air.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Uh, sorry. Excuse me.

Uh, yeah. Just one sec. Hi!

Hello, darling.

Uh, is it... How...
How are things going?

Uh, yeah, I'm fine.
Good. Good. Thanks.


I just wanted to know if there
was any chance of you coming?

Yeah. I mean...
Look, I would love to,

but I think, you know,
fuckin' schedules

- and... and board.
- Yeah, I know, but...

Well, there's somebody here I
think you might want to see.

I promised I wouldn't
say, but it's...

one of your brothers.
And it's not Kendall.

Oh. Okay. Well, let
me crack the code.

I just thought
you'd like to know.

Uh. Yeah, well...

Let me have a
think. But let's...

Yeah, let's try and... Let's try
and make this work. Shall we?


That okay? That
profile bullshit.

- The cartoon?
- Yeah.

I think it's funny.

- Yeah?
- Like...

"Oh, look at me! Look at me!"

- Uh-huh. Yeah, 'cause I...
- It's good. Yeah.

'Cause I can get the...
The journalist, you know,

- maybe take the online?
- No, no.

I don't give a fuck. People
always try to fuckin'...

- get at me, you know?
- Okay.

They can't.

Uh, look, that
was... That was, uh,

an associate of mine,

indicating they
got a fix on Roman.

So why don't I just fuckin'
go and nail Roman as well?

It would be so nice just to
get unanimity across the board.

You know, all of us
smiling in public, just...

just nice, clean start for
the start of our reign.

- All right.
- Yeah? 'Cause, you know, corporate narrative.

If we're on separate sides,

it looks like Lady
Macbeth Part Two.

And that's not... It would be...

It would, just in
an... It would be nice,

in an abundance of
caution, just to...

- close nice.
- Yeah, yeah.

Great. All right. Call
me whenever, wherever.

- Yeah.
- I'm available. Okay? Yeah?

- Let's fuckin' do this. Yeah?
- Go get him.

Hey, Shiv.

What are you hearing?

Uh, Rome's at my mom's.

So I'm on my way to bag him.
I'm looking for unanimity.

Okay. He's at your mom's?

And have you spoken to Lukas?

Um, am I for the chop?

Yeah, I
mean, I'm trying.

Okay. I'm just...
I'm... I got a bad feeling.

We've... we've booked me
in for the third hang.

It's excruciating.
I'm just... I'm scared

he's gonna want to
play online games,

and I'll be running into a
wall for hours. You know?

Tom. Hey, Tom, can we
have a real conversation?


Okay. So, on
the Matsson stuff,

I'll do what I can. I'm
trying. But, uh, with us,

I just... I wanted to get
a few things straight.

Yeah. I just... Yeah. I just
want it to be really nice.

And we should... we should, uh,
Czechoslovakia it. You know?

We should make it
all lovely velvet,

parting of the ways.

So, for you, there's...
There's not anything left?

Well, how do you mean?

Uh, well, I... I wondered if...

You know, I guess I thought
it might be worth raising.

Are there any, uh, positives

about the nightmare
we've shared?

As in?

I guess if... if there
was anything there.

Uh... If there was, then
it would be so convenient.

Yeah, well, it would be
incredibly convenient

because you would be
married to your husband.

Yeah, exactly.

And then when you think
of the scheduling, it's...

it's mess free.

Yeah. You've fallen
in love finally.

You've, uh, you've
fallen in love

with our scheduling


And I would also, you
know, I would love to...

not to have, uh...

You don't like to fail
a test, do you, Siobhan?


Uh, look.

I know that we've
said the worst things.

But I...

I think I've always
just been scared

in relationships of, uh...

you know, like...

the underneaths.

You know, what's the worst thing
a person thinks? But we know.

But... once you've said
and done the worst things,

you're kind of free.

Yeah, I guess... I
guess my question is...

are you interested in
a real relationship?

Honest to God, I
don't know... Shiv.

I just... I, uh...

I just don't know.

Okay. Sure. Right. Bye.

Stewy. Stewy,
bro. Don't hide from me.

I can see you from up here.

Come with me, Stew.
We can win this. Okay?

- Ken.
- Yeah?


- From Greg and Ratfucker Sam.
- Okay.

- Okay, now we're talking.
- Yeah.

- Hello, darling.
- Hey, Mom.

So, I hear Romey might be there.

Listen, I'm sorry I couldn't
make your get-together,

but I need to speak to
Roman very urgently.

No recriminations. But
it's life-or-death.

Is he there?


I... I can't say.

Oh, you can't say? Well,
he needs to come back.

Is he planning to come
back for tomorrow?

That's for you to decide,
all of you. I... I...

He... he's very fragile.


And... and is Shiv
there? Is she coming?

I don't want to get into a
lot of business, all right?

I want... I'd love for the
whole family to be here.

But if it's going
to be thumbscrews,

I'd rather it didn't
happen in my house.

Okay, I'm coming. I'm
coming. I'll be there, Mom.

- We have him. We have him. New Jess, New Jess.
- All right. Great.

I'm... I'm flying out.
Uh, I'll be back tonight,

early tomorrow
latest, small team.

We just up... I'll... I'll
put this together on the move.

- Okay?
- 'Kay. Yup.

- Let's get him. Let's bag him and tag him.
- Okay.

- Hey! How you doing?
- Hey, welcome.

Shit! The fuck happened to you?

- Hello, hello. How lovely.
- Hi.

Oh, wonderful.

I see you've brought
your underling with you.

Yeah, well,
got a lot going on.

What the fuck happened, man?

Oh yeah, I just had a discussion
with some of your pals

about the merits of
liberal democracy.

- Yeah.
- Okay, well, it's...

It's good that
you're here, I guess.

You can rest and recuperate.

Looks a lot
better than he did.

I couldn't look at him
when he first arrived.

Oh, that's true. Peter
did my eye drops.

Bless him, though.

There's something about
eyes. They just kind of, ugh,

- revolt me.
- Uh, eyes?

Like... like human
eyes we all have?

Yeah, I don't like to think
of all these blobs of jelly

rolling around in your head.

- Just... face eggs.
- Oh!

Anyway, come on in.

The place hasn't changed.
Still full of leaks.

- Yeah.
- Seem to have landed myself

in the only hellhole
in paradise.

Pick up, Stewy.

Pick up, pick up,
pick up. Stewy.

Stewy. Stewy, there you are.

Are you with me? Talk to me.

Good man. Good man.

I knew you wouldn't
do me dirty like that.

Oh, I'm... I'm just,
uh, making a pit stop.

I found Roman. I mean,
I always had Roman,

but this is just
like "nailed" nailed.


With Lawrence Yee?
Vaul... Vaulter Lawrence?


What shape does that make?


Where are you?

Hello, hello. The hunt for
Red fucking October is over!

Hey, Portia.

Aha! Well, well, well.

- Look at this fucking family scene.
- Hello.

- Just easy.
- You okay, man?

- Easy.
- The fuck happened to your face?

- He's fragile. Yeah? Just easy.
- What happened to your face?

- He's fragile?
- Dude, fuck you. Fragile. I'm not fragile. What?

Just back up, yeah?

- Just take it easy.
- Back up?

- Yeah.
- What? I'm... I'm just arriving for a cup of fuckin' tea.

- You missed teatime.
- Okay. Well, you're being very aggressive. Yeah?

- Rome?
- Yeah. Hello.

- Just calm down.
- I'm calm. Can we talk?

- Okay?
- Oh, God. I don't... Don't...

- We gotta talk. They're fucked.
- Okay. Don't talk to me that way. Okay?

Yeah, they're fucked.
You're fucked. We're fucked.

Everyone's fucked. Don't bullshit
me, man. I don't like that.

- What is this?
- What's what?

Did you get your little
fucking screwdriver in on him?

- You pry him open?
- No. No.

- Rome, that's bullshit. We're in this.
- Yeah?

- We're in this, man.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- What's going on?
- She's doing a number on you, man.

- Hey. Hey, Mom. Hey.
- Hello, darling.

- Yes. Hi.
- Are we all right?

Yeah. I just need
to talk to Roman.

- Well, I'm looking after Roman.
- You're not looking after me, Mom. Okay?

- Well, let's be civil, please?
- I'm just... I'm here. That's what I'm doing. It's fine.

- Rome.
- What?

- You promised me.
- Did I?

- You promised you wouldn't do this.
- I don't recall saying the word.

- You promised you wouldn't change your mind.
- Well, maybe I did, I'm sorry,

and whoops, I don't give a fuck.

This is fucking DEFCON 1.


The world is pivoting on you.

The world is turning

on a fucking clown here.

- Okay, you're a fucking clown, man.
- Look at you.

Look at you, man.
You're a clown.

Living in fucking dream world.

You don't have it. You don't
have it. You don't have it.

So why you tryna, like,
fucking get into me?

- Roman needs some peace and quiet.
- I have Ewan. I have Paul.

- Roman needs everyone to fuck off! I'm fine.
- I have Dewi and I have Stewy.

I was in a very violent fight, which
I won, by the way, but I'm fine.

- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.

Just back the fuck off, okay?
Everyone just stop talking.

Okay, I'll leave you alone. I'll go
if you just tell me how you're voting.

Right. That's not backing
off. You're still talking.

- Just tell me how you're voting.
- I don't want you to talk.

- Come on. Man up.
- Thanks, Mom. This was great. Thank you.

- I need you to man up here, Roman.
- I'm going.

- Don't go fucking hide and...
- Please don't follow me. Don't talk.

Well, are you staying to dinner,

or just in and out
with all the shouting?

I'd love it if it
wasn't a horror show.

I can't... I have... There's
a huge board meeting.

"Huge board meeting!"
Gosh. What an event!

That's never happened
before in my life.

I've never had my plans ruined
by a huge board meeting before.

Well, I would love
to. I'm in for dinner.

- Great.
- He might be busy.

You gotta call
some people, yeah?

You're... He's losing,
so he's very busy.

Yeah, that would be nice,
Mom. That would be nice.

- I... I got nowhere to be.
- Great.

What do you think, man?

What do I think? Uh,
the colors go well.

- I think it's...
- Trippy, dude.

Lukas. A second, please?

More hang.
More fucking hanging

than a dictator's birthday.

Hey. "The colors go
well." Is that a sentence?

- Does that make sense?
- Yeah. "The colors go well."

- "The colors go well together."

- "The colors go well."
- Yeah, that's okay.

- "The colors just go well."
- Greg, you're here for the hang.

So, you know, to jump in
on the little, you know,

little awkward social beats.

You gotta be like... Like
fucking social putty,

Okay? You're letting me swing.

Okay? He's gonna fucking
fire me. I know it.

I need ears and eyes out.

You know, like, on the
assistant loop. Ebba.

Like, is he planning to kill me?

If he wins, if he gets in,

you are fucked. You're fucked.

All right. Well,
he likes me, so...

You? You, 200K?

The highest paid assistant
in human history?

It's new management, bro.

You're gonna get busted
down to 20, 30, 40K.

- Stop it.
- You know? Seriously.

And if I get fired, I
think you are fucked.

- Well...
- It's the family death march.

- Early bird catches the Rome?
- Well, you know. Yeah.

Just a...

couple of things you
might be interested in.

- I got Stewy back.
- Oh, yeah?

Sure. Well, you know,

even if he's telling the truth,
and you managed to get Roman,

seven still plays six, so
I'm... I'm not sweating it.

Oh, yeah. Also...

according to my sources,

Matsson is talking
to Lawrence Yee.

- Vaulter Lawrence.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

So... you knew that?


Oh, hey. Look at this
fucking scorpion party.

- Hi.
- All right, who wants a piece of me?

Pay a buck, take a pop at
the human fucking vote.

Why don't I just
cut my arms off?

I can give one to each
of you to take home with,

and then maybe you'll fuck off.

You want
some rum punch?

Uh, hey. I was, uh...
So, I was thinking,

and this is just a spitball,

but when this goes
through, for you guys,

remember how hot you
were for The Hundred?

You know, could I...

relinquish my part
of the IP and...

Oh, right. That is
very thoughtful. Wow.

So you'll, like, get
us a job at the mall?

Like, teach us the
value of real money?

Rome, come on. I'm like...

I'm trying to be
realistic about, um,

- finding nice shapes here, for when I'm in there.
- Hmm. That's nice.

Well, it is nice.

You know, actually, I would love
for both of you to support me

- taking over the firm.
- Uh-huh.


Oh, oh. Because
I'm moving forward,

my kid loses access
to its uncles, yeah?

- Well that's... Okay. Manipulative.
- No, come on.

I mean, what's it gonna do without all
the... the sexist and homophobic jokes?

Don't fucking try
and play us, Shiv.

Like, stop fucking gloating.

You've got your hands
on my throat, yeah?

So don't be all fucking
Joan of Waystar.

All right, well, I
don't know what to say.

'Cause you...

You know, you fucking grabbed
the crown, the two of you.

Dad died, and you fucking...

You grabbed the crown
and pushed me out.

So I don't know why
I'm the cunt here?

Cunt is as cunt does.

Oh, amazing.

Wow, Cicero on the...
On the wheels of steel.

And fuck off. Okay? I won.

And I'm sorry for
winning. But I did.

Sorry. I'm sorry.
And you know what?

I'm actually tired of
saying fucking sorry.

I played it better,

so why don't you take it
like a man and just eat it?

My, what a lovely
evening on the terrace.

How was your seabass?

Those, uh, those cod cheeks
were a worthy opponent.

Hmm. No, it was... it was fine.

Sometimes, I feel like
every fish in the city

is the same piece of
Xeroxed branzino. You know?

Totally, totally. Yeah, I think
we may have been badly advised.

- I think Greg fucked it. Yeah.
- Fini, messieurs?

Merci beaucoup.


How do you feel about,
uh, soft pitching me?

- On Tom.
- Oh.

Just, you know, the main slide.

On me? As in my value
to keep me? Sure. Yeah.

Yeah. I can sing for
my supper.

Uh, well, no. Um. So,
yeah, as a manager,

I think, you know,
I'm... I'm simple.

You know, I squeeze the
costs and juice the revenue.

Follow the boss.

You know, I, uh, digest
strategy and implement.

Like, for, you know,
cruises, for example,

is shit-gobbling
and firefighting.

- Num, num, num, num.
- Yes. And ATN is money.

You know, I'm cutting heads
and harvesting eyeballs.

It's pretty...

Yeah, pretty simple really.

I give the customer
what he wants.

I don't think it's my place
to offer dietary advice.

You know, if they want red
meat and boiling tar, then...

buon appetito. Right?

And on a hang level, who
would you say you are?

Who am I? Um...

Huh. That's a
good one.

I'm a grinder. I
grind 'cause I worry.

I worry all night
about everything.

All the, uh, threats to...
to me and to my, um... division
and my physical body. And I...

I, uh, I have an
excess of vigilance,

I think, and I have a
very, very high tolerance

for pain and
physical discomfort.

Can I... can I be
frank with you?

- Can... can you be discreet?
- Fuck yeah.

the thing is, um,

with Shiv, uh...

And with the votes
coming up and all,

can we keep this, like,
close to our chests

- until I know my numbers?
- Oh, sure.

I think it's all fine.
It's just I...

I have this thing with...
With her, um, which is like...

Like is it... is it a
bit too much? You know?

- Okay. The cartoon?
- No. Fuck the cart...

That was funny. I
enjoyed that. No.

She was kind of pushy
on the India tactics.

And at first, I thought

family continuity
would be an upside.

- You know? But...
- Mm-hmm.

She... she is...
She is smart. But...

I got plenty of ideas, okay?

I don't know if I
need more ideas.

I was in need a little bit
of the political connection,

you know, but it turns
out it's fucking easy.

It really is,
you know? And with Ebba,

and blah, blah, blah. It's...

- I know everything. Okay?
- You do.

I think you... I
mean, you do, man.

- I do.
- Yeah.

Yeah. Plus, with
Shiv, there's also...

You know, um...


She's somewhat...


We're a bit clickety-clickety,
if you know what I'm saying.

- Right. Like...
- A little bit...

I wanna fuck her, um,
a... a little bit.

And I think, under...

Sorry to get weird, but, like,
the right circumstances...

she... I think
she'd fuck me, too.


Is this making
you uncomfortable?

- I'm sorry if it's weird, or...
- No, no. We're men.

Yeah, I can't deal with
the mess of that, you know?

So then I was thinking,
"Well, if I can have

fucking anyone in the world..."

don't I get the guy

who put the baby inside her
instead of the baby lady?"


- Just...
- Right.

Right. Well... I could do it.

- 'Cause...
- I could definitely, easily,

- definitely do it.
- I need an American

'cause I don't wanna
scare the horses.

ATN being the...
the profit center.

Mencken likes you,

if that happens,
you know? You, um...

You're fucking
talented. So, uh...

But also, honestly...

I'm not looking for a partner.

You know? I'm looking
for a front man.

- Mm-hmm.
- 'Cause, um...

we're gonna cut shit
close to the bone.

We're gonna get right
fucking in there.

It's gonna get nasty. Uh...
So I need a pain sponge...

when I'm under the
hood doing...

what I love, you know?

- Sure.
- That's kind of what I'm after.

- So, would that be a problem?
- Nah.

- No, man. Nah. I could do it.
- Logan Mark II.

Only this time he's
fucking sexy!

Yeah, do you want
to do some shots?

- Yes. Yeah.
- Should we... Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Let's get a little loose, baby.
- Okay.

- Oskar!
- Yeah?



- What?
- Motherfucker.

- Wait, are you... Are...
- Is it...

Are you keeping your job?

- Am... am I?
- We're going to be okay, Greg.

- We will be okay.
- Which is it?

You're gonna get castrated
on pay, like decimated.

But I think I can
keep you. Okay?

Keep an eye on. Piss man, out.



- Gregory! Hey!
- Have a drink!

You want a shot?
We're doing shots.

- If we're doing shots, yeah!
- Of course, of course you are.

Yeah, you can
handle some vodka, right?

- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
- From the... from the motherland.

It's going to be hearty
fare, but modest rations.

Surprise, surprise.

Well, I knew you wouldn't
be hungry in this heat.

Anyway, we can fill up
on brekkie tomorrow.

That horrible place where I
think someone from Pink Floyd

did a poo in the swimming pool.

Yeah, we'll need to
be getting back, Mom.

- Really?
- Stop Shiv selling our birthright.

Well, actually, to continue on
with Dad's plans and wishes.

Oh, please,
can we just not?

You know, I'm really happy
to have you all here,

and I... I want to say...

what it's worth,

I don't want to stick
my snout in too far,

maybe I'm wondering whether
this offer from that awful man

isn't a perfect
opportunity to, you know,

say farewell, open
a new chapter.

That's always been my view.

Are we gonna get an
apology? For Italy?

Well, yeah. I
mean, in some ways,

in a way, there... Yeah.

If she thinks we should
sell, there's continuity.

It's my view. And I'm sorry
if you've been determined

to make something
squalid out of it.

Is this a set up?

- Set...?
- Is that what this is? Shiv? You...

You trying to tie
Mummy's apron strings

- around Romey's nuts?
- What?

going to get Peter.

I'm gonna get Peter and
his friend because...

- Peter!
- Coming!

- His friend Jonathan and he have got a scheme...
- Coming, darling.

They want to talk to you about.

- Jonathan's an absolute wiz.
- A scheme that they wanna talk to us about.

- Roman, you hearing this?
- He's just been going through some shitty stuff recently.

Hello. Hello, all.

- This is Jonathan.
- Do I smell an agenda?

- Hi.
- Is this a fucking pitch, is that what this is?

- It might seem inappropriate...
- No, not at all.

No, it might seem
inappropriate, but it's not,

because your mother's been
kind enough to, uh, allow me

to, uh, get you
before the vultures.

Because, frankly, the margins
on this thing are just

so creamy that I honestly would
feel like a terrible shit...

- Are you hearing this?
- Creamy margins.


- Ken. Come on!
- If I didn't give you the chance to come to the party.

- Yeah, this is really fascinating stuff.
- Pardon me. I'll be back.

This is really
interesting, Ken.

I can't
believe how rude you are.

He's gonna miss this.

Looks like we're in.
Without him. Should we wait?

- Hey, man.
- Hey, Ken.

Hey, so... Okay, so,
I have something huge.

Dude, I'm in the center
of the fucking universe

with, like, knowledge
to... To fucking, like,

take down solar systems, man.

Sure. Sure, man. That...
that's... that's great.

Okay, but... but, um, if I
give you something incredible,

would you give me
something amazing?

Yeah, sure. Like what?

Well, I'm serious, dude.
It's... It is... It is amazing.

Sure. That's why I'm gonna
give you something incredible.

I... I would need, uh...

Basically, I got...
Can... can you guys win?

You and Rome? If...

And could I quad it
up? Like full quad?

Take your shot, buddy. Just
take your shot. Come on.


Buckle up.

Now, we're gonna be
skating very close to the wind.

- Yeah.
- But I'm absolutely confident

that, uh, no one can...

well, in layman's
terms, "get us" on this.


What the tax
wrapper around this vehicle

offers is a way of
turning these residents...

Hey, it's Kendall. I'm
gonna ask you a question.

If there's any veracity
to it, don't say anything.

You understand?

Mattson is talking
to other people.

The point is our facilities

won't offer all
that you dreamt of

- in a fantasy care home...
- Right.

But it will
afford what I call

"a really solid
basic level of care."

Not necessarily

that one would like for oneself.

- They're not gonna offer you the bells and whistles...
- Um. Apologies.

- Shiv, I need to speak to you.
- What?

- In private.
- Uh...

- Oh, for heaven's sake!
- Can I be saved as well?

Sorry, guys. Please forgive
me. Rome. Rome. Shiv. Please.

- Sorry, this is a very captivating...
- Oh, sorry. So terribly sorry.

You're gonna wanna
hear this. It's serious.

Don't be too
late. For heaven's sakes.

Mom, I need to...

Jonathan, I'm so glad you came.

The fish will just be
gummy by the time you get back.

- I love gummy fish.
- Gummy fish.

- Okay, this is, uh...
- What?

This is, uh...
You're gonna wanna call your...

You wanna confirm, but
I've just had it confirmed.

Lukas is interviewing for
an alternative US CEO.

- He's fucking you.
- Bullshit.

- How... how do you...
- It's confirmed.

A source, a number of contacts.

- Uh...
- I'm sorry, Shiv.

Yeah, you're sorry?

- Bullshit. Bullshit.
- Call whoever.

Like, it checks out. Lawrence,
a bunch of vibe hangs?

Have you noticed a little
cooling? Little bit?

I wouldn't call Matsson,

so we can figure out
how we're gonna...

Already calling.
Already calling.

This is fucking
desperate shit. Yeah?

See this?

Is he not answering?
That's interesting.

- Does... does he normally?
- No. Rarely, actually.

- This is so fucking pathetic.
- What's pathetic?

- You are!
- Okay, fine.

Yeah, I... I guess it
would be if it wasn't true.

Like, do... do... Call
Karolina. Call Karolina.

They have erased you from the
new deal announcement draft.

It's shitty, Shiv. It's shitty.

Is this... Fucking
actual... Is this a move?

- Is this real?
- Yeah. No, it's real. Greg.

- Hundred percent.
- Fuck. So then, who instead?

A few faces.
Lawrence. And Klein.

I... I don't know who else.
I'll... I'll know soon.

Man! Okay. Uh, I mean...

With her, things are, um...

Things are back?

As long as she can
recalibrate, yeah.

- Motherfucker!
- I think it's game on.

Fucking call me back!

I think it's
just hard for her.

Yeah, that's very apparent.
That's... that's a real thing.

- Shit.
- Yeah.

All right, well...

So we just... I think we
just lay it out for her.


- Hey.
- Okay. So, what do we do?

Well, did you talk
to him? Lukas?

No, I don't want
to talk to Lukas.

- Okay.
- No, I don't wanna...

I don't...

Don't fucking look at me.

What? Hey, I'm sorry.

No, you're not.
Shut the fuck up.

- Okay, what can I say?
- Maybe nothing.

Um, we might get someone?

- Mm-hmm?
- We might get Laird or Tellis?

- Just to get a...
- No! Not fucking Laird.

And no... not Tellis.

I fucking... I hate Tellis. I
detest Tellis. He's the worst.

- He is the worst.
- Mm-hmm.

Call Tellis. Call Tellis.

We obviously need a
read. Call Tellis.

But he's not getting even
a tiny piece of this. Yeah?

- You okay to do this?
- This is ugly, and this is bad.

- It doesn't feel great.
- I know.

But we're a powerful
bloc. Okay? It was sloppy.

It was careless. We're
ready to fucking kill him.

Yeah, I mean, I think
you're chasing rainbows,

to be honest. I think he has
this all sewn up. But sure.

- Ahoy, ahoy. You there?
- Telly?

- Hey!
- Telly. Thanks, man.

- You got my message?
- I just saw it.

So, look, uh, this
is, uh, non-prejudicial.

This is friend-level briefing.

Clean of upside,
downside, or legal action.

Side effects may include a
fat fucking consultation fee.

Uh, so... so, yeah, this
make sense about US CEO?

Him changing lanes?

Yeah. I mean,
from his point of view,

he doesn't need the name.

He needs chops. And
Shiv doesn't have...

- Shiv's here.
- Fuck you, Tellis.

Sorry, Shiv. No,
I... I just mean in terms

of the names which
are being discussed,

- they... they make... I just...
- Cut to the chase, blondie.

Okay, if it's you
three as a voting bloc,

and on top you have say...

I have, uh, I have Ewan.

I have Paul. I
have Dewi, I think.

And... and then
Stewy. Pretty sure.

I mean, as a voting bloc,
you can probably threaten to kill it.

So, yeah, you have
the whip hand.

What about leadership? Yeah?

Yeah. You need to
present a coherent plan

to the board, including
your leadership candidate.

Uh-huh. And... And
a... And a combination,

or like a... like
a trio, a troika,

would that work or...

Um, well... um...

Just fucking say
it, man. Just say.

I think it hasn't
been great for credibility.

The Incredible Fuck
Brother Bandwagon.

Who the hell calls us The
Incredible Fuck Brother Bandwagon?

- Everyone.
- Really?

You need to
look like a united front

with a coherent plan

that's not a cop-out
at the fudge factory.

One strong name for CEO,
either combined with a chair,

- or a chair with business chops.
- Mm-hmm.

Is what I would
say, off the record.

Thanks, Telly. Thank you.

Okay, we might be in touch
on some moves here, man.

Sounds good, Ken.

I think there's a few
ways through this.

Call Laird. Call anyone.
Honestly, anyone.

Anyone would say we
have to go into battle

with our own version of
the future. With a king.

- Uh...
- Oh, and pray tell.

Do you have one in mind?

- Matsson's a fucking prick.
- Mm-hmm.

Right? He practically
killed Dad,

dragging him over. He's
capricious. He's cold.

He doesn't understand
the business.

- He's a prick.
- I would like to kill him.

And if we're gonna kill
him, we need to get real.

And we would need...

I think it would be me. Right?


Dad said that it would be me.


Well, we were getting
close again, before,

and you know this, mostly,

and I was texting,
and he was warm,

and he said when I was
with him late one night

that it should be...

- Hmm.
- Persuasive.

What else did he say
when no one was around?

That he was the Zodiac
Killer? That he did Tupac?

Whatever. It's fucking... I
said it. It's true. And yeah.

Fuck it. Do whatever
you want with that.

It's just the fucking truth.

Well, he offered
it to me too, Rome.

Oh, yeah?

He... he... he fuckin'
promised it to me.

Promised. When I was
seven. He sat me down

at the Candy Kitchen
in Bridgehampton,

and he fucking
promised it to me.

Seven years old.

- Like, can you imagine?
- Yeah.

Pics or it didn't happen.

That was... messed up. Like,
he shouldn't have done that.

No. He shouldn't have said that.

I'm simply saying he
said a lot of things,

and he said them to me first.

Yeah, and he said it to me last.

Do you even want it?


At the funeral, yeah? Like...
You... you're not that guy.

- You're not...
- What?

You couldn't
do the rounds.

- I mean, you kinda...
- Well, what?

Shrank into
yourself, and that... that...

Why? What? 'Cause
I, like, fucking...

I cried a little at
my father's funeral?

That means I'm totally
fucked forever?

That doesn't seem right.

It absolutely does
not make you a bad person.

Like, maybe it makes
you a good person

that you weren't
snaking at the funeral.

Like, maybe... Maybe
you're well-adjusted,

and I'm a business psycho.
I don't know, man. It...

Like, it's... It's a
fucking horrible job

that clearly kills you.

So I'm just...

Honestly, I'm just trying to
guide us through the years

- to some truth here, man.
- Great, yeah. Cheesy.

I'm serious.

Yeah, serious fuckin'
cheeseball is what you are.

He just can't say it.

He doesn't want it,
but he can't say it.

And me?

I love you, Shiv.
I fucking love you.

But we simply
cannot walk in there

and say we're
blocking his offer,

and we have this
compelling vision,

and say that leading it
is you, when yesterday,

you were singing his
song. We simply can't.

And we can't say it's Roman

because he lacks heft, and
he... he looks pathetic,

and he might flop.


Obviously, I want it to be me.

But I genuinely think
anyone would say,

anyone, objectively, would say,

LA, my profile,
experience, position,

desire, public pronouncements.

It's me.

If we want to hold on
to this company for us,

for my kids, for yours...

it's me.

- Hey, Rome!
- Yeah?

Guess who Kendall
thinks it should be?

It's gonna blow
your fuckin' mind!

- Okay.
- We can find a cool structure.

Right? Like fiefdoms. Kingdoms.

If we pull off a reverse Viking,
guys? Like, it's fucking huge.

Shiv, seriously. Take
ATN, take all of news,

save the world. Rome,
uh, social media,

fuck it all up
again. It'll be fun.

We're not actually going in,
right? 'Cause you know...

There's no bad
sharks in Bim, baby.

- They're North Atlantic.
- Well, they can commute.

All the seas, in case
you didn't know this,

are connected.

It's like a huge water subway
for things that wanna eat me.

Come on. Let's do it. Come on.


- Did he...
- Yeah.


Can you, uh, give us a minute?

Thank you.


We could fuck it. Get out.

Sell to Matsson, let...

Lawrence or...

some other business
school dry-cleaner...

- Mm-hmm.
- Sit in the throne.

Shut up shop and
give away the keys.

It can't be him, though.

But it really can't be you.

Well, okay. I hate
him, but I fear you.

He would be unbearable,
and you would be...

a disaster.

He'd be...

It will be terrible.
It will. But...

I don't know, I can sort
of, unfortunately, see it.

- Whereas you?
- Matsson took me seriously.

Or he played
you like a big fiddle.

Like a pregnant cello.


Who do you think Dad actually
wanted to give it to?

Uh, I don't think
Dad gave a fuck

about anything more

than putting one foot
in front of the other.

Yeah, I don't think he wanted
to give it to any of us.

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

We could give it to him.

Yeah, we probably should.

- Unless...
- Unless?

Unless we kill him.

- Okay. Kill him?
- Yeah.

I like that. That's
intriguing. How would we do it?

Well, just a bit of
horseplay gone wrong.

Just a biff to the head
and a bonk on the noggin

- with a coconut.
- Wait till he goes limp.

- Yeah.
- What goes around comes around?

Yeah. And if we kill him, we
get to go to bed. I'm tired.

But he'd be so annoying
if it went wrong.

The murdering. Like...

"Did you just try to
murder me? Dude, that is...

so not actually what
you're meant to do,

and it is not a
good thing to do."

"You guys actually
just murdered me.

You guys are the worst.

How dare you?"

- Shall we?
- Yeah.

- Hi!
- Hey.

Hey. So, we were thinking
of murdering you.

- Well, don't tell him.
- But, uh, you know...

It's too much prep.
Too much murder admin.

No stomach for the admin.

- So...
- Okay.

We anoint you.

You get the bauble.

It's haunted and cursed

and nothing will
ever go right, but...

enjoy your bauble.



Thank you.

- Look at his face.
- Yeah.

You can smile, bitch.

- Yeah, there we go.
- There you go.

Show us those goddamn teeth.

- Happy Ken.
- Happy Ken?

- Happy Ken. Weird.
- Yeah, that's what happy Kendall looks like.

Ooh, if we're going
to anoint him,

- he needs to complete a task.
- Yeah.

Like walk upstairs
and say real quietly,

"Hey, Jonathan. I'd like a
word with you in my ass."

And say it with a spoonful
of cinnamon in your mouth.

Oh, that's been done.

That's what they
made Lee Iacocca do

- when he took over at Ford.
- Rome.

- What?
- Meal fit for a king?

Oh, yes!

We are gonna make you a meal fit for a king. So...

- Yes, sir.
- Oh, what a mighty bounty.

- All right.
- Is there actually anything in there

for a sandwich? I'm starving.

Uh, yes! Mummy with this
pair of sprouting potatoes,

zero-percent milk,
and wartime pickle,

you do spoil us so!

Something gross.

Oh, you... you know, you're
gonna be a great CEO.

I really think that.

If this doesn't kill you,
which it definitely will.

Well, I'm actually starving,

and I think this
is expired, so...

Uh, this is a hot sauce.


- Milk.
- Oh, it's a great starter.

- ♪ Meal fit for a king ♪
♪ Meal fit for a king ♪

- ♪ Meal fit for a king... ♪
-♪ Meal fit for a king ♪

- Chuck it in, darling.
- Quiet! Quiet. Quiet.

- Hello, Mother.
- I see you all came back.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

What's going on?

making a meal fit for a king.

- Yeah?
- I'm the king.

But can
you do it quietly?

- Yes. Sorry.
- 'Cause, you know, Jonathan's trying

to get to sleep upstairs.

He's trying to recover
after your rudeness.

- Sorry.
- You know, he came all the way

from Monaco. He has to
watch his days here.

We're... we're celebrating.

We're not celebrating.
We're mourning.

- We're trying to kill him.
- We're voting as a bloc

- together to keep the firm.
- Blimey O'Reilly.

Oh, gosh.

Well, on your head be it.

Well, I had some negative news,

and so then we decided to
have a friendly conversation

about who should,
uh... who it would be.

Now, we have to anoint him

because that's what
you do to a king.

Fine. That fucks
Christmas up, doesn't it?

Oh, don't touch that!
That's Peter's cheese!

God's sake. I made
that mistake myself.

His special cheese. He gets
really boring about it.

Uh, Mother, there... there
really isn't much food.

I'll tell you what. Peter doesn't
like the knobbies, so I freeze them.

He doesn't
like the what?

You know, the
knobbies. The loaf ends.

- Okay.
- Enjoy.

- Oh, it's a bag of frozen knobbies.
- Gets stuck in...

Well, look, you
know, be inventive.

Do you know, I'm
actually quite glad

that you're getting
along so well.

I mean, Peter will
be disappointed.

But, you know,

it's nice to see you've got
something to agree about,

besides what a
terrible mother I am.

Oh, well, we'll never
disagree on that, Mom.

- Yeah.
- I'm sure. Nighty night.

- We love you.
- Night, night.

- Yeah, I love you too.
- Love you, Mama.

Night, night.

I'm gonna eat his cheese.

Peter doesn't
like the knobbies, darling.

You're a knobby.

You're a knobby. Catch it.

You're a knobby!

Okay now, three in
a row? How did you do that?

Don't eat Peter's cheese.

Jonathan's sleeping.

Sorry, Peter.

Don't lick...
...Peter's cheese!

Oh my God, that is...

Oh, God.
Don't lick it.

- So gross.
- Ah!

- Don't go down...
- I'm so sorry, Mummy.

- Don't go down on Peter's special cheese.
- His delicious cheeses.

brought that over in a hankie!

Don't go down on
the special cheese.

I'm so sorry, Mummy.
I licked it all over.

- I'm so sorry, Mummy. I licked your cheese.
- Don't! Don't!

I can't stop licking his cheese.

I'm so sorry. Let's
keep it quiet.

A little Tabasco.

A lot of Tabasco.

- Meal fit for a king!
- Now, this is brilliant.

- We're... we're so close.
- Meal fit for a king!

Branston... Oh, yeah!

Branston pickle?
You love that.

- So close. Never got there.
♪ Meal fit for a king ♪

Yeah, we're good.

-♪ Meal fit for a king That you're
trying to kill ♪ - I think this is good.

- Meal fit for a king... ♪ - No, this
is... No, this is a healthful tonic.

This is really good.

♪ Meal fit for a
king Meal fit for a king ♪

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- I'm not actually drinking that.

- I'm not drinking that.
- ♪ Meal fit for a king ♪

Mm, no, don't do that.

Drink up.

This is gonna be all
right. Right? Like...

- We're all right. Yeah?
- Just fucking drink it.

Oh, God.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh.

Kings don't wear silly hats.

- Kings wear crowns.
- I can't drink anymore.

Well, then don't.
Wear your crown, sir.

Oh, no.

- Wear your crown. Wear your crown.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

- No, no, no, no.
- No, no, no, no.

- Then let me put it on.
- No, no, no!

- Oh, my God. Mom!
- King!

- Bye, Mom.

- Goodbye, darling.
- Thanks for the, uh, the drops.

going to be okay.

Yeah. Bye.

Bye. Good to see you!

- Go away.
- Fucking waste of time.

I mean, yeah, I think
Ewan is best just left to it.

- He'll vote the status quo.
- I don't know if there's time, Con.

I have them here with me. We just landed.

Good ol' Paul. Yeah,
he don't do that, right?

- He don't do tech.
- All right. I'll ask.

- Stewy? Yeah, I'll go wherever whenever for Stewy.
- All right, great. Goodbye.

Paul's good. Paul's rock.
He doesn't trust tech.

- Good ol' Paul.
- Con... Connor wants to know

if we're gonna make
the Great Reallocation?

Oh, I mean, do we
care? Do we want to?

Are Frank and Karl
gonna be there?

- 'Cause it could be...
- I don't know. I don't know.

- I mean, should we just do...
- Okay. We're gonna hide out at Dad's.

He's kind of losing
his shit, so...

- Yeah. Got it.
- Let's do it.

- To the Great Reallocation. Let's go!
- Okay. Off we go!

- Hello.
- We'll be there.

To the fucking antique shit show!

Dewi! Hold on. Hold on.

- How are you?
- Not bad.

- To my dad's.
- You got it.

I know that
many of you have, uh,

somewhere rather important
to be this afternoon.

But the system is pretty simple.

So, as you move in a
clockwise direction

around the apartment,

affix your stickers
to objects you covet.

One sticker each on a number
of different articles,

or many on one
prized item. Mm-hmm?

Okay, so subsequent
circulating mourners...

- Mm-hmm.
- Will then apply their stickers.

After two stickering
perambulating circuits...

- We call them SPCs.
- Okay.

Objects will be assigned to
the higher sticker bidder.

Where sticker claims are tied,
we move on to the tie-break

perambulation circuit.


After which all unstickered
items will be pooled

and distributed in reverse
alphabetical order,

other than those stickered by

the, uh, second tier,
excuse me, uh, bereaved.

- Do I make myself clear?
- Absolutely.

- It's a good system, Con.
- All right, it's on. Go get 'em.

- Oh, that's nice.
- Game on.

- Hey, Con? Where are the medals?
- Oh, yeah.


Yeah, there was a...

first round. There was
a... an initial round.

And who was present at that?

That was myself, solely.


Okay. And, um, does
all of this have to go?

I mean, you don't wanna...

Well, I'd like to
get rid of pretty much everything.

I have some pretty
cool stuff coming in,

like a cow print couch

- about, like, yay long.
- Wow. Great.

Con, you don't wanna
keep more for...

Well, we're planning on, if...
when Mencken comes through,

um, we're actually, uh,
experimenting with an idea.

I have a play reading
in six to eight months,

and, uh, Con is
going to Slovenia,

and I'll be working on that.
So we're gonna try, um...

Yeah, you know, we're...
We're, uh, really excited

how this long-distance
thing can, uh,

add another dimension,
you know, to...

- Yeah, add a little spice, you know?
- Yeah.

That's hot.

As we, you know, get
deeper into the marriage.

Yeah, that's sexy. They call it
the second-week itch, I believe.

- Rome!
- Yeah?

- We're excited.
- Yeah.

Heard the latest about the,
uh, Wisconsin court thing?

- I'm sorry, what court thing?
- Uh, it's a hiccup.

Just a little hiccup
for Jeryd, I think.

- Okay.
- Yeah. I mean,

maybe Mencken might not make it.

And so maybe you
might get to keep him

- all to yourself, huh?
- Great.

I think I'm gonna
take this letter-opener.

What the fuck is this?

Virtual dinner with Pop.

What? When is this from?

I don't know
how many weeks ago.

here we go. Gore. Dole.

- Bush. Mike D.
- Is he doing the...

Wait, the losers list?

- Yeah.
- Mondale. Carter.

- Shit!
- A Ford, not a Lincoln for me.

Hippie George,
Humphrey, St. Barry.

Dick the Bad. Willkie,
Landon, Hoover,

Al Smith of the Vatican,

David, Cox, Hughes, Taft, Bryan.

Martin Van Buren, White,
Ol' Tippecanoe, Clay.

Hey, JQA...

- How many elections...
- How many elections

- have you lost today?
- Have you lost today?

Very good.

Clinton the first...

- but not the worst.
- But not the worst.

Pinckney twice. Jefferson,
Adams, all very nice.

I can't believe he
could still do that.

- All right. Who's next? Gerri?
- Yeah.

- Do the limerick. Gerri, do the limerick.
- Okay. Okay.

"Much dearer to me
than my treasure,"

the heiress declared,
"is my leisure.

For then I can screw
the whole Harvard crew.

They're slow, but that
lengthens the pleasure."

- Connor!
- All right, okay, okay.

I give you, ladies
and gentlemen,

"I Am a Little Teapot."

- Oh, good.
- Okay.

In the manner of Mr. Logan Roy.

I am a little teapot. Fuck off!

Short and stout. What
did you fucking call me?

Here's my handle.
Here's my fucking spout.

When I get steamed up,
you can hear me shout!

Frank Vernon is a moron.
Karl Muller is a kraut.

This is... it's incredible.

Pops did not like it.

That was good.

Karl, come on. Sing it. Sing it.

- Yeah, Karl, come on.
- I want a copy of this. Sing it.

♪ There's naught
but care On every han' ♪

- I'd like to have it...
- I got it, I got it.

♪ In every hour that passes, O ♪

♪ What signifies
The life o' man ♪

♪ And t'were not
For the lassies, O ♪

murdering it, Karl.

♪ Green grow
the rashes, O ♪

- ♪ Green grow the rashes, O ♪

♪ The sweetest hours
That e'er I spend ♪

♪ Are spent among
The lasses, O ♪

Kerry, listen. He's
murdering it. He's murdering it.

♪ The war'ly
race May riches chase ♪

♪ And riches still
May fly them, O ♪

♪ Green grow the rashes, O ♪

♪ The sweetest hours
That e'er I spent ♪

♪ Were spent among
The lasses, O ♪

- Hey.
- Hey!


Doing okay?

You're not gonna get canned?

Uh, I don't... Hmm. I
don't... I don't think so.


Good luck.

Oh, no.

No, no. No, that's all fucked.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I mean,
Matsson was just...

stringing me along, or
he switched lanes, but...

you know, it's...

Either way, it's
not gonna be me.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

Whoa! Okay. I... Are you sure?

I mean, is that... How...
What did... Is that even true?

Yeah. Greg.


- Yeah.
- Oh, wow.


Man. Oh, man. Man,
oh, man. What a thing.

- Hmm.
- That's, uh...

That's terrible. So...
so, like, who do...

Who do you think he would...

I mean, who would it be? Like...

Uh, I don't know. Like a...

tech pal, big hitter.
Lawrence, maybe?

- Fuck.
- Yeah.

Well, fuck him.

Yeah. Well, maybe, uh,

maybe you should vote
it through, you know,

if it's all set. I don't know.

- What?
- Yeah? No, no. I just...

No, I was just
thinking if it was...

No, no. Wow.

Yeah, Shiv, you
should probably know.

It's me.

It's you?

Yeah, you might as
well know. I mean...

- Bullshit.
- You're gonna find... I mean,

you're gonna find
out. It's gonna be...

I think, uh...

Yeah. And I... You know,
maybe... Maybe I wonder if you...

If it is an idea
that you should...

Oh, fuck you. Really?
Fuck you.

- Yeah.
- What?

Jesus, you're a fucking...

Like, he went for a, uh,
an empty fucking suit?

Oh, yeah. "Maybe, oh, actually,
you should vote it through,

hey, yeah, maybe."

Come on. I know you.

Like you wouldn't if it
was the other way around?

You know what? Good luck,
yeah? Good luck, motherfucker.

'Cause we have
the numbers, yeah?

Good fucking luck.

- It's Tom.
- What?

It's fucking Tom.

- Tom?
- Yeah, let's go.

- Let's fucking go.
- Oh man.

Let's run our numbers. Let's go.

Fucked by the
dry cleaner. Wow.

Hey, Greg, can I have a word?

- Yeah?
- A word, yeah? Just... just... just right now.

Do you mind? Corporate
matter, tactical.

- Hi, Tom. See you.
- Hey.

Yeah, just in here.

- In the bathroom?
- Sure.

- Yeah.
- Come on.

Did you tell?

- What?
- Did you fucking tell?

Huh? You bastard.

I was this close. And
now, they have a chance

to fucking pull their
fucking opposition together,

you fucking prick.

No, look. I don't
think I...

You fucking... you
fucking little prick.

You fucking little
piece of shit.

Fuck you.

Problem. Big fucking problem.

All right, wake up, zombies!
Time to activate. Come on!

Phones! I wanna see
some fucking phones!

And where's Frank? We
get a hold of Frank?

Call Frank. Call Frank.
Make sure he's locked in.

Okay. Where's Ebba?

- Yeah?
- Ebba!

- Stewy?
- Yeah, wobble.

- He's a wobbly fucking bastard.
- Okay.

Okay. Well, let's go get
him. Let's fuck him up.


Silence in the courtyard.

Silence in the street.

The biggest fool in England
is just about to speak.

I'm gonna
go to my office.

- All right.
- Okay.

Uh, Claire, do I
have any messages?

- Hey. So...
- Hey.

- How you doing?
- Mm-hmm.

You'll be able to,
uh, block, you think?

Great. I think that's great.

A chance to change the culture,

the backstabbing, a new era.
And I was wondering, um...

just between us, and before,
you know, things blow up,

maybe part of that change
is getting rid of Hugo?

Just wanted to plant the seed.

- That's all.
- Uh-huh?

- Hi.
- Hey.

morning. Morning.

- Congrats.
- Yeah, thanks.

Well, looks like they've heard

their testicles
might be on fire.

- Yeah.
- I haven't seen Frank run like that ever.

Okay. Can we help
prepare the ground?

Well, it's gonna be a
fairly explosive megafuck.

So, yeah, the GoJo
deal is gonna die.

Frank maybe pulls the vote,

or they push and get humiliated?

So, yeah.

Big, big day on the, uh,
old salami line, huh?

Yeah, it sure is. Yeah.
I'll get you the materials.

- Okay.
- Uh...

Details on the financing
for... for background for...

for the journal piece. Um...

- Uh, yeah. It's, uh...
- Yeah. Whatever.

It's not a magic
chair. Yeah, go ahead.

Okay. Um...

Hey, hey, hey. How we looking?

- Hey, dude. We have it.
- Hello? Yeah,

Okay? We have it.

But do we have you?
We've got you, right?

Well, I do have certain
questions about riding

the vegetable
train. But, like...

I am a selfish person. So...

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Do we invite the Stewpot in?

You know, get him
inside. Non-Exec Chair.

Fucking activist backtivist.

Chair? Guys? I like weird
sex. I like bad drugs.

I'm a very complicated

Bullshit. Bullshit.

You like pancakes and waffles
and you kiss guys on Molly.

You're not the
heart of darkness.

You're... you're a grilled
cheese with a sucked dick.

Let us clean you up.

Well, why don't
we just think about it, huh?

- Uh-huh.
- And, Shiv.

You know, I do think
if we give Sandi

a little tug, she might
be somewhat foldable?

Okay, great. Perfect. Let's go.

And you did a fucking
good one, man.


Chairman Stewpot.
I can... I'm into that.

Are you into that, Shiv?

Um, these are my
colleagues, um...

Hey, what's she doing in?

- Shall we?
- Hmm? Who?

Gerri. What's
she doing here?

Uh... I don't know,
I think... I think

we're paying her off big-time.
So it's not a lock-out, right?

I don't... I
don't wanna see her.

- Should she even be around?
- Uh, yeah. Sure.

Let's... let's...
Let's fuck her out.

Yeah, I don't think I
really wanna see anyone.

You okay?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna call in.

I think I'm gonna
call in the vote.

I think I'm gonna...
Yeah. I don't wanna...

Yeah, I... I... I... I
think, man, it's, um...

- People kinda know you're here.
- Mm.

You know,
show of force.

Are you okay?

Uh-huh. Yeah, it looks
better than I thought.

Looks so much better.

Uh-huh. Yeah, it does. It does.

Yeah. I feel like, people
are gonna be like...

why isn't it me?
You know, like...

Sure. I mean, it could
have been you, Rome.

Could easily have been you.

It's just... It's
just marginal...

- presentation shit.
- Mm-hmm.

You'll have something shit-hot.

- Socials, right?
- Right?

No, but it's just, you
know, just the optics.

It's dumb, but the stitches.

They're good stitches.
They're good.

This is 90 percent
about the visuals.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
And I mean, just if, like,

people think that I,
like, pussied out,

then I don't think that
I should, you know...

- Yeah?
- Yeah, I can't.

No, I can't. 'Cause, you
know. Like, I look okay.

Like, this
looks fine. So, you know...

It's fucking stupid, but...

Like, why isn't it me?




All right.

Oh, Jesus! Fuck.

Oh, fuck!

Oh, you...


Oh, you fucking bastard!

- Oh, you shit!
- I love you, man.

I fucking hate you.

We'll be okay, right?

- Shit, it popped.
- We're gonna do good.

Teamwork makes the
dream work.

It could have been you.

- It's great to see you.
- It's great to see you. Yeah.

Here we go.

Sandi, how's it going?

Simon, how are you?

Good to see you.
Thanks for being here.

- Ewan. New York's finest?
- Absolutely.

Appreciate it.

All right. Let's
call this meeting to order.

I note that all the
directors are present.

Uh, the agenda and
the information packs

have been circulated

and I would like to
take them as read.

We have a revised offer to
consider from the GoJo board,

and a lot of work has been
done to get us to a position

where we're ready to
sign if the board agrees.

As you also, of
course, are aware,

we will be hearing
from our co-CEOs

about strategic alternatives.

Uh, we've aired the issues
and heard from our advisors

on the GoJo proposal in
the previous session.

So now, I'd like to hand
the floor to Kendall.

Yeah, the... the GoJo offer.

Uh, yeah,
this... this deal...

The deal is a bad deal.

The GoJo offer.

We were proud to
land it, me and Rome.

Uh, we know it inside
out, but it's a bad deal.

And if you want
it to go through,

you'll have to fire me
and find someone else

to take it through, yeah?

I think you have your packs here

with the structural arguments
and the financing options.

And look, it's a
nice thick pack.

We've knocked it
out of the park.

And, uh, GoJo,
Matsson is flailing.

We know that.

So, look. Look. We
know each other.

I've spoken to you all.

I like and respect
every one of you,

but, uh, no one's gonna have
their mind changed in here.


So I suggest we
move to the vote.

Kill this, excuse
me, GoJo bullshit.

And, you know, let's
eat their lunch.

- Uh, Ken?
- What? You want me to read it out?

For due process? Come
on, we have the votes.

I would rather Simon.

Let's do it for my
dad, guys. Yeah?

Would anyone object to
moving directly to a vote?

- No.
- Uh, very well.

So, yes, I think
it's a good deal.

I can't in good
conscience as chair

vote any other way.

- Sonya?
- Yes.

- Diane?
- Yes.

- Kendall?
- You know my vote. No.

No to GoJo.

Yes. And yes.

We want out.

No, I'm against.

First, do no harm.


Team Ken, baby. I'm a no.


Uh, nope.

That's fucking right.



This is... Just gotta...
Just give me a sec.

- Shiv?
- Shiv?

It's all good. It's all good.

Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Just a moment, please.

With Paul's vote,
it's now six to six.

- Oh my God. Ugh.
- Six to six.

- Hey.
- I just... Uh...

You okay? We... we have it.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- We have it. Look, look, look.

We have it.

All right? We have it.
Are... are you scared?

- I'm not scared.
- Are you sick?

No, I'm not scared.

Are you... are you good?

Yeah, I just... Can
I have a moment, please?

Just fuck off. I just
need a... moment.

- I wanna think.
- Okay.

Uh, think about what?

Whether you want us
to keep the company,

or hand it over to Tom

and that piece of shit
who killed our dad?

Uh, I might have
changed my mind.

What the fuck?

I'm good for this company.
I'm... I'm good for us.

You know, we all
vote, we keep control.

We don't, then
everything's over, forever.

- Uh-huh.
- Here's the thing.

I am like a cog built
to fit only one machine.

Like, if you don't
let me do this...

I mean, it... it's the one
thing I know how to do.

Well, it's not all about you.

- I know.
- Yeah, you are not the most important one.

I... I
don't think I am.

Yes, you do. You do, you
do. You fucking do. You do.

But, Shiv, honestly,
it's so fucking crazy

not to just let me now.

I mean, it... it... it...
It's... it's stupid.

We... we all get something here.

I mean, you're voting
against yourself.

- You realize that?
- Uh. Mm.

- Mm.
- Shiv. Shiv, listen.

Please. I beg you. Listen.

I can do this.

I don't think you'd
be good at it.

What? I don't... I
don't even believe you.

- I don't believe you.
- I don't.

I don't think that you
would be good at this.

For fuck's sake, Shiv!

I mean,
for fuck's sake.

What the fuck is going on?

It's... it's... it's six to six
and we don't have Shiv's vote.

This doesn't make, like,
logic. Where's the logic?

No, I just don't think
you'd be good at it.

I feel like...

if I don't get to do this...

I... I... I feel like...

that's it. Like, I
might... I might...

Uh, like I... I might die.

Shiv, can we go in that
room? Can you just vote?

Please. Please.

You can't be CEO.

You can't because
you killed someone.

What do you... But... Which?

- What?
- Wait, what do you mean "which"?

What? Like, what... Like,
you've killed so many people

you forgot which one?

That's... that's not an issue.

That didn't happen.

- Uh, what?
- Wait, it didn't? As in what?

It... it's just a thing I said.

It's a thing I
said. I made it up.

- You made it up?
- Yeah. I...

I... I... It was a
difficult time for us,

and I think I, you
know, whatever,

mussed up something from nothing
because I... I just... I wanted

for us all to bond at
a difficult moment.

- Wait, it was a move?
- Okay?

No, not... There was a kid.
There was that kid, but...

So there was a kid?

I had, like, a toke
and a beer and not...

I didn't even get in
the car. It's not...

- Hold on. What?
- The fuck?

I felt bad and,
uh, I false-memoried it.

Like, I'm... I'm totally
clean. I can do this.

Wait. Did it happen
or did it not happen?

It did not happen.


It did not
happen. I wasn't even there.

It did not happen.


Fucking vote for me.

Just, plea... Vote for me.

Shiv, vote for me.


- Yes!
- No.

- Shiv, don't do this. You can't do this, Shiv!
- No. No.

- Yes!
- Absolutely not, man. Absolutely not.

- No.
- Why?

- No... Why?
- Well, just...

I love you. I...
Really, I love you,

but I cannot
fucking stomach you.

This is
fucking disgusting.

- It's disgusting.
- It's disgusting?

You're disgusting!
You're fucking heartless!

- What?
- It's fucking nuts!

It doesn't even make any sense.

I'm the eldest boy!

- I am the eldest boy!
- You're not.

And, you know, it...
this... It mattered to him.

He wanted this to go on.

Well, I mean, she's
the bloodline, though.


I'm the... I'm the bloodline.
We're all the fucking bloodline.

No, I just mean if you're
gonna play that card,

Dad's view was
yours weren't real.

What the fuck did you just say?

Well, just
not "real" real.


Well, that's just what Dad said.
I'm just saying what Dad said.

Well, don't say it,
you fucking cuck.

They are a pair of randos.

One is a buy-in.

The other is half Rava, half
some filing-cabinet guy, right?

What the
fuck? Let go of him!

- The fuck did you say?
- The fuck are you doing?

The fuck did you say?

- Stop! Fuck's sake.
- You have no kids.

Shiv, no, don't do this!
Shiv, don't do this.

- Okay, hold on a second.
- Get the fuck off me!

- She's fucking pregnant, you piece of shit.
- Get off me.

Jesus Christ!

Are you
fucking kidding me?

Shiv, no!
Wait. Shiv, wait!

- Fuck you.
- Can you just fucking leave her?

Fucking child.

Let's hit... let's hit Frank.

Let's offer Frank. We
can... We can still do this.

Bullshit, man. Come on,
it's fucking nothing. Stop.

No, there's something
here. There's an angle.

No, no.
It's fuck all, man.

It's bits of glue
and broken shows,

fucking phony news. Fucking...

Come on.

We have this. We can
still do this, man.

Oh my God. Man, it's nothing.
Okay? It's just nothing.

It's fucking nothing. Stop it!

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

Yeah. Hey, we are bullshit.

- We are not bullshit.
- We are bullshit.

You are bullshit. You're
fucking bullshit, man.

I'm fucking bullshit.
She's bullshit.

It's all fucking nothing, man.

I'm telling you this because
I... I know it, okay?

We're nothing.



Hey. So,
uh, pardon me.

Um, where are we?

- Ken.
- I was thinking maybe we... that we should maybe,

uh, adjourn the meeting

and... and re... uh, re...

- Uh...
- Ken. Ken, it's done.


We sell to GoJo.
You don't have it.


- We're good.
- Okay.

So, what are you thinking?
Golden Parachute?

Or one last rodeo?

- Go on.
- What do you think?

I'm thinking we shoulda slit
his throat in the cradle.

Well, goes without saying.

- Hi, Stewy.
- I'm thrilled for you.

- I appreciate it.
- Let's fucking do it.

- Please, let's talk.
- All right.

Hey, man. Great one.

The losers never triumph.

I was always hoping, you
know? So, uh, let's chat.

- I got you.
- Where's Karolina?

- Karolina?
- Mm-hmm.

She's, um...

- Congratulations, Tom.
- Hey, buddy. Thank you.

I just... I just
wanted to say congrats.

- Thanks.
- And yeah. So...

- Tom. Just phenomenal.
- Hey. Pastures new, right?

- Yes, it is.
- This is it.

Yeah, so how's it all looking?


- Plans? Planning?
- Yeah, I wanna talk to Gerri.

Yeah, Gerri gets it. She's
not afraid of the dark.

And who else?

Frank, dead. Karl, dead.

I really don't need those
two old cunts on my shoulder.


You fucked it, man. Quad
man. Matsson hates you.

- Wants a clean-out.
- Fuck.

You are a fucking piece of shit.

But I got you. I got
just enough capital.

I got you.

Okay, all
right. Hey, guys.

- Hi.
- Good, so we're good to go?

Fine. Seems to be a little bit
of a communication breakdown.

I don't mind signing
the fucking thing.

- Good.
- I don't need to be talked into that. That's fine.

- We need you to come in right now to complete this ceremony.
- I just need...

Bring me the piece of
paper and I'll sign it.

- I just don't wanna be in the room with the guy.
- We're gonna do it at the desk.

I have to be in the room
with him to sign the thing?

- This is being a CEO.
- We take one quick photo, and you're done.

And the photo op, I already told
you, I'm not taking a fucking photo.

Let's take... Okay. Let's do
it. No, no. Let's fucking do it.

Take all the fucking
pictures you want.

See me leaving. Big day.

Happy, happy. Good
stuff. Good stuff.

- Great.
- How are ya? Great.

Okay, here
we go. Thank you.


Okay. Quick, quick.


Uh, what's the return
policy on this, by the way?

- Congratulations.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Love you, Roman.
- Thank you, man.

Okay, uh, let's get
Frank and Karl in here.

- Group photo, GoJo team.
- Absolutely. Come on.

Frank and Karl. Okay?

Guys, get closer
together, please.

Closer together. Good smile. Wonderful. One, two, three.

This is the
new team. All right.

Jesus and his disciples.

Even Judas is in the room.

- Oh, there we go.
- There we go.

- Ooh!
- Why not just a GoJo one?

Yeah, let's take
a GoJo. GoJo photo.

Okay. Just the
three of you. Okay.

- Three musketeers.
- There you go! One, two, three.

- Wonderful.
- Okay.

- Let's just do a single. Single on Matsson. Okay.
- Okay, Lukas. Yeah.

Hey, I got a car in
20, if you wanna join.

All right. Thank you. Thank you.

- Okay. Let's party.
- Bubbly! Bubbly!

Let's party.

Why isn't that
champagne already out?

♪ Agadoo, doo, doo
Daka daka daka da ♪

Agadoo, doo, doo ♪



- Congratulations.
- Oh, no. No, no.