Stumptown (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - All Quiet on the Dextern Front - full transcript

Dex takes on a new case helping a mother who has lost custody of her children, which triggers parallels to her time in Afghanistan. After memories of Afghanistan reemerge, Dex spirals and ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Stumptown"...

Don't leave yet.

There's some people
who want to meet you.

Your family.

We've been waiting
for you.

Alright, "Everything I want
to do now that I'm 21."

You wanna
ask a girl out?

What? No!

You were gonna go all the way
to L.A. to look at a car?

When I was a kid,
my dad had one just like it.

So, what do you say?

Trust me, you're gonna love it
down here.

Come on.

L.A. sucks,
and I'm going home.


it's my dad's actual car.

You always said that if
you ever found your dad

that you would finally
get some closure.

Well, this is
your chance.


Okay, I think
my work here is done.

You ready to go home?

You seriously had to drive
that piece of junk to L.A.?

Who has a flat spare?

I have a spare spare, okay?

I just don't know
where I put it.

Right. Cool.

Yeah, this is hell.

Come on.
We're on an adventure.

Discovering new places.

There's only one bed.

it's all they had left.

But hey,
hell has a minibar.

Alright, we are officially
out of whiskey.


Maybe there's something
on TV.


Oh, hey, big boy.

Man: Did somebody call
for a plumber?

Oh, even the porn
in Ukiah is boring.

What seems to be
the problem?

Did he just --
I think he did.

Then why would she --

Yeah, you would -- you would
have to ask her that.

My pipes are all clogged.

I'm just saying...

we could...

A one-time deal?
I mean, come on.

We're two grown adults.
Sharing a little bed --

Nobody knows us here.

There are no rules in Ukiah.

That is a big problem.
It might take a while.

I've got all night.

On the other hand --
Yeah, see you in the morning.

Let's get sleep.

You've got such strong arms.

I know how to work
a wrench.

Show me.
Work my wrench!

Yeah, I'll work it.
They don't call me...

Hey, Dex, do you mind --

Yeah, I got it.

I got a big --

Alright, good night.

Mm, good night.

Woman: I've been waiting
for you.

Man: Pizza delivery --
with extra-meaty sausage.

So, how was L.A.?

Oh, well, besides being
fire-bombed --

Buying a new car --

Having a gun drawn on me
by an actor --

Finding out I have
a half-brother --

Pretty uneventful,
wouldn't you say?

I would.


How was the drive back?

It was -- It was a drive.

Hey, isn't that the, uh...
that the military guy?

Yeah, he was a client.

So, you're, uh,
Jeremy's cousin?

You work out of a bar.

Why are we here?

If it wasn't for Dex,

I wouldn't even know
who my real family was.

Who you are.

Just give her a chance.

Aimee has priors.

That's why they think
that she did this.

It's mostly petty stuff,

e-except the armed robbery

Oh, okay.
I didn't do it.

A couple years ago, her ex had
her drive to the liquor store.

She waited in the car.

A few minutes later, he comes
out holding a bag of cash

and his dad's gun.

Sounds like a keeper.

I dumped him, but the DA
still charged me

'cause the system's broken.

She took a plea deal.

So, according to
public record,

you're guilty
of a violent crime.

Like I said,
the system is broken.

And you were -- you were just
arrested for another one?

This old dude got beat up
and robbed a week ago.

They think Aimee did it.

Jeremy, what is the point
of all this?

Just give her a chance.

Look, sh--
she did everything right.

She followed all the rules,
got sober.

And now they want to
take her girls away.

That's Sara,
and that's Olive.

You wanna see
your kids again?

You want to see
your kids again?

They took away her custody
after she was arrested.

Now they're with foster care.

Olive doesn't do well
with new people.

It took her forever
to warm up to me.

Uh, so you, uh,
you want me to help...

help her get her kids back?

I don't want history
repeating itself.

I mean, if I hadn't been taken
away from my mom --

I am not like your mom.

She was a victim.

You didn't do this!

They're not
gonna believe that.

They took my children.

Hajira: They took my children!

They took my children!

They took my children!

Jeremy: Dex.


You okay?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

can you help us?


Yeah, I -- I gotta go.

They took my children!


Eh --


Major Volkers: Come on.

Dex: Are we interrogating
noncombatants now, sir?

Hajira Abbassin.

Now, we believe
her husband's the leader

of an insurgent cell.

Doesn't make her a bad guy.

Doesn't make her
a good guy, either.


Hajira Abbassin.

We believe her husband's
the leader of an --


Two days ago, one of
our ammo depots was raided.

Insurgents made off
with explosives.

You think her husband did it?

MARSOC thinks they're gonna use
the explosives tonight.

Then find her husband.

We're looking for him.

She's a civilian.
She's a civilian.

Who may know something.

Find her husband...

We have one hour
to prevent this attack.

Maybe two.

Make her talk.

Dex: She's a civilian.

Make her talk, Parios.

They took my children!
Make her talk.

We have an hour
to prevent this attack.

Then find her husband.

Make her talk.

She's a civilian.
Make her talk, Parios.

You think her husband did it?
They took my children!

Get my children!

Then I will tell you
what you need to know.




Uh, you okay?

I'm fine.

Can I come in?

Uh, I'm kinda busy right now,



I'm gonna come in.

Excuse me.


I know.

Hey, good thing Ansel
wasn't here, right?

If Ansel was here,
this wouldn't have happened.

It wouldn't have gone
so far.

Is there anything you want
to talk about?

No, there is not.

Hey, why'd you bail
on that case?

That guy Jeremy
said you walked out.

Okay, that -- that has nothing
to do with this, okay?

I think it does.

I'm just so ashamed, okay?


You know, whatever it is
that you're going through,

you can talk to me, right?

I, uh, I wouldn't know
where to start.

I'm just so tired...

of running away from this,
you know?

Then don't.


If you came to apologize --

Did she do it?

Some apology.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know how much
your new family means to you

and that you don't want to
jeopardize that.

But I-I need to know.

Do you think I'd bring her
to you

if I thought
that she robbed somebody?

I think that you're angry that
you were taken from your mom

and that you think helping Aimee
is somehow

gonna make that right.

Is that such a bad thing?

She's a good person.

A good mom.

She needs your help.


Grey, do you want
some frozen yogurt?

Frozen yogurt?


We've been there every day
this past week.

What is so special
about this frozen yogurt place?

L-Lila works there.

Ooh, your girlfriend?

She's not my girlfriend.


You talked about this girl
nonstop for weeks, alright?

But you never got the nerve
to ask her out.

She quits the soccer team,
and you haven't seen her since.

That's her.

Okay, well, if we go,
you gonna ask her out?

Can you help me?

Don't ask him.

Private conversation.

Isn't your last girlfriend
on the lam?

Wasn't my girlfriend.

Just saying, he has terrible
taste in women.

Except Dex, of course.
Though he messed that up, too.

You done?

Do you want our help or not?

Yes, please.

You say our help?

The old guy was beaten up
by a prostitute?

That's what he said.

Aimee's not a hooker.

Maybe, maybe not, but she does
have a history of violence.

She had no idea
that her boyfriend

was gonna rob
that liquor store.

but the old guy ID'd her.

And eyewitness testimony
is always spot-on?

Why was Aimee in that line-up
to begin with?

Someone tipped us off.

Let me guess --
it was anonymous.

Look, Aimee fit the description
of the assailant.

There's no alibi,
and she has a history --

History of violence.
Yes, I know.

Come on. We've --
We have been through this.

Look at my desk.

These are all open cases
I'm actively investigating.

Okay, so you're, um,
you're too busy to help me?

I, uh, I can't right now,

I got a witness being
questioned. I'm sorry.



I'm Chief Warrant Officer
Dex Parios.

You must be thirsty.

The way you were brought
in here,

that was disrespectful,
and I'm sorry.

We need information.

We've been watching
your husband.

We know that he stole
some explosives

from one of our depots.

We need to know
when he's planning

on using those explosives.

"I don't know."

I think you do.

I told you, we've been
watching your husband.

Every night, after Maghrib,
he has guests over.

Meeting, planning.

"I am not involved
in my husband's business."

But you're a good wife,
a good hostess.

You serve them tea.

"Of course."
You must overhear things.

I need to know
what you've heard.

"I am not telling you."

No, that's not
what she said.

Excuse me?

Well, that ship has sailed.

And now we know
you speak English.

You can go.

Your Pashto is good.

I have an ear.

I use it when I'm outside
of the gates.

You go outside the gates?

Yeah, where else am I supposed
to get a decent Bolani?

you know something.

If I told you anything, my
husband would never forgive me.

We will protect you.

He has my children.

Get my children, then I will
tell you what you need to know.


Oh, hello.

Isn't it a nice day?

Well, you know,
it's not raining,

so that's a plus, I guess.

Would you go on a date
with me?

That's really sweet,

but I think we gotta finesse it
a little bit.

It's coming on too fast.

We gotta have a little bit more
small talk.

Like, maybe ask, like,
what am I drinking, you know?

Last time I checked, they don't
serve beer in froyo shops.

Alright, the point is, is maybe
then ask what I'm wearing or,

you know,
what I'm having or --

That'll work.

Just ease into it.

"Ease into it"
means play it safe.

People who play it safe
never win.

when I was your age,

I had a tough time
with the ladies, too.

Just when I thought
I was in...friend-zoned.

Is that bad?

Very bad.

I'll let you in
on a little secret.

Girls like a little swagger.

Okay, it takes more
than a little swagger.

Trust me.

Ansel, you know
what's always worked for me?

Pick-up lines.
Pick-up lines?

What is this,
the '90s?

You're teaching him
pick-up lines?

"Are you a magician?

Because whenever I look at you,
everyone else disappears."


That's a terrible line.

Please don't ever do that.

Yes, girls like confidence,

but more than that,
you gotta be you.

The real you, okay?

See that girl over there?

You want me to ask her out?


I want you to talk to her.

Just listen to her, okay?

You got this.
Practice makes perfect.

"Are you a magician?"

Kills every time.

Does it?

Night of the robbery,
you were home alone.

Nobody can vouch for you?

what aren't you telling me?

You're in AA, right?

What's that saying that
they have about honesty?

"You're only as sick
as your secrets."

What's your secret?

Aimee, I'm here.
I want to help you.

I got a job slinging cocktails
at an illegal gambling ring.

That's where I was
the night of the assault.

Why didn't you tell anybody
about this?

Serving alcohol
violates my parole.

So you lied.

I didn't want to
lose my girls.

Well, you did anyway.

Catch 22, right?

Okay, well, that's your alibi.

Look, we just need to prove it.

Tell me more
about this gambling ring.

You're not gonna believe me.

Try me.
I've probably played there.

Texas Hold 'Em?

Video games.

Wait, what?
For real?

Start-up founders
and programmers

are the richest people
in Portland.

The night I supposedly
beat that guy up,

someone won a hundred grand.

Wow. Okay.
I should have been a nerd.

Why not just play a-at home,
in their mansions?

Because gambling's illegal,
and they like the rush.

And they're not gonna talk
to you.


New plan.
We need leverage.

Do you remember who won
that night?


Rocket Munch.

Cameron Dorsey.

She's at the kombucha bar.

Of course she is.

Thank you.

Cameron Dorsey?

I didn't order anything.

Yeah, no,
that's not why I'm here.


Pad thai.

Enjoy it.

Okay, I'll be quick.

Do you frequent a certain

East Side underground
video game tournament?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, I-I think you do.

It's okay.

I-I won't talk too loudly.

Okay, I know you have a morality
clause in your contract.

You could lose your job,


But can we talk
about this somewhere else?

My boss is right over there.

Guy with the mustache.


You gotta be kidding me.

Hey, stop.


Give me this.
Get off.

Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, that's my scooter, lady!

Dex: Come on!
Cameron, stop!

Sorry, excuse me.


Sorry! Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me.


Come on, Cameron!
This is embarrassing us both!

Cameron, can you just --
What the --

This is ridiculous.

This is...frickin'...

Hey, stop!

I'm a private investigator,

I'm not here to get you
in trouble.

I'm just -- I'm trying to
confirm that my client was there

the night that you won.

I don't remember anything
about that night.

I'd just won $100K.

I was half-wasted
on tequila Red Bulls.

My client was the one
who was serving you.

Look, do you recognize her?

You don't quit, do you?

One of my many
endearing qualities.

I don't know.

Maybe someone
recorded something.

Some of the players
were streaming on Twitch.

Can I go now without you
completely blowing up my life?

Yeah, okay.

Wait, w-what the hell
is Twitch?!

I was afraid of becoming
my father, but guess what.

My father's not my father.

I mean, he is.
He's just --

He's just not the same guy,
and everything I did...

it was like I was running away
from him, but what now?

What do I want?

Good talk, Denny.


So, I, um...
I took that case.

Oh, that's great.

Um, thank you
for showing up.

That's what friends do.


Where's Ansel?

It's a long story,
but it's totally under control.


I ran around him, then --
then I scored the goal.

Everyone went wild.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, Dex.

Sorry to interrupt.

Um, can I just talk to you
for a second?

What's up?

Um, do you know
what Twitch is?

Nerdy Guy: Flank right!

Charge that hill!

People pay to watch other people
play video games?

It's the future, Dex.

See you, LoneWalker13.

I will end you.

What a time to be alive.

I will end you!
Wait, wait, stop.

Right there.

Ansel, I love you so much.

That's her.

This isn't good enough.

Wait, what --
What do you mean?

That's clearly my client
on the night of the robbery

in a different location.

This was recorded
at 9:17 P.M.

Victim says he picked up
the prostitute who robbed him

around 9:30 P.M.

Are you telling me that Aimee
left her well-paying job,

drove across town,
put on hooker heels,

and found a john
in 13 minutes?

Well, that part of town,
johns grow on trees.

Yeah, but the Blazers were
playing that night, Valerie.

Be hard for anybody
to make that drive --

It's not enough.

Remind me --
I'm new to all this.

Is it innocent
until proven guilty,

or is it
the other way around?

What are you implying?

I don't know, that my client
is being railroaded?

Okay, great. Well, I do not
have to listen to this.

Have a nice day, Detective.

What the hell was that?

The system has been screwing
Aimee over her whole life.

I-I didn't know what that meant
until just now.

You wanna tell me why this one
is so important to you?

They're all important to me.

You know what?
Never mind.

Forget it.

Girl knows how to
cause a scene.

Yeah, but her instincts
are usually right.

You wanna pull
that Schumaker case --

Am I that easy to read?

Like a book.


Maybe we should take another run
at this victim.

We? Oh, you're gonna drag me
onto this case, aren't you?

I guess I am
that easy to read.

Come on.

Easy, Marine.

You're on the job.

No, I'm clocking out.

You're giving up on her?

No, I'm not.
But the system is.

She was --
She was right about that.

We-- We're products
of a system, too, you know?

You and me.

That system values commitment.

Is that funny?

I'm sorry.

We just -- We see things...
very differently.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means I never should have
taken this case.

You're gonna bail?

That's fine.

At least tell me why.


Well, that went well.

She wants her kids.

I'm not risking
American lives

on some half-cocked
rescue mission.

Sir, this may be our only shot
at getting the intel we need.

What if she's playing you?

Did you ever think about that?

Setting you up so you can walk
a platoon of Marines

into an ambush?

We're done playing nice.

What do you mean?

Get the intel,
Chief Warrant Officer.

By any means necessary.

Are you telling me
to torture her?

That's a war crime.

You don't have to
get your hands dirty.

We have a team for that.

All you have to do
is ask the questions.


I'll get someone else.

Then I'll report you.

If we don't do it,
do you know what happens?

They attack one of our bases,
and Americans die.

It's us or her.

What's it gonna be?

I keep replaying it so many
times in my head, over and over.

Maybe if I had done
something differently,

it wouldn't have gotten
to that point.



So, what did you do?

What could I do?

I threatened them, the torture
never happened, but...

the attack did.

Yeah, Volkers was right
about that.

That's not on you.

Isn't it?

I disobeyed an order,
and people died.

An unlawful order.

Yeah, that could've
changed things.

It was war.
It was my fault.

You don't know that.

Yeah, I do.


Aimee reminds me of her,
you know?


They're both victims
of circumstances.

She has this desperation

You can't hold on
to this forever.


it's in the past.

Not all of it.

Dex: Medic!

Whatever you're selling,
I ain't buying.

No, sir. Uh, we're
Detectives Hoffman and Lee.

We're with PPB.

Oh. I already told that other
detective fella everything.

Understood. We're just here
for a few follow-up questions.

Just watch the petunias.

I promised my wife I'd, uh,
keep 'em alive after she passed.

Have you solicited sex before,
Mr. Schumaker?

How crude.

"Solicited sex."

I got lonely
after my wife passed.

Just wanted
a little companionship.

No shame in that.

You know, gotta ask --

a handsome man like you
could get a date the usual way.

You're good.

You got him wrapped
around your finger?

Who says I'm not wrapped
around his?


You mind walking us through
what happened that night?

Yeah, I picked up this, uh,
young lady about 9:30 P.M.

Made some chit-chat on the way
back here and got inside,

and bam!

She knocked me out.

She stole my car, my watch --

Did she knock you out
right away,

or did something else
happen first?

She wanted a cigarette.

I said, "Not inside."

So we stayed out here
while she smoked.

That wasn't in the report.

I got hit in the head, okay?

If we can find it, we can get
the DNA off the cigarette,

see if it matches with Aimee's.

Wrapped around my finger,

You wish.

Watch the petunias, damn it!


What would you do without me?

Here you go.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

So, how'd it go?

Did you use my line?

I didn't ask.

It was scary,
but I got froyo!

It is scary, baring your heart
and soul to a girl,

hoping she likes you back,

hoping she doesn't stomp
all over you,

leaving you laying on the ground
like a dead piece of meat,

and you an empty husk of your
former self, just crushed --

Hey, are you gonna
land this plane, buddy?

Courage, young homie.


Hey, just do what you did
in the bar.

You're gonna be fine.

You got this, okay?

Remind me to never ask you
for dating advice.


Do -- Do you want to get
lunch tomorrow?

Like a date?


A date.

I would love to.

And hey, for the record,
I didn't blow things with Dex.

We decided not to
go there, so...

Who said anything about Dex?

So, is there a reason
you dragged me

all the way
up to the station?

You said Aimee's in AA Thursdays
at 3:00 P.M., right?

Last I checked,
being in recovery

does not equal armed assault,
but, you know, what do I know?

Look, we found a cigarette butt
at the crime scene.

Yeah, Aimee doesn't smoke.

Are you listening to
what I'm saying?

We know it's not Aimee,

We got a DNA hit.

Paloma Wagner.

Multiple priors, robbery,

and get this...

she's in AA Thursdays
at 3:00 P.M.

Look like somebody we know?


We think she called in
the tip herself

once the cops started
sniffing around.

Threw Aimee under the bus.

And the old man couldn't tell
the difference in the line-up.

it's a pretty good plan.

Almost worked, too.

Here's the thing -- we don't
have enough to hold her.

Of course you don't.

I've been going at her
for hours.

She won't talk.

And since we found the cigarette
butt outside the victim's house,

we can't prove she's the one
who robbed him.

Then let her go.
I can hold her overnight.

Don't bother.
Might be worth a shot.

You're wasting your time.
Just let her go.

Well, I would rather be
back in there

than filling out all this
paperwork, am I right?

Did the cops hassle you?

They pulled this whole good cop,
bad cop thing on me.

Didn't work, though.

I'm Dex.

You always talk this much?

I don't know.
I like talking to people.

Getting to know someone.
Swapping stories.

It --
It helps pass the time.

For instance, um...

this is, uh, this is Sara.

She's 8 years old.

She has asthma, but she still
helped her tee-ball team

win championships last year.

And, um, this is Olive.

She's 5.
She's super shy.

Um, but if you
get her talking,

she'll tell you everything
you need to know about rocks.

Cute kids, don't you think?

Yeah, sure.
They're yours?

No, no.
I don't have kids.

These -- These are, um,
in foster care.

Yeah, they're, uh, dragging
their clothes around

in trash bags, never knowing
what kind of family

they're gonna be
living with,

if they're gonna be
good or bad.

You know that feeling.

You -- You grew up in foster
care, too, right, Paloma?

How do you know my name?

That's not important.

What's important
is that Olive and Sara --

they have a mother
who loves them,

and they could be living
with her right now,

except she was arrested for
a crime that she didn't commit.

You're a cop.

I'm a friend of Aimee's.

Leave me the hell alone.

You walk away now,

a year from now,
ten years,

you're not gonna be able
to walk away from this.

You're crazy.

No, I am someone who knows
what regret feels like, okay?

And believe me, it sucks.

Just when you're happy,
boom, there it is,

reminding you that you
don't deserve anything good.

Are you ready to carry
that weight?

To know that you're the reason
that Sara and Olive

are growing up
without their mother?


It's not too late.

You gotta do something
about this.

Hey, how'd it go?

Cops dropped all charges.

I don't know what you said to
get Paloma to confess,

but it worked.

Oh, that is so great.

Told you.
She's the best.

A-And the girls?

The judge just reinstated
my custody.

We're gonna go pick them up
right now.


I finally get to put this all
in the past.

Thank you for fighting
for me.

Well, thank you for...
for trusting me.

You're only as sick
as your secrets, right?

Yeah, that's right.

One second.


So, Dex, uh...I know a guy.

Military intelligence.

Jeremy, I --
I could reach out to him.

I really think you should find
out what happened that night.

I know what happened that night.
I was there.



If you change your mind...


I won't.

Aimee's got a point, Dex.

You're only as sick
as your secrets.


I like your eyes.


I like your glasses.

What kind of music
do you like?


cute together.

Bummer their food options
are so limited.

This taco's a crime
against humanity.

it's not about the food.

It's always about the food.

Look at them.

They're made for each other.


That's hard to find,
my friend.

Oh, here we go.

Worse than lying
to the outside world

are the lies
you tell yourself.

Were you dropped on your head
as a child?

Just an opinion, but yes.

Look, with me and her,
i-it might happen someday,

but it's not gonna happen
right now, okay?

Can you let it go?


Thank you.

Years ago,
I was dating this girl.

Make it stop.

She wanted me to propose,
but I wasn't ready.

A wild stallion hates
the corral, you know?

You just don't stop,
do you?

I was starting
a new business.

There was no room
for una esposa.

So, I had this grand opening,
and everybody came.

Foodies, critics,
but not my girlfriend.

And I realized -- there I was,
building an empire,

but there was nobody
to share it with.

I proposed the next day.


We're still married.


That's a beautiful story.

The hell does it have to do
with me?

You can't build an empire
without an empress.

Okay, look, Dex is hung up
on a ghost,

and I can't take that on,
and I am all over the place.

Here's what I know --

I'm not what she needs
right now.

Then what does she need?

Man: Be advised.

Friendlies approaching,
five miles out.

Man #2: Copy,
friendlies approaching.


Hey, Sue Lynn.

What are you doing here?


I need to tell
you something.

About what?

About how Benny died.

You always blamed me
for Benny joining the Army,

ending up in Afghanistan, thought that...

I was
the reason he was dead.

Well, you're right.

If I would've...followed orders,
if I would have done my job...

And if you let them torture
that woman?

Maybe Benny would still
be alive.

You come to me with this
after all these years?

I mean...

I wanted to come sooner.

What do you want, Dex?


No, you deserve to know
the truth.

You should hate me.

You should blame me
for all of it.

You're right.

I should.

I'm sorry.

Benny wouldn't have done it.

Are you sure it would have
made a difference?


And if it didn't
and you tortured that woman,

you'd still be haunted
by all the what ifs.


you can spend a lifetime going
down the paths not taken.

But it'll never
get you anywhere.

You did the right thing.

I've always admired that
about you.


What, are you breaking
and entering now?

Uh, how's the case going?


Oh, isn't that a good thing?

I thought I'd feel better
about it.

Oh, it's not that easy, huh?


What are you doing here?
Are you checking up on me?

Not exactly.

Oh, hey, buddy.

Hey, Dex.



You here
to do some laundry?

I'm moving back home.

What? Why?

Well, he finished his list,

Well, what happened to
being independent?

He can be independent
from here.

Isn't that right?

Grey thinks you need me.

I have to finish unpacking.

Hey, it's good to have you back.


So, I won?

No, no.
It's not a competition.

Well, it's not
not a competition.

You know, you do one nice thing
for somebody.

I'm gonna go help him unpack.


Hey, Dex.


Can we talk?

So, uh...

...I spoke to my buddy
in military intelligence.

I told you,
I didn't want you to --

I --
What happened that night...

There's some stuff
that you don't know.

What do you mean?

There was an investigation
after you came back stateside.

Into the IED explosion
that killed Benny.

What are you saying?

I'm saying...there's more
to this story.

A lot more.