Strange Luck (1995–1996): Season 1, Episode 6 - Strange Luck - full transcript

After chance brings a woman into the diner who gives birth, Angie decides she wants to ride along with him to experience one of his exciting days where anything could happen, so at a house to photograph a potato that looks like El...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Did anybody ever tell you
you look just like a movie star?

You do, Freddy. You tell me that every day.

Well, you do.

I can't remember which one, though.

You never can. It's okay, though.
I don't mind guessing.

Plus, you always know
just when to give me a refill.

Just wait till the cup's empty, Freddy.
That's how I know.



Oh, no!

Are you still in the same contraction?

Are you still the most annoying man alive?


Oh, no!

Help me here!

I'm gonna need this!


No kidding! I'm pregnant!

Oh, help me!


She's about to breathe!

What do you think I am doing?
I am breathing!


Right over here. Right here.

Are you kidding? What am I doing?


Call the AliUno!


Everything's gonna be fine.

Call the AliUno!

I don't know.

Sans, hurry! Cookie calls!

It's not going anywhere!
It's coming! I can tell!

No, no, no! We're not ready yet!

Oh, yes we are!


Oh, my God! I see the head!

Sans, I see the head!


Oh, take it easy now.


What the hell are you talking about?

We do now.

Oh, where are you going?

Get him on the shoulders.
Get him on the shoulders.


Breathe. Okay, now push.


That's it. That's it.



Set her on her chest.


It's your mama. It's your mama.


You shouldn't leave her.

Nah. Just give me a minute to say hello.


So what?

I know. I felt the same way my first time.

Your first time?

People say I'm lucky.

It all began in a plane crash 30 years ago.

106 lives ending in a single heartbeat.
Not a soul survived.

Except me.


Thank you both so much.

I know I yelled at you, but don't worry.
You were in a lot of pain.

I really do love you.

I don't even know your name.


Really? Oh, that's too bad.

I won't name the baby after
you, but I've always hated Tony.

No offense, but none taken.

Have a good moment. Have a good moment.


God, it feels so harsh.

It's powerful stuff.

Boy, you're not kidding.
You must feel this way all the time, right?

I don't know about that.

You are so lucky.

You get a triple dose of life every day.

Some days are great, like
today, but other days... Show me.

What do you mean?

I can't stay in on a day like this.
It's too much.

I want to come with you.

You know, see what it's like.

Kind of like a ride along.

A ride along?

I don't know if that's such a good idea.

Oh, come on, Chance.
You can't leave me here on a day like this.

Well, what if nothing happens?

I mean, all I got
scheduled today is to take

a picture of a potato
that looks like Elvis.

A spud that looks like Elvis?

That's fantastic.

Who knows? We may see the king himself.

Now, there's one thing that
has never happened to me.

Never say never.

All right.

Hey, Cookie, clean up.


Hey, hey.
Where the hell do you think you're going?

I'm from the newspaper.

Yeah, right.

You want to see the potato, you wait and
pay your 20 bucks like the rest of them.

20 bucks?

You don't think it's worth 20 bucks
to see my niece get rid of her asthma?

That's exactly what's happened.

That's very interesting, but
I'm here on photo assignment.

Excuse me, guy.

Yeah, right.

Hey, my officer guy, huh?

He's an examiner, right?

Yeah, chance officer.


I'll take you right in.

Hey, Mr. Lancasi, good to see you.

How's the arthritis?

Very good.

Good to see you back.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Me, I don't believe a
potato can cure anything.

I just want to call you a placebo effect.

You heard of that?

So you're charging 20
bucks for a potato placebo?

So what?

Nobody has a maple placebo
pill, and they don't charge for those.

Besides, whether it cures people
or not, they've got to admit, it's odd.

No, no, it is better than odd.

It's like nature.

Is it amazing or what?


Gently, gently.

Well, that's him.

You see something?


Now, the way I'm seeing
this picture-- excuse me, now--

is I'm seeing with
something like backlight.

You familiar with backlight?


What's that?

Well, it's like light from the back.

Everybody on the floor!

Nobody move!

Give me the potato, and nobody gets hurt.

Don't give him the potato.

Give me the potato!

No, give me the potato!


Frankie, what the hell are you doing?

Don't give him the potato.

Listen, Frankie, we
discussed this, all right?

Now, Marston, the potato's still here.

Marston, Marston, I don't want to hear it.

I found the stupid thing.

Look, Frankie, I always
put the profit to do it,

but right now I've got
a lot of expenses, huh?


What are you talking about expenses?

It's a freaking potato.

What kind of expenses?

You got what, ketchup?


It's complicated, Frankie.

I've got a hand grenade.

Give me the potato!





You think I'm stupid.

Well, on that, you're going
to learn that the hard way.



Potato thief!

Frankie, what the hell are you doing?

Give me back that potato!

You won't get away with this!

You want your potato?

Take the potato!



Long live the king!


You stupid broad!

I can't believe you gave him that potato!

He had a grenade!

He wasn't going to blow anybody up with it!

Well, how does that come out to know that?

It's a big act!

He's like a drama king!

How was I supposed to know a potato guy?

How was I supposed to
know a guy with a grenade?

Is it going to be real?


Angie, I see how we're just done here.

Oh, great, great.


No, hey.

Hey, that's great.

I'm not just instantly unemployed, right?

No, no need to feel
guilty or nothing about that.

Well, you run a potato peep
show, and you buy you a job.

What's the matter with you?

You're a bad thief!

Angie, come on.

Will you listen to me?

No, I don't want to go!

Please go away by the mailbox.

No, I'm not going-- I'm not going
to go by the mailbox, will you?

Great, thanks.

You've been very helpful.

Thanks, man.

Go upstairs and play
with your French fries, OK?

I'm a little bit tired of you
talking to the lady like that.

Excuse me, but that potato was from God!

Don't touch me.

Now, where's your manners?

OK, I've heard enough from you.

I never liked your magazine anyway!

I don't like your bathrobe!

Everybody go home!

No potatoes today!

Go home!

All the potatoes are left in the building!


Get away from me!

Get away!

I could have been killed!


I should have been there.

I'm glad you weren't.

My shoe got stuck.

If it hadn't, I would have been there!




I could have been there.

I guess you got-- Lucky.

You wouldn't say lucky.

These things happen.

They happen to you.

Not to me.

You think I caught your luck?

Normally I'd say no.

But we just saw an Elvis potato,
so I'd say anything's possible.

I guess there's one way to find out, huh?

I'm telling you, Chancey
here is a genuine hero.

Give me three more.

Three more.

Three more.

If you single-handedly could
stop this slow knife, this scum,

this one-celled organism
of a person from coming

in here, robbing and
killing everyone in here.

Give me another one.


That's weird.

It's never taken more than seven.

Your turn.

Give the lady a ticket.


Give her five.


A hundred dollars.

Peg, you're it.

I've never won anything in my life.

Do you think
that-- I don't know.



Don't push your luck.

Chancey, Chancey, uh, some of the
boys, they want to meet you at the back.

This is Julio.

This is Tony.

And this is Louie.

This is George.

Where's Louie?

Where's Louie?



Where's Louie?

Listen up, Ese.

I told you to stay out of our business.

You know I told you.

I didn't do nothing.

Yo-yo, come here, girl.

Take care of this little boy.


Do it.

We don't got all day.


Yolanda, no.

Come on.

We're coming in from up here, Pop.



Oh, God.



Hang in there.

Come on.

Come on, keep breathing.

Keep breathing.

How can I help you?

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, keep breathing.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.



Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, God.

I don't know.

I don't know.

There is nothing you can do.

There is nothing you can do.


[music playing]


[music playing]


[music playing]


[music playing]


It's just so cold-blooded.

I tell you, the look in their
eyes, thanks, Chance.

They were dead inside.

Listen, I understand if
you don't want to talk to us.

No, no, I want to talk.

Well, most people that witness gang-related
crimes are understandably reluctant.

What with the threat of retaliation.

What are you saying to me?

You don't want me to be a witness?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

Excuse us a second.

We're trying to give you a way
out of this, if you want to take it.

Why should I do that?

A boy is dead.

He's probably going to stay that way.

This is real dangerous, Angie.


Something happened, I saw it.

Now they want me to
pretend it didn't happen?

Is that what you would do?


That's not what I would do.

Well, I'm not going to do it either.

I just want to get this over with.

The girl that I saw that did the
shooting, her name was Ricky.

She used to come into my diner a lot.

She's a member of the 13th Avenue Gang.

Oh, yeah.

We know them.

Girlfriends of the bangers
decided to start their own show.

There's feminism for you.

Why blame feminism?

Why not blame drugs or
unemployment or bad role models?

Feminism works for me.

Did you recognize anybody else?


And you're still willing to be a witness?

Yes, I am willing to be a witness.


That's it then.

We'll be in touch.

Listen, I want to tell you something.

Oh, excuse me.

Let's get out of here.

I think you may have
overthought the whole thing, Angie.

Not again.

You may think this is stupid,
but I think I caught your luck.

I want to explain my
whole body is vibrating

at a different level of
energy than a magnet could.

Where do you charge yourself?


You know what I'm talking about?

You're going to make yourself crazy.

Well, how else do you explain the fact
that I held a newborn baby in my arms

and three hours later I'm
witnessing the death of a young man?

I mean, this is crazy.

Is there any reason for it?

I ask myself the same question every
day and I still don't know the answer.

I didn't tell the cops everything.


One of the girls in the gang,
somebody I know, her name's Yolanda.

She used to work for me in the kitchen.

She's a smart girl.

She's bright.

She's sweet.

She was standing there holding the gun.

I couldn't believe it.

I yelled at her.

So they saw you?


This is not good, Angie.

I'm thinking maybe I should
go talk to her father about it.

I don't know what I'd say, but I think--
There's got to be a reason why I was there.

Maybe I'm supposed to
help her out or something.


I think you're right.

I don't know who you think you are to
come here with these lies about my Yolanda.

Hector, you know me.

Why would I make something like this up?

I don't want this to be
any more true than you do.

Mr. Morales, you risked your
life to come here for your daughter.

Why would you lie?

Hey, man, do I know you?

I don't know you.

All I know is my Yolanda is
home nights, studying for her SATs,

and out running with some
gang involved in a murder.

What if you're wrong?

Hector, the police know who shot that kid.

They're going to arrest
everybody in the car.

Now, I think you need
to get your daughter a

good lawyer before this
whole thing blows up.

She doesn't need a lawyer!

Because she had nothing
to do with that boy being shot.

Won't you at least talk to her?

Why don't you talk to her yourself?


Hi. What's the problem?

You remember Angie?

Yeah, sure, from the diner.
Best fries in the world. Why?

Here, listen.

She says that you're involved
in some kind of shooting.

Is that true?

No, puppy.

There's gang girls in the neighborhood,
but I don't have anything to do with them.

Yolanda, I saw you.

Now, tell us the truth.

I don't know what you're talking about.

That boy is dead.

She said no!

[Speaking Spanish]

I raised four girls on my own.

I work two jobs so they can go to Catholic
school so they don't end up in a gang.

She's a straight-A student.

I believe her.

Get out of my house!

Ketchup, mustard, Tabasco, you got relish?

Anything else? You don't have it.

You're never going to believe
this, but I'm a casting director.

Here's my card.

You can see it's legit.

Anyway, I've been in town for weeks looking
for the right girl-- excuse me, woman--

to be in a national multi-million dollar
ad campaign for a new spray cleanser.

Anyway, like I said,
you're not going to believe

this, but I think you
might be the girl--.

excuse me, woman--
I've been looking for.

You, what are the chances?

Better than you think.

Here you go.

You don't seem surprised.

Well, I'm surprised you're not Ed McMahon.

I was expecting him to
show up any minute now.

This could be potentially
exciting, don't you think?

I'll tell you what, Daniel, I've got kind
of a high threshold for excitement today.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Shut up!

I'll tell you what, I'm not disappointed.

In fact, it just goes to prove that my
instincts about you are right on the money.

They say I've got a golden gut.

You shouldn't be eating here, pal.

You're perfect.

They want real.

I've spent weeks looking for
real, but all I see is fake real.

I'm looking for real, real.

You're a real waitress.

You're like a real waitress.

I'm not like a real waitress.

I am a real waitress.

That's why I keep
carrying this food around.

Excuse me.

Maybe you don't get this.

We're talking about a lot of money here.

Not interested.

But-- Great.

Potato guy.

Day one.




Stay away from me.

Give me the potato.

You're crazy!

You're going to make me
crazy if you don't hand it over.

Nice and easy.

Take the freaking potato.

You did the right thing.

I'll get you for this.









The lock on your front door was broken.

The lock on my front
door is basically irrelevant.

You don't seem surprised to see me.

I was in the diner.

And Wanda was there.

She was shooting this time.

Tried to do the right thing.

Lucky you didn't get killed.

Really did a number on the place.

You know where I was?


Chasing Mr. Potato Head.

Guess I should call the cops.


I'll try to stay away from those guys.

But it's up to you.

It's either that or... You'll wind up
dead in the street and it's your choice.

No it isn't.

Mama said you could taste like this.

There's an old Chinese curse.

May you live in interesting times.


How you doing?

How you get through a day today?


I concentrate on little things.


Tell you what, before we go after this...
Your Wanda, your whatever her name is.

We gotta find Ricky.

And then you're gonna have
more things of this height.


Yeah, we're broke of faith.

This case has suddenly become high profile.

The dead kid is the councilman's nephew.

All of a sudden this matters?

Hey, high profile slip always ups the ante.


Hey, I'm known for my charm.

Look, the fact is, right now
I can't afford to lose you.

I'm putting you under protective custody.

Wait, wait, is that not necessary?

Look, you're either gonna go to
the Nortel Motel for a couple of days...

Or I'm gonna arrest you
for withholding evidence.

Again with the charm.

All right, well I'll go with you.

You don't have to do that, I'll be fine.

I feel responsible for coming with you.

You can bring your
boyfriend here, I don't mind.

Look, there's no need for
both of us to get tied up in this.

We already are.

Hey, I haven't got time for lovers' facts.

You coming, or you both going to jail?


Go down there and wait for me.

All right.

This is a lovely place, you'd like
to bring your family here, I'm sure.

Not my family.


This is really scary.

All right, let's move.

It's best if you stay inside.

I'll be in the next room.

It's probably not so bad.

And welcome home.

I'll be across the hall.

You guys try to keep the noise
down, you know what I mean?


Now it's a bad little bright time.

And what would that be,
if we're not in a dungeon?

We're not dead.

I'll give you a chance.

You want to see if my luck's still holding?





9, 19.

Hit me.


Hit me.


I can't believe it, I
didn't even try to win.

I could try not to win.


Hit me.

It's 20.

Oh my God, Chance.


Guess who's an instant winner.

Come on, how much?

A thousand bucks.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to take a trip to San Francisco.


I could buy a watch.

Then you'd have to be on time.

You could buy yourself some therapy.

I know who I am.

Then you really are lucky.

I wish I could say I was enjoying this.

I wish I could say I missed it.

You know, Angela, you're
doing, stepping forward.

It's a brave thing.

How come I don't feel brave?

Most people, they see
trouble, they turn and walk away.

But not you.

And it has nothing to do with luck.

It's the way you're built.

Thank you, Mr. Harper.


Hit me.



That'll be $9.77.

All I got is 10.

Listen, pal, I'm delivering pizzas
for two in case you haven't noticed.

And you got any smalls for 10?

It's your lucky day.

I drive through a war
zone and my tip is a tin can.

You people are real givers.

Wait. Listen. This is
the most important thing

you're going to hear
all day, maybe all year.

Do not throw away
this can until you figure

out why I told you not
to throw away this can.

Crime it, pal.




All right!

I'm going to sell this car!

This is the fun part, anyway.

Yeah, this part never gets old.

It's just like when I delivered that baby.

You mean that I delivered a baby?

I always wanted to know what that was like.

I couldn't be with my
sister when she had her kid.

See that much?

No, I haven't seen him in years.

I haven't seen anybody in years.

Why not?

It happened. I had to leave.

I don't regret it, but you can't go back.

I wish I could see those kids again.


Kids are small.

Very small.

And they get bigger.

[car engine]


What should we do?

I'll get the cop.

Look, just stay out of this.
Domestic's are the worst.

Open up, police.

You're that bitch! It's your fault!

Oh, man.

Sir, we need you to open up, please.


I want to talk to your wife.


Like I need to see that!

If he hurt you and you
want to press charges,

I can provide you with
shelter and assistance.

No, you can't!


You don't hurt. Come on!



Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

Just a couple of scratches.

That's gotta hurt.


That's it. I'm going back to my life.

Life's not safe.
It's terminal from day one.

The cop says she's been going
to school like nothing happened.

What do you got to say to her, Hans?

I have no idea.

Since nothing seems to
be going the way I planned.

Makes you think I'm your feed, huh?


I tell you, in the last 48 hours,
everything seems so...unreal.


Yeah. Everything.

That's what you wanted, isn't it?




My name is Yo-Yo.

Yo-Yo, I have to talk to you.

What are you, crazy?

I'm supposed to kill you, you know that?

You're not making any sense.
She's trying to help you.

Well, it's like I care.
I didn't ask for it.

Look, I just want to hear
this from your own mouth.

Why are you doing this? You're a good girl.

Yeah? And what's it going to get me?

$3.50 now plus tip, do I look
like that kind of sucker to you?

Man, where I'm at now, pretty soon,

I'm going to be living for myself,
making big money, and I'm going to--

She's your friend.

Man, don't!

Wait a minute.
What are you going to do now, sell drugs?

Look, it doesn't have to be this way.
Listen to me.

You're a smart girl.

Remember when you used
to help me at the register?

You've got a good life in front of you.
Don't screw it up.

What? Like my dad?

He got some American dreams.

He had his own diner.

And just when it started to do real
good, in come the fat food places.

All he ever got was a heart
attack and a bankruptcy.

So what are you going to do
now, throw your whole life away?

No, I'm not.

Besides, it's not like
I'll be doing this forever.

I just need to make some serious cash.

Then I can do anything.

Now, wait a minute.
You've got this all wrong.

If all you think about is money,
you're never going to have enough.

Those girls, they're just using
you because you're smart.

These are my friends you told me about.

No, they're not your friends.

They're not your friends.
They're using you.

Your family, me, we're your friends
because there's nothing in it for us.

Yolanda, yo-yo.

Listen to me.
I will do anything to help you.

Let me.

You hear all this advice?

Well, let me give you some.


You're dead if you stay here.

Seems like we're probably giving
each other some pretty good advice.


But neither one of us is going to take it.

Yeah, well, you might be right about that.

You're making a mistake.

Hey, Chance, come on.

Why don't you call it quits, huh?

Why don't you go home?

I've been here all day
and I didn't sleep last night.

I'm fine.

You don't have to be my
guardian angel or devil or whatever.

It's not really up for debate.

Well, thanks.

Yes, she is. That's her.

I want that potato back.

No, we.


We want it back.

No, no, we discussed this, okay?

I'm the spokesperson.
I'm handling this here.

That's why I can't trust you
because it's always I, I, I.

But we.

No, no, we didn't lose the potato.
You lost the potato.

No, I didn't lose the potato.

A man, woman with a
ketchup bottle took it from me.

Don't you call me
names, do you, you pirate.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I'm going to match that thing.


Then let's sit down in a booth
and negotiate this like gentlemen.

I don't want these mooks
sitting in my restaurant.

Angie, let's just get
this over with, please.

Sit down.

Maybe we could have some
pie and coffee, make this nice.


Yeah, pie sounds great.

I'm allergic.

What are you talking
about, you're allergic.

How can you be allergic to
anything but what kind of fruit is it?

I'm not allergic to the fruit.
I'm allergic to the pie stuff.

There is no pie stuff.

It's flour, water and sugar.
You're not allergic to that.

Now you're an expert
on what I'm allergic to?

Oh, that's rich.
That's really rich. I'm a donor.


Just coffee.

I'll take tea.

Tea, cap, for me.

In your dreams.

All right.

The way I see it, this is simply a
matter of finding a compromise.

Really? That's how you see it?

That's how I see it.


Let's say you had some gold.

I had some gold.

Yeah, let's say you had some gold, like
you were one of them gold prospectors.

And you fished this gold
out of a stream or whatever.

And your brother comes up to you
and says, "You know, you're a busy man.

Let me take this gold into town
and make us some money from it."

And you say, "Okay."

And then you never see a dime of
your very own gold that you found.

But as I understand it, if this was you,
you would certainly say, "Hey, no problem.

What I feel like doing now is compromise."

Oh, yeah, compromise.
That sounds freaking great.

Oh, that's a beautiful story.

Oh, my God, you're breaking my heart.

Come on, tell him the truth, huh?

Don't hit.

Tell him who bought the potato.

It's not about who bought the potato.
It's about who found the potato.

If you was just a potato,
you would eat it up.

I'm the one who liked to scupper it.

Yes, yes, and I gave you credit for that.

You're going to get money for that.

But this is about business, and about
business, you don't know a thing, Juan.

You sure I make one
little mistake, you're

going to hold it over
my head my whole life?

One little mistake?

You lost my life savings,
not one little mistake.

How many times are
you going to-- Shut up!

I don't want that.

Now, I think we've established
that you found the potato, right?

And that you ought to run the
business of the potato, right?

All that's left is to figure out a fair
way to divide up the profits, right?

What are you doing here?

I thought a lot about what
you said, and I think you're right.

I want to turn myself in.

That's a real smart thing to do.

So do we have an agreement?

You don't have a problem for me.

Yeah, at least it's over with.


Now let me go get the potato,
we can put this all behind us.

I'll take it.

I want to talk to you first, Val.

Okay, come on.

But not here.

Can we talk out back where we can be alone?

Yeah, sure.

You've taken a lot of courage, Yolanda.

I'm really proud of you.

Thank you.

Yolanda, I really believed you.


Well, I guess that was a mistake, huh?

All right, who gets it?

All right, I'm going to keep it with you.

You're going to run the
business, that makes sense.


I trust you.

Now if you think about it, none of this
would happen if it wasn't for Ma's men.

What, are you kidding?

See, that's your problem.


Ma always did what was best for you.

No, well, actually, she always
did what was best for you.


She thinks like your
guys, Hinton always has.

She's like horses.

You take it back, you
don't talk about Ma like that.

I ain't taking nothing back.

You don't talk about Ma like that.

I ain't taking nothing back.

Get back.

You're backlashing the family.

No, no, no.

Hey, Ricky, you said we're
just going to scare her, right?

She had a chance.

And then the cops are
going to know what you did.

The cops?

They can't protect you.

And they sure as hell can't stop us.

This is a waste of time, huh?

What makes you think you
can talk your way out of this?

I feel lucky.


Show her who your real friends are.

What the hell is wrong with you, girl?





Pick up!





You OK?





I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


It hurts.

It hurts.



How you doing?

All right.

Got back from the hospital.

At least she's going to be OK.

That's good.

Oh, miracle.

Strange miracle, teenage
girls shooting each other.

Tell you something, I
just wish this was over.

I really do.

You sure?


Well, there's only one way to find out.

A loser.

A loser.


Pay me.


Oh, my god.

My water broke.

Somebody help.

You catch, I'll call.


What do you want me to do?

I don't know much about you.

You can relax.

Great call of her, but I
have delivered a baby before.

It's sleeping.

Can you keep your distance, doctor?

I'm a nurse.

I'm not a doctor.

Yeah, there is a nurse here, but I-- we'd
appreciate it if you could get me a few--


Ketchup, mustard, relish, tomato.

Is there anything else you want?

We don't have it.

Nobody wipes up as
many spills in a day as I do.


And that's why I use super scrubbing.

I don't believe it.

What else?


It's drowning her.


Hank, you're it.

One, two, three.



Halloween night.

Prepare yourself.

It's us!

Because TV's monstrously
funny family is back.

Oops, you scared me to life.

In an all new movie adventure for the '90s.

Don't stop chasing cars!

It's going to be a party
that will raise the dead.

Oh, that's pretty.

Here come the monsters.

Part of Fox's Halloween
Bash, Tuesday, October 31st.