Stitchers (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - 2.0 - full transcript

Kirsten's temporal dysplasia disappears after she brings Cameron back to life; the team investigates a mystery involving Les Turner that puts the lab on lock down; and Kirsten's latest stitch brings up a memory.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Welcome to the Stitchers Program.

We work for a secret government agency

that hacks into the brains of
corpses and reads their memories.

Maggie: His name was Ed
Clark. Why'd he kill himself?

He didn't and he wasn't my father.

All right Stitching affects you.

Makes you different for a little bit.

It doesn't always last.

You hooked up with Linus?

Thought we had each other's backs.

Cameron: When I was 10 years
old, I had heart surgery.

Kirsten: My father stitching
me into my mother killed her.


I see Barbiero. He's
on a call with a woman.

You're using me to send
a message to the girl?

Kirsten: He was told things
that I was meant to hear

and then he was killed.

Black Sedan. Can't make out the plates.

But maybe you did, Cameron.

Cameron: That memory is inside my head.

You're gonna go in and find it.

There's one problem. You're not dead.

I can fix that.


You got four minutes.

Dead or alive, Cameron,
you're coming with me!


I'm there! I'm outside the restaurant,

but it's all blurry! It's useless!

Is this what love is?

I'm everywhere.

- What's your name?
- Kirsten.

I'm Cameron.

- Levels are increasing!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!



- (thump)
- (flatline)

(flatline continues)


- (thump)
- (beeping)

- Cameron!
- (flatline)

- Clear!
- (thump)


- Clear!
- (thump)


Chelsea, time please.

Chelsea, time.

Time of death, 17:31.

No! What are you doing?
What are you doing?

- Shock him again!
- Kirsten...

Shock him again!

He is not dead.

I can feel it. He wants to come back.

Please, please just shock him again.

- Shock him.
- Do it.


- (flatline)
- No, no.


Cameron, no.

No, Cameron! No!



(sobs) Please!






Cameron? Cameron?

I can't believe this.


tell me you got the
license plate number.

No. No, I didn't.


Well, that's too bad...

'cause I'm not doing this again.

It's okay.

- (chuckles)
- Cameron.

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪

♪ Take me inside ♪


(door opens)

How's he doing?

He's fine.


'Cause as soon as he wakes
up, I'm gonna kill him.

The real question's how are you doing?

You know me.

I thought I did. That's why I'm asking.

I think I was just a little overwhelmed.

Well, that's understandable...

except we're talking about you here.

Cameron: Keep it down.

Trying to rest in peace.


How are you doing, tough guy?

Oh, 100%.


How's Fisher?

He's out of danger.

He's gonna be fine.


Do you remember anything
from the stitch?

I had a dream that you were, um...

an angel and I was a... hero.


What'd you see when you were in my head?

Linus, may I see you in the hallway?

I want to hear.

Ouch! O... okay, okay.

(door closes)

What'd you see?

Is this what love is?

Intense connection

and then heartbreaking loss?

Thank you...

for not being a nobody.

I saw...

It can wait.

Camille: That was probably the most

awful experience of my life.

I know.

I mean, did you see her
when Cameron revived?

I've never seen her like that. Have you?


She's always only ever
been, you know...

How do I even say it
without sounding mean?

Ugh... emotionally reserved?

Um, emotionally inaccessible.


But now she's completely different.

She cried.

I mean, you saw it.

Like, big, soppy tears.

That wasn't residual emotion.

That was real emotion!

God, I hope it lasts.


Well, she's not the
only one who's changed.

Why? What do you mean by that?

I've been a jerk.

- Oh...
- No, no, no, no.

Listen, I... I have.

Yeah, no, I was gonna agree with you.

I don't know what's gotten into
me the past couple of days.

Cameron was right about you.

You did a great job during the stitch.

Much better than I would've.


Thank you, Linus.

Everyday I deal with life and death

and shattered lives
and heartbroken people,

and then I go back to the same bedroom

in my parents' house that I grew up in.

I mean, how does that even make sense?

Yeah. (chuckles)

It's time I grew up.

Well, you know, you
could be feeling this way

because of what happened to Cameron.

Sleep on it. Who knows?

You could feel differently tomorrow.

I hope not.

Maggie: How could you let
Cameron do that to himself?

I only agreed with him.

It wasn't like I stuck the
damn needle in his arm.

Look, Maggie...

yesterday was a hard day on all of us.

Why don't you go home? Take the day off.

Tomorrow, we'll dig back in,

figure out where this threat
to our program is coming from.

From where I stand, you are
the biggest threat to the team.

Easy now.

Remember, I am the director of
the program that employs you.

A few months ago, I asked you

what I should tell
Kirsten when she asks me

what the real purpose of
the Stitchers Program is.

Do you remember what you told me?

I said you should tell
her whatever you want

as long as it's not the truth.

Why can't she know?

Why can't they all know?

That we are developing a
technology to accelerate

the evolution of the human brain?

What are you keeping from me, Les?

I know it's something. What is it?

You took Fisher off the
Ed Clark investigation.

Why? Was he getting close to something?

Listen, I think we're done here.

You killed Ed Clark, didn't you?

Just because you hang
out with kids all day

doesn't mean we're playing a game.

I'm asking you again!
Did you kill Ed Clark?

Saving the world is a messy business.

People get hurt. Some get killed.

How many people are you willing
to kill to save six billion?

I don't know.

But I assure you, if pushed,

I would kill one to save 19.

Well, that's the number
of people in your lab.

Who's the one you'd kill to save them?

(door rattling)

- Cameron?
- Morning, sunshine!

Um, what...

Uh, how are you feeling?

I feel great!

Yeah, doctor said I'm good to go.

Apparently death agrees with me.

You okay?


No, she's not.

Go ahead. Tell him.

Tell him what?

She's been feeling a
little emotionally raw

since the last stitch.

Cameron: Emotions?

As in those things you
don't normally feel?


If it's okay, I would
like to talk to Cameron.

And Fisher wants to talk to you.

He's awake.

Cameron: Well, some people

will do anything to avoid
having to be with a friend.

I didn't know we were friends.

Oh, shut up.

We all know you're crazy about me.

- (chuckling)
- Hey, but seriously, man,

thanks for pushing me out of
the way at the restaurant.


At the restaurant, what
I wanted to tell you,

Les Turner ordered me to stop
looking into Ed Clark's murder.

Why did he do that?

I think because I was getting
too close to the truth.

I think Turner killed Ed.

Son of a bitch.

Stay with Fisher.

What? Kirsten!


- (alarm blaring)
- Kirsten: Okay.

Yeah, I know the way into my own lab.

Stand down, Admiral.
I'll take it from here.

You okay, Stretch?

Still freaked out about
Turner getting killed.

I mean, everyone is. Look at this place.

It's like Union Station
during rush hour.

I like to pack heat...

Oh, God, there's more of them?

First Fisher and now Turner.

Looks like the NSA isn't taking
any chances with the rest of us.

Just because you're the
guy in the black jumpsuit

doesn't mean I have to explain
mind map anomalies to you.

That's exactly why you
should explain them to me.

Ahem, everything okay?

The head of the Stitchers
Program just got murdered.

There's something very
wonky about his mind map

that I cannot figure out

and I've got a high school dropout here

who wants me to explain it to him.

A heavily armed high school dropout.

You must be Clark...

the one who strips
and gets in the water.

I see that you have
met Captain Stamperson.

NSA has assigned a captain

and his men as our new security detail.

He's asking a lot of questions.

Which I have the authority,
security clearance,

and imperative to know.

And which you will, but this facility is

under my authority until a
new director is appointed

and I am told otherwise.

How are you taking it, Maggie?

Well, Les and I had our
differences, but this...

There was no sign of forced entry

at Turner's apartment, so it's likely

he knew his killer.

You okay to do this?

Sure. Why are you asking?

We're worried you may be more emotionally
vulnerable in the stitch right now.

Because of what happened to Turner?

Linus: That...

and because you had a
complete meltdown yesterday.

That's why we want you to try something.

I had just gotten used
to the Catwoman suit.

I know, but there was
some more push back.

This is the Rev 2.

We've been prototyping it
since Marta's accident.

It's made from the same
zinc-blackened nickel over copper,

but reinforced with
padding and Kevlar panels.


Let's be honest, you used to come out

of the stitch and sort of feel emotions,

and ever since yesterday's stitch,

you've been starting
to really feel them.


Well, how is this suit gonna protect me?

It's simple psychology. How do you feel?

I mean, slightly badass.

Then it's working.

The knowledge that you're wearing

a slightly badass suit will
make you feel stronger,

so then you'll be stronger.

Okay, Captain, why
don't you come with me?

Hey, um...

what'd you want to tell
me at the hospital?

(alarm chimes)

It can wait.

I was briefed, but...

I didn't believe it.


she can see his memories?

Maggie: It's called stitching.

Does she have to eat his brain?

What? No!

Ugh. She's not a
zombie. This is science.

Thank God.

All right, everyone listen up.

Whatever we felt about Turner,
he got us where we are today.

So, let's bring our "A" game.

Lights to 20%.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync.

- Life-Sci?
- Go.

- Sub-Bio?
- Go.

- Engineering?
- Go.

- Communications?
- Go.

- Medical?
- Go.

Comtek. Kirsten, one, two, one, two.

I hear you.

Mission clock set to
five minutes, please.

(sighs) Here we go.

"Open the pod bay doors please, HAL."

That's from 2001.

He watched a lot of
movies when he was a kid.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one...



Um, I'm in Turner's apartment.

(indistinct chatter)

There's something seriously wrong here.

Describe it.

Turner's memory is a mess.

- It's like it...
- (crashing)

exploded from the center
of his consciousness.

It's making me really dizzy.


His mind map is completely fragmented.

- Can you defrag it?
- I don't know.

Kirsten, how are you holding
up? You wanna bounce?

No, not yet.

There's still bits and pieces
that are visible. (gasps)

Oh, wait. I smell something.


She's experiencing sense memory.

Huh, that's new.

No, I really don't feel
well. I'm bouncing.


Trash can. Quick.

(vomits, coughs)

- She do that every time?
- No.

That's also new.

Linus: When a body comes in,

the first thing we do is
map his or her memories.

Specific memories have a pattern.

Uh, a puppy, your first kiss.

Or in your case, the first
time you broke someone's arm.

Keep pushing me, Goodkin.

- "Dr." Goodkin.
- Cameron.


for the last 15 years,
the Stitchers Program

has cataloged over 18 million
unique human experiences.

The computer compares
the digital signature

of these experiences

against the subject's mind
map as well as determining

the age of the memory.

That's how we know
where to move Kirsten.

What do you know?

The high school dropout
understood everything you said.


Here's what a normal
mind map looks like...

and this is what Turner's looks like.

Cameron: Turner's brain
unfragmented his memories

along all three axes.

That's why I got nauseous. I
was completely disoriented.

Could Turner have trained

his mind to make himself unstitchable?

With Turner, it's possible.

Any chance you can resort his memories?

I'm already working on it.

I wanna go to Turner's condo. I saw something
in the stitch that I want to check out.

Okay. Camille's with Fisher,
so you and Cameron go.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hold it. Lee, Kirkwood, go with them.

Um, we don't need babysitting.

My job is to keep you safe

whether I feel like it or not.

Oh. That hurts my feelings.

Okay, boys, let's go.

Try to keep up.

On it.



So what are we looking for?


- (door closes)
- (radio chatter)


Ah. Yup.

It's a Ginsburg.

Still don't see the attraction.



Okay. What's the code?

In the stitch, I saw the number one...

six, three.



Okay, what else?

A grasshopper. I saw a grasshopper.



Officer: I'm gonna go look around here.

What's Turner's ancestry?

I think I heard Maggie
say something once,

like, he was French Moroccan?


- (beeping)
- It's French for "grasshopper."

(French accent) But of course.


Turner has a panic room.

Cameron: Whoa.


The hard drive's missing.


- _
- It's a federal inventory control sticker.

(shutter clicks)

But it's hospital policy.

I don't care.

I don't want a sponge bath.

Don't be a baby, Fisher.

Take your bath like a good boy.

(phone chimes)


Where are you going?

Sorry, Fishcakes, I gotta get to work.

- But...
- Keep her busy.

Take the frickin' bath.

Bye, honey.

He's all yours.


But my safe word is "not there."



Mm, habanero potato chip?

No thank you.

- You don't do spicy?
- I don't do dead people's food.

-Also, you know, Turner's body was just here.


Sorry you had to see that.

As if that video of your dad
stitching you into your mom

wasn't bad enough.

You know, whatever crashed in
my head when he did that...

it cut me off from my emotions, right?

I think that stitching
into you rebooted me.

I guess it's possible.

I mean, stitching into
a live person broke you,

so stitching into another
live person fixed you.

Right, but you were dead.

I was only mostly dead.

I was really scared, you know.

Seeing you like that.

I have never been
scared like that before.

Hey, but scared is sometimes good...

unless it becomes the new normal.

In which case, that's no way to live.

(phone rings)


- Talk to us.
- Okay.

So thanks to an exploit I found

in the GSA inventory control database,

which, B-T-dubs, was the size
of Taylor Swift's ex-list,

I learned that Turner's computer

was listed as destroyed 15 years ago.

- But it wasn't.
- Exactly.

So, I went deep and I found
the company that supplied

the inventory control
stickers to the government,

found the shipping address

where that particular sticker was sent,

and I'm texting it to you now.

(phone chirps)

Got it. Thanks.

Hey, say hi to Fish, okay?

Hold it. Captain Stamperson wants
us to bring you back to the lab.

Well, this is going to
be an excellent lesson

for Stamperson on not
getting everything he wants.

He said by any means possible.

Fine. Then you can give us a hand.

With what?

The computer.

Obviously the computer.

Yup. It's what we came here for.

Let's bag it, tag it, and
get it back to the lab.

I'll, uh, look for a garbage can,

laundry basket, bread basket,
something to carry it in.

(beeping, chiming)

Hey! No!

Wow, check out the
testicles on Cameron 2.0.

- Thank you.
- Lee: Hey! Open the door!

- Uh-huh.
- Hey!

Yeah, there's no easy
access here either.

This whole building's locked tight.

This place is deserted,
but not derelict.

Someone's been taking care of it.

- Wait here.
- Excuse me?

Cameron, what are you doing?

I'm seeing if there's a
way in through the roof.

If there is...

I'll come down and open
the doors from the inside.


Don't get so scared all the time!

Who are you?

Are you out of your
mind? What if you fell?

But I didn't, so calm down.

"Calm down"? "Calm down"?

I'm beginning to miss the old Kirsten.

What's that supposed to mean?

I barely survived having one mother.

I don't need another one.

I think I'm beginning
to miss the old Cameron.


What is that?

Something big was bolted down here.

- (low buzzing)
- (shudders)

- Do you feel that?
- What?

Come in.

(low buzzing)


Yeah, now I do.

It's only inside this circle.

You feel that?


It's, um...

It's static electricity.

Where's it coming from?

There must be something about this place

that was in Turner's hard drive.

What went on in here?


Don't move!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay, guys!

We're NSA!

Let me see your badges.


Cameron, your heart
can't take being tased.

We ain't got no badges.

We don't need no badges.

I ain't gotta show you
any stinkin' badges.

- (grunts)
- (clicking)


- (grunts)
- (clicking)


Okay, so maybe a movie quote

wasn't the best idea at the time.


- How's your hand?
- Oh, it's fine.

But you shouldn't have jumped in
front of that taser like that.

You could have gotten hurt.

Said the man who recently
stopped his own heart.


I guess we're even.

What is going on with you?

Climbing buildings,

locking security guards in a panic room,

slugging people?

I can't help it.

I can't. I just... I feel free.

I died.

I died and then I came back.

I... I get a second
chance to live my life.

I'm not gonna live in fear anymore.

Hey, it's still me.

Cameron... 2.0.


What's your name?


I'm Cameron.

Your mom's gonna be okay, Kirsten.

Trust me.

We met when we were kids.


We met in the hospital.

I was there.

It was right after my
mom's accident, and...

you were there for your heart surgery.

I have that memory?


I mean, I don't remember much

before my dad stitched me.

Are you sure you don't remember?

I mean, I was in and
out of that hospital

for weeks at a time.

And there... there was
so many kids my age.

Did we... did we talk?

Yeah. You told me my
mom was gonna be okay.

Sorry I was wrong.

No, it's okay.

You were very sweet to
a scared little girl.


I am very tempted to have the two of you

spend the night here making new
friends in your holding cells.

Blatant disregard for protocol,

breaking and entering,
assaulting a security guard,

getting arrested?

In our defense, things
wouldn't have escalated

the way they did if we had badges.

Oh, you mean badges like these?

Are those real?

I asked Turner for weeks to
let me issue them to you.

Now that he's gone,
there's no reason not to.

I figure since the need to
both have you in the field

and the lab is clear,
these will come in handy.

Uh, one more thing.

Just because the badge is
in the shape of a shield

does not mean it is
one. Protect yourself.

Don't do anything stupid.

Sweet. So, do we get,
like, guns too or...

Don't push it.

Sergeant, Agents Clark...

and Goodkin are ready to leave now.

Oh, hey, Bonnie and Clyde!

- How's life on the outside?
- Funny.

Refractory period is up.

Where you at on re-sorting
Turner's memories?

Stamperson: Goodkin!

My men were in that damn
panic room for an hour.

You had no authority to
ditch your security detail.

Ha! Actually, um...


this says I do.

And it also gives me the
authority to tell you

to get the hell out of my face.

- Where did you get this?
- Maggie.

Any luck defragging Turner's memory?

Yes. I've re-indexed his memories

using homogeneous coordinates.

Then by implementing a scaling matrix,

I'm able to rotate any object in
the stitch three-dimensionally.

It should make Turner's memories
a more cohesive whole now.

- "Should"?
- Only one way to find out.

You know, I'm not sure that

I'm used to this new Cameron yet.

Yeah. Me neither.

Hey, but seriously...

did you get a badge too?

- (giggles)
- How do I get one?

You know, I think you have
to get arrested first.

I could so do that!

Talk to me, Agent Carter. How is it?

(distorted chatter)

Still wonky.

Starting scaling matrix now.


How's it look now?

- Same memories as before.
- (rattling)

But better.

Cameron, is there a memory
hot spot 15 years back?

I'm looking...

I don't care what happened
to him 15 years ago.

I want to know who killed him yesterday.

The computer in Turner's panic room

was supposedly destroyed 15 years ago.

Just gonna guess that has
something to do with his murder.

Who's running this operation?

The smart people. Go for it.

Got it. Hold on, Kirsten.


- (alarm blares)
- Do something!

(overlapping chatter)

Woman: Abort!

Kirsten, what do you see?


A pod of some kind.

Now I'm getting voices.


I'm working on it.

Man: Get her out of there!

- Man 2: I can't!
- Man 3: Project Grasshopper!

Shut it down!

Okay, Project Grasshopper was
an experiment of some kind.

- It failed...
- (quick blipping)

Heart rate's 180.

- Cameron, get her out of there.
- Hold on, Kirsten.

I'm moving you back
towards Turner's murder.


(Maggie and Turner's
conversation overlapping)

It's still not clear.

I'm getting overlapping
images and sounds.

You're the biggest
threat to the program.

Damn right I moved the asset!

It's protocol!

I'd kill one to save 19.

Am I the one you'd kill?

I smell incense again.

I'm rotating the memory
fragment further.

She's gonna lose her lunch again.

No, she's not.

Okay, get the trash can.

Okay, maybe she is.

Just give it a sec to line up.

Just breathe, Kirsten.
You're doing great.

(breathes slowly)

No! Don't!


Kirsten, you okay?

Does she see who killed Turner?

Did you see who killed Turner?



Comtek. Now.,

Come on!


Kirsten, what the hell
are you talking about?

I saw you shoot Turner.

Then you saw wrong.

I saw you.

You killed him!

Kirsten, you saw me in his memory

because I was there that day,

but I didn't kill Turner.

Ms. Baptiste, I think we have
some things to talk about.

Look, the stitch is still active.

We have three minutes left.


Kirsten, whatever you saw, it was wrong.

- Stand down! That's an order!
- Ms. Baptiste, please cooperate.

-No one wants things to escalate.

Let him go, Baptiste!

What's going on?

I believe this is called
a Mexican standoff.

Something's wrong with the stitch.

I did not kill Turner.

Linus, is there?

I... I don't know!

There cold be!

I am losing my Patience!

- Drop it!
- Linus, figure it out!

You got two minutes!

She's right. There's
still time. Kirsten?

Let's do this.


Look, it is hard to focus
with all these guns out!

- (whirring)
- Okay, try it.

Okay, what do you see now, Hot Shot?



Same thing. Maggie just shot him.

That never happened.

Wait. Cameron, replay that.

Rolling back...


The pieces are still
moving. They're out of sync.

What does that mean?

It means she can't be sure
Maggie was the shooter.

40 seconds.

Camille, take over for Cameron.

- Excuse me?
- What?

Just do it!

Cameron, head to engineering!

Come on! Move!

- (grunts)
- (humphs)

- You break it, you buy it.
- Shut up, Tim.

What's going on?

Turner's memory's exploded
into three dimensions.

We need three separate controllers
to realign the fragments.

I'm rerouting Turner's mind
map to all the terminals now.

We need to rotate the pieces together.

Okay? Just watch the map.

It's like doing a 3-D Jigsaw puzzle.




- (crackling)
- Incense.

- (beeping)
- Six seconds.

Cameron: Kirsten, make the bounce!


I couldn't tell who it was,

but I am sure it was not Maggie.


- (sighs)
- (sighs)

Stand down.

How's it feel to save the day?

(sighs) Doesn't suck.

Well, that was fun.

If you're done screwing
around, can one of you geniuses

please go figure out
who killed Les Turner?


Things got kind of cray. How you doin'?

Like someone out of clues.

Look, I know we're at
a dead end right now,

but we will figure this out.

We always do.

Everything that's happened...

Fisher getting shot, Turner killed,

almost losing Cameron...

I feel like...


You started a sentence with "I feel."


I'm just still not used to that.

Yeah, me neither.

This whole...

emotions thing,

how do you deal with it?

Usually poorly.

But I have found that

homemade baked ziti with a
glass or three of red wine

helps put things in perspective.

- (sighs)
- Come on.

We'll go home, bust
open a bottle of Pinot,

and figure out this
whole emotions thing.

Did I mention that I cook, you clean?

That's unfair. I have seen the
mess you make in a kitchen.

Psh. Price you have to
pay for that ziti, though.



- (alarm rings)
- Kirsten?

This readout.

I saw it in Turner's memory.

It stopped at 163.

Um, that's here.

Something on this level.

Just... just hold it.

- (ding)
- Oh.

Jeez, it's freezing.

What's Turner keeping in here?

(lights buzzing)

It's not a what.

It's a who.

What the hell is this place?

I was hoping one of you could tell me.

- That's...
- Ed Clark.

Turner's had him here

right under our noses since his murder.


Maggie: I didn't know
anything about this chamber.

This is your lab! How
could you not know?

- 'Cause I didn't.
- Son of a bitch built it.

You knew about this?

No. I mean, not exactly.

Turner once asked if I
could build a drug protocol

to extend the shelf
life of our subjects.

Something about breaking the
four-day limit on viability.

So, you helped him build this?

And you didn't tell me?

It was a theoretical conversation.

I drew up some preliminary plans.

I didn't know he was gonna use them.

Well, he did, and Ed was a
Guinea pig for your experiment.

You told me that Ed was cremated.

That his ashes were sent to
a distant sister somewhere.

That's what I was told, too.

Turner kept this secret from all of us.

So what do we do?

What I've wanted to do
since the very beginning.

We stitch into Ed.

We have no way of knowing if
his memories are even viable.

Everything that's happened
to us began with Ed's murder.

It started with Ed.

Maybe he has answers.

And nobody is going to stop
me from looking for them.

Listen, Kirsten, with the new protocol,

Ed's memories are impossible to map.

So, we're gonna use the mind map that we
generated the first time we stitched into Ed.

Is it safe?

I'm not sure.

But the moment it goes
sideways, I'm gonna bounce you.

No, you're not.

This stitch is mine.


I've moved you to Ed's last
available memory. How's it look?

Not good. Your drug protocol sucks.

Wait... something's resolving.

They're... they're
fighting over something.

I'm not sure what.

- Who's fighting?
- Who's fighting?

It's... it's just not clear.

Alex, on my signal, boost glutamate

and atropine level to 100%.

- You sure?
- Yes. Just do it. Linus?

Linus, increase conductivity
to every sensory target zone.

If you do this, Ed's
memory's gonna flame out.

Look, there's barely anything left.

Kirsten, brace yourself.

We're firing every
synapse Ed's got left.

Can Kirsten's mind take it?

Okay, Kirsten, the Rev 2
suit is meant to protect you.

It's made of tough stuff, just
like the person wearing it.

- Go, Alex.
- (whirring)

- 100%.
- Linus, go.

I hope you know what you're doin'.

Ed: You've done enough
to her! I won't let you!

She's suffered so much already!

- (gunshot)
- (groans)

I smell incense again.


(breathes heavily)

I didn't see the killer.

But I did smell incense again

just like in Turner's memory.

Whoever killed Ed also killed Turner.

I'm gonna increase security.

You're not going anywhere
without an armed detail.

- No.
- You don't get to tell me...

Yes, I do.

Look, we're not in any danger.

Ed was trying to protect me,

there was a fight over
Ed's gun, and it went off.

That was three months ago.

Okay, well, what about
the attack on Fisher?

It was Barbiero.

I mean, whoever he was working for

tried to call it off, but
Barbiero wouldn't listen.

And Turner?

In the stitch, I heard something

about Turner moving some
asset that the killer wanted.

The voice on the phone,
she said that they would

come for me when they think I'm ready.

- Ready for what?
- To hear the truth.

So what do we do until then?

Our jobs.


- (alarm rings)
- (creaking)

I swear to you, I didn't know about Ed.

I died for you. What...
why would I lie now?

Everybody has their secrets.

Maggie, Turner, Camille...

Why not you?

Tell me one thing I kept from you.

- Cameron.
- No.

You were inside my head.
What secrets did you see?

I didn't see anything.

I guess you're right.

Everyone's got their secrets.

- (alarm rings)
- (elevator resumes)

Hey, Dad.

You missed a spot.

I did?

What's that smell?

That is sandalwood. Do you like it?