Stitchers (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Finally - full transcript

A mysterious car accident claims the life of a brain researcher; Linus is asked to decipher a clue.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
How are you doing?

I'm doing.

How about you?


Yeah. How are you doing?

It'd actually help me to know.

Well, I wish Marta was still alive...

So I can finish asking her

about the things she told me.

What'd she tell you?

That I'm not safe,

that the stitch cases we handle
are test runs for something bigger,

and that I, and possibly
all of us, are being used.

And if something goes wrong,

we may be in danger.

I'm pretty sure if Marta
knew the Stitchers program had

some secret nefarious purpose,

she would've found a way to
have left me a message for,

you know, when she was gone.

Hi, Kirsten.

I'm sorry that I had to leave you.

But I want you to know that even though

I'll be gone for a while,
I'm watching out for you.

So, tonight's story is sleeping beauty...

What are you doing in my bed?

What are you doing with a Walkman?

Listening to the tape you
found in Ed's cassette player.

Can we bring this episode
of Roommates Without Borders

to an end now?

Why are you listening to that right now?

It's something Cameron
said after Marta's funeral.

- Great rejoicing...
- Why are you still in my bed?

Okay. Because...

I was wondering if maybe you
wanted to talk about your feelings

about what happened to Marta.

I'm good.

Well, is it okay if I
talk about my feelings?

I'm good.

- The spindle...
- Can you go back to your room now?

I'm good.

Wait, what is that?

It's the same sequence
of turns over and over.

Like some kind of message.

Is there a problem?

No. I'm just having a hard
time understanding something.

You've come to Dr. Linus for advice.

- Well, I'm flattered.
- Cameron is busy.

- Oh.
- Ed Clark left this for me.

It has a sequence of tones on it.

Do you think you could try
and decipher them for me?

"Do or do not. There is no try."

- Yoda.
- Okay,

- I think I'm gonna see if Cameron is free...
- No, no, no, no.

- I can do it.
- You sure?

I have a close working relationship
with our quantum computer.

What I don't have, though,
is a cassette player.

Now you do.

Before we get started
I want to say something.

In this lab we deal
with death all the time,

but when it hits this close to home,

death can leave us with a lot of questions.

Now, I know we're all a bit raw
after what happened with Marta,

so I promise you that our
search for answers will continue,

but right now we have a job to do.


Dani Fox, 26. She was a researcher

for a privately funded medical
study ran by a Dr. Sebastian Zuber.

It's a promising new treatment
in traumatic brain injury.

Dani apparently lost control of her car

and slammed into a concrete wall.

Car is only a few weeks old.

There's no evidence of
a mechanical malfunction.

Maybe she had a stroke or a heart attack.

Or it could've been
suicide by acceleration.

So we investigate car crashes now?

As with all things, we do as we're told.

Dani Fox is loaded in.

Stations, everyone.

Any luck with the tones?

Even Yoda can't deliver that fast.

Okay stretch, fish tank
is a toasty 98 degrees.

- Time for a dip.
- Can't wait.

Let's dim the lights
for a little atmosphere.

Okay. I need a go, no-go
for stitch neurosync.

- Life-Sci?
- We are a go.

- Sub-Bio?
- Go.

- Engineering?
- Go.

- Communications?
- We are good to go.

- Medical?
- Her vitals are good. Go.

Okay penny priddy, remember,
wherever you go, there you are.

What does that even mean?

Don't be a buzzkill.

Initiate stitch neurosync on my mark.

Three, two, one... mark.

Where are ya?

Downtown L.A.

Dani just wrote a check to some woman.

You won't be sorry.

And don't worry, your
secret is safe with me.

Whatever it's for, she
doesn't want anyone to know.

I am in some sort of room...

Um... could be a spa

or a... a dentist office.

Maybe it's where Dani worked.

Wha... why a spa?

Because there's a chair here

with some kind of electronic halo over it.

All done, Jane. Relax.

Uh... they just finished it.

A treatment... uh, Dani and Dr. Zuber.

- There's some improvement in
her neural patterns. -Mm-hmm.

But not what we hoped.


You did great.

The treatment went very well.

Zuber really cares for his patients.

I'm in Dani's house.

She has a roommate.

On it.

Why do you always do that?

- Do what?
- Hide whatever you're working on.

I wouldn't understand it anyway.

I'm sorry.


Dani's roommate is her sister.

Nicole Fox, 24.

I don't think they get along too well.

Why not?

Because whatever is on Dani's laptop,

she doesn't want Nicole to see.

Did you move me? I'm back at the institute.

I didn't do a thing.
Memories must be pulling you.

Focus, George! We have a problem.

No, you have a problem.

She's arguing with a colleague.

The results are incremental at best.

Maybe you're expecting too much.

We need more test subjects.

The grant committee
needs to see real progress

or we'll never make it to phase two.

I am being pulled all over the place.

Do you understand what's going on here?

Calm down, Dani.

You were right to stay the course.

- Where are you now?
- In the lobby.

Dani is with Sebastian
Zuber. She's very upset.

L... look, there's great
improvements across the board.

This study must be Dani's most
emotionally charged memory.

Wow. I guess I underestimated our success.

These are amazing.

I'm with Dani in her car now...

...which is acting really weird.

It wasn't her fault. She
couldn't control the car.

It had a catastrophic failure of some kind.

That's odd for a new car.

Then let's ask it what happened.

The computers in the newer cars
are like the black boxes on planes.

They can tell exactly what
caused the malfunction.

You know an awful lot about cars.

Well, I spent my weekends in high school

working at an auto shop.

I bussed tables at my Uncle's restaurant.

- I studied.
- I also studied.



What happened?

Someone remotely hacked
into the car's computer

and took control of it.

So Dani's crash wasn't an accident.

Dani Fox and Sebastian
Zuber got a $4 million grant

from the Lanwell Foundation.

Do you like eating out of a carton?

'Cause you know, I got you a plate.

Food tastes the same either way.

Their hypothesis is that deep
trans-cranial magnetic stimulation

can speed up recovery from brain injuries.

That is why you need a plate.

That's what I saw in their
lab. They built it themselves.

You know, we should go
talk to Dani's sister,

see if she knows anything about it.

Y... you might want to wipe off your shirt

before your dinner leaves a stain.

You could've told me sooner.

Now it's time to play how is this my fault?

Come in.

Oh hey, Janice...

Oh! What was that for?

Lying about getting me groceries.

You knew it was that poor guy

from downstairs who got shot.

Yeah... I'm sorry. I was... I was

trying to tell you, but
I didn't get the chance.

Really? Really?

But you're right.

I should've made it more
clear that it wasn't me.

I suppose that also wasn't you
spying on me from your window?

Actually, that was someone else, too.

I hope you feel good knowing you freeloaded

off a good man's good deed.

Very nice...

Oh! I'm Cameron.

Cameron. And to think
I almost slept with you.


Wait... was that... did she just?


Find out anything?

Yeah. You can take a hit.

- You know what I mean.
- Okay. Yes.

It's surprisingly easy to
hack into a car's computer.

All you have to do is hook up
a small receiver to the system.

It can be controlled from anywhere.

- Seriously?
- Mm-hmm.

Um, hello.


- You going somewhere?
- To talk to Dani's sister.

- You coming?
- Make yourselves at home.

Stay out of the bedroom.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.

We came by to pay our respects.

I appreciate that.

How did you know Dani?

Through her work at the institute.

Sorry about the mess.

I haven't had a chance to
clean up since the accident.

That's right... you're a baker.

- Dani told me.
- Really?

I didn't think Dani cared.

I'm sure she did.

It's nice of you to come.

Dani didn't have any friends.

She was so devoted to her research.

With Dr. Zuber?

She was psyched to be working with him.

Health study was her passion,

even though it totally stressed her out.

It seemed like things got pretty intense

the past month, but she would
never talk to me about it.

She probably didn't think I'd understand.

Dani was the brain in the family.

I'm just the kid sister
with the silly hobby.

You know, I thought she seemed
kind of troubled too, recently.

Do you think it was just about work?

Dani was only about work.

She lived for it.

This place is nice.

I mean, you know, no stitch lab but still.

Dani really lived for her work.

Maybe too much... I really felt that.

Stitcher, heal thyself.

I saw him in Dani's memory.

Uh, excuse me,

do you know where we could find Dani Fox?

Why are you looking for Dani?

Well, we... we were supposed to meet
her for lunch with Sebastian Zuber.

You haven't heard.


Dani... she died in a car crash last night.

Oh... yeah, no. We had no idea.

Do you think we could speak with Dr. Zuber?

Dr. Zuber isn't coming in today.

Police wanted to talk to him about Dani.

Call next week.

I'm sure you can understand he
needs time to process this tragedy.

I think George lied to us. That's Zuber.

- Dr. Zuber...
- Please not now.

I'm so sorry about Dani.

- You knew Dani?
- Yes.

She said she could help me.

- Help you?
- With my brain.

Looks like a dentist chair on steroids.

I hate going to the dentist.

- Sorry, I didn't catch that?
- Oh. I was just admiring...

Oh, the transcranial magnetic stimulator.

Please, please.

Dani... Dani was the life
force of this project.

How long did you know her?

I just met her last weekend.

Yeah, she wanted to help everybody,

but maybe I can help you now.

Uh, George... So why don't you start

by just telling me a
little bit about yourself.

George will take notes.

Where should I start?

When... when did the injury occur?

About 15 years ago when I was eight.

My mother and I were in a car accident.

And what happened to your mother?

She died in the crash.

I'm really sorry to hear that.

And how does the injury affect you now?

Memory loss. I don't remember anything

from before I was eight.

All right then.

Do you have any problems
making new memories?

No, no. Not... not that I can think of.

Are these questions absolutely necessary?

I need her to tell me whatever she can.

Dr. Zuber is right.

I have been told that I have no filter

and that I am not great
at expressing emotions.

Well, you are her friend. Is that true?

Pretty much.

Well, my treatment is
still in the trial phase,

but Dani believed we were
right on the verge of success.

Are you open for a session?


Thank you, Dr. Zuber.

Please, you're a friend of
Dani's... call me Sebastian.

Hey George, could we please
set up a time for tomorrow?

Huh. I see you got my message.

Yeah. And in the history of bad ideas,

this ranks just above
the $2 bill and jeggings.

We need access to Dani's life.

Most of it was in that lab and in
her office... it's my only way in.

But when the good doc figures out that
you're faking a brain injury, then what?

He won't. Before she died,

Dani confronted Zuber... there
was something wrong with the study.

Something worth killing her for.

The only way to find out
what's going on in that lab

is a private session with Zuber,

unless anyone has any better ideas.

Fine. I will allow it...

Under one condition.

Did you guys see the death stare

that Kirsten gave Maggie when she
told her she had to wear a wire?

And Maggie was just looking out for her.

Okay. By hearing what's going on in there,

we'll be able to know
if Kirsten is in trouble.

The agency really outdid itself.

We've got a backscatter X-ray infotech,

an infrared vibration receiver,

oh, and this baby here...'s called a blowfish.

It acts like a cell phone tower.

Pinpoint the location of any
phone that tries to ping it.

Okay. Can you stop playing around?

Too bad you didn't have all this

- when you were spying on Janice.
- Oh!

Too soon?

Test one...

We got ears, everybody.

I hope you guys can hear me.

This thing really itches.

I'm sorry for keeping
you waiting, Ms. Clark.

Um, you've met my research
assistant, George Adler.

- Yes.
- I'll be taking notes

as Dr. Zuber does the evaluation.

Uh... evaluation?

It's something we use to see

if you're a potential
candidate for the program.

Did Dani help you build that?

Yes, she did.

Now, Ms. Clark, tell me about

the car accident you
had when you were eight.

I don't remember the accident
or anything before the accident.

Well, tell me about the
earliest memories you do recall.

She doesn't remember anything
before the age of eight?

- Shh!
- Waking up and being

told that my mother was dead...

And feeling nothing, because
I didn't know who she was.

You don't remember your mother?

What about your father?

I remember him dropping me off

with his friend Ed and
never coming back for me.

How long did you and
Dani work together for?

You seem very focused on Dani's work.

Well, I... I find what you do fascinating.

Or maybe talking about Dani is a way

of avoiding your own pain.

I'm not really in any pain.

Are you sure?

I mean, it couldn't have
been easy as a child.

Of course not. It sucked.

And not being able to
express or access my emotions

and always feeling alone and out of sync,

not to mention getting
lost doing simple things

like homework or brushing my teeth.

Did you and Dani share
responsibility for all the work?

Yes, we did. But please,
let's stay on topic.

I'm sorry.

This is kind of part of
the no... no filter thing.

Well, can you tell me how
you've coped with your condition?

I have had excellent
doctors and therapists,

and Ed devised tricks to help me
function as an independent person.

I mean, I still have trouble comprehending

emotional and social cues, but I...
I think I'm getting better at it.

You know, I owe Ed so much.

I loved him like a father.

Well, it's important for people like you

to have a good support system of friends.

And tell me about the young man
who was with you here yesterday.

Oh, Cameron?

Is he your boyfriend?

Oh, no. No. He... he's nobody.

Well, you're a very
interesting case, Ms. Clark.

Now if... if you're up for it,
I'd like to begin some initial

treatments with you today.

No! What? No! No way!

Yeah! Let's do it.

Did she just say yes?


Well, let me show you how this thing works.

Will I feel anything?

You won't feel a thing. It's
perfectly safe and painless.

How are we feeling, Ms. Clark?

A little nervous Dr. Zuber.

Oh, it's okay. Just take a deep breath

and try and relax.

I'm going to be stimulating
parts of your brain

which make and store memories.

You may feel emotions
and experience memories

you haven't in a long time.

Whatever it takes to get better.

You ready to start?


I feel a buzzing.

Okay, we should stop her.

Don't worry. I gave Kirsten a safe word.


Oh, perfect. They won't
know what she means.

Are you re-remembering something?

The car accident.

It was so loud. It's like an explosion.

And windows all shattered and...

Suddenly we're upside down.

You're re-experiencing post
emotional and physical trauma.

Is there anything else about the crash?

My head pounding.

Broken glass all over me.

My mom unconscious.

Blood on her face.

Wait... now there's nothing.


How about now?



My guardian Ed said my father promised

to come back for me, but he never did.

Is that all?


He drank all the time.

Yelled at me every day

about being stuck with me, hating me.

Maybe that's why he abandoned me with Ed.

Okay. Keep... keep going if you can.

I know this is painful,
but it'll help you heal.

She drank before the accident.

I... I think she crashed
the car on purpose.

- That's horrible.
- Did you know any of this?

I... I mean, I knew about the accident.

I didn't know about her parents.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

O... okay, Kirsten, I'm
just dialing it down.

Okay. Here. Yeah. Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath.


How do you feel?


I think a little better.

Does it always work this fast?

Well, to be honest, you've responded
quicker than any other subject.

Wh... what does that mean?

You're a very special person.

Kirsten, I'm so sorry.

- About what?
- We had no idea...

all that stuff about your parents and Ed.

Listen, I know it might
be too soon to talk...

- Guys...
- But if you ever need

to share your thoughts with
someone, we're here for you.

Guys, I made most of it up.

You said the car accident was true.

Yeah, well that is, and that my father left

me with Ed and never came back.

But not the stuff about my parents

drinking or yelling at me.

You lying minx! I can't
believe I almost cried for you.

- Wait, almost?
- Hey.

Easy! She had you going, too.

Okay, well the important
thing is she hooked Sebastian.

Yeah. He said that I responded
faster than any of his other subjects.

I mean, he didn't even
question it. Would you?

I mean, an anomaly in a research study?

- In a heartbeat.
- He wants to believe it worked.

Okay, well, what does
this have to do with Dani?

Well in the stitch, I saw Dani
trying to tell Sebastian something.

And whatever it was, he
didn't want to hear it.

I think she was trying to tell
him that their device doesn't work.

You were supposed to just talk to him.

Not left him run a
current through your head!

Well, I'm glad I did, because
now I know he's a liar.

He could've turned your brain to mush.

Zuber has millions of
dollars in grant money

and his reputation at stake.

If he doesn't get results,
he'll lost his funding.

And if he turned up the juice too high,

- we could have lost you.
- Oh yes. I get it,

Maggie... I am a precious government asset.

I am not as soulless as you think.

I am here to look after you,

which includes stopping
you from taking dangerous,

unnecessary, and quite
frankly, stupid risks.

Oh, you want to play mother, huh?

Fine. Why don't you let
me in on a family secret?

What's the real purpose
of the Stitchers program?

I suggest you take whatever Marta
said to you with a grain of salt.

Marta is looking a lot like
Dani Fox to me right now...

a bright, driven young woman who
questioned her superiors and wound up dead.

Which is not how you treat family.

Les Turner, please.

So Maggie tore you a new one, huh?

Yeah. She stonewalled me,

just like Sebastian stonewalled Dani.

I mean, if we're gonna solve murders,
we're gonna have to take risks.

Speaking of risks,

your pal Sebastian has
been taking a few himself.

- What do you mean?
- This is his most recent

published study... everything checks out.

The statistics, the
data, the proper allowance

for the Hawthorne Effect, I
mean, the research is perfect.

- So what's the problem?
- It's too perfect.

The whole thing reads like a
carefully orchestrated document

aimed at soliciting grant money.

Which means you may be right
about him faking his results.

Well, hopefully I'll get
proof of that tonight.

How? We don't have access
to Dani's work computer.

And that's why we have to
go back to Zuber's facility.

You swiped that from the stitch lab?

Borrowed. To get me in.

It's too dangerous.

Which is why you will all be in
the van outside the institute.

You're not gonna hit me again, are ya?

I came to apologize.

Look, I'm sorry I called you a liar.

This whole thing with
your neighbor is really

upsetting and... What do you
say you and I start fresh?

You know, like a do-over.

Okay. Yeah. That sounds great.

Aren't you going to invite me in or...

So are we going out or not?

I didn't know you had company.

- Who is she?
- Her?

She's nobody.

Kirsten, remember, the
security guards name is Wes.

Hi, Wes.

I'm in.

- All right. She's in.
- Yes. We all heard her.

I'm just saying.

I can't get in to Sebastian's office.

Trying Dani's next.


I'm going in.

Uh, we got company. 5-0 is in the house.

Oh great.

Uh, honey? Honey? Yeah, um...

I... I gotta go. Okay. Um...

Evening, officer.

Can I... can I help ya?

You sure can... by obeying the
sign and moving your vehicle.

Would you look at that?

I can't believe I didn't see that.

Uh, sorry. I just...

Pulled over to dial my
girlfriend and, you know,

'cause I didn't want to text while driving

and you know, certainly
didn't want to hit anyone.

Someone's got a problem
with authority figure...

if it's all right with
you, I'll just dial my woman

one more time and then be on my way?

You see, what I'd like you
to do is move your vehicle.

- Now!
- Yes ma'am.

Message received. 10-4.

I'm so sorry.

Dani's computer isn't here.

What are you doing in here?

I'm calling security.

I think Sebastian killed Dani Fox.


Dani's crash was an accident.

No. Sebastian murdered her
to stop her from exposing

the truth about his bogus research results.

That's impossible.

First, Sebastian wouldn't hurt a fly.

Second, I went over those results myself.

They're totally accurate. And third,

you even said that the treatment helped.

I lied. I'm sorry,

but I... I needed to see what he was doing.

I can't believe it.

Are you sure?

Can you prove any of this?

I think the proof lives on Dani's computer,

but I can't access it
from outside the building.

I can help you.

Come with me.

Linus, what's happening?
All I hear is static.

We lost her when we circled the block.

Well get her back. Fast.

Dani insisted her computer stay off network

so no one could access her research data.

Dani was a smart woman.

Yes. She was.

I'll log you in.

So she never said anything to you?

No. But I knew something was upsetting her.

- It's all yours.
- Thanks.

Wait. I'm still confused.

How could Dani's accident have been murder?

Sebastian found a way to take
over her car's on-board computer

and control it remotely...

- Signal is gone.
- Where is she?

- I can't find her. We have to go in.
- Go in where?

She never told us where
in the building she is.

Hang on, hang on. The thing down there.

- You called it a go fish?
- It's a blowfish.

Okay, whatever. It acts
like a cell phone tower?

You're a genius.

What? Come on!

You're a genius.

George, you don't have to do this.

If you hadn't lied to
us, we wouldn't have to.


You brought this upon yourself.

- You are a fraud.
- Well, it takes one to know one.

The treatment doesn't work yet,

at least not with the instant
results like the ones you faked.

That's why you killed Dani.

She knew and you couldn't
risk her telling anyone.

I'm sorry about Dani, but we were
on the verge of a breakthrough.

So you... you embellished your
research data to get more grant money.

It's the only chance my wife has.

Your wife.

That patient you've been treating... Jane.

She's your wife.

She fell off a ladder three years ago.

Doesn't know who I am.

Well, I wonder if she would
recognize who you are now.

Now what?

Okay, now every hot cell phone in the area

will think this is a cell phone tower.

We just need to wait for
Kirsten's number to pop up.

And then we need to find it.

That's my number and there's the institute.

Okay, only four cell phones inside are hot.

- One by the front door...
- And three in the southwest corner!

Let's go!

Last time you were in that chair

I saw something different
in your brainwave pattern,

something that I've never seen before.

You don't have to do this.

I'll do whatever it takes to help my wife.

Don't... don't hurt me.

Talk to me, stretch.

You okay?

Dr. Frankenstein and Igor
are experimenting on you.

You guys were supposed to be
listening in. What took you so long?

- Oh yeah. She's fine.
- Really are you okay?

- Why do people always do that?
- What?

Ask if you're okay when
they know you're okay.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

Wait. No. No. I have to get
something from Dani's office.

We just heard what happened.

Well, at least the police caught Zuber.

We... we wanted you to have this.

What is it?

It's the lease for the store

that Dani rented for your bakery.

Where did you get this?

It was on her desk at work.

She had even written up a business plan

and put away money for you.

That's what she was hiding.

She wanted it to be surprise.

She believed in you.

You sure you're all right?

Yeah. Never better.

Okay, stretch. Get some rest.

I'll see you tomorrow.

When Zuber turned up the
power on his contraption,

I... I saw things.

Memories. Lots of them.

Mostly from people that I've stitched

but also me...

When I was a kid.

I was in water and I had an
electrode harness on my head.

Zuber pumped magnetic
pulses through your brain.

If you saw a monkey playing a
tuba, I wouldn't be surprised.

Yeah. I suppose.

- Thank you.
- For what?

For not being a nobody.


Camille isn't here.

So nice to finally meet you Kirsten.

Where's Camille?

Last I've heard, out with Linus.

How'd you get in here?

My old friend Ed Clark once
gave me a key to his house.

And your right to use it ended

when he died and it became my house.

I'm sorry.

- May we talk?
- You know,

Mr. Turner, it's been a long day.

And as perhaps you
heard, I'm kind of fried.

And Maggie said you didn't
have a sense of humor.

Are you going to avoid my
questions like Maggie does?

Haven't heard a question yet,

but ask me one, and I'll answer it.

Marta said that the murder cases we handle

are test runs for something bigger,

the real purpose of the program.

Is that true?


Test runs for what?

I don't know.

I don't believe that
the director of a program

like this wouldn't know its purpose.

I understand, but it's...
It's common practice

in the clandestine services.

Is that what you call this?

The point is, no one single person

in the agency knows everything... even me.

That's how they keep the program safe.

That's how they keep us all safe.

Like you kept us safe from Marta.

Marta's betrayal...

Well, it came as a shock to me too.

But that's over now.

I know you have questions,


but you need to trust that
the people in your life

that cared about you...
your mother, Ed Clark,

and the people who care about you now...

your team, Maggie,
myself, and the agency...

all have been and are working
tirelessly to keep you safe.

So... we just keep doing what we're doing?

Ask no questions until someone
decides to let us in on the big secret?

Well, that's... That's worked for me.

I'm not you.

I know.

Thanks for listening.

Did Ed Clark commit suicide?


How did he die?

Protecting you.

"Four letter word for inviable."


Linus, what?

- I'm still in bed.
- I'm looking for Kirsten.

Do you know where she is?
She's not answering her phone.

Yeah. Hold on.

Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up.

- What?
- It's Linus.

What, Linus?

Are you really in bed with Camille?

Are you really calling this early?

Those digital codes on the
cassette that Ed gave you...

quantum computer figured them out.

They're map coordinates.

Okay, seriously... are
you in bed with Camille?

Ed... what did you want me to remember?

It's okay to be sad about
what happened to your mom.

Remember, you can even touch
her picture if you want.