Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009): Season 1, Episode 5 - Childhood's End - full transcript

The away teams investigates a strange energy reading when suddenly the puddle jumper's systems collapse. No technology seems to be working anymore. They soon find a civilization of very young people. Their leader Keras tells no one is older than 24 and that on their 25th birthday everybody commits suicide. They believe that will keep the Wraith away, because they aren't interested in them. Rodney has a different idea, he finds the civilization is contained in a field powered by an almost depleted ZPM. He thinks they aren't coming anymore because none of their technology is working inside the field.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Anything look familiar to you, Teyla?

I do not believe
this is a world I have visited before.

- No landmarks. How can you tell?
- It is difficult, but every world is unique.

I've heard reports from SG teams
on missions like this,

specifically the mission reports
of Colonel Samantha Carter.

She and I worked together
to avert global catastrophe.

She and I... Ay, ay, ay.

- What was I saying?
- Mission reports.

There's similarities
between worlds that support life.

Makes sense. For example,
the colour of the sky is just a product...

- What was that?
- Turbulence?

Seems to be OK now.
I wonder what that was.

Getting conflicted readings.

It looks like a powerful energy field
about 2,000 yards over there.

- Over where?
- 18 degrees from our heading.

It's worth checking out?

Significant energy emission
indicates technology.

So you think it's worth checking out?

I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.

- Maybe not.
- It's getting worse.

That's enough. I'm getting outta here.

We're not gaining any altitude.

Controls are unresponsive.

The drive just went offline.

We're going in.

- Nice landing, sir.
- Thank you.

- What happened?
- You took us too close.

- Whose idea was that?
- Let's not get caught in the blame game.

OK, can you fix the ship or not?

- None of my equipment's working.
- The sun is still high.

- What does that mean?
- We can make it back before dark.

- We should start now.
- Zelenka and I can return and fix it.

No, it's not just the jumper.
None of my equipment's working.

All right. Let's gear up.

Check it out, sir.
I think my compass has gone wonky.

You brought a magnetic compass
to another galaxy?

You have no way of knowing
if this planet's magnetic field is...

Wait a second. Let me see that.

The disturbance is electromagnetic,
which is why all our equipment's out.

- Which direction is the gate?
- You're the one flying.

All right. We should be able
to figure this out.

I believe it is this way.

Let's move out.

- Hey, can we go that way for a bit?
- Why?

The compass is acting weird.
I might be on to something.

- I'm glad I brought it along.
- How prescient of you.

Hello, hello.

Oh, yeah. Definitely this way.

- Didn't fly over this, did we?
- I don't know.

I was busy trying not to get us killed.

- These ruins are very old.
- Several hundred years, maybe more.

So, the population here's extinct?

- Check this out.
- OK, I give up.

If the disturbance is man-made,
it's emanating from within these ruins...

somewhere... over there.

If we find it, can we shut it off?

If we can, we won't
have to walk to the gate.

I was thinking more of saving
a good puddle jumper.

That too.

All right, guys. We'll stay here
for a second, see if McKay can...

- They're kids.
- With weapons pointed at us.

Lower your weapon, Lieutenant.

Hey... kids.

We are not here
to harm you in any way.

That's right. What she said.
We're friendly, OK?

We arrived through the Stargate.
We were only trying to return home.

- I don't think they understand.
- I believe they do.

- Why are they pointing arrows at us?
- You're a full-grown.

- Excuse me?
- You need to see the elders.

Elders... sound good.

Just lead the way.


Look what they're wearing.
What are they holding?


- Now, where'd they get that?
- It looks like a shrine.

- They don't worship the Wraith?
- That'd be a first.

That'd be disturbing.

Wraith bones.

Yeah, we know.

Its death bird fell out of the sky years ago.
It reminds us of how life used to be.

- Used to be?
- Before.

Fell out of sky.

- I picked up on that.
- What knocked us down knocked it down?

- If so, we need to find it.
- Why?

Anything that can knock out
a Wraith dart, it's a big deal.

That would be nice to have.

The elders are ready.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- I'm Keras, one of the village elders.

I'm Sheppard, and this is
Rodney and Teyla and...

- Did you say you're one of the elders?
- Yes.

How old are you?


- And that makes you an elder?
- How did you get here?

We used the Stargate to travel
from our world to visit yours.

- You do know of the Stargate?
- It's a big, round... thing.

No one has come through the well
for nearly... 500 years.

Yeah, well, here's the thing.
We're a little lost.

And you are all older than 24?

Ford, how old are you?

- 25, sir.
- I guess so.

Is that a problem?

Please... sit.

They're trespassers.
We don't have to explain ourselves.

I apologise.

- You are familiar with the Wraith?
- Yes.

Well, we're not friends
or anything like that.

The Wraith used to farm our planet

as we used to farm livestock
and beasts of burden.

- Only, we were their herd.
- They seem to do that everywhere.

Our ancestors fought them, but...
our weapons were not strong enough.

Our people tried to hide from them,
but they were always found.

None died peacefully.
None could enter into the eternal rest.

Eternal rest?

To die at the hands of the Wraith,
to breathe your last breath amongst such...

hatred and evil...

There's no way to move peacefully
into the next world when that is your fate.

My ancestors decided that to beat
the Wraith, we must think as they think.

We ensured that we would never provide
the Wraith with a crop worth picking.

- By...?
- None of us passes the age of 24.

How do you manage that?

On the eve of our 25th year,
we make the sacrifice,

both for our people and for our own
safe passage into the eternal rest.

- What?
- You kill each other?

No. We take our own lives.

And so the Wraith have not returned
for nearly 500 years.

Never in my life have I ever felt so... old.

This is without a doubt the most
screwed-up way of life I can imagine.

- They seem to accept it.
- They're kids. What do they know?

- They don't want us around.
- Because we may bring back the Wraith.

They can't be right. Would the Wraith
just ignore them 'cause they're young?

I don't eat veal,
but it can't be the same thing.

Of course not. Veal is delicious.

The Wraith don't come by because
the electromagnetic field takes them out.

Why do they not land outside
and take the village by foot?

Perhaps I'm not being clear.
Nothing works here.

Not their stunners, their darts. Even
their shields wouldn't function correctly.

Why risk it when there's a smorgasbord
through some other Stargate?

- Our guns still work, right?
- They're relatively primitive.

- We must tell them.
- Not before I've looked at those ruins.

They're sacrificing themselves.

What are we gonna tell them, Teyla?
"Everything you believe is wrong."

"Trust us, because we've been here
for almost an hour."

We've talked it over.
You can stay until you've fixed your ship.

But you must work quickly.

Your being here
makes our people uncomfortable.

Fair enough.
We'll work as quickly as we can.

There may be something in the ruins
that caused us to lose control of our ship.

- They should be watched at all times.
- Aries.

That's fine. Totally understandable.

I'll choose two of the villagers
to keep an eye on you.

- Casta says you're 100 years old.
- Who's Casta?

- Me.
- Where do you get your information?

- Why are we going to the old city?
- I gotta check something.

- What?
- Grown-up stuff.

- What's a grown-up?
- Someone who's older than you are.

- I'm three days older than Cleo. Tell me.
- You're not a grown-up.

You just said someone
that's older than me is a grown-up.

I don't need you to tell me what I just said.

- OK.
- So, why are we going to the old city?

- Ford, a little help here.
- You're a natural.

Let's see how long we can
be quiet. Who can be quiet the longest?

- I'm not a quiet person.
- That's talking.

I'm not a quiet person. I talk a lot.

- Do you have young?
- Me? No. Not yet, anyway. You?

Oh, yes. They're raised
in one of our other villages.

- Other villages?
- To keep family lines apart.

Got it.

How many villages are there like this?

12. There are a few larger than this one,
but more are small in number.

- And they all make the sacrifice?
- Yes, we all do, as have many before.

No one ever...?

- What?
- Decides not to go through with it?

Takes off? Runs away?

- There has been hesitation.
- I bet.

We can be... persuasive
when the time comes.

I know what that means.

Look... I gotta tell you,
I don't understand this at all.

Where I come from, we value life
more than almost anything else.

You know what Lieutenant Ford would've
missed if his life was over a year ago?

We're not all that different.

It's just that... I would rather have
24 years of peace than a life of fear.

Yeah, but what if there's another way,

naturally, when the time comes?

- The time comes.
- Of course it does.

- That's part of being alive.
- I mean for me.

Tomorrow's the first day of my 25th year.

- Tomorrow?
- Yes.

That's why I lead the council of elders.
I'm oldest among the 24s.

- You mean, tomorrow you, um...
- Tonight.


Our way was put in place long ago,
and it works.

It's not for me to question it.
Tonight I die.

- How many?
- Four, but there may be more.

He's given them time to prepare the ship?

- Against my strong objection, yes.
- So this is Keras.

Who should be readying himself
for his sacrifice.

I will be the eldest by tomorrow,
but that might be too late.

What do you wanna do?

They came through
the Wraith well, Pelius.

If they stay, the Wraith will come back
and our sacrifices will be for nothing.

- They must be forced to leave.
- I need time to talk to the villages.

- We have little of it.
- You know the laws.

A forced sacrifice must be
agreed upon by all the villages.

Leave us!

Talk with who you need to talk.

I will give them to the end of this day
to leave. If they do not...

Hey, hey. Coming through. Thank you.

- What's that?
- A compass.

- What's that?
- Used for determining direction on Earth.

- Where's Earth?
- Listen, Cleo...

- Casta.
- Whatever.

Aren't you supposed to be observing?
Know what that means?

- Observing?
- You stay out of my way and watch.

- Why?
- Because.

- Because why?
- I say so.


I can't work with you two
asking stupid questions!

Now, sit down and shut up!

Oh, don't. Don't.

You're mean.

Thank you for finally noticing.
You wanna go, huh?


You got a real gift with the kids.
You do birthday parties?

I have a purpose here. You deal with them.
Excuse me. Thank you.

It's OK. He's upset
'cause you're smarter than him.

You guys know what chocolate is?

No? This is gonna be huge. Come with me.

We're gonna go over here
and we'll leave the mean old man alone.

Oh, yeah.


Hello, hello.

It's really good, huh? Want some more?


McKay? My radio's working.

Which is how I'm able to speak with you,
yes. You have a second?

- Tell me you found the field generator.
- I found it.

- And obviously the off switch.
- Better than that.

It's powered by a zero-point module.

It's possible the EM field's
been online for centuries.

Only a ZPM is capable of powering it
that long. I've shut it down.

- You've disabled the shield?
- Temporarily.

I need to get the ZPM back to Atlantis.

We cannot just take it. It is their only
protection against the Wraith.

The Wraith haven't been here in years.

If this is a functioning ZPM, we bring 'em
back to Atlantis. How hard is that?

Hard. But the ZPM could give us the power
to make a lot of problems go away.

Exactly. I need to get it back to a lab.

- How do you plan on doing that?
- You've given me a flying lesson.

It's gonna take more
than a five-minute lesson.

Listen, I'm not gonna
be dogfighting Wraith darts.

Ford and I can handle it.

All right, fine. You can go.
But get back to me before tonight.

We sort of have a... a deadline.


I think it is dangerous
to leave the villages unprotected.

The Wraith haven't been around
in a long time.

This is reckless. You must see that.

What are the odds they're gonna show up
in the next few hours?

- Why were the guides sent back?
- Were they?

- Yeah, they were.
- Must have been nap time.

- You think this is a joke, Sheppard?
- I don't find much here to be that funny.

- What's wrong?
- Two of the full-growns are unwatched.

- It's fine, Aries.
- You should get ready for tonight, Keras.

- The cleansing ceremony is set to begin...
- Fine. I'll go ready myself.

- What were they talking about?
- He's sacrificing himself tonight.

- Keras?
- I tried to talk him out of it.

- If we tell them about the field...
- I'm working on that.

But we can't do anything until
we figure out what to do with the ZPM.

- This is a very bad call.
- Why?

You just told me this ZPM powers
their defences against the Wraith.


- You don't see the problem in stealing it?
- Not stealing, so much as...

If it's of any good to us,
we can bring them here.

For one, we don't even know
how many of them there are.

- I hardly doubt more than a few hundred.
- What?

We're barely getting by ourselves.

This is a big city.
We have the mainland.

We can't just visit planets, take away
their defences and bring 'em back here.

- If they have a ZPM, yes, we can.
- How morally superior you must feel.

They live in trees. Plus they could stop
killing themselves for no good reason.

They kill themselves for no good reason?

Yes. The EM shield is what's keeping
the Wraith away, not the sacrificing.

OK. You said that the sacrifices began
at the same time the shield went online.

More or less.

If the people who built the shield
implemented the suicide pacts,

perhaps the two things aren't
as disconnected as you think.


One more day, that's all I need.
I'll have a much clearer picture then.

- Clearer picture of what?
- Long story.

Stick around and I'll tell you.

I'll be honest with you, Sheppard.

There's nothing I'd like more than
to spend more time talking with you.

But it's not possible.

What if you're wrong?

What if a day doesn't matter?
What if a year doesn't matter?

And what if it does?

I'd never rest peacefully knowing I was the
reason the Wraith returned to this planet.

- You can live a full life.
- You're a warrior among your people.

One who is trained
to defend and protect them.

- I guess you can say that.
- Would you give your life if necessary?

It'd have to be really necessary.

How is the sacrifice so different?

So this is just gonna go on for ever?

As long as the Wraith don't return, yes.

Would you stand witness?


What do I have to do?

Just be there as I prepare.

We gather the strength from those
close to us for the sacrifice to come.

Dr. Weir.

The bad news is it looks like the device
harnesses M7G-677's unique EM field.

- Probably wouldn't work for us.
- Assuming we considered stealing it.

Not much point to that, either.
ZPM's almost depleted.

- So it's worthless?
- I wouldn't say that.

Enough to give us the shield
at full power for a few hours,

handy if the Wraith ever attack.

- It could do what it was doing...
- It is of more worth to them than us?


- Definitely.
- Fine.

- There's another thing.
- Uh-huh?

I think I have a theory
about the suicide pact.

- Yeah? What is it?
- I'm not sure how much power this had,

but whoever built the device knew its field
wouldn't cover the whole planet for long.

- So it was built to protect a smaller area?
- The area round the villages.

But if the population got much larger,

the kids may move out of the field and
become susceptible to a Wraith attack.

- So the suicide pact is...
- Population control.

- Wow, that's a little severe.
- A little?

They believe if they die in turmoil,
they don't go to their version of heaven.

While this guarantees that they die in
peace, it's a religion, and a ridiculous one.

That's not a judgement
we can make for them.

- No?
- No.

- No.
- Return the ZPM and get the device online.

Sheppard, it's McKay.

This is Teyla.
Major Sheppard is... unavailable.

- What does that mean?
- He's taking part in the ceremony.

- That doesn't sound good.
- Are you back?

I'm just gonna put the ZPM back.

- I'll let Major Sheppard know.
- The jumper's outside the EM field.

We should be able to leave
as soon as I've finished.


We've found a Wraith bracelet
that is transmitting.

We need that field returned
as soon as possible!

Stop him!

I'm sorry. I had to do that.

McKay, we need it on now!

- Move!
- I'm coming!

- What are you waiting for?
- That should be it.

- What?
- Far be it for me to cause a panic, but...

What did you do?

- What did you do?
- In my haste, I may have broken it.

How dare you defile our remembrance!

- It was necessary.
- Necessary?

You broke the laws!
You must be punished!

- That's not up to you!
- Neither is it up to you!

You've had enough time.
You must fix your ship and go!

How long do they expect us
to play chance with our lives?

Every second a full-grown is in our village

is a second we are no longer safe
from the Wraith.

They must leave now!

I'll take you to the well.
You're not safe here.

- McKay and Ford are in the ruins.
- We'll pick them up.

- They put the ZPM back?
- There's been a setback.

- What did McKay do?
- Friends, please!

The full-growns have agreed to leave
and never come back.

I will take them to the well myself.

All this will be over soon

and we can get on with the ceremony.

Make sure they get there.

- Please tell me you have this working.
- These things are usually plug-and-play.

- Get to the point.
- There is a sequence which I haven't got.

None of that matters now.
Grab what you can and come with me.

Aries will be sending men behind us.

- What made the bracelet broadcast?
- I do not think it was anything we did.

It may be an emergency beacon
that activated when the dart crashed.

The EM field's been
keeping it quiet ever since.

It must have begun transmitting
as soon as McKay turned off the field.

Listen to me. We have to move on. Now!

- We cannot do that.
- Keras, this is hard to explain.

We can't go anywhere
till we fix this device.

Abandon your ship.
You're risking your lives.

This is not about our ship.
It's about the protection of your villages.


The reason our ship went down,
the reason the Wraith dart crashed,

it's because of this device.

It renders all electromagnetic-based
technology inside the shield inert.

I don't understand.

The Wraith didn't stay away
because of your sacrifices.

They stayed away because of this shield.

- That can't be true.
- It's not entirely true.

The shield doesn't protect
the whole planet.

I believe the sacrifices were brought in

so your society never left
the confines of the shield.

The sacrifices play a part in your survival,
but not for the reasons you believe.

- It's impossible.
- I can prove it to you.

But you have to give us time
to bring this device back online.

Keras is weak.

I doubt his oath to the sacrifice.

The full-growns have clouded
his judgement.

They've stopped in the old city.

Gather the bows and the spears. We will
rid ourselves of them once and for all!


Coming through. Excuse me.

All right. And again.
Still in the way. Thank you.

- This'll never work.
- We don't have much of a choice.

- This is not the well, Keras.
- It's my fault.

We just received word from McKay
that our ship's just been repaired.

In fact, he's back there
right now waiting for us.

We were just saying goodbye to Keras.

- You think I'm a fool?
- No.

I just think you're a little cranky.

Look, if you wanna escort us back
to the ship, you can watch us leave.

Lead the way.

All right.

- Oh, you scared me!
- You scared us.

- Sorry.
- It's OK.

We came to see if you left any chocolate.

Yes, yes, of course.


Oh, you want some.

You can have this... but you gotta
promise to let me work, OK?

- OK.
- All right.

- Quietly.
- Come on.

All right.

- Do you intend to leave McKay behind?
- We'll circle till he gets the device on.

He'll show up.

It's too late. We're too late!

- What the hell was that?
- Too small to be a dart.

It's a probe of some kind.

Probably came to check out
the signal from the bracelet.

We gotta take it down
before it gets back to the gate.


Let us take it down or we're all in trouble.

Even if you were able to destroy it,
more will come.

- That is not true.
- Why do you think they're here?

You. The Wraith have sensed a crop worth
harvesting and they've come to claim it.

Keras, tell them
that we gotta take this thing down

before it gets back to the Stargate.

- Where's the other full-grown?
- Aries...

There's a device that shields us
from the machines of the Wraith.

- The sacrifices might...
- He'll be in the old city.

You've let your fear of the sacrifice
put our people in danger.

You have been protected
from the Wraith by a shield.

We turned it off by accident.

But if we get it back up,
the Wraith will never come again.

There's only one thing I have to do
to make sure they never come again.

Kill you.

Come on.

Somebody's coming.

What is this?

- You must come with us now.
- Can't do that. Listen.

I need to finish my work here.

The Wraith don't care how old you are.

I need to get this device turned on and
I am so close, so give me one more shot.

Both of you, go to your rooms!

You're not buying this, are you?



Sir, I don't like where this is headed.

Easy, Ford.

Nobody's shooting just yet.

- Yet.
- And nobody's going to, either.

Aries, you have no idea
what you're up against here.

Our weapons are more powerful
than any you have ever seen.

She's telling the truth.
They do more than make a lot of noise.

They will kill you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- It works.
- Of course it works.

I must tell Aries. Come with us.

Hey, you guys OK?

Head back to the village. You'll be fine.

Your presence has brought the Wraith.

All our ancestors' sacrifices
you've undone.

- All because you refused to leave.
- It's not that simple.

Yeah, it is that simple.

- Aries, no.
- Keras!

- Sir?
- Hold your fire!

Look what you've done.

He's as guilty as you are.

- Ford.
- Ready, sir.

We will defend ourselves.

And, believe me, you don't want that.

Archers, ready!

It works! Aries!

It works! The device works.

The device they speak of is real.
I've seen it.


McKay fixed it and the Wraith bird
fell right out of the sky.

- That doesn't matter...
- Aries, it works.

You all right, McKay?

Trying to catch my breath.

Get the medical kit from the jumper.
You're gonna be OK.

I was able to boost the coverage by over
50% without much of a power increase.

That should be enough
for a sizeable population growth.

Thank you. You have no idea
how long the shield will last?

There's no way of knowing, but there's
a good chance you'll be a grandparent.

We'd be happy to come back
and check in on you.

Ford could explain
how to be a 25-year-old.

- I'll look forward to it.
- You'll have to get used to a few things.

But we can talk about that
next time we visit.

- Just promise me you'll stick around.
- I will.

All the villages agreed
to suspend sacrifices?

They will require us to change some laws,
but for now, yes.

- Sir.
- Oh, right. Here.

What's this?

Where we're from, you get presents
when you turn a year older.

See him there.

Happy birthday.

Here we go.

Here you go. One for you.