Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009): Season 1, Episode 18 - The Siege: Part 1 - full transcript

Teyla has found out the Wraith armada will pass the lagrangian point satellite, the Ancient weapons platform. McKay and Zelenka think it can be repaired and powered up by using a single naquadah generator. McKay, Grodin and pilot Miller take a puddle jumper to fix it. Meanwhile Sheppard's away team is ordered to find an alternate evacuation site. Sergeant Bates has a problem with Teyla. He constantly tries to convince people it's not a good idea to take her along. He fears she will give away the location to the Wraith. A while after a heated argument between him and Teyla, Bates is found unconscious. Zelenka, meanwhile, makes a unpleasant discovery. He tells Weir the city's self destruction plan is not good enough. He's convinced that the Wraith will be able to construct an intergalactic ship with information from the remains of the Ancient database.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

The last line of defence before Atlantis.

- Knocked out in the Ancients' last stand?
- Its power source is depleted.

There's an unidentified craft the size
of a Wraith dart heading for the city.

It's scanning us.

- What are those?
- Wraith hive ships.

If they maintain speed,
they'll be over our planet in two weeks.

The Wraith were conducting experiments
on your ancestors.

- You have some Wraith DNA.
- She can see what's happening.

I am on a ship.
I am in some sort of control room.

- You are all so pathetic.
- That's not Teyla talking.

Chances are Teyla gave away
our location to the Wraith.

Atlantis is the only way
to get to a new, rich feeding ground.


Teyla has ascertained that the Wraith
are more interested in Earth than Atlantis,

which is, you know, terrifying.

She realised the hive ships will go
right past the only surviving satellite.

The last of what we assume
were dozens of defence satellites,

destroyed during the Ancients' last stand.

Yes. We think we can use it
to our advantage.

- She said it was dead.
- It is, but we think we can bring it back.

If we are right about what is wrong with it.

Yes, if we're right
about what's wrong with it.

But if we're right and it's just out of power,
the Wraith have been ignoring it.

Estimates indicate a single naqahdah
generator could bring it back online.

Why can't generators
get our weapon systems working?

Because they were designed
to be powered by the zero-point module.

- The satellite isn't.
- It could take out a Wraith hive ship?

It should be able
to take out all three when charged.

Ancient technology was far superior.

They lost the war
because they were outnumbered.

- We're outnumbered.
- And outgunned.

But they don't see the satellite.
Our strength.

In military parlance,
surprise is an element on our side.

- What do you need?
- The satellite's 15 hours away by jumper.

We should put together a small crew,
say myself, Grodin and a pilot.

- I'll go.
- Miller can handle it.

I need you to keep searching for
alternate Alpha sites just in case this fails.

The hive ships will be
in range of the satellite in 49 hours.

We'll need every last second
of that time.


OK, let's get on it.

Well, Rodney, I don't mean
to put any undue pressure,

but right now that satellite is the only thing
standing between the Wraith and Atlantis.

No undue pressure.

- I am fine.
- I wanted something more enthusiastic.

- I'm ready to be put back on active duty.
- I'm sure you think so...

- Tell him I'm fine.
- She is. No reason to keep her here.

All right. You're back on active duty.

I think I can handle this alone, Radik.
Can't you do anything else?

- I think I should go.
- Yes, I agree. Go.

- I mean on the mission.
- Why?

- You know more about the satellite...
- You've noticed?

...but a lot more about the city than me.
- I see.

For whatever reason there is
problem there, it should be me, not you.

- There won't be a problem.
- You don't know that.

If it seems like we can't fix it,
we'll just come back.

- I realise I am invaluable everywhere...
- I take it back.

You can't. You've just admitted
I'm smarter than you are.

- I admitted no such thing.
- The truth shone through and you spoke.

- You are a miserable little man.
- Let's not ruin the moment here.

Now... keep an eye on my city for me
when I'm gone, hm?

- Good luck.
- Right.



No. We've only been there at night.
It gets ridiculously hot during the day.

Not really an option.

The damn Alpha site we picked
had to be marked by the Wraith.

- They're a real pain in the ass.
- Yes, they are.

- How about M4H-212?
- Crawling with Genii spies.

You know that for a fact
or is your Spidey Sense just tingling?

It's a fact, sir.

Here we go. M1 M-316.

Stackhouse reported lush surroundings,

and as far as his team could tell,
it seemed uninhabited.

- I'll get my team and check it out.
- Good. Remember, we don't need ideal.

- We'd all settle for close.
- I'm on it.

- Major, is Teyla coming with you?
- You're not seriously asking me that?

- That's a bad call, sir.
- Here we go again.

We don't fully understand
her Wraith connection.

I don't think we should expose her
to secret information,

especially the location of our evac site.

- She has a clean bill of health.
- Good. But if she can't control...

- You don't know that.
- That's right.

She saw everything they saw. They could
do the same with her, see what we see.

- If she's been compromised...
- She's in my team.

Period. End of story. We're done.

This is a simulation
I've put together.

It shows how the city will be destroyed
once we trigger the self-destruct.

I'm so glad you felt I needed to see this.

My nightmares are gonna be more vivid.

- It's not going to be enough.
- What?

The self-destruct plan.
It's nowhere near effective enough.

That seemed pretty effective to me.

Atlantis is more than a city.
It is an intergalactic spacecraft.

Teyla said the Wraith are not interested
in destroying Atlantis.

They're coming here to get to Earth.
They have to go through the Stargate...

Which means stealing the city,
so we self-destruct.

Yes, but if they are even
the least bit resourceful,

which I must assume that they are,

they can reverse-engineer their own
intergalactic engine from the wreckage.

We need to break into smaller pieces?

Yes, well, that would certainly help.

I'm concerned
about the Ancient database.

Its ability to back up data
is incredibly redundant.

- Incredibly redundant?
- That will never get solved.

If the Wraith recover even a small spot
of the Ancient database...

That is my concern, exactly.

How hard would it be
to destroy all the database terminals?

Lmpossibly hard.

We need to figure out a way
to delete the Ancient database.

- Can you do that?
- We can find out.

OK, find out,
but before you wipe anything out...

- Dr Weir.
- Yes?

Unscheduled off-world activation.
Major Sheppard is coming in hot.

- What's going on?
- They ran into resistance. I think Wraith.

- You said this planet was uninhabited.
- It was.

I told you she was a liability, sir.

I won't let your feelings
endanger this facility any longer.


The Wraith must be getting information
from you.

What? We ran into a... What was that?

- It looked like a T-Rex.
- Yeah, it wasn't even a Wraith.

So check those accusations.

You don't recommend the planet
as an Alpha site?

Not my first choice. If McKay doesn't
get the satellite online, we're screwed.

Dr Weir, this is Miller.
We're approaching the satellite.

You're on the other side
of the solar system. Be careful out there.


OK, close the bulkhead doors.

- Good luck.
- Right.

Good luck.

- Sergeant Bates.
- What is it?

You accused me
of disclosing our position.

Yes, I did.

- Clearly you were wrong.
- That's yet to be determined.

- Excuse me?
- Look.

You may not be in control
of what information you give away,

but you should not be allowed to move
freely around this base of operations.

Being accused of serving the Wraith
is the greatest insult among my people.

- I am aware.
- What the hell's going on here?

- I was stating an opinion.
- She attacked me.

- For good reason.
- What reason?

- My guess would be the Wraith.
- Walk away.

- Sir!
- Walk away.

- This isn't over.
- I would be disappointed if it were.

What the hell are you doing?
You don't deck the head of security.

- He said...
- I don't care what he said.

He says a lot of things.

You just stay away from him.

- Are you OK?
- Yes. Why?

You're breathing pretty heavily.

I'm feeling a little claustrophobic.

- How much air do these things hold?
- Eight hours.

That's enough, right?
I mean, even with heavy breathing?

- They calculate that in, right?
- You're going to be fine.

You don't have an eight-hour ceiling
on your breathing.

- It's completely dead.
- We thought as much.

I'm gonna hook up the naqahdah
generator, get some life support going.

- Halling, hello.
- May we speak?

Please, have a seat.

- How is the evacuation on the mainland?
- We'll be ready.


Dr Weir, what is there as a plan in place

to destroy Atlantis?

The Wraith will be able to make it to Earth
if the city is left intact.

But I assure you that plan will only
be executed in a worst-case scenario.

Such as three hive ships
flying towards Atlantis?

We believe we can destroy them
before they arrive.

I understand you fearing
for the well-being of your people.

But it is not reason to destroy
the city of the Ancestors.

Atlantis is a sacred place. To consider
destroying it merely for self-preservation...

- Merely for self-preservation?
- This place is all that remains

of the greatest race
ever to inhabit the stars.

You would prefer it fell
into the hands of the Wraith?

I would have faith that the Ancestors
would not allow it to happen.

They have been able
to preserve Atlantis for 10,000 years.

- Is it not possible...
- No, I don't think it is possible.

Not if you're suggesting the Ancients
will return in time to save their city.

You cannot know their plans for Atlantis.

They have made all the plans
they are going to make.

Now it's up to us.

I thank you for your thoughts, Halling,

but I have to do everything I can to make
sure the power and technology of Atlantis

does not fall into the hands of the Wraith.

And yes, to ensure
they never make it to my galaxy.

Even if it means
sacrificing the future of this one?

The idea is simple enough. The execution
is proving to be very difficult.

- You're creating a virus?
- Yes. A plain old computer virus.

Once introduced into the system,
wipe the database clean.

It could be downloaded
as part of the self-destruct countdown.

Might even affect the Wraith's systems
if they try to access it.

How much of it could we save?

- I'm sorry?
- Of the database.

We brought a lot of hard drives.
How much can we transfer?

- You mean back it up? Take a copy?
- Yes, exactly.

Using McKay's compression codex,
I'd say maybe seven or eight per cent.

- That's it?
- Yes.

Here we go.

Primary power online.

Looks like life support's
now at 100 per cent.

I think I found the switch
to initialise the gravity.

Great. Just give me a second to... Whoa!

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, that's permanent back damage.

Sorry, I assumed
it would come on more slowly.

Well, you assumed with my life.

- You'll be fine. It was just a little bump.
- What you got?

Looks like every system is back online.

- Except for the weapon.
- Oh, details.

Here... let's get to work.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

Yeah. That's vertebra damage.

That's a life of pain.

What about M1 K-439?

- Which one's that?
- The one with all the waterfalls.

Waterfalls. Why don't we just
call it Planet Waterfall?

What? I say we should
just give them names.

We got a list of five planets here.

That should be enough
potential Alpha sites.

Major Sheppard, we have
a situation at Generator Station One.

- What's the problem?
- It's Bates, sir. He's been attacked.

Get a medical team down here.

- Is he gonna be OK?
- It's still hard to tell.

He's got five broken ribs, a fractured
collarbone and severe concussion.

- When can we talk to him?
- We can't.

I put him in a coma until the subdural
haematoma can be dealt with.

We won't find out
what happened from him yet.

Teyla and Bates got into it
pretty bad yesterday.

Fist-fighting and this
are a long drive apart.

I understand, but they were in a fight
and both looking to continue it.

- Anything pointing to who did this?
- I'm having a forensic exam performed.

Let us know what you find out.
Let's go get her side of the story.

It's not a power generation problem. The
naqahdah's pumping out enough juice.

Then why isn't it...?

OK. All right.

Let's just step back here, think about it.

This baby is
a directed energy-beam weapon.

Runs off a relatively low-yield charge
like our generator.

It's got to be continually building up
a charge with a buffer or a capacitor

until it's discharged.

I think I've found something. I like that.

Yes, here it is.
Right now the buffer's at 90 per cent.

OK. So power's getting to the buffer
but not to the actual weapon.

Let me try and find a diagnostics program.
There must be one here.

We got 29 hours till show time,
so let's hope we don't have to order parts.

You do not think
I had anything to do with it?

- Of course not.
- You and Bates did get into it.

You know me.
I never would have taken it that far.

I know. Let's see
if we can't rule it out altogether.

- Where were you last night?
- I was here, in my room.

- The whole night?
- Yes.

We don't know if you blacked out.

I have no way of proving it, no.

But I did not leave this room last night,
I am sure.

I did not leave this room.

You asked to see me?

We have found a suitable Alpha site
so we'll be able to evacuate.

- That's good.
- That's not why I wanted to see you.

You have to get me more than
eight per cent of the database.

- There has got to be a way.
- Maybe nine per cent.

How do I choose
between zero-point module research

and their work on ascension?

Between weapon schematics
and their notes on space travel?

Invaluable information's gonna be lost

and that is just
information we've deciphered.

We know we have barely even begun
to scratch the surface.

What if we destroy the cure
for all disease?

Or even information that could lead
to the downfall of the Wraith?

I will try to improve
on McKay's compression ratios, but...

We are at war, Elizabeth.
In war there are casualties.

Ah. Schematics, anyone?

It looks like power runs internally
from the buffer to the weapon.

The hit disrupted the main power conduit.

We need to re-route the power from
our buffer to the weapon so it will arm.

Your masterful grip on the blatantly
obvious continues to impress me.

- Thank you.
- All right.

We need to route power
around these damaged circuits.

If we do that, we should be laughing.

Right... I'm disorientated.
Where are these?

- They're outside.
- What?


- See?
- Oh, great.

- Someone will need to EVA.
- There's nothing to hang on to.

- I'm not saying it'll be easy or safe.
- OK. So who goes?

- We could draw straws.
- OK, Miller, break out the straws.

It doesn't have to be straws.

We could do rock, paper, scissors.

OK. On three.

One, two, three.

OK, rock, paper, scissors
doesn't work with three.

- Anyone have a pencil?
- Yeah, I think I got one. Here.

Well, get on with it.


- Shorter piece goes.
- You go first.

Hm. Well done. Good for you.


- Yeah.
- You're the best qualified to fix it, sir.

Plight of the dead man. Good.

There's no love lost between her and
Bates, but I can't see her beating him up.

- Ford?
- Ma'am?

What do you think?

I worry about
what she might have done unknowingly.

The Wraith connection
and her nightmares make me nervous.

What are we gonna do, stick her
in the brig? We're talking about Teyla.

- We have a situation on our hands.
- What's going on?

The tests found DNA
in Sergeant Bates's uniform.

- It's not Teyla's?
- No, Major.

- Who is it?
- I ran the test twice to be certain.

It's conclusive.
We have a Wraith in the city.

How is this possible?
How can a Wraith get inside the city?

- They didn't gate in.
- The dart.

- What?
- The Wraith dart. It scanned us.

It made its way through the city,
scanning as it went.

The second it was done,
it self-destructed.

- They beamed into the city.
- Can they do that?

The technology used to sweep people up
into their ships works the opposite way.

The Wraith dart pilot scanned us,
transmitted information to the hive ships,

beamed down and destroyed his ship.

- It seems possible.
- That's when I started to sense the Wraith.

- No wonder you were having nightmares.
- What's he been doing here all this time?

Bates was attacked near the naqahdah
generator that powers this tower.

Maybe the Wraith's job is to knock out
the power before the hive ship gets here.

- Leave us dead in the water.
- Or ensure our self-destruct plan failed.

- Maybe a combination of both.
- Exactly.

We do know for sure that
we have a Wraith intruder in the city

that we have to track down.

I have an idea.

How far away?

It's not much more than 30 metres away.

We're in position, sir.

Vent the atmosphere and disengage the
artificial gravity in the rear compartment.

OK. Open the rear hatch.

Oh, my.


- Rodney, did you make it?
- I haven't left the rear of the jumper yet.

- Do I need to remind you of the time?
- Yes. Please do. Remind me.

- Are we on a tight schedule?
- Just stating the obvious.

OK. Thank you.

One small step, huh?

One giant leap.


- I made it.
- Good.

Let's take a look at this first panel.

This is a biometric sensor
we've had online for a month or so.

It detects irregularities in biometric rhythm
and reports them.

- Wouldn't it have picked up on the Wraith?
- It requires a lot of power.

We've narrowed its field of focus
to scan solely in the gate room,

figuring that was the only place
that the Wraith,

or any other alien,
would enter the city from.

- OK. So that was wrong.
- Yup.

Now, if I could only
expand the scanning field to... My God.

- What?
- That's him. Look.

It works like the life-signs detector,

but it's able to distinguish
different life forms.

- That's him.
- That's him.

- We can track him in real time?
- Yes.

Ford, Teyla, we need two teams.
Let's go get him.

Yes, sir.

This is bad. Very bad.
I'm not sure I can fix this.

- You can fix anything.
- Who told you that?

- You did on several occasions.
- Good thing I drew the short straw.

That's more like it.

The main power conduit's been severed.

I may be able to re-route it
through secondary conduits.

Like a quadruple bypass.

I should be able to help identify
potential secondary conduits.

We're only gonna have time
to try this once. Let's get started.

- Is he still in place?
- Yes, he's still in the same room.

Hasn't moved since we located him.

Let's hope he's still sleeping.
Ford, Teyla, you in position?


My team's ready.

We're gonna breach through
from different directions.

If he tries to get out the other door,
take him.

We'll be a couple of minutes.

All right. Stand by.

OK. That's all I can do from here.

Is power getting through?

- Yes, the power's getting through.
- Oh, thank God.

OK. We're coming in. We're gonna
pick you up and get the hell outta here.

- Sounds like a plan.
- Right.

Nothing will keep us
from our new feeding ground.

You're on vox, sir. We heard
the whole thing and double-timed it.

We got him, Major.
You're going to be OK.

Peter, we're having trouble
docking with the satellite.

See what you can do from your side.

- Oh, dear.
- Oh, dear, what?

When we re-routed power
from the buffer to the weapon,

we inadvertently routed power away
from the docking station in the airlock.

That's going to be a problem.

We'll do it manually
like we did the first time.

You had a spacesuit then. I don't.
The airlock isn't pressurised.

Then we'll...
I'll go back and re-route the power.

There isn't time.
The Wraith ships are too close.

- I know what I'm doing now.
- Rodney.

- Leave me.
- We're not doing that.

Get to a safe distance, then get me once
the satellite's dealt with the Wraith ships.

- Peter...
- It's the only option and you know it.

Besides, this way I can power down
the satellite until they're within range.

There's no way the Wraith will realise
we brought it back online.

We'll cloak and come back for you
after it's done.

After it's done, then.

Good to see you on your feet, sir.

- How you feeling?
- Pins and needles.

Hate getting stunned
by those damn things.

- Has he said anything yet?
- No, sir. Not yet.

Have you got a name?

OK, we'll go with Bob.

Bob, I'm gonna need to know what you've
been doing here the past two weeks

and I'm gonna need to know now.

If you're not already powered up,
now would be a good time.

Powering up.

We should be weapons-hot
in 60 seconds.

Dr Weir, it's McKay.
The satellite is armed and ready.

It should fire within the next minute or so.
Keep your fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed.

Good luck.

I don't think he's in a talkative mood.

I need to know if he's been transmitting
back to the hive ships.

- Wouldn't we pick up the transmission?
- He could send secure messages.

Maybe I can try and connect with him.

I don't think so.

If the Alpha site has been compromised,
we need to know.

OK, see what you can do.

Switching over from manual
to automatic firing mode.

Stand by.

Standing by.

Yes. We have a kill.

- We copy that, Rodney.
- One down, two to go.

What are you doing, human?

You're trying to get inside my mind.

Allow me.

Teyla! Stop him!

Are you OK?

- My wounds will heal.
- Yeah, but for how long?

I need to know
what you've done to this city.

Listen, Bob.

I have no problem
with killing you whatsoever.

Come on. Hit 'em again.

- We have a problem.
- What? What problem?

It looks like the circuit we re-routed
is overloaded.

The weapon can't fire again.
I'm trying to find another pathway.

- We're coming to pick you up.
- Stay where you are!

- We're cloaked. They won't see us.
- There's no time. Get the hell out of here.

- I'm sorry.
- Get us back to that satellite.

Oh, God.

I'm not screwing around, Bob.

Did you sabotage this base or not?

Those who feed upon you
will know what you've done to me.

- Yeah, we'll see.
- Sir, maybe we've gone a bit too far.

I don't think we've gone far enough.

Atlantis, this is McKay.
We have lost the satellite.

- Did you take out any more ships?
- Negative. Two hive ships are intact.

Elizabeth, Peter Grodin
was aboard the satellite.

What's the status of the other two?

They're not coming any closer.

At the very least,
he's bought us some time.

You can't do any more out there.
Return to Atlantis.

On our way.

Put me on city-wide.

May I have your attention, please?

This is Dr Weir.

Our plan to stop the Wraith armada
has failed.

They will make it to Atlantis.

Therefore we must begin
our evacuation plans.

I wish I could tell you all
that this is a fight that we will win,

but I can't do that.

I wish I could tell you we will find
a safe harbour when we leave here.

I can't promise you that either.

I can tell you this.

Up to now you all have accomplished
extraordinary things,

and I believe that
even in the face of an uncertain future,

as long as we stay together
we have a chance to continue to do so.

Now we all have our evacuation duties,

so thank you,

and I'll see you on the other side.

Dr Zelenka,
put the virus program in standby.

I will tell you this.

No matter where you flee,
we will find you,

just as surely as we will find Earth.

And when we do, we will feast.

Subtitles by SDI Media Group