Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001): Season 5, Episode 12 - Bride of Chaotica! - full transcript

While Tom Paris & Harry Kim are running an episode of their "Captain Proton" holodeck programs, Voyager gets caught in a layer of sub space. However this layer or 'sub space sand bar' as it is nicknamed is home to a race of photonic aliens. There is one big problem: they are not able to detect Voyager or any carbon based life forms (humans). Instead they transport down on to the holodeck and start a war with Dr Chaotica's army of Evil! When Voyager detects internal weapons fire on the holodeck, Tom Paris and Tuvok are dispatched to find out what the problem is. When they arrive on the holodeck Paris immediately notices something is wrong in that one of the 'good guys' his secretary Constance Goodheart is dead. This is strange - as he puts it 'the good guys never die'. Furthermore, they find Chaotica's robot, badly damaged, and after some minor repairs and Tuvok commenting, "Mr. Paris, your knowledge of this technology is impressive", the robot informs them that there are intruders from the fifth dimension who came through a portal. Tuvok is able to verify that the weapons signature coming from the 'portals' matches the weapons signature that they detected. Before they leave Paris insists on checking his rocket ship as it has sensors of a type. While deciphering 20th century technology a holographic alien enters the ship and does not believe what Tuvok has to say; he cannot detect them as they are not photonic life forms. Satan's robot then attacks him causing him to drop his "calling card". While they are on this little re-con sense mission Janeway, Torres and Seven are in the Astrometrics lab. Janeway comments that this reminds her of a previous mission when she was a science officer on the Alabotoney, "We spent three days spinning our wheels before we realized that our own engine emissions were..." Seven of Nine literally takes the words out of her mouth: apparently if they lower their emissions then they will be able to get out. Paris comes up with a plan to deal with Chaotica which Captain Janeway who seems to find slightly amusing. Paris suggests that they allow the story to play out with a bit of help from the Voyager crew; all they have to do is do disable the "death ray". Tuvok then comments, "It's a pity that we don't have one". Paris convinces a reluctant Captain Janeway to play the part of Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People, as it will allow them to infiltrate Chaotica's Fortress of Doom. He has been looking to create an alliance with the Queen. A more enthusiastic EMH is willing to take on the role of President of Earth in order to get the aliens to stop firing so that Paris (Captain Proton) and Harry Kim can disable the Death Ray. As the doctor is holographic they believe him because they can detect him. But even these best laid plans don't go according to plan; Janeway is tricked into confinement rings after insisting that the lightening shield (force field) be taken down makes Chaotica suspicious of her. However she is unable to uncork the pheromones, a powerful love potion that was given to Chaotica by the real Arachnia. Chaotica's henchman Lonzac then releases Janeway from her bonds allowing her to turn off the lightening shield; Paris is then able to fire on the Fortress of Doom, apparently killing his nemesis. But is this really the end of Chaotica? Tune in next time! Freed of the photonic aliens' interference, Voyager is then able to move off this 'sub space sandbar' and continue on her way homeward.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Chapter 18: ''Bride of Chaotica.''

The evil Dr. Chaotica
kidnaps Constance Goodheart

and plans to sacrifice her

to Arachnia,
Queen of the Spider People.

Captain Proton travels
millions of miles to Planet X,

where he will invade
the Fortress of Doom.

Chaotica fires
his fiendish death ray--

certain death for Proton,

as his rocket ship
bursts into flames.

We didn't burst into flames
in the last chapter.

Why are these recaps
always so inaccurate?

Well, they brought people
back to the theaters.


The lost art of hyperbole.

You ready?

Aye, Captain.

Let's get this show on the road.


begin Chapter 18.

We're receiving a transmission.

lt's Chaotica.


Captain Proton...


Not a chance.

Release Miss Goodheart

and we'll be on our way.

l'm afraid your ''secretary''

has already been promised
to Queen Arachnia

as a supreme sacrifice.

You'll never
get away with this.

Oh, ho-ho-ho!

But l shall!

You escaped
from my death ray once,

but you won't survive this!

He's charging the weapon.

Brace for impact.

Direct hit!

We lost both engines!

Steering jets are
on the fritz!

We're going down!

The landing gear
is jammed!

Hang on!

Opening hatch.

Welcome to Planet X.

What's the plan?

This is the part

where we defeat
Chaotica's soldiers,

steal their uniforms,

and make our way
through the underground caverns.

Hey, l thought you said

there were slave girls
in this chapter.

After we infiltrate
the Fortress of Doom,

we'll free Chaotica's harem.

Let's go.

l'm right behind you.

Planet X looks kind of familiar.

What was the last place
we went to?

The Mines of Mercury.

They're identical.

Sets were expensive.

At least there's
no erupting volcano this time.

Ah, behold the Fortress of Doom.

And how are we supposed
to get up there?

l told you-- the...

-underground caverns.
-Underground caverns.


l thought you said
there was no volcano.

l did.



Definitely not Chaotica.

Computer, end program.

Unable to comply.
Holodeck controls are off-line.

Paris to Bridge.

Bridge, respond.

We need to find
the manual overrides.

There's an access port
on the rocket ship.

Come on.


We dropped out of warp.

We're at a dead stop.



Engines are operational.

l'm reading gravimetric forces
around the ship.

They're disrupting
our power flow.

Control systems
are going off-line.

l no longer have access

to communications,
deflector, weapons...

Scan for vessels,
tractor beams...

anything that might explain
what's holding us here.

Halt in the name of Chaotica!


Buddy of yours?


You thought l perished
in the Den of Crocodiles.

We don't have time for this.

l survived...

clinging to the thought
that l would

one day...

Oh! Oh.

l believe l have an explanation.

Sensors show that we've
entered a layer of subspace.

lt's disrupting our warp field.

Do we have impulse?


Engage at full.

No change in our position.

Route all available power
to the engines.

We're not moving.

The impulse reactor
is running hot.

We're heading for an overload.

Give it all she's got.

Full thrusters.

No effect.

Reactor's at critical.


lncrease power to the structural
integrity field.

We may be here awhile.

lt's no use.

l can't disengage the program.

Well, you better think
of something fast, Proton.

A second distortion
just appeared.

Whatever they are,
they're getting bigger.

Hold on.

l've got access
to the transporter.

l'm going to try
a site-to-site.

There's a third one.

l've run
a transpectral analysis.

The barrier between normal space
and subspace is unstable

throughout this region.

Basically, we've run aground
on a subspace sandbar.

l've tried realigning
the warp field,

reversing hull polarity...

Maybe we should just
get out and push.

The gravimetric forces

are disrupting
our control systems.

As long as we're trapped here,

we won't have access
to the computer core,

tactical, holodecks,
and all but six replicators.

What about those distortions
on the holodeck?

What's the connection?

They appear to be random
energy fluctuations.

l don't believe
they pose a threat.

Let's keep an eye on them,

And evacuate that deck
just to be safe.

A few years back,

when l was a science
officer on the Al-Batani,

we tried to navigate
a dense protonebula.

lt stopped us
dead in our tracks.

For three days, we attempted
to force our way out

until we realized
we were trying too hard.


Every time we engaged
the engines,

we were increasing
the resistance

of the nebula's particle field.

We may be facing
a similar situation.

Our own warp field

may be increasing
the gravimetric forces.

lf we power down the core
and use minimal thrusters,

we might be able
to break free.

You took the words
right out of my mouth.

Your plan could work.

Now that we
have your blessing...

Let's give it a try.

Halt, in the name of Chaotica!

We intend no harm.

Seize them!

Lower the drawbridge.

We are bringing prisoners.

Yes, yes, yes, Lonzak.

What do you want?

Your Majesty.

Where's Proton?

He, uh... escaped.


You will pay
for your incompetence!

Seize him!


But, Majesty...

l have brought prisoners.

More Earthlings?


They claim
they're from another dimension.

The fifth dimension.

Bring them to me.

ldentify yourself.

You insult me!

l am Chaotica,
Ruler of the Cosmos!

Kneel before his Majesty!

l said kneel!


have invaded my planet.


To contact
other photonic life-forms...

to learn from them.

Are you alone

or are you the vanguard
of an invading army?

We are explorers.

l am growing weary
of this charade.

Your armies will be no match
for my space force.

We'll crush you like insects!

They are hostile.

This contact should
be terminated.


Lonzak, execute them!


He'll learn there's
no escape from Chaotica.

Gather my space force.

Power the death ray!

At once, Majesty.

Take Miss Goodheart to Arachnia.

lnvite the queen
to join me in battle.


we will rain destruction
on the fifth dimension!

Captain's Log, supplemental.

We've been spinning our wheels

for three days now,
and still no progress

in breaking free
of the subspace layer.

Look on the bright side--

there's only three meals a day.

Coffee. Black.

Uh, sorry, Captain.

We lost two more
replicators this morning.

Listen to me very carefully,

because l'm only going
to say this once.

Coffee. Black.

Yes, ma'am.

Coffee. Black.

While l've got your
attention, there are...

Coffee first.

Now, what's the problem?

lt's a...
it's a delicate matter.

l don't have time to play
20 questions, Neelix.

Replicators aren't the only
systems of convenience off-line.

We've only got
four functioning lavatories

for a ship of 150 people.

l see.

Needless to say,
lines are beginning to form.

lf we don't get unstuck soon,

we may have a serious
problem on our hands...

uh... especially
with the Bolians.

All but three sonic
showers are off-line, too.

ln another couple of days...

l get the idea.

Captain to the Bridge.

On my way.

l'm going to leave these
problems in your capable hands.

Yes, ma'am.
Now, l was thinking,

if we drew up a schedule...

Whatever it takes.


The warp core
has been powered down.

Thrusters at standby.

Okay. Let's give it a try.

Take us out, Tom, nice and slow.

We're moving.

Two meters per second.

Three meters.


Nine meters.


lncrease power
to the thrusters by 50 percent.

We're approaching
the subspace boundary.

25 meters per second.

Wait a minute.

We're slowing down.

19 meters per second... 18...

l'm reading power surges.


Unknown, but they look
like weapons signatures.

l'm not reading
any other ships in the area.

We've stopped.

l've localized
the weapons fire.

lt's emanating
from within the ship--

Deck 6, Holodeck 2.

Who's still on that deck?

No one. No life signs.

There's a program running.

lt's Captain Proton.


Can you shut it down?


Control system
still malfunctioning.

Tuvok, get down there
and find out what's happening.

Well, join him.

Yes, ma'am.

lt appears
that a battle took place.

Believe me, it wasn't
like this when l left.

l must have missed
a few chapters.

Holodeck programs don't
normally run by themselves.

No kidding.

She's dead.

Who is she?

Constance Goodheart.

My secretary.

This doesn't make sense.

She isn't supposed to die.

She's one of the good guys.

l'm sure you two
were very close,

but she is a holodeck character.

A character
from 1930s Hollywood.

The good guys
never get killed.

Something's wrong here.

lnvaders from the
fifth... dimension.

Satan's robot.


Queen Arachnia...
is on her way.

lnvaders from the...
fifth dimension.

Give me a hand.

lf we can repair his vocalizer,

he might be able to tell us
what's been going on.

Destroy Proton.

lt looks like...
he burned out a resistor.

A what?

That's a few centuries
before deutronic circuitry.

l see. How do you propose
we repair him?

Well, first of all,
we've got to remove

this damaged tube.

No problem.

Just a few crossed wires.

Your knowledge of this
technology is most impressive.

Oh... thanks.

There. Got it.

lntruders... lntruders...

lntruder alert!
lntruder alert!

Tell us what happened.

from the fifth dimension!

lnvaders from
the fifth dimension!

Hey, calm down!

How did these invaders get here?

A portal.

The fifth dimension...

There's not supposed to be
alien invaders in this story.

That's in ''Captain Proton
Versus the Cosmic Creature.''

from the fifth dimension!

Those subspace distortions.

Take us to this... portal.


Photonic charges--

the same signatures
as the weapons fire we detected.

The fifth dimension!

We must report this
to the Captain.

Wait. l want to check
my rocket ship first.

Excuse me?

lt's got sensors.
Sort of.

Maybe they can tell us something
Voyager's sensors can't.

l've established a visual link
with the holodeck.

The attack appears to be
originating from subspace.

Can you tell
where it's coming from?


What was that?

Chaotica's death ray.

Excuse me?

Let's see if we can get a look
inside his fortress,

find out what he's up to.

Full power to the death ray!

Queen of the Spider People...

you have not responded
to my summons. Don't...

l don't get it.

Chaotica was supposed to be
fighting Earth in this chapter.

he's found a new enemy.

The fifth dimension.

lt seems
your infantile scenario

now poses a security risk.

lt was just supposed to be
a little harmless entertainment.

Entertainment-- another
frivolous human endeavor.

These are your sensor readings?


lt's a message
to Captain Proton

from the President of Earth.

''lntercepted communications

''between Dr. Chaotica
and Arachnia. Stop.

''Chaotica at war with aliens
from fifth dimension. Stop.

Must strike now
to disable death ray.''


Please summarize the message.

Well, it looks like...
Chaotica has captured

a couple of aliens
from the fifth dimension.

An alternate universe.

Could be. Maybe they wandered
into the holodeck

through one
of those distortions.

To participate in a game?


l assume there's no locking
mechanism on the hatch.

lt was a simpler time.

ls he part of the program?

l don't recognize him.




Look, there's been
a misunderstanding.

l'm Ensign Paris
from the Starship Voyager.

This is Lieutenant Tuvok.

You have killed 53 of my people.

We haven't killed anyone...


Everything you see here
is a simulation.

None of it's real.


A photonically-based projection.

All life is photonic.

We are not.

We are biochemical life-forms.

l'm not familiar
with biochemical.

We are carbon-based.

We live aboard a starship.

l believe we have become trapped
in a region of space

that intersects your own.

We've detected no starship...

only this planet.

This planet isn't real.

As l told you,
it's part of a simulation.

Maybe we can help you
adjust your sensors.

You don't register
as a life-form.

You are the illusion.

We're as real as you are.

Citizen of the fifth dimension,

you will be destroyed.


Damage. Damage.
Require maintenance. Help.



Let me get this straight.

Transdimensional aliens

have mistaken
your Captain Proton simulation

for reality.

Yes, ma'am.

And now an armed conflict
has broken out

between these aliens
and Chaotica's holographic army.

Yes, ma'am.

His Army of Evil.

And will someone please explain

why we haven't simply
shut down the holodeck?

We've tried. The controls
are still off-line.

We're going to have

to get through
to these aliens somehow

and explain that they're
fighting shadows.

We've tried,
but they don't believe us.

They think that we're not real.

They can't detect Voyager,

so every time they scan us,
we seem as artificial to them

as holographic characters
do to us.

That explains why they
haven't answered our hails.

The Doctor is photonic.

He may be able to persuade them.

lt's worth a try.
Brief him.

ln the meantime,

l think we should let
the program play out.

You're not suggesting we wait

until this Chaotica
defeats the aliens?

No, no. l'm suggesting

that we help the aliens
to defeat Chaotica.

They think that he's leading

some kind of hostile
invasion force.

Once that threat is gone,
it's a good bet

that they will leave
and close up their portals.

How do you propose
to defeat Chaotica?

Well, he's been
attacking the aliens

with his death ray.

lt's a shame we don't have one.

No. Forget about what
it's called, Tuvok.

ln the world of Captain Proton,

it's the most powerful
weapon that there is

and because it's photonic,
it's lethal to these aliens.

Now, in Chapter 18,

Captain Proton
disables this weapon

just before Chaotica can use it
to destroy Earth.

And you think that Proton,

namely you of course,
could still do that?

Well, we'd have to knock out
the lightning shield first.

A force field.

Yeah. Now you're catching on.

The destructo beam
on my rocket ship

can disable the death ray,

but only if someone gets inside
the Fortress of Doom

and can shut down
the lightning shield.

And who's supposed to do that?

Queen of the Spider People.


Chaotica thinks so.

ln the story,
he's in love with her.

He's been trying
to form an alliance

since Chapter Three.

She's the only one
that he trusts,

the only one
who can get close enough

to disable the lightning shield.

Somebody is going to have
to take on her character.

Who'd you have in mind?

Oh, no.

lt's the role of a lifetime.

Captain, need l remind you

that we have exhausted
all other possibilities

of escaping
this layer of subspace.

Until we can eliminate those
distortions, we're trapped.

Think of it as Starfleet's
first encounter with Planet X.


Captain, it won't be so bad.

l can explain to you
what you can expect.

l can tell you...

All right, all right!

l'm a size four.

What's the emergency?

l've been enlisted.

l'm supposed to make contact

with our photonic friends
from the fifth dimension

and convince them
to call off their attack.

Why do you need me?

lt's an undercover mission.

l'll need a bit
of cosmetic surgery.

These are the parameters
for my new costume.

What are you going as--
the Emperor of the Universe?

Well, l've been forced
to scale back my role

in the interest of credibility.

l'll be President of Earth.

l must say,
the idea of an entire universe

populated by photonic beings
is rather appealing.

Well, if your mission fails,

you could be taking up
permanent residence.

Kim to Sick Bay.
Report to Holodeck 2, Doctor.

You're all set.

The new parameters will activate

as soon as you
enter the holodeck.

Thank you.

Break a leg.

So all l have to do

is find the controls
of this death ray

and deactivate it.

Well, it's not as simple
as it sounds.

Now, Chaotica might be
a 1930s villain,

but he's very clever.

lt'd help if you
knew some of the rules.

l'm listening.

All right. Well...

first of all,
he's a megalomaniac,

so it's a good idea
to appeal to his ego.


And, um, use grandiose language.

He likes to be called ''Sire,''

and it helps to say things like

''The clever fiendishness
of your evil plan

is brilliant.''

Deck 4.

Now, remember:

lt's ray gun, not phaser,

um, imagizer, not viewscreen,

Earthlings, not Terrans.

Got it.

And another thing...

these villains always have
a trick up their sleeve--

trapdoors, secret weapons...

lt's the holodeck.

l can't be hurt by weapons.

Well, that doesn't mean
that you can't be restrained

or thrown into
the Dungeon of Pain.


Now, as soon as you get
the death ray shut down,

call me in my rocket ship

and give me the signal to fire.

You'll have to use
Chaotica's broadcast microphone.

This is how you've been
spending your free time?

Well, l've been studying

how past generations
viewed the future.


Well, it didn't work out

quite as black-and-white
as they imagined.

Now, the specifications
for Arachnia's costume.

One more thing...

if you have trouble
with Chaotica

or you can't get
to the death ray,

you can always uncork
the pheromones.

l beg your pardon.

Uh, Chapter 16.

''Spell of the Spider.''

Arachnia sends Chaotica a vial
of her irresistible potion.

Now, whenever he gets a whiff,
he's under her spell.

l get the picture.

Yeah, well, my point is,
is that these pheromones

seem to throw
Chaotica for a loop.

Well, it worked
in Chapter 16 anyway.

Now, the vial is sitting
on a small pedestal

next to the throne.

l'll keep an eye out.


Thanks for the briefing.

l'll see you
at the Fortress of Doom.

And remember-- you're the queen.


Three more of our space ships
have been destroyed.

Full power to the death ray.

Citizens of the fifth dimension,

your feeble attacks
are nothing but pinpricks to me.

Surrender now
and l will be merciful.

We're receiving a transmission.

They are surrendering.


lt's Queen Arachnia.

She wishes to cross
the drawbridge.


What are you waiting for?

Show her in.

l present her Royal Highness...



At last...

At last... my queen.

This is an historic occasion.

Kindred souls meet at last.

lt's an honor to be
in your presence, Majesty.

l've always admired your...

clever fiendishness.

Ah, your taste is exceeded
only by your beauty.

This must be your death ray.

That, my dear,
is the Cradle of Persuasion.

lt's fully equipped--

a brain probe,

pain modulator.


lt's good you have
the lightning shield

to protect your equipment.

Yes, as long
as it's electrified,

l am invincible!

But my greatest achievement

is there.

Behold-- the death ray.

Oh, it looks like a...

formidable weapon.

The most powerful in the cosmos.

There is so much more
l want to show you.

My throne, for example.

The seat...

of my Empire.


l see you've kept my pheromones.

l didn't realize
you were the sentimental type.

Your perfume inspires me.

Would you mind?


Somehow l feel comfortable here.

Join me...

and you will have
your own chair--

one adorned with the
most precious jewels

and the softest silk.

Your Majesty seems
overly concerned

with romantic matters

when there's a battle to be won.

That is why you asked me here.

Of course, my dear.

Forgive me.

lt's just that the air itself

seems to vibrate
in your presence.

We can't be slaves
to our passion...

not when your Empire
is threatened.

l have assembled
my fleet of... Spider Ships.

However, the lightning shield

prevents them from
approaching your fortress.

We'll send them
directly into battle

alongside my space force.

My soldiers wish
to pay homage to you.


Of course,
if l lower the shield,

my fortress will be defenseless.

Even an ally might
choose such a moment

to seize my throne.

You don't trust me.

There is a way you could
convince me of your loyalty.


l'll lower my lightning shield,

but first, you must
become my queen!

Gather my courtiers!

Prepare for the ceremony!

And don't forget to deactivate
the lightning shield

so my subjects may witness
the blessed event.

Very well.

Do as she says,

once her guests have arrived.

Yes, Sire.

And so, my dear...

the day you have always
dreamed of has arrived...

the day you become
Bride of Chaotica!


You are photonic.

Guilty as charged.

You signaled me
across the threshold.


l believe you dropped
your calling card.

l return it to you...

as a sign of good faith.

ldentify yourself.

l am the President of Earth.


A planet
some distance from here.

l've come on a mission of peace.


Your people

and the people of Earth

have a common enemy.


The one and only.

He threatens

to invade our realm,
destroy our people.

Join the club.

Chaotica has designs
on Earth, too,

but we've withstood
countless attacks

all thanks to one man--

Captain Proton.

Captain Proton?

Defender of the Universe,
Scourge of lntergalactic Evil

a competent medic to boot,

but don't say l said so.

Even as we speak,
he's preparing

to destroy Chaotica's death ray,

but he needs your help.


Your weapons pose a threat
to Proton's rocket ship.

You must cease firing

while he mounts his attack.

Once Chaotica's death ray
is destroyed,

you can return to your realm,

confident that you'll never
hear from him again.

Captain Proton...

may proceed.

On behalf
of the citizens of Earth,

l thank you.

Space drive.


Destructo beam.


lf l could access
holodeck controls,

the first thing l'd do
is delete this guy.

Delete this guy.

As a matter of fact,
as soon as this is all over,

l think l'm going to delete
the whole program!

What about
your historical study?

Class dismissed.

No more robots,
no more mad scientists,

no more death rays.

l am retiring
my rocket pack, Harry.

Someone else can save
the universe from now on.

The final chapter, huh?

The end.

lsn't anyone going to sing
''Hail to the Chief''?

Mr. President, how'd it go?

My performance
was unimpeachable.

He agreed?

Let's just say l'm considering
running for office

when we get back to Earth.

All right, then. Let's get
this thing in the air

and hope Captain Janeway
is giving a command performance.

Queen Arachnia.

Don't tell me...

my wedding ring.

Doctor Chaotica's wedding ring.

You will present it to him
at the end of the ceremony.

Your Majesty,

perhaps we should lower
the lightning shield

in anticipation of my guests.

Why this preoccupation
with the shield?

Oh, forgive me.

lt's just that,
as a fellow ruler of the cosmos,

l often have
to do things myself.

Ah. Because of the incompetence
of your inferiors, no doubt.

Something like that.

Oh, Arachnia,
my love, my life...

how well you understand
our plight.

lf it weren't beneath my
dignity, l... l would weep.

How l've longed for someone
who would understand.

We have a saying on Arachnia:

''lt's lonely at the top.''

Hmm. No longer, my dear.


Proton is preparing to attack.



Target his rocket ship.

You have betrayed me.

You are in league with Proton.

lmpetuous harlot!

Tell me how to deactivate
the lightning shield

or l'll show you just
how impetuous l can be.

What are you waiting
for, you great lummox?

Kill her!

Ha! You're no match
for Arachnia.

Now, tell me
how to shut down the shield.

The confinement rings!

Oh, don't worry.

l wouldn't kill my bride...

not until after
our wedding night.

Reactivate the death ray.

Destroy Proton!

We've been hit.

Well, l guess the Captain
ran into some trouble.

We're not going down
without a fight.

Doc, activate
the destructo beam.

The what?

The big button
in the middle of that panel.

-Destructo beam!

The other panel!

Destructo beam activated.

We just dropped out of range.

We're losing altitude.


The alien weapons fire
is increasing.

lt's causing the distortions
to grow larger.

We're being pulled deeper
into subspace.

lnvaders! lnvaders!

Uh... incoming.

Proton's ship is damaged,
but still airborne.

Not for long.

Fire at will.


Man the lightning shield.



Quickly, Lonzak.
No time for dawdling.

Your beauty is maddening.

Entangle me in your web.

Let me out of here
and l'll do all that...

and more.

At once, my queen.


Back to your station!


Deactivate the shield...


Such passion.

Such strength.

Together, we could
conquer the universe.

End this madness

and you may yet live
to be my bride.

The shield.

l don't know
how to tell you this...

but the wedding's off.

Arachnia to Proton.

Arachnia to Proton.
Do you read me?

Arachnia to Proton.

l'm reading you.

The lightning shield is down.


Harry, target the death ray.

Doc, fire the destructo beam
on my mark.



The distortions are closing.

We're realigning
with normal space.

Helm... full impulse.

Bridge to Janeway.

Go ahead.

The aliens have retreated

and they've closed
the distortions.

We've cleared
the subspace layer.

Secure all systems

and organize
damage repair teams.


We're preparing
to shut down the holodeck.

Chakotay, give me a minute.

l was about to say,
''Captain Proton to the rescue,''

but l see you have
everything under control.

l'm the queen, remember?


Death, as you know it,
has no hold on me.

My defeat
is but a temporary setback.

l shall return
to seek my revenge.

He doesn't give up, does he?

They never do.

Our love was not meant to be,
my queen,

but be warned.

You have not seen the last of...


The end of a twisted madman.

And you're going to miss him.

A little.