Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001): Season 2, Episode 20 - Star Trek: Voyager - full transcript

Tom Paris leaves Voyager and joins a Talaxian space convoy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Good day, Voyager and welcome
to "A Briefing With Neelix".

It's a catchy title, isn't it?

I'll be coming to you every day
with news of general interest.

Interviews with fascinating crew
members, musical performances,

recommended holodeck programs

and, of course,
previews of upcoming meals.

Everything from
Hlaka soup to Zabee nuts.

"A Briefing With Neelix" will help you
stay informed about ship's activities,

keep you abreast
of colleagues' accomplishments

and broaden your knowledge.

But, most of all,
it will make you feel good,

because what you see here
will always be the most optimistic view

of everything that happens on our ship.

As your morale officer, isn't it my job
to bring a little joy into everyone's day?

Captain Janeway has agreed to appear
with updates about the ship's progress

and Commander Chakotay will
commend outstanding crew members.

So keep those boots
polished to a shine.

You never know when you might
be featured on A Briefing With Neelix.

- Ready, Ensign?
- All set, Neelix.

In just a moment, an amazing talent,

Ensign Pablo Baytart,
will astound you with his juggling ability.

He'll keep padds, hyposprays, even
phasers, in the air for minutes at a time.

But before that, what makes people
feel better than a little romance?

And what lieutenant in a gold uniform
was recently huddled in the mess hall

with what crewman in blue having
a very intimate conversation

over a carafe of Silmic wine?

I'd never name names,
but you know who you are.

Best wishes to a handsome pair
of lovebirds. And now,

ladies and gentlemen,
Ensign Pablo Baytart.

Well, what did you think?

I'm a doctor.
I don't have time for such nonsense.

I can see "Hints For Healthful Living"
becoming popular.

I don't think so.

You'd be lifted to a whole new level
in the crew's eyes.

They'd hang on your every word.

You'd enjoy a popularity, a celebrity,
that you've never known before.

- I would?
- You don't have to answer right away.

Just... think about it.

- Mr Kim! Just who I wanted to see.
- See you later.

Did you watch
"A Briefing With Neelix" this morning?

Yes. Yes, I did.

Is there something
about it you disliked?

I'm not sure I care for all the frosting.

- Frosting?
- Deck 4.

Recipes, music, jugglers.

It's like a steady diet of dessert,
but soon you want meat and potatoes.

- You do?
- I was Academy newspaper editor.

I monitored subspace transmissions.

I got reports on activity by the Maquis
against the Cardassians.

I wrote an editorial and the students
became polarised on the issue.

They debated the pros and cons

and gained an insight into the rebellion.
That's the power of journalism.

What did your professors say
before you published the editorial?

I didn't tell them. It's the job
of a journalist to be independent.

Bridge to Mr Neelix.
You have an incoming transmission.

I'm heading for my quarters.
Put it through.

Neelix, my friend. How are you?

Laxeth, you old dilithium scrubber.
It's good to see you.

Calling to trade me
some of your ill-gotten goods?

I never want to see
another wheel of Pendrashian cheese.

Those days are behind me.
I'm legitimate now.

I'm communications master
of a Talaxian convoy.

Communications master? You've
come up in the world. Congratulations.

- I'll be seeing you in a few days.
- How's that?

We're to rendezvous with your ship
to pick up a passenger.

We don't carry any passengers.

Apparently, it's a member of your crew.

All I know is someone wants to leave
your ship and come to work for us.

How did you hear
that someone was leaving?

An old friend
is serving with a Talaxian convoy.

He said they'd rendezvous
with us in a few days.

Janeway to Tuvok.

Join us in my ready room, please.

Mr Neelix has heard on good authority

that one of our crew
will be leaving the ship.

He's curious
about the identity of this person.

What are the security issues?

There are no serious concerns.

There is no need to withhold
this information.

Lieutenant Paris

has asked to be put off the ship.

- Tom?
- I'm sure you know he's had problems.


He has been disruptive
and sets a bad example for the crew.

But he seemed so determined
to put that behind him.

It means a lot to him to be respected.

All I can tell you
is when he was relieved of duty,

he asked me
to arrange for him to leave.

I tried to talk him out of it,
but he was adamant.

The Talaxian convoy were happy
to get a pilot of Tom's ability.

I can't believe this. I never thought...

- Captain, may I speak with him?
- Of course. He's in his quarters.

Come in.

- Hello, Tom.
- Neelix. How's it going?

Not good, it looks like. What's wrong?

I hear you're leaving the ship.

Good news travels fast, I guess.

I figured there was more opportunity
for advancement on a Talaxian convoy

than there was on
the only Starfleet ship in the quadrant.

When did you make this decision?

Truthfully? About a minute and a half
after I set foot on this ship a year ago.

I knew it was a mistake to try to fit in.
I should have listened to myself.

A few more months in that rehab colony
would have been better than here.

you and I have had our differences,

but I thought we'd put those behind us.

I just hope I haven't contributed
to your decision.

Neelix, no.

This isn't about anybody except me.

I've done this to myself, just like always.

No matter where I go or who I'm with,
I make a mess of things.

The unmistakable conclusion
has to be that deep down,

I don't want any friends,
or a family, or a home.

I wouldn't sabotage possibilities.

- I thought you found those things here.
- I tried.

Or maybe I just told myself I was trying.
Either way, it's just not working.

Frankly, I'd like to get out
before I completely destroy my image.

There might be people
who still have a good opinion of me.

I'm one of them, Tom.

- And I wish you wouldn't go.
- Well, I thank you.

But the truth is,
I consider myself a drifter.

You know what that's like. Freedom
to do what you want, when you want.

No rules to follow,
nobody depending on you, right?

I've been waiting
for what seems like hours.

Doctor, what can I do for you?

I want to discuss
my participation on your program.

I've been giving it thought
and I've got some intriguing ideas.

That's good news. I'm delighted
you're becoming a contributor,

but I don't have time to discuss it now.

But I've prepared today's topic,
"How To Keep Your Nostrils Happy".

That is fascinating, but there's a more
important story I have to work on today.

You mean,
I'm not going to appear today?

When you see it,
I'm sure you will understand.

- But I will be on tomorrow?
- Definitely. Without fail. I promise.

Very well.
But tomorrow I'll cover two topics.

I have an entertaining idea. Uncovering
the mysteries of the adrenal gland.

Fine. Goodbye, Doctor.

Good morning, Voyager.
I want to tell you about a friend of mine.

I first met this man almost a year ago
and I didn't like him much.

He seemed a little too cocky,
a little too sure of himself.

Many people had questions about him.

He'd sell himself to the highest bidder,
go wherever the wind blew him.

So people wondered if you could
trust him when things got tough?

Would he stand side by side with you,

or would he let you down
when you needed him most?

But the fact is, he proved
himself right from the beginning.

I wouldn't be alive now if it weren't for
him and the same goes for many of you.

It took me a while to realise it.
I was too caught up in first impressions

to see the truth
that was in front of me.

I overlooked his bravery because
I was focusing of his brashness.

I ignored his courage
because I saw it as arrogance.

I resented his friendliness
because I mistook it for licentiousness.

So while this man was giving us
his best every minute of every day,

I was busy judging him.

Now he's leaving I'm proud to say that,
in spite of my narrow-mindedness,

Thomas Eugene Paris
became my friend.

I'm going to miss him.
No more laughs over a game of pool.

No more sitting up into the wee hours
swapping stories.

No more complaints about my cooking.

Goodbye, Tom. I speak
for more of us than you imagine

when I say you'll leave
an empty space when you go.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

We detected an increase in the engine
core temperature. Are you aware of it?

Yes. An imbalance
in the magnetic constrictors is causing

the plasma stream to overheat.
A team is working on it.

Keep me posted. Mr Neelix,
I'm very pleased with your program,

especially your tribute
to Lieutenant Paris.

- Thank you.
- Who's going to replace Paris?

I have several people in mind.
Baytart is one. Hamilton.

Captain, do you think... I mean...

It's possible Tom might change
his mind to come back.

Maybe you shouldn't
replace him so quickly.

Lieutenant Paris made his decision
with no indication of any doubts,

or that he might change his mind.
We have to accept that and move on.

- What's our status?
- All systems functional.

- Engineering to Torres.
- Go ahead.

- We have a problem.
- What is it?

The magnetic constrictors
have lost alignment.

The plasma stream is too hot.
It's infecting the injector valves.

- I'm on my way.
- We're finished. Dismissed.

Lieutenant, if I may...

This sounds like news
of substance to me.

Just stay out of our way.

The injector valves won't close.
Antimatter's seeping into the warp core.

Did you adjust
the power transfer conduits?

- No effect.
- We have to contain the reaction.

Don't let the PTC temperature
get above 3.2 million kelvins.

It's at 2.9 million now.

PTC temperature at 3 million kelvins.
We have to vent some plasma.

If you vent hot plasma through
the nacelles, the warp coils will fry.

Better that than a core breach!

Reinforce the structural field

around the power transfer conduits
and prepare to vent plasma!

PTC temperature
now 3.2 million kelvins!

It's cascading.
Get away from the console!

- I can stop it from here!
- Get away, Jonas!

Computer, initiate plasma venting!

Are we all right?

Temperature dropping, approaching
safe levels. We're under control.

Prepare for emergency transport.
We have three wounded.

This one's not badly hurt.
20 milligrams impedrezene.

Vital signs steady. Second-degree
burns to face and chest.

Treat him with the dermal regenerator.

The situation has been stabilised.
None of the victims is in danger.

- May I interview one of them now?
- One of the patients?

I'd think you'd be more interested
in my assessment.

I am.
Would you care to make a statement?

The first task is to triage, or to assess
the relative condition of each victim,

and prioritise treatment accordingly.

Thank you, Doctor.
I'm sure that will be of interest.

I wasn't finished.
The treatment must be supervised.

Very interesting. Now, I know the
crew would love to hear from the man

who risked his life to save the ship.
Will you do an interview?

I was just doing my job. Lieutenant
Torres is who you should talk to.

- Janeway to Neelix.
- Right here, Captain.

Could you join us on the bridge?

I'm on my way. I'll contact you later
about the interview.

The plasma burst irradiated the engine
nacelles, burning the warp coils.

The warp engines are useless
until we can rebuild them.

They're made from verterium cortenide.
Where can we find a source?

If I'm not mistaken,
that's a densified composite material.

Composed of polysilicate verterium
and monocrystal cortenum.

- Do you know any nearby source?
- Let's see.

There's a yellow dwarf system
called Hemikek

with an M-Class planet rich in minerals.

Mining rights belong
to a non-aggressive people.

I'm sure we could purchase
verterium and cortenum.

Good work, Neelix.

- Message from the Talaxian convoy.
- Put it on screen.

- What's happened?
- A Kazon-Nistrim attack.

Do you have casualties?

No serious casualties
and they didn't take our cargo.

They were interested in
your former crewman, Thomas Paris.

They took him aboard their ship and left.

I thought you'd want to know.

- Tom Paris.
- Hello, Seska.

You're looking radiantly maternal.

In another month,
Chakotay will have a son or a daughter.

I didn't want to know which.
Makes it more interesting.

I wouldn't know.

I have no idea
which one Chakotay would prefer.

He and I rarely see eye to eye.

You've had your problems with him.
I know about what's happened.

Your sudden inability
to be Starfleet's good boy.

It's not sudden.
I never really fitted in there.

Then Lieutenant Paris was a pretence?

No. It was me trying very hard
to be someone I finally couldn't be.

I never liked you, Tom.

I didn't trust you. I don't trust you now.

I can assure you
that the feeling is mutual.

Fine, but we might be able to help
each other, if you're telling the truth.

Is that why you kidnapped me and
dragged me here, so we could be pals?

- I thought it might make sense to you.
- If it doesn't?

The Kazon are excessive
in their use of force.

It's nothing I can change.

But I can promise you'll be well-treated
if we decide we can work together.

What exactly would that mean?

You're an excellent pilot.
We could make use of your skills.

And, of course, you have information
about Voyager that could be valuable.

It seems to me you're already getting
valuable information about Voyager.

Think about it, Tom.

Think about where you want to be
when the Nistrim seize Voyager

and start taking control
of the quadrant sector by sector.

Just let me know.

Captain's log, stardate 49485.2.

In spite of Tom Paris's abduction
by the Kazon,

we must continue on course
for the Hemikek system.

It doesn't make sense. He hadn't been
gone a day when the Kazon attacked.

- How did they find out Tom was there?
- Someone on the convoy told them?

A Talaxian convoy would never do that.
It's like committing suicide.

Maybe they came to rob the cargo,
but realised a Starfleet officer...

That wouldn't stop them
from taking the cargo.

According to my friend Laxeth,
it was a swift, efficient strike.

It sounds like they knew Tom was there
and they came just to get him.

But who would have told them?

One possibility I can think of
is that it was someone on this ship.

- On Voyager? Who would do that?
- I don't know.

But a journalist would find out.

I didn't expect to find you here.

- Are you working the night shift?
- I have been since the accident.

What brings you here?

Could you show me how to access
the subspace communications logs?

- Why are you interested in them?
- Part of my news program.

I can get you into them. I'm bringing the
magnetic constrictors into alignment.

I understand. Just get me started.

- How far back do you want to go?
- A month or two.

Transmissions are logged
on by date and time. Anything else?

No. I'll be fine. Thank you.

Mike, we're going into the computer
core to look over the circuitry.

- Hold the fort. All right?
- OK, Lieutenant.

"Voyager to Mithren."

Mithren again.

"Voyager to Kotati."

Were you looking
for something in particular?

I don't know what I'm looking for.
Something anomalous.

- Why?
- An incident I'm investigating.

Tell me, Mr Hero,
if someone wanted to make

a secret subspace transmission,
how would he do it?

Why would you want to know that?

I can't be too forthcoming right now,

but if I find what I think I'm going to,
let me just say this ship will be stunned.

A secret transmission?
Well, that would be tough, Neelix.

There are security routines in place

and anytime a subspace antenna ray is
in use, the sensors make a record of it.

I'm not seeing
anything anomalous here.

- What about that?
- What?

That gap, as if some of the log entries
have been deleted.

- It's a data fragmentation.
- I beg your pardon.

It happened
when the system overloaded.

Glitches will pop up for weeks.

- Here it is again.
- Don't worry about it.

Maybe Lieutenant Torres can explain it.

There's nothing to explain.
Believe me, Neelix.

You're making too much of it.

Here it is again.
Gaps in the log entries.

Frankly, it looks like
more than data fragmentation to me.

The gaps are showing up
in logs entered over the last month,

but not before that.

- There you are. I was looking for you.
- Doctor, how can I help you?

You didn't include me
in your programme.

If you remember,
I was to have two segments today.

That's right. I've been so preoccupied
with this other matter.

I'm willing to forgo my story
on the adrenal gland.

I will concentrate on my latest idea.

- "The Klingon Glottis, Friend Or Foe?"
- Very interesting.

- We have to put it off until tomorrow.
- You said that yesterday.

I'm sorry, Doctor, but I have to go now.

All through
the subspace communication logs,

there were gaps,
as though something had been erased.

We have experienced
a plasma overload.

That could account for
the anomalous readings.

Aha! I knew you'd say that.
Answer this, Mr Vulcan.

Why would those gaps, those deletions,
occur only in the sub-com logs

and only in the last month?
I checked every log system.

Sensor logs, power allocation logs,
warp maintenance logs,

environmental control logs.
They're all fine.

What are you suggesting?

I believe someone has been making
covert transmissions

and erasing the evidence.

- To what end?
- I don't know.

But I suspect whoever it was has been
communicating with the Kazon.

- That's a serious charge.
- I know. That's why I've come to you.

Mr Neelix, I strongly suspect
that your enthusiasm

for your journalistic endeavour has led
you to see villains where none exist.

However, even the possibility

that someone might be communicating
with the Kazon deserves investigation.

- I'll pursue the matter.
- I'll help.

I think not.
This is a matter of ship security.

I must ask you to let me handle it
according to Starfleet protocols.

As a journalist, I have an ethical
obligation to keep digging for the facts.

I have a higher obligation to keep you
from putting yourself at risk.

You will drop this matter.

I see. All right. I leave it in your hands.

Good hunting.

A higher obligation?

I'll show him higher obligation.

He'll have Eskarian egg on his face
when I get to the heart of this.

A journalist's job is to be independent.

- Lieutenant, I wonder if you could...
- I'm a little busy. What do you need?

I was wondering if it's possible
to look underneath a log

that seems to have been erased
to see if there's anything left of it.

Mr Hogan,
could you help Neelix out for a minute?

You want to recover deleted logs?

- That would be ideal.
- Let me give it a try.

It's possible to recover data,

unless extraordinary measures
were taken to erase it.

Now, this is strange.

run a signal modulation analysis.

Security authorisation required.

- Engineering authorisation Omega 47.
- Authorisation accepted.

Running analysis.

- What?
- I can't recover the logs.

These messages were sent without
using any of the antenna arrays.

How could you do that?

By sending transmissions
through the power grid,

encoded in
waste energy from propulsion systems.

It is indistinguishable
from galactic background noise.


Is there be a way to determine
who sent the messages?

I'm looking for signal correlation traces.

They'd indicate a com-link to the EPS
conduits, maybe give us a location.

I don't know if I can...
There. There's one.

The source of the com-link
is on deck 4, section 3-C.

- Sorry, but I can't get more specific.
- Mr Hogan, I need your help.

Thanks for your help.
I'll check out Deck 4.

- Go room by room, console by console.
- Look for evidence of recent deletions.

If you see any, run
a recovery program. See what you get.

Computer, activate monitor.

Monitor is cleared
for Lieutenant Paris only.

Override existing clearance.
Engineering authorisation Omega 47.

Authorisation accepted.
Files recovered.


My friends, I derive no satisfaction
from what I am about to tell you.

I know I originally promised you
that I would only bring you good news.

However, I feel it's important
that you know the truth.

I have uncovered evidence

that casts serious doubt on the loyalties
of Lieutenant Thomas Paris.

I have discovered
communications to the Kazon,

sent from his quarters
prior to his leaving the ship.

Get him up here now.

For some weeks
before his departure, the last...

How did you trace
those transmissions?

It was... I believe it was called
signal correlation traces.

Mr Hogan was helping me
and he detected them.

When I looked, there were none.

That means someone placed them
in the system after my investigation.

What initial investigation?
Captain, what's going on?

What I'm about to say
will come as a surprise to you.

There has been a spy aboard Voyager,
but it isn't Tom Paris.

- It isn't?
- No. Lieutenant Paris is part of our plan.


Tuvok discovered transmissions leaving
Voyager through the EPS system.

Someone was communicating
with the Kazon-Nistrim.

However, we were unable
to ascertain who it was.

We needed to flush out the spy. We
had exhausted conventional means.

That's when we thought of using Tom,
to get him on the Kazon ship.

Are you saying his insulting behaviour,

the gambling, being late for duty,
mouthing off at me, was all a ruse?

Correct. It was important
his decision to leave appear plausible,

so he behaved like a malcontent.

Why wasn't I let in on this little plan?

I was the one who recommended
to Captain Janeway you not be told.

I suspected the spy was a Maquis

and felt it was wrong for you to trap
someone who had served under you.

- In other words, you didn't trust me.
- We needed a good performance.

I'm afraid we used you to help Tom
provide it and you did a damn good job.

Now Mr Neelix's investigation
has made someone nervous enough

to put a trail in the computer system
for him to follow.

- Could it be Hogan?
- I don't think so.

He was just the person walking by who
Lieutenant Torres asked to help me.

The spy may be cosy, since you took
the bait and pointed the finger at Tom.

We don't want him cosy.
I'd rather he feel pressure.

We should take advantage
of Mr Neelix's blunder.

Exactly. Keep investigating.
Do what you've been doing.

Poke around. Ask questions.

But let people think you're not sure
you were right about Tom.

That puts Neelix
in a potentially dangerous situation.

We would keep
an open com-link to you.

My team could act immediately
if anything were to happen.

It's up to you. This is purely voluntary.

Anything I can do to help, Captain,
and get Tom home safely, I want to do.

What did you expect? That
we were exchanging holiday greetings?

Of course not.
That's how it's going to work.

We'll be waiting for you on a planet
called Hemikek IV.

Well, Tom. It's always good
to have one's instincts verified.

Clever plan, Seska,
leading Voyager into an ambush.

But this ship will be outgunned.

That's why we have ground troops on
Hemikek and more ships on the way.

Don't you wish
you'd taken my offer?

Thanks for the hospitality.

Go get him!

Check this way!

Lieutenant Torres is waiting for these.
Get them to her.

- Excuse me.
- Hello, Neelix.

- I was wondering if you could help me.
- We're busy. What do you need?

The signal correlation traces
implicating Tom Paris.

- They were added after the fact.
- You're kidding.

I was trying to figure out
how that could have happened.

This couldn't be a worse time.
We're about to rebuild the warp coils.

Do you mind if I use
the diagnostic terminal over there?

Don't tap into any engineering systems.

- I'll be careful.
- Torres to Engineering.

- Jonas here.
- I need the electrodynamic load specs.

- They weren't with the other things.
- I'll get them to you now.

- Take these to Lieutenant Torres.
- Right.

- What's going on?
- Bridge to engineering.

- Jonas here.
- Increase transporter range.

Shut all available power
to transporter room 2.

Let me know when you've done it.
We have an incoming shuttle.

- It may be Tom Paris.
- Yes, ma'am.

Paris to Voyager! Paris to Voyager!
Do you read me yet?

Paris to Voyager! Paris to Voyager!
Come in.

- Voyager to Paris. We hear you.
- Change your course immediately.

The Kazon have ground troops on
Hemikek and more ships on the way.

We'll get you out.
You're out of transporter range,

but we won't change course.

I can take care of myself.
Just get Voyager to safety.

As soon as you're on board.

Tom, are you all right?
Lieutenant Paris, report.

Mr Jonas,
we need that transporter now.

I'm having trouble
resetting the EPS manifold.

Stay on it.

Mr Jonas, it doesn't look like you're
working on the transporter subsystems.

Neelix, I know what I'm doing.

What did you do?

- What is this force field for?
- Just a precaution. Please, Neelix!

Stay out of this!

- Tom, can you hear me?
- I'm here!

We'll be in transporter range
in a minute.

Captain, the spy...

It's Michael Jonas!
He's the one that sabotaged the ship.

Noted. Janeway to Tuvok.
Get to engineering immediately.

- It's Michael Jonas.
- On our way.

Shuttle hull is starting to breach!
Might not make it, Captain!

I recognise that subroutine.
You're disabling the weapons system.

- For God's sake, Neelix, back off!
- Neelix to...

- We're in transporter range.
- Voyager to Paris.

Tom, can you hear me?
We're energising now.

- Transporter room 2, do you have him?
- We have him. He's all right.

- It's the Kazon ship.
- Return fire.

- Tuvok, are you in engineering?
- The doors are sealed.

- We're working on it.
- Transporter room 2.

Lock onto Mr Jonas in engineering
and beam him out.

All I got
was his combadge, Captain.

We've lost weapons. The phaser rays
have been disabled from engineering.

Evasive manoeuvres. Mr Kim,
get those weapons back on-line.

- Weapons are back on-line.
- Fire at will.

Yes, ma'am.

- Are you injured?
- Don't worry about me. I'm all right.

Mr Jonas wasn't so lucky.

Bridge to Tuvok.
I'm standing down Red Alert.

I'm going to have plenty of material
for tomorrow's "Briefing With Neelix".

Fortunately, I was able to steal
a Kazon shuttle and escape.

An amazing story. Amazing.

- I'd like to say something more.
- Of course.

I know that I've been acting like a jerk
for the last couple of months.

Unfortunately, I had to behave that way

if the spy was to believe
I wanted to leave the ship.

So I'd like to apologise to anyone
that I might have offended.

Especially Commander Chakotay.
I gave him a pretty hard time.

Not that it wasn't
a certain amount of fun.

There you have it,
ladies and gentlemen,

the true hero of this endeavour,
Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris.

I'm afraid that's all the time we have.

I'd like to apologise to the Doctor for not
getting around to him once again today.

He'll be here tomorrow
with fascinating information

about the Bolian digestive system.
Good day, Voyager.