Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994): Season 7, Episode 5 - Gambit: Part 2 - full transcript

The officers' ploy has succeeded: Riker won intergalactic piracy captain Baran's confidence while sparing the Enterprise. Picard works out the stolen archaeological artifacts are not Romulan but pre-logical Vulcan. This is confirmed by the only pirate who guessed their game, an undercover agent who must prevent them being used as a terrible weapon. Meanwhile Data is in temporary command, dealing with Worf's initial lack of respect and Klingon Koral's ship, until the pirates beam aboard with a whole series of mainly hidden agendas and deceptions Data's crew also plays into.

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Last time on Star Trek:
The Next Generation...

My friend tells me
you might know

about that man
we're looking for.

There was a group of aliens
sitting at this table.

He was asking them questions.

One of them took out
a weapon and fired.

He was vaporized.

This is about justice.

The Captain died in a bar fight
for nothing.

Those ruins have been
studied for centuries.

There's nothing new
to learn from them.

Then what were you doing there?

Baran wouldn't last
five minutes as Captain

if he didn't have
that control device.

That almost sounds
like a prelude to mutiny.

They captured me.

They wanted to find out

how much I knew
about their operation.

And then you became
part of their crew?

I convinced them
I was a smuggler.

Will, these are
not common thieves.

They are stealing
Romulan artifacts

from archaeological sites
throughout this sector.

Mr. Worf...

prepare to drop shields.


we would be totally defenseless.

I am aware of that.


And now, the conclusion.

Direct hit to the port nacelle.

Only minimal damage.

Hit to the starboard nacelle.

Still no appreciable damage.

Will must have done something
to their weapons.

I believe you are right,

It is now up to us
to play along.

Release inertial dampers

and cut power
to decks 31 through 37.

Aye, sir.

Set phasers to 25%%% .

Return fire.

Aye, sir.

Continue firing!

I've lost three plasma relays
on the disrupters.

Auxiliary power is...

is not available.

Transfer weapons control
to my station.

There's a way to bypass
the relays and feed power...

The antimatter containment units
are starting to buckle.

The Enterprise has
been badly damaged

but they still have
superior firepower.

If we remain here,
we will be destroyed.

The logical course of action
is to withdraw.

We've done enough damage.

Narik, set course.

180 mark 215.

Warp six.


They're preparing to activate
their warp drive, Commander.

Sir, we cannot track them
with our sensors

if they go to warp.

I can still disable them by...

I am aware of the tactical
situation, Lieutenant.

Let them go.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

I've gone over every word,
every inflection

every facial response

and I still can't find

any kind of code
or hidden message.

I agree the existence
of such a message is remote

but I believe we should check.

I'll keep trying.

Two starships have been sent

to intercept the mercenaries

at Yadalla Prime and Draken IV

in case they attempt
to attack those planets.

Inform Starfleet Command

that we will hold position
until further notice.

So... we are just
going to remain here?

Yes, but we will
continue to pursue

all avenues of investigation.

If we had not let them escape,
this would not be necessary.

That is correct, but I believe

Commander Riker wanted us
to let them escape.


Think I found something.

I've been studying the com link

Commander Riker used
to transmit his command codes.

I didn't see anything at first

but then I ran the transmission

through a subharmonic
analysis, and I found this.

It was sent by the same carrier
wave as the command codes.

It might be the message
we've been looking for.


I will attempt
to resequence the signal.

Begin running a search
for a decryption key.

I'm taking the engines off-line.

How long will it take

to repair our battle damage?

It will take at least five hours

to replace the anti-matter
containment unit.

You have three hours, Narik.

One minute beyond that

and you'll answer
for it with your life.

I suppose I should thank you.

None of us would be alive
if it weren't for you.

You're welcome.

What's wrong, Commander?

You having second thoughts
about betraying your comrades?

Because that's
what you've done...

betrayed them.

Betrayed them in order
to save yourself.

You used to be just
a second-rate officer.

Now you're a traitor
and a coward.

How does that feel?

I don't know.
How did that feel?


Galen, go down
to the cargo hold.

Check out those artifacts.


You can tell Baran

that I'm working
as fast as I can.


I'm trying to decide

if you're incredibly stupid
or incredibly smart.

Why didn't you
continue to fire

on the Enterprise
when their shields dropped?

You were there.
The disrupters lost power.

Computer, reset
for diagnostic of new sample.

Begin scan.

I've watched you handle
the weapon systems before.

You know exactly how to bypass
a problem like that.

And why do you continue
to argue with Riker?

It should be obvious
that by alienating Riker

you also alienate Baran

and yet you continue
to do so. Why?

Scan complete.

Terikon profile negative.

Computer, reset diagnostic
for new sample and begin scan.

Look, this isn't
a Romulan labor camp.

I don't have to answer
your questions.

And I don't give a damn
what you think.

Scan complete.

Terikon profile positive.

98% probability of match.


whatever it is we're looking for

it seems that we've found it.

Tallera to Captain.

Yes, what is it?

I'm in the cargo hold.

Galen's made a positive
terikon match

on one of the artifacts.

Bring it to me immediately.

Don't let anyone get near it.

Tallera out.

That sounds like good news.


It means we've completed half

of what promises to be
a very profitable mission.

And even better than that

I'm almost ready to get rid
of your friend, Galen.


There's one more artifact
to find.

Once Galen confirms
that it's genuine

his usefulness on this ship

will come to a very sudden end.

I can't say I'm sorry
to hear that.

Galen might be
a loudmouthed fool

but sometimes,
he's quite perceptive.

His observations about you,
for instance.


After what you did on Calder II

I doubt if you have
much of a future

in Starfleet.



I must say I've come
to the same conclusion.

Hmm. Well, assuming that you
were not my prisoner

what would you do now?

I guess I'd start looking
for a new career.


There must be a place

where someone with 15 years
of Starfleet technical knowledge

would be useful.

You wouldn't happen to know
a place like that?


well, possibly.

However, there's one thing
that I've learned on this ship

and that's to be cautious

and never to blindly embrace

what might appear
to be good fortune.

And right now, you're

a rather large stroke
of good luck.

I haven't exactly sworn
my undying allegiance

to you, either, Baran.

For instance, I'd like to know

a little bit more
about this job.

Such as?

Such as, what you meant
by "very profitable mission."

Well, it's enough
to know right now

that your share would insure you
a very wealthy and long life

far from the Federation.

Sounds promising.

It is.

Only you're going
to have to earn it.

And you can start
by putting aside

your dislike for Galen
and becoming his friend.


Galen has allies on this ship.

That could cause trouble...
if I decide to kill him.

I want you to find out from him
who they are.


One more thing, Riker.

When the time comes

I want you to kill Galen.

I have completed my analysis

of the signal
from the mercenary ship.

I believe these groupings

represent bearings
and coordinates

from their navigational system.

So, you think this is
their flight plan?

Yes. If I am correct,
the mercenary ship is headed

toward these coordinates
in the Hyralan sector.

Well, their maximum speed
is warp 8.7.

It would take them
at least 14 hours

to reach that position.

We could be there in five.

Make it so.


Set a course
for the Hyralan sector

and engage at warp nine.

Aye, sir.


May I see you in the ready room?

Of course.

Lieutenant, I am dissatisfied

with your performance
as First Officer.

May I ask in what way?

You continually question
my orders in front of the crew.

I do not believe this is
appropriate behavior.

With all due respect, sir

I have always felt free
to voice my opinions

even when they differ

from those of Captain Picard
or Commander Riker.

That is true,
but in those situations

you were acting
as Head of Security

not as First Officer.

The primary role
of the second in command

is to carry out
the decisions of the Captain.

In this case, me.

But is it not my duty
to offer you alternatives?

Yes. But once I have
made a decision

it is your job to carry it out

regardless of how you
may personally feel.

Any further objections
should be given

to me in private,
not in front of the crew.

I do not recall Commander Riker
ever publicly showing irritation

with his Captain,
as you did a moment ago.

No, sir.

If you do not feel capable
of carrying out this role

I will assign it
to Commander La Forge

and return you to Tactical.

I would not enter it
into your record as a reprimand

simply as a transfer.

I would prefer to remain
at my current post.

Then I expect you to conform

to the guidelines
I have laid out.

Aye, sir.


Mr. Worf.

I am sorry if I have ended
our friendship.


It is I who has jeopardized
our friendship, not you.

If you will overlook
this incident

I would like to continue
to consider you my friend.

I would like that, as well.

Thank you, sir.

Good to see you, too.

I've had some
unpleasant surprises.

Will, this isn't a good idea.

Baran might grow suspicious.

As a matter of fact

it was Baran who sent me here.

He told me to pretend
to be friendly with you

help you organize a mutiny

so that he can determine who
your supporters are in the crew

and then eliminate them.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

I have difficulty remembering
whose side I'm on.

So, what have you been able
to find out?

When we reach the Hyralan sector

we're supposed to rendezvous
with a Klingon transport ship.

I'm not sure, but I think
they may be delivering

another of the Romulan artifacts
to us.

A second artifact?

Oh, by the way,
that first artifact

is not Romulan... it's Vulcan.



I have been looking over
the glyphs and pictograms

from the Calder II artifact.

And although I don't
have enough data

to translate all
the inscriptions

the alphabet and the symbology
is much more consistent

with early Vulcan than Romulan.

Do these artifacts have

some religious
or cultural significance?

Something that would make them
valuable enough to kill for?

I don't know.

If I could just get access
to the Enterprise computer

just for a few moments.

So, what will Baran do

once he's obtained
the second artifact?

You're supposed to verify
its authenticity.

Then I'm supposed to kill you.

Then I take your place.

Will, you always seem to be
after my job.

Well, as soon as Baran feels
that I've outlived my usefulness

he can kill me simply
by using the neural servo.

So I think we had better
start planning a mutiny.

We need a new Captain

and I've come to one
inescapable conclusion.

I agree, but I don't think
that's you.


I don't trust you, Galen

and I don't think the rest
of the crew does either.

They're not going to follow you.

And who will they follow... you?

No. But they will
follow Tallera.

And so will I.

Who are you?


You're no smuggler

and I don't think
your name's Galen.

You will tell me
who you really are

and what you are doing
on this ship

or I will kill you right here.

What are you talking about?

I will not play games with you.

I found the message you
sent to the Enterprise.

When Riker was using
his command codes

to drop their shields

you sent them a transmission
on the same carrier wave.

You're a Starfleet officer.

Do not deny it.

It is the only
logical conclusion.

My name is actually T'Paal

and I am a member of the V'Shar.

Vulcan security?

That is correct.

I infiltrated
this ship a year ago

posing as a Romulan mercenary.

I'm here to investigate
a possible threat to Vulcan.

What sort of threat?

First things first, Galen.

Who are you?

I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the Enterprise.

Very well.

To answer your question

for several years now

there has been a small,
but growing movement

of extreme isolationists
on Vulcan...

a group that believes contact
with alien races

has polluted our culture

and is destroying
Vulcan purity.

This group advocates

the total isolation of Vulcan
from the rest of the galaxy

and the eradication
of all alien influences

from our planet.

That sounds like...
an illogical philosophy.


But extremists often have
a logic all their own.

Tell me, Tallera.

What are these artifacts
that we've been collecting?

I know that they are
Vulcan in origin.

I'm sure you are familiar

with the ancient history
of my people

before we found logic

before we found peace.

You were much
as my people once were...

savage, warlike.

There was even a time

when we used our telepathic
abilities as a weapon...

a time when we learned to kill
with a thought.

The Stone of Gol?

You know of it?

I know the story
from Vulcan mythology.

The Stone of Gol is real

but there is nothing

or magical about it.

It is a psionic resonator...

a device which focuses
and amplifies telepathic energy.

It is one of the most
devastating weapons

ever conceived.

But according to the legend

the Stone was destroyed
by the gods

when the Vulcan people
found their way to peace.

The resonator was believed
to have been destroyed

during the Time
of the Awakening.

Only one piece is known
to have survived

and it was placed
in a Vulcan museum

under heavy guard.

A year ago, that piece
was stolen from the museum.

Soon after,
mercenary ships began raiding

archaeological sites
across the quadrant.

We believe a member
of the isolationist movement

is attempting
to reassemble the resonator.

A telepathic weapon...

My orders are to find
that assassin and stop him.

It would seem that Baran
has to deliver these artifacts

to the assassin
in order to get paid.


you and I should continue
our masquerade.


But, Captain, I cannot allow
the resonator to be assembled.

If necessary, I will destroy
this ship, its crew...

all of us... to prevent
that from happening.

Acting Captain's Log,
Stardate 47160.1.

The Enterprise is entering
the Hyralan sector

which I believe to be
the next destination

of the mercenary ship.

I'm picking up a small vessel,
bearing 127 mark 335.

Is it the mercenary ship?

No, sir, it's a Klingon ship.

A Toron-class shuttlecraft;
one person.

Open a channel.

This is
Lieutenant Commander Data

of the Federation
Starship Enterprise.


I take it that is your name?

May I inquire
as to your destination?


May I ask the purpose
of your journey?


Perhaps I have not made
our intentions clear.

We are investigating...

He seems most... uncooperative.

He may have been curt

but he was also very worried

and even a little scared.

Sir... may I recommend

that we bring the shuttlecraft
aboard with our tractor beam

search it
and interrogate Koral?

According to the terms
of the Klingon Federation Treaty

Koral has every right
to free transit

through Federation space.

We cannot board or search
his vessel without cause.

Yes, sir.

However, the treaty
does give us the right

to conduct health and safety
inspections on any ship

in our space.

Health and safety inspections?

I am not certain
that using this clause

as an excuse to conduct a search

would be consistent
with the spirit

of the treaty.

Yes, sir.


if Koral wishes
to contest our actions

he can file a protest

with the Judge Advocate
General's Office.

Bring the shuttle aboard.

Then you and Dr. Crusher
may begin the inspection.

Aye, sir.


I'm Dr. Crusher

and this is Lieutenant Worf.

We're here to conduct a health

and safety inspection
of your ship.

"Health and safety inspection."

That's right.

Uh, you know, um...
radiation leaks

um... biochemical contamination

um... other health hazards.

Excuse me.

Well, no radiation so far.

I'm sure you're glad
to hear that.


There's an incoming message.

It's from the Klingon shuttle.

It was sent approximately
15 minutes ago.

He's at the rendezvous

but he's been detained
by the Enterprise.

And that's all there is.

He's stopped transmitting.

The Enterprise?

Now, how could they
have found out

about the rendezvous, Commander?


All that matters now
is that the Enterprise

has the second artifact
in their possession.

We don't have a choice.

We'll have to board
the Enterprise

and take the artifact.

Do you have any idea

how many security officers
there are

on board a ship like that?

No, I don't.

But he does.

I could get us
on the Enterprise.

I can find the artifact.

Oh, yeah.
Very convenient!

We beam you back aboard
your old ship.

We have to take a risk
that you won't change your mind

and betray us.

I have saved your life
twice already, Galen.

I would think
you would begin to show

some gratitude by now.

Galen, if you're so worried
about Riker

then you can go on
the raiding party and watch him.


Draw weapons and equipment
for a raiding party of five.

If you're thinking
of betraying us

to your friends
on the Enterprise

you might remember

that I still have the ability
to kill you

at the first sign of trouble.

I haven't forgotten.

I have an additional
task for you...

one that will prove
your loyalty.

This raid is an opportunity
to get rid of Galen.

Once you've found
that artifact...

kill him.

I'm sure the health
and safety inspection

won't last much longer.

And in the meantime,
I'm really glad

that we have this opportunity
to get to know you.

May I ask
what business you're in?

Lieutenant Worf has programmed
our replicators

to make a very good

of Klingon bloodwine.

I believe you will find it
to your liking.

Well, that's my third scan

and I still haven't found
anything out of the ordinary.

He must be hiding something.

We should download
his computer memory

and analyze it.

I'd have a hard
time defending that

as part of a safety

We could claim that the computer

was generating
abnormal radiation signatures.

Worf, we're on pretty
shaky ground as it is.

We can't just...


Watch that door.

What is going on?

Shut your mouth, Klingon!

I guess you're surprised
to see me, Doctor.

You could say that.

I've had a change of profession.

It's not in here.

Hey, you.

Where's the artifact?

I do not know
what you're talking about.

Use your brain.
They wouldn't be searching

the shuttlecraft
if they had the artifact.

Koral must have it.

Where is that Klingon pilot?

In the observation lounge
with Data and Troi.

How far?

12 decks away.

Security will not allow you
to get that far.

They won't get the chance.

We'll use the transporter
in that shuttle.

We'll beam directly
to the observation lounge.

Sorry about this.

Let's go!

If you could tell us...
something about the nature

of your mission...

What is this?


Does he have it?

This is it.

Are you sure, Galen?

Yes, I can recognize
the inscription pattern

from the first artifact.

Commander Riker...

by taking this action

you risk charges of assault,
theft, piracy and treason.


Then I guess adding
one more charge wouldn't hurt.

Is he dead?



Activate the transporter.

Security alert.

Medical emergency team
to the observation lounge.

Data to Bridge.
Raise shields

and begin sensor sweeps
for the mercenary ship.

Aye, sir.

He's all right.

He's only stunned.

I must admit...

I am experiencing
a similar sensation.

This is going to take
a little time to explain.

Set course 310 mark 215.

Warp six.

Where is it?

I have something else
for you, Baran.

Tell him what happened, Narik.

Riker turned on us.

He tried to kill Galen
before we beamed back.

He might have killed all of us

and I believe he was acting
under your direct orders, Baran.

You betrayed us.

This has gone far enough.

I think it is time
that we had a new commander...

someone who would lead us

to those profits
that we've been promised.

Oh, really?

And who would that be, Galen?


He's plotted this all along.

Opposed me at every turn.

Endangered all of us

by refusing
to follow his orders.

To follow your orders...

the orders of a small man

trying to fill a role
too big for him.

I say it's time for a change.

Who's with me?


It's over, Baran.

Not quite.

As long as I have this,
I'm still Captain of this ship.

You can't kill all of us.

You need us to run this ship

more than we need you
to command it.

I don't have to kill you all.

Just you, Galen.

What happened?

I switched
the transponder codes.

Given his feelings about me

it seemed
a sensible thing to do.

Baran was nothing.

We have a mission to complete
and the crew needs a leader.

There'll be no more punishment
on board this ship.

Now, do your duties,
and I'll see to it

that we complete our mission
and get our payment.

Remove that.


Maintain our present course
and speed for now.

I'm going to find out
when and where

we're supposed
to deliver our cargo.

Aye, Captain.

Worf to Commander Riker.

Minister Setok
of Vulcan Security

is standing by
on a secure channel.

Put it through in here.

Greetings, Commander.

How may I be of service?

Minister, I thought
I should let you know

the mercenary ship
that has been raiding planets

in the Taugan system is probably
on its way to Vulcan right now.

I do not understand.

I'm sorry... it's been
a difficult couple of days.

I know that one
of your operatives

has been on a mercenary ship,

the possible reassembly
of a psionic resonator.

I didn't want someone
to make a mistake

and start firing at them
when they approach your planet.

Commander, I believe
there is a problem.

We have no operative
aboard a mercenary ship.

According to Baran's logs,
we are to deliver the two pieces

to the T'Karath Sanctuary
on Vulcan.

I know that place.

It was an underground stronghold

for one of the factions
during the last civil war.

It's been abandoned
for centuries.

Galen to Bridge.

Alter course for Vulcan.


Oh, I wonder if you can possibly
help me with something.

I have been able to translate

most of the writings
on these two pieces.

For the most part

they're warnings
of death and destruction

to anyone who opposes
the resonator.

But... I am not
able to determine

what appears
on the anterior side.

For example

this symbol represents
the Vulcan god of war

and this the god of death.

But... if you look really
carefully, you can see

a third symbol is missing.

Now, that obviously
should belong

to the final piece.

Now, what's odd about this
is that the god of death and war

would typically always
stand alone on an artifact.

They'd never be combined
with a third glyph.


but I am not
an archaeological expert.

L-I'm really anxious to see
the final artifact

because it might provide
a valuable insight

into Vulcan mythology.

When we arrive at Vulcan

I will take these pieces
to a secure holding area

before going on
to the sanctuary.

I prefer to go alone.

It will arouse less suspicion

on the part
of the isolationists.

Well, there should
be no problem

about our entering orbit.

I asked Commander Riker
to contact

the Vulcan authorities
from the Enterprise...

let them know
that we were approaching.

Why did you do that?

Well, I... didn't want to risk
a misunderstanding.

Someone might have mistaken this
for an actual raid.

It was a wise precaution.

Perhaps I should contact
the Enterprise...

have them meet us at Vulcan

just in case these isolationists
try to escape.

Your offer is appreciated

but our security forces
are more than adequate.

I see.

Um... do you think it's wise
for you to go there alone?

After all, they were
expecting Baran to show up.

Don't you think if I were
to accompany you

it might seem
more plausible...

Captain, I do understand
your human emotional need

to be there at the final moment,
but this is a Vulcan matter.

Of course.

Thank you.

We have entered orbit of Vulcan.

Tallera, I've decided
on a change of plan.

Take one of the artifacts
with you.

Leave the other one here.

As soon as we have
our payment in full

we'll complete the delivery.

That was not the agreement.

I realize that

but it's safer for all concerned
to leave one behind.

They will not pay us
until they get both pieces.

They've been waiting
a long time for this.

They're not going to take
any risks.

Now, take one of the artifacts
and beam down.

That is all I was waiting for.

Go to the navigational computer
and check file 137/Omega.

You'll find a message

secretly transmitted
to the Enterprise

our entire flight plan.

She's right.

The message was sent by Galen.

He's a Starfleet officer.

Tallera is right

but what she's not telling you

is that those artifacts
she's holding are part

of an incredibly
powerful weapon.

There's no reward
waiting for you

down on the surface.

As soon as she's got
those artifacts

she'll leave you behind
to be captured by Starfleet.

I don't care if that's a weapon
for your personal use

or if you're really just making
a delivery as planned.

All I care about is my money.

So I propose a compromise.

Narik and I will go with you
to the surface

to guarantee
that we receive our payment.

After that, you can go
anywhere you want.


Bring him, as well.

We'll use him as a hostage,
if Starfleet arrives.

If not, we'll kill him
on the surface.


Your reward, as promised.

Is it all there?

No, this is less than half
of what we were promised.

Where's the rest of it?

That is all I could manage.

I suggest you take it and leave.

I did not come this far
to be cheated.

I want it all now!

Very well.

You will get what you deserve.

Go ahead, Captain.

Pick up the phaser.

See what good it will do.

You'll never get away with this.

Starfleet will never stand by
and watch you tear apart

one of the founding worlds
of the Federation.

How little you understand
what you're facing, Captain.

You're used to fighting enemies
like yourself...

people on ships
with defense shields

energy weapons, warp drives.

But this is unlike anything
you've ever faced.

This is the power of the mind.

Pick up the phaser, Captain.

Listen to me, all of you.

Drop your weapons!
Do it!

Don't make
any aggressive movements.

The resonator amplifies
violent feelings and emotions.

And that's why you wanted me
to pick up the phaser.

That's how you were able
to kill Narik and Vekor.

But I can see the symbol
on that third artifact

and it is the Vulcan
symbol for peace

standing between the symbols
for war and death.

It's a warning
that the power of the resonator

can be overcome by peace.

You are about to see
how wrong you are.

Empty your minds
of violent thoughts!


Think, Tallera.

2,000 years ago

your people were
being consumed by war

but when peace came to Vulcan

the resonator became useless.

That's why it was dismantled.


You were right, Tallera.

The resonator cannot be stopped
by phasers and shields...

but it can be
defeated by peace.

Captain's Log, Stardate 47169.2.

Security Minister Setok
has taken Tallera into custody

and begun a search for the rest
of the isolationists.

Once we realized

that you were no longer
on the mercenary ship

we scanned the surface
for your neural implant.

We tracked the signal
into the caverns.

What will become
of the resonator, sir?

Setok has assured me

that all three pieces
will be destroyed.

It is unfortunate
it cannot be studied.

The resonator
is a key artifact

from a remarkable period
of history.

Oh, normally, I would be
the first one to agree

but perhaps some things
are best left in the past.

What's going to happen
to the mercenaries?

Oh, they will be detained

by the Vulcan authorities
for the moment.

But they're also facing charges
from the Klingons

the Cardassians, the Ferengi
and at least seven other worlds.

I don't think we'll be hearing
from them for a while.

Number One, will you set
a course for Starbase 227?

I'll join you
on the Bridge shortly.

Wait a minute.
You've been declared dead.

You can't give orders
around here.

If we are to adhere
to the exact letter

of Starfleet regulations,
then technically, sir

you have been declared
a renegade.

In fact, I believe
you are facing

12 counts
of court-martial offenses.

You cannot give orders
either, sir.

That's quite right.

And as I am supposed to be dead,
I'll go and get some sleep.

And, Mr. Data, I suggest

that you escort Commander Riker
to the brig.

Aye, sir.

This way, sir.

Data, he was joking.

You know that, right?