Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994): Season 7, Episode 25 - Star Trek: The Next Generation - full transcript

Capt. Picard finds himself shifting continually into the past, future and present and must use that to discover a threat to humanity's existence.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
That was an incredible program!

I am glad you approve.

I have always found the Black Sea
at night to be most stimulating.

Worf, we were walking barefoot
on the beach

with balalaika music in the air,

an ocean breeze washing over us,

stars in the sky, a full moon rising,

and the most you say
is "stimulating"?

It was...

...very stimulating.


I don't spend nearly enough time
on the holodeck.

I should take my own advice
and go there to relax.

Next time, I'll choose the program.

If you like the Black Sea,
you'll love Lake Cataria on Betazed.

Deanna, perhaps before the next time,
we should discuss Cmdr Riker.

- Why? Is he coming along?
- No.

But I do not wish...
It would be unfortunate if he...

If you and I are going to continue,
I do not wish to hurt his feelings.

Worf, I think it's alright
to concentrate on our feelings,

yours and mine.


What's today's date?

The date!

- Stardate 47988.
- 47988...

- Captain, what's wrong?
- 47988.

I'm not sure.

I don't know how or why, but...

...l'm moving back and forth
through time!

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

I felt as if
I had physically left the Enterprise.

I was in another time, another
place. I was somewhere in the past.

Can you describe where you were?
What it looked like?

You see,
it's all slipping away so fast.

It's like... It's like waking up
from a nightmare.


It was years ago, before I
took command of the Enterprise.

I was talking to someone,
I can't remember who!

And then it all changed.
I was no longer in the past.

I was now an old man in the future.

And I was outside
and I was doing something.

I can't remember what it was.

I'm sorry. It's all gone.
I just can't remember.

It's alright. Have you considered
that this might be just a dream?

No, it was much more than a dream.

The smells, the sounds,

the very touch of things...

...much more real than a dream.

How long did you spend
in each time period?

Did it seem like minutes, hours?

You see, I can't say.

At first, I had a sense
of confusion, disorientation.

I wasn't sure where I was.

And then, all that passed
and it all seemed perfectly natural,

as though I belonged in that time.

But I can't...

Capt Picard to the bridge!

Captain, we've got a problem with
the warp core or the phase inducers

or some other damn thing!


Hello, Captain,
or should I call you Ambassador?

I haven't been called that
for some time, either.

How about Mr Picard?

How about Jean-Luc?

I don't think
I could get used to that.

Good Lord. Geordi.

- Well! How long has it been?
- Nine years.

No, no, no!
Since you last called me Captain,

since we were all together
on the Enterprise?

Close to 25 years.

25 years!

Well, time has been good to you.

A little too good in some places.

Can I give you a hand here?

Well, I'm just tying up some vines.

You've got leaf miners. You might
want to try a bacillus spray.

My wife is quite a gardener.
I've picked up a little bit of it.

- How is Leah?
- Just wonderful.

Busy as ever. She's just been made
director of the Daystrom Institute.

What about the little ones?
Brett, Alandra and...

- Sydney.
- Sydney.

Well, they're not so little any more.

Brett is applying
to Starfleet Academy next year.

So, what brings you here?

I just thought I'd stop by.

Been thinking about
the old days on the Enterprise.

I was in the neighbourhood...

Geordi. You don't make the trip from
Rigel III to Earth just to drop by.


So, you've heard?

Leah's got a few friends at
Starfleet Medical. Word gets around.

I'm not an invalid.

Irumodic Syndrome
can take years to run its course.

I know. Once I heard,

well, I just wanted
to stop by just the same.

Well, now you're here,
you can carry those tools.

My cooking may not be
up to Leah's standards

but I can still make
a decent cup of tea.

I read your last novel.

I thought that the protagonist
was a little too flamboyant but...

Captain, are you alright?


Captain? Will this be your first
time on a Galaxy-class starship?

Are you alright, sir?


I'm sorry, Lieutenant.
My mind must have wandered.

What were you saying?

I asked if you'd ever been aboard
a Galaxy-class starship before.


Of course, I'm familiar with
the blueprints and specifications,

but this will be
my first time on board.

Well then, if I may be so bold, sir,
you're in for a treat.

The Enterprise is quite a ship.

I'm sure she is.

Have I done something wrong, sir?

No. It's just that
you look very familiar.

Enterprise to shuttlecraft Galileo,
you are cleared for arrival

- In shuttlebay two.
- Acknowledged, Enterprise.

And there she is.



Tasha. I was just with Tasha
in the shuttle.

I've finished the neurographic scan.
I found nothing

that would cause hallucinations
or psychogenic reaction.

- Any sign of temporal displacement?
- No.

That would leave a tripamine residue,
in the cerebral cortex

but the scan didn't show any.

Personally, I think
you just enjoy waking everybody up.

Actually, I really like running
around the ship in my bare feet.

The biospectral test results, Doctor.

Your blood-gas analysis

shows you've been breathing
the ship's air for weeks.

If you'd been anywhere else,
there'd be a change

in the oxygen-isotope ratios. Thanks.

Deanna, would you excuse us?

Of course.


I scanned you for evidence of
Irumodic Syndrome as you suggested.

There wasn't any.

But I did find a small structural
defect in the parietal lobe.

A defect
that you hadn't noticed before?

This kind of defect only shows up
on a level-four neurographic scan.

It could make you susceptible
to several neurological disorders

including Irumodic Syndrome.

Now, it's possible you'll live
without ever developing a problem.

Or even if you do, many people
continue to live normal lives

for a long time
with Irumodic Syndrome.

Then why do you look as if you've
just signed my death sentence?

I'm sorry.

I guess it caught me off guard.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Something tells me you'll have to
put up with me for a long time yet.

Well, it won't be easy,
but I'll manage.


Has Worf found anything?

No, sir.
His security scans came up negative.

The sensor logs give no indication
that you ever left the ship.

I wasn't dreaming.
Something happened.

- Worf to Captain.
- Go ahead, Mr Worf.

Sir, there is a transmission
from Admiral Nakamura. Priority one.


Mr Worf, will you route the call
through to Dr Crusher's office?

Aye, sir.

- Captain.
- Admiral.

I'm initiating
a fleetwide yellow alert.

Intelligence has picked up alarming
reports from the Romulan Empire.

At least 30 warbirds have
been pulled from other duties

and are headed for the Neutral Zone.

Do we know why they would make
such a blatantly aggressive move?

Our operatives on Romulus say
something appears to be happening

in the Neutral Zone,
specifically in the Devron system.

Our own long-range scans picked up
some kind of spatial anomaly.

- We can't tell what it is.
- What are our orders?

This is a very delicate situation.

I am deploying 15 starships
along our side of the Neutral Zone.

I want you to go there as well.

See if you can find out
what's going on in the Devron system.

Am I authorised
to enter the Neutral Zone?

Not yet.
Wait and see what the Romulans do.

Conduct long-range scans,
send probes if necessary,

but do not cross the border
unless they do.

- Understood.
- Starfleet out.


What's wrong?

This is not my time.

- I don't belong here.
- What?

I was somewhere else
a few moments ago.

- You've been right here, with me.
- No, no, no!

I was somewhere else.

I was... It was a long time ago.
There was someone talking.

I was talking to someone.

Beverly. I was talking to Beverly!

It's OK, Captain.
Everything's gonna be alright.

I'm not senile. This did happen!

I was here. I was talking to you,

and then I was somewhere else.

I was...

I was on the Enterprise.
I was back on the Enterprise.

At least, I think that's where
it was. I was in sickbay.

Well, it might have been a hospital.

Captain, we should go back
to the house and call your doctor.

Yes. I know what you're thinking.
"It's the Irumodic Syndrome."

"He's beginning to lose his mind."
Well, it's not that!

And I'm not daydreaming either.

Well, alright. Alright.
So, what do you want to do about it?

- Data. I want to see Data.
- Data? Why?

- Because I think he can help.
- Help how?

I don't know! I want to see Data.

Well, OK then.
Alright, let's go see Data.

- He's still at Cambridge, isn't he?
- Yes, I think he is.

- You see them, don't you?
- See who?

They're everywhere.
They're laughing at me.

Why are they laughing?

Come on, Captain. Let's go see Data.

Yes. Data.

We'll go see Data.

I know how it sounds,
but it happened.

It was real. I was there,
back on board the Enterprise.

- How do you like your tea?
- Tea? Earl Grey, hot.

Course it's hot.
What do you want in it?


Well, Data, I must say,
this is a fine place you have here.

They certainly treat professors
very well at Cambridge.

Holding the Lucasian Chair
does have its perquisites.

This was Sir Isaac Newton's house
when he held the position.

It has become
the traditional residence.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

If you're really his friend, get him
to take that grey out of his hair.

- Jessel...
- Looks like a bloody skunk.

She can be frightfully trying,
but she does make me laugh.

what is it with the hair anyway?

I found that a touch of grey
adds an air of distinction.

Earl Grey?
I'd swear this is Darjeeling.

Captain, how long has it been

since you have seen a doctor
about your Irumodic Syndrome?

A week.
They've prescribed peridaxon.

- But, sir, peridaxon...
- Yes, I know. It's not a cure.

Nothing can prevent the deterioration
of the synaptic pathways.

You think I'm senile,
that all this is just a delusion.

Now, come on, Captain.
No one said anything of the kind.

In all honesty, Captain,
the thought has occurred to me.

However, there is nothing
to disprove what you are saying.

So it is possible something
is happening to you.

The first thing we should do is run
a complete set of neurographic scans.

We can use the equipment
in the biometric lab.

Jessel, ask Professor Ripper to
take over my lecture for tomorrow.

Possibly for the week.

we'll get to the bottom of this.

That's the Data that I remember.
I knew that I could count on you.

Commanding Officer,
Enterprise arriving.

"To Capt Jean-Luc Picard,
stardate 41148..."

" are hereby required
to take command..."

" take command of
the USS Enterprise as of this date."

"Signed, Rear Admiral Norah Satie,
Starfleet Command."

Red alert!
All crew to battle stations.

You heard him! Move!

Personal log, stardate 41153. 7.

Recorded under
security lockout Omega 327.

I have decided not to inform
this crew of my experiences.

If I have travelled to the past,

I cannot risk giving them
foreknowledge of what's to come.


We've completed a full subspace scan
of the ship and surrounding space.

We've detected
no unusual readings or anomalies.

With due respect, sir, it would help
if we knew what we were looking for.

Noted. Counsellor, do you sense
anything unusual on board?

Perhaps an alien presence
that doesn't belong here,

maybe operating on a level of
intelligence superior to our own?

No, sir. I'm only aware of the crew
and the families on board the ship.

Mr Worf, initiate a level-two
security alert, all decks,

until further notice.

With respect, sir,
I'm the Security Chief on this ship.

Unless you're planning
to make a change.

No, of course not.
Lieutenant, security alert two.

Aye, sir.

- Capt Picard to the bridge.
- On our way, Chief.

Sir, Starfleet just issued an alert.

A number of vessels are moving
toward the Neutral Zone.

What kind of vessels?

Freighters, transports.
All civilians. No Starfleet ships.

This says that a large spatial
anomaly has appeared

in the Neutral Zone,
in the Devron system.

Captain, it could be a Romulan trick

to lure us into the Neutral Zone
as an excuse for a military strike.

Our mission to Farpoint is cancelled
and we're to go to the Neutral Zone.

- No, we'll proceed to Farpoint.
- Sir?

You heard me.

Captain, the security of
the Federation could be at stake.

- Mr Worf, man your station.
- Aye, sir.

Captain, perhaps if we understood
your thinking. If you explained...

I have no intention of explaining.
We proceed to Farpoint as planned.

Chief, are you having a problem
with the warp plasma inducers?

- That's right.
- I know how to get them on line.

We'll be in Main Engineering.

Mr O'Brien,

use these specifications to bypass
the secondary plasma inducer.

This isn't exactly
my area of expertise.

The Chief Engineer should make
these modifications.

But he isn't on board. Mr O'Brien,
trust me. I know you can do it.

All those years you spent as a child
building model starship engines?

They were worth it.

- How did you know that, sir?
- From your Starfleet records.

Yes, sir. I'll get right to it.

Fletcher, tell Munoz and Lee
to get up here right away.

- Aye, sir.
- We have to realign the power grid.

We'll be burning the midnight oil.

- That would be inadvisable.
- Excuse me?

If you attempt to ignite petroleum
on this ship at 0000 hours,

you will activate
the fire-suppression system.

- That was just an expression.
- Expression of what?

A figure of speech.

I was trying to tell him
that we'd be working late.

"To burn the midnight oil"
implies late work?

That's right.

I am curious.
What is the etymology of that idiom?

How did it come to be used
in contemporary language?

I don't know, sir.

Cmdr Data, welcome on board.

It's so very good to see you.

It is good to see you, too, sir.

I could use your help
with the infuser array.


We're having problems
with the plasma conduits.

This will need a completely new
field-induction subprocessor.

It appears we will be required to
ignite the midnight petroleum, sir.

Jean-Luc, what's going on?

- It happened again.
- A time shift?


What happened?

It's still a little vague,
but I can remember more this time.

It seems that
every time I shift periods,

I can retain more memory.

At first, it appeared that I was
in the future, years from now,

and then I was in the past
just before our first mission.

What is it?

I scanned his temporal lobe

and compared it with a scan
I performed a few minutes before.

There's a 13-percent increase in
the acetylcholine of the hippocampus.

Within minutes, you've accumulated
two days' worth of memories.

You remember when I first
came on board the Enterprise?


What happened
after the welcoming ceremony?

There was a reception in ten-forward.
I introduced the senior officers.

Do you have any memory
of my calling red alert?

Do you remember us being diverted
from Farpoint to the Neutral Zone?

- To investigate a spatial anomaly?
- No.

There is a discontinuity between
the time periods you described.

Events in one time period
have no effect on the other two.

Yet in both past and present, there
is an anomaly in the Devron system.

I can't believe that's a coincidence.

I may find the same thing
in the future.

Perhaps it's a temporal disturbance.

How is this related
to your time shifting?

These are important questions,

and perhaps I will find answers
to them in the past,

but now we have a threat
from the Romulans.

I want all departments

to present a battle-readiness report
by 0800 hours. Dismissed.

Deanna, it's gonna be a late night.
Would you like dinner first?

Actually, I... We have plans.

I see. I'm sorry.
See you in the morning.

- Goodnight, sir.
- Worf.

I want subspace sweeps. We might
detect a temporal disturbance.

- Aye, sir.
- Will, this time shifting.

When it happens I experience
a momentary disorientation.

If that should happen during a
crisis, take command immediately.

Number One?

I'm sorry. Be prepared
to take command. Aye, sir.

Speaking of disorientation,
are you alright?

I'm just a little distracted.
I'm fine.

You have the bridge.
I'll be in my ready room.


Milk, warm, a dash of nutmeg.

What's this?

A prescription. Warm milk and
eight hours' uninterrupted sleep.

- Beverly...
- Doctor's orders.

You're exhausted.

I don't know if you've slept
in the past or in the future,

but I'm sure you haven't slept
in the present.

Get some rest, or I'll have you
relieved and sedated.

Yes, sir.



As a physician, it's often my job
to give people unpleasant news,

to tell them they need surgery,
or they can't have children,

or that they might be facing
a difficult illness.

But you said yourself,
this is only a possibility.

But you've been to the future.
You know it's going to happen.

I prefer to look on the future
as something not written in stone.

A lot of things
can happen in 25 years.

A lot of things can happen.



- Captain, wake up.
- Yes...

What is it?

Have we reached the Neutral Zone?

The Neutral Zone?

Sorry. I was in the past again.

What's going on?

Data's arranged to run tests on you
in the biometrics lab.

We're ready if you are.

No. We have to get
to the Neutral Zone.

The Neutral Zone?


In the other two time periods,
Starfleet reported a...

A sort of a spatial anomaly in...

In the Devron system. In the Devron
system in the Neutral Zone!


If the anomaly appeared there
in the past, it might be here, too.

Because you saw it in two other
time frames,

doesn't mean it'll be here.

But if it is here,
then it means something!

Damn it, Geordi!
I know what we have to do!

Alright. OK.

But first, there is no Neutral Zone.

- Remember?
- Right.

The Klingons in this time period

have taken over the Romulan Empire.

Relations between us and the Klingons
aren't too cosy.

I know that!
I haven't completely lost my mind!

Well, if we're going
to the Devron system...

...we're gonna need a ship.

Right now...

...I think it's time
to call in some old favours.

Contact Admiral Riker,
Starbase 247.

Jean-Luc, I'd like to help,
but you're asking for the impossible.

The Klingons have closed their
borders to Federation starships.

Will, what if this anomaly
really is in the Devron system?

I saw a report from Intelligence
this morning on that sector.

There is no activity.

There is nothing unusual going on
in the Devron system.

I don't believe it! What if
their long-range scans are faulty?

We have to see for ourselves!

I've got the Yorktown
out near the border.

I'll have her run long-range scans
in the Devron system.

If she finds anything, I'll tell you.

That is just not good enough!

It's going to have to be.
I'm sorry. Riker out.

Computer, restore holographic image.

Damn him, anyway.

After all we've been through

He's been sitting behind that desk
too long.

Captain, I'm sorry.

All we can do now is wait and see
if the Yorktown finds anything.

There is another option.

We could arrange passage
aboard a medical ship.

- Medical ship?
- Yes, sir.

There has been
Terrellian plague on Romulus.

The Klingons will allow Federation
medical ships to cross the border.


So, what we need now
is a medical ship.

I think I can arrange that.
Data, find the USS Pasteur.

I have some pull with the Captain.

At least, I used to have.

This is a page from the past.

I never thought I'd see either of you
on a starship again.

- Hello, Doctor.
- Geordi.

- Doctor.
- Data.

- Let's just choose one.
- Alright.

So, did you get my message?

Yes. Jean-Luc. Crossing
into Klingon territory, it's absurd.

- But I never could say no to you.
- So that's why you married me.

The first order of business

is to get clearance
to cross the Klingon border.

Agreed. What about Worf?

Yes! That's it! Worf! Yes, that's
the answer. Worf will help us.

Data, is he still a member
of the Klingon High Council?

I'm not sure.

Information on Klingon political
structure is scarce these days.

However, at last report,
Worf was governor of H'atoria,

a small Klingon colony
near the border.

- Capt Picard.
- Yes.

McKinley Station wants to know
when we'll be docking.

Tell them we've been called away
on a priority mission.

Aye, sir.

So, you kept the name?

Your quarters are on deck five.
Get some rest.

No, I'm fine.

Nell, please escort the Ambassador
to his quarters.

You're treating me
as if I am an invalid.

I do have a few years left in me yet.

I do not want to be led around
and I do not want to be patronised.

You're right. I'm sorry.

Now, I'll go and get some rest.

How long since
his last neurological scan?

I'm not sure.

But I wouldn't suggest it.

He says he's not taking
any more damned tests.

Do you really think
he's moving through time?

I'm not sure I do either.

But he's Jean-Luc Picard,
and if he wants to go

on one more mission,
that's what we're going to do.

We'll find the anomaly.

I know we will.


We're nearing
the coordinates you gave me.

Is there anything unusual
in the vicinity, Mr Data?

How would you define unusual, sir?

Every region of space has unique
properties found nowhere else.

There should be a barrier
of some sort nearby.

A large plasma field,
highly disruptive.

Nothing, sir.

This is the right time,
the right place.

He should be here now.

Who, sir?

Q! We're here!

This has gone on long enough.

do you sense an alien presence?

No, sir.

What is a Q?

It's a letter of the alphabet,
as far as I know.

I don't understand.

This is not the way
it's supposed to happen.

Maintain this position.
I'll be in my ready room.

Mon capitaine!
I thought you'd never get here.

Q! I knew it! What's going on?

It's Judge Q to you. And
isn't it obvious what's going on?

The last time that I stood here
was seven years ago.

Seven years ago.

How little you mortals understand
time. Must you be so linear?

You accused me of being
the representative of

a barbarous species.

I believe my exact words were
"a dangerous, savage child-race."

We demonstrated to you that mankind
had become peaceful and benevolent.

You agreed and let us on our way.
Why am I standing here again?!

You'd like me to connect
the dots for you, from A to B to C,

so that your puny mind
could comprehend?

How boring!

They'd be more entertained
if you just tried to figure it out.

I'll answer any ten questions
that call for a "yes" or a "no."


Are you putting mankind
on trial again?


Is there any connection
between the trial seven years ago

- And what's happening now?
- I'd have to say yes.

The spatial anomaly
in the Neutral Zone,

is it related to what's going on?

Most definitely yes!

Is it part of a Romulan plot,
a ploy to start a war?

No and no.

- Five down!
- That's only four.

"Is it a Romulan plot?
Is it a ploy to start a war?"

Those are separate questions.

Did you create the anomaly?

No, no, no!

You'll be so surprised when you
realise where it came from,

if you ever figure it out.

Are you responsible
for my shifting through time?

I'll answer that question
if you promise not to tell anyone.

- Yes!
- Why?

That's not a "yes" or " no" question.

You forfeit
the rest of your questions.

I expected as much.
You're such a limited creature.

A perfect example
of why we made our decision.

The trial never ended, Captain.
We never reached a verdict.

But now we have. You're guilty!

- Guilty of what?
- Of being inferior.

Seven years ago, I said we'd be
watching you and we have been,

hoping your ape-like race
would show some growth,

give some indication that
your minds had room for expansion.

But what have we seen instead?

You worrying
about Cmdr Riker's career,

listening to Counsellor Troi's
pedantic psychobabble,

indulging Data in his
witless exploration of humanity.

We've journeyed to countless
new worlds, contacted new species,

expanded our understanding
of the universe.

In your paltry, limited way. You have
no idea how far you still have to go.

But instead of using the last
seven years to change and grow,

you have squandered them.

We are what we are,
and we're doing the best we can.

It is not for you to set the
standards by which we are judged.

But it is, and we have.

Time may be eternal,
but our patience is not.

It's time to put an end
to your trek through the stars,

make room
for other more worthy species.

You're going to deny us
travel through space?


You obtuse piece of flotsam.

You're to be denied existence.

Humanity's fate has been sealed.
You will be destroyed.

Q, I do not believe that
even you are capable of such an act.

I? There you go again.
Always blaming me for everything.

This time, I'm not your enemy.

I'm not the one that causes the
annihilation of mankind. You are.

- Me?
- That's right!

You're doing it right now.

You did it before
and you'll do it yet again.

What meaningless double-talk is this?

He doesn't understand!

I have only myself to blame,
I suppose.

I believed in you.
I thought you had potential.

Apparently, I was wrong.

May whatever god you believe in...

...have mercy on your soul.

This court stands adjourned.

Commander, assemble the senior staff
and go to red alert.

We have a bigger problem
than I thought.

Red alert!

I don't believe him. This has to be
another one of Q's games.

He's probably laughing at us now,
watching us jump through his hoops.

Normally, I'd agree.

But this time,
I feel that it is different.

There was a deadly earnestness
about him.

I think he's serious.
Which means, in some fashion,

I am going to be the cause
of the destruction of humanity.

Didn't Q say you
already had caused it?

And that you were causing it now?

Given that there is a discontinuity

between the three time periods
the Captain has visited,

Q's statement may be accurate,
if confusing.

So, what do I do? Lock myself
in a room in each time period?

Maybe not acting is what causes
the destruction of mankind.

What if you were needed on the bridge
and weren't there?

We can't second-guess ourselves.

We should proceed normally and deal
with each situation as it occurs.

Agreed. I've been thinking
about my conversation with Q.

He admitted that he was responsible
for my shifting through time.

Now, it occurred to me that...

...he might be giving me a chance,
somehow, to save humanity.

What makes you say that?

He's always had a fascination
with humanity, me in particular.

He has more than a passing
interest in what happens to me.

That is true. Q's interest in you
has always been similar

to that of a master
and his beloved pet.

- That was only an analogy.
- Capt Picard.

- Go ahead.
- We're approaching the Neutral Zone.

We're on our way.

All stop. Initiate long-range scans.

Captain, there are
four warbirds holding position

on the Romulan side
of the Neutral Zone.

Federation Starships Concord and
Bozeman hold position on our side.

A face-off. The question is,
who's going to move first?

We are.
Mr Worf, hail the Romulan flagship.

The warbird Tyrex is responding.

Capt Picard.

Hello, Worf. It's been a long time.

It is good to see you again.

- Have you read our request?
- Yes.

But you must realise I am no longer
a member of the High Council.

But surely you still have influence.
We have to get into the Neutral Zone.

- Can you get us across the border?
- I must refuse.

It is for your own safety. The
Neutral Zone is extremely volatile.

If Admiral Riker had given you
a ship with a cloak, you'd be safe.

It is hard to believe that even he
would refuse to help you.

I don't care
what kind of ship we go in!

We have to get to the Devron system.

I am sorry.
My first duty is to the Empire.

I must adhere to regulations.

I know that I am an old man
and I am out of touch,

but the Worf that I remember was more
concerned with honour and loyalty

than rules and regulations.

But that was a long time ago.

Maybe you're not the Worf I knew.

You have always used your knowledge
of Klingon honour

to get what you want from me.

Because it always works, Worf!

Your problem is that you really do
have a sense of honour

and you do care
about trust and loyalty.

Don't blame me
for knowing you so well.

Very well. You may cross the border.

But only if I come with you. I am
familiar with the Neutral Zone.

Terms accepted.

Inform transporter room two
to beam the Governor aboard.

I must make one thing very clear.

If we run into serious opposition,

I'm taking us back
to Federation space.

We aren't well armed
and wouldn't last long in a fight.

Governor Worf is aboard, Captain.

Alright. Set a course
for the Devron system, warp 13.

Once more for old times' sake?


Engage to where, sir?

Set a course for the Devron system
and engage at warp nine.

The Devron system
is inside the Neutral Zone, sir.

I'm aware of that. Carry on, Chief.

Captain, may I have a word
with you in private?

Yes, of course. Contact Farpoint.
I wish to speak to Cmdr Riker.

Aye, sir.

Captain, I just wanted
to voice my concerns

about the way the crew is responding
to your unexpected orders.

They don't trust me.
They think I'm behaving erratically.

Some do. Others are confused.

It takes time for a crew
to know their captain

and for him to know them.

I understand, but I know
what this crew is capable of,

even if they don't.

It would also help
if they knew what was going on.

It's difficult operating in the dark,
but right now I have no other choice.

Yar to Capt Picard.
I have Cmdr Riker for you.

Excuse me. Put him through here.

Cmdr Riker, we will be delayed
picking you up at Farpoint.

I see. May I ask how long?

I can't say. I'll keep you updated.

Will you inform Dr Crusher
and Lt La Forge?

Understood. Riker out.

Is there anything else, Counsellor?

Actually, sir, there is.

I was debating whether to mention it
and perhaps...

It's about Cmdr Riker.

What about him?

I think you should know that he and I
have had a prior relationship.

I see. Do you think this
will interfere with your duties?

Not at all. It happened several years
ago and it's well behind both of us.

- I thought you should know.
- I appreciate your telling me.

But I'm sure you two will find
a way to handle the situation.

Thank you, sir.

Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

That beverage is not programmed
into the replication system.

So, how long shall we stare at each
other across the Neutral Zone?

There is an alternative, Tomalak.
We each know why we're here.

We could each send one ship
into the Neutral Zone

to investigate the anomaly
in the Devron system.

Has Starfleet approved
this arrangement?

- No.
- I like it already.

Agreed! One from each side. But if
another Federation ship enters...

There is no need for threats.
We each know the consequences.

Very well. I'll see you
in the Devron system.

Helm, set a course
for the Devron system, warp five.

- Aye, sir.
- Engage.

Sensors are picking up a large
subspace anomaly directly ahead.

All stop. On screen.

- Full scan, Mr Data.
- Aye, sir.

We have to get as much information
as possible about that anomaly.

We are approaching the Devron system.

Sensors are picking up a large
subspace anomaly directly ahead.

All stop. On screen.

Then it is larger in the past.

- Sir?
- Nothing.

- Full scan, Mr Data.
- Aye, sir.

On screen! On screen! Let's see it!

As you can see, sir,
there is nothing there.

Still nothing, Captain.

I have conducted a full sensor sweep
out to one light year.

No temporal anomalies,
no particle fluctuations, nothing.

It was here in the other two time
periods. Why isn't it here now?

I have been monitoring Klingon
communications channels.

Several warships
have been dispatched to this sector

to search
for a renegade Federation vessel.

You're not leaving?

- There's nothing here, Jean-Luc.
- But there has to be!

Data, is there another way
to scan for disturbances?

Something not covered
in a normal sensor sweep?

There are other methods of
detecting temporal disturbances

but we're limited
by the Pasteur's equipment.

We should head back
to Federation territory.

However, it may be possible
to modify the main deflector

to emit an inverse tachyon pulse
to scan beyond the subspace barrier.

Make it so.

Wait a minute!
Data, how long would this take?

To make the modifications and search
the entire Devron system? 14 hours.

Alright, Data,
begin to modify the tachyon pulse.

Ensign, lay in a course
back to the Federation.

We'll stay here for six hours then
we're heading back, maximum warp.

But six hours may not be enough.

We have to stay here till we find it,
no matter how long it takes.

Carry out my orders.
May I see you a moment?

I cannot believe
you're not willing...

Don't ever question my orders
on the bridge of my ship again!

Damn it, I was just trying to...

There are larger concerns.
You don't understand...

You would never tolerate
that behaviour on the Enterprise,

and I won't here.

I don't care if you're my ex-captain
or my ex-husband!

You're right. I was out of line.
It won't happen again.

But you have to understand
what is at stake here!

Q said all of humanity
will be destroyed!

I know. That's why I've allowed us
to stay longer and keep looking.

But I also want you
to allow for the possibility

that none of what you're saying
is real.


Jean-Luc, I care for you too much
not to tell you the truth.

You have advanced Irumodic Syndrome.

It's possible
that all of this is in your mind.

I'll stay here six hours longer
and then we're heading home.

I want you to remember...

...if it were anyone else but you,
we wouldn't even be here.

What was that she said, sonny?
I couldn't quite hear her.


What is going on here?
Where is the anomaly?

Where's your mommy?

- Well, I don't know.
- Answer me!

There is an answer, Jean-Luc.
But I can't hand it to you.

- Although you do have help.
- What help?

You're not alone, you know.

What you were, and what you are to
become will always be with you.

My time shifting. The answer
does lie there, doesn't it?

Now, tell me one thing.

This anomaly we're looking for,
will that destroy humanity?

You're forgetting, Jean-Luc.

You destroy humanity.

By doing what? When? How can...?

Report, Mr Data.

The anomaly is 200 million kilometres
in diameter.

It is a highly focused
temporal-energy source

emitting approximately the energy
output of ten G-type stars.

What is the source of this energy?

I am uncertain, sir. Sensors
cannot penetrate the anomaly.

What if we modify the main deflector
to emit an inverse tachyon pulse?

That might scan
beyond the subspace barrier.

That might give us some idea
of what the interior looks like.

That is a most intriguing idea, sir.

I do not believe a tachyon beam
was ever used in such a way.

I had no idea you were so versed in
the intricacies of temporal theory.

I have some friends who are
well versed in it. Make it so.

I believe we can make the necessary
modifications in Main Engineering.

We'd get more power routeing the
primary EPS taps to the deflector.


Initiating tachyon pulse.

OK. The pulse is holding steady.
We're receiving data from the scan.

It will take the computer time to get
a complete picture of the interior.

I suggest we...
Geordi? What is wrong?

I don't know. It's like somebody's
sticking an ice pick in my temples.

My visor's picking up all kinds
of electromagnetic fluctuations.

Data to sickbay. Medical emergency.

This is amazing.

The DNA in his optic nerves
is regenerating.

Geordi, it's as if
you're growing new eyes.

- How is this possible?
- It shouldn't be possible at all.

There's no medical explanation
for spontaneous organ regeneration.

Doctor, we've had reports
from two crew members

who say they have old scars
which are healing themselves.

Captain, I believe I have
a partial explanation.

I have completed my analysis
of the anomaly.

It appears to be a multi-phasic
temporal convergence

- In the space-time continuum.
- In English, Data.

It is, in essence,
an eruption of anti-time.


A relatively new concept
in temporal mechanics.

The relationship
between anti-time and normal time

is analogous to that between
antimatter and normal matter.

So, if time and anti-time
were to collide...?

They would annihilate one another
causing a rupture in space.

I believe this happened
in the Devron system.

The rupture may be sending out
waves of temporal energy

which are disrupting
the normal flow of time.

What could have caused this collision
of time and anti-time?

Anti-time, sir?

If you modify the deflectors to
send out an inverse tachyon pulse,

you'll find that the anomaly is a
rupture between time and anti-time.

A fascinating hypothesis. How did...?

I don't have time to discuss it.

Do the modifications, send the pulse,

then theorise as to
what caused this rupture.

Mr O'Brien,
how large is this anomaly?

Approximately 400 million kilometres
in diameter, sir.

I don't understand
why it's bigger in the past.

Lieutenant, you have the bridge.
I'll be in my ready room.

Aye, sir.

- What's going on?
- We're under attack.

Shield strength down to 52 percent.
Minor damage to the port nacelle.

Two Klingon attack cruisers
decloaking, port and starboard.

- Warp speed. Get us out of here!
- Warp power is off line, sir.

Heading 148, mark 215. Full impulse.

Impulse power fluctuating.
Shields at 30 percent.

Weapons status?

These weapons are no match
for their shields.

we need more warp power, now.

I'm trying. They're too much for us.
I can't keep the inducers on line.

Shields at nine percent.
One more hit and they'll collapse.

- Open a channel.
- Open.

This is Capt Beverly Picard.

We are a medical ship on a mission
of mercy. Please break off all...

Worf, signal our surrender.

Our shields have collapsed.
We are defenceless.

Captain, another ship is decloaking.
Bearing 215, mark 310.

It is the Enterprise.

- They are hailing us.
- On screen.

I knew you wouldn't listen to me.

Stand by. I'll see if I can get
the Klingons' attention.

The Enterprise is drawing their fire.

Damage report.

The warp core's badly damaged.
There's a breach in progress.

We have to stop it!

The Klingon ship is disengaging.
Admiral Riker is hailing us.

Sensors indicate
you have a warp-core breach.

Prepare to beam out.

All the Pasteur's crew are on board.

- Where are the Klingons?
- Still moving off, sir.

- Half a light year away.
- They'll be back.

As I said, I figured you
wouldn't take no for an answer.

But I thought you had more sense

than to send a defenceless ship into
hostile territory with no escort.

If you had not refused the Captain,
none of this would have happened.

Unlike you, I still have a sense
of honour and loyalty.

We don't have time for this! The
Pasteur's core is going to breach!

Take us out of here. Full impulse.

Alright, let's get out of here.

No, Will, we can't!
We have to save humanity.

Engage cloak.

We took a hit to a plasma coil.
Our cloak isn't functioning.

It'll be seven hours
before we can cloak again.

Do it the old-fashioned way.
Head for Federation space, warp 13.

Don't leave! We have to find out
what's causing the temporal anomaly.

We can't stay, Captain.

We have to! Everything depends
on it! We can't leave now!

Please, listen to me!

Your visual acuity's improving
by the hour, Geordi.

I'm sorry, Alyssa.
May I take another look.

You'll have a little tenderness for
a few days. That's to be expected.

Jean-Luc. I'll be right back, Alyssa.

Alyssa lost the baby.

I think it's the same phenomenon
that affected Geordi.

Somehow, the temporal energy
from the anomaly

caused the foetal tissue to revert
to an earlier stage of development.

It's as if the unborn child
began to grow younger

- Until the DNA began to break down.
- How is she?

Physically, she's fine for now.

But if this temporal reversion
continues, none of us will be fine.

So, this is affecting
the entire crew?

Our cellular structures
appear to be coalescing,

reverting to earlier forms.

In some cases,
it has caused old injuries to heal,

but the effect is only temporary.
Eventually, it may kill all of us.

We must find out
how widespread the effect is.

Contact Starbase 23,
that's the nearest outpost.

Have them check personnel
for signs of temporal reversion.

Mr Data, how close are you
to completing the tachyon scan?

One hour, 45 minutes, sir.

When it's done,
I want to find some way

of collapsing this anomaly
without making things worse.

Give me a risk analysis
of any solution you find.

- Aye, sir.
- Dismissed.

It's a pretty big decision, Jean-Luc.

Tinkering with an anomaly you know
nothing about, trying to collapse it.

Isn't that risky?

Why? Will that cause
the destruction of mankind?

Maybe. On the other hand,

maybe leaving it alone
would be the wrong thing to do.

It's a pretty big decision, alright.

Would it help to have
a different perspective?

- Welcome home.
- Home?

Don't you recognise
your old stomping grounds?

This is Earth, France,
three and a half billion years ago,

give or take an aeon or two.

Smells awful, doesn't it,
all that sulphur and volcanic ash?

- I really must speak to the maid.
- Q, is there any point to all this?


So, the anomaly is here, too,
at Earth.

At this point in history,

the anomaly fills
your entire quadrant of the galaxy.

The further back in time,
the larger the anomaly.

Come here.

There's something I want to show you.

You see this?

This is you. I'm serious!

Right here, life is about to form
on this planet for the first time.

A group of amino acids are about to
combine to form the first protein...

...the building blocks...

...of what you call life.

Strange, isn't it?

Everything you know,
your entire civilisation,

it all begins right here
in this little pond of goo.

Appropriate, somehow, isn't it?

Too bad you didn't bring
a microscope. It's fascinating.

Look! There they go.

The amino acids are moving closer,
and closer,

and closer.

Nothing happened.

See what you've done?

Are you saying
that I caused the anomaly...

...and the anomaly somehow disrupted
the beginnings of life on Earth?


Concentrate on how this anomaly
was initially formed. Speculation.

Our tachyon pulse has been unable
to completely penetrate the anomaly.

We need information on the centre
of the anomaly in order to speculate.

Can we scan the interior?

I've tried everything.
There's too much interference.

- Nothing on board can do the job.
- What could?

In theory,
a tomographic imaging scanner

with multiphasic resolution would be
able to penetrate such interference.

The Daystrom Institute
has been working on a device,

but it is still only theoretical.

Data, do we have a tomographic
imaging scanner?

Yes, sir.

Can you use it to scan
the anomaly's interior?


There is a lot of interference,
but I am getting some readings.

- This is very unusual.
- What is it?

Our tachyon pulse is converging
with two other tachyon pulses

in the centre of the anomaly.

The two other pulses have the exact
same amplitude modulation as our own.

It is as if all three
originated from the Enterprise.

Three pulses
from three time periods...

...converging at one point in space.

Captain, what are you suggesting?

Computer, where is Admiral Riker?

Admiral Riker is in ten-forward.

The ship has held up pretty well
over the years.

They tried to decommission her
five years ago.

One of the advantages of being an
Admiral is you choose your own ship.

Will, how long is this thing between
you and Worf going to go on?

It's been going on for over 20 years.
It doesn't look like it'll end soon.

The last thing
Troi would have wanted

is for the two of you
to be alienated.

I agree. I think it's time
to put it behind you.

I tried at Deanna's funeral.
He wouldn't even talk with me.

It might have been tough for him.
He took her death pretty hard.

Yeah? Well, he wasn't the only one.

I know, but I think in his mind,

you were the reason
he and Deanna never got together.

I never did anything
to stand in his way.

Didn't you, Will?

Did I?

I didn't want to admit
that it was over.

I always thought we'd get together
again. And then she was gone.

You think you have all the time
in the world, until...


Ensign, how do I get to ten-forward.

It's four decks down, sir.
Section 005.

Thank you.

My God!

Will! I know why it's happening,
what's causing the anomaly.

We have to go back.

The only place
we're going back to is bed.

Damn it, Will!
I know why it's happening.

We caused the anomaly
with the tachyon pulse!

It happened in three times. We did it
in three different time periods.

You better come with me.

Will you leave me alone?
Damn it, I'm not stupid!

The tachyon pulses were used in the
same spot in three different times.

Don't you see?
When the tachyon pulse... I mean...

I mean, when the Pasteur
used the tachyon pulse, then... We...

I mean, everything started, Will.

We set everything in motion.
It's like the chicken and the egg.

We think it started in the past,
but it didn't.

It started right here, in the future!

That's why
it's getting larger in the past.

I think I know what the Captain
is talking about.

If I am not mistaken,
he is describing a paradox.

- Yes, right. That's it.
- Intriguing.

It is possible we could have caused

the very anomaly
we have been looking for.

Let us assume that the Captain
has been travelling through time.

Let us also assume
he initiated a tachyon pulse

at the same coordinates
in all three time periods.

In that case, it is possible that the
convergence of three tachyon pulses

could have ruptured
the subspace barrier

- And created an anti-time reaction.
- I see where you're going, Data.

And because anti-time operates
opposite the way normal time does,

the effects would travel backwards
through space-time.

That's why it's larger in the past.
It grows as it travels back in time.

Alright. Say you're right.
What do we do?

Go back, Will, to the Devron system.

He may be right.

If we go back
to the Devron system now,

we might be able to see
the initial formation of the anomaly.

Riker to bridge. Set a course for
the Devron system. Maximum warp.

Worf, we could use a hand.

- Entering the Devron system, sir.
- Full stop.

Sensors are picking up a small
temporal anomaly off the port bow.

On screen.

- I was right!
- It's an anti-time eruption.

It was formed
within the last six hours.

We must stop it here, so it can't
travel back through time.

Mr Data, we need a solution
and we need it now.

It is being sustained by the tachyon
pulses in the other two time periods.

- I suggest shutting them down.
- The next time I'm there I'll do it.

Isn't there more we can do here?
Seal the rupture?

I will investigate the options.

Data, disengage the tachyon pulse.

- Sir?
- Do it!

The convergence of the tachyon
pulses is causing the anomaly.

Aye, sir.

Any change in the anomaly?

- No, sir.
- Disengage the tachyon pulse.

But we haven't finished the scan.

I know that. But you must
disengage the pulse immediately.

Aye, sir. Disengaging.

Why isn't the anomaly being affected?

Why would it be, sir?

I've shut off
the other tachyon pulses

- But it hasn't changed the anomaly.
- It remains unaffected here as well.

What do we do?

We have to repair
the rupture at the focal point

where time and anti-time converge.

How do we do that?

If we take the ship into the anomaly,

we could use the engines
to create a static warp shell.

Yeah, that's right.

The shell would act as a barrier
separating time and anti-time.

Collapsing the anomaly.

But it would have to be done
in the other two time periods.

But the anomaly is so
much larger in the other time periods

- It may be dangerous to go in.
- In where, sir?

Into the anomaly, Chief.

Lay in a course for the centre.
Transfer all power to the shields.

Sir, can you give us
some explanation?

No, I cannot.

Captain, so far we've obeyed every
order, no matter how far-fetched.

But if we're to risk the ship
and crew, we need an explanation.

I understand your concerns,

And if I were in your position,
I'd be doing the same thing,

Iooking for answers.

But you won't find any,
because I don't have any to give you.

I know it is difficult
for you to understand,

but we have to take the ship into
the very centre of the phenomenon

and create a static warp shell.

Now, this will put the ship at risk.

Quite frankly, we may not survive.

But you must believe I am doing this
for a greater purpose.

And that what is at stake is more
than any of you can possibly imagine.

I know you have your doubts
about me, about each other,

about this ship.

All I can say is, although we have
only been together for a short time,

I know that you are
the finest crew in the fleet,

and I would trust each of you
with my life.

So, I am asking you
for a leap of faith...

...and to trust me.

Shields up, maximum strength.

Boosting field integrity.

We may encounter
shearing forces in the anomaly.

Preparing to initiate
a static warp shell.

Course laid in, sir.

All decks ready, sir.

Take us in, Chief.

Captain, I have an idea.

If we take the ship
to the centre of the anomaly...

...and create a static warp shell,
it could collapse the anomaly.

Yes, sir.

Mr Data, you are a clever man,
in any time period.

Helm, lay in a course and prepare
to initiate a static warp shell.

Aye, sir.

The other two Enterprises
are on their way.

Very well. Ensign, take us in.

- We're entering the anomaly, sir.
- All hands, brace for impact.

Temporal energy interference.
Switching to...

...auxiliary power. It's hard
to keep the impulse engines on line.

Power fluctuations across the board.

Maintain course and speed.

- How long until we reach the centre?
- At least 30 seconds, sir.

We've entered the anomaly.

- We've reached the centre, sir.
- Initiate warp shell.

Initiating static warp shell now.

Is it working?

Something is happening.
A new subspace barrier is forming.

Sensors are picking up
two other ships.

Captain, it appears to be working.
The anomaly is beginning to collapse.

- Our warp containment is rupturing.
- We must eject the core.

No, we must maintain the shell
as long as possible.

We're losing containment, Captain!
I can't stop it. It's going to...

Route emergency power to the
antimatter containment system.

There's a lot of interference.

The warp shell is having an effect.
The anomaly is collapsing.

I can't hold it.
The containment system is going.

Maintain your position, Mr La...!

The other ships have been destroyed.

- Two down, one to go.
- Data, report!

- It has nearly collapsed.
- Losing containment.

Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna
miss you. You had such potential.

But all good things
must come to an end.

Containment field is at critical.
I'm losing it!

The Continuum didn't think you had it
in you, Jean-Luc, but I knew you did.

Are you saying that it worked?
We collapsed the anomaly?

Is that all this meant to you?

Just another anomaly,
another day at the office!

Did it work?

Well, you're here, talking to me,
aren't you?

What about my crew?

"The anomaly. My ship. My crew."

I suppose you're worried
about your fish, too.

Well, if it puts your mind at ease,
you've saved humanity, once again.

Thank you.

For what?

You had a hand
in helping me get out of this.

I was the one that got you into it.
A directive from the Continuum.

The part about the helping hand,
though, was my idea.

I sincerely hope this is the last
time that I find myself here.

You just don't get it, do you,

The trial never ends.

We wanted to see if you could
expand your mind and your horizons.

And for one brief moment, you did.

- When I realised the paradox.
- Exactly.

For that one fraction of a second,

you were open to options
you had never considered.

That is the exploration
that awaits you.

Not mapping stars
and studying nebulae,

but charting the unknown
possibilities of existence.

What is it that you
are you trying to tell me?

You'll find out.

In any case, I'll be watching.

And if you're very lucky, I'll drop
by to say hello from time to time.

See you out there.

Captain, are you alright?

- Mr Worf, what's the date?
- Stardate 47988.

- Is something wrong, sir?
- No.


I think I'll get back to bed.

I could use some sleep.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Starfleet Command
reports no unusual activity

along the Neutral Zone and there
is no sign of a temporal anomaly.

It would appear
I am the only crew member

to retain any knowledge
of the events.

- Take it!
- Any time, Doctor.

Four hands in a row.
How does he do it?

I cheat.

I'm kidding!

You know, I was thinking about what
the Captain told us about the future,

about how we all changed
and drifted apart.

Why would he want to tell us
what's to come?

Goes against everything
about not polluting the timeline.

I believe this situation is unique.

Since the anomaly did not occur,

there have already been changes
in this timeline.

The future we experience will be
different from what he encountered.

Maybe that's why he told us.

Knowing that future
allows us to change things now,

so that some things never happen.


Come in.

- Am I too late?
- Of course not. Pull up a chair.

Five-card draw. Deuces wild.

Come in.

Is there a problem, sir?

No, I just thought that I might...

...I might join you this evening,
if there's room.

Of course. Have a seat.

- Would you care to deal, sir?
- Thank you, Mr Data.

Actually, I used to be quite
a card player in my youth, you know.

I should have done this
a long time ago.

You were always welcome.

So, five-card stud, nothing wild,

and the sky's the limit.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.