Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994): Season 7, Episode 23 - Emergence - full transcript

Strange images begin appearing throughout the ship's decks and holodecks. Data and the rest of the crew begin to investigate only to discover that the ship's computer itself is exhibiting the strange behavior as it begins to becom...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
DATA: Graves at my command
have wak'd their sleepers,

op'd, and let 'em forth
by my so potent art.

But this rough magic I here abjure,
and, when l have requir'd

some heavenly music,
which even now l do,

to work mine end upon their senses,
that this airy charm is for,

I'll break my staff,
bury it certain fathoms in the earth,

and deeper than did ever
plummet sound, I'll...


Sir, your attention is wandering.

Data, I can barely see you.

But, sir, I am supposed
to be attempting

a Neo-Platonic magical rite.

The darkness is appropriate
for such a ritual.

Yes, but, Data, this is a play.
The audience has to see you.

Hmm. Perhaps I have been too literal
with respect to my set design.

modify holodeck program Data-73.

Shakespeare's The Tempest,
Act 5, Scene 1 .

Increase torchlight by 20 percent.


There, that's much better.
Now, do you want to try it again?

Yes, sir.

Captain, l am not certain
I fully understand

this Prospero character.

I would appreciate
any insight you might have

that would improve my performance.

Well, Data,
Shakespeare was witnessing

the end of the Renaissance
and the birth of the modern era.

And Prospero
finds himself in a world

where his powers
are no longer needed.

So we see him here
about to perform one final creative act

before giving up his art forever.

There is certainly a tragic aspect
to the character.

Yes, but there's, uh,
a certain expectancy too.

A hopefulness about the future.

You see, Shakespeare enjoyed
mixing opposites.

The past and the future.

Hope and despair.

Data, what is this?
Is this part of your program?

No, sir.

Well, what is going on?

It appears to be a steam locomotive.

A train?

If I am not mistaken.

Computer, end program.


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
ofthe starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.


You are injured.

Oh, yes, l know.
It's all right. I will get it seen to, Data.

The train we encountered

was from one of Dr. Crusher's
holodeck programs.

It was a re-creation
of the Orient Express,

a train which traveled
from Paris to Istanbul

from the late 1 9th century until--

Yes, yes, Data,
I know about the Orient Express,

but what is it doing
on Prospero's island?

There appears to have been
a malfunction

in the holodeck's
database retrieval program.

The two programs somehow
temporarily linked together.

Is it possible that this malfunction

would affect
the other holodecks as well?

It is a possibility.

I will need to run a full diagnostic
to be certain.

Very good, Data, but shut down
the other holodecks as well

until you're finished,
just to be on the safe side.

Aye, sir.

PICARD: I never realized
that you were interested in trains.

Are you aware that at its peak,

the Orient Express carried
more than 1 0,000 people a year?

It isn't really the train itself
that I'm interested in.

- What then?
- It's the experience.

The Orient Express
is romantic, mysterious.

It's an elegant way to see exotic places
and meet fascinating people.

Do you know
that one time on one trip,

both Sigmund Freud
and Gertrude Stein

just happened
to be in the same car?

They ended up
having dinner together every night.

I wonder what they talked about.

Well, why don't you take a trip yourself
and find out?

RlKER [OVER COM : Riker to Picard.
- Picard here.

RlKER: AIl sections ready
to begin the survey, sir.

Very good. I'm on my way.

Thank you.

Don't forget the trip, Jean-Luc.
Think about it.

You never know who you'll meet
on the Orient Express.

Captain's log, stardate 47869.2.

After weathering
an unexpected magnascopic storm

in the Mekorda sector,
we are continuing our search

for new Federation colony sites.

I don't think there's any possibility
of developing sites in this region.

Most of the stars
are main-sequence binaries.

There are no M-class planets.

Well, let's move on
to another survey region.

Have stellar cartography begin a--


Mr. Data, report.

The ship has moved into warp, sir.

Who gave that command?

Apparently, no one.

Helm and navigation controls
are not functioning.

Our speed is now warp 7.3
and holding.

Picard to Engineering.

Mr. La Forge, what's going on?

We've lost helm control
on the Bridge.

I don't understand it.

The impulse systems suddenly cut out
and the warp drive just kicked in.

RlKER: Geordi, can you take
the engines off-line?

I'm working on it.

Mr. Data, what's our heading?

Bearing 1 87 mark 4, sir.

I am unable to determine
our destination.

However, we are moving away
from the Mekorda sector.

LA FORGE: Captain, the computer's
locked out all propulsion controls.

I can't access any of the overrides.

If you want us to stop,

I'll have to do
an emergency core shutdown.

That would leave us without
warp power for more than a week.

Begin the procedure, Mr. La Forge.


We are no longer at warp, sir.

Impulse power has resumed,
all systems show normal.

Where are we?

We are approximately
30 billion kilometers

from our original position.

Well done, Mr. La Forge.

It wasn't me.

I didn't have time to complete
the shutdown procedure.

Well, I want an explanation,
Mr. La Forge.

Picard out.

Have you found anything yet?

Only that we seem to have
more than one mystery here.

We still don't know
why the ship jumped into warp,

but it looks like
we're lucky that it did.

There was a data flux distortion
building up around the ship.

Why didn't our sensors alert us?

Well, our sensors were never designed
to detect data flux distortions,

and yet there is a record
of the distortion in our sensor log.

That's the other mystery.

One fact is clear, however.

The distortion was growing
in strength.

If we had remained at our
original position 1 .7 seconds longer,

the distortion would have ruptured
our warp core.

If the Enterprise hadn't jumped
into warp when it did,

we would have been
blown to pieces.

I don't get it, Data.

What would cause the engines
to suddenly jump into warp?

Perhaps the engines were activated
by a random power fluctuation.

Which occurred just in time
to save the ship?

It is improbable, but it is possible.

I don't know, I don't think
I'm ready to start believing in luck.


There is another possibility.

Yeah? What's that?

Sensors apparently detected
a dangerous anomaly

that threatened the Enterprise.

It is possible
that they triggered a safety device

that caused the ship
to avoid destruction.

Yeah, but there's no direct link

between the warp engines
and the sensors.


Whoa. What is that?

It looks like some kind
of new circuit node.

And it's connected to at least
half a dozen points

on the sensor array.

It appears to be connected
to several other systems as well,

including the warp control circuits.

Well, I guess there's a connection
between the warp engines

and the sensors after all.

A force field.
Where did that come from?

I am not certain.
Perhaps it came from the node itself.

Well, wherever it came from,

it sure doesn't want us
messing with this node.

It appears to be protecting itself.

LA FORGE: We found these nodes
in several systems around the ship.

At some level or another,
they're all connected.

These nodes
were linking the sensors

to our warp control
and defensive systems.

We believe this is why
the ship jumped to warp.

When the sensors detected danger,

the defensive system
reacted to the threat

and activated the warp engines
to protect us.

Where did the nodes come from?

It is possible the magnascopic storm
we recently encountered

had an unexpected effect
on the ship's systems.

Wherever they come from,
they seem to be multiplying.

As they increase, it will become
progressively more difficult

to control the ship.

What do you propose we do?

Well, getting rid of them
isn't gonna be so easy.

When we attempted to examine
the circuitry of one of the nodes,

it generated a force field
to keep us out.

Well, whatever's going on,

our first priority is getting back
control of the ship.


All of the nodal connections
intersect in Holodeck 3.

It appears to be
a focal point of some kind.

We might be able to find a way
to use the holodeck circuitry

to disable the nodes permanently.

All right, let's do it.


Commander, the holodeck
appears to be in operation.

I thought you shut down
the entire system.

I did, but it has reactivated itself
and it will not disengage.

Which program is running?

Several different programs
are running simultaneously.

This should be interesting.


You weren't kidding, Mr. Data.

No, sir.

I estimate that this scene
consists of portions

of seven distinct holodeck programs.

See if you can access the circuits
that have been affected by the nodes.


Tickets. Tickets, please.

Please have your tickets ready.

Thank you, sir. Thank you, madam.

WOMAN 1 : Here you are.
- Thank you.

MAN 1 : Here you go.
- Thank you, sir.

Tickets, please.

You know, I've never even been
away from home.

Now I'm going all the way
to Vertiform City.

Very nice, sir. Enjoy your trip.

Tickets, please. Tickets.

Thank you, sir.

Tickets, please.

DATA: Commander.


I have located a large concentration
of nodes behind this wall.

They appear to be connected directly
to the holodeck's main power coupling.

All right, go ahead and depolarize
the entire power grid.

The power grid
is located beneath this deck, sir.

Get away from there.

Would you gentlemen
care to show me your tickets?

I believe we left our tickets
in our compartments.

Mr. Worf,
I told you to bring the tickets.

I, uh, forgot.

I don't think you folks
belong on this train.

Hold it.

You leave these people alone.
They're only trying to help.

You go back to the engine.
This doesn't concern you.

They're all trying to hijack the train.

Hey, if you're the engineer,
who's doing the driving?


I am.

Easy, sir, easy. I've got you.

Unh. I'm all right. Thanks.


Looks like the navigational relays




PICARD [OVER COM]: Geordi, what's
going on? We just went into warp.

LA FORGE: We've lost engine
and helm control again, captain.

But this time,
they're completely burned out.

I don't know if we can stop the ship.

I believe we have changed direction.

Now we're on the right track.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we are on our way.


I was right. He was trying
to make off with my brick.

Take good care of that.
We can't afford to lose it.

Now, are you people gonna leave,

or do we have to
throw you off the train?



According to my tricorder,

the holodeck safeties
have been disengaged.

His weapon could be lethal.

All right, let's get out of here.

The number of systems
now being affected by the nodes

has increased considerably.

Sensors, engines,
replicators, propulsion.

They are all working together now.

Almost independently
of the main computer.

And the nodes link them all
through the holodeck.

But why the holodeck?
It doesn't make any sense.

Commander, I believe what happens
on the holodeck

has direct effect on the ship.

When we attempted
to destroy the nodes,

the characters on the train responded
almost immediately to stop us.

And when the engineer
tried to protect us,

one of the other characters
shot him.

And then the conductor signaled
for the train to change direction.

And at approximately
the same time--

The Enterprise also took off
in a new direction.

Are you saying the ship
is under the control of the holodeck?

Not precisely.

Geordi, does the configuration
of connection nodes

look familiar to you?


Yeah, it looks a little like the structure
of your positronic brain.

That is correct.

It would appear that the nodes
are in the process

of creating a rudimentary neural net.

Data, what are you suggesting?

Unlikely as it may sound,

I believe the Enterprise
may be forming an intelligence.

This is a synaptic map
of the human neo-cortex.

This is a cross-section
of my positronic net.

And this is a schematic
of the connection nodes

linking the ship's systems.

I believe some sort of neural matrix
is forming on the ship.

It is still relatively primitive,
but it is an intelligence nonetheless.

How could that happen?

I believe it is an emergent property.


Complex systems
can sometimes behave in ways

that are entirely unpredictable.

The human brain, for example,
might be described

in terms of cellular functions
and neuro-chemical interactions.

But that description does not
explain human consciousness,

a capacity that far exceeds
simple neural functions.

is an emergent property.

In other words, something that's
more than just the sum of its parts.


How does that explain
what's happening to the Enterprise?

The Enterprise contains
a vast database of information

which is managed
by a sophisticated computer.

This complex system gives the ship
many of the characteristics

of a biological organism.

That's true. lt sees with its sensors.

It talks
with its communication systems.

In a sense, it almost reproduces
with the replicators.

And you think the ship has somehow
gone beyond these functions.

It's developing a new capacity.

Yes, sir.

I believe a self-determining intelligence
is emerging.

If that is so,
what does the ship want?

Where is it taking us?

I believe the key
to understanding the ship's behavior

lies in the holodeck.

All of the connection nodes
intersect at that location.

It is clearly some kind
of processing center.

- Processing center?
DATA: Yes, sir.

A focal point where all the ideas
and instincts

of this emerging intelligence
are first expressed in some form.

Almost like an imagination.

Captain, l'd like to go
to the holodeck.

I could interact with the characters,
and maybe find some clues

to help us understand
what's happening.

Very well.

Mr. Data, Mr. Worf,
I want you to go along.

See if you can re-establish
control of the ship

without damaging the nodes.

If the ship is truly
an emerging intelligence,

then we have a responsibility
to treat it with the same respect

as any other being.

Welcome aboard, counselor.

If you will distract these people,

I will attempt to depolarize
the power grid.


Excuse me.
Have you finished the puzzle yet?

Not yet, but we're getting close.

Do you recognize it?


I would like to help.

Tell me,
what exactly are you making?

What do you think we're making?
A puzzle.

No, no, l meant the picture.
What is it?

Well, I don't know.

Can you deal me in?

Sorry. lt's a two-man game.

Hey, get your hand off of that.

Is that why you killed the engineer?
To get this brick?

I had to get it back.
You know what it's worth, lady?


And I gotta get it to Keystone City.

Why? What's Keystone City?

It's where everything begins.


Are you succeeding, commander?

I am ready to access
the main power grid.

Keystone City, next stop.

Keystone City.

Well, look who's back.

We do not want any trouble.
We are simply passengers.

Well, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind
showing me your tickets.


Sorry, boys,
you're getting off right here.

This is my stop.

Wait. What happens
at Keystone City?

- Why are you taking the brick there?
HlTMAN: Excuse me.

I think we should follow that man.
That brick might be an important clue.

Where did he go?

I can access the power grid here.

I will attempt to depolarize the grid

by using a low-frequency
inversion field.

It may disengage the nodes
without destroying them.

There he is. l'm going after him.



What are you doing here?

Laying the foundation.

Now, if youse will excuse me,
I got a train to catch.

I don't understand it, captain.

All of a sudden,
Cargo Bay 5 started to depressurize.

Did everyone get out in time?

Yes. l've re-established
the containment field,

but I'm reading massive power surges
in the cargo bay,

and all sorts of transporter activity.

Something weird
is happening there, captain.

I want you to send a team
down there immediately.

- Find out what's going on.
- Aye, sir.

La Forge to Bridge.

Picard here. What's going on?

I wish I could tell you.

That man said
he was laying a foundation.

A foundation for what?

Troi to Data.

DATA: Data here.
- How are you doing?

I encountered a minor difficulty,

but it has been dealt with.



I am ready to depolarize
the power grid.

LA FORGE: It looks like the ship's
replicator and transporter systems

have been merged somehow
to create this.

The question is, what is it?

Ensign, I want you to run
a full spectral analysis on this.


I'm reading
massive power fluctuations.

The ship is losing
its structural integrity.

What's happening?

It's an earthquake.


La Forge to Data.
Stop what you're doing.


Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Data, I think we ought to get together
and compare notes.


The ship was protecting itself again.

Stopping us from interfering.

Whatever it's doing,
it intends to continue.

I'm betting that all this
has something to do

with that object
that's forming in the cargo bay.

I think he's right, captain.

Look at the common themes
playing out on the holodeck.

A puzzle being put together,
a foundation being laid,

a paper doll being fashioned.

They're all images
of something being constructed.

And some kind of object
in the cargo bay

that's being constructed
atom by atom.

What is that object?

I have no idea, but it's composed
of silica polymers, duranium,

and a couple of other compounds
we haven't been able to identify yet.

But creating it has had quite
an effect on our systems.

Warp power's dropped 47 percent.

Counselor, did you draw
any other conclusions

from your experiences
on the holodeck?

Anything that would help us
to understand this situation?

The holodeck was full
of metaphoric imagery,

like it was having
some kind of daydream.

It may not make literal sense,
but symbolically,

it probably does have
some kind of logic to it.

These characters you spoke to,
do they have any significance?

I think they represent
different aspects of the ship.

The engineer, for instance,
may represent the navigational system.

The gunslinger
could be the weapon system.

Is there any way
that we can persuade them

to give us back control of the ship?

I don't think it's possible
to reason with them.

Many of them are genuinely unaware
of what's going on.

It's as though
this emergent intelligence

is like an infant.

Acting on impulse,
trying to figure itself out as it goes.

The only source of experience
it can draw on is ours,

through our holodeck programs.

And is there a way that we can
relate to them on their own level?

Find some way
to influence their behavior?

Maybe there is.

I'd like to go back and try.

Counselor, we haven't been able
to re-establish the safeties.

The injuries you suffered
on the holodeck weren't severe.

But next time, they might kill you.

I'm aware of that.

Very well, counselor, go ahead.

But bear in mind that whenever
we have tried to hinder their efforts,

we've failed.

Perhaps it's time
to cooperate with them.


You don't belong on this train.

Three tickets for Vertiform City.

Well, guess I was wrong
about you folks.

Welcome aboard.


What was that?

We've been having some problems.

The engine is running out of steam.

I hope we make it
to Vertiform City on time.

Is there anything we can do to help?

Well, I could use a pair of strong arms
in the engine room.

Might help us get back on schedule.

Why don't you go with him, Worf?
We'll see what we can do here.

Excuse me.
Are we gonna get there okay?

Of course.
You needn't worry about a thing.

So tell me everything you know
about Vertiform City.

Well, they got this restaurant there

where you can eat
all you want, any time.

It's the best food around.

There's the coal
and there's the boiler.

I'm much obliged for your help.

Well done, sir.

I think this'll make
a big difference all right.

I don't know how or why, sir,

but warp power appears to be back
at normal levels.

What's our heading?

We appear to be on a course
for Tambor Beta VI.

It's a white dwarf star.

Keep it steady. Put your back into it.


That's the ticket.

The ship is using
a modified tractor beam

to collect vertion particles
from the star.

Vertion particles.

Vertiform City.
That's what the ship is looking for.


The particles are being routed
through the transporter system

into Cargo Bay 5.

Geordi, what's going on?

The object is absorbing
vertion particles.

It's growing even faster than before.

Commander, I'm picking up
internal energy from this thing.

What do you mean?

LA FORGE: I mean, it's generating
its own energy.

I'm picking up coherent emissions,

matter conversion, it's incredible.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute, something's wrong.

We've got power fluctuations.

Vertion absorption rate is dropping.

What's happening
with the particle beam?

The beam's exhausted
the supply of particles in the star.

There's nothing left to take out.

Captain, energy output of the object
is decreasing.

Something's wrong.

What is it?

This was supposed
to be Vertiform City.

We've been on the wrong track
all along.




WORF: Are you all right?
- Yes. What happened?

The conductor
accidentally derailed the train.

Data to Captain Picard.

Picard here.

DATA: There has been an accident
in the holodeck, sir.

Has anything happened
on the Enterprise?

Yes, we've had
a ship-wide shutdown.

We've lost attitude control
and most systems are off-line.

you better take a look at this.

When the particle beam cut off,

the object was beginning to form
a coherent energy matrix.

Now, if these readings are accurate,

I'd say that the emission patterns
were almost organic.

Are you suggesting that the Enterprise
is trying to create a life form?

- I think so.
- Will it survive?

Well, its energy levels
are dropping rapidly.

Unless it gets an infusion
of vertion particles,

and I mean soon, l don't think so.


Captain, all of our systems
are back online.

We're moving again, at warp 9.

Let's get back to the Bridge.

That was a close one, wasn't it?

Where are we going now?

Well, to New Vertiform City,
of course.

- Data to captain.
PICARD [OVER COM]: Picard here.

The train has returned to normal, sir.
Our destination is New Vertiform City.

What's our course?

We're headed
for the Cordannas system.

Another white dwarf star.

It's the nearest one
to our last position.

Captain, we have a problem.

Even at warp 9,

the Cordannas system
is over 12 hours from here.

Will the object in the cargo bay
survive that long?

Yes, sir, but that's not the problem.

The ship has diverted all of
our systems to maximum propulsion,

including life support.

We have less than two hours
of reserve oxygen.

Mr. Data, we have to stop
the Enterprise.

That means you have
to get control of the train.

Understood, sir.

The ship is looking
for vertion particles,

and it believes that the Cordannas
system is the closest source.

Is there any possibility
of anything closer?

White dwarf stars are
the only natural sources of vertion, sir.

Then what about artificial ones?
Can you create the particles?

How did the conductor
stop the train?

There is a braking lever
in the engine room.

Let's go.

HAYSEED: Sorry, folks,
but you ain't going nowhere.


LA FORGE: I've narrowed the search
down to the MacPherson Nebula,

which is a supernova remnant,
and Dikon Alpha,

which is a Class-9 pulsar.

They're both fairly close
to our current flight path,

and either one
could produce vertion particles

if we detonated
a modified photon torpedo inside it.

Vertions usually occur
in miniscule amounts.

Do you think either phenomena
could produce enough of it?

It's really hard to say.

I can't guarantee
that we can create them at all.

Well, we've gotta give it a try.

The nebula or the pulsar.
It's your choice, Mr. La Forge.

I say go with the nebula.

Very well.
Begin the torpedo modifications.

Now, let's see if we can get
this ship to go where we want.

Please listen to me.
We understand what's happening.

We know you have to get
to New Vertiform City,

and we want to help you get there.

Well, I don't know.

Please, we're your friends.

You're really gonna help us
get to New Vertiform City?

I promise.

Well, okay. But just one of you.

The rest, stay here.

That's far enough.

Sorry to spoil your party, pal.
It's nothing personal.

I can get us there more quickly.
I know a shorter route.

Don't listen to him,
he's up to something.

A shorter route?

Yes, if you will let me
handle the controls.

Don't do it.

Well, we're already behind schedule.

If you could get us there on time...

All right, go on, but no funny stuff.

Data to Captain Picard.

I have taken control
of the engine room.

Stand by.

Are we within sensor range
of the nebula?

Yes, captain, we are.

Mr. Data, I need you
to slow us to impulse speed.

I will attempt to do so.

I hope you know what you're doing.



PICARD: Are the modifications
to the torpedoes complete?

Aye, sir.

Launch torpedo.

It's working, captain.

The reaction
is producing vertion particles.

Well, what do you know?
We're here.

New Vertiform City.



The nodes are deactivating
all over the ship.

All our systems are beginning
to function normally again.

Then the purpose
of the ship's intelligence

was simply to bring
this life form into being.

There are some species
whose sole purpose is to reproduce.

Once they finally procreate, they die.



Captain's log, supplemental.

The Enterprise is back
under our control.

All traces of the emergent
intelligence are gone,

and the object it created
has disappeared into space.



Captain, l am staging a scene
from The Tempest

this evening for a small audience.

I would like for you to attend.

I would be honored. What scene?

Miranda's first encounter
with other human beings.

Oh, brave new world
that has such people in it.

It seemed appropriate.

Captain, you took a substantial risk
in allowing the Enterprise

to complete its task.

Why do you say that?

Because the end result
was unknown.

The object
could have been dangerous.

It may, in fact, be dangerous.

And I have allowed it
to go off on its merry way.

Yes, sir.

The intelligence that was formed
on the Enterprise

didn't just come out
of the ship's systems.

It came from us.

From our mission records,
personal logs,

holodeck programs, our fantasies.

Now, if our experiences
with the Enterprise

have been honorable,
can't we trust that the sum

of those experiences
will be the same?


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.