Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994): Season 6, Episode 9 - Star Trek: The Next Generation - full transcript

When Geordi is assigned to survey a new mining development with Dr. Farallon, who invented an experimental mining technology, she uses a new sophisticated robot called an Exocomp to repair a power grid.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Commander, is it your intention to
continue to grow your beard?

Actually, I'm not sure yet.

- Why, Worf?
- I was just asking.

Seven-card stud,
one-eyed Jacks are wild.

- Frankly, Geordi, I like the beard.
- Thank you, Commander.

You know, I have always been
a little suspicious of men in beards.

- Why is that?
- It's like they're hiding something.

Hide? Don't be ridiculous. The beard
is an ancient and proud tradition.

Many distinguished men
have worn beards.

After the razor was invented, beards
became mostly a fashion statement.

I'm not concerned with fashion.

To a Klingon,
a beard is a symbol of courage.

I think it's a sign of strength.

Sure, and of course,
women can't grow beards.

It sounds like you think beards
are an affectation.

I do.

But there's nothing wrong with that.
Women wear make-up and nail polish.

I just think it's time
that you men admit it.

My beard is not an affectation.

Then you wouldn't mind
shaving it off.

In a minute.
I've just gotten used to it.

OK, then why don't we
up the stakes a little?

And if I win,
all of you shave your beards off.

Wait a minute, what if you lose?
What are you gonna give up?

I'm open for suggestions.

I'd like to see you as a brunette.

I did that at 13.
I couldn't change back fast enough.

That makes me even more curious!

Fine. If one of you wins,
I'll become a brunette. Are we on?

Yeah, we'll take that bet.

Looks like you have
the hand to beat, Commander.


I'm in 200.


This is the Captain.

We've arrived at the Tyran system.
Senior staff to the bridge.


Sorry. Duty calls. We'll have to
do this some other time.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Captain's log, stardate 46307.2.

We have just come into orbit
of Tyrus VIIA

to monitor progress
on the Tyran particle fountain,

a radically new mining technology.

The project has been fraught with
problems and is well behind schedule.

Mr. La Forge has been assigned
to evaluate the situation.

Dr Farallon, the plans
call for the particle fountain

to lift 500 kg per
minute from the surface.

So far, we haven't
come close to that.

I want to increase
the stream density.

That should boost
capacity by 72 percent.

You'll be overloading the
field generators in the process.

Not if we distribute
the overload evenly.

Maybe we should complete this phase
before we talk about redesigning it!

Commander, I know you're here
to evaluate this project.

Starfleet may use a particle fountain
on Carema III.

- They want to know if it's feasible.
- Will your opinion decide that?

No. I'll report to Capt Picard. He'll
make the recommendation to Starfleet.

- They'll decide.
- What's your feeling?

The question
we should be asking is,

is this technology more efficient
than conventional mining techniques?

I know we've had problems.

It seems like
nothing's gone right.

It's taking longer than I thought
to get the stream to full strength.

But I know it can work.

This is the direction of mining
in the future,

and it should be implemented
on Carema III.

I know this can be
potentially very exciting...

Alright. I want to show you
something I've been working on.

It might help us
complete this project.

I've used these on a limited basis...

Enterprise to Cmdr La Forge.

I am reading power fluctuations
from the station core. Please report.

We have a malfunction
in one of the power grids.

We're losing
particle-stream confinement.

- Do you require assistance?
- Stand by.

We'll have to shut it down.

It took four months to get
the flux to this level.

If we shut it down, it'll take
four months to get it back.

In five minutes, we lose containment.

The stream will flood the station.
We'll have to shut it down anyway.

- We'll have to fix the power grid.
- But how do we do that?

The defective grid
is 200 meters down conduit A-2,

and through four bulkheads.

Here's the perfect opportunity
to show you what I had in mind.

What is this?

This is an exocomp, the experiment
I was telling you about.

If it fails, we'll still have
time to shut down the fountain.

Enterprise to La Forge.
What is your situation?

No change. We're working on it.

If this doesn't work soon,
we'll have to shut down.

The confinement field
is at full strength.

Particle flux steady.
All power levels are back to normal.

Please report.

We're fine, Data.
The power grid is fully restored.

The malfunction seems to be repaired

and operations here
at the station are back to normal.

How did you accomplish
the repairs so quickly?

You know, I'm not exactly sure.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life
and new civilizations,... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 46315.2.

Repairs to the particle fountain
seem to have succeeded

and it is now functioning smoothly.

Dr Farallon is to demonstrate
the device that carried out repairs.

- Energize.
- Aye, sir.

Welcome to the Enterprise, Doctor.
I am Lt Cmdr Data.

Mr. Data, I was hoping
I'd have a chance to meet you.

I've done studies of
your positronic network.

And I have studied your fountain.
I find the concept innovative.

Thank you.

I am curious how you were able to
repair the power grid so quickly.

- This should make it clear.
- Let's set it up in Engineering.

Is it true your computational speed

is limited only by the separation
of your positronic links?

That is no longer the case.

I recently converted my sequencer
to asynchronous operation,

- removing the constraint.
- Doctor. This way, please.

But how did you resolve
the signal fragmentation?

The sequencer is now bi-directional,

compensating for mode distortion
arising from the resonant field.

Yes. That's fascinating.

Does it require any buffering system
to eliminate interference?

We've been using devices like this
on Tyrus VII for years.

The basic unit is a common
industrial servomechanism.

A few years ago, I started tinkering
with one. This is the result.

Boridium power converter.
Axionic chip network!

Very impressive.

In terms of computational speed,
this guy might compete with Data.

The exocomps don't come close
to Data's sophistication.

- Exocomps?
- That's what I call them.

Let's say you had an antimatter-
flow converter that was fluctuating.

How would you repair it?

By adjusting the converter.

- With what?
- A mode stabilizer.

OK. Let me input the problem
into the exocomp.

A fluctuating
antimatter-flow converter.

Now, let's see what happens.

A mode stabilizer. Very nice.

You have incorporated
a microreplication system,

in order to fashion tools.

It's more than that. I designed
the exocomps to be problem solvers.

When they perform a task
they've never done before,

the microreplicator creates new
circuit pathways in its memory.

- So in a sense, they are learning.
- Exactly.

The more situations they encounter,
the more circuit pathways they build.

They become better tools
as they work.

It's very impressive technology,
for sure.

After the experimental stage,
it'll be useful.

Commander, I'm hoping
the experimental stage is over.

When are we supposed to brief
Capt Picard on the fountain?

- 1600 hours.
- Good. I'll have a proposal to make.

I know you should give
your evaluation to Starfleet today.

I'd like you to postpone the report
for 48 hours.

We leave tomorrow. To change
that plan, I need a very good reason.

I realize that, sir.

If you're going to report
to Starfleet

about using the particle fountain
on Carema,

it's only fair you see it
operating at full strength.


I think I can complete the project
and boost the stream's efficiency

if I use exocomps,
the new devices I've constructed.

I understand one of these devices
repaired a faulty power grid.

Yes, sir. I've been testing them
on a limited basis.

But I think they're ready
to be used on a larger scale.

Mr. La Forge, your thoughts?

Well, I guess the only risk
is in falling further behind.

- I'm willing to take that risk.
- Mr. Data?

are highly sophisticated devices.

If they perform well, their potential
for this project is considerable.

I'm inclined to agree. I don't think
48 hours is too much time to risk

when the gains are so substantial.
You may proceed, Doctor.

Thank you, sir. If possible,
I'd like Cmdr Data to work with me.

Thank you, Doctor.
I welcome the opportunity.

Commander, there's a plasma conduit

in one of the tunnels
ready to be sealed.

- The perfect job for an exocomp.
- I agree, Doctor.

Well, Mr. Data,
what is your analysis so far?

I have completed 14 separate tasks
with this exocomp in the past hour.

I estimate it would take two people
nine hours to complete those tasks.

I characterize the unit's performance
as excellent.

I hope Cmdr La Forge
and Capt Picard agree.

I am confident they will.
Cmdr La Forge is especially...

It didn't finish sealing the plasma
conduit. Let me send it back in.

It is not accepting your commands.

Maybe there's a malfunction
in the control processor.

Let me see if I can override it.


I'm alright.
The control pad just overloaded.

What's the matter with this thing?

Second Officer's log,
stardate 46315.5.

The behaviour of the ex ocomp has
puzzled Dr Farallon and myself.

We have brought the defective unit
to the Enterprise for investigation.

The exocomp
came out of the plasma conduit.

We tried to override
and send it back but it shut down.

It's been unresponsive ever since.

Well, let's see
what our computer has to say.

The circuitry which links the exocomp
to the control pad is burned out.

That's strange. Any indication
of secondary power surges?


But what's going on there?

Data, increase the magnification
of section Gamma four.


The number of new circuit pathways
has increased by 632 percent.

- No.
- What is it?

Sometimes an exocomp forms large
numbers of new pathways at random,

until it reaches a point
where it shuts down,

just like this one.

Doctor, the new pathways

do not interfere
with the original circuitry.

Once the exocomp is corrupted,
it's useless.

You have to erase the unit
and start again,

and there's no time for that now.

That leaves just two.
It's gonna slow you down.

Yes, you have the right
to point out you told me so.

I only wanted to say we'd add on
an extra shift to pick up the slack.

I'm sorry.
I guess I'm touchy these days.

It's OK.
You've got a lot on your shoulders.

Well, I'd better get back to it.
Thanks, Commander.


I feel sorry for her. This project
has had nothing but problems.

Why did that plasma conduit explode?

There was a micro-fracture
in the conduit wall.

The fault did not show
on our instruments.

It's a good thing
the exocomp malfunctioned.

Almost seems like
it knew just when to leave.

Geordi, are you implying the exocomp

exhibited some form
of self-preservation?

Of course not.

Lt Pierson to Cmdr La Forge. Can you
join us in the systems monitor room?

On my way.

Computer, run a level-one diagnostic
of the exocomp's command module.

The command pathways
are functioning normally.

How can that be, if the interface
circuitry is burned out?

The interface circuitry
has been repaired.


access the exocomp's sensor logs.

Confirm there was a failure in
the circuitry in the last 12 hours.

Confirmed. Interface failure
occurred at 1150 hours today

when the ex ocomp produced a power
surge which burned out the linkage.

How and when was it repaired?

The ex ocomp activated a
self-repair program at 1340 hours.

Why would the exocomp burn out
its own interface circuitry

and repair it two hours later?


Here you are. I thought
you'd be hard at work by now.

I wanted a quiet cup of tea before
I went back. Gathering strength.

I've assigned two teams
to work on the particle fountain.

Thank you, Commander. I'm grateful.

You know, I want you to know that I
do admire the work that you've done.

I'm sorry
the exocomps aren't working out.

You were right.
I'm trying to move too fast.

I lack that conservative streak
most scientists have.

I always seem to be
out on the edge, taking chances.

I bet, as a girl, you always climbed
one branch higher than other kids.

to get to the top of the tree.

- And I bet you never fell.
- No. I fell all the time,

usually breaking a bone in the
process. I just never let it stop me.

If it's down to sheer determination,
you'll get this fountain built.

You're right about that, Commander.

I've spent six years of my life
on this project.

It's the first thought I have
when I wake up

and the last before I go to bed.

Whatever it takes
to prove this technology, I'll do.

Doctor, if you wish
to master the bat'leth sword,

you must learn to strike and avoid
in the same motion.

I almost got in
under your guard, Worf.


Well, I'll keep that in mind
next lesson.


- Are you injured?
- Only my pride, Data.


what is the definition of life?

That is a big question.
Why do you ask?

I am searching for a definition
so I can test a hypothesis.

Well, the broadest scientific
definition might be

that life is what enables plants
and animals to consume food,

derive energy from it,
grow, adapt to surroundings

and reproduce.

Anything exhibiting
these characteristics is alive?

- In general, yes.
- What about fire?


Yes. It consumes fuel
to produce energy, it grows,

it creates offspring.
By your definition, is it alive?

Fire is a chemical reaction.

The same applies to growing crystals.
But we don't consider them alive.

And what about me?
I do not grow.

I do not reproduce.
Yet I am considered to be alive.

That's true, but you are unique.

I wonder if that is so.

Data, if I may ask... Have a seat.

What exactly are you getting at?

I am curious as to what transpired

between the moment
when I was an assemblage of parts

in Dr Soong's laboratory

and the next moment
when I became alive.

What is it
that endowed me with life?

Wesley asked me a similar question
when he was little.

I tried to give an answer, but
everything I said sounded inadequate.

But scientists and philosophers

have grappled with that question
for centuries,

without reaching a conclusion.

Are you saying
the question cannot be answered?

No. I think I'm saying that we
struggle all our lives to answer it,

but it's the struggle
that is important.

That's what helps us
define our place in the universe.

I believe I understand.

I don't think I've been much help.

On the contrary, you have been
a great deal of help. Thank you.

Murphy's team will cover gamma
shift from 2300 to 0700 hours.

OK, I've split the Engineering teams
among the shifts.

If nothing else goes wrong,
you should finish on time.

With the help of the exocomps,
I think we will.

Think they'll toe the line?

Don't worry.
They know who's in charge.

Doctor, I must ask you
to stop using the exocomps.

Why? Is something wrong with them?

No, it is not that. I have reason
to believe the exocomps are alive.

Captain's log, stardate 46316.6.
I've summoned the senior staff

to discuss Cmdr Data's theory
that the ex ocomps are a life form.

Dr Farallon
has attended only reluctantly.

I object to being called here. My
time can be better spent elsewhere.

I appreciate your time constraints,

but recognizing new life,
whatever its form,

is the principal mission
of this vessel. Please.

Now, Mr. Data,

will you tell us what makes you
think that the exocomps are alive?

Sir, when the exocomp left
the tunnel prior to the explosion

it may have been attempting
to save itself.

Do you have any basis for that?

Yes. When you tried to send
the exocomp back in the tunnel,

it deliberately burned out
its control interface.


The computer diagnostics show
the exocomp disabled its interface.

That could have been a malfunction.

However, two hours later, when no
longer in danger, it repaired itself.

I believe the exocomp
was protecting itself.

If so, it demonstrated an awareness
of its environment

and an ability to adapt to it.

You're anthropomorphising
these units.

Like any mechanical devices,
they can malfunction.

One time, I saw an exocomp enter a
reaction chamber and vaporize itself.

Should I think it was
depressed and suicidal?

Why is it so difficult to accept
that the exocomp could be alive?

You're talking
to a living machine now.

I have nothing
but respect and admiration

for Dr Soong's accomplishment.

But his intention was
to create an artificial life form.

I created the exocomps to be tools.

And there's a big difference
between Data and a tool.

Doctor, there is a big difference
between you and a virus,

but both are alive.

If the possibility exists,
no matter how slight,

that the exocomps are life forms,
we must examine that possibility.

Thank you, sir. And until we have
a definitive answer,

I believe it is inappropriate
to exploit them as labourers.

That's absurd!

If they are intelligent life forms,

we have no right
to force them to work.

That's like me saying
don't use your tricorder.

- Tricorders aren't alive.
- Neither are exocomps.

Clearly these are difficult issues
to resolve.

We have to proceed very carefully.

So the first task
is to test Mr. Data's hypothesis.

You're claiming this exocomp
demonstrated survival instincts?


Then why don't we threaten its
survival again and see what happens?

Make it so.

Doctor, we're pretty much ready here.
You can begin programming it.

We've recreated a situation similar
to the one in the plasma conduit.

We have created a small
conduit breach in this tube.

The exocomp would normally take
several minutes for such a repair.

But in the tube, it will find
a plasma-cascade failure in progress.

I assume this is a simulation.

Yes, sir. An overload signal will
simulate a failure in one minute.

If it does possess a survival
instinct, as Mr. Data claims,

it will exit the tube before
the minute is up, to save itself.

Very well, proceed.

OK. Beginning test program now.

One minute.

50 seconds.

30 seconds.

10 seconds.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it. If this had been for real,
that conduit would have exploded

with the exocomp inside.
Go ahead, bring it back in.

I think we've spent more than enough
time answering this question.

I hope the outcome
wasn't too disappointing, Mr. Data.

It was no surprise to me.

- Thank you for your help.
- You're welcome.

Well, I consider it time well spent.

As do l, sir. Thank you.

30 seconds.

20 seconds.

Cmdr Riker
said you'd still be down here.

He also said
the exocomp failed the test.

That is true.

Time expired. Test complete.

I completed 34 more tests.
The results were the same in each.

Perhaps I was wrong in suspecting
the exocomp was alive.

This was really important to you,
wasn't it?

You said earlier that I am unique.

If so,
then I am alone in the universe.

When I began investigating
the exocomps,

I realized I might be encountering
a progenitor of myself.

Suddenly the possibility exists
that I am no longer alone.

For that reason, I...

The exocomp has returned.

Wasn't it supposed to do that?

In the previous 34 trials, I brought
it back after the simulated failure.

- This time, I neglected to do that.
- I distracted you. Sorry.

Do not apologize.
We made a significant discovery.

- What?
- It has replicated a different tool.

That is not the molecular fuser
it had on entering the tube.

Doctor, the exocomp
not only completed the repairs,

it also deactivated
the overload signal.

I thought
this was just a simulation.

It was, and the exocomp
must have realized that.

It saw that there was no real danger
and completed the repairs.

And replicated the correct tool
to eliminate the false signal.

I see no other possible explanation.

The exocomp didn't fail the test,
it saw right through it.

Captain's log, stardate 46317.8.

At Dr Farallon's request,
I have agreed to tour the station

and assess
the situation personally.

I must decide soon if it is in
Starfleet's best interest

to recommend the particle fountain
as a reliable technology.

We're making progress, Captain.

We may not be at full capacity within
the deadline, but we'll be close.

There's still difficulty
with the phase selectors.

True, but I'm sure
it's the last real problem.

I hope so,
for the sake of the project.

I understand, sir. We'll do our best.

This is strange.
Primary power is still on line.

- A power-grid malfunction?
- I don't think so.

Something's drawing power
into the particle impeller.

That's not a good sign.
It may mean...

We've lost internal confinement.
The particle stream is surging.

Radiation will flood this chamber.
We've got to get everyone out.

- The station must be evacuated.
- Captain...

That is an order! Assemble your
personnel on the transporter now!

Picard to Enterprise.

- Do you read me?
- Riker here, sir.

Radiation field is increasing.
We are losing communications.

- Prepare for emergency transport.
- Red alert.

Transporter room two,
prepare for emergency transport.

Radiation is setting up an ionization
effect. We've got less than a minute.

- Is that everybody?
- Where's Takenta?

- He was near the impeller control.
- I'll get him.


Mr. La Forge!

Stand by to transport.

Captain, you'll be trapped here!

Mr. La Forge!

Are you alright?

I'm fine, Captain. I only caught
the edge of it. He's dead.

- Do you have them?
- They're here, sir.

- Is everyone alright?
- We're fine, sir.

But Capt Picard, Cmdr La Forge
and one of my men are still there.

Kelso, can you get them off?

I'm trying, sir.
I can't establish a pattern lock.

We barely managed to transport off.
The field ionization is too intense.

Commander, the particle fountain
is continuing to surge.

The radiation in the core will
reach fatal levels in 23 minutes.

If I can access the field emitters,
we could establish a force field.

Try to link your console
to my command-system subroutine.


- Link established.
- OK, here we go.

I'm reading fluctuations.
The field is not stable.

Radiation is too high.
The emitters are deteriorating.

- How long will it last?
- Not very long.

- Cmdr Riker has to get to us.
- Maybe we can help him out.

Try to access the emergency shutdown.

I'll try to activate
the ionic dampers.

A force field
was just activated on the station.

Cmdr La Forge may have established
a low-intensity deflector field.

It won't last long in that radiation.

No, sir. My readings indicate
it will fail in 22 minutes.

OK, we've got 22 minutes.
I want some options.

- Can we send a shuttlecraft?
- We'd never get there in time.

We must shut down
the particle fountain.

If we detonate a torpedo
within the particle stream,

would that shut it down?

We must configure it carefully.

The shape of the shock wave
is critical, but it could work.

How long would it take to set up?

It would take a minimum of 65 minutes
to configure the torpedo.

We don't have that kind of time.

Maybe the exocomps can help us.

I can program their power cells
to explode on command.

They can be configured just like
a photon torpedo in a few minutes.

I must object to that plan.

We've been through this.
We tested the exocomp and it failed.

Dr Crusher and I discovered
the exocomp did not fail the test.

It is still my belief
that it is a new life form.

You know I respect your judgement.

But I can't risk the Captain and
Geordi on the basis of your belief.

Prepare the exocomp, Doctor.

If I am correct the exocomps will not
allow themselves to be destroyed.

They have a sense of survival. They
will shut down rather than comply.

I could disconnect their command
pathways before I program them.

Do it.

Cmdr Riker, we're ready.

Target 200 meters below the apex
of the particle stream.

Feed the coordinates
to transporter room two.

Aye, sir.

- Coordinates received.
- Mr. Kelso.


Mr. Kelso?

Sorry, sir. The transporter system
just went dead.

Some kind of malfunction.

Run a diagnostic. Try bypassing...

that will not be necessary.

The transporter
is not malfunctioning.

I have locked out the controls.

I gave you a direct order.
Release that transporter lockout now!

I cannot do that, sir.

If you don't,
I will relieve you of duty.

That is your prerogative.
Under Starfleet regulations,

is a court-martial offence.

But I will not
release the transporter.

Those are two of your friends
out there.

They have saved your life
many times.

I can't believe
you'd sacrifice them.

Commander, do not think
this is an arbitrary decision.

I have considered
the ramifications of my actions.

It is not justified to sacrifice
one life form for another.

You don't know
the exocomps are life forms.

I am acting on personal beliefs,

but I do not see I can do otherwise.

You're risking a lot
on the basis of a belief.

I have observed humans often base
their judgements

on instinct or intuition.

As I am a machine,
I lack that particular ability.

But I may have insight into
other machines that humans lack.

If I could save the Captain
and Geordi

without destroying the exocomps,
I would,

but this is the only solution.

Then let me offer an alternative.
Transport me to the station.

I will attempt a manual shutdown.

The radiation levels are too high,
even for you.

Your positronic net
would ionize in no time.

I can't let you sacrifice yourself.

Commander, if I give my life for my
fellow officers, that is my choice.

The exocomps
no longer have a choice.

What if we reconnect their command
pathways and give them a choice?

You assume the exocomps would shut
down before accepting this mission.

What if we ask them
if they are willing to proceed?

That sounds reasonable, sir.

If they choose to go, I will
release the transporter lockout.

Fair enough.

Alright. I've enabled
their command pathways.

If they do not shut down
after I have programmed them,

we may assume
they are willing to go.

- Are they willing or not?
- They haven't shut down.

They seem to be reprogramming
the commands I entered.

Reprogramming them?

They are unwilling to be
transported for detonation.

But they may have another solution.

That we haven't considered?
Do they have superior intelligence?

No, Doctor, but they do have
superior experience.

The exocomps have interfaced
with every part of the station core,

something none of us has done,
including you.

They may have another way
to control the particle surge.

Those appear to be power taps.

Sir, new coordinates are being fed
to the transporter by the exocomps.

The coordinates
are inside the station core.

- Kelso, energize.
- Aye, sir.

Mr. La Forge.

What are they up to?

The exocomps are siphoning power
from the core.

They're distorting the stream.

That might open up a window
to beam us out.

If they can modulate
the radiation field, it'll work.

but they have to get the subharmonic
frequencies to resonance.

The particle-stream frequency
is beginning to fluctuate.

They're having difficulty
controlling the feedback.

Can we help them?
Modulate the power transfer?

No, sir, we've done all we can do.
It's up to them now.

They're beginning to balance
the power-absorption rates.

It's working. The particle stream
is beginning to distort.

Almost at resonance.

- They've got it.
- Drop the force field.

- Commander, I've got a pattern lock.
- Energize.

- Can you lock on to the exocomps?
- I'm trying, sir.

I'm sorry, I was only able
to lock on to two of them.

I couldn't fix a signal
on the other one.

One of them had to continue
disrupting the particle stream.

That could prevent a signal lock.

It was the only way
to save the other two.

I must admit you've given me a lot
to think about, Cmdr Data.

I don't exactly know
what the exocomps are,

but be assured, until I do, I won't
be treating them as simple tools.

Thank you. I wish your particle
fountain had been more successful.

Maybe the exocomps
will help you reconstruct it.

I hope they will. And I predict
that in a year or two,

you will be able to recommend
the technology to Starfleet.

I look forward to it.


- Something more, Mr. Data?
- Yes, sir.

You might want to know why

I was willing to risk your life
for several small machines.

I think I understand. It could not
have been an easy choice.

No, sir, it was not.

When my own status
as a living being was in question,

you fought to protect my rights.
I will always be grateful.

The exocomps had no such advocate.

If I had not acted on their behalf,
they would have been destroyed.

I could not allow that to happen.

Of course you couldn't.

It was the most human decision
you've ever made.


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.