Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994): Season 5, Episode 2 - Darmok - full transcript

The Enterprise approaches the uninhabited Eladrel solar system, near the territory of the enigmatic, presumably pacific race known as the children of Tamar, which is now establishing contact. Picard expected fairly easy diplomacy, but the Tamarians first have a row at their side, then transport Picard and their own captain Dathon down to the nearest planet surface, which they make impenetrable behind a particle shield, to pit them for a duel, which Picard is unwilling to engage. Both the captain and his crew on the bridge desperately study the Tamarian language, which they find to be unusually focused on mythical narrative, notably the epic of Darmac, which holds the key to its metaphorical 'code', and thus to the whole situation...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Captain's log, stardate 45047.2.

The Enterprise is en route to
the uninhabited El-Adrel system.

Its location is near the territory
occupied by an enigmatic race

known as The Children of Tama.

Apparently the Tamarians arrived
at El-Adrel IV nearly three weeks ago.

They have been transmitting
a subspace signal

towards Federation space
ever since.

The signal is a standard
mathematical progression.

It does not carry a specific message.

But they wanted us to know
they were there.

Apparently so, Number One.

Starfleet believes that their presence
is an attempt at communication.


Federation vessels have encountered
Tamarian ships

seven times
over the past 100 years.

Each meeting went without incident,

however, formal relations
were not established

because communication
was not possible.

- Why?
- The Children of Tama

were called incomprehensible
by Captain Silvestri of the Shiku Maru.

- Other accounts were comparable.
- A cause for concern.

For all we know,
they could be threatening our border.

Everything in the previous accounts
suggests a peaceable race.

We have to start from there.

Agreed. I appreciate your prudence,
Mr. Worf.

Starfleet believes that the Tamarians
have extended a hand.

We must do the same.

The Children of Tama.

I've heard rumors
about them for years.

But are they truly incomprehensible?

In my experience, communication
is a matter of patience, imagination.

I would like to believe
that these are qualities

that we have in sufficient measure.

Rai and Jiri at Lungha.

Rai of Lowani.
Lowani under two moons.

Jiri of Ubaya.
Ubaya of crossed roads.

At Lungha.

Lungha. Her sky gray.

Rai and Jiri at Lungha.


I sense nothing but good intentions
from them, Captain.

Mr. Data?

The Tamarian seems to be stating

the proper names
of individuals and locations.

- Yes. But what does it all mean?
- I am at a loss, sir.

Captain, would you be prepared
to consider the creation of a mutual,

non-aggression pact
between our two peoples,

possibly leading to a trade agreement
and cultural interchange.

Does this sound like
a reasonable course of action to you?

Kadir beneath Mo Moteh.
Ha, ha, ha.

The river Temarc. In winter.

Impressions, Number One.

- It appears they're trying their best.
- As are we, for what it's worth.

Shaka. When the walls fell.

- Darmok.
- Darmok?

- Rai and Jiri at Lungha.
- Shaka.

- When the walls fell.
- Zima at Anzo.

- Zima and Bakor.
- Darmok at Tanagra.

- Shaka! Mirab. His sails unfurled.
- Darmok.

- Mirab!
- Temarc!

The river Temarc.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Block their transport over the shield.

- Extend to maximum range!
- Not enough time.

Where is he?

The Tamarians have transported
Captain Picard to the planet's surface

- along with their own Captain.
- Riker to O'Brien!

It will not be possible
to transport, sir.

The Tamarian ship has created
a particle scattering field

on the planet's ionosphere.

Subs corrected by awaqeded.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Riker to Captain Picard.
Do you read me, Captain?

- Can we compensate?
- No, sir.

The Tamarians are projecting
a particle sustaining beam

into the upper atmosphere.

The result is a hyper-ionization
that virtually disrupts all EM

and subspace carriers.

Then they can't communicate
with their man either.

And they won't be able to beam
anyone through the field.

That is correct.

However, they have left
sensor frequencies clear.

Then they'll be able to tell
what's going on. Analysis, Mr. Worf.

What the hell is going on?

A contest, perhaps.

Between champions.
Our Captain against theirs.

Theirs was armed.

Darmok and Jalad.

You want to fight with me.

- Is that it? A challenge?
- Darmok and Jalad.

I don't know who or what
Darmok or Jalad are,

but I certainly didn't come here
to start a war.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Sorry, Captain.


When the walls fell.

Sensors show that Captain Picard
and the Tamarian

are in apparent good health,

approximately 20 meters
from each other.

Hail the Tamarian ship.

- On-screen.
- You're holding our Captain.

- I want him released.
- Darmok at Tanagra.

Your action could be interpreted
as an act of war.

Kiteo. His eyes closed.

Chenza at court.

The court of silence.


Is there any way
to get through to them?

- Not without further study.
- Close the channel, Mr. Worf.

Gladly, sir.

Worf, I want you to assemble
a security team.

Take a shuttle down to the planet,
bring back the Captain.

Aye, commander.

Sir, the Tamarians are fully capable
of stopping a shuttle.

I'm aware of that.

But disrupting our transporter beam

and firing on a shuttle
are two entirely different things.

I'm betting they're not gonna push
it that far.


When the walls fell. Ha, ha, ha.

Shaka, indeed.

What now, Captain?
Will you attack me in my sleep?

If I don't freeze to death first.

Darmok of Kanza. Jalad and Kiteo.

Picard of the Federation.

Of the starship Enterprise.

Of the planet Earth.

Kadir beneath Mo Moteh.



What does that mean? Fire?

- Does Tembo mean fire?
- Tembo.

- His arms wide.
- Tembo is a person?

His arms wide.

Because he's holding them apart.

In generosity.

In giving.

In taking?

Tembo. His arms wide.

Thank you.

Thank you.

First officer's log, supplemental.

I'm sending a shuttlecraft
to find Captain Picard,

gambling that the Tamarians
will sit tight

rather than risk an exchange
of phaser fire.

The positron density is 0.013.

Electron concentration, 7.95.

Particle gradient, four over seven.

We are 250 kilometers
from the planet's surface.

the shuttle has reached

the E region
of the planet's ionosphere.

How long can we maintain

The scattering layer induced
by the Tamarians

is concentrated
in the upper D region.

The shuttle will reach that area
in approximately two minutes.

- The Tamarian ship?
- Unchanged, sir.

They appear to be making
no attempt to stop us.

Maybe we called their bluff.

- Status, Mr. Worf?
- Navigational.

Life-support... Propulsion normal.

On-board systems do not appear
to be disrupted by the field.

- But I can barely read you, commander.
- Acknowledged.

Maintain communication
as long as conditions permit.

Commander, I am reading a power
surge in the Tamarian plasma reactor.

Lieutenant Worf,
evasive maneuver sequence delta.

Maneuver sequence delta.


- Commander, the shuttle has been hit.
- Damage?

The starboard nacelle
has been rendered inoperable.

That's all?

Riker to Worf. Report.

Starboard thrusters destroyed.

I may be able to land,
but I will not be able to take off.

Return to the Enterprise, Mr. Worf.

Aye, sir.

Enough to turn them back
but not enough to hurt them.

Yes, sir.

The phaser pulse appears
to have been carefully attenuated

for just that effect.

Nice shooting.

I'm pretty sure I can punch up
the annular confinement beam

enough to transport the Captain
through the field.

But it's gonna take me at least
a full day to do it.

Captain Picard could be dead
by then.

I do not believe so.

I have confidence
in his ability as a warrior.

He will be victorious.

You're still assuming
this is some kind of challenge ritual.

- We can't be certain of that.
- Agreed.

We're only making educated guesses
about their motivations.

- No more than that.
- Then why do we wait?

If we attack the ship now,

they will not be able to maintain
their scattering field.

Which might start a shooting match
and, for all we know, a war.

And we might still not be able
to save the Captain.

- It would end this stalemate.
- It's too much of a risk.

I'll take that course
when it's the last one left.

Who the hell are these people?

There's got to be some way
to get through to them.

As I have said, with further study
it may be possible.

Then do it. Deanna, help him.

I want something by 0900 hours.

Now where have you gone to,
my friend?

Forgive the intrusion, Captain,
but I need some answers.

- Darmok at Tanagra.
- Shaka!

- Mirab. His sails unfurled.
- Darmok!

- Mirab.
- Freeze.



Well, it seems to be a point
of contention between them.

Perhaps something
the Tamarian Captain proposed

that the first officer didn't like.

The apparent emotional dynamic
does seem to support that assumption.

As with the other terms
used by the Tamarian,

this appears to be a proper noun.

The name clearly carries
a meaning for them.

search for the term "Darmok"

in all linguistic databases
for this sector.


Darmok is the name of a seventh
dynasty emperor on Kanda IV,

a mytho-historical hunter
on Shantil III,

a colony on Malindi VII,

a frozen dessert on Tazna V.

Stop search.

Computer, how many entries
are there for Darmok?


All our technology and experience,

our universal translator,
our years in space,

contact with more alien cultures
than I can even remember...

I have encountered 1754 non-human
races during my tenure in Starfleet.

And we still can't even say hello
to these people.


A single word can lead to tragedy.

One word misspoken
or misunderstood.

And that could happen here, Data,
if we fail.

Replay at time index 144.

- Darmok at Tanagra.
- Freeze.

search for the term "Tanagra."

- All databases.
- Searching.

The ruling family on Gallos ll.

A ceremonial drink on Lerishi IV.

- An island continent on Shantil III.
- Stop.

Shantil Ill?

Computer, cross-reference the last
entry with the previous search index.

Darmok is the name
of a mytho-historical hunter

on Shantil Ill.

I think we've got something.

Captain's log?


Darmok and Jalad! At Tanagra!

- I was curious. I meant no harm.
- Shaka!

Tembo. His arms wide. Tembo.

No, enough!
I'm not going to fight you.

You will just have...

Darmok and Jalad.

At Tanagra.

Tembo. His arms wide.

I'll go along with that.

Commander, sensors are picking up
an electromagnetic disturbance

- approaching the Captain's position.
- Analysis?

A variable induction field.

Possibly a life form.

How close is it to the Captain?

The field is erratic,
appearing and disappearing.

But it appears to be moving
toward him.


- Riker to La Forge.
- La Forge here.

How close are we
on that transporter?

- Two hours, maybe three.
- I want the Captain out of there now!

That's not very likely, sir.

I don't want to hear that,

what's the resonance frequency?

Point three four over standard.

I want a resolution of 0.53
at the very least.

I'll need about two more minutes.

But there's a good chance
this isn't gonna work.

- If it fails...
- I know.

We will have tipped our hand
to the Tamarians.

But that's a chance we have to take.


- La Forge, proceed.
- We're on it. La Forge out.

Riker to Transporter Room 1.

- O'Brien here, commander.
- Stand by, Mr. O'Brien.

Mirab, his sails unfurled.

- Come!
- Shaka, when the walls fell.

Shaka. When the walls fell.

Shaka. You said that before.
When I was trying to build a fire.

Is that a failure?
An inability to do something?

- Darmok and Jalad...
- At Tanagra.

I remember the words,
but I don't understand.

- Matrix levels?
- Annular convergence, 439.205.

- Confinement resolution, 0.527.
- That isn't gonna do it.

Increase thermal input coefficient
to 150 percent.

- Increasing now.
- Status, La Forge.

We're almost there, commander.

Lefler, shunt the overload
to the phase transition sequencers

- in Transporter 1.
- Yes, sir.

- La Forge to O'Brien.
- Go ahead, commander.

Confirm phase sequencer linkage.

Link confirmed.
Ready whenever you are, sir.

Uzani. His army at Lashmir.


Was it like this at Lashmir?

A similar situation to the one
we're facing here?

Uzani. His army with fist open.

A strategy with fist open?

- With fist open.
- His army with fist closed.

With fist closed.

An army,
with fist open to lure the enemy,

with fist closed to attack!

That's how you communicate, isn't it?
By citing example.

By metaphor.

Uzani's army with fist open.

Sokath! His eyes uncovered!



No! No!

I've got a piece of him, commander,
but that's all.

- Boost the confinement beam.
- One fifty-seven over standard.

It's as solid as it'll go, commander.



The Tamarian and the entity
are in close proximity.

The Tamarian's life signs
are fluctuating.

The scattering field
is still in full force.

What the hell is wrong with them?

Their sensors can read
what's going on as well as ours.

- Riker to O'Brien, report.
- The field's still deflecting the signal.

There just isn't enough of him, sir.

- Open a channel to the Tamarian ship.
- Aye, sir.

Your Captain is under attack.

- Drop your particle field.
- Kailash.

When it rises.

They have closed the channel.

O'Brien to Bridge.

I can't hold him, commander.


When the walls fell.

First officer's log, stardate 45048.8.

Our attempt to transport
Captain Picard

back to the ship has failed.

My options are narrowing
and my patience is all but gone.

Here's the situation on El-Adrel.

The entity has moved off
several hundred meters.

Captain Picard's bio-scan readings
are stable.

- The Tamarian's are not.
- He may be injured.

If the entity decides to attack again,
the Captain may be facing it alone.

Well, the transporter's
out of the question.

The Tamarians have deepened
the scattering field

to the D region of the ionosphere.

- There's no getting through.
- Unless we attack the ship itself.

Are you able to pinpoint the source
of that particle beam?

They're using a polarity coil generator
located aft of their warp drive.

It's pretty heavily shielded.

Could we get through
with our phasers?

Not with the first spread.

- It'd take a couple of hits.
- That's not good enough.

I need to knock out
their scattering fields with one shot,

get the Captain on the Enterprise
before they know what happened.

If we selectively target the amplification
pathways around the generator,

it should be just as effective.

- We can do it in one burst.
- How long would that take to set up?

Worf and I would have to adjust
the pre-fire chamber.

That'd give us the focus we need.
A few hours?

Make it so.

I would prefer to find
a peaceful solution.

If we could talk our way out of this one,
that much the better.

it may not be that simple.

What did you find out?

The Tamarian ego structure
does not seem to allow

what we normally think of
as self-identity.

Their ability to abstract
is highly unusual.

They seem to communicate
through narrative imagery

by reference to the individuals

and places which appear in
their mytho-historical accounts.

It's as if I were to say to you,
"Juliet on her balcony."

- An image of romance.
- Exactly.

Imagery is everything
to the Tamarians.

It embodies their emotional states,
their very thought processes.

It's how they communicate
and it's how they think.

If we know how they think,
shouldn't we be able

- to get something across to them?
- No, sir.

The situation is analogous
to understanding

the grammar of a language
but none of the vocabulary.

If I didn't know who Juliette was
or what she was doing on that balcony,

the image alone
wouldn't have any meaning.

That's correct.

For instance, we know that Darmok
was a great hero, a hunter,

and that Tanagra was an island,
but that's it.

Without the details,
there's no understanding.

It is necessary for us
to learn the narrative

from which the Tamarians
draw their imagery.

Given our current relations,
that does not appear likely.

Darmok and Jalad.

At Tanagra.

Our situation is similar to theirs.

I understand that.

But I need to know more.

You must tell me more.

About Darmok and Jalad.

Tell me.

You used the words, "Tembo.

His arms wide," when you gave me
the knife and the fire.

Could that mean give?

Tembo. His arms wide.


Give me more about Darmok.

Darmok, on the ocean.



The ocean.

Darmok on the ocean.

A metaphor.

For being alone?


Darmok on the ocean.

You all right?

Kiazi's children. Their faces wet.

Tembo. His arms open.

Give me more about Darmok
on the ocean.

Tanagra. On the ocean.

Darmok at Tanagra.

At Tanagra. A country?

Tanagra on the ocean. An island.

- Tembo, his arms wide.
- Jalad, on the ocean.

Jalad at Tanagra.

Jalad at Tanagra.

He went to the same island
as Darmok.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

The beast at Tanagra.

The beast?

There was a creature at Tanagra.

Darmok and Jalad,
the beast at Tanagra.

They arrived separately.

They struggled together
against a common foe.

The beast at Tanagra.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.

They left together.

Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.

The ocean. Zinda!

His face black, his eyes red.

Callimas. At Bahar.

You hoped that something like this
would happen, didn't you?

You knew there was
a dangerous creature on this planet

and you knew,
from the tale of Darmok

that a danger shared might sometimes
bring two people together.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

You and me, here, at El-Adrel.

Kira. At Bakshi.

Tembo. His arms wide.

My turn?

No, I'm not much of a storyteller.

Besides, you wouldn't understand.

Shaka when the walls fell.

Perhaps that doesn't matter.
You want to hear it anyway.

There's a story, a very ancient one,
from Earth.

I'll try and remember it.

Gilgamesh. A king.


A king.

At Uruk.

He tormented his subjects.

He made them angry.

They cried out aloud:

"Send us a companion for our king.

Spare us from his madness."


A wild man.

From the forest. Entered the city.

They fought in the temple.

They fought in the streets.

Gilgamesh defeated Enkidu.

They became great friends.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

- At Uruk.
- At Uruk.

The new friends went out
into the desert together

where the great bull of heaven
was killing men by the hundreds.

Enkidu caught the bull by the tail.

Gilgamesh struck him with his sword.


They were victorious.

But Enkidu fell to the ground,

struck down by the gods.

And Gilgamesh wept bitter tears,

"He who was my companion

through adventure and hardship

is gone forever."

First officer's log, supplemental.

Despite the risk of war,

I have no choice
but to break the stalemate.

- Phasers nearly ready, sir.
- Stand by to fire, Mr. Worf.

Commander, the Tamarian's bioscan
is becoming unreadable.

He may be dead, sir.

If we know that,
so do the Tamarians.

- Riker to La Forge.
- La Forge here.

I need those phasers.

Sir, sensors are tracking the entity.

It is approaching
Captain Picard's position.

I understand your sacrifice, Captain.

if our friend out there has its way,

no one will ever know
what you tried to do.

Nine meters and closing.

The energy output of the entity
has doubled, commander.

- Six meters.
- La Forge to Bridge.

- You have phasers.
- Fire.

Their particle beam emitters
are inoperative, sir.

- Scattering field is down, sir.
- O'Brien, energize.

We got him, commander.

- Maximum shields.
- Aye, sir.

Red alert!

Starboard shields holding
at 52 percent.

Forward shields are gone.

- Let's get out of here.
- That may not be possible, sir.

The starboard nacelle
has sustained a direct hit.

- Warp engines are off-line.
- Go to impulse. Back us off.

They are matching
our maneuvers, sir.

And firing.

Return fire, Mr. Worf.

- Full phasers.
- Firing, sir.

Their shields are holding.
They are firing again.

Our shields have failed.

we cannot survive another hit.

- Hail the Tamarian vessel.
- Aye, Captain.

Zinda! His face black, his eyes red.

Temarc! The river Temarc.

In winter.

- Darmok.
- And Jalad.

At Tanagra.

Darmok and Jalad.

- On the ocean.
- Sokath!

His eyes open.

The beast of Tanagra.

Uzani. His army.

Shaka. When the walls fell.

Picard and Dathon.

At El-Adrel.

Mirab with sails unfurled.

Tembo. His arms open.


At rest.

Thank you.

Power has been restored, sir.

New friends, Captain?

I can't say, Number One.

But at least
they're not new enemies.

I hope I'm not intruding.

No, of course not, Number One.

Damage report's ready
for your review.

Thank you.

Greek, sir?


Homeric Hymns.

One of the root metaphors
of our own culture.

For the next time we encounter
the Tamarians?

More familiarity
with our own mythology

might help us to relate to theirs.

The Tamarian was willing
to risk all of us

just for the hope of communication,

Now the door is open
between our peoples.

That commitment meant more to him
than his own life.

Thank you, Number One.