Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005): Season 4, Episode 4 - Star Trek: Enterprise - full transcript

The crew of a Klingon bird of prey is completely overpowered by two humans and the ship is stolen. The Klingons are not amused, a war seems unavoidable. Starfleet has a pretty good idea who might have something to do with the attack; captain Archer pays a visit to Dr. Soong, a genetic engineer. He's imprisoned because of his plans to make genetically enhanced humans, augments. Years ago Dr. Arik Soong kidnapped embryos and raised them ten years before he was captured. No one ever knows what happened to them, until now. They're responsible for the attack. Archer takes Soong to stop them and prevent a war.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

A transport shuttle, no armaments.

Their engines are down,
life support failing.


Two bio-signs, human.

Tractor beam.
Send a squad to the docking port.


Walk, human!



Contact the High Council. Inform them
of the prisoners, request instructions.


disruptor fire near the brig.



You have a visitor.

I'm busy.

Stand up, doctor.


Jonathan Archer.

What brings you here?

They naming the prison after you?

I need to ask you some questions.


I'm kind of in the middle
of something.

It won't take long.

Well, I suppose it's not every day
one gets to speak

to the man who "saved the planet."


I apologize for the clutter.

I'm not allowed
traditional recording devices.

You programmed a PADD to unlock
every security door in the building.

I was particularly proud of that.

I made it all the way to Sausalito.

On the rare occasion
I get stuck on a problem,

I find a vigorous escape attempt
helps to clear the head.

Go ahead.

They're DNA sequences.

That one is for a modification
of the human T-cell.

It would render Sharat Syndrome
a thing of the past.

That one?

Increases the visual spectrum
by 5 percent.

Of course,
none of this will ever be tested.

They clear out my room
every few months.

I'm told it all gets, poof, vaporized.

Why invest so much time and energy
on things no one will ever use?

How can a supposedly intelligent
species reject technology

that would enhance ability,
relieve suffering?

Genetic engineering
has caused a lot of suffering.

So did splitting the atom, yet the first
ships to colonize the solar system

were nuclear-powered.
But you're not here to discuss that.

Someone attacked
a Klingon bird-of-prey.

The entire crew was massacred.
The ship is missing.

I read the reports.

I understand the Klingons
are quite annoyed.

Looks like you might have
saved Earth for nothing.

Whoever's responsible jettisoned
the Klingon crew into space.

DNA was recovered from the bodies.

Let me guess, human?

Not quite.

I see.

They were Augments.

Their genetically enhanced DNA
matched embryos

stolen from a medical facility
over 20 years ago.

Stolen by you.

Soong used to work
at Cold Station 12,

a top-secret
medical research station.

Isn't that where Starfleet keeps
a stockpile of infectious diseases?

Along with
genetically engineered embryos,

left over from the Eugenics Wars.

It's been kept from the public
for obvious reasons.

I remember Soong's trial.

He wouldn't say what he did
with the embryos he stole.

ARCHER: Now he claims
that he took them to a planet

in the Trialas System
and raised them.

They were around 10 years old
when he was captured a decade ago.

So there could be a bunch
of Augments from the Eugenics Wars

- running around loose.
- Not a pretty thought.

What would they want
with a Klingon bird-of-prey?

We don't know. Neither does Soong.

At least, he claims he doesn't.

But he does think he can convince
them to surrender without a fight.

You're bringing him along.

There's also the fact
that he spent time in the Borderland.

The Borderland?

That's the area where the Klingon ship
was attacked.

It's a volatile region
between the Klingon Empire

and the Orion Syndicate.

It attracts the most dangerous
elements from both.

Sorry I asked.

The Klingons have threatened
to retaliate with everything they've got.

We're the fastest ship
and the most experienced crew.

We have to find the Augments
and bring them back.

It's the only way to avert a war.

We launch in six hours.

We've mastered
their engine controls.

Wing-mounted disruptor cannons,
photon torpedo launchers.

This ship's an arsenal.

We're finally free.

A fine ship.


I thought you'd be pleased.

I didn't sanction this attack.
If you'd failed,

- they would have come after all of us.
- I didn't fail.

Their government
knows what we did.

They have ships
hunting for us right now.

They won't find us.

It was time for us to leave
this godforsaken planet.

That was my decision, not yours!

Have you forgotten who I am?

Have you?

No, Raakin.

Say it.

You are our leader.

Don't ever make me ask you again.

Notify me when
the rest of our supplies are onboard.

We're leaving orbit.

Permission to come aboard, sir?

This is my science officer, T'Pol.

No need for an introduction.

I admire your people very much.

We share a similar view
of humanity.

What view is that?

That it could stand
some improvement.

I believe that's true of most species,
if not all.


My tactical officer, Lieutenant Reed.


I've heard of you,
but I don't recognize your face.

You're not getting
your fair share of publicity.

I think I've heard all I can stand.

We've prepared some quarters.

You'll be under guard at all times.

If you should decide you need
to clear your head...


We're on a starship
soon to be at high warp.

Where exactly would I go?

It's this way.

If I could examine the DNA samples
the Klingons recovered,

I could tell you something about
the current state of the Augments.

I'll have the information
sent to your quarters.

A laboratory would be preferable,
your Sickbay.

Dr. Phlox's reputation rivals my own.

Before I was imprisoned, of course.
I'd enjoy trading notes with him.

I'll consider it.


So how was the honeymoon?


You were on Vulcan another
two weeks after I left. I figured...


It comes with everything
but its own protein resequencer.

For that, I'll need another day.

I like it.

We don't have time
to go over all the details.

Just try not to hit that button.

We're cleared for launch.

Here we are again.

Wouldn't have it any other way.


I just received an intelligence report.

A Klingon warship was spotted
near Proxima colony.

Admiral Forrest thinks they could be
conducting reconnaissance

for a future strike.

I wanted to keep you up to date.

My government is trying to work out
a diplomatic solution.

There's still a chance
they'll be successful.

Small chance.

One other thing.

It's your first official day of duty,
Commander T'Pol.

A present.

It's from the early 20th century.

Should help keep you pointed
in the right direction.

I'm glad you're with us.

Thank you, captain.

Captain's starlog, May 17th, 2154.

We've crossed into the Borderland,

three light years from where
the Klingons were attacked.

Still no sign of their ship.



He was the rebellious one.

Reminded me of myself
when I was his age.

I came to think of them
as my own children.

Must have been difficult for you
to leave them behind.

I knew they'd survive.

This is extremely sophisticated work
for 20th-century Earth.

Well, I made some modifications
of my own.

Ah. Really?
What kind of modifications?


I prefer to let my work
speak for itself.

I think it already has.

I didn't realize you shared
humanity's reactionary attitude

toward this field of medicine.

On the contrary,

we've used genetic engineering
on Denobula for over two centuries,

to generally positive effect.

But you don't approve
of what I've done.

You tried to redesign your species.

The first time that was attempted on
Earth, the result was 30 million deaths.

We can't let past mistakes
hold us back.

It's your responsibility as a scientist
to learn from past mistakes.

Well, what makes you think
I haven't?

I can read.

Two vessels
are coming up behind us.

Orion interceptors.

Interesting way of saying hello.


No response.

We're getting hammered down here!

Keep firing.

I'm picking up an energy surge
from one of the interceptors.

- A weapon?
- No.

Tucker to the Bridge.
Two of my people just disappeared.

The interceptors
have jumped to warp.

They're gone.

They took nine people,
including T'Pol.

There never used to be Orions
in this area.

They must have expanded
their range of operations.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

It's a shame.
I really liked your science officer.

- How do I get them back?
- Pfft.

- It's not gonna be easy.
- That's not what I asked you.

They've most likely been taken
to a processing station.

The nearest one's on Verex Ill.

- Archer to Bridge.

Set a course for Verex Ill,
best possible speed.

Yes, sir.

What'll happen to them there?

They'll be ushered into
their new profession, as slaves.

These stations are heavily guarded.

Only legitimate traders
are permitted to enter.

I have the feeling
you've found your way in.

I had to establish a relationship
with the Orions.

They helped me acquire certain goods
and equipment I needed to survive.

I can get you inside,

but I can't get your people out.

One step at a time.

Raakin is taking us
to another system,

where we can live out
our lives in peace.

But I'm sure
he's already told you that.

He doesn't tell me everything.

This isn't what our father
would have wanted.

He didn't raise us
to run away and hide.

Well, what do you propose?

You could try to convince Raakin
to reconsider.

He only wants one thing from me,
and it isn't advice.

It doesn't suit you.


Playing the victim.

You chose Raakin.
You wanted the strongest for yourself.

I still do.

What is it you want?


There's plenty of time for that.


You are now the property
of the Orion Syndicate.

Break the rules, and you will suffer.

Follow the rules,
and you will suffer less.

Take her.

Let me out!


WOMAN: Take us out!
MAN: Open it. Open it!

T'POL: Ensign.
- Commander.

T'POL: Are you all right?
- This thing, it hurts.

Don't touch it. Have you seen
anyone else from the ship?

Just you. Where are we?

In Orion Slave Market.

Slave Market?

The Orions traffic in forced labor.

We're being processed for auction.

This can't be happening.

They're gonna come for us, right?
The ship?

- Ensign--
- The captain's gonna get us out!


I don't know your name.

Pierce, Jeffrey Pierce.
I just signed on.


Enterprise will come.

It may take some time.

We should try to stay together
until they get here.

Transmit your identification code.

Soong hasn't used this code
in years.

Give it time.

You're cleared to proceed.


it has a range of ten kilometers.

You wander off more than a step
or two, we bring you right back here.

You don't like me, do you,
Commander Tucker?

No, I don't.

You probably blame me for what
happened to your Vulcan friend.

That's enough.

Your crew could use
a sense of humor.

Make the engines a priority.
When it's time to leave,

I have a feeling we're gonna need
all the speed we can get.

I've read every transcript
of every mission.

I thought I was prepared,
that I knew what to expect.


Boy, was I wrong.

If you wish, I can teach you
how to minimize your anxiety.

Yeah, I'd like that.

I'd like that a lot.

Leave her alone!

Ensign, don't!




You're doing well.




Three million six!

Not even my last wife
sold for that much.


Stand back!


Bring that woman.

Over here.

You, come with me.

At least we know
four of your people are still here.

Doesn't seem to be
much demand for humans.

Those devices on their necks.

Neurolytic restraints. Ingenious, really.

They induce convulsive seizures
in disobedient slaves.

If a slave attempts
to leave the premises...

So if you try to beam them out...

Wouldn't recommend it,
not if you want them alive.



- They sell their own people.
- Only the women.

Orion females are known
for their extreme appetites,

their innate skills.

Come on.

Okay, let's go tomorrow.

Clean yourself for your master.


You all right?

- How many were taken?
- Nine. We've located five so far.

- We're working on a way to try and--
- She's sold.

Buyers are over there.

Uh, we-- We--
We made a wrong turn. Heh.

Thank you so much, though.
Thank you for your help, really.

Thank you. Let's go.

He argues with every command I give,
defies me in front of the others.

Some of them agree with what he did,
taking this ship.

They forgot how we stayed alive
all these years.

My resolve was what kept us
from starving to death on that rock.

They believe it's Malik
who liberated us from that rock.

You agree with them.

How can you say that?

I hear it in your voice.

Malik's doing more than arguing
with your commands.

He's plotting against you.

He wants to take your place.

How do you know that?

He told me.

Malik's always wanted me.

I knew he was planning something,
so I let him think I wanted him as well.

He said that you're weak,

that you're making all of us weak,

that you're betraying
Father's principles,

that if Father were here,
he'd choose Malik to lead us.

I will betray Father's principles.

I'm going to kill my own brother.


If you don't sell as a slave,

I will sell you as food.


Oh. That's barely enough to cover
the expense of processing you!

- Archer to Enterprise.
TRIP [OVER COM]: Tucker here.

We've located everyone,
including T'Pol.

I'm gonna need 6 kilos

- of tritanium-cobalt.
- Nine.

ARCHER: Make that nine.
- That's half our supply.

- I'll explain later. Just get it ready.
TRIP: Yes, sir.

ARCHER: They normally remove
the restraint after a sale.

We used the extra tritanium
to bribe one of the guards

to deactivate it but leave it on him.

Can't we just
buy the rest of our people?

T'Pol's already been sold.

We don't have time
to try and buy them all.

We're almost there. Try to hold still.

What kind of people are these?

I'd say they're not unlike
some of your ancestors,

judging from your accent.

If I remember my history,
these Augments you love so much

had plenty of slaves.

Heh. They were more like subjects.

Oh. They were just treated
like slaves.


T'Pol could be shipped out any second.
Work fast.

I told him everything.

He thinks you're planning
an attack against him.

- Is he going to move against me?
- See for yourself.

Is this the move you expected?

It's between us.

I saved your life once,
when we were children.

Pulled you from the river
when you fell in.

- I remember.

ten years later,
you're plotting against me.

I'm the strongest and the smartest.

Doesn't look that way from here.

You would never
have trapped me like this.


But I have.

I'm sorry, Raakin.

It's between us.


- Jaya, listen to me.
- They only listen to me now.

There was a time

when I looked up to you,

when I called you my brother.

I am your brother.

When you rejected
our father's wishes,

you stopped being one of us.

And when that happened,

you ceased to exist.



Which makes this an act of mercy.

Get rid of him.


Not for him.

We're sending the code now.

Got it.








The restraints are off!


Slaves are loose! Slaves are loose!



Trip, start beaming them,
five at a time.


Sorry, captain,
I hope you find your people.

Thanks for the ride.


You've got spirit.
I might just keep you for myself.


I'm not for sale.

Trip, have you got everyone?

- You and Soong are the only ones left.
ARCHER: Soong got away.

Locate him and beam him up.


Soong's transponder signal,
it's dead.

Can you scan for his bio-sign?

We're trying, but there's
too many people down there.


Help me!

Don't let them take me!


Trip, two to beam up.

You knew exactly
where the Orions were operating.

You knew they'd abduct
members of my crew.

Maybe you were even hoping
they'd get you.

There was an outside chance.

You were determined to escape,

- no matter who got hurt.
- No one was injured.

Nine of my people
were nearly sold into slavery.

Two of them may have
permanent physical damage

- because of the restraints.
- I didn't take this action lightly.

Is that supposed to justify
what you did?

I'm simply saying
it wasn't easy for me

to place you and your crew
in jeopardy.

I respect you, captain.

Then tell me how to find
the Augments.

You know where they're going.

They didn't steal a Klingon ship
to go sightseeing.

- They're dangerous.
- They're the future.

They're stronger, smarter,

free from sickness, with life spans
twice as long as our own.


You more than anyone
should appreciate what this means.

Why me?

Your father suffered
from Clarke's Disease.

His final years
were marked with extreme pain.

- My father has nothing to do with this.
- He didn't need to suffer.

Genetic engineering
could have cured him.

Those who want to suppress
my Augments

are the same ones
who condemned your father to death.

Turn the ship around, captain.

Go home. Leave them alone.

I'm gonna find them, doctor,

whether you help me or not.

You're supposed to be resting.

Dr. Phlox says I can resume
my duties this afternoon.

I'm glad they got that thing off
with no problem.

There's a slight ringing
in my left ear,

but it should dissipate over time.


Well, I'll let you get back to that.

Vulcans don't have honeymoons.

After the ceremony,
I went to Mount Seleya to meditate.

Ahem. Alone.

It's none of my business anyway.

Orion interceptors,
two of them, coming up fast.

They're hailing us.

This is Captain Archer of the starship--

You've stolen our property!

They were members of my crew.
You kidnapped them.

Disengage your warp drive
and deactivate your weapons.

That isn't going to happen.


They're targeting our nacelles.

We're dropping out of warp.



There's another ship.

The second Orion is veering off.
They're retreating.

The Klingons are requesting to dock.

I know he's on this ship.

We received his signal.

When he tried to escape,
I saw him access a console.

You were expecting us.

Where is he?

- In the brig.
- In a prison cell?

I want to speak with him.

- I can't allow that.
MALIK: We saved your ship.

My ship wouldn't have been in danger
if we hadn't come looking for you.

What is it you want with us?

My orders are to take you
back to Earth.

Earth considers
my father a criminal.


Because he brought us to life.

You want to take us back to a world
that opposes our very existence.

You attacked a Klingon vessel.

- They're threatening war.
- That's not our problem.

We don't care what happens to you.

Humanity is no longer relevant.

To quote one of your philosophers,

"Mankind is something
to be surpassed."

You think he was talking about you?

I'm about to attack you.

You see? Even with a warning,
you're not fast enough.

- Let him go.
- We have five times your strength,

- double your intelligence.
- Let him go.

I'll tear out his throat!

Lower your weapons.



I've broken their security code.
We're ready.

I'll kill him!





I can't believe it.

Father, here's Malik.


I knew we'd see each other again.

I'm proud of you.

Of all of you.

Soong, listen to me.

There's nothing to say, captain.

What should we do with them?

Let them go.

But they'll just come after us.

Their ship's disabled.

By the time it's repaired,
we'll be far away.

It's been a pleasure, captain.

Take my advice.

Go home and start learning
how to speak Klingon.

There were times back on Earth

when I doubted myself.

My work.

But seeing you all,

I know that everything I've fought for
was worth it.

We're going to build a new world,

but we can't begin that task just yet.

Thousands of your brothers
and sisters are waiting to be born.

Let's go get them.