Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005): Season 4, Episode 22 - These Are the Voyages... - full transcript

Commander William Riker is trying to clear his mind and relives the last mission of the first Enterprise in the holodeck.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
When are they expecting you
in Brazil?

I told them a couple of weeks
after the ceremony.

With all the receptions,

and then I'll need at least a week
to clear up the linguistic database.

After 10 years on this ship,

I bet it'll take a while getting used
to the humidity again.

And the bugs.

Does the captain have
to give a speech?

He's working on it now.

He hates giving speeches.

And he'll undoubtedly
make every effort

- to take no credit.
- Undoubtedly.

That'd be like Zefram Cochrane
not taking credit for warp drive.

How do you pronounce the name
of the second Tellarite liberator?

- Challash?
- Shallash.

- Shallash, thanks.
- How's it going, sir?

Whatever I write, it sounds
like I'm trying to take credit for this.

Admiral Douglas is asking you

to approve
the decommission protocols.

One thing at a time.
After the charter's signed,

I'll give him whatever he needs
to put Enterprise in mothballs.

All senior staff, report to the Bridge.

Computer, freeze program.


Save from this time index.

Program saved.

End program.

RIKER: First officer's personal log,
stardate 47457. 1.

With the unexpected arrival
of Admiral Pressman, my old CO,

I find myself
in an awkward position.

Counselor Troi has suggested
I might get a few insights

by calling up
an historic holoprogram.

Are you sure you don't want
to talk about what happened?

I've told you everything I can.

If it's a question
of breaking a promise--

Not a promise, an order.

Have you learned anything on the
holodeck about breaking orders?

Not yet. I've gone back a couple
of days earlier to get a perspective.

I really don't see
how this is gonna help.

That's why you run a starship
and I'm a counselor.

- Reed's shorter than I thought he'd be.
- Maybe the program's off.

No, I'm sure it's fine. It's just,
you expect larger-than-life people

to be larger than life.

- Has the Andorian hailed them?
- Not yet.

You might wanna leap ahead
to that point.

It's where things start
really happening,

- and consider taking over the galley.
- Why?

Well, Starfleet ships
didn't have counselors in those days,

but the chef on the first Enterprise
came pretty close.

I read almost everybody
confided in him.

I'll keep that in mind.

- Supper?
- You bet.

- I'll give you an update.
- Okay.

That's impossible.

Shran's been dead for, what,
three years?



This is quite a surprise.

I'm sorry, pink skin,

but it was essential certain people
believed I had met my demise.

Including me.

I know it's been a while, but as I recall,
you still owe me a favor.

I remember.

But this isn't a good time, Shran.

I assume you know
where we're heading.

I may no longer be a member
of the Imperial Guard,

but I'm aware
of the proposed coalition.

It's more than a proposal.

We're on our way to Earth
to sign a charter.

The ceremony isn't for three days.

If my plan works,
you'll be home in plenty of time.


I'm afraid a detour
is out of the question right now.

My child's been abducted.


You owe me.

You never told me you had a child.

Jhamel gave birth five years ago.

A daughter. They've taken her.

- Who?
- Former associates.

It's a long story.
You need to let me come aboard.

- Set a rendezvous course.
- Computer, freeze program.


Advance ahead one hour.

Switch to objective mode.

SHRAN: Who would have thought
civilian life would be more dangerous

than commanding a ship
for the Imperial Guard.

I still don't understand why you left.
You were a hero.

A hero with a family.

I always believed
that change was a good thing.

I was a fool.

Why would you fake
your own death?

I made some poor choices,

picked the wrong friends.

People involved
in questionable business ventures.

They think I took something
that belonged to them.

With the help of some old colleagues
from the Guard,

I managed
to make myself disappear.

It worked for nearly three years.

Your friends found you?

Six months ago.
I've been on the move ever since.

They took her
in the middle of the night.

I was in the next room asleep.


It's been a week.

They say if I don't return what's theirs,
they'll kill her.

Then give them what they want.

I don't have it. I never did.

But you have a plan.

It cost me everything I had,

but I managed to find out
where they've taken her.

They're on a trading outpost,
Rigel Ten.

- I'm familiar with it.
- I know these men quite well, captain.

I can outwit them.
I've done it before.

But I'll need at least seven men.
You have to help me.

It's my little girl.

He's an admitted criminal,
you said so yourself.

He fell in with disreputable people.
That doesn't make him a criminal.

If we're late for the ceremony,
it'll have far-reaching consequences.

If Shran hadn't helped us,

I never would have gotten aboard
the Xindi weapon. Have you forgotten?

This alliance is based
on friendship and loyalty,

exactly what Shran
is looking for right now.

I don't trust him.

You don't trust Andorians.
You never have.

Thank God the Vulcan council is a little
more enlightened than you are.

If they're willing to forge an alliance
with Andoria,

the least you can do
is give Shran the benefit of the doubt.

When we met 10 years ago,
I didn't trust you.

For that matter,
I didn't trust any Vulcans.

You helped me get past that,

I listened to you,
now it's your turn to listen to me.

I can't turn my back on him, T'Pol.

Try to understand.

I'll try.

By the way,

drop by the galley
when you get a moment.

Chef's trying to come up with a menu
for our last dinner together.

He wants to know
everybody's favorite dish.

There are 83 crew members aboard.

Just go see him, all right?


Don't worry.

Chef's promised
at least six kinds of cheese.

I appreciate the gesture,

but it's not necessary
to prepare a special dish for me.

Come on. I've already started
to reduce the plomeek broth.

All I need to know
is which roots you prefer.

In that case, I prefer to be surprised.

Pull up a chair.
I could use the company.

I heard a rumor I may be whipping up
some Andorian cabbage soup tonight.

We have already lost five hours
picking up Shran's shuttle.

Now we're going to lose
at least another day

diverting our course to Rigel.

His child's in danger.

Is there anything aboard this ship
you don't know?

Jonathan is a compassionate man.
You should know that by now.

His compassion has gotten us
into trouble on many occasions.

We could miss this ceremony.

Don't worry.
I've got a hunch you're gonna make it.

- Tea?
- Thank you.

Phlox has given me
his largest Edosian suckerfish.

Excuse me?

Looks like a catfish.
I'm hoping it tastes like one.

Commander Tucker's crazy
for catfish.

Do you ever miss him?

I spent the morning with him,
recalibrating the plasma array.

That's not what I mean.

If you're referring
to our intimate relationship,

that's been over for six years.

But the question remains,
do you miss him?

I'm Vulcan. I don't miss people.

Sorry, I forgot.

Is he as concerned as you
about making this ceremony?

Trip rarely questions
the captain's decisions.

He doesn't strike me as someone
who follows orders blindly.

He's not. He simply tends to agree
with the captain most of the time.

He trusts him.

Would you peel these for me?

Before I joined this crew,
I never could've imagined anything

- more important than following orders.
- And now?

Humans believe that sometimes
you have to follow your instincts.

Very illogical approach,
but one I've come to embrace.

Computer, freeze program.




There you are.

- Someone you know?
- Someone I knew.

- Pegasus?
- Phil Wallace.

Hell of a handball player.

Pressman was getting ready
to promote him.

How many died?

Seventy-one. All but nine of us.

How do you feel about learning
the ship wasn't destroyed?

What difference does it make?
Seventy-one people died.

You're feeling guilty.

You think in some way
you were responsible?

You're the empath.
Why don't you tell me?

I think it's something else,

something about seeing
that ship again.

Why don't we change the subject?


How did things go on the holodeck?

They picked up the Andorian.
They're on their way to Rigel Ten.

I was referring to any insight
you may have gained.

I took your advice about the chef.
You were right.

T'Pol opened up to me.

Have you met
with Commander Tucker?

No, I haven't made it
to Engineering yet.

Have you spent any time
on the NX-01?

- I've never run the program.
- What about the ship itself?

I think I went when I was a little girl,

but I get all those museum ships
mixed up.

Now's your chance.
Come on down with me.

I have an appointment in an hour.

I'll get you back in plenty of time.
Come on.

Our brig is bigger than this.

A lot of things change in 200 years.
Watch yourself!

No fish tank.

How could Archer survive
without a fish tank?

Allow me.

- He does have a dog though.
- Right, I remember.

- One of the musketeers.
- Porthos.

Oh, comfy.

No seat for the first officer?

Perhaps Archer wasn't as fussy
as Captain Picard

when it came to people
sitting in his chair.

I remember seeing one of these
in a photograph.

Kirk's ship had them, I think.

Engineering's down this way.

There's something lonely
about a ship without its crew.

Computer, add an appropriate
crew complement, objective mode.


That's better.

If you recall, Rigel Ten is filled
with a very unsavory element.

And I rather doubt Shran's scheme
will be quite as simple as he claims.

I can't imagine the captain
would put us in jeopardy

this close to signing the charter.

I don't like it.

What exactly are you doing?

These injectors need to be purged
every six months.

Are the deuterium filters clear?

We've done all but three.

- Right. Make it quick.
- Aye, sir.

Well, what's the point?

This ship will be joining
the mothball fleet next week.

I pretty much built this engine.

I'm going to take care of it
as long as I can.

Been a hell of a run, Malcolm.

I never thought it would come
to an end.

All good things.

Captain thinks there'll be
another Enterprise before too long.

I imagine.

It won't be the same.

That's okay.

Come on.

It's sad.

Commander Tucker had no idea
he wouldn't make it back.

How reliable are your sources?

They're criminals, but honorable ones.

They promised me that Talla
is being held here, at level four.

Have you fashioned the amethyst?

The photograph you gave us
had poor resolution,

but I'm confident our replication
will look authentic.

The Tenebian amethyst
they think I stole was flawless.

They'll undoubtedly have
magnifying equipment with them.

They'll need a spectral micrometer
to see it's a fabrication.

How many do you expect
to show up?

Computer, freeze program.


- He's cute.
- Don't get any ideas.

Heh, Reg will be furious if I'm late.
Are you gonna stay?

- Yeah, for a little while.
- Good luck. Computer, arch.

Computer, how long
before they reach Rigel Ten?

Sixteen hours, 22 minutes.

Advance to that point.
Stay in objective mode.

Move into a stationary orbit.

Aye, sir.

Put a team together.
Meet us in the launch bay.

can I have a word with you?

We can handle this without you.

- Well, that's flattering.
- You know what I mean.

You've got the biggest day
of your life coming up.

A lot of people are counting
on you being there.

I appreciate you worrying,
but I'll be fine.

You don't need to be putting yourself
in harm's way.

I'm telling you,
we can take care of it.

Rigel was the first place we visited,

Now it's gonna be the last.

Poetic justice.
Why should you have all the fun?

We're going through
the troposphere.

It might get a little bumpy.

Have you been down
to see chef yet?

First thing this morning. You?

He talked about you.

- Me?
- Us.

What about us?

It's not important.


Why did you bring it up then?

Do you ever miss me?

- You mean...
- Yes.

You know how long it's been?

That's not what I asked you.

Well, um...

Yeah, I guess, sometimes.

I haven't thought about those days
in a long time.

Benefit of being a Vulcan.

After speaking with chef, I realized
we may never see each other again.

What are you talking about?

We're taking different assignments.
There's no way of knowing--

There's every way of knowing.

I can guarantee you
we're not gonna lose touch.

Stop thinking like that.

However long it may be,

I believe I'm going to miss you.

Archer to Shuttlepod 2.

Go ahead, sir.

ARCHER: Shran's made contact.
Everything's set.

- I'll lead you in.
- Understood.

Stop there.

Unless I'm mistaken, I thought you had
no idea where the amethyst was.

Where's my daughter?

Funny how a missing child has a way
to jog the memory, eh, Shran?

Where is she?

I thought you were happily married.

Who's the Vulcan?

I'm not interested in your associates,
so don't question mine.

Put the case down and open it.

We want the child first.

I could shoot you both.

You'll never get this case open,
I promise you.

You let a female negotiate for you,
eh, Shran?

You heard her.

Are you all right?

I'm hungry.

Now open the case.

Set it down.

Now back up.

Let her take the girl.

Fine, but you stay.

One step and this little blue beauty
won't have a father to come home to.

I want you to go with T'Pol.

You'll be safe with her.

She'll find you something to eat.

Obey your father.

Now step back.

What are you doing?


Stand still,
and you won't be harmed!

Spread out!


Hold on!

Thanks, boss.


You're certain
that it won't be a problem?

I'll feel more comfortable getting you
away from your friends at Warp 4.

My shuttle may be slow,

but their ships
can barely make Warp 2.

All the same. You'll be under
your own power by tomorrow night.

We'll contact your wife, tell her
to expect you the next morning.

I told you my plan
would only take a few hours.

You're welcome.


You should let Phlox take a look at her
before you go to your quarters.

Whatever you say, captain.

Thanks, pink skin.

You must be getting tired
of saving my life.

I'm glad I didn't take your advice
about not coming along.

Yeah, you and me both.

Then again, you almost got yourself
killed down there.

Wouldn't have gone over too big
at the ceremony.

Signing documents are easy.

Training a new engineer,

that can be a real pain in the ass.

Data to Counselor Troi.

Yes, Data?

DATA: I was wondering
if this might be an appropriate time

to continue our discussion
on the long-term effects

of space travel
on my positronic net.

Can I give you a rain check?

DATA: You may check me for rain
if you wish, counselor,

but I assure you
I have no water in my--


Data, I'll get back to you.

Come in.

I know it's past office hours.

What is it?

It won't be long
before they find the Pegasus.

You haven't made your decision.

The holodeck?

They rescued
the Andorian's daughter.

So you're coming to the moment
of truth in there as well.

I need you to promise
you'll keep this confidential.

You know I will.

What do you know
about Treaty of Algeron?

2311. It redefined
the Romulan Neutral Zone.

It also outlawed the use of cloaking
technology on Starfleet vessels.

The Pegasus?

A secret group in Starfleet Security
developed a prototype.

Pressman was put in charge
of testing it.

That's why they're so eager to find it
before the Romulans do.

The accident,
the 71 people who died,

we were testing the cloaking device.

It was covered up?

The nine of us who made it back alive
were sworn to secrecy.

And you've lived with that
for 12 years?

And they wanna pick up the
experiment up where they left off.

Are you sure?

Pressman told me himself.

What they're doing is wrong.

It could jeopardize the treaty.

And you want to tell that
to Captain Picard.

I took an oath of secrecy.

Pressman still outranks the captain.


You didn't get this far in your career
making easy decisions.

I'm confident
you'll make the right one now.

I wish I was.

He was anything but tactful.

What his countrymen might refer
to as a "hick."

I couldn't understand
what Captain Archer saw in him.

Thinner. Roll it a little bit thinner,
like this:

- Oh, yeah, right.
- Go on.

Ugh. That's about it, really.

I used to think that first impressions
meant something.

I guess it's not always true.

To be honest, I didn't think
he was gonna last a month,

old friend of the captain's or not.

And now,

I can't imagine what these last 10
years would've been like without him.

Did you ever find yourself
attracted to him?

Maybe a little.

I never really thought
he was my type.

Didn't even graduate college,

he learned about engineering
working on boat engines, I think.

Never cared much about languages.

Heh, could barely speak English.

But he did have his moments.

I still find him kind of cute.

- Keep that to yourself.
- Always do.

Captain said they've known
each other a long time.

Close to 20 years.

He taught the captain to scuba dive
somewhere off the coast of Florida.

Oh, you're pressing too hard.
Just slow, steady movement.

- Ah. Sorry.
- No need to apologize.

They've got a shorthand
they use sometimes.

Comes from spending
so much time together.

- Trip ever take a swing at Picard?
- At who?

Archer, Captain Archer?

Not that I know of.

When push comes to shove,

Commander Tucker usually ends up
doing the right thing.

- How am I doing?
- Don't let it get too big. Fold it over.

- There you go.
- Ah.


And he's always pushing himself,
often to the point of exhaustion.

He's forced me to order him to relax
on more than one occasion.

- To relax?
- Yeah.

Wasn't very keen on getting
neuro-pressure treatments from T'Pol.

But it was that
or become addicted to sedatives.

If I remember correctly,
that's when...

Their romance began? Precisely.

One time, he became so exhausted,

I had to demand
he get six hours sleep.

- He negotiated it down to four.
- Heh.

A very stubborn young man. Ah. Ah!

Heh, I quite enjoy this.

So did he follow your orders?

Didn't have a choice.

You've always got a choice.

So you think this alliance
is gonna hold?

Better hope so,
with thousands of planets within reach.

Got to start somewhere.

Who would've guessed?

Vulcans and Andorians
in the same bed.


The Tellarites were never big fans
of the Andorians either.

This is a special bottle of whiskey.

Zefram Cochrane gave it to my father
the day they broke ground

at the Warp 5 complex.

And here we are
toasting to Warp 7.

Here's to the next generation.

Written your speech yet?

I always crammed before exams.

- I've got three days left.
- The biggest day of your life,

you're gonna wait
until the night before.

It's the biggest day of our lives.

Oh, I hate to contradict you, captain.

You're the man they're waiting
to see.

Archer to the Bridge.
What's going on?

T'POL [OVER COM]: We're under
attack, sir. A small vessel.

- Who are they?
- We don't know yet.


Intruder alert.

We've come for Shran and the child.

- You said their ship couldn't catch us.
- Remind me to mention that to Shran.

You're leaving me very little choice.

Shran left six hours ago.
You're too late.

You're lying.
His shuttle is still in your launch bay.

- Kill him.
TRIP: Hold on. Wait a minute.

- Trip, I'll take care of this.
- The hell you will. I know where he is.

- I gave you an order.
- I said I'd bring you to Shran.

- Trip!
- Turn around, both of you!

- Hey, this is the captain.
- That's enough.

If I'm gonna disobey his order,
I don't want him along.

- Trip, that's enough!
- Listen, I won't do this if you kill him.

But could you please shut him up?


You can't expect me
to just leave him here alive.

He's out cold.
He's not gonna cause any trouble.

Stay here. If we're not back
in 10 minutes, kill him.

Didn't you hear what I just said?
I won't help you if you kill him.

This might take longer
than 10 minutes.

Take me to Shran,
or I'll kill him right now!

Okay, okay!

I've got a better idea.

I'll bring Shran to us.
We don't have to go anywhere.

Be very careful.

You can all come see
for yourselves.

This is just a com station.

I need to open this so I can bypass
the security protocols. Is that okay?

Keep your hands
where we can see them.

No problem.

All I need to do is connect this
to the relay inside that panel.

Stop. Open it for him.

If there's a weapon in there,
you're going to die before your captain.



Hurry up.
You're running out of time.

There's just one other thing
I need to tell you.

You can all go straight to hell.



He's not responding.

Add syntho-surfactant.

ARCHER: Doctor?
PLOX: Plasma was super-heated.

It thermalized his lungs.
Initialize the hyperbaric chamber.

So sorry about the rifle butt.

- I was just trying to...
- I know, Trip.

Just take it easy.
Everything's all right.

We're gonna be late.

No. We'll be right on schedule.

I'll even have time
to write my speech.

Great news.

Wait till they hear--


We need to get him
into the chamber now!


Need any help?

No, thank you.

For his parents?

Will they still be coming
to the ceremony?

I told them I thought Trip
wouldn't want it any other way.

Don't forget this.

I'd like to meet them.

His parents?

Yes. I'd like to meet them.

They're a little eccentric.

I think you'll see
where Trip got his sense of humor.

My mother was somewhat eccentric
as well.

I remember.

Trip told me as the years went by
that I would miss her less.

But he was wrong,

because I find myself
missing her more.

Why would he tell me that?


Time heals all wounds,

but absence
makes the heart grow fonder.

I guess it's a little tricky.

Emotions have a way
of contradicting themselves.

And you wonder why
we suppress them.

When I took command 10 years ago,
I saw myself as an explorer.

I thought all the risks
would be worth it,

because just beyond the next planet,
just beyond the next star,

there would be something magnificent,
something noble.

And now Trip is dead,

and I have to give a speech
about how worthwhile it's all been.

Trip would be the first
to say it was worthwhile.

Fried catfish with hush puppies.

Obviously the captain mentioned
why I wanted to see you.


Keep in mind, within a week,
I'll be eating the real thing.

I'm taking my folks down to Mobile.

Nothing like a challenge.

Captain asked for meatloaf,
didn't he?

- I haven't spoken to him yet.
- What about T'Pol?

She won't be very cooperative.
You wait and see.

I've already started
her plomeek broth.

All she has to do
is choose a few final ingredients.

She'll be down here
in about an hour.

I hear we're on our way
to pick up Shran.

Can you believe it?

We all thought he was dead
and gone.

Well, don't you think
the captain's cutting it close?

You mean, getting back
to San Francisco?

No, he won't let anything
get in the way of that. Trust me.

Can you spare one of those carrots?

- They're not peeled yet.
- That's okay.

You know, he'd never admit it,

but this thing means
a hell of lot to him.

He's real proud to be one of the people
signing this charter,

and he ought to be.

You sound like a lifetime member
of the Jonathan Archer fan club.


I can count on one hand
the number of people I trust.

I don't mean trust like:

"I trust you aren't lying to me,"
or, "I trust you won't steal my money."

I'm talking about
the kind of trust where

you know someone's
not gonna hurt you, no matter what.

Where you know
they'll always be there for you,

no matter how bad things get.

You ever know anybody like that?


One or two.

Well, I got some packing to do
before I go back on duty.

You figured out
what you're gonna do?

- Do?
- You gonna sign onto another ship

or you gonna open up
that little restaurant in the Berkshires?

You know, I haven't decided yet.

You got any advice?


- Nope.
- Ha-ha-ha.

But I'm sure
you'll make the right choice.

- You certain these are the right seats?
- Yep.

They don't seem very VIP to me.

I'm sure the admiral wanted us
to have a view

that took in the scope
of the occasion.

From this distance you can't tell
an Andorian from a Tellarite.

Oh, have you given an answer
to Captain Stillwell yet?

I've asked him for a little more time

until Captain Archer decides
what he's going to be doing.

I'll bet you a month's pay
he'll be on the Bridge of a new ship.

He won't be able to resist one
of those Warp 7 beauties.

I've heard he's already been tapped
for admiral.

Malcolm's right.
They'll never keep him behind a desk.

That's very wise of you
to stick with him.

That's exactly what I plan to do.

Please, stand still.

If you hadn't waited
until the last minute,

you would have had time
to memorize your speech.

You sound like
my ninth grade teacher.

There are dignitaries here
from 18 different worlds. Ha, ha.

It's a good sign.

I wouldn't be surprised if this alliance
begins to expand before we know it.

You should be very proud of yourself,

I'll be proud of myself
if I get the speech out in one piece.

That's not what I meant.

I know what you meant, Phlox.

And I appreciate it.

But this is not about me.

Why do so many humans refuse
to take credit where credit is due?

There are times when modesty
and humility are quite illogical.

Whenever you're ready, sir.

Well, I've got three wives waiting.
I'd better go and join them.

I'd, uh, wish you good luck, captain,

but you've always
had an ample supply.

Thank you, doctor.

You'd better get out there.

You don't want to miss me
screwing this thing up.

I'm going to remain down here,
if you don't mind.

You never did like crowds, did you?

You look

very heroic.


Is he nervous?

- Wouldn't you be?
- Heh.

Oh, he'll be fine.

I had to memorize this speech
in grammar school.

You wish you could tell them all

that this alliance will give birth
to the Federation.

I think I'm ready to talk
to Captain Picard.

I should have done it
a long time ago.

So I guess we're through here.

I guess we are. Computer,


end program.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:

To explore strange new worlds.

To seek out new life
and new civilizations.

ARCHER: To boldly go where no man
has gone before.