Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005): Season 2, Episode 20 - Star Trek: Enterprise - full transcript

Mayweather temporarily leaves Enterprise to visit the cargo ship Horizon, where he was born and raised. Meanwhile, the Enterprise crew observes an unusual planetary event.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Bridge to Mayweather.


The Captain wants you
to report to the Bridge.

Admiral Forrest called
a few minutes ago.

We're reversing course.

I'm on my way.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

The planet's orbit has shifted,

taking it between
two gas giants.

Their gravitational pull

is causing its
core to superheat.

Starfleet thinks
it'll be covered

with erupting volcanoes

by the end of the week.

This system's almost
30 light-years behind us.

Admiral Forrest
assures me it's only

a temporary detour.

Some geologic fireworks.
Could be fun.

Set a course.

Aye, sir.

Come in.

Do you have a minute, sir?

Several, actually.


What's on your mind?

I was wondering if I could make

a personal request.

Of course.

My family's ship, the Horizon?

We're going to be
passing close to it.

I wouldn't mind going
by for a visit.

It's about ten hours
off our flight path.

Enterprise can still get

to the planet
with time to spare.

You could pick me up
on the way back.

I think we can manage
without you for a few days.

Thank you, sir.

Your folks will be
surprised to see you.

My father's been ill
for a few months.

Nothing serious, I hope.

My mother said he'll be fine.

She's the ship's Medic.

I thought you

told me your mother
was the Chief Engineer.

She's both.

I guess they have to
wear a lot of hats

to keep those old ships running.

My grandfather held the record...

Five jobs at one time,
two of them on the Bridge.

There was a time

when I gave serious thought
to serving on a cargo ship.

You, sir?

It was a few years before
Starfleet was chartered.

Why didn't you sign up?

Long story.

I'll tell you the next time
we have breakfast.

After we dock, I'll have Phlox
go over with you,

have him take a look
at your father.

I'd appreciate that, sir.

You'll be glad to hear

the thermal scanners
are up and running.

And the imaging relays?

Yup. We'll drop six
of them in high orbit.

That should give us
a bird's-eye view

of every volcano on the planet.

You know, there's
not going to be

a lot to do once we get there.

Sensors will record
everything automatically.

You should have plenty of time
to practice your harmonica.

I've talked Chef into doing
something special.

Starting Tuesday, it's going
to be movie night every night.

Thought you might be interested,

seeing how you enjoyed
that Western.

We're going to be showing

the three greatest
horror movies ever made.

Bride of Frankenstein

and Son of Frankenstein.

We might even throw in

Abbott and Costello
Meet Frankenstein.

I have no interest
in horror movies.

How do you know

if you've never seen one?

You don't have to
see all of them,

just... come the first night.

I promise

you'll like it.

Reanimated life-forms...

Science run amok...

They're right up your alley.

Four years isn't so long.

My last family reunion
was almost a decade ago.

Starfleet really ought to think

about putting families
on starships.

You must be joking.

No one would ever get homesick.

Yes. Well, they'd better
post a psychologist on board,

because I'd need one

if my parents were
roaming the corridors.

On a cargo ship,
you can't walk ten meters

without running
into your baby-sitter

or... a great-aunt.

Bridge to Ensign Mayweather.

Go ahead.

We've gotten a response
from the Horizon.

It's your mother.

Thanks, Hoshi.

Put it through to my quarters.

Captain's Personal Log,
January 10, 2153.

We're on course for our
rendezvous with the Horizon.

I've just received word

that Ensign Mayweather's family

is facing an unexpected tragedy.

Mind if I join you?

Of course not.

I haven't been up here
since we launched.

Come here a lot?

Every now and then.

Commander Tucker
told me what happened.

I'm sorry.

My mother sent
a message to Starfleet

six weeks ago...

but I never got it.

The civilian channels can be...

pretty slow.

I should have called him.

We were in com range
a few months ago.

I guess I wasn't ready
to talk to him yet.

He wasn't very happy with me

when I joined Starfleet.

He'd been grooming me
for his job...

since I was a kid.

I'm sure...

it wasn't easy for him
when you left.

But I know for a fact...

that he was proud of you.

With all respect, sir,

I'm not so sure he was.

Did he ever tell you
about the letter he sent me?

It was almost two
and a half years ago.

There were a few candidates

I was looking at
for Helm Officer.

I was having
a little trouble deciding,

so I contacted their former COs

hoping for a more
personal evaluation.

What did he say?

He wrote
the shortest recommendation.

Just one sentence.

He said...
he'd never met

a more natural "stick
and rudder" man in his life

and I'd be a fool
if I didn't choose you.

When I saw

how you handled
yourself at the helm...

I knew he was right.

I wish...

he would have told me that.

As I suspected.

It's nothing more
than a simple headache.

I was hoping for
something more serious.


I've been coerced

into watching tonight's movie.

If you're looking
for a medical excuse,

I'm afraid you're out of luck.

If it's any consolation,
I'll be there as well.

I agree this
form of entertainment

is rather crude,
but it can often provide

an enlightening glimpse
into human behavior.

Don't be surprised

if you see me
here again afterwards.

I have little doubt
my headache will return.

Just a quick tour
of the Engine Room,

that's all I'm asking.

The Horizon's 50 years old.

I'm sure you've seen far more
impressive warp reactors.

Zefram Cochrane
designed that engine himself.

I've heard rumors
that he personally

signed the inside of
each reactor casing.

Oh, uh...
almost forgot.

What's this?

A few family photos.

I downloaded
every picture I've taken

since we left Spacedock.

Thought your mom
might like to see

what her boy's been up to.

Thank you, sir.

You bet.

I wouldn't call it
a "dangerous" mission.

We've gotten into
a few skirmishes,

but nothing we couldn't handle.

I got a letter from your sister.

She said you mentioned
a "close call"

with some kind of storm.

We ran into a small wave
front a few months ago.

The crew had to squeeze
into one of the nacelles

for a couple of days.

She probably made it
sound worse than it was.

She also mentioned something

about alien soldiers
forcing their way aboard.

It was really just
a misunderstanding.

They thought Enterprise
had been abandoned.

Captain Archer convinced
them to leave.

I guess there's no point
in asking you

about the Romulan minefield.

How'd you know about that?

I've been serving on cargo
ships for a long time.

I've made a few contacts
here and there.

Stand by to go to warp.

Charlie must be at the helm.

What makes you say that?

His warp jumps were always
a little rough.

Where are we headed?

Deneva Station.

Just a quick run
to pick up supplies.

We'll have you back
in plenty of time.

Watch your step, ma'am.



Haven't seen you for a while.

Did you lock yourself in
a cargo container again?

Do you always have
to bring that up?

It's good to see you.

If you're not busy tonight,
stop by the Mess.

I will.

Did you forget your way?

Guest quarters are over here.

You're not assigned
to guest quarters.

I thought my room
had been reassigned.

It was, but they didn't mind
giving it up for a few days.

We don't get VIPs very often.

I found some of your old things.

Thought you might
feel more at home.

I can't believe you kept this.

You stayed up all
night for a month,

mapping every system

you planned to visit
when you grew up.

I've still got a ways to go.

I'm glad you're home.

Me, too.

We're going to get
through this, Mom.

Those plasma injectors aren't
going to align themselves.

I should go.

Oh, after you've settled in,
come by the Engine Room.

Some people want to say hello.

Transfer these canisters
over to Module 4.


Are you sure you're old
enough to drive that thing?

An Ensign ought to salute
before addressing a Captain.

"Acting Captain."

Don't let it go to your head.

I'll catch up with you
in a few minutes.

The jacket looks good on you.


Didn't think I'd be
wearing it this soon.

Business must be good.

I've never seen
this module so full.

The biggest problem these days

is keeping track of everything.

Dad kept a lot of the
inventory in his head.

I'm trying to reconstruct
the database.

We still can't find
the stromatopod larvae

we're supposed to be delivering
to the Demerians.

I only hope it didn't end up
in cold storage.

If you need me to help out
with anything...

Thanks... but we
can handle it.

You're on leave.

I'm not going
to put you to work.

See you at dinner?


You might want to change

into something
a little less conspicuous.

I've deployed
the imaging relays.

How long until the show begins?

Approximately 30 hours.

The holometric camera still
needs to be calibrated.

I can help with that.

Get started.

I'd like to share our
pictures with Starfleet.

Give Admiral Forrest
a front-row seat.

Echo III's within range.

It shouldn't be too hard
to set up a downlink.

So, you coming tonight?

If these sensors are
calibrated by then.

Well, you better
make up your mind.

Seats are gonna fill up fast.

According to the database,

Frankenstein is also
a work of literature.

Mary Shelley wrote it;
the wife of a famous poet.

Perhaps a dramatic reading
would be more illuminating.

You expect a Mess Hall
full of crewmen

to sit still while
someone reads to them?

They'd be more likely

to appreciate the author's
true intent.

You want to start a book
club, go right ahead.

You're gonna be there tonight,
aren't you, sir?

Wouldn't miss it.

Well, I'll save you
some popcorn.

Might be a good idea
for you to go, too.

It might be fun,

and a little fraternizing
couldn't hurt.

I don't understand
how sitting silently

in a darkened room
constitutes "fraternizing."

It's a...

communal experience.

Tell you what.

Let's make a night of it...

Dinner in the
Captain's Mess, 1800,

movie at 1930.

You'll be my date.

I beg your pardon?

I'll be a perfect gentleman.

And if you don't like the movie,

I'll never ask you to sit
through another one.

All right...

try it now.


I've increased the range
of the navigation sensors.

The helm will make course
corrections a lot quicker.

What's wrong?

I'm just working
on a few upgrades.

I don't remember asking
for any upgrades.

You were busy.

I didn't want to bother you.

You're going to love this.

You know those port stabilizers
that were always acting up?

Before I left, I spoke
with Commander Tucker.

"Commander Tucker"?

Our Chief Engineer
on Enterprise.

He showed me how to reconfigure
the spatial discriminators.

They shouldn't give you
any more trouble.

What's going to happen
if these improvements

of yours go off-line?

You'll be back on your Starfleet
ship, out of com range.

Who's going to fix it?

I'd prefer it if you didn't
modify any more systems

without discussing it with me.

Whatever you say, sir.

Maybe you can stop by

build us a warp 5 engine.

Come in.

I heard we had a visitor.

Word travels fast.

I still can't believe he's gone.

I'm so sorry, Travis.


Aren't you a little old
for this?

I don't know.

I thought it might be fun
to regress for a while.

What do you say we turn off
the grav plating

and jump on the bed?

And get grounded again?

That wouldn't look too good
on your Starfleet record.

How's Enterprise?

Keeps us busy.

We've gone a 150 light-years.

Seen 22 inhabited worlds.

In 18 months?

You can't believe
what's out there.

Columbus, Magellan,
Travis Mayweather.

How long are you home for?

Just a few days.

Any chance of getting
an extended leave?

I'm afraid not.

I doubt Magellan got
much time off, either.

What's wrong?

I don't mean to spoil
your visit, but...

things haven't exactly
been running like clockwork

since your father died.

What do you mean?

We missed a rendezvous with an
Orion freighter two weeks ago.

The Cargo Authority
wasn't too pleased.

We're also low on deuterium.

We've had to dip into the
reserves twice this month.

Morale's been better, Travis.

Horizon's lost its Captain,

and some of the crew
are starting to wonder

if Paul's ready for the job.

You might have noticed
he's been a little on edge.

He's always on edge.

More than usual.

My mother hasn't
mentioned any of this.

I guess she didn't
want to worry you.

He's only been in command
a few weeks.

Give him a chance.

He'll grow into it.

I hope you're right.

I'm sure this is the last thing

you wanted to hear right now.

I thought you should know.


Charlie at the helm?

Just a little
spatial turbulence.

You've gotten spoiled
on Enterprise.

That's no turbulence.

Hull fracture in Module 3.

We're venting atmosphere.

Seal it off.

Try hailing them again.

They're still not responding.

What's going on?

We're under attack.

By who?

I don't know.

Should I arm the plasma turrets?


Transfer reserve power

to the hull plating.

We need to get out of
their weapons range.

Go to maximum warp.

You're hauling
30,000 metric tons.

You're not going to be
able to outrun them.

You heard me.

Yes, sir.

Warp 1.6...


Warp 1.8...

They're still closing.

A little more...


They're moving off.

Reduce speed to 1.5.

They attached something
to the hull.

Show me.

It's emitting a subspace signal.

Could be some kind of beacon.

Call Engineering.

Tell them to get someone
out there to pry it off.

I wouldn't recommend that.

This is a dicobalt signature...

a high-yield explosive.

If anyone gets too close,
it might decide to go off.

The Constellation sent us this.

This ship attacked
them eight weeks ago

and it planted a
beacon on their hull.

A day later, this
cruiser showed up

and demanded their cargo.

The Constellation tried

to drive them off, but
the aliens got aboard

and killed three of their crew.

Then they took
the entire shipment.

What kind of weapons
does the Constellation have?

Two plasma turrets...
same as us.

There has to be a way

to remove that beacon.

I wouldn't risk it.

If it detonates, you
could lose the nacelle.

If we jettison
a few tons of that ore,

can we increase to warp 2?

I don't see why not.

That should allow us

to reach Deneva Station
ahead of schedule.

It's well-armed,
we should be safe there.

What happens if they come back
before we arrive?

There's no other choice.

We can't shoot
our way out of this.

I've seen this kind of engine
configuration before.

It's not that different
from a Mazarite ship.


We had some trouble with them.

We managed to knock
out their engines

with our phase cannons.

We don't have phase cannons.

I can tie the plasma turrets

directly into
the impulse engines.

Lieutenant Reed did that

and it increased
our yield by 80 percent.

I'm not going to risk
all of our lives

by getting into a fight

we can't win.

If they reach us before
we make it to Deneva,

we'll give them what they want.

If there's one thing I've
learned from Captain Archer,

it's that you don't give in
to people like this.

You're only going to
encourage more attacks,

not just against you,
but other cargo ships.

I appreciate the advice,
but this isn't your problem.

You're not part
of this crew anymore.

Jettison that ore

and increase our speed.

Even your father
had to make compromises.

The safest thing to do
is give them what they want.

Cargo can be replaced.

Fool, if this storm develops
as I hope, you will have plenty

to be afraid of
before the night's over.

Go on, fix the electrodes.

This storm will be magnificent.

All the electrical secrets
of heaven.

This time we're ready.

Eh, Fritz?


What are you doing?

Reviewing this morning's
sensor data.

I thought you were going
to give this a chance.

Just a few stitches.

Look, here's the final touch.

A brain you stole, Fritz.

Think of it, the
brain of a dead man.

This Dr. Frankenstein,

his technique is not dissimilar

to a practice on B'Saari II.

They successfully used
an isolytic current

to reanimate the bodies
of the recently deceased.


Of course,
the revived individuals

weren't capable
of more than basic

cellular metabolism.

However, the B'Saari
have developed a procedure

that shows promise
in repairing the synaptic...

We can stop the film
if it's disturbing
your conversation.

In 15 minutes, the storm
should be at its height.

Then we'll be ready.

What's that noise?


Looks like someone's rerouting
the impulse relays.


Module 5.

You have the Bridge.

I thought I made myself clear.

If those aliens come back,
you'll thank me.

I told you, I'm not going
to take this ship into battle.

You may not have a choice.

I didn't ask for your opinion,

and I didn't approve
your modifications.

Stop what you're doing.

You heard me.

I didn't mean to undermine
your authority.


But you're being unreasonable.

I just want us to be prepared.


You keep talking as if
you're a part of this crew.

It's still my home.

You turned your back
on us a long time ago.

Is that what this
is about, me leaving?

If you want to be
an effective Captain,

you've got to set
your personal feelings aside,

listen to what other
people have to say.

More words of wisdom
from Starfleet?

No, your father.

He said that to me
a long time ago.

If he was here now,
he'd tell you the same thing.

You quoting Dad?

You never listened to him.

If you had, you wouldn't
have abandoned your family.

You barely spoke to him
for the last four years.

You weren't even
here when he died.

That isn't fair.

You knew he was sick.

But you didn't really care.

You only decided to stop by

because it was
convenient for you.

Hostile aliens
aren't our problem,

it's Starfleet
and people like you.

Do you have any idea
how hard it is

to find new crewmen?

No one wants to run
freight anymore.

They all want to be explorers,

cruising around on
state-of-the-art ships

with their personal chefs.

You want to stand around

feeling sorry for yourself,
go ahead.

I've got better things to do.

Take those upgrades off-line.

I'll confine you to
quarters if I have to.

I'm just trying
to help you, Paul.

In case you haven't noticed,

you could use a little
help right now.

I don't want your help.

You want to take them off-line?

Do it yourself.

I understand you made
a few modifications

to the impulse relays.

Next time, you might
want to check with me.

I am the Chief Engineer.

I knew how Paul would react

and I didn't want
to drag you into it.

I've played referee between you

and your brother
for a long time.

Never thought I'd
actually miss these.


Not just any nutri-pak...
Strawberry shortcake.

The first time
I tasted real shortcake

was in San Francisco.

It just wasn't the same.

I think they've ruined
your taste buds.

I wouldn't mind
eating like this again.

I'm thinking about asking
for an extended leave.

I'm sure Captain Archer
would approve, considering.

How long would you stay?

As long as I'm needed.

But you're needed on your ship.

I'm not the only Helm Officer.

Even if your Captain agrees,

it could be a long time

before Enterprise is
back this way again.

There's a lot for me to do here.

I can help upgrade
the guidance and warp systems.

With a little luck,
we could make Horizon

the fastest J-Class
in the fleet.

You're going to
give up your career,

move back home and take
orders from your brother?

My career's the last thing
on my mind right now.


Now you know what it's
like to be a parent.

I could spend
every waking minute

worrying about you two.

But I'd never get any work done.

He's not ready, Mom.

You should've seen your
father when he took over.

He was a year younger
than Paul is now.

He was an engineer.

He didn't know the first thing

about running a Bridge.

We fell so far behind schedule,

he almost lost his ECA license.

He wanted to quit,
I wouldn't let him.

Your brother
just needs some time.

You don't think I should stay?

Didn't we have
this conversation?

It was right here in
this room, four years ago,

when you first thought
about joining Starfleet.

A lot has changed
in four years, Mom.

That's true, and a lot
more's going to change.

Will we be talking
about this again

in another four years?

You're the Helmsman of
the first warp 5 starship.

I'm proud of you.

Everyone here is.

Even Paul, though
he won't admit it.

If you'll indulge a
little motherly advice...

Don't let your guilt over
leaving guide your decision.

I'll try to keep that in mind.

Good night.


I find it hard to believe

that no one on Vulcan's
ever heard of a horror movie.

There is something similar...

a discipline known
as tarul-etek.

It uses disturbing
imagery to provoke

an emotional response.

They try and scare you...

to see how well you
suppress your emotions.

I don't understand why humans

would feel compelled
to frighten themselves.

Gets the heart pumping.

Cardiovascular activity
would be more efficient.

You never did give us your
opinion of the movie.

There were
many medical inaccuracies.

What did you think of the story?

I thought the protagonist
was interesting.

Dr. Frankenstein?

No, his creation.

From my perspective,

this was the story
of an individual

persecuted by humans
because he was different.

That's one way of looking at it.

In many ways, the film

seemed quite prophetic.

The reaction of the villagers,
for example.

It was similar to the reception
Vulcans received

after landing on Earth.


Uh, I don't recall anyone
greeting the Vulcan Ambassador

with torches and pitchforks.

Nevertheless, many humans
reacted with fear and anger.

They didn't know what to expect.

I'm going to recommend that
Ambassador Soval watch the film.

You're kidding.

I believe it would help Vulcans

who've recently arrived
on Earth.

Maybe inviting her
to movie night

wasn't such a great idea.

On the contrary.

I'm looking forward
to Bride of Frankenstein.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

You might want to look out
the window, sir.

Thermal shear...

some of those eruptions
are getting close to Enterprise.

Take us up
another 5,000 kilometers.

Aye, sir.


I'm reading bio-signs
on the planet.

To quote Dr. Frankenstein,
"It's alive."

I thought it was uninhabited.

It appears

that several microbial species
which live underground

are being unearthed
by the volcanic activity.

See what you can learn
about them.

Full power to the hull plating.

We're being hailed.

This is Captain Mayweather
of the ECS Horizon.

Prepare to surrender your vessel
and evacuate the crew.

I'll give you our cargo,
but not our ship.

You won't be harmed
if you cooperate.

Drop out of warp.

We're dozens of light-years
from our homeworld.

There has to be

some compromise we can...

They're charging weapons.

Bring the weapon
upgrades on line.

Still think you can
disable their engines?

If I can get a clear shot.

But I can't do that
as long as they're behind us.

They've hit Module 5.

It's going to be tough

to maneuver
with 30 kilotons of cargo.

We've got to cut it loose.

Engineering, stand by to release

the primary clamps.

You do remember
how to fly this ship.

I'm sure it'll come back to me.

Take us out of warp.

Release the clamps.

They're closing.

40 meters...


Just a few more clamps...

Ten meters...

Starboard plating's down.


Hull plating's gone.

I'm coming around again.

Their weapons are going down.

Keep our turrets locked on them.

Open a channel.

This is Captain Mayweather.

I'd think twice before attacking
any of our ships again.

Redock with the cargo section.

Then get us out of here.

Aye, Captain.

Come in.

All packed?

Wouldn't want
to wear out my welcome.

I got a message from Enterprise.

They're running ahead
of schedule.

We'll be docking
in about 20 minutes.

If you like, I'll speak

with Lieutenant Reed.

I'm sure he can help you
remove that alien beacon.


So, did you ever make it
to Trelkis III?


Trelkis III...
the planet

with the multicentric rings.

You used to talk about it

when we were growing up.

We haven't traveled
quite that far.

Well, when you do...

how about sending me
a subspace postcard?

You can count on it.

Well, I'd better get back
to the Bridge.

See you in another four years?

Maybe sooner.

I'd like that.

Welcome back.

Thank you, sir.

How's your family?

They're okay.

We spotted some damage on
their port cargo modules.

Probably an old
meteorite impact.

You sure everything's all right?

Never better, sir.