Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005): Season 1, Episode 9 - Star Trek: Enterprise - full transcript

T'Pol finds unusual neutrino readings on a planet with a preindustrial society.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Morning, everyone.

Morning, sir.
Morning, sir.

What have we got today?

We've detected
several phenomenon.

A J'ral-class supernova
remnant approximately

three light-years
off our course.

That's interesting.

What else?

A cluster of three
neutron stars...

very unusual.

How about that?

Three stone-cold stars.
Pretty exciting, huh?

Anything else?

There is...

one other thing

might be worth
swinging by to take

a look.

A Minshara-Class


about four and a half
light-years away.

Any life signs?

Only about 500 million.

If our scans are right,

it looks like there's

a whole civilization down there.

You might have put that

on the top of the list.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Put us into orbit
at 500 kilometers.

I'm not picking up
any other ships or satellites.

Should we hail them?


I'm picking up dozens of cities
on each continent.

Let's hold off

a second.

We don't know
whether they're using

high-band frequencies
or smoke signals.

The latter's more likely.

I'm not detecting
any EM transmissions.


Let's take a closer look.

Do you see that?
Just off the coast.

I've got it.

Looks like an old clipper ship.

Yeah, it's almost like
traveling back in time.

I cannot wait to get down there.

I'd advise against that.

It's standard protocol to wait

until a society
develops warp drive

before initiating first contact.

Those are Vulcan protocols,
not human.

Starfleet would be wise
to adopt them.

There's no way to know how

our arrival would affect
the evolution of their society.

So, what are you
suggesting we do?

Our sensors can gather
a great deal of data from orbit.

Give me a tighter view
of the city,


Can you get tight enough to see

their faces?

Freeze that.

They don't look so different.

What do you think, Trip?

I think you're right, Captain.

You'd be recognized immediately
as outsiders.

Not if we look like them.

Starfleet could have sent
a probe out here

to make maps and take pictures,
but they didn't.

They sent us...

so that we could explore...
with our own senses.

You okay?

The acoustic relay is picking up

dozens of languages.

I could spend the next 10 years

studying this place.

Well, let's hear some of it.

It'll take a while to work out

a translation matrix
for all of them.

We'll be able
to narrow it down for you

once we pick a landing site.

I did find one word you might
want to remember...


It's the name

of their species.

A farm?

It's remote
and sparsely populated.

If you're exposed,

there's a reduced risk
of cultural contamination.

This must be why aliens

are always landing
in cornfields.


who do we send first?

It should stand up to scrutiny.

As long as you don't,
uh, look too close, hmm?

Here. See for yourself.

It itches.

You mustn't touch it, Ensign.

The irritation will subside.

Are you sure I'm
the right person for this?

If the translator goes down,

you'll be able to handle
yourself better than any of us.

The anterior crests
aren't quite symmetrical.

I'll just add a little more

definition to the right side...

We don't need it

to be too perfect.

Of course, Captain.

T'Pol to Archer.

Go ahead.

Please report to the Bridge.

Is there a problem?

I'm detecting neutrino emissions

from a city on
the eastern continent.

What's causing it?

Possibly an antimatter reactor.

These people don't even
have indoor plumbing.

Maybe some of them are more
advanced than others.

Or maybe we're not
the first visitors.

What about nonindigenous

I'm not reading any,
but at this range

it's hard to be certain.


T'Pol, let's head
down to Sick Bay.

Let the Quartermaster know

we'll need three
more sets of clothing.

My feet would be a lot
happier in my own boots.

What's this?

Identification papers.

Everyone in the city

has to carry them.



Over here.

I've got it, too.

The reactor's about eight meters
under this building.

Looks like some kind
of curio shop.

I guess we'll have
to wait till morning.

There could be a lot
more people around then.

Might be easier to get a
look at this thing tonight.

Except we're on the wrong side
of this door.

Not for long.

78 light-years to get here...

and our first act is
breaking and entering.

Maybe you don't have to mention
this part in your log.


Going as fast as I can.

Archer to T'Pol.

Go ahead, Captain.

I think we've found
what we're looking for.


We'll meet you
at your coordinates.

Back here.

The neutrino emissions
are off the meter.

It's got to be through here.

It's some kind
of magnetic barrier.

Can you disable it?

I'll try.

Who are you?

What did you do to that door?



I want to know
what you're doing here.

You don't need to point
that weapon at us.

We're... collectors.

We're picking up an antique.

A real collector would have
waited until the shop was open.

You're not here
to pick up any antiques.

I've been watching
this shop for weeks.

I know all about
your evening deliveries.


People are getting sick.

Some are even dying because
of what's going on in here.

Did you know that?

Move away from the door.

Was that necessary?

She was armed.

Let's try not

to shoot anyone else
while we're here, okay?

I'll try.

The reactor signature's

coming from the other
side of that door,

but it's protected by some
kind of energy field.

We should go.

It'll be dawn soon.

What about her?

We can't just leave her here.


Her name's Riaan.

She's an apothecary.

I'll meet you
back at the shuttle.

What did you do to me?


You... just collapsed.

That's the second lie
you've told me.

You're not very good at it.

Why did you bring me back here?

Did Garos tell you to?

Are you working for him?


You don't know
who I'm talking about?

He owns the shop you broke into.

I'm not working for anyone.

I just wanted to make sure
you got home all right.


If you don't work for him,
what were you doing in there?

There's something strange
going on in that shop.

I don't know what exactly,

but I'm trying to figure it out.

I'm an investigator...

from another city.

Which city?

Who sent you?

I can't tell you
any more than that.

Not right now.

I suppose telling me nothing
is better than another lie.

My colleague's waiting for me.

I've got to go.

You said something
about a sickness.

I wanted to come back tomorrow
and talk to you about it.

Will you be here?

You didn't tell me your name.



How far away is this city?

Even if we flatten the building
with a torpedo barrage,

it probably wouldn't make a dent
in that energy field.

What about the shop itself?

Can you scan underneath it?

That's strange.

Sensors aren't

picking up anything under the
shop... no basement, no bedrock.

It's like the building's
sitting on nothing at all.

There must be some kind
of dampening field in place.

Keep your sensors
locked on that shop.

If you notice anything else
out of the ordinary,

let me know right away.


That woman... Riaan...

Said something
about people getting sick.

I think we may have
seen some of them.

Mottled skin,
lesions on their faces.

If we can get one
of these people to the ship,

Dr. Phlox might be able to tell
us what's wrong with them.

I'd advise against that.

If I'm not mistaken,
the fear of alien abduction

caused a great deal
of apprehension

on your planet for centuries.

Perhaps we should talk
to the shopkeeper first.

Welcome, gentlemen.

If I don't have
what you're looking for,

I'm certain I can find
someone who does.

Can I help you?

We noticed the antiques
in the window.

My friend here is
an amateur collector.

Were you looking
for something in particular?


These are interesting.

You won't find a more varied
collection in the entire city.

This is the pride
of my entire collection.

Who's it supposed to be?


the mythical ruler
of the afterworld.


You're not from this province,
are you?


And neither are you.

Your DNA doesn't match

any other life-form
on this planet.

Nor does yours.

I see why you have
a fondness for masks.

Who are you?

I'm Captain Jonathan Archer
of the Starship Enterprise.

We're explorers
from the planet Earth.


I've never heard of it.

How did you know I was here?

We picked up the signature
from your reactor.

Now that you know who we are,

maybe you could tell us
what you're doing here.

I'm an explorer as well.

At least, I used to be.

I'm from the Malurian System.

Two years ago, I led a survey
mission to study the Akaali.

We had no plans to remain here,

but, after a few months,
I found myself

quite taken with these people.

So, I decided to stay.

If you enjoy the simple life
so much,

why do you have an antimatter
reactor in your basement?

There's nothing nefarious
about it, I assure you.

The reactor powers

a fabrication device.

It allows me to make
food and clothing.

I don't know if you've heard,

but there's an illness
spreading through this area.

Some people seem to think
you're the cause of it.

I see you've met our apothecary.

You know her?

She's been making
baseless accusations

against me for months.

There's a lethal virus
spreading among the Akaali,

but it's indigenous.

I certainly didn't bring
it here.

these people don't have

the medical technology
to cure it.

So this woman blames
the newcomer, me.

If you wouldn't mind,

we'd like to take a look
at this reactor of yours.

Perhaps some other time,

Excuse me.


If I don't have what
you're looking for,

I'm certain I can find
someone who does.


His reactor's got
an awful lot of power

for a fabrication device.

He could probably
feed and clothe

half the continent with it.

Archer to T'Pol.

Go ahead.

How soon can you meet us?


Hello again.


Who's your friend?

Her name's T'Pol.

She's helping me
investigate Garos' shop.

You two have
something in common.

T'Pol is a scientist, as well.

Your facility is impressive.

Would you mind?

If you're careful
not to touch anything.

You two are from
the same province?

Not exactly.

Must be difficult
to make friends

when you keep
so much to yourself.

I'm sorry.

I don't mean to be evasive.

Yes, you do.

Turn down that flame, please.

I was hoping you could tell us
a little bit more

about this illness.

Why don't you tell me why
you were in Garos' shop?

We were trying to get
into the basement.

We think... there's some kind
of machine there,

something he's not
supposed to have.

What kind of machine?

We're not sure, but it may be

indirectly connected
to this epidemic.

If you tell us what you know,

we might be able to help.

I can't tell you much.

People are dying, and
I can't determine why.

Drop this in the
water, carefully.

I learned of the epidemic
about 18 months ago.

My brother was one
of the first victims.

I'm sorry.

At first, I thought it was

some kind of airborne contagion.

But it never spread beyond
this part of the city.

I've sampled the
soil, the water.

I can't find anything
out of the ordinary.

Why do you believe
this Garos is involved?

The first cases occurred here...

a few hundred meters
from his shop.

That was just one month
after he arrived.

You said something about
evening deliveries.

Every few nights,
someone carries crates

from his shop to different
places outside the city.

When I've gone back

in the morning,
the crates are gone.

Hand me that?

That's why you were
watching his shop?

You thought we were there
for the crates.

What is that?


Would you like some?

Jon, may I speak with you?

I'd love a cup.

Did you get what you need?


I should return to the ship
and begin my analysis.

All right, you and
the others head back.

What about you?

I'll stay here, see
if I can learn more

about Garos and these shipments.

The longer you remain,

the more you risk
cultural contamination.

These people are suffering
from something a lot worse

than "cultural

We've got to find
out what it is.

Enjoy your tea.

Quite impressive.

Did you say this is a
preindustrial society?



Her methods may be unrefined,
but this woman is using

forensic techniques
far more sophisticated

than I would have expected.

Isn't it extraordinary?

Thousands of sentient species

in our little
corner of the cosmos.

Each one discovering science
in their own unique way.

Had this woman been born
on Vulcan or Earth,

I'm sure she would have
made a fine physician.


Ah, here's our culprit.

The water sample's contaminated

with tetracyanate 6-2-2.

I'm not familiar with it.

Uh, it's a synthetic compound,

primarily used as an
industrial lubricant.

Usually under the
strictest safety protocols.

It's quite toxic.

Could this be responsible
for the epidemic?

If it's managed to seep into
the groundwater, absolutely.

I'll notify the Captain.

Samples from

three new subjects
indicate no...

Did you say something?


I mutter what I'm
writing sometimes.

It's an old habit.

I have a similar one.

I talk to my dog.

My mother bought me
a tusorop ko once,

but it tuproya plo dak.

What was that?

Deshi teeg ti'lat mokel.

Proyal nil'shan teeg?


Proyal nil'shan teeg...?

Tishik a'plal?

Are you all right?

All right?

I'm all right.

Someone was walking this way,

but he turned
and went around the corner.

I thought
if we pretended to be...

I understand.

Vikash nol meton.

Putav nol.

I want you to head back.

Not before I see
what's in those crates.

Help me open this.


Have you ever seen
anything like that?


I have.

Stay here.


It's all right.

He's not dead.

Is there anything else
you'd like to tell me, Jon?

If your ship can travel
to so many stars,

then why would you come here?

To meet you.


Not you, personally,
but your people.


We're so backward,
compared to you.

If you take away our technology,

we're not that different.

Come on.

They're mining some kind
of veridium isotope.

Veridium is primarily used
to manufacture explosives.

I'm not surprised.

Did you find any traces
of tetracyanate?

Their drill bits
are saturated with it.

We've got to shut this all down.

The reactor seems to be powering
the entire operation,

but I can't use my phase pistol.

I'd risk blowing up
half the city.

Captain, let me come down there
and take a crack at it.

I doubt that we have
that much time.

Our best shot is
the transporter.

I'll see what I can do

about disengaging
that dampening field.

Give me a few minutes.


I don't suppose
you read Malurian.

Can't you use your device?

It wasn't designed for that.

What are we looking for?

There's an energy field
surrounding the shop.

It's keeping my ship
from seeing what's in here.

One of these controls
should turn it off.



This is Tengala Street.

Here's the shop.

This outline

could have something to do

with the "energy field."

What are you doing?

If the blue line represents

the dampening field,

this blue button
should control it.

What about the yellow dots?

What about them?

How do we know
they don't represent

the field? Maybe it's
the yellow button.

The blue one's lit.

That's what worries me.

We could debate this all day.

Blue or yellow?


There's a ship approaching.

From where?

It must have been

in a geosynchronous orbit
on the other side of the planet.

I'm picking up

multiple weapon platforms.

They're armed to the teeth.

We're being hailed
from the surface.

The Captain?

I don't think so.

On screen.

I suggest
you leave this system at once

or my ship will open fire.

I want to speak
with Captain Archer.

That won't be possible.

He's dead.

The ship's firing!

My vessel is capable

of firing ten of those charges

Again, I suggest
you break orbit.

How did you learn about
this facility, Captain?

Was it from a somewhat ugly

Tellarite merchant perhaps?

I told you...

we detected your reactor
from orbit.

I forgot... you're "explorers."

We're trying to help
these people.

What you're doing here

is contaminating
their water supply.

There are 500 million Akaali
on this planet.

A few thousand won't be missed.

I'm willing to let you go,

provided you promise
not to return.

We've instructed your ship

to send down a launch vehicle

to take you and the woman.

She belongs here.

Believe me, she'll be
better off on your ship.

Now, step away
from the control panel,


If anyone walks through
either of these doors,

aim this, and pull the trigger.

They're recharging weapons.

Prepare to leave orbit
on my order.

Belay that.

Keep this ship
right where it is.

I don't have to reiterate

that I outrank you, Mr. Tucker.



Billy, stand by
to vent the nacelles

on my order.

Yes, sir.

We're not going anywhere.

I didn't say leave orbit.

I said prepare to leave orbit.

I have no intention

of abandoning the Captain,
dead or alive.

The dampening field's down.


I've got a fix on it.

Transfer the coordinates.

The forward hull plating's

Evasive maneuvers.

Keep us
within transporter range.

I'll try.

Return fire.

They've got some kind
of energy shielding.

Our weapons are ineffective.

It's the Captain.

Put him through.

How's it going up there?

A Malurian vessel's opened fire.

We're taking damage.

And the reactor?

We're trying to get
a lock on it now.

Are you all right?

He said you'd been killed.

Don't worry about me.

Just get the reactor.


We've lost lateral thrusters.

Commander Tucker, status?

This would be a lot easier
if you'd stop rocking the boat.

How long?

I've almost got a lock.

I can't shake them.

Even if we get the reactor,

how are we going to keep them
from taking it back?

If they want it so badly,

perhaps we should
give it to them.

I've got a lock.

Starboard tube's loaded.

Stand by to go to full impulse.

Now, Commander.


Their shielding is down.

Come about, Ensign.

Target their weapons array.

The oil lamp.

What about it?

There should be at least a liter

of residic oil
in the container below it.

Residic oil ignites
at 398 degrees.

You wouldn't happen to have
anything that gets that hot?


The reactor's
been destroyed, Captain,

and we've disarmed
the Malurian ship.

Should we disable their engines?

No. They're about to leave.

But first, they need to
pick up three passengers.

Archer out.

I don't think you're going to
have time to pack up your shop.

Captain's Starlog,
July 31, 2151.

We've removed
the mining equipment

from under the shop.

As far as we can tell,

none of the Akaali knows
what really happened...

with one exception.

Tell them to take
the entire dose.

Just one?

That's all they'll need.

What if Garos comes back?

I've notified T'Pol's people.

They're going to look in on you
from time to time.

They could stop by for tea.

You bet.

It's probably best if you...

keep all this to yourself.

Who'd believe me anyway?

Where is your starship

headed now?

There are lots of
inhabited planets to see.

But I doubt many will
be this memorable.

Is your translator broken again?

I'm sorry?

I don't understand
a word you're saying.