Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005): Season 1, Episode 19 - Star Trek: Enterprise - full transcript

Almost the entire crew is left unconscious when four Ferengi pirates raid Enterprise. A still conscious Trip is the only one who can get rid of them.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Kora noosa?

Kora noosa?

Irr zoun nagool ahsp.


Cucht eeta ekrajhn-voy?

Irr gnales.

Nohm setron quetsivoo!



♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Cucht nee va zeh?





Tenda sout bazul.





Gard-day latinum sou-tah!



Ehj saf-rey tomen-dee.

Konah see-oh-mahj irr zoon.


Senpa tah-moy.

Lorala rrela.

Latinum soun teyvalah.

Ulis tenda vool.


Sop moepree.

La-voy DaiMon.

Narool deemo! Mirra.


Muk lat Ulis.


Feesha vou dole.


Doc, isn't my time up yet?

You said 20 minutes.

It's been at least an hour.

Getting a little well-done
in here.



Guzah puh naam.

Sel tre-oght da-techt.

Ehj ocuuz sahfi?

Guzah louz.


Lam-rouvah tahp!


Ingala habi.

Who are you?

Ingala duk habi?

I don't understand.

Duk habi nakustra?


Bok, megoron duk
what I'm saying?

Sit down!

Who the hell are you?

Who we are is unimportant.

Do you command this ship?

I'm the Captain.

What have you done to my crew?

They're sleeping.

They won't be harmed

as long as you cooperate.

What do you want?

Where is the location
of your vault?


I don't know what
you're talking about.

Maybe the translator's

He understands.

This is a vessel of exploration,

not a cargo ship.

We don't do any commerce.

Whatever it is you're after,

you won't find it here.

You carry no valuables
of any kind?

No precious gems, no latinum?

I just told you.


Whoever you are...

just take what you want
and get off my ship.

Cousin, maybe we should.

We've made some good
acquisitions already.

There's more here.

He's hiding something.

I agree with Krem.

Let's take what we have and go.

What do we have?

Scanners, low-grade weapons.

Nothing but trinkets.

Don't forget about the females.

Some of them are worth
their weight in latinum.

If we leave now,

we can make the next
slave market on Stameris.

Slave market?

You're right, Krem.

Pick out the females

that will bring the best price.

I already have.

It was a pleasure doing
business with you.


You've reconsidered?

I'll show you where
the vault is...

if you let me keep

half the gold.

Gold-pressed latinum?

Gold bars.

Hundreds of them.

But I keep half.

Ten percent.




and not a bar less.

You'll never find the vault
without my help.

20 percent... final offer.

No deal.

I'd rather you take
the women and go.

35 percent.

That's not a bad offer, Ulis.

Maybe we should consider it.

No. We'll find
the vault ourselves.

Krem, start loading
the merchandise.

Why am I always stuck
doing the menial labor?

Make him do it.

Oh, not there.

Over here.

If you're going to make
a habit out of this,

you might want to get
a bigger ship.

It's not my ship.

It's my cousin's.


I was getting the impression

you were in charge.

This is only my first month
on the job.

How do you like it so far?

My cousin's

a skillful merchant.

I'm learning a lot from him.

Oh, you'd better slide that over

to make room for the others.

What do you need
all this for, anyway?

You seem to already have
plenty of technology.

One can never have too much.

The Rules of Acquisition

say "Expand or die."

"Rules of Acquisition"?

That's Rule Number 45.

I've memorized all 173

including the most
important one:

"A man is only worth

the sum of his possessions."

Back on my homeworld,
that kind of thinking

almost destroyed
our civilization.

You should have managed
your businesses better.

Come on.

We have a lot more moving to do.


So what do you do?

Split the profits equally
between the four of you?

Oh, my cousin
determines the shares.

You must get a bigger percentage

than your crewmates.

Actually, I get the smallest.

Oh, that doesn't seem fair.

You're the one
doing all the work.

My cousin knows
what's best for me.

He manages all
my financial transactions.


I... don't have
the lobes for business.

I assume he charges you
for his services.

Of course.

He wouldn't be a very good
businessman if he didn't.

"Never allow family to
stand in the way of profit."

Another one of your rules?

Number Six.

My cousin's going to help me
acquire my own ship some day.

You think you could bring me

a glass of water?

It comes out of a dispenser

in the Mess Hall.

I'll be right back.

Ooh, do you think
you could bring me

some food while you're at it?

Whatever's left
in the serving case.

That is, if you haven't
already taken everything.

You all right, Captain?

Never better. You?

From what I can tell, you and I

are the only ones on
the ship still standing.

I would've tried to wake
some of the others,

but there's nothing left
in Sick Bay to do it with.

I'm not surprised.

These aliens are
taking everything

they can get their hands on.

Who are they?

I don't know yet.

Can you get a phase-pistol?

They cleaned out the Armory.

There are 14 weapons
lockers on this ship.

They can't have emptied
every one of them.

Trust me, Captain,
I've already checked.

I've got an idea.

But you're going to need
some help to pull it off.

They used a hypospray
to wake me up.

It's in Launch Bay 2.

This is pretty good.

Glad you're enjoying it.

Maybe we should take
your cook with us.

Do you mind?





You're going to be fine.

Just because a guy's
in his underwear,

you think the worst.

I assume you have
an explanation.

Dr. Phlox made me
clear bio-scan

after I got back
from that lunar survey.

While I was in Decon,

something knocked out
the entire crew.

Aliens are in
control of the ship.

That artifact you brought back
from the lunar surface...

It must have been placed
there intentionally.

When I opened it, the canister
released some kind of gas.

This female...

is different from the others.

What species is she?

She's a Vulcan.


They're really not
all that interesting

once you get to know them.

I'd like to get to know
this one.

Maybe I won't

sell her...

not right away.

Trust me.

She's got no sense of humor.

She's always complaining.



You okay?

There are times I wish
Vulcans hadn't learned

to repress their
violent tendencies.

Come on, we've got work to do.

What about the others?

I can't wake anybody else up.

This hypospray is empty.

Let's go.

Unless you want to be
sold into slavery.

There's nothing here.

You're not scanning deep enough.

This is their vault.

I saw one just like it
on a Gavarian ship.

Why would they keep a vault
in the medical bay?

Rule of Acquisition Number 23:

"Nothing is more important
than your health...

except for your money."

I don't see a locking mechanism.

It must use some
sort of magnetic seal.

I'll need micro-charges
to blow it open.

Hold on.

This is a waste of time.

We've only got three hours
before they begin to wake.

It'll take days
to search every hatch.

We'll find it, Muk.

Be patient.
Open those.


Ah! I found something!


No, but it looks like
quality merchandise.

Oh, splendid craftsmanship.

Add it to the pot.

Do I look like a Menk to you?

This beauty's going
in my personal collection.

We agreed to split our profits.

You said this ship
would make us rich.

We'll be lucky if we break even.

We had a deal.

I'm amending it.

Anything I find, I keep.

Fine. I'll just deduct it
from your share of the gold.

What's wrong, Ulis?

Can't find your pot of gold?

What's all this?

Don't touch.

If you're not going to help us,

you should return to the ship.

And what are you doing?

Looking for the vault.

They're not going to put it
on a map, you idiot.

I know that.

But look.

If I'm not mistaken,

these are the
Captain's quarters.


That's where you
keep your latinum.


What's the quickest route?

We could take this
elevator to this deck

and cut through here.

It's worth a look.


Where is it coming from?

Over here!

Make it stop!

Let's get to
their Captain's quarters.

Where are my scanners?

I left them right here!

You should be more careful
with your acquisitions.

Oh, oh!

Open your bag.


Open it.

Are you calling me a thief?

Everybody knows you'd steal

the wax out of
your own mother's ears.

Please, gentlemen.

We're partners.

Partners don't rob
from each other.

Why would I bother taking
some worthless scanners?


I didn't put them there.

Oh, really?

Then who did?

I tell you, I don't know!

Maybe they just jumped off
the table and crawled inside.

Where's the other one?

There were three.

Don't look at me.

Give it back.

Get away.

Come back here!

You heard me, you
cheating no-good liar!


That one.

I'm surprised your friend
didn't get electrocuted.

You can't just yank out
an antimatter injector

like it was a light bulb.

Would you mind?

I'll have to take
the injector assembly off-line.

Warp core parts
are in high demand.


Even if your cousin
does find the vault,

what makes you think

he's going to share
the gold with you?

We have a contract.

If you never see the vault,
you'll never know what's in it.

He could try to cheat you
out of your share.

He wouldn't cheat me.

What happened to...

"Never allow family
to stand in the way of profit"?

I've seen the way
the others treat you.

One of them said

you have no talent for business.

Why not prove them wrong?

I've got a proposition for you.

Help me capture your associates

and I'll show you
where the vault is.

We'll split the gold, 50-50.

Once they're in the brig,

you can fly off a wealthy man.

You said you've always dreamed
of having your own ship.

How do I know
you won't double-cross me?

You're the one holding the gun.

Think about it.

No more taking orders...

getting stuck with
the menial work.

I'll even throw in
the Vulcan female.

So... what'll it be?

Opportunities like this
don't come along every day.

Get back to work.

It's your loss.

Where is the vault?

Do you understand me?

I can't lock on to its language.

It's a lower life-form,
you fool.

Probably the Captain's
next meal.

Don't be so sure.

Look at the size of its ears.

I could get
several bars of latinum

for this creature
at the Malurzian Zoo.

There's nothing here.

Let's search the other quarters.

I've had enough of vault hunting
for one day.

You two have fun.

Who's there?

One of the aliens is awake!

Why aren't you asleep?

What's next?

Where do you expect me
to put it?

There's hardly any room
left on your ship.

I think it's time you decided

what you really want to keep.

Uh, I'll ask Ulis.

Can't you make

a simple decision by yourself?

If you want to run
your own ship someday,

maybe you should start
showing a little initiative.

I'm not the one in charge.

And you never will be
with that attitude.

Who's this?

My Chief Engineer.

Why is he awake?

Don't ask me.

Are there others?

I haven't seen anybody.



The anesthesia

isn't supposed to wear off
for another two hours.

Maybe we used the wrong dosage.

There could be others awake.

We should leave.

Not without the gold.

Forget the gold.

We'll never find it.

If you want to leave,

take one of their shuttlecraft.

I'll be happy
to keep your share.

You expect me to go

You can keep the shuttlecraft

and the females.

That's not good enough.

It'll have to be.

You'll regret this, Ulis.

Get out.

Grish, help me with the women.


I'll show you the vault.


Leave the women here,
and I'll let you have the gold.

Not another word, Commander.

That's an order.

I'm not letting them
take my wife.


She's not the one
with the pointy ears, is she?

No. Her name's Hoshi.

And you're going to keep
your filthy hands off her.

Do we have a deal?

You take them
anywhere near that vault

and I'll throw you in the brig

for insubordination.

You don't give a damn
about this crew.

All you care about
is your precious gold.

I'm warning you, Trip.

You're a greedy son of a bitch.

What's your wife worth?

Five bars of gold, maybe six?

Let them take Hoshi

and I'll give you ten.


All right, 15.


I accept your offer.

You'll leave the women?

You have my word
as a businessman.

Follow me.

Wait here. I'll go.

So you can cheat us
out of our share?

Hide it in the bottom

of your bag?

I plan to count every bar
of that gold myself

before it leaves the vault.

We'll count it later.

Oh, I know you too well, Ulis.

If he's going, I'm going.

Me, too.

We can't all go.

Time's running out.

Someone has to stay
and finish loading the ship.

That's Krem's job.

I'm tired of doing this job.

I don't want to do
all the menial work.


It's time that I showed
a little...


I have the lobes

for business.

You just never give me

the chance to prove it.

Get back to work!

Yes, cousin.

You... sure told him.

Get back to work.

My back.

What about it?

I think I pulled a muscle.

It's an old water polo injury.

Flares up every now and then.

I just need to rest.

We don't have any time.

If Ulis comes back
and we're not finished...

Then you'd better get working.

Where are we going?

Bottom deck.

We already looked there.

You obviously didn't look

in the right place.

After you.

Have you come to rescue me?

How did you wake up?

Whatever put the others to sleep

didn't affect me
in the same way.

My body works differently
than the humans.


That's the name
of their species.

They're a terrible race.

Deceitful, cruel.

Why do you live with them?

It wasn't my choice.

I'm a captive here.

They've enslaved me.

Please, take me with you.

You would make...

a handsome wife.

Do you... know
how to perform...


I'm well-trained in
the arts of pleasure...


but I'm not familiar
with oo-mox.

My lobes.

Stroke... my lobes.

Like this?


And this?

Oh, yes!

Haven't we been
through this section?

Not yet.

I recognize that conduit.

We have a thousand conduits
like that on this ship.

We're going in circles.

This way.

Isn't there a more direct route?

That's the beauty of this thing.

It's impossible to find
unless you know

exactly where you're going.

How much further?

Keep your shirt on.

It's close.

Watch your head.

Is this your plan...
to walk us to death?

Is this some kind of trick?

Relax. We're here.


The vault?

It's all yours.

Open it.
Open it!

You better let me go in first.


Knowing Captain Archer,

he's probably rigged the place
with booby traps.


give me a few minutes
to check it out.


You could have a weapon
hidden in there.

I'll go.

Not without me, you won't.

You'll fill your
pockets with gold...

Take your hands off me!

We don't have all day!

Get away from that hatch!

Out of my way!


I want my share!

It's mine!

Get back, or I'll gnaw
your hands off!

My gold! My gold!

It's a trap!

Sorry, fellas...

bank must be closed today.

Did it work?


Do you have the key?

"Not that interesting.

"No sense of humor.

Always complaining"?

I'll make it up to you.


Five bars of gold?

Open these things, Subcommander.

That's an order.

Oh, yes.

Yeah, Porthos.

Yes. You okay?

I'm going to be contacting
the Vulcan High Command,

as well as Starfleet.

If you come within a light-year

of any one of our ships,

you won't know what hit you.

You'll never see us again.

If you want to be unshackled,

you might think about
showing Krem here

a little more respect.


Release me...

and I'll forget
this ever happened.



if you're nice.

Let me go, you idiot!

Shut up!

Are you sure you want
to stay here

with the "hew-mahns"?

With my ship

and your talents,

we could build a vast...


I'll let you have
my latinum pen...

The one you've always had
your eye on.

No, thanks.

My beetle snuff collection?

Makes me sneeze.

Name your price.

Whatever he offers you,
I'll double it.

Krem... we're family.

I know a Bolian female.

I could introduce you.