Srugim (2008–2012): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

It's Hodaya's 30th birthday, and she's having hard time dealing with it. Amir goes back to his Sephardic roots. Roee makes a brave decision.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

-You look like Sallah.

It reminds me
of my Grandpa Meir.

I don't get it, are you wearing
that stupid hat on purpose?

To embarrass me? -I don't tell you
what to cover your head with.

Because I don't wear Hourani
(also shabby) hats. -Tunisian.

Please help us, we're short
one person for a quorum.

Tunisian? -Yes.

Are you less attracted to me
because I'm a slouched religious girl

and not a
poised non-religious girl?

You're everything I want.

Why are you like this?
Is it because of me?

Reut, I have to get back.

Between you and me, you're not
really looking for an apartment.

So, why don't we make it official?

-At least until you marry Reut.

-At least until you marry Reul

It's not going anywhere with Reut.

I'm not attracted to her.

I'm not attracted to girls.

Sorry I'm laying it on you
like this.

.. were you ever with..

You finish the dishes.


I suppressed it.

I suppressed it,
I didn't tell anybody.

before I talked to her about it.

And it...

Damn pop-ups.

What's this?
-What? -What?

You think I'm not aware
of these sites?

It's been tormenting me
since I was 17.

I just wanted to help.
-Oh, to help?

You don't talk to me for a week,
then you throw me something

you found in Google
about religious gays?

You're right.

I was shocked when you told me,
I didn't know what to do.

OK, never mind, forget it.

What about Reut?
-What about Reut?

I can't hide it from her anymore.

You're not hiding anything.
-Oh, no? -No.

All you want is to build
a home and a family

and that's all she has to know
for now. -Good.

Roi, you don't have to tell her
everything now...

Yes, I should tell her
something like this.

Do you know that she'll leave you
as soon as you tell her?


I prefer it that way.

I'll be honest with her
and she can leave me.

Then leave her first.
-Yes, but maybe if I tell her

it won't deter her...
-Roi, you're making a mistake!

Why? -Because!
You're making a mistake, period!

Don't tell her.

It's a pleasure talking to you.

Goodbye, Nissim.

Good day, Shmuel.
-Good day. Oh, Amir,

when will I see you
in front of the ark?

The cantors here sing
much better than I do, Shmuel.

Sasson the hoarse?

Maybe some other time.
-OK. -Thanks.

Do you have a few minutes?

Actually, more than a few.
-Sit down with me.

Go in.

Repeat each sentence after me.

"God is the Lord of all deeds..


"God is the Lord of all deeds...

"'Of all deeds."

Very nice.



Is that yours?

Yes. -Since when
do you listen to that?

What do you mean by "that"?
-Songs like that.

Since I've been studying to be
a cantor in the synagogue

I've been listening to
"songs like that."

You didn't tell me you were studying.
-I started the day before yesterday.

OK, I'm sorry.

Should I leave it on?


I only listen to it when I study,
not for my pleasure.

Sorry I ruined your evening.

Happy feirthday to you,
happy feirthday to you,

Happy birthday, Hodaya


Blow out the candles.

26 chocolates,
and one for next year.

All bittersweet,
just the way you like them.

And 26 kisses.
And one for next year.

I'm 30.

8, 9, 10.

I'm serious,
I'm 30.


Yeah, really.

I was embarrassed to say
how old I was at my job interview...

So I said I was 25.

What 30-year-old
goes to be a waitress?

The kind I like.

It doesn't bother you?
-No way.

Being with an older woman
turns me on.

Relax, you fool.

I'm not old. -You're right.
You're not stressed out.


Just don't get stressed out on me
now that you're at a turning point.

"Get stressed out on you"?
-You know, marriage, kids.

Don't worry, one child is enough
for me to take care of.

Did your friend
move out of the neighborhood?

What friend?
-The Sephardic guy.

No, he didn't move.
He just changed synagogues.

"Full of splendor
they radiate brightness

"Beautiful is their brilliance
throughout the world

"They rejoice in their rising
and exult in their setting

"Performing with reverence
the will of their Creator..."

That was very nice. Really.
You've really got it.

You can tell it's in your blood.

How come
you're not familiar with our version?

My father studied in
Ashkenazi institutions.

He still prays in an Ashkenazi synagogue
near his house.

I also studied in
yeshivas and schools

where they prayed in
the Ashkenazi style, so...

It doesn't matter,
as long as you're with us now. -Yes.

Thank God.
-Thank God.

Is your wife Ashkenazi too?


It's alright.
As long as she's a good woman.

Is she a good woman?

I think so. Yes.
-You know how you can tell?

Take an object
and move it from its place,

if she puts it back,
she's a good woman.

If she allows it to collect dust,
you've made a bad deal.

Who ordered the large cappuccino?
-Me. Thanks. -You're welcome.

You were saying?

I have to tell you something.

We met during my first year
in the Yeshiva.

It was my first love.

Actually, it was the first time
I realized that...

Did she know you loved her?

No, we were never together.

I couldn't get it out of my head.

All day, even while I was studying...

I felt my whole world falling apart.

I heard that the rabbis
recommend to their students

not to date girls until they've
completed their military service.

No... that's..

That's not it, I...
-Is everything alright?

Yes, thank you.

It's OK,
you don’t have to tell me now.

There'll be plenty of time
to tell me.


Want some coffee?
-No, thanks.

Did you meet Reut?

We cancelled.

Maybe it's for the best.
-How's that?

Roi, you don't know her.
You're making a mistake.

You'll tell her and 15 minutes later

the whole town will know...
-Know what?

What? That Nati, the gifted doctor,
has a gay brother?

What!? It has nothing to do with me.
-Is that so?

It has nothing to do with me.

The groom isn't picking up?
-Exaggerate, why don't you.

We can be optimistic.
-Cautious optimism.

And don't you dare
tell Amir or Nati.

The thought of being
Nati's sister-in-law.

It's not that bad. -Right,
and you've always been objective.

Happy birthday to you...
-Not again.

Happy birthday, Hodaya.

Not again, not again.

Excuse me, young lady,
the party your friends

threw at the bar doesn't count.
Today is the Hebrew date.

Wow, so many candles.

Yes. -Hey, where are you?

I called the apartment earlier,
you didn't answer.

I was in bed,
I'm not feeling too well.

What's wrong?
I have a cold, I'm nauseous.

It must be the flu
that's going around.

Maybe. -OK...
I'll be leaving here soon,

so I'll pay you a visit.
-No, no, Reut,

it isn't necessary, really.

It's nothing,
it's only the flu.

I don't want you to catch it.

'll risk it.
Should I bring something?

Nothing, really and you don't...
-I'll bring some soup.

OK. -Fine.
Bye. -Bye.

Here you go. Be careful, OK?
Don't spill it in the car.

Yifati, thanks, y.©u're a queen.
-I hope he gets well soon.

What does he have exactly?
-The flu, I think.

He sounded miserable.
-See? Good thing you made him soup.

What soup did I make him?

Did I tell you you're a queen?
-Go on, good luck. -Thanks.

There you go.

You really shouldn't have bothered.
-Blow on it, it's boiling.

Did you put ginger in it?


I'm allergic to it.

Did you put it in the soup?

I don't remember.

You don't remember
if you put ginger in the soup?

I don't use recipes,
I throw in whatever I have.

OK, never mind.
Don't eat the soup.

The sages said that visiting the sick
takes away 1/60 of the illness, so...

I'm sorry.
-Would you like something else?

I can get you...
-I want to tell you something.

Anything else you're allergic to?
-I'm serious.

OK. I'm listening.

What I told you at the restaurant?
-About the girl you were in love with.


I mean, no. I...

I wanted to tell you that...

It's not gonna work between us.

Are you still in love with that girl?

I don't understand,
you said you didn't tell her.

It doesn't make a difference,
it just won't work.

I'm sorry, I tried. Really.

It just didn't work.


Baruch, could you pass
the "tarshi" (pickles)?


You know that "turshi" is very spicy?
-He knows, he knows.

Amir, please.

Hadad, come up here, please.

Why are you moody?
-I'm not moody.

I just walked in,
how can you decide that I'm moody?

Excuse me, I thought so.

You came just in time to eat,
bring a plate and join me?

How was the prayer?

As usual.

Want some of my omelet?

No, thanks.

Enjoy your food.

Let's go somewhere.

I'm not up to it today.

Look at us,
it's only 10pm.

So, it feels like 1am.

Oh, they opened a new club
on Shlomzion Street.

C'mon, once we get there,
you won't be tired, I promise.

I'm not up to it tonight.
-C'mon, come with me.

I feel like dancing.

It'll be a blast.

A blast?

That word's outdated?

Listen, I told you,

I'm crazy about you,
I don't care how old you are.

What's that got to do with it?
-C'mon, Hodaya. -What?

How about we cuddle here tonight and
tomorrow you prove how young you are?

I don't have to prove anything
to anybody.

What have I been trying to tell you
for the past hour?

You look tired,
go home to sleep.

Do me a favor, leave the light on
in the hall on your way out.


You're welcome.

To what do I owe this?
-You look a little sad.

Yes, I'm sad.

I don't usually approach
every sad girl sitting at the bar.

You don't?


What made you make an exception?

You wanna know?
It's kind of banal.

-You're pretty.

Sad and pretty.

It is banal.

I end my shift in half an hour.

I'm waiting for somebody.


Lucky guy.

Have a good time.


How's it going?

So, so.

I'd love to talk to you.

Can you come now?

Thanks for coming.

A birthday present.
-You remembered? -Of course.

Twenty-two, right?

You said you want to talk,

it's a little hard to talk here,
do you want to leave? -Yes.

She's sweet and gentle,

and a great cook.

I don't know, she's...

I was going to say, adorable.

You deserve someone adorable.

And stable.

And stable.

How long have you been together?

Almost six months.
-Wow, she is stable. -Yes.

We're good together.

How about you?

I have a boyfriend.




And formerly religious.

And you?

Am I happy with him?
-No, are you formerly religious? -Oh.


Don't I look it?

Actually, you do.
But it's hard to know with you.

I'm formerly religious.

And now?


And now?
-Yes, yes. You're such a pain.

It's final.

And you're happy with...
the sweet formerly religious guy?

Most of the time.

It was good seeing you.
- f^icsjht.

I mean..

Seeing yeu.

So... be happy.


With the university
and the stable girl.

You too.

So... Bye.

Thanks for coming.

Of course.

Welcome back.




Is Amir home?

No. I'm sorry, he...
should be back any minute.

Can I help you?
-We came to tell him something.

Oh... come in, sit down and
wait for him, he should be back soon.

But weren't you on your way out?

Yes, but it doesn't matter, really.
Come, sit down.

Coffee, anyone?

Maybe tea.
-With pleasure. Come in.

How many times must I tell you not to
leave plates with tahini in the sink?

It gets hard and it doesn't come off.

Leave it, I'll clean it.

What's going on?

I broke up with Reut.

Are you sad?
-No, why should I be?

I love farewells.

Roi, it wouldn't have worked.

Believe me.

It's good that you broke up
without telling her.

It's better this way.
-Yes, much better.

Your name will remain untarnished.

You're screwed up.
You're really screwed up!

Good morning.
-Good afternoon.

You made shakshuka?

Give me some, stingy.

Wow, it's great.

Glad you're enjoying it.

When did you leave yesterday?
-When did you come back?

Did you wait long for me?

You wish.

Yes. OK?

Come here, silly.

Nothing happened last night.

Why are you standing up?
Sit down, sit down.

We came to ask forgiveness.
-That's not necessary.

Really, it's not necessary.
-It is.

It certainly is.
-To apologize and ask forgiveness.

It's really not necessary, Shmuel,
it's OK.

See? Everything's alright.

Why are you standing? Sit down.
Sit down.

Here you are.
Shmuel, this is yours.

Bless your hands.
-Baruch, this is yours.

Moti, there's no saccharine,
is brown sugar OK?

-Brown is good, it's healthy.

Here you are.

You found a capable woman you can
be proud of. -Maybe I found him.

"They rejoice in their rising
and exult in their setting

"And joyous song
to His majestic fame

He called forth the sun,
and it shone

"He saw fit to regulate
the form of the moon"

Maybe your husband will
favor us with one verse.

Go ahead, please.

Let's sing together.

"All the hosts of heaven
give Him praise..."

You can't brush me off
with "It won't work between us"

because of some girl you
fell in love with when you were 16.

Reut. -I want to know
what I did wrong. What?

Was I too bossy?
I didn't let you talk?

You're not attracted to me?

You did everything right.

You're great.
-Then "it's not me, it's you"? -Yes.

You're a coward,
like all the others.

-I thought you were different...

It seems you're much more
like Nati than I thought.

It's pathetic to be in love with someone
after 10 years. -It was a guy.


What I told you about
in the Yeshiva.

I fell in love with a guy,
not a girl.

You thought he was a girl?
-Reut, I'm attracted to men.

But you said
you weren't with her...

with him at all.

It didn't change
the way I felt.

Why do you go out with girls?

It's not right.

I'm sorry.

I really never meant to hurt you.