Spy x Family (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 14 - Spy x Family - full transcript

Anya is saved by Yor from the terrorists she doesn't know. The intelligent dog sees future which makes the disarming of bomb very important for Anya.

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You won't get away with this,

Mr. Perverted Kidnapper!

It is far too early for
Miss Anya to get married!

Even I just got married this year!

Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you


I was so scared!

There, there. You're all right now.

That's her mother?

Tch! Now we'll have to dispose of both of them.

Hey, pup! Rip out that woman's throat!

Hey, come back here!

Mama! I'm scared!

What? But you're safe now.

What's going on? A fight?

Damn it. I can't have more people notice.

Come, you big-ass mutt!

Oh, damn it!


Hey! Wait!

No... You mustn't leave
Miss Anya alone again, Yor.

That should teach Mr. Kidnapper a lesson.

First, I should hand this
man over to the police.

Are you okay, Mister Dog?

Who is that puppy?


What?! Terrorists and bomb puppies?!


He doesn't...

seem to have a bomb.

Mister Dog here saved me.

Th-The most important thing is
that you're safe, Miss Anya.

I was so worried.

Anya is sorry... that she ran
off without permission.


I'll have to give you a stern
talking-to when we get home.

A-Anyway, we need to report
this to the police.

Miss Anya, do you happen to remember
what the bad guys looked like,


or perhaps parts of their conversation?

Um... I'll try real hard to remember!

And that's what happened.


One is here next to me, unconscious.

Oh, no! I'm just a housewife
that happened to pass by.

Mister Dog?

Are you... looking into the future again?

Papa's gone?

Where is this?


Westalis condemns in the strongest terms
the Ostanian government

regarding the incident with the
minister and the extremists.

It is believed that a conflict between
the East and West is now unavoidable.

That was from the future!

The future is in trouble! Papa is
gonna die and peace will be over!

Now, now, Miss Anya! You mustn't
be mean to the poor puppy.

Oh, nothing... Anyway...

Papa is going to die in an explosion.

I'll tell Mama and have her save him.

But I can't tell her about my powers.

Mister Dog... Can we change
the future if we try real hard?

Can you still run?


Mama, I'm sorry. I just remembered something.

Papa forgot to take toilet
paper to the potty with him!


He might be in big trouble now, so I'm
gonna go take him some toilet paper!

Miss Anya... Wait!

She ran off again...

Oh, I'm sorry. But that's the story.

Please make sure you arrest this man.


Miss Anya!

Miss Anya! Where did you go?


We've intercepted a report

of a terrorist sighted in an
alley near Central Station.

The physical description
matches one of the students.

So they're on the move.

Have a team stand by on the suspected route
they may take from the reported area.

We'll commandeer the white
van that comes through.

It might be carrying explosives.
Proceed with caution.


Alpha Team here. We've secured the targets.

Four members and three dogs.

We also found a case
possibly containing explosives.

Bravo here.

We've also captured three members.

Our main target, Keith Kepler,
is nowhere to be found.

We will continue our search of the area.

They're onto us! Is that the Secret Police?

No, are they from the West?

What should I do?

I've only got two hours
before the summit starts.

There's one more place where
we have bombs hidden, but...

There's no other way! Even if
I have to do this on my own!

Spit it out!

Where's the explosion site,
and where's Keith?!

My only answer to that is, "Eat shit."

Go stick your head in a
shitter, you putrid swine!

Strike down the pigs from the West!

Strike them down!

Strike them down!

You little punk...

Leave the howling to the dogs.
You're making my ears hurt.

Hello there, students.

What exactly do you want?

A war!

The extermination of the
West and Ostanian supremacy!

Have any of you actually
killed a person before?

Have you ever been killed by anyone?

Of course we haven't, you stupid bitch!

Have you ever lost a limb in an attack?

Have you ever heard bones being smashed?

Have you ever smelled festering flesh?

What the hell are you
talking about, you stupid hag?!

Have you ever seen your parents or siblings

crushed in a crumbling building,
right before your eyes?

Have you ever seen a piece of your
lover's flesh stuck to a wall?

Have you ever been so hungry,
you tried to bite into a tree?

Have you ever stewed human flesh in a pot?

Have you ever had someone close
to you deny your enemy's humanity

so they could continue the killing,

only to become so mentally
broken after the conflict is over

that they weep with regret and shame,

vomit, and then eventually...
take their own life?

Apparently, you've learned nothing
of war at your university,

you utter children.

Listen up...

Once you catch the minister's scent,
don't you dare lose sight of him.

I'm counting on you, pup.

But... the point where we were
supposed to ambush him in Plan B

might've also been discovered,
since those guys got caught.

Which would mean more guards in
the area around the clock tower plaza,

making it useless.

Actually, in that case,

I'll just lure any bastards who try to get
in my way into a trap and eliminate them!

Just you wait, you pigs!

I'll blow you all to smithereens!

All teams: investigate points B1 through B4.

Twilight, I'd like you to
investigate the area around B1,

which will be the most probable target.

Stop them, no matter what.

I know, Handler.

I agree with you.

I am absolutely done...

with war.

Found it! It's where the pointy clock is!

That way, Mister Dog!

That's where Papa's gonna die!

We have to stop that!

Here in Central Berlint,

security is very tight due
to the upcoming summit.

Traffic will be restricted,

and the press will have limited access.

We made it to the clock place!

Where is Papa supposed to die?

Mister Dog! Lemme see that vision again!

When the explosion went off,
the clock went "bwong"!

The hand was pointing to the top!

Which means we have until...

I can't read the clock!

The long hand and the short hand...
Which is which?!

Excuse me, sir.

How many more minutes until
that clock goes "bwong"?

Oh, are you talking about the bell?

It rings every hour, so we've got about
thirty minutes until the next one.

Fank you very much!

Thirty minutes... We have to hurry!

Uh... How many minutes is thirty minutes?

What's the matter, Mister Dog?

That's the bad guys' boss!

Hey! Don't get out of the car!

He found us!

Get back in the car right now, you dumb mutt!

I'm in a hurry, damn it!

If we don't get the hell outta here,
we're gonna get caught!

I'm counting on you... You'd better work,

my impromptu trap!

He causes the explosion!

Just try and come after me,
you stupid pieces of shit!

The moment you set foot
in our hideout... Kaboom!

That building...

The explosion may cause a few casualties...

But they're necessary
sacrifices to our great cause.

Then again, you'll be dying for our nation.

I'm sure you'll all feel honored.

Oh, no! We have to do
something about that bomb!

Let's see... The hand on the
clock went from six to seven,

so there are seven minutes left?

Um, uh... Just hurry!

Is that it?

Oh, right! If I open the door,
it'll go kaboom!

I think I can get in that little window.

Hup... Hup...

Mister Dog, push me.

The bomb...

If I can disarm this, I can save Papa!

But how do you disarm a bomb?

On TV, when they do the thing where they
pick the red wire or the blue wire, it stops.




The wires are all black!

And I don't have scissors
to choppy the wires!

What should I do?
There's probably no more time!

If Papa comes here,
I'll tell him he can't come in.

But then he'll find out lots of stuff,
and he might not want me anymore.

But if Papa dies, both Anya and
peace will be in big danger!

That must be point B1.

It's the northernmost
room on the third floor.

Hurry it up. We don't have much time.

What is that? Something written in blood?

No, that smell... Is it ketchup?

A doorknob, an eggplant, and some grass?

Is it some new kind of code?

I don't sense anyone's presence,
but let's proceed with caution.

No, there's no time for that.

The minister will head out at any minute.

We're not going to be outdone
by some college student!

Papa... Did you notice my message in blood?

He's too far away for me to read his mind.

Papa, are you okay?

That's the time I saw in
the future... I think!

An explosion...

didn't happen!

We did it?

Papa's back!

That means...

We saved the future!

I have a bad feeling about this.

This might be some kind of message.

Carelessness could cost us our lives.

As I figured... It's a trap.

If we'd opened the door,
a bomb would've gone off.

So this was a bomb, not an eggplant?

That was a close one.

Looks like they knew we'd come here.

But who drew this warning?

Looks like we don't have time to ponder that.

The Secret Police have caught on.

Let's leave the message up
and let them disarm the bomb.

We should get away from here.

I guess we never found Keith.

Investigating any further with the Secret
Police snooping around will be difficult.

Let's head to the minister's location.

Considering this plan has been ruined,

our suspect may try some desperate measures.

Minister Brantz, it is time.
Let us head to the guest room.

The members of their Department
of Foreign Affairs are here.

Hmph. Apparently the government has
eyes everywhere in this country.

I'm sure this is also because
of the terrorist incidents.

WISE still hasn't eliminated the suspects?

What a worthless lot.

Pardon me. I'm from intelligence.

Minister, if you're ready,
our car will take the lead.


Right this way, sir.

No, I think I'll take a car alone.

Huh? Uh...

You may all go home.


I should be far enough out of sight.

As I figured, he's following me
by using the dog to track my scent.

What is the meaning of this, Sylvia?!

I opened the door because I thought
one of your men showed up,

and the thief took my clothes!

I'll be borrowing your clothes, sir.


Do your men have no manners?!

I do apologize, Minister,
but this was rather urgent.

I presume he needed your scent
to throw the dog off your trail.

The enemy should now be several
kilometers away, pursuing a fake minister.

Please leave now, while you can.

Oh, and to preserve our nation's dignity,

please do put on some clothes first.


He changed his route?

He changed it again?

Hey, what the hell? Why does
he keep going in circles?

We have eyes on him. He's in a gray coupe.

As far as I can see, he only has one dog.

We'll surround him. Lead him to Blue 4.

What? He's heading back to the hotel?

No, he's heading toward the river...

A place with few people around...


Damn it all!

Hey, hey, hey! Fall back! Back!

He got us... He still had some explosives.

Be careful. He's heading in your direction!

Where did he go?

There he is!

He kindly got out of the car for me. That fool!


I'll set off the bomb right
when the dog bites onto him!

Don't you dare think you can
get away from a trained dog!

What the hell?! The Minister
of the West is insane!

He's supposed to be a 60-year-old geezer!

Shit! I'll lose sight of him!

I'm really sorry.

I'm sure the last thing you wanted

was to get dragged into some foolish
conflict between humans.

Time to end this.