Spy/Master (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

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Comrade Godeanu?

Mr. Godeanu?


Long live Comrade Ceaușescu!
Long live Comrade Elena Ceaușescu!

We received an urgent
telegram from Germany.

- Victor Godeanu's gone missing.
- What?

What do you mean? Gone where?

A man can't just
disappear, you know.

He's gone missing.

How the fuck is that
even possible? When?

We've been looking
for him all morning.

I bet the Russians
pulled him out.

- Find out what you can.
- Right.

Which base
are we going to?

We're not going
to a base just yet.

- Why not?
- Some arrangements need to be made.

You know, paperwork.

Where are you taking me?

Somewhere safe.

Front door's the only way in our out.
We'll be watching it the whole time.

Place is empty.

Oh, yeah, there's an
old lady downstairs.

She's deaf and hates Russians.

Welcome to your
home away from home.

You got the run of the place.

Living room. Kitchen.


Mr. Godeanu, this is John.

Good evening, Mr. Godeanu.

- How are you?
- Have we met?

I don't think so.

John will show you around.
Your bed is down the hall.

When does the debriefing begin?

One step at a time.

I gotta go. But I'll
be back in the morning.

I am leaving you in good hands.

- Guarded by a 17-year-old?
- Twenty-seven.

Men younger than me
fought in Vietnam, sir.

Cold War is another
kind of beast.

Hey, I'm not far
away. It'll be okay.

It's the first step
to your freedom.

Have faith.

Thanks for helping me on this.

Take this. If it goes sour,
tell everyone I forced you.

Have a good night.

Babe, I'm sorry. I'll
make it up to you.

Just don't promise me anything.

Tell me how to fix
this and I will.

I'll call Liza.

No need to. I am well-versed
in lying to my friends for you.


Please, you have to trust me on
this. Something big is going on.

And this thing can make
my career, our future.

What future, Frank?

The last big thing got you
this obsessed, landed us here.

If you keep this up,
we have no future.

Well, I brought
you some Red Sox pajamas.

Sorry, the only ones I got.

There is a blue toothbrush
for you in the bathroom.

Ask me if you need anything.

- All right.
- Okay? Okay.

- Hey, Scott.
- Frank.

We got a meeting
with the president.

So I'll find an answer on my
desk tomorrow morning, right?

If everything goes well, yeah.

Scott, you know that
every minute counts now.

We'll try to get him here.

I have to go.


Goddamn it, just do it.

Hey, Scott's the only
one who stood by you.

Give him a chance
to do things right.

I know. You're right.

I need to be patient.

Am I forgiven?

Keep your wits about you,
Mr. Jackson, and I'll think about it.

So you didn't go for
the pajamas, huh?


I thought we'd be on our way
to the military base by now.

I'm waiting to clear up
some details with Langley.

- Details? What details?
- Papers.

- Yeah.
- Bureaucracy will be the death of us.

I don't get it. Carter gave his
okay. The rest should be easy.

Carter did give his
okay, didn't he?

Yes, he did.

It's just the nuts and
bolts of CIA paperwork.

Have a little patience, but...

Frank, listen to me.

In one hour, the Romanians will
be banging on my hotel room door.

In four, all the Romanian
intelligence and the German police

will be looking for me.

We are not safe here.


Here's the thing,
Commissioner Steinbruch.

We need you to treat
this investigation

with absolute discretion, given
Comrade Godeanu's high rank.

Of course. I was
informed about it.

I need you to help us with
all the information you have.

Oh, sure.

- Where did you see him last?
- Here.

We brought him to the
hotel around 3 p.m.

This morning, we were
supposed to pick him up

for a flight to Bucharest.

He was gone. We
searched everywhere.

What was Mr. Godeanu
doing in Germany?

Meetings with
government officials.

What about unofficial meetings?

Not that we know of.

Mr. Godeanu has only
been missing a few hours.

What if he just had a rough night
and ended up in some woman's bed?

No. Commissioner Steinbruch,
we don't think that's the case.

Comrade Godeanu is
a responsible man.

He's got a family at
home waiting for him.

Hey, Mom, can you get that?

Okay, I guess not.

- Hello, comrade.
- Felix, what's wrong?

It's Comrade Godeanu.
Something has happened.

Come in.

- What is it?
- Victor's gone missing.

What do you mean?

We can't find him.
He just disappeared.

I bet he got drunk and is
in bed with some German.

Mom, come on.

No. No, they looked
everywhere. He's really gone.

Well, maybe something
urgent came up

and he had to rush
without giving notice.

You look tired.

You should get some rest.

- Better?
- Fine.

Hey, I'll get rest
on the weekend.

Tonight I'm finishing the details
for the Romanian negotiations.

Max, you can go on and play now.

- He barely touched his food.
- He ate enough.

You're right.

I think you and I should take
a long vacation at some point.

- After Max's school trip.
- Yeah, we can talk about it after.

It would be good for us.

We need to spend some
time together as a family.

Klaus can't keep having
you all to himself.

- Let's talk about it later.
- It's always later.

It's like we don't matter.


- All good?
- Mm.

Would you like a giant
glass of whiskey?

Yep. Thanks, Safiya.

Achmed. Play nice, you hear?

I am, Mom.

Okay, then.

Hi, love, I'll
take the groceries.

If you are here to
help me, it's too late.

- Hey, cut it out.
- Give it to me. Let me take it.


What's that?

Nasir must have put it there by
mistake. I have to return it.

- No, it's okay. It's for me.
- No, no, no.

- Let me return it. We're not thieves.
- It's a gift.

I'm telling you, it's a gift.

Nasir didn't say
anything about a gift.

- He must have forgotten.
- Oh, really?

At least use it to
clean up.

- Everything okay?
- Yeah, just cleaning up a little bit.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your
brother is coming to visit.

Coffee is
much better here,

but I'm sure you're gonna love
America for many other things.

Washington is great. You will...

- Love it. Yeah. You already said.
- Oh.

They got you right out
of college, didn't they?

- Yes.
- Princeton?

- Stanford.
- Still.

They don't send a novice
into a wolves' den

unless he has a high-up
uncle at Langley.

Or scores off the charts at
something. So which one is it?

I'm fluent in German.

And scored high on all tests,

and did very well on
one of our projects,

Emerging Weapons Technologies.

So you're good with technology,
but not with people.

Actually, I like to think of
myself as a people person.

And I know a lot
about the Cold War.

Sure you do.

On paper.

Let me ask you something,
Top-Scorer John.

Do you know why you're here?

I'm not sure I
understand the question.

Let me rephrase that for you.

Do you know why Frank put you
here in this so-called safe house?

I didn't think so.

Call him.

This is Frank.

Frank, our friend
is getting a bit antsy

with this whole situation.

- He wants to talk to you now.
- I'll be right there.

Godeanu didn't make his
flight this morning.

Romanians seem to think
he's gone missing.

They have the Cologne
police looking for him.

Yeah, well, maybe he's in
hiding until he hears from us.

Let's work it out. My office.

The room service woman
says she delivered

a bottle of wine to
the room next door

and she spotted a blond
leaving Victor's room.

- And did she describe the blonde?
- Yes.

Tall, high heels, very pretty.
She had a very nice scarf.

Alligator pattern
with different colors.

Mrs. von Weizendorff
had one like that.

Who is Mrs. von Weizendorff?

She works for the
Ministry of Interior.

The German Ministry?

I have to call my superiors.

Do you know when to shut up?

You should never tell them more
than what they need to know.

Go. Make yourself useful.
Bring me that woman's file.

Mrs. von Weizendorff.

This is Commissioner Steinbruch.

He just has a few questions
for you regarding Mr. Godeanu.

- Hello.
- Hello.

He's gone missing.

Victor is missing?

- Any leads yet?
- No, we are not sure what happened.

Well, take a seat.

- Can I get you water?
- No, thank you.

Mrs. von Weizendorff, how
well do you know Mr. Godeanu?

Just professionally. We
met to discuss a program

that was recently agreed upon
by both of our governments.

Have you ever met Victor
Godeanu outside of the ministry?

- No.
- Never visited him at his hotel?

I believe I just
answered that question.

Oh, really?

I think that's enough for today.

Here, take my card.

In case your story changes.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Here are all
the records we have

of Godeanu's last eight
visits to Germany,

official reasons for coming,
places he was staying at,

names he was traveling under.

Maybe there's a clue to his
whereabouts buried in all this, huh?

I don't think we'll be
able to find him now.

I'm sure he'll contact
us sooner or later.

That doesn't mean
we stop looking.

My car needs an oil check, soon.

Today at 3:00.


What's so urgent?

Godeanu's gone missing.

I was questioned by
the police today.

Any idea what happened to him?

- No.
- Good.

If they come back, stay calm.

It's important. Don't lie.

Just tell them what
you know about him.

I slept with him at his hotel.

You do know that all I said was
to convince the guy, not fuck him.

If this all goes
bad, then I'm out.

The thing is, we've
invested a lot in you.

You're not going anywhere.

Have a nice day.

Hi, Victor. Sorry I'm late.

John said you had some concerns.

You lied to me.

I'm sorry. Things didn't
go the way I expected.

This isn't an official CIA operation.
It's just you and John hiding me.

We don't have Carter's
okay just yet.

He's so worried Camp David will
fail that he doesn't want to deal

with any other
problem right now.

Problem? I would have thought
the highest ranking official

from the Eastern Bloc
is an asset to the CIA.

Look, this is just temporary.

I understand your

Disappointment? I'm
risking my life here.

I put my career on the
line for your defection.

The difference between you and
I is that while you are still

an overly zealous CIA officer,

I'm a candidate for
the martial court!

I know right now you have
no reason to believe me,

but I am sure everything
will turn out okay.

When? You think we're safe here?

- That's what you think?
- Yes. Until we...

Until a bullet finds my head!

I told you, I only
got us a few hours

until they realize
that I've disappeared.

That window is gone now.

The Romanian counterintelligence
is after me as we speak.

The same agent that followed
me into the scarf store,

she's looking for me
and she will not stop.

Victor, I know it doesn't look
like it, but this place is safe.

Safe? The east window is
facing a five-floors building

with plenty of
spots for a sniper.

The west side is
overlooking a warehouse.

Another sniper's heaven.

The north is right across
a shop with enough windows

to make us sitting ducks.

And the fire ladder might
as well be a welcome mat.

You're gonna want to hear this.

Bonn police are
reporting a Romanian diplomat

has gone missing
during the night.

Victor Godeanu, who
was reportedly inbound

on official government business

could not be found in his
hotel room this morning.

The search is underway. Sources are
telling us the police are baffled

and there are no
real leads so far.

Mr. Godeanu is said to
be a high-ranking general

in Nicolae Ceaușescu's
communist regime

and a cherished member of
the president's inner circle.

We're also learning that the nature
of Godeanu's business in Bonn

was to hold high-level talks at
the Ministry of the Interior...

Since they're looking
for me, let them find me.


interrupt our programming

to bring you breaking news
in our developing story,

the case of the missing
Romanian diplomat.

As we reported earlier,
German police were spotted

on the banks of the Rhine
conducting searches.

Now we are hearing more about
the object of their search.

In a shocking new development

in the case of missing Romanian
official Victor Godeanu,

we're hearing that Godeanu's
belongings may have been

found floating in the Rhine.

Details are scarce and the police
haven't put out a statement yet,

but our reporter has confirmed

that there are a dozen police
officers on the riverbank

overseeing the divers' efforts

to find more items that could
move the investigation along.

Divers were seen...

Stop! Stop!


Is this the German version
of discretion? Hmm?

The whole world knows
Godeanu's missing.

I have no control
over such things.

We were assured
this investigation

would be conducted with
the highest consideration.

Can't you just deny
it's about Godeanu?

- We don't lie to our press.
- Sir?

Someone must have wanted him
expelled from your inner circle.

We're looking into the theory
that the photo was doctored

so you'd lose trust in him.

This more recent news we
think is an escalation.

We think Comrade
Godeanu was kidnapped.

My enemies are trying to
rob me of my most trusted advisor.

Those goddamn fucking bastards.

It's a diversion to weaken you.

But you're not
going to let them.

Whoever did this to
Victor will pay for it.

With his own life.

I'm starting to wish I hadn't
given him back those pearls.

They were ugly, but I shouldn't
have said that out loud.

Who knows what he
must have thought?

Sorry to interrupt, comrade. There's
an urgent phone call for you.



Apparently they just found
Victor's passport in the Rhine.

Okay, so, what does
that mean then?

That he's dead?

His body hasn't been found yet.

So I won't believe that's true.



- What happened?
- They said that he could be dead.

But I know he's
alive. I feel it.

After hours of trawling
the Rhine for more evidence

in the Victor Godeanu case, the
police have now halted the search

for the day and plan
to resume operations...

- Are you okay?
- At first light tomorrow morning.

- The evidence points to a kidnapping.
- Fuck! Get me a fucking towel!

Eastern Bloc pundits fear that the
search will soon turn up a body,

given the nature of Mr. Godeanu's
job and the mystery surrounding

his presence in Germany.

A spokesman speaking to the
media on the riverbank...

Last time I had one of these
happening, I was a child.

That belongs to Victor Godeanu
and what's thought to be his coat.

Maybe it's the stress.

Pressed by reporters, the
spokesman stressed that the police

are not jumping to any grim
conclusions at this point.

Sir, you have a call.

- Hello?
- Scott.

Where the fuck were you?

- I've been trying to reach you.
- Hey, listen to me.

Carter's not gonna sign
off for a missing guy.

It's all over the news here.

I've got him.

- What do you mean, you've got him?
- He's with me. He's safe.

- We need to get him to U.S. custody.
- Jesus Christ.

Scott, all you have to do is tell
them that I know where he is.

- That's all.
- That's lying, Frank.

Listen to me. You know me.
Trust me. It's the right move.

A career-making move.
Bonn is getting too hot.

We need Carter's
okay to bring him in.

You have until tomorrow morning,
then I'm bringing him in regardless.

No way, Frank...

I'm staying here tonight, John.

- You can take the night off.
- Yeah?


Come back tomorrow with
something for Victor to wear.

- Something that suits him, not you.
- Sure.

You did well.

- I appreciate it, Frank.
- No problem.

- Have a good night.
- Thanks. You too.

What happened to you?

Nose bleed.

Come on.

I got good news.

Getting picked up tomorrow.

High-level talks are
continuing at Camp David

after a first week of
intense negotiations

that apparently have
not borne much fruit.

Egyptian president Anwar
Sadat is said to...

- Thank you.
- Mother misses you.

Mm-hm. I miss her too.

- How is work?
- All right.

And, uh... what about Ingrid?

She treating you well?

Ah. Very well. I've
been loving my job.

Although the tension is high,
there is hope on both sides...

- Gotta make a call.
- That a compromise can be reached.

- I'll be right back.
- Okay.

We'll bring you further developments
in this historic peace agreement.

In other news, rebel forces
have made significant...

But you said the business is
with Karim, not with Jabare.

Jabare has joined us. He
has connections in Egypt.

I know my brother. He's trouble.

You just don't have faith in me.

I have faith in you, not in him.

I know him better than you.

Thank you for letting me stay.

My pleasure.

I won't be here long.

Max, hey, don't play with your food.
I already told you that, didn't I?

Finish your toast or you'll
be hungry all day at school.

You should eat something.

I'll eat later.

Don't worry. Stay
here. I'll get it.

Do what
your mother told you.

Hello, Mrs. von Weizendorff.

Do you mind if I come in?

- Not at all.
- Thank you.

Please wait here.

Gustav, I have a visitor.

Could you take Max to
school today, please?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Hey, Max. Max.

- What did I say?
- Who is that?

She's an old friend.

She needs my help on
a personal problem.

You're always helping everyone.

Come on, Max.

- Yep. Should we take your car?
- Yeah. Take your car, Max.

Have fun at school today.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

Have a seat.


what do you want?


- I don't know where he is.
- How about...

who he's in league with?

Do you know that? That
is General Shakarov,

the head of the KGB.

A lot of blood on his hands,
as I'm sure you're aware.


Looks like you don't know
Victor very well at all...

despite the fact that you spent
the night in his room at the hotel.

I know you're Stasi, and
I can blow up your life

before your boy makes it to
his private kindergarten today.

I don't know where you
get your information from,

Miss Popescu,

but I assure you it's wrong.

You met Victor in Frankfurt in '68.
You had an affair. You were in love.

He wasn't.

You were a source
to him, and a...

pretty face.

I have your file. I have
photos of you and Victor.

I can arrange everyone in
your fake life gets a copy.

And you would risk
the Pilgrim program?

I only care about Victor.

I saw Victor at the U.S.
embassy a couple of days ago.

- You're sure it was him?
- Yes, of course.

He was waiting in
the lobby. I checked.

He didn't have an
official appointment.

He doesn't necessarily need one.

Well, my instinct tells me
he didn't report the meeting.

I think he defected
to the Americans.

Um, do you know who
he was meeting there?

An agent called Frank Jackson.

- But I don't know anything about him.
- Mm. I need more.

I know his right hand.

His name is John Miller.

And now get the fuck
out of my house.

Thank you.


I think he defected
to the Americans.

Carmen, listen, you can't just
guess at something like that.

You have to be sure.

I know.

I trust my source.

And if that's true, then...

what a fucking shit show.

This was certainly...

When I find him, do I have
the order to kill him?

We'll talk later.

Yes. Copy that.

Someone called in a
tip. It was an old lady.

She said she saw a man
fitting Godeanu's description

in her building.

You, come with me. You,
call the superintendent.


I got you this.

- What do you think?
- You're gonna look hot in that.

I just need to blend in.
It's not a fashion parade.

Even if you blend in,
it's still gonna be hot.

Also, I got you these.

- Pretty neat, huh?
- Yeah.


I knew I'd seen
your face before.

Ingrid von Weizendorff.

She saw me at the
embassy. She's Stasi.

Fuck. Do you know this woman?

Yeah. We met at a party.

We slept together once.

She thinks I work in
cultural outreach.

- How do you know what she thinks?
- You should've told me.

Don't tell me she
knows where you live.

Shh. Shh.

Mrs. Popescu,
what are you doing here?

I heard at least two voices
from inside speaking English.

Did anyone follow
you this morning?

- No. I don't think so.
- Oh, you don't think so?

If we don't leave now, I'm dead.

German police. Open up.

- Can I help you?
- We are looking for a man.

- A fugitive.
- He disappeared a few days ago.

We got a tip that
he might be here.

Well, he's not.

Uh, do you have
a warrant, ma'am?

- Excuse me.
- Mrs. Popescu.

Let's please take a minute.

Uh, look, I can't let you search
this place without a warrant.

Can you tell her, please?

Mrs. Popescu.

Mrs. Popescu.

Mrs. Popescu.

Frau Popescu,
this is highly unusual.

- Please, you are out of bounds.
- Ma'am?

May I ask who you're
looking for? Uh...

It's a Romanian
official. Her colleague.

- I apologize.
- This is my apartment.

Without a warrant,
you're all trespassing.

I apologize for the intrusion.
I gather it's personal for her.

You work for the American
embassy, don't you?

I do.

I apologize. This was
clearly a false tip.

- Well, people do love drama.
- Let's go.

Sorry to bother you, Mister...?

Uh, Miller. John Miller.

Come on, come on.

I checked out front. It's
all clear. We need to move.

Get dressed. Three minutes.

♪ I feel I'm going crazy, baby ♪

♪ And that is all ♪
♪ That's left to say ♪

♪ Saddest part is that I'm ready ♪

♪ To leave our home behind to die ♪

♪ Embracing shadows ♪
♪ Of the moonlight ♪

♪ It breaks my heart ♪
♪ to see you cry ♪

♪ I lost it all for heavy reasons ♪

♪ At least I feel alive now ♪

♪ But, baby, havens close ♪
♪ Bridges burn one by one ♪

♪ Darker, darker ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a free man fallin' ♪

♪ Faint stars fading ♪
♪ off one by one ♪

♪ You like it, lying ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a free man fallin' ♪

♪ I'm a free man falling down ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm a free man fallin' ♪

♪ A free man falling down ♪