Spy (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Codename: Blood - full transcript

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Hold that.

Must make you feel inadequate.
Don't know what you mean.

Look how he craves the attention
of a real father figure.

That's why Philip's
so amazing for him.

I don't want to talk about Philip.

How's it hanging, blood?

Who's that?
That is Sam McCloud's dad Tony.

He's a detective sergeant
in the Met.

I've had the school inspectors
on my back.

Apparently you can see "more
discipline in a Romanian brothel",

which I think is rather rude.

Which part of Romania exactly?
Galati is a charming city.

Wow. Fascinating!
Just getting back to him.

Oh. Yep, right. Well, I asked Tony
to come and talk to the kids.

You know, instil a bit of order.

Surprised you didn't ask me.

We know little about discipline
in the civil service.

You're the best.

Managed to break open
the skylight above the warehouse

and out the corner of my eye I saw
one of the guys running through...

Wow, that is an excellent story.

It's Tony, isn't it?

Yeah. I'm Tim. I'm Marcus' dad.

So, the old law enforcement.
That's right.

We're pretty much in
the same business, you and me.

Please don't.
You in the force? Yeah, in a way.

Civil service.
OK. Pretty high level.

Must be exciting.
Oh, it is.

All that photocopying.

That's a good one.

So what are you guys packing
these days?

We don't carry weapons.
Oh dear.

Me, I'm a Glock man.

9mm auto. Short recoil.
One in the chamber, 16 in the mag.

Do you have a licence
to carry a firearm, sir?

Sorry, what?
The Glock.

Do you have a licence for that?

He doesn't have a gun.
Well, which is it?

Do you have a firearm or not?

No. You do know it's an offence
to waste police time.

I'm not wasting police time.
Do you understand me?

Now apologise to them.


Come on, guys.

We don't like liars.


Oh, come on.

It's one thing to humiliate me
in front of my work colleagues,

but quite another to insult one
of Her Majesty's police officers.

But he was a bit of an arse.
He's a detective sergeant.

What are you?
I'm a s... civil servant.

No, you're nothing.


Shut up.

"Identified. Karen Lee."

I swear to you,
I thought it was the men's toilet.

Good morning.
Hi, how are you?

Good, thanks. You?
Yeah, good.

Is this you?
No, what is it?

Don't ask.

Now then,
you and I need to have a little chat

about what constitutes acceptable
behaviour in the workplace.

You wanted to see... Hello?


Is that you, Tim?

Were you hiding?
No. No.

No, no, no. Just...

Erm... dropped...

Here it is.
There's nothing there.

Enough of the small talk, Tim.

Senior management have decided

to introduce a new policy of
random drug testing in the office.

Fair enough.

If I take that drug test with my
blood, it is possible it might fail.


It's the old ganja, I'm afraid.

That something you do regularly?

I didn't ask you in here
so you could judge me, Tim.

No, no. It's just cannabis only stays
detectable in body for six weeks.


I'm going to need your blood.
Mm. I'm not gonna give you my blood.

Not even for a promotion?

For a few mills of that
beautiful clean plasma.

What kind of promotion?
What do you want?

Erm... I don't know.
Executive position?

Really? Yep.

Really? That's it?
I'm an executive?


This is gonna make Marcus so proud.
Of course it will.

Now roll up your sleeve.
What? Oh, right.

Remember, Tim, don't let that
power go to your head.

Don't worry, sir.
I won't change one little bit.

Bit more focus, people.

These exercises are important, yes?


Very good, very good.

How are you getting on?

Listen, I hope things aren't
gonna be weird between us.

Why should they be?
Well, you know, with the promotion.

Now I have more responsibilities
and a bigger desk.

It's not a bigger desk.
It's an executive desk.

It's the same desk
with a sticker on it.

Yeah. I just wanted to say,
I'm still on your side, OK?

I still think of us as equals.
We are equals.

Yeah, of course we are.
Absolutely we are.

Although officially...

Still equals, absolutely.

Yeah, good talk. Yes, question?

Not so funny now, is it?

So stupid. Why did you snitch on us?

Hold him.

Check and see if he's got any money.

What are you looking at?
Get out of here.

You alright, Oliver?
Excellent, thank you.

That's right. So go on, get out.

Get his arms.

Look how pathetic he is.
Why don't you stop being a crybaby?

I'm afraid I can't do that.

Come on, Marcus.
Wait for me outside.

It's a breach of the school code,
not mention common law,

to assault a fellow student.

Of course, if you don't stop,

it might leaked out how you and Carl
kissed after the school disco.

Hey, I'm not judging.

I didn't kiss Carl.
I understand. It's society's fault.

But you know how cruel kids can be.

Carl, tell him we didn't kiss.

Yeah. No, no way did we kiss.

Ugh. That would be...


So, gentlemen, what's it to be?

The inspectors were right.

There's absolutely no discipline
in this school.

What were you thinking?
I was just doing my job.

Your job? Philip, talk to him.
I'm gonna call Paula

and inform her how Tim
has been letting Marcus run wild.

Yes, my love.

Marcus, you were very brave today.

God knows what might have happened
if Mr Harris hadn't turned up.

In future, you'd do exactly the same
again, wouldn't you?

I couldn't possibly comment.

I knew it.

Bit risky, though.
The kid needed my help.

You are the coolest.

How would you feel about
a little assignment?

I'm listening.

What's up, Marcus?

Hey, Marcus.
Hi, Marcus.

Thought you might need a drink.
I don't drink on duty.

No, of course. Sorry.

Perhaps I could make an exception.

You've got...

You should get back to class.
Keep it.

Had your fun, have you?
Hello, Paula.

You force your way in? No.
Ravished me all night? No, I didn't.

And then leave
without even a goodbye?


No, wait, I'm sorry.

Forgive me, my angel.
Stop it.

This ends here, Paula.

You and me did not go rock climbing
together in the Algarve.

We did not adopt a rescue cat
and named him Roger Fishman.

And we most certainly
did not make love on stage

during a Michael Buble concert.

Are you dumping me?

Actually, yes. Yes, I am dumping you.
Don't say that.

Paula, we've had a good run,
but lately... I don't know.

It's like we've been drifting apart.

It's not you. It...

Well, it is you, obviously.

But I'm an executive now.
I've moved on.

I have responsibilities.

Whereas you, you are mental.

Oh. Oh, so you're too good
for me now, is that it?

We'll see about that.


Don't listen to him, Roger.
He'll come back to us.

Another day, another dollar.

You got a tough one ahead?
Aren't they all?

I hear you.
Dealing with the scum.

The idiots.
And the weak.

God. I hate the weak.

I hate the weak, too.

Get out of here.

That was really lame.

Seriously, I'm not just saying that.

Really not that complicated, Karen.

Come on, wake up.

And, er, clear the way
with less make-up.

It would suit you.
Knob. Heard that.

Got the Q3 numbers for you, Tim.

Rubbish! Do 'em again.

Psst. Psst.


There's been a problem
with the switcheroo.

Keep the faith, Tim.

I literally have no idea
what you're talking about.

Could you come with me, please, Tim?

Space for one more?

This doesn't feel entirely good.
Lesley? Thank you.

following the recent drug testing

we conducted on the employees,

I take no pleasure in reporting
that Tim has failed the test.

What? No.
I'm afraid so.

There must be some mistake.
There is no mistake.

Tim has tested positive for...
Let's see.

Everything? Everything.

My God, Tim. I really think there's
been some kind of mix up here.

I don't. No?
You can't cheat science, Tim.

That's why they call it science.

The only mistake we made
was hiring you in the first place.

You are a degenerate, Tim.

And I... loathe you.


I think that's quite harsh
in the circumstances.

I'm sorry, Tim,
but there you have it.

As this is your first offence,
no doubt of many,

we are legally obliged to send you
on a drug rehabilitation programme.

That's really not necessary.
That the literature.

Try not to inject it.

You said everything?

Are you packing?
I got a Twix.

Marcus, can you help us?

You've changed, Marcus.

Is it safe?


Is it safe?
What are you talking about?

It just says here
you like scuba-diving.

I was wondering, is it safe?

Yeah. It's fine as long as you have
a qualified instructor.

Interesting. Well, Carl, I'm afraid
Robert said it was all your idea.

What was?

"Carl thought it would be hilarious
to put a poo in a jiffy bag

and post it to Mr Harris."

What? He said that?

It's not too late to save yourself,

Rob would never do anything
to hurt me.

Wake up, Carl. Don't you see?

He's left you to take the rap.
You're lying.

Tell me it was Robert.
No. Tell me!

Tell me!

OK, OK. I can't take any more.

I'm sorry, Rob. I'm so sorry.

I hope this isn't going to take long.

I've got the lockerooms to patrol.

How's it going?

12 counts of swearing, eight no
permission slips, a few missing ties.

The usual. So, if that's all?

Sit down, Marcus.

I think I'd prefer to stand.

This is difficult for me.
Spit it out, Philip.

I've had some complaints.
What sort of complaints?

You've been abusing your power.
That's ridiculous. Who said that?

I bet it was Gillespie, that...
It was Mrs Godfrey, among others.

Godfrey. What's her problem?

You clamped her car three times.
She was parked in a disabled bay.

She has multiple sclerosis.
So she says.

This can't happen again.
OK. I'll ease off.

A little.
No. It's too late for that.

I'm sorry, Marcus.
What are you saying?

I'm saying you're off patrol
with immediate effect.

I'm gonna need your badge
and your gum.

I cleaned this place up for you
and this is the thanks I get.

Serves you right, Marcus.

You deserve it.

Well done!



What are you doing here?
You are kidding, right?

I am. Yeah.

How's it going, pal?
What do you mean how's it going?

You stitched me up
and sent me to rehab.

Whoa. Still annoyed about that,
I can tell.


So are you here to get clean?

God, no. This is a terrific place
to pick up the ladies.

Really desperate women here.

Is that right?
Oh, yeah. Tuck in, sonny.

But, hey, Hands off the counsellor.

That sweet tushie is all me.

OK, can we make a start, please?

Oh, my God.

I know, isn't she amazing?

So, who'd like to go first?

I think Tim had his hand up.
No, I didn't, actually.

Round of applause for Tim.

Yay, Tim! Woohoo!
Shut up.

So, Tim,
tell us about your addictions.

Yeah, erm, yeah the thing is,
and this is pretty funny,

I don't have any addictions.

I understand your scepticism,
but honestly, it's true.

There's been a misunderstanding.

If you're gonna beat this, Tim,

we need to strip away the lies
and rebuild you from scratch.

Right, sure. Whatever that means.

Not cool, guys. Seriously.

You enjoyed that way too much.

You are now standing
in the circle of truth.

How does it feel?

I want you to relax
and embrace the truth.

Tim, are you addicted to drugs?


Ow. What was that for?
This is the circle of truth, Tim.

Lies must be punished.
I'm not lying.

Let's try something a little easier.

Tim, do you enjoy number puzzles?


Have you ever strangled a swan?


OK, who's got a question for Tim?

How safe is it now, Serpico?

Come on, let's do him.

This doesn't concern you.
Move out the way, Justine.

That's not going to happen.

No, I deserve it.

Yes, you do.
Let's do her, too.

That's your choice, Daniel.
But I should warn you

that if you try anything
I will take you down.

I will take you down to Chinatown.

Well, let's not be hasty.
I'm late for pilates, actually.

Er, yeah, I'll walk with you.
Wait for us.

Thank you.

Are you done with
all that vigilante stuff?

I could have taken then, you know.

I know.
All of them.

I'm agreeing with you.

I'm not saying this.
I'm not a drug addict.

And I'm definitely not saying
that I love you.

You don't have to mean it.
No? Why didn't you say?


Tim, if I fail you on this course,
you will lose your job.

Is that what you want?

Paula, there is absolutely no way
I'm saying any of this stuff.

Let me rephrase that.
If you don't read this out,

I might just have to tell Marcus
about his mother

and her sordid past.
I know all about her "issues".

The pills, the depression,
how she reads the Daily Mail.

You wouldn't do that to him.

Didn't I mention? I took the liberty
of inviting a few friends and family

to help you through
this difficult time.

Welcome, welcome. Thank you all
so much for coming today.

Tim is immensely grateful
for all your support

and has some important things
he'd like to sat to you.

And Tim, have fun with it.


Hey, Marcus. How are you?
How was school?

Get on with it.

First, I would like to say that...

I may have a minor drug problem.

Quiet! He hasn't finished yet.
Go on.

Marcus, have you heard of

No, I'm doing it.

"I have had..."
For some time now.

"For some time now
have had feelings."

I think that says loving feelings.

Yes. "I have had loving feelings
for someone."

Like in the English Patient.

Yeah, just like in
the English Patient.

I see. And who do you
these loving feelings for?


Tim, I asked him who do you have
these feelings for?

Yes, I know and I said it
and they heard me.

They did not hear you.

Tell us clearly
who you have these feelings for.


Oh! Oh!

Oh, no, no. I didn't expect that.

Oh, gosh. That is embarrassing.
I don't know what to say.

No, Caitlin.

That was for Roger.

Notice of the custody trial.

I'm sure the court will be
fascinated by all of this.

Don't worry, bro. We're gonna
fight this thing together.

I do not have a drug problem.
This is...

Marcus, none of this was true.
You have to believe me. Liar.

You'd better get yourself
a good lawyer, Tim.

Have you got any gear I can score?


Hey, wait.

I think that turned out
pretty well.

In what possible way?

I got a date.

I just want to go back to work
and forget this ever happened.

Yeah, about that. I'm afraid
you're no longer an executive.

I can't have my executives on drugs.

That would be insane.
Of course it would.

We can still be best buds, yeah?

Yeah, why not?