Spring Tide (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Spring Tide - full transcript

Stilton finds his friend Vera severely beaten and is devastated. He decides to pull himself together and try to find the perpetrators himself to get his revenge. Olivia has received information about a former escort, Jackie Berglund, in connection with the Beach Case. She decides to investigate her further. She contacts a journalist who interviewed Jackie a few years ago, Eva Carlsén, for advice on how to approach her. Eva warns her against digging around too close to Jackie. Linn Magnuson, CEO of mining company MWM, receives a prize for being the year's best Swedish company doing business abroad. During the prize ceremony, she gets an unsettling phone call which she realises can crush both her and the company. Olivia finally finds Stilton. Their first meeting doesn't go very well, but Stilton gives Olivia some answers to her questions.

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This brutal murder was committed
one late summer night in 1990.

A pregnant young woman
was buried on this beach...

and drowned by the tide.

I want you to look into this over
the summer as a cold-case exercise.

Tom Stilton ran the investigation.
Where can I find him?

He's left the force.

Will you stay?

There's not much space.

You could stay that it boils down
to abuse children...

who have not been loved.

- Have you found her?
- Yes.

I met an old op on Nordkoster.

One of the people he interviewed
was an escort.

Jackie Berglund is her name.
Maybe Eva knows her.

- Your dad wouldn't have liked this.
- He's dead, Mum.

You weren't here then.
Are you trying to make up for it?

- Why are you so upset?
- An innocent person was murdered.

- That's your opinion.
- What's yours?

Well, I solved a problem.



Oh Jesus! Shit, Vera...


Hi, it's Mum again.

I'm really sorry for what happened.
I really didn't mean to hurt you...

but you got me so worried.
Please get in touch, okay? I love you.

- Eva Carlsén?
- Are you Olivia?

Yes. Sorry I'm late, traffic...

No time now. It'll
have to be another time.

It's about Jackie Berglund.
She's in a case I'm studying...

an unsolver murder on Nordkoster.
Are you familiar with it?

Yes, very well.
How is Berglund involved?

- She was on the island that night.
- Have the police reopened the case?

Sadly, no. It's just me.
But you mentioned her in your book.

Yes. I also interviewed her
a few yeras ago, for a TV documentary.

- Oh? Do you still have that interview?
- Yes.

- Could I have a look?
- Sure, I'll email it to you.

Great, thanks.

Linn Magnusson, your company has been
criticized by human-rights organizations...

for supporting child labor and abuses
in Congo-Kinshasa.

How do you respond to that?

These accusations are completely
baseless. They're fantasy.

On the contrary, our mineral projects
help alleviate poverty in Kinshasa.

So you say the human-rights groups
are lying?

Let me put it this way. It's not the first
time our company has been slandered.

But in this case, there are witnesses
and proof of child labor.

I haven't seen it. As I said, we help
alleviate poverty throughout the region.

That was Linn Magnusson...

- It's true! It really this!
- You couldn't flush it?

No, I tried twice. It was awful!

There were loads of people outside.
It was this long!

What did you do?

I had a Switz... what's it?
A Swiss Army knife in my bag.

I thought it had have
scissors. So I got it...

You cut it up?

In four pieces,
and then I could flush it.

Out of Congo now! Bastards! Exploiters.
Stop MWM before it's too late.

No more child labor.
MWM! Exploiters! MWM! Exploiters!

Linn Magnusson,
may I ask you something?

You've been accused of having ties
to corrupt regimes.

We have strict business regulations
in all countries.

In the 80's, you worked with Mobutu,
one of Africa's worst dictators.

- Before my time. Thanks.
- Yes, but...

No more child labor...

Ignore it. It's always like this...

when Swedish companies succeed abroad.
People want to defame it.

Bertil, it's fine.
They're just doing their job.

"MWM's coltan mining is devastating
invaluable natural resources."

"The company's greed threatens gorillas
with extinction from starvation."

"In addition, they are killed
and sold as bush meat."

"Bush meat", what's that?
Never heard of it. Let's see.

So it's my pleasure to present you...

with the Swedish International
Company of the Year award.

- Please.
- Thank you.

This award is an excellent confirmation
of our company's dedication,

and I share this award with my colleagues.

I'd also like to thank my husband...

who gives me support and strength.

It means a lot to me. So thank you all.
And thank you, Bertil.

- Isn't Alexander coming?
- Emergency meeting. He'll be in touch.

Let me see. He has called.

He can't make it.

I... need to use the ladies' room.

Don't forget your scissors.

We don't know a thing, unless we want to.
For God's sake, why are you so upset?

- An innocent person was murdered.
- Well, that's your opinion.

- And what's yours?
- Well, I solved a problem.

- Do you think it's the same guys?
- Maybe, maybe not.

- What's that?
- It was lying beside the blood.

It's a bloody mess in there.
Shouldn't we call Forensics?

No, not yet.

Why not?

If she dies, it becomes a murder.
That'll give us more resources.

They say she's in surgery.

You know what Vera told me
a while ago, when...

Benseman got beaten up?

She said he's tough. He'll make it.

And Vera's tough, too, right?

What I've heard is,
the work you did before...

could be classed
as that of a luxury prostitute.

- Is it okay if I just finish this?
- No. But you're going to anyway, right?

We were more like geishas...
- Is it Jackie Berglund?

...sophisticated escorts...
- That's one way of putting it.

...helping to raise spirits
at events, dinner parties.

So no sexual services were offered?

Absolutely not!
It wasn't like that in my day.

It was a way for young women
to make connections.

- Business connections?
- Of course, what else?

- Which got you more escort jobs?
- Yes. And also...

helped me with other things
later in life.

- Such as?
- When I opened my shop, Unique & Perfect.

Do you have a list of clients?

Do you mean for the shop?

No, your other business,
as a provider of escorts, Red Velvet.

You're running that company today,
aren't you?

Right. This interview is over.

Isn't she creepy?

Linn! Congratulations on the award.

A shot of Laphroaig, please, no ice.

Over here, Alexander.

Sorry I couldn't make the event.

You know I talked about Nils Wendt?

He disappeared in Kinshasa?

He called me today.

He is alive?

- Apparently.
- What did he want?

I don't know, he didn't say.

He played a recording of a conversation
we had which only he could have recorded.

- About what?
- I want to get hold of him.

- Here you are.
- Thanks.

Can you arrange it?

- I can try.
- Trying isn't good enough.

Do you know if he's in Sweden?

No. He vanished 27 years ago.

Don't you want to say
what that conversation was about?


Söder Hospital


How are you?

And Vera?

No faces in this video either?

No, but the beginning was interesting.
The man she was having sex with.

- Was she a prostitute?
- You never know with them.

I'll see if the techs can
sharpen the image.

He could be homeless too.

Who knows...

I hardly know what to say,
this is so horrible.

It's so tragic, so senseless.

We all knew Vera, more or less.

We all know what she was dealing with.

All of her demons,

those dark childhood memories
she couldn't get rid of.

And yet she was probably
the strongest of us all.

And now she's gone. We'll all miss
her throaty, infectious laugh.

Maybe she's at peace now.

Farewell, Vera.

Hello, darling!

Time to celebrate
the Entrepreneur of the Year!

I've hardly seen you all day.

Look! Shellfish, champagne. Cheers.

- How were things at the gallery?
- Quiet.

I sold two watercolors
and had a meeting with Fernström.

- Did you see Alexander?
- Yes, briefly.

- How was he?
- Fine. He said hi.

We have to arrange that trip to London
we were going to take with him.

- Don't you agree?
- Yes, definitely.

Oh, how nice!

How were things at the gallery?

You just asked me.

Oh, sorry, I... I'm just...

We have a problem
with a landowner in Walikale...

that I need to solve.

What is it?

You never bring your work home.

Sorry. Let's sip some champagne.


- Coffee? Tea?
- I'd love some tea.

Are these your parents?


And this is you and your boyfriend?

No, that's my little brother Sverker.

The black sheep of the family.
Please sit.

Black sheep?

He went off the rails early,
go with the wrong crowd.

- Died of an overdose.
- How sad.

Sit on the sofa.

It put me onto my current research.

So, what do you want to talk about?

First, thanks for Berglund's interview.
I watched it yesterday.

You were... incredibly hard-hitting.
- Thanks.

I wonder if you know if she still runs
that escort service?

Red Velvet?
- Well, probably. I don't know.

- And the shop?
- Unique & Perfect?

I think it's still in the
Östermalm district.

And, do you know who she worked for
when she was an escort back in 1990?

He was quite well-known
at the time: Carl Videung.

He ran Gold Card.

Quite a peculiar name, Carl Videung.

Mm... especially for a porn king.

Be careful.

I got some scary phone calls
when I investigated her.

From Jackie?

- People around her.
- I see.

Carl Videung?

- Excuse me? May I come in?
- Are you new here?

I don't work here,
I just want to talk to you.

I'm Olivia Rönning. I'm writing a paper
at uni about Swedish escort services.

I'd like to ask about your old business,
Gold Card.

Oh, yes?

In 1990 you had a woman named Jackie
Berglund working for you. Didn't you?

Do you remember if she was friends
with any of the other girls?

- Could you fetch me those?
- Sure.

What do I want with those?

So... You don't recall if Jackie Berglund
spent time with anyone?

Yes, yes...

A flower?


- Her name?
- No, no.

Her hair.

Oh, okay. She had blue... blue hair.

Thank you very much.
It was nice talking to you, Carl.

Excuse me.

- Jackie.
- Carl Videung here.

- A girl asked about you.
- About me?

She asked if you worked at Gold Card...

and who you spent time with.
- Nosy girl.

- Why did she want to know?
- No idea.

I could tell she was lying,
so I played the senile card.

Okay. What was her name?

- Olivia Rönning.
- Thanks.

Hi. Look into a girl by the name
of Olivia Rönning. Young girl.

There can't be many people
with that name.

Good. Thanks.


- Walikale.
- That landowner again?

- Won't let us in.
- How much land?

Enough to ruin our prospecting project.

- His name?
- Muhindo.

Let's do this. Try to get hold of the
military chief in Kinshasa, Joseph Kumbara.

- Book a call with him tomorrow.
- Sure. Will do.

- We can't find him.
- For crying out...

We've checked every hotel, motel,
hostel, you name it.

He might be using another name.

If he's in the country at all.
It's not easy to...

As the company's chief legal advisor
your only job is to solve our problems.

Yours or the company's?


I don't know what this is about.

But I'm doing everything I can to help.

Yes, I know.

I'm sorry.

Was that conversation so bad?

It would ruin me and the company
if it got out.

I understand.

Witness Ove Gardman

Hi, this is Ove Gardman.
Speak after the tone.

Hi, this is Olivia Rönning again.

Sorry to keep bothering you, but...

Can you call me back or email me
as soon as you hear this?

Thanks. Bye.

Unique & Perfect
Top-End Interior Design


Hi. Sorry!
I was just in the toilet.

So you smelled pizza?


Your mum visited me today.

Oh? Was she there to complain?

She's worried. She's been calling you.
You haven't answered.

- Poor baby.
- Come on! Don't you get it?

You don't return her calls.
Of course she worries!

Maybe she'll realize there's a reason.

You're like a child sometimes!

- She said some unkind things.
- She told you? - Yeah.

- She's mental!
- Jesus, you're so bloody...

- I'm so bloody what?
- So bloody oversensitive!

- I am not.
- Yes, you are!

Sort this thing out with your mum.

Damn it!

And nothing is missing?

No, not that I know of.

So it wasn't a robbery.

You didn't recognize the man?

He had a mask on. And he hit me
as soon as I opened the door.

I got this the other day.

We'll get you, cunt!

Do you know who sent it?

Hi. I was in looking for Tom Stilton.

- Do you know if he got my note?
- He has seen it.

Okay. But he hasn't called.

I suppose he's been busy.

- Do you know when he might come in?
- He was just here buying magazines.

He was?
Where does he usually sell them?

Here and there.

I think he's in Benseman's place today.

Oh? And where is that?

At Slussen.

I'll have two, please.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

What, you want more?

- You're Tom Stilton?
- Yes, I am.

I'm Olivia Rönning,
from Police College.

We're doing a cold-case exercise
on the Nordkoster beach case.

Can I talk to you about it?

No, you can't.

You worked with my father on that case.

In his house I found a box of material
on it. He's written some questions...

If you have these questions,
why don't you ask your dad?

He's dead, so I can't.

He died of cancer a few years ago.


This is Stilton. What are your questions?

- Hi! You want me to ask now?
- Yes.

Okay. Was the woman drugged
when she drowned?

Whose coat did you find on the beach?
Did you DNA test the fetus?

And are you sure only three people
beside the victim were on the beach?

Oh, and how could you know
she was Latin American?

Hello? Are you there?

Come to the bin room at Bondegatan 25A
at 11 tonight. Entry code 2619.

Hel... Goodbye.

Toothache again?

Come on, Stilton. On your feet.

On your feet. That's it. Come on.

Good God, You stink!
What have you been doing?

- They killed Vera.
- The bird in the caravan?

Did you know her?

- I want the guys who did it.
- That why you called me?

You were one of my best snitches.

"Snitches"? Stilton, listen...

II was an informer. Big difference.

Yeah, no problem. I'll ask around.

- What will you do with them?
- Give them Vera's love.

I'll be here at this time of the day.

- Hasn't he called again?
- No.


He must have meant something
by that call.


- I hear you have problems in Walikale.
- A landowner.

The whole region is tough.
They're all against us.

Maybe you should make a donation.

- To?
- A children's hospital.

Build and equip it.
Put a few millions into local healthcare.

A children's hospital?

You've tarted up the company before.

- Might be a good idea.
- I think so.

Thank you.

Does Bertil know of the conversation?

What happens if Wendt calls him
and plays it?

I won't have a husband anymore.

Could you please turn that off?

- You have the memory stick?
- Yes, I...

The victim, the woman, was fully
conscious when she was buried.

The amount of Rohypnol in her blood might
have quietened her but not knocked her out.

The coat belonged to the victim.
We confirmed it from hairs on it.

- There's nothing about that in...
- We took blood from the fetus.

It was sent to the UK for analysis...

to determine possible paternity.
In case anyone came forward, but...

No one did.

We couldn't prove that there were three
people beside the victim...

on the beach, because the witness
was eight years old and terrified.

And what he saw,
he saw from quite a distance.

But it was all we had to go on.

The woman was probably Latin American.

It wasn't confirmed, but...

And she wasn't reported missing?

- Why are you homeless?
- I have nowhere to live. Your time's up.

You missed the most important question.

I'm off to bed.

I'll be along soon.
When I finish my drink.

This is Linn.

I know you'll stoop low, but to murder?

- No one can tie it to us.
- But we know.

We don't know a thing, unless we want to.
Why are you so upset?

- An innocent person was murdered.
- That's your opinion.

- And what's yours?
- Well, I solved a problem.

Nice dressing gown, Linn.
You always did look good in white.

Sleep tight.