Speed Racer (1967–1968): Season 1, Episode 8 - The Race Against the Mammoth Car: Part 2 - full transcript

Speed and Trixie survive the Mammoth Car, but it continues its mysterious journey even beyond the racetrack. What is its secret?

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Here he comes,
here comes Speed Racer

He's a demon on wheels

He's a demon and he's gonna
be chasing after someone

He's gaining on you so
you better look alive

He's busy revving up
the powerful Mach 5

And when the odds
are against him

And there's dangerous
work to do

You bet your life Speed Racer
will see it through

Go, Speed Racer
Go, Speed Racer

Go, Speed Racer, go!

He's off and flying as he guns
the car around the track

He's jamming down the pedal
like he's never coming back

Adventure's waiting
just ahead

Go, Speed Racer
Go, Speed Racer

Go, Speed Racer, go!

They're after us!

[SPEED] Huh?!

The mysterious Mammoth Car

challenges Speed Racer,
driving the Mach 5,

in the No Limit World Race.

[TRIXIE gasps]

[NARRATOR] Using one of the
ingenious devices on the Mach 5,

Speed tries to make a shortcut
through the forest.

[NARRATOR] But the Mammoth
Car is able to follow.

Speed tries a desperate move

to slash one of the Mammoth Car's tires.

[NARRATOR] Earlier,
50 million dollars in gold

was stolen from
the National Bank.

The police suspect it is

somewhere inside
the Mammoth Car,

and is being smuggled
out of the country.

Now, Cruncher Block,
the owner of the Mammoth Car,

must see that Speed
Racer and Trixie

do not learn the secret of the
car and where it's headed.

Hang on!

[BOTH scream]

[DRIVER A] That does it.

Let's go!

Mammoth Car,
calling Cruncher Block.

Mammoth Car,
calling Cruncher!

We just sent the Mach 5 to
the bottom of Lake Icy Chill.

According to the telescanner,
the Mammoth Car is gone.

Now it'll be safe to get
out of here. Here we go!

This is Trixie in the Mach 5,
calling Inspector Detector.

Speed and I have found out the
Mammoth Car is not just a racer,

it's loaded with men with guns!

And they're trying to stop us

from finding out some very
important secret about the car!

We'll continue in the race
as long as we can,

but please investigate the
Mammoth Car as soon as possible.

[SPEED] We think it might be
carrying the 50 million dollars

in gold bars stolen from the National Bank!

Can't think of anything
else to add, can you?

[SPEED] We've told him all we know.

We'll use our homing robot

to send the information
to the Inspector.


It's important. I hope it makes it.

[NARRATOR] Cruncher Block,
owner of the Mammoth Car,

is flying above the road
being used for the race.

Hey, look at that, Boss.

[CRUNCHER] I know the scenery's
gorgeous, who cares?

[MAN A] But I'm not lookin'
at the scenery,

I'm lookin' at the Mach 5.

You're dreaming!

That's no dream, it's a nightmare!

I thought they got rid of it.

They did, but something
must'a gone wrong

because that's the Mach 5,
all right!

Let's look closer.

[MAN A] Mm-hm!

[BOTH scream]

That pilot better learn to fly!

I think they did it on purpose!

I wanna talk to the Mammoth Car.

Listen, you stoneheads!

I gave you orders to get rid
of those two nosy kids.

Can't ya do even a cinch
job like that?

What went wrong with it?

Nothin'! We knocked
them into the lake;

that's where they are!

[CRUNCHER] Oh yeah?!

Look behind ya! And don't
you tell me they're ghosts!

[DRIVER A] Huh?!


The Mach 5!


It's them all right!

But how'd they get outta that lake?!

[growls] Now listen carefully.

The Mammoth Car will be stopping
at the fueling point any minute.

Our men are waiting there for you,

and they'll refuel your car,

but they'll also take care of the Mach 5.

So make sure that it follows ya there!

They're liable to learn our secret--

[CRUNCHER] Do as I say!

[BOTH scream]

I wonder where the Mammoth
Car's headed!

If we follow them, maybe we can
find out what they're up to!

[NARRATOR] Unknown to Speed,
this is his older brother, Rex,

who ran away from home years ago.

[SPEED] Hm...

ll don't see anybody here;
it seems deserted.

[TRIXIE] Uh-huh.

That plane!

[SPEED] Well that's funny...
Let's take a look.


[SPEED] Get down!

Hold your fire!
They're trapped in there!

Let her roll!

<i>BOTH gasp)</i>

<i>BOTH gasp)</i>

<i>BOTH gasp)</i>

[NARRATOR] No one knows that
Speed's younger brother,

Spritle, and his pal, Chim Chim,
were stowaways on the plane.

Don't make a sound, Chim Chim!

We don't want them
to know we're here.


Those men are gonna do something
bad to Speed and Trixie.

I've got to help my brother!

[CHIM CHIM growls]



[BOTH scream]

[SPRITLE] Run, Chim Chim!

[SPRITLE gasps]

[SPRITLE gasps]

Look, Trixie, this must
be the secret place

where they refuel the Mammoth Car!

[TRIXIE] Mm-hm! What do you
plan to do with both of us?

[CRUNCHER] I'll tell ya.

I'm finished with this
secret headquarters,

so I'm gonna get rid of it and
the two of you while I'm at it.

And it'll be more interesting

than just knocking ya into Lake Icy Chill.

What do ya think is in that
crate that you're tied to?

Three tons of dynamite.


[CRUNCHER] The fuse is gonna be lit.

And then that trolley
car you're on

will be pushed down
into the mine.

[CRUNCHER chuckles]

Somewhere deep in that tunnel,

a fuse is gonna set
off the dynamite

and that'll be the end of both of you.

Then nobody'll learn what you
found out about my Mammoth Car.

Too bad you have to lose the
race and everything else.


[DRIVER C] I'm ready...

Cut it!

[RACER X] No you don't!

Let go!


Well, we must be on our way to
finish the race. Have fun.

Now! Light the fuse!



[SPEED] Oh! It's you!

[SPRITLE screams]

[TRIXIE gasps]


[ALL gasp]

[RACER X] You just
avoided that crash.

The dynamite won't hurt you now.

It's Racer X!

Thank you for switching those
rails in the nick of time!

You saved us.

If 1 hadn't arrived,
you would've been blown up.

Those men'll do anything to win.

How did you know where you
could find us, Racer X?

You always seem to arrive just
when we need you the most.

[SPEED] There's something about him

that reminds me of Rex, my brother.

Can something be the matter?

You're looking at me in a
very strange way, Speed.

Tell me! What's on your mind?

[SPEED] Nothing!

[SPRITLE] Those bad men!

They were about to
smash the Mach 5.

I hope you'll never
again leave your car

while in the middle of a race.

Hurry! You may be able to catch
up to the Mammoth Car.

Thanks for everything, Racer X!

Now we should have no more trouble.

[DRIVER B] This is the Mammoth Car,
calling Cruncher Block.

Did you get rid of those kids?
We're running right on schedule.

[CRUNCHER] Good, we'll
meet ya at the boat.

[NARRATOR] Speed and Trixie race
all night in the Mach 5.


It looks as if it's gonna
be a groovy day!

[NARRATOR] At the checkpoint,

Inspector Detector and
Speed's father, Pops,

are waiting anxiously.

[ANNOUNCER] This is the first car
to reach the checkpoint.

So far, the Mammoth Car is winning.

Well, of course we are.

And we're gonna win the whole race.

Now stamp the certificate with
the time that we reached here.

[OFFICIAL A] There you are.

That gives the exact
time to the second.

Okay, you can continue the race.

[INSPECTOR] Hold it!

- [DRIVER A] The police...
- [DRIVER B] What do they want?!

We think you might be smuggling.
We want to inspect the car.

[DRIVER A] Again...?

You did already!

[DRIVER B] We got nothing
to hide, so look around!

Don't miss a thing! Inspect
everything carefully!

- Go ahead!
- [POLICEMEN] Yes, sir!

[DRIVER B gasps]

[DRIVER B] Speed Racer
and the Mach 5!

[DRIVER A] What?

I thought he was out of the way!

Speed Racer!

Glad to see you!

Inspector, you'd better make
a thorough investigation

of the Mammoth Car!

[INSPECTOR] We will!

We got the message by the
homing robot that you sent

tellin' us about that big car!

I didn't know you'd be here, Pops!

We've got Spritle and Chim Chim
with us in the Mach 5!

[POPS] Huh?! You do?!

I don't see them. Where are the little rascals, huh?

They're both in the trunk in back.

Huh? No, they're not.
There's nobody back here, Speed.

[DRIVER B] Clear the road!

The big car's leaving.


[SPEED] Spritle!

[SPRITLE] Come on,
Chim Chim, get in!


Stop that car!



[SPEED] Hang on, Trixie!
We're going after it!

[TRIXIE] Okay, hurry, Speed!

[SPRITLE] Hey, that's funny.
It's empty.

There's nothing in the Mammoth Car!

[SPRITLE gasps]


We'll be able to catch them, Trixie.

[TRIXIE] Oh, good!

In a few minutes,
we'll be at the boat.

[DRIVER A] Mm-hm!

[INSPECTOR] They're getting
close to the finishing line.

[POPS] Then they won't be
able to go any further,

and you can arrest 'em!

[ANNOUNCER] As they come
into the homestretch,

the Mammoth Car and the Mach 5
are tied for first place.

Only a few more seconds,

and the great No Limit World
Race will be all over!

Here they come to
the finishing line!

And as they cross
it in a dead heat,

it's an absolute
tie for first place!

[CROWD cheering]

It may be the momentum

from the speed at which both
cars have been racing,

but they haven't slowed down!

The Mammoth Car is even going faster!

Let us down! We won't do anything!

Cut the rope! Please, let us down!

[DRIVER C] You'll
behave yourselves?

[SPRITLE] We won't do anything
we shouldn't, I promise.

[DRIVER C] Yeah, okay then.

We had to do that,
so I kept my word.

Hi-- Uh!


Those two kids are still with 'em!

Don't worry, I'll give
them a blast.

[ CRUNCHER] Yeah...

[BOTH scream]

What happened? Why didn't
it go on the boat, huh?!

[BOTH whimpering]

[SPRITLE] That's the way!

Now keep the Mammoth
Car going straight,

and no monkey business, understand?

Faster, faster!

[DRIVER B] Who are you?

[CHIM CHIM gibbers]

[DRIVER B] Monkey business, huh?!

[DRIVER B groans]

[DRIVER A screams]

Hey, how do we stop the car?

We've got to find the
brakes and use them!

Hang on! I've got to
reach the brakes

or we're going to crash! Hang on!

Stop! Stop the car before
it crashes! Stop it!

Help! We're headed right
for that big oil tank!

There's something wrong
with the Mammoth Car;

it's going to crash
into that oil tank!

Help me, Speed!

You've got to take
the wheel, Trixie!

[TRIXIE] Huh?!


[SPRITLE] Ahh! Speed,
we're going to crash!

[SPEED] Ah! Hang on!

It's gonna be the end
of my Mammoth Car!


[TRIXIE] Speed! Oh, Speed!

So, that's it.

The gold was built right into
the Mammoth Car and painted.

[CRUNCHER] My plan is ruined!

I could've gotten that stolen
gold out of the country,

but not now! Not now!

Be careful; it's liable to explode!

My car... My golden car.

[BOTH laughing]

Congratulations, Speed.

You certainly ran a great race.

The Mammoth Car
was disqualified,

and so even though
the race was a tie,

the Mach 5's been
declared the winner.

You both did a great job!

And besides, you found
the stolen gold.


Well, what's the matter?

Why are you both acting like that?
Is something wrong?

Some people get an award and
some people get nothing at all,

even though they deserve
a medal at least.

They're jealous.

But maybe if you give them
something, Inspector,

they won't be so hurt.


And both of you have also
done a very fine job.

Here, please accept this
small token of our gratitude.

Aw, is that all we get?
We were hoping for some candy.


Why don't you put your hands in?

[BOTH] Hm?

[SPRITLE gasps]

[ALL laughing]

Subtitles: Astro Nomenov

Go, Speed Racer
Go, Speed Racer

Go, Speed Racer, go!

Go, Speed Racer
Go, Speed Racer

Go, Speed Racer, go!