Smallville (2001–2011): Season 8, Episode 22 - Doomsday - full transcript

Oliver tells Clark that he must kill Davis, but Clark deals with the fact that he can't take a human life. This leaves the justice league to take the affair on their own hands. Then, Rokk ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Smallville:

ROKK: We've come from the 31st century.
IMRA: We are the Legion.

Arrow. Canary. Impulse.

Watchtower is officially online.

- Tess Mercer. Acting CEO of LuthorCorp.
- You're my boss?

- We'll be there for each other.
- Forever.


I have put up with you taking someone
else's side. Clark, then Davis?

I won't kill Clark if I'm with you.

The darkness.
It doesn't come out when Chloe's around.

She makes me human.


CHLOE: Please don't try and find us.
- I will find a way to save you.

- I took Lex Luthor's life.
- You're responsible for the explosion.

You've got instincts, Jimmy.

There's an opening on my staff
and you'd be perfect for it.

Say that Clark Kent,
unassuming journalist...

Steps out of the shadow
into his red and blue?

Creating two completely
separate identities?

When I'm ready to tell the world
my secret you'll be first to know.

I'm only a phone call away.

I destroyed the Legion ring.
Controlling time is too dangerous.

Be careful in the days ahead.

There is a savior among us.

Until you fulfill your destiny,
he won't have his challenge to overcome.

- I'm not some problem to be solved.
- I get it. It's too early.

Why are you so determined
to see Davis Bloome die?

TESS: The entire civilization's survival
depends on it.

And now, the season finale...

of "Smallville"...

Thanks for meeting me.

I'm not the one who had to travel
a thousand years to get here.

Yeah, well, I just hope
that I'm not too late.

- For what?
- The future.

Now I know that any time we travel back
we take the chance of disrupting fate.

To be honest with you, Kal...

coming back here and trying
to change the future...

I might not have one to go back to.

I don't understand. You said the future
would be safe if we got rid of Brainiac.


Everything is safe.

Brainiac is gone.

But so are you.

When you saved Chloe's life,
you saved her connection to Doomsday.

She stopped you from sending him
to the Phantom Zone.

She made him invulnerable
by trying to kill him with kryptonite.

And now because of Chloe,
you cannot defeat him.

I'd never take back my choice
to save her.

I believe yours got a little scorched.

Use the ring.
Send Doomsday to the future.

The Legion's there
and we are ready to fight him.

- The Legion didn't unleash Doomsday. I did.
- Kal-El.

You need to understand...

that there is nothing on this Earth
that will stop him from killing you.

My father always told me
I was sent here to save mankind.

Maybe this is my true destiny.

How much time do I have?

Tomorrow is the day you die.

♪ Smallville: "Doomsday" ♪
Season 8 Episode 22

Maybe it's sleep deprivation...

but I can't exactly see a toga-clad woman
in those stars up there.

It's Demeter.

And her daughter, Persephone...

was taken by Hades to the underworld.

And Demeter, she enlisted the gods' help
to find her daughter...

but when Hades offered Persephone
her chance at freedom...

to everyone's surprise...

Persephone chose to live underground
with the dark prince.


We're actually gonna pull this off,
aren't we?

Find some place to slow down
and build a life together.

As long as we can keep the gods
from hunting us.

Tell me you have a lock on their location.

We traced the radiation on Bloome
after he attacked Neutron...

but we've got another problem.

What the hell?

Oh, my God.

GUARD: We heard an explosion and then
security cameras and power pulsed.

We thought a transformer
had blown outside.

The orb. Someone stole the orb.

- No one could've broken in without...
- You said the system went down.

Only for a few seconds.

Ms. Mercer, you should know...

that our security believes
the door was blown off from the inside.

You have no idea
how many lives are at stake.

Find that orb.

Chloe's missing with some beastie-boy
and you're doing what, exactly?

No one wants to find Chloe
more than I do.

Except maybe me.

I haven't slept in days...

and I am dangerously close
to a caffeine OD.

I hadn't noticed.



Do you wanna at least tell me about
this little novella you're working on...

that's so important?



Another ricochet
off the impenetrable force field.

Forget it.



- Hello?

It's you.

I've been searching
for your cousin Chloe.

I am gonna find her.

LOIS: How did you even know
she was missing?

I've been keeping an eye on you.


To be honest, I was...

kind of hoping for that.

But I didn't know how to call you,
and all of a sudden here you are...

out of nowhere to save the day,
and I just...

I'm rambling again.

You just make me so, uh...


I don't know how
I'll ever be able to repay you for this.

You can do me a favor.

- I need you to publish a letter for me.
- What letter?

You're here, aren't you.

You're not supposed to open it yet.

Can I count on you to publish that letter
if anything happens to me?


What do you mean, "goodbye"?

Sometimes we can't outrun our destiny.

But I thought you were invincible.

So did I.

I wanna meet you.

I have to see your face.

I have to see you.

I want you to show me
what you can't show anyone else.

You can trust me. Please.

I'm sorry. That's not a good idea.

Look, you can come through this.
You have to.

And when you do...

How do you feel about phone booths?

They're fine.

Um, there's one on Fourth and Main.

Let's say midnight?

I'll be there.

I hope you'll be there too.

And thank you.

If anyone can save Chloe...

I know it's you.

Clark. What's the 911?

Thanks for meeting me.

I thought Bart was supposed to be...

Present and accounted for.

- Were you able to get the schematics?
- What do you think?

Geothermal facility,
care of Queen Industries and LuthorCorp.

All right, what's with the black hole?

Rokk said nothing on Earth
can destroy the beast.

So let's put him under it.

The geothermal facility...

created one mile of tunnels
beneath the Earth's crust.

So it's the final resting place
for the bony space invader.

If I can get him down there.
Can you access the detonators in the shaft?

I can override it.
Are we really gonna bury him alive?

Not all of him.
There's still a side of Davis worth saving.

Bart, this is for you.

- What's with the pet rock?
- Careful with that.

It's a very special meteor rock.

It can split the Kryptonian
from the human side of Davis.

And what if that doesn't work?

What if you end up unleashing a monster
that's unstoppable?

That doesn't have a conscience?

This is the only option.

What about getting rid of the serial killer
before he has a chance to beast out?

You've never wanted to admit it...

but there is a darker side to humanity.

I know there is.

- I'm looking at it right now.
- Not everyone's worth saving.

- We need to take care of Davis Bloome.
- By "take care of" you mean murder?

Okay, dudes, you guys have got, like,
some serious tension going on here.

What's he talking about?

Oliver crossed the line.
He killed Lex Luthor.

You're making a big mistake.

You're not one of us anymore.

Is that right?

I'm in.

Do you have the decryption key?

- Yeah.
- I hope you have better luck than I did.

Call me when you have Chloe's location.


- Aah!

Jimmy, you stepped on my hand.

Next time, don't leave your hand
on the floor under a desk in an office.

I'm sorry, did I just get a lecture
from Jimmy Olsen?

- Who were you talking to?
- No one.

- Lois, what are you doing here?
- I'm looking for Chloe and Davis.

The head of Tess' security has been
staked out at the Talon apartment.

Creepy, but telling.

The only problem is,
her eight-gig mini-brain is encrypted.

Not anymore.


Tess is definitely tracking
Chloe and Davis.

Most of this is from a couple days ago,
but if I can just get in there...



Looks like Chloe and Davis
are on the outskirts of Edge City.

Don't take your eyes off them.
Let me know if they move.



Lex already tried to break down
the technology of that orb.

TESS: Lex knew that orb
wasn't from this Earth.

It called to me.

There's life inside it that can't be released
until the Traveler kills the beast.

What you're unleashing...

It could be the end of the world.

DINAH: Clark. We found them.
Uploading their location.

Please, no! Don't!

- Stop, please! Davis!
DAVIS: Chloe, look out!


Dinah? Bart?

What's going on?

Sorry, Clark, we couldn't risk losing you.


Don't worry, Clark. It won't kill you.

This is to get your ego out of the way
so we can do what needs to be done.

Don't do this.

I kind of miss the maid costume.

I've stopped cleaning up after you.

You could've fooled me.

I expect from my reporters
a little better reconnaissance...

but the bar's always been lower
for you, hasn't it?

Look, I know family loyalty
means nothing to you...

but I would do anything to find Chloe.

And if that means you need to fire me,
pull the trigger.

I plan to. But this actually
has very little to do with Chloe.


You saw it, didn't you?

Seriously, you have a significant deficiency
of pronoun modifiers going on.

- Lois, where is the orb?
- What orb?

The alien technology from my vault.

Oh, that orb.

I guess asking for severance
is out of the question.

I didn't want this.


You just wanna take over the world
with some alien nation.

I am trying to save the world.

What's wrong with Greenpeace?



Keep close.

What's going on?

Sorry about the tranq, beautiful.

We kind of snuck up on you, super-fast.

Where's Clark?

You found a way to kill him, didn't you?

And Clark wouldn't go along with it.

No. He wanted to play devil's advocate
with the actual devil.

Split the Kryptonian from the human.

Black Kryptonite.

Only one glitch in his plan.
The whole beast part.

Last time we checked,
he couldn't control his thornier alter ego.

But I can. As long as I stay with him,
he doesn't change.

Please don't do this to him.

They have to.

Chloe, it's not working anymore.

Chloe, wait.

Chloe, you're not working.

Davis, just focus on me, okay?

We'll get through this together
like we always have.

I'm sorry.

It's too late.


We need to go, now.


Chloe! No!





Jimmy. The dart.



Check this out.

Your cut.

It's gone.

- Jimmy...
- No.

No, I'm not buying it.

That whole you're here one second
and then you're not?

You took a bullet
and the next day you were fine.

I mean, it's like you're some kind
of super...

- guy.
- Jimmy.

I am the red-blue blur.

You were right.
About me and about Davis.

You were the only person
who put it all together.

I'm sorry that I lied to you.

I knew it.

I was so right.

Jimmy, I need your help.

Do you still have that wedding gift?

The one for Chloe
that you said you never gave to her?

I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.

All right, well,
I need you to give it to her now.

And whatever happens to me,
make sure that Davis and Chloe are safe.


Jimmy, do you trust me?

Always, C.K.

That is so cool.


Chloe? Hey. Are you okay?

I think so.

- What happened here?
- Exactly what you wanted, Clark.

I split him.

I split him from the beast.

Where did he go?



I'll get him back here.

But I need you
to detonate the explosives.

OLIVER: You get him down that tunnel.
We'll take care of the rest.

- Can I trust you?
- Yes.




That's my daughter! Get off of her.




It's okay.







He's gonna be okay.

Thank you.

Clark said you'd bring us
somewhere safe.

What is this place?

It's your wedding present.

Or was. Heh.

I was gonna give it to you
after the reception, but...

My wedding present?

It needs some work, I know...

but so did we.

I just...

I saw us here, you know?

Starting our life together...

taking something that the rest
of the world had forgotten about...

and making it ours.

You can see all of Metropolis from here.

From anywhere in the city,
you can spot this place.

I thought that no matter where you were
you could look up...

and you could see our home.

Could see me watching over you.

I don't know how you do it.

You always seem to come through.

You're always there doing the right thing,
saying the right words.

Jimmy, there's so much
that I wanna tell you.

I know about Clark.


What exactly do you know?

The "what."

I saw him...

and I saw what he can do. Who he is.

And now I see all kinds of things.

I see what you have sacrificed for him.

For everyone, really.

That's the reason I went with Davis,
to protect Clark. That's the only reason.

It all makes sense now.

But the way I see it, you are as much
of a hero as he's ever been.

What you've gone through.

- What you've risked.
- And what I've lost.

I've lost so much.

The only thing I really miss is you.

Well, now you've found me again.

I'm so sorry I left, Jimmy,
but I promise I never left you.







this whole time
that you were with me...

it was for Clark?

Davis, just put that down.

How could you do this? I loved you.

You're the only one who ever loved me.



I thought I did.


But, really,
what I wanted to do was save you.

Save me?

There is nothing left to save!





It's okay. You're gonna be okay.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

He restoreth my soul.

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death...

I will fear no evil for thou art with me.

May Henry James Olsen rest in peace.


You must be Jimmy's little brother.

Well, I think that this belongs to you.

He would have wanted you to have it.


Who knows.

Maybe someday
you'll follow in his footsteps.



You're alive.


How did you survive
the geothermal explosion?

Just before Dinah pressed the button, I...

I don't know.

I got out...

before the blast,
but not fast enough to save anyone else.


I've searched everywhere.

There's no sign of Lois.

I saw someone tacking her photo
on a missing-persons board.

And I keep thinking that maybe...
You know, maybe I haven't...

Lost everyone.

You were there today, Clark.

Weren't you?

I really needed you.

Why didn't you come to me?

I'm the reason Jimmy's dead.

Oliver was right.

I put humanity on a pedestal.

It wasn't a Kryptonian beast
that killed Jimmy.

It was a human.

I was standing right here, Clark.

I know full well who killed Jimmy.

This place, Chloe.

Just get rid of it.

Just walk away and don't look back.

You don't get it.

Clark, Jimmy is here.

He's watching over me.

He knew me so well,
he knew this place would be perfect.

Jimmy wanted to know
no matter where I was in the city...

I could look up here
and see this beacon.

The watchtower.

Look, Dinah, Oliver and Bart
all disappeared.

Maybe it's up to us
to bring them back home.


I don't have a home.

I don't like the way that sounds.

I've always tried to forget
I was an alien...

or a creature.

I've always tried to pretend I was human.

I was raised to believe it was
my Kryptonian part that was dangerous.

But I was wrong.

It's my human side.

It's the side that gets attached.

The side that makes decisions
based on emotions.

That's my enemy.

And Davis proved that to me.

So because of some psychopath
you're gonna cut us out of your life?


human emotion is what made you
the hero that you are today.

They're what's stopping me
from being the hero I could be.

- It's what the world needs now.
- What are you saying?

Clark Kent is dead.

Goodbye, Chloe.



