Sister, Sister (1994–1999): Season 6, Episode 12 - Mixed Doubles - full transcript

Tyreke wins four tickets to "Ragtime"; Lisa is attracted to Ray's frat buddy, Victor.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- The point of the movie was
- if you're going

- To jail for life,
- do it with Eddie Murphy.

Yeah, that guy

cracks me up.

Coffees all around?

- Sounds good.
- You the man, Dev.

I know.

Isn't devlin great?

- Don't you
- just love him?

Oh, yeah...

He's something.

I miss double-dating

with you guys.

I mean, now

we can be a

foursome again...

Go everywhere together.

- Jordan:
- Well, yeah, except for...

Devlin... has that laugh.


Tia, don't tell me

you didn't hear it

- throughout the
- entire movie.

The brother's adenoids were

jamming in surround sound.


He has a great sense of humor.

- Tia, it's a weird,
- nervous laugh

And I don't even think

he knows he does it.

Well, neither do I.

I've been going out with devlin

for three weeks now

- and I have never noticed
- his laugh.


♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪


Uh-uh... uh-uh!


No, you didn't!

Girl, no, you did not.

Apparently, she did.

I got to go, Nadine.

Somebody without a life

is listening in.

I'll see you Friday.

I was not listening in.

So where are you going Friday?

Nadine got us tickets

to go to the opening of ragtime.

Ah, that's nice...

Two dateless women

taking each other out...

A night on the town.

You need to grow up, ray.

- Nadine and I
- can relax...

Let our hair down.

- Sometimes men... they just more
- trouble than they worth.

Ooh, hello, trouble.

Hey, Victor sims!

Is there an Alpha man

in this house. A-phi!

Boy, you son of a gun.

What are you doing

in Detroit?

I'm moving back.

- I just got back
- into town

- And I wanted to stop by
- and say hi.

- Oh, man,
- that's great.

- How long has it
- been, ten years?

Oh, you liar. It can't be.

We both look the same.

Now who's lying?

Oh, I don't know

but I'd sure like

to find out.

- Lisa, this
- is Victor sims

My old running buddy

from college days.

Hello, Victor.

Ray, you lucky dog.

No, no, no, we're not...

I mean, we don't...

- I mean, this
- is just, uh...

Ray and I are friends

with freedom...

Freedom to live

and freedom to love.

- And the freedom
- to leave.

Victor, would you like

to stay for dinner?

Oh, I would love to

but I got to meet

the movers back

at my new house.

I'd love to take

a rain check.

You got it, Victor.

How about Friday?

Lisa's going out,

and we'll have the

house to ourselves.

- Two players
- like the old days.

Hey, you're on, man.

All right.

I'll see you then.

Nice to meet you, Lisa.

Wasn't it?

Good seeing you.

- Sims:
- You, too, ray.

- Watch yourself.
- Watch yourself.

Oh, hey, guys.

- Lisa:
- Hey.

Smells great.

It'll be ready as soon

as you set the table.

Oh, thanks.

- Well, honey,
- this is a treat...

- To actually see
- your face at dinner.

- You haven't been hanging
- around much lately

- Since you started
- dating that boy...


It's devlin.

Oh, so, when are we going

to meet this del-Von?

As soon as you learn his name.

Hey, guys.

Mm, smells great.

- Hey, well, why don't
- you join us?

- It'll give us a chance
- to catch up.

Sorry. I'm going to a spoken

word showcase at the cellar.

Well, great. I love spoken word.

How about I join you?

Well... Jordan and I might be

meeting another couple.

By another couple, do you mean

tyreke and ginger?

You know, Tia, Jordan may have

mentioned something

about them possibly sharing

a table with us, yeah.

Oh, I see.

Well, cool.

You guys have a good time.

You know, Tia, why don't

you and I keep Friday open?

The two of us?

I can't. Devlin and I

were going to the movies.

- But I do want to hang out,
- you know, you and me.

Yeah, yeah, me, too,

but I got to jet.

- I hear all the good words
- are spoken early.



Tia, honey, you know,

doing your own thing

- is a healthy part
- of growing up.

Oh, I know.

I mean, it's not like

we're standing around

- wondering what the other one
- is doing.

I wonder what Tia's doing?





Does not each of us

follow the next

out of the womb?

Am I not your sister?

Why do we float in

the sea of betrayal

trapped on the desert

of disruption?

I have failed myself

and I have failed

my sister...

And I have failed

mine too, sister!

Tamera, get a grip.

- Look, Tia is seeing
- someone new

And so is tyreke.

It's no big deal.

It is to me.

Now, look, ever since

Tia and tyreke broke up

- I feel like I can't
- go out with one

Without hurting the other.

I hear you on that.

- Well, look,
- after tonight

- We'll avoid
- all the drama

And just go out

by ourselves.

- Bet. And if either of them
- ask us to double

We say no way. Cool?

- Cool.
- Cool.

Hey, sorry we're late.


What's up?

- It is now time
- for our raffle.

The prize is four

free tickets

to the Tony-winning musical


And the winning

number is...



Whoa! That's me!

That's me! Yeah!

- You got four tickets
- to ragtime?

- Yes! You guys
- want to double?

- Cool.
- Cool.


In here.

Guess what?

- Devlin's grandfather
- got sick

- So he had to cancel
- our date.

Now we can hang out.

Jordan and I are going

to the opening of ragtime.


How could you afford

those tickets?

They're through the roof.

We sort of won them.

I don't believe you.


What have you heard?

I don't believe you won

two tickets to ragtime

and didn't even tell me.

- Oh, well, it just
- goes to show you

How out of touch we are.

I'd really love to stay

and talk about it, Tia

but I've got to go.


- Ray:
- Lisa, that's Victor.

- Would you get
- it, please?

My pleasure.

Well, hello, Victor.

I forgot you were

stopping by tonight.

Ooh, Lisa, you

look sensational.


Just a little something

I threw on.

I'm on my way to see ragtime.

Hey, Vic.

I found our dart board

from our college days.

Don't bother.

I'll get it.


Lisa, it's Nadine.


- I'll get us
- a couple cold ones.

Oh, hey, ray.

Oh, well, feel better, hon.

No, no, don't worry.

I'm sure I can find

somebody to go

with me tonight.

Okay, bye. That was Nadine.

She's got a migraine

and can't make it.

Oh, gee, what a shame.

I guess I wouldn't be

a gentleman unless I offered

- to be your
- escort tonight.

And I wouldn't be a lady

if I didn't say yes.

What about ray?

He was so looking forward

to hanging out with you.

You let me take care of ray.

Page me from the car.

My fingers are already

in motion.

Hey, Vic, get ready

for some big fun.

Oh, I am ready, Freddie.


Oh, man, what a shame.

This is the deal

I've been waiting on

since I came to town.

Let's play darts before you go.

Thanks for understanding, buddy.

- Look, we'll do it again
- real soon.



Hey, ray.

- Hey, Tia, I though you were
- going to the movies.

Nope. Devlin canceled.

Hey, when's your

friend getting here?

He came and he left.


Not hungry.

Me neither.

Wait a minute. What are

we moping around for?

It's Friday night.

What do you say we

paint the town red,

just the two of us?

You mean it?

Sure, I do.

Tonight all of Detroit

will be at your feet.

Where do you want to go?


Tickets? Tickets?

No, thank you.

We have our own.

- And they didn't
- cost a penny.

- Just trying to make
- an honest living.

Tickets? Tickets?

Oh, no. It's sold out.

Don't let those two little

words ruin your evening.

No, thank you.

- We don't buy
- from scalpers.

But we do support

the small businessman.

Excuse us, honey.

Are you waiting here

for your date, too?

Oh, no. We're just

trying to get tickets.


Are you out

of your mind?

I'd like some jujubes.

We're fresh out.

How can that be?

I ordered a case

of them myself.

- If I find you two slackers
- have been eating

- The candy again,
- you're both fired.

Now look sharp.

I-I-I think I remember

seeing some more jujubes

upstairs... near my locker.

May I show you to your seats?

Yes, you may.

- I'm looking forward
- to this.

Hey, watch out.

What's the hurry.


He needs to leave

that sugar alone.

I sure hope my boyfriend

makes it here soon.

I'm sure he will.

Come on, sweetie,

we better hurry.

I'll see you inside.


Sorry I'm late, baby.

It all looks

so far away.

Oh, honey, you

are so smart.

Hey, man,

these are great seats.

- We'll be able
- to see everything.

- You can see
- everything.

- These seats
- are great.

- We can see
- everything.

I feel so special.

Yeah, sitting in a box

is nice.


I mean sitting

next to you.

Excuse us.

- I think you're
- in our seats.

We have "a" and "b."


Well, pardon us.

May I see your tickets, please?

Why? Uh, is there a problem?

Apparently there are two sets

of tickets for the same seats.

- Could you come
- with me, please?

- But the show's
- about to start.

I know. Come quickly

so you won't disturb the others.

Jordan, look behind

us on the aisle.

It's my dad and Tia.


I think you need to pull up

on the twin guilt.

- Lisa:
- Look at those latecomers.

Ooh, I hate that.

- There's nothing
- worse than people

- Who distract
- in the theater.

That's it. I'm going

to get the Usher.

Ooh, I'm coming with you.

- They don't need a box;
- they need a room.

What do you mean,

these tickets are fake?

- I demand to
- see the manager.

- Ray, ray, why are
- you acting like this?

- You know
- you bought the tickets

On the street.

- I paid $300
- for these tickets.

I'm sitting somewhere.

Mr. Clinton will

see you now.

Come along, Tia.

Watch a master at work.

Excuse me. There's

a joker in our box

- disturbing the
- entire theater.

Yeah, he's up there laughing

like a hyena in heat.

I'm sorry. Once the show starts

- I can't remove a patron
- without the manager's consent.

- Then I demand
- to see the manager.

- Well, he's in conference
- in his office.

I'll wait.

No need in both of

us missing the show.

Well, who can enjoy the show

with that cackler?

I'm going to powder my nose,

and I'll meet you back here.

Hey. Excuse me.

Is the manager

done in there?

- No. They're just
- getting started.

Um, excuse me.

Is it okay if I go

watch from the back?


Hey, good idea; You

mind if I join you?

No, not at all. Thank you.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.


Look what I got.

The last box of jujubes.

I'm very happy for you.

No, no, no, no...

No, they're for you.

- No, thank you.
- I don't like them.

Baby, I can't believe

you're hungry.

I'm sorry. I haven't

eaten since lunchtime.

Do you have jujubes?

Last box.

- Mr. Campbell,
- there's nothing I can do.

- You bought
- counterfeit tickets.

And whose fault is that?

- I mean, what kind of
- operation you run here

- Where criminals
- loiter outside

- And prey on those of us
- who support the arts?

Oh, no.

What's wrong, baby?

I saw that man outside.

He and his daughter were

so excited to see the show.

- Oh, hey, hey,
- don't worry, baby.

- My grandfather's
- on the board of this theater.

- I am sick and
- tired of this.

I want something


Excuse me, Bruce.

Oh, hello, Mr. Manchester.

How's your grandfather?

Quite well, thank you.

- What seems to
- be the problem?

Oh, no problem at all...

Just a little ticket mix-up.

I know my grandfather

would consider it

a personal favor

- if you could kindly
- assist this gentleman.

He would?

He would.

So why don't we all

step inside and see

what you can do?

- Thank you very much,
- young man.

Is he still tied up?


- Wait. Where
- are we going?

To stop a rat.

Ew! A rat?

Hey, I thought this

place was upscale.

- Devlin left his box, so that
- means he is down here somewhere

- And I am not leaving
- until I find him.

I'll have my jujubes now.

I sold them.

You sold them?

- You told me
- you didn't like them.

I did not. You told me

you were going to get more.

And that's exactly

what he's going to do.

I'm sure you'll find

them at the 7-Eleven.

But-but that's

eight blocks away.

That's why

you should run.

- Okay, has anybody
- seen him?

Maybe he went back

to his box.

Let's go check that out.

- Wait. Who are
- we looking for?

Ohh. Bring your homegirl

up to speed, please.

- Is he still
- in there?


- Well, if he's not out
- in two minutes

- I'm going in there,
- and I'm going to drag him out.

Is he still in there?


You mind if I watch

from the back?


- Are they still
- in there?


- Tia, you won't believe
- our good luck.

- A nice young man
- used his influence

- To get us tickets
- for tomorrow night.

Well, that's great.

Hey, wait a second.

That's devlin

with another girl.

That's dilbert?

Well, that's the nice guy

who gave us our tickets.

That jerk.

He told me he was with

his sick grandfather.

- Excuse me.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

- Let's don't start a scene
- till we get our free tickets.

There he is!

- Hey, hold up, man;
- we need to talk.

Oh, my gosh.

- Tamera and Jordan are here
- with tyreke and ginger.

They're all on a date

without me.

Devlin, you skunk.

That's the thanks

we get for getting

you free tickets?

I got them free tickets.

- What's - going on?
- What's going on is

That your two-timing

date is trying to

play somebody

- I really
- care about.

- You're not in this;
- you and Tia broke up.

- And that's my problem,
- but yours is running into me.

Mr. Manchester,

are you all right?

Bill, see that

these young people

- are seated
- immediately.

We're going to go.

Anyway, if we stay

with this dog too long,

we might get fleas.

All right, let's

move it along, folks.


- Baby, I'm sorry
- about all that unpleasantness.

- How about if we go on back
- to our seats and enjoy the show?

- Uh-uh. Hold up...
- Are you two-timing me?

No, baby, I'm two-timing her.

- I mean, now,
- look, baby

I'm not two-timing anybody.

I know that's right,

because it takes

two to two-time

- and from now on,
- you're on your own.

Aw, come on, Holly.

Holly, wait.

Victor, Victor, look;

there goes the giggler.

Well, what do you know?

Would you believe this?

- Victor ditched me
- to go out with Lisa.

You know, if we hurry

- we can get back to our box
- before the overture ends.

- Oh, this is perfect...
- Nothing is going

- To stand between us
- and our special evening.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, ray, ray, ray, ray,

you won't believe this.

See, see, look, I got

out of my meeting early

and, and...

And look who I ran into

right in front of the theater.

- Why don't you just stop
- right there?

You don't have to make excuses.

I don't blame you. I blame her.

- Oh, don't you try to turn
- this around on me, ray Campbell.

- You're the one
- following us around

- Snooping around in our business,
- hiding behind bushes.

- Well, if you'd like to know,
- I came here with Tia

Right, Tia?

Hi, ma. We tried to get tickets,

but they were sold out.

Uh, Victor,

this is my daughter Tia.

We met.

- You have?
- You have?

Say, we got two empty

seats in the box.

Why don't you join us?

Well, I guess all's

well that ends well.

Wow. Thank you.

Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

I got... I got...

The jujubes.



Look in devlin's box.

It's my dad and Tia.

Baby, you're going

to be all right.

Just watch the show.

- See, I guess the whole point
- of the movie is

- If you're going to go
- to jail with...

- Hey, well, then
- why don't you join us?


- Tia, you won't believe
- our good luck.

- A nice young man
- used his influence

To get us...

- Director:
- Hold it.

What'd I do?