Sister, Sister (1994–1999): Season 5, Episode 14 - Rosebud - full transcript

Tamera feels she has something to prove when she pledges an elite sorority, but the club president has other plans for her new pledge. Meanwhile, Ray's old girlfriend Vivica "borrows" his business practices for her own use.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is so exciting.

We're going to be

roses together.

I hope, I hope, I hope.

- Chill out, chill
- out, chill out.

You guys, I didn't realize

there'd be so many pledges.

I'm starting to get nervous.

- Girl, please. You have
- nothing to worry about.

- Tia's the
- vice president.

- You're a shoo-in.
- True that.

- My only chance
- is to kiss

Some presidential butt.

And there it is now.

Excuse me.

Wow. I think diavian wants to

be a Rose even more than I do.

Oh, girl, please. Diavian's mom

promised her a new car

if she became a Rose.

- Man. I would give up my car
- if I could be a Rose.

Girl, nobody would want

your yellow gremlin.

There's nothing wrong

with sunshine.

Attention, potentials.

Will everyone

please have a seat?


I'm Marissa Davis

- and as the new president
- of roses

I'd like to welcome you

to the rosebud tea.

At this time, take a moment

- to look at the girl
- to your right

And the girl

to your left.

Now say, "see ya"

- because tomorrow
- they probably

Won't be with you.


we all can't be roses.

Maybe we shouldn't

have sat next to each other.

And when tamera's

finished chatting

our vice president,

Tia Landry, will tell you more.


Thanks, Marissa.

Now, if you guys make it

into the Rose garden

you'll have to perform

traditional pledge duties

for one week

before becoming a Rose.

This process

allows us to separate

the self-absorbed

from the selfless.

- Do you think
- I should get

The convertible

mustang or a hardtop?

Whatever you get,

I call shotgun.


♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

♪ I got to feel

what's real for me ♪

♪ like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

This is nice.

It's been a long time

- since we've been
- to a movie together.

- Well, I figured you were
- between girlfriends

And I needed a break

from all my dates.

Oh, excuse me.


Well, hello, ray.



So, how've you been, Raymond?

- Well, I...
- He's been so busy.

His limousine business

is better than ever

and he's dating up a storm.

- Each girl more
- beautiful than the last.

- Uh, vivica, I thought you
- were moving back to Chicago.

Yeah, so did I.

Well, I was,

but I ran across

- this wonderful
- business opportunity

Right here in Detroit.

- Yeah, well, can't you take it
- back to Chicago with you?

You know, Lisa, I knew you

had a great sense of humor

the first time I saw

one of your dress designs.

- Oh! Well, I knew you had
- a great sense of humor

- The first time you tried
- to slip one of those designs

Over those hips.

Oh, boy, look at the time.

Sorry, but we have to run.

- Good luck with
- your business, vivica.

Oh, I don't need luck.

I've got know-how.

Why were you

so nice to her?

- Oh, Lisa, two people
- can break up

And still be civil

to one another.

- Didn't she look good
- in that dress, though?

Don't you even think about

trying to get back with her.

Hey, tamera.

Where have you been?

- Typing
- Marissa's homework,

Shining her shoes, and

cleaning out her locker.

But now...

I'm all yours.

Good. Then you can type

my paper, shine my shoes

and clean my locker.

That is so not funny.

- You know, tamera I still can't
- believe they talked you

- Into this
- pledging stuff.

- I mean, you've
- always been

- Your own woman,
- a freethinker.

- That's what I like
- most about you.

Jordan, don't worry.

I'm still a freethinker

- and nobody is going
- to tell me what to do.

- Cool. You free to go
- to the movies?

- Oh, I have to check
- with Marissa.


What? It's pledge week.

All right, fine.

Just promise

me one thing...

That you won't become

- one of those
- out-of-control

- Rose-obsessed
- crazy women.

I won't.

And, Jordan, before we go,

you want to guess what this

freethinker has on her mind?

Well, I'm kind of slow.

I need some hints.

Excuse me, tamera...

But my term paper

can't write itself.

- Well, I'm sorry,
- Marissa.

I need her here to help

me lay out the paper.

- I'll be glad
- to help you, Jordan.


- Little shoulder... little
- shoulder problems.

No, it's okay. No,

thanks. I'm all right.

Have it your way.

Coming, tamera?

In a sec.

I'm sorry, Jordan,

but it's butt-kissing time.

- Well, at least somebody's
- getting kissed around here.

Mmm, my pomodoro

sauce is complete.


That's it?

You're not going to cut

- some wienies up
- in there or something?

Gentlemen, we're preparing

a fine, gourmet meal.

No wienies allowed.

- You heard the man... no wienies.
- See you later.

That's cold, man.

- So how are the
- appetizers coming?

Great. Great.

See, we made us

some gourmet vanilla wafers

and cheese snacks.

Go ahead, smell it.

- Vanilla wafers and cheese?
- Yeah.

- Who's going to
- eat this junk?

- Who knew 'nillas and cheese
- could be so tasty?


Girl, you look worn out.

What you been up to?

More bud business.

This time, Marissa

ordered me to find

the favorite snack of each Rose

and deliver it to her.

Then where's my peanut cluster?

I ate it for strength.

Well, here.

Try a cheese 'nilla.

You kidding, right?

Man, all I want is a hot shower

and my flannel p.J.S.

And, please, nobody wake me up

- unless it's
- really, really important.

Hey, guys! Guys!

Is that who

I think it is on TV?

It is vivica!


Ray, get in here!

- What's all the
- commotion, Lisa?

Look. Miss boob

is on the tube.

Psst. Are you tired

of bumper-to-bumper traffic?

Are you new in town

and want more

than just a quick ride

to and from the airport?

- Don't tell me she's starting
- her own limo service?

Then call vivica's limo service

where we put a little lift

into your... Lift.


And you wished her good luck

on her new business.

- I didn't know her new business
- was going to be my business.

So take a ride with me...

or one of my all-female crew.

Hi. I'm Tiffany.

I'm Monique.

And I'm chante.

Give us a call

and we'll take you

anywhere you want to go.

Oh, man.

- What are you
- staring at?

Oh, oh...

Nothing. Nothing.

- I was on my way
- back into the kitchen.

Come on, dog.

Dog! Come on!


Can you believe this?

- She learned all about
- the limo business from me

And then started one of her own.

And that sexy part

she stole from me.

Dad, what are you going to do?

I don't know, but I'm not

taking this sitting down.

- Thank you and
- come again.





most beautiful Rose.

Hi, guys.

Uh, what's going on?

Well, it's the official

rosebud kidnapping.

- Now, buds,
- remove your coats.

Oh, do we have to?

What was that, tamera?

As you wish,

most beautiful Rose.

Uh, I don't remember

pledges having to

do this last year.

- They didn't. I just thought
- it would be cute.

Now, buds,

take your places.


Women in pajamas.

- Man, I feel like I've died
- and gone to heaven.

- Keep staring
- and it'll happen.

Uh, over here, Roger.

So what will it be?

I'll have a milk shake.



Dag, women, what's

up with that?

Well, see, it's part

of their rosebud initiation.

When you order dairy,

they must moo.

Oh. Well, in that case

- I'll also have
- some, uh...

Hot chocolate.

All: Moo.

And a side of...


- All:
- Moo.

- And I'd also like...
- Okay, Roger, that's your limit.

Shoot. And I was just about

to ask for... A milky way.

- All:
- Moo!

Man! Don't have a cow.

Jordan, over here, please.

Aw, shoot.

Why is he here?

Somebody hide me.

Hi, Jordan.

- So glad that you
- could make it.

- What was with
- the urgent message

For me to meet you here?

- Oh, I just wanted
- to make sure

That you heard me order

a low-fat milk.

- All:
- Moo.

Tia, what's going on?

- Marissa's gone
- power mad.

I don't think

Jordan could hear

the entire herd mooing.

Straight line, please.


Call me Elsie.


I'd also like to order

a double latte.

- Both:
- Moo.

- Tamera, I
- didn't hear you.

Maybe you need to have

your ears checked.

And maybe you should assume

grazing position.


Get down on your knees.


They've got to learn

to obey their president.

Now, all of you,

down on your knees.

Girl, what are you doing?

Girl, vroom, vroom!

Tamera? Get down.

Marissa, get real.

Well, if you walk out that door

you can forget

ever becoming a Rose.


Any of you care to join her?

- Moo.
- Moo.

- I can't believe
- I just walked out on them.

- Well, I'm really
- proud of you

For standing up

to Cruella de Rose.

- I just couldn't
- take it anymore.

- Marissa was completely
- out of control.

- That's right.
- But my baby

- Was completely
- in control.

Hey, tamer...

I don't know why I even try.

Now, are you okay?

Of course I'm not okay, Tia.

- I have never been
- so embarrassed.

- She had no right
- to treat you like that.

- Somebody needs to tell
- Marissa when to step off

- And that somebody
- just might be me.

- Right after I drive off
- the lot in my new mustang.


- We need to come up with a plan
- to get tamera back in.

Forget it. Who wants to be in

a club with a psycho president?

Okay, I'm ready

for the party.

I've got my jammie-jams

for the jammie jam.

You know what?

These cheese 'nillas

are even better

- when you melt
- the cheese.

- Mm-hm.
- I say we package them,

- Make a fortune,
- and retire to rio.

Oh, good idea.

Then we can use

some of the profits

- to save my
- dad's business.

Tamera, your dad's business

will be fine.

- I mean, what clients
- would leave Ray's limos

- For a bunch
- of half-dressed women?

- So far, the Detroit men's club
- and the pistons.

It's just like men

to be interested in women.

Hmm. Poor ray.

- I knew that vivica was bad
- the minute I laid eyes on her.

- Whoa, whoa,
- wait a minute.

- I was the one
- who saw through her

From the beginning.

You, me...

Same thing.

- Ladies, I'd like to make
- an announcement.

Ray Campbell

is fighting back.

Follow me, please.

- What's going on
- in here?

- I want you ladies
- to see

- A hip new commercial
- I'm going to shoot.


You saw vivica's commercial.

I got to make things happen.

I didn't build my empire

- just so vivica could steal it
- from me.

You go, dad.

Sit, sit, sit.


Fellas, let's boogie!

♪ 'Cause you mean

that much to me ♪

You guys,

that was

the bomb!

I'm calling showtime

at the Apollo.

Uh, can somebody help us up?

- So what do you
- think, Lisa?

- I think I need
- to see you in the kitchen.

Okay, you guys,

work on those steps.

The part for the chorus.

Now remember...

Slide, step, slide...


What's up, Lisa?

Ray, have you lost

your mind?

You look like...

Dancing morticians.

Take those off.

- What is the matter
- with you?


the matter with me.

- I let her do my books,
- schedule my cars

Organize my files.

- I practically started
- her business for her.

- Now I'm gonna beat her
- at her own game.

Ray... begging

for business?

Oh, you can't stoop

to vivica's level.

- For one, you too old
- to stoop that low.

And for two

you built your business

on honesty, integrity

and quality service.

Now, those are things

she can't steal.

I know.

You're right.

- I don't know what's
- wrong with me.

Well, you were flat

on the first verse

- and you spun
- when you should have slid.

Seriously, though, ray...

You have got to play your game.

- Okay, okay, I'll stick
- with my old commercials.

- But the guys
- are going to be

So disappointed.

Um... I'd like

to thank you all

for coming to this

emergency Rose meeting.

Sorry I'm late.

So what's going on?

- Are some buds
- getting out of control?

Um, actually, Marissa

- I called this meeting
- because you're out of control.

That's impossible.

I'm the president.

Yeah, well,

I'm the vice president

and I say that's very possible.

She's right. You're acting

more like a Thorn than a Rose.

Most beautiful one.

Now, because of you,


one of the buds,

- who happens to be
- my sister,

Dropped out due to

the ridiculous demands

placed on her.

Yeah. And if you ask me...

No one asked you.

Well, no one asked me

- if you still have
- a crush on Jordan

But I think it's relevant.

That's not true.

- He's been
- eyeing me.

I can't help it

- that he wants the Rose
- who's in charge.

Look, roses...

I think we all know

what's going on here.

- Roses:
- Mm-hmm.

Now, at this time

I move we reinstate

tamera Campbell

into the sisterhood

of rosebuds.

All in favor say "aye."

- Before
- you answer...

I want you to know...

It's either tamera... or me.

Roses: Aye!

But I didn't...

Look at the girl

to your left

and look at the girl

to your right.

Now say, "see ya."

♪ Here's a story

of a lov... ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,

happy days... ♪


♪ And we're doing it

our way, yes, our way ♪

- ♪ make all our dreams
- come true... ♪

- Hey, tamera...
- Hmm?

- Guess what
- just happened.

- I just called an
- emergency Rose meeting...

- Mm-hmm.
- And miss Marissa

Just got impeached.

All right!

Wait a minute.

Doesn't that mean

you're the new president?

Yep, yep.

Oh, congratulations, sis.

Well, congratulations

to you, too, tamera.

What for?

Well, tomorrow...

You and the rest

of the buds

become full-fledged


- We voted you
- back in, tamera!

We won! Isn't this

great, girl?

We can be roses together.

We can go to all the...

Why am I the only one

excited about this?

Now, Tia, look...

Don't get me wrong,

but somewhere in...


I realized that...

- I didn't want
- to join the club.


But I thought you wanted

to be a Rose, tamera.

No, no, no.

You wanted me

to be a Rose.

Yeah, well... I guess

I did talk you into it.

Tia, it's not

your fault.

- I'm just not
- the club type.

Yes, you are.

You were in

the history club.

- I quit before
- the American revolution.

Okay, well... What about

the Spanish club?

Tres dias.

- You're right... you're
- not a club person.

Tia, we're two

different people.

And that's...

Totally cool.

Oh, my gosh!

- Vivica's made
- the evening news!


- Whatever you do
- don't tell my dad about this.


Local limo diva, vivica Shaw

of take a ride with me limos

has been arrested.


Vivica's been arrested!

TV 5's pat Harvey

is at the scene.

- Pat?
- Thanks, Bob.

Vivica Shaw has been taken

into custody today

- for attempting to bribe
- the transportation commissioner

When two police officers

shut down her company...

Take a ride with me...

Because none of her drivers

had valid chauffeur's licenses.

Here they come now.

- Look at her
- trying to hide

- Under that
- cheap old coat.

That's my coat!

Gimme, gimme!

- Can we get
- a statement, miss Shaw?

Anyone want to buy

a slightly used limo?

- Dad, where
- are you going?

I-I got to go see vivica.

Ray, you're not going

to run down there

and try to help her, are you?

- Please, woman,
- this is business.

- I'm going to buy
- a used limo.

And, uh...


- Whoa, whoa,
- wait a minute.

I su thra... ah, she...

- I got to go
- see vivica.

- Dad, where
- are you going?

I just told you.


- Vivica is
- the matter with me.

I let her... I let her...

I let her...