Sister, Sister (1994–1999): Season 1, Episode 9 - Love Strikes - full transcript

Tia and Tamera try to break up Ray and his new girlfriend.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ Happy birthday

to you ♪

♪ ha-a-a-ppy birthday

to you ♪

Take it home, ray!


And leave it home.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ no, it won't be

trouble-proof ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Happy birthday, girls.

I've been worried about you.

You know, being twins

- is kind of like having your
- birthday close to Christmas.

- I hope you guys don't get half
- as many presents.

See, you only got one cake.

Roger, would you like

a piece of that cake?

Yes, ma'am.

Then don't talk so much.

- Let's open our presents now.
- Yeah!

- Oh, mine first.
- Mine first. Here.

Go ahead, go ahead.

- You're gonna love it.
- Open it together.

All right, already!

Mom, these are great!

They're so cool!

- Just another little somethin'
- I whipped up.

Notice there are two.

They're spectacular.

Mom, these are beautiful.

They're so cool.

- I can't believe
- you made these.

Well, I'm not one

to toot my own horn,

but toot-toot!

Lisa, they're,

they're kind of short.

- Every boy in town's
- gonna be staring at them.

Maybe I should wear one.

Okay, ray, so show us

what you got.

Well, you know

how birthdays are special,

- and this one is
- double special,

- So I felt
- I should do something...



Tia, tamera...

You bought me a limo?

You bought me a hotel?

We're gonna take one

of my limos to that hotel

for a weekend in Chicago.

- A limo to
- Chicago?

Thank you!

Thank you so much.

Thank you. We love it!

This is the best.

- Mom, I've never been
- in a limo before.

My dad always gives

the best gifts.

Uh, Mr. Campbell,

when you say "we're all,"

- that doesn't include me,
- does it?

I'm afraid not,

Roger. Girls only.

What if I do that

crying game thing?

Never mind.

But we are gonna take

your best friend, Sarah.

Sarah's going?

Oh, this is so great.

Yeah, this is special.

- Well, I'm glad you think so,
- because you're coming along.

- Oh, no, not me.
- Oh, you have to.

You're my co-chaperone.

- And I got you
- a very nice room with a view.

Stop. I might have

to sew you a dress.

I guess I better get going.

Oh, by the way,

the cake's a little dry.

Uh, bathing suits...


Uh, coolest jeans.




- So, we're going
- to Chicago.

- And with my best friend,
- Sarah.

- I thought I was
- your best friend.

I guess you are.

But don't tell Sarah, okay?


As you can see, we had a

few problems to iron out.

- And we weren't
- the only ones.

("Barber of Seville" playing

(on car stereo)

Sure is a perfect day

for a drive, isn't it?


And we're not hitting

any traffic.


Is something bothering you?

What could be bothering me?

- I'm sitting here riding
- in a big, black limousine,

And I'm not even dead.

- You always have
- the most killer birthdays.

- Remember my sixth-
- grade party?

How could I forget it?

- We swore that we'd never,
- ever tell another living soul.

- Oh, you mean the time when you
- guys smoked a cigarette

- And Sarah threw up
- all over her shoes,

- And you blamed it
- on the neighbor's dog?

That's it.

You told her?

No, uh, she guessed.

It's just Tia.

Like I'm telling myself.

I won't tell anybody.

Look, you guys,

we're in Chicago!

You guys...

You guys... could you just make

a little bit of space?

Hello, Chicago!

The windy city!

Girls, girls, come

on now, get down.

Look at your hair!

Look at your hair!

Here we are.

Guess motel 6 was booked.

Girls, you're gonna

love this place.

I love this place!

- Well, I hope you enjoy
- your stay.

Oh, excuse us.

Come over here, guys.

- How much should
- we tip him?

- I don't know.
- A dollar?

- Oh, no, he's worth more
- than a dollar.

- He even said,
- "enjoy your stay."

- You're right.
- Two dollars.

And he's adorable.

Okay, six dollars.

No, we'll look too eager.

Oh, but we are.

Okay, three dollars.

Okay, go, go, go.

This is for you.


See ya around.

I hope so.

- Your dad sure knows how
- to plan a party.

- I still can't believe they
- screwed up our reservations.

We're supposed to

have separate rooms.

Well, this is the best

we could do, sir.

There's only one bed.

- Are you sure
- this is the only room?

There's only one bed.

I'm sorry.

The hotel's all booked.

I'm really sorry.

- It's not your fault.
- It's his fault.

It is not!

- It's the travel
- agent's fault.

Well, somebody has to die.

- Uh, want me to leave
- the bags here now?

- Yeah.
- No!

No, leave the bags.

Take him with you.

You coming?

Oh, hi, tamera.


- Yeah, we're having
- a great time.

Tia says hi.

- Oh, hi, honey.
- Have a great time.

I miss you.


- Yeah, sure,
- you can order room service.

It's your day.

Nothing's too

good for you.

- Yeah.
- What, what was that?

Oh, thank you very much.

Yeah, bye, honey.

She is so cute.

She said I'm the world's

greatest dad.

- And I can't say
- I disagree.

Let's put up a statue.

I'll call the pigeons.

Look, let's try to make

the best of this, okay?

- I'll order down,
- I'll get a rollaway bed,

And I'll put it right here.

Okay, way over here.

All right, ray, but when

I get undressed, you'll

leave the room, right?

- Of course I will.
- And when I get undressed...

I'll leave the state.

- Did you order
- an iced tea?

- We sure did.
- Come on in.


Hey, I was wondering

where you guys were.

- Somebody order
- an iced tea?

- Oh, thanks.
- Come on in.

Dang, looks like you guys

- are working up
- quite a thirst.

You're not kidding.


- You know, I can't wait
- to show these pictures

To all the girls at school.

- Especially
- Shirley fingerhut.

She's gonna d-i-e.

- Die!
- Die!

Boy, I'm glad

I found this party.

My dogs are killing me.

Not to mention my 'roids.

Uh, listen, all

we really wanted

was some towels.

So if you'll just

excuse me for one second,

my friends are calling me.

They're doing

fine without ya.

Guess who once asked me back

to this very room?

Uh, George Washington?


No, dear.

Hi, somebody order

an iced tea?

We sure did.

Come on in.

Has anybody ever told you two

that you look alike?

We do?


- Oh, you guys, I want
- to be in a picture.

Sure. Smile.


Time for a group photo.

- Photo!
- Photo!

Excuse me.

- Oh, yeah,
- we'll talk later.

Okay, everybody say

"room service."

Room service!


Why can't you ever get

a bellboy around here?

Mm, these mints are good.

Mm, they just melt

in your mouth.

Cool and refreshing.

- Mm, oh, ray, you have
- to have one of these.

Try one.

Oops, never mind.

This place is a mess.

- Excuse me, what are you
- doing with my clothes?

Clutter makes me nervous.

Ray, that's my bra.


Uh, I'm sorry.

- I didn't mean to get personal
- with your personals.

Well, that's okay, ray;

just quit fondling it.

Are you having a seizure?

It's my facial exercises.

Oh. You do that every night?

It's not easy being

beautiful, ray.

Well, I think i'm

gonna go to bed.

- We got a big day
- planned tomorrow.

- Let's see, uh, we're
- gonna have brunch.

Then I'm gonna take

the girls shopping.

They love that.

- Hmm. Well, you are
- "the best father in the world."

- Yeah, that's what everybody
- keeps saying.

I can handle this.

I was in the army.

- Well, good.
- If it pops up again, shoot it.

Good night, ray.


I may be a little

uncomfortable tonight,

but the important thing is,

the girls are having

a great birthday.

Why wouldn't they?

Well, the problem is, how am I

gonna top myself next year?

Oh, I'm sure you'll

think of something,

- something to spoil
- the heck out of 'em.


I didn't say anything.

Oh, yes, you did.

Well, okay, you're spoiling

the heck out of 'em.

So that's what's bothering you.

- As a matter of
- fact, it is.

- Now, I don't mind... you
- can spoil your daughter,

- But I don't want
- you spoiling mine.

Who's spoiling them?

- I just want them to have
- a great birthday present.

- Great? Ray, there's
- a phone in the toilet.

- Who they gonna call
- from in there?

It's a luxury.

Let 'em live a little.

I just don't want my daughter

to have distorted values.

Distorted values?

- Are you saying I have
- distorted values?

If the limo fits...

Well, what about

your present?

What about my present?

- Well, that dress could have had - a little
more "dress" to it, - You know what I mean?

Oh, ray, those

dresses are fine.

- Yeah, if you're
- a Barbie doll.

That's it.

- You and your values
- can just stay up here.

- I'm going to go
- sleep in the limo.

- No, you're not.
- Oh, yes, I am.

- Oh, no, you're not.
- Oh, yes, I am.

No, you're not!

I'm gonna sleep

in the limo.


- And, ray, I was
- holding out on you.

I got a pocketful of mints.

A pocketful.

- Come on, Sarah,
- they're gonna close the pool.

- Okay, listen, just give me
- one more second.

- I can't find
- anything to wear.

Try a bathing suit.

- Sarah, maybe we'll
- just go ahead,

- And you can meet
- us at the pool.

- We got a
- towel for you.

Okay, guys, I'm ready.

Why me?

- I brought you
- a blanket.

- Ray, ray, ray, now, I
- came all the way down here.

The least you can

do is invite me in.

Want a macadamia nut?

Did you get those out

of the mini-bar?

No, I got them from Hawaii.

This little jar of nuts

costs seven dollars.

- You know, I don't
- understand you.

- One minute you're
- a spendthrift

- And the next minute,
- you're kind of cheap.

I'm a complex person.

You know, ray,

I, I came down here

just in case you

wanted to apologize.

- I think you're the one
- that owes me an apology.

I will if you will.

- All right, you first.
- You go first.

Let's not be silly.

- Let's do it together,
- all right?

One, two, three...

- I'm sorry.
- I accept.

You know, Lisa, I didn't mean

what I said about the dress.

I'm sorry I was a

teensy bit crabby today.

- Okay, maybe it was
- a tad more than teensy.

Yeah, and I guess I do, uh,

spoil tamera just a little.

Maybe just a little.

- Yeah, I do go
- overboard sometimes.

- You know, since
- I've been on my own,

- I don't know, I, I don't
- know how much is enough.

Oh, I know how it is.

You just want to,

want to give your kid

as much as you can.

Besides, I only said

that spoiling stuff

because, you know...

Do you mind?


I'm about to disclose

something really personal,

and you're over there chomping

like a beaver.

I'm hungry.

I didn't get a mint.

All right,

all right, go on.

- You see, I
- was feeling...

- Did you bring
- anything to drink?

Okay, that's it.

- I'm not telling
- you nothing.

Aw, come on,

come on, tell me.


The reason I said you

spoil the girls

is because you can give all

that stuff and I can't.

And I, I guess I

was a little jealous of you.

Jealous of me?

You know, when you

say it out loud,

- it sounds kind of
- silly, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

It's absurd.

Well, not absurd.

It's ridiculous.

I mean, hey, I give

the girls a lot.

I'm there for them.

I'm creative.

I'm warm, I'm strong,

I'm loving.

I'm a good person.

- I'm telling you,
- the bellboy

- Who brought up the third
- iced tea was the cutest.

- What about the one who
- brought the French fries?

Yeah, the fry guy

was to die.

Oh, Sarah, how come you

didn't come down to the pool?

Oh, you mean you

actually noticed?

Of course I noticed.

- You know,
- you could have waited

- Till I was finished
- getting dressed.

You were taking forever.

I always take forever.

- You just always used
- to wait for me.

So I didn't wait.

What's your problem?

- Listen, I'll tell you
- what my problem is.

It's like you're

in your own little

twin world or something.

Hey, guys,

what's going on?

- What does it look like?
- We're having a fight.

Oh, that's not good.

Duh, Tia.

- What? I was just
- trying to help.

- You've helped
- enough as it is.

- What is that
- supposed to mean?

It means we used

to be best friends.

We still are.

- We used to do
- everything together.

You know what? Now...

- Now I, you can
- just forget it

- Because I don't want to be
- your friend at all anymore.


- Fine.
- Fine.

- So, did you girls
- have a good time?




Party animals.

- They're too quiet back there.
- It's making me nervous.

So, girls, anything

you want to talk about?


This calls

for drastic measures.

I'm going in.

All right, girls,

- you know what every
- good road trip needs?

A sing-along.

- We'll do "under the boardwalk,"
- okay? These are your parts.

Thanks, Tia.

That was so embarrassing.

Why do parents always

want to sing?

I don't know.

- My dad used to impersonate
- Harry Belafonte

In front of the mirror.

Oh, man...

Pretty stupid

fight, huh?

- I feel like
- it's all my fault.

- I mean, you guys were best
- friends and I just...

No, no, it was my fault.

- I shouldn't have left out
- Sarah, I mean, I was...

- No. No, see,
- I should have understood.

I mean, you guys have

got that twin thing.

No, it's really my fault.

- You're right.
- You're right.

Hey, wait a minute.

- Do you remember the time when
- you slept over at my house?

- Oh, when we saw your
- parents in the kitchen?

Oh, you should have seen it.

- They were singing
- "unforgettable" to each other.

I peed.


Well, looks like

the ice has broken.

How do you do it?

I gave them a common enemy.

No one does it better.

Want some almond roca?

You've been in

the mini-bar again.

That can costs 12 bucks.

I'm worth it.

(All singing

("under the boardwalk")

Maybe the ice guy was

cuter than the fry guy.

I told you.

Ooh, this picture of us is

pretty good, but look at Sarah.


This is when Sarah

was mad at us.

And this is when

we all made up.

- And this is a
- picture of my mom

When Sarah asked her to make

a dress just like ours.

And here's dad when he

saw the hotel bill.