Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Dust and Shadows - full transcript

Clary takes desperate and extreme actions after the attack on the Institute leaves her devastated.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Shadowhunters...

Well, this is one nasty demon.

What happened?

Classic possession hangover.

They have no memory
of what they did.

The Clave is reassigning
me to Idris.

I just got you back.

I want you to come with me.

The Clave wants to rip your family apart?
Then I'm going with you.

Hole punched right
through his chest.

Just like our mundane
in the morgue.

It hid in that dead body,
and let us do the rest.

I didn't know demons
could do that.

I set up a demon attack on the
Institute as a diversion.

It's inside her.

Go back to Hell
where you belong.

You're not here for me. You're
here for the Soul-Sword.

Take my son. Kill the other one.


What did I do?



How long have you been up here?

I'm glamoured. No one can see me.

You can't beat yourself up.

I'm not.

Who are you talking to?

It's me. I'm your parabatai.

I know exactly what
you're going through.

What happened with Jocelyn,

that wasn't you.
That was the demon.

- Get out of the way.
- Hey.

Same side, remember?

Come on, man. Come back inside.

That's the last
place I want to be.

Alec, Valentine has
the Soul-Sword.

He slaughtered the
Silent Brothers.

We need our best soldiers...

Stop pretending this
never happened.

I couldn't save you
from Valentine.

I couldn't save you from
the City of Bones. I...

She's Clary's mother.

Your mother.

Nobody blames you.

They should.


I don't know what to say.

My Hebrew that bad?

I just wish I could
get ahold of Luke.

Whenever he goes out of
town, he always tells me.

I'm worried.

Clary, your mom meant
everything to him.

He probably just needs
time to process.

When you died, I was... Wrecked.


You were?

Of course.

Simon, I...

I couldn't think of
life without you.

But I got you back.


You were dead,

but then you came back.

Well, yeah, but...

What if we could
get my mom back?

Clary, I...

Okay, but in this insane
world we suddenly live in,

things that I never thought
could happen do happen,

so maybe there is a way.

Maybe... Maybe we
can get her back.

Clary, I... I know how
much you loved her.

But sometimes there are
things you just...

You have to accept.


I am not ready to accept this.

Absolutely not.

Is it possible?

Magnus, tell me, can it be done?
Yes or no?

Sure, there are warlocks who've
done this sort of thing.

But what you're talking
about is dark, dark magic.

It's wildly unpredictable.

Have you ever done it before?

No. And don't encourage this.

Biscuit, I'm sorry.

I know how important
she was to you.

She was my mom.

If you were me, if we were
talking about your mom...

I wouldn't bring her back.

I don't understand.

I was nine years old when my mother
realized what my cat eyes meant.

She couldn't live with the fact
that she bore the son of a demon.

So she took her life.

With this very keris.

I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

It was a long time ago.

And over time, it...
It got easier.

Never easy, but easier.

Your mother was a special woman.

She only wanted to protect
you at all costs.

So much so that she had
me remove your memories.

Since we can't get those back...

Take one of mine.

Oh, my God.

When was this?

The day I met you.

The first thing I notice is that
you both share the same laugh.

Losing your mom,

it's not something you
make better with magic.

You just head straight into
it and cry your eyes out.

Hey, you okay?

How about we get
something to eat?

Korean barbecue? That... That
weird rice pudding place?

Anything you want.

Sleep, I think.

Sure. I'll walk you
to the Institute.

Simon. You should go home.

What? No, no. I'm...

I'm not gonna leave you
until I know you're okay.

What does "okay" even mean?

Simon, go home. See your mom.

Tell her you love her.

During the attack on the City of
Bones, Jace Wayland fought bravely,

and thus the Clave,
in their wisdom,

has exonerated him
from all crimes.

And the chief physician
in Idris reports

that Lydia Branwell's condition
continues to improve.

Out of the infirmary
in record time.

You're looking good.

I always look good.

Why isn't Alec here?

He needs some space.

We face a new threat.
Valentine has the Mortal Cup,

and now possesses
the Soul-Sword,

two of the three
Mortal Instruments.

Our mission now is to find out
what he plans to do with them...

- You okay?
- And when.

I'm fine.

But apparently no one else is,

judging by the way they're
all looking at me.

Jace, I'm sorry for letting them
take you to the City of Bones.

- I thought...
- It's all good, Izzy.

You saved Alec's life and mine.

I would've done the same thing.

Tomorrow night's rite of passage
will bring the total number of dead

to 26 fallen Silent Brothers
and three Shadowhunters.

Take this time to grieve

and plan for what lies ahead.

Your orders will follow.

Your shoulder still hurts, huh?

A little stiff.

Uh, don't worry about me.
Keep an eye on Clary.

I should have just said
I'd go to Idris with you.

We could've left right then.


You okay?

I'd be a lot better if people
quit speaking in quiet voices

and telling me it's
okay to grieve.

Fair enough.

I don't know why. I just don't

feel much of anything right now.

Emotions cloud judgment, right?

Clary, I spent my whole
life fighting my emotions.

Look where it landed me.

You just lost your mom, too.

What do you feel?

I don't know.

I thought I'd be able
to get to know her.

And she'd get more
time to know me

as more than just an
experiment gone wrong.


I just figured we'd
get more time.



Look at this.

A Shadowhunter on my doorstep.

Oh, let me guess.

You're heartbroken

and you want some fabulous
boy to love you again.

Can you raise my
mother from the dead?

She just died, and she...

Oh, God, you poor child.

Oh. I am so sorry.

For your loss.

And also for my big mouth. I...

How recently did she pass?

Two days ago.

I know this is considered
dark magic, but...

"Dark magic" is a
term used by warlocks

who are afraid of
their own powers.

For someone like me who
can harness those powers,

all magic is equal.

So it's possible?

Bringing the dead back to life?

Poor thing flew straight into
that window this morning.

He smacked it so hard, we
heard it from upstairs.

Must have died instantly.

So to answer your question...

It is very much possible.

I have never seen a
doctor's office like this.

Do you live here, too?

Upstairs. On the third floor.

The second floor is reserved
for my warlock practice.

And down here is where
I try to prolong

the precious lives
of the mundanes.

Keeps a gal busy.

Hey, there.

What's your name?

This is Madzie.

Hi, Madzie.

Honey, why don't you go ask
Leigh to give you a cookie?

You tell her I said it was okay.

She's my goddaughter.

Smarter than a whip,
just doesn't speak much.

Anyway, enough about me.
Let's talk about you.

So, I'll need something
of your mother's.

A lock of hair, fingernails...

- Yeah, sure. I can do that.
- Wonderful.

And then, of course, there
is the matter of my fee.

Now, I know you don't
have a lot of money,

and, sadly, this is not something
that insurance will cover.

But I like you.

So, I'll tell you what. I'll
bring your mother back,

and, as payment, you
can owe me a favor.

Uh, what kind of favor?

Oh, who can say?

Right now, you need a warlock.

And every so often, I
need a Shadowhunter.

When that time will
come, I'm not so sure.

But when it does,
I'll call on you.

How about that?

Luke, I know it's probably
not a good time, but...

You need to get in
touch with Clary.

We're all kind of freaking out.
Clary needs you.

I could use you, too.

So, um... I'll talk
to you soon, I guess.


Hi, whoa!

Wow. Slow down, monkey.

Hey, when you
called, I wasn't...

I'm sorry I wasn't at
dinner last night.

I... I wanna move back home, Mom.
I'm really bad at laundry.

Oh, thank God you know
that about yourself.

Honey, this shirt
smells like death.

I just...

I just wanna tell
you that, um...

I really appreciate you, Mom.

Okay. Come on. I made a roast.

I know it's overkill,
but when...

Okay, Mom... Mom, listen.

I know I'm back, but I... I
can't have you freak out

if I'm out all night
or if I sleep all day.

The band does a lot of
late-night gigging.

You don't have to explain
yourself to me, Simon.

I'm just glad you're home.

Oh, and you know,
I was thinking...

We should have Clary and her
mother over for dinner.

I haven't seen Jocelyn in ages.

Yeah. Um...

- I'll ask Clary.
- Great.

You wanted to see me?

Please. Have a seat.

You and I haven't had a chance

to talk about what happened
at the City of Bones.

Just doing what I
was trained to do.

That's how it may
appear to the Clave,

but what I saw was an
unprepared soldier

allowing a deranged criminal to make off
with one of the Mortal Instruments.

Wait, wait. I... I saved you.

Would you prefer
that I let you die?

That's precisely what
you should have done.

I'd gladly have given my
life to protect the Sword,

just like the Silent
Brothers did.

Now, countless more soldiers
will die trying to reclaim it.

And their blood will
be on your hands.

I'll do whatever I
can to get it back.

I'm afraid your
words are too late.

I'm sending a team to
the Adamant Citadel

to see what the Iron Sisters
know about the Sword.

Great. I'll run point,
draw up a mission.

A soldier without discipline
is poison to his entire squad.

You're hereby banned
from field duty.

You okay?

I can't be in that Institute.

Oh, Alec...

Heard you turned in Camille.

How'd that go?


It was awful.

We had a lot of
history, she and I.

I'm sorry if that's weird.

It's not weird. You
say what you think.

Too busy to use
the healing rune?

I'm fine.

No, you're not.

You're hurting. Badly.

You hope the pain here will
overpower the pain there.

I wish it were that simple.

I let a demon in, Magnus.

That wasn't your fault.

I don't know what
to say to Clary.

I can't face her.

But you will.

Because that's what
you do, Alexander.

It may take you a minute,
but I've seen it up close.

I went to your wedding.

You'll blow up the very
ground you stand on

to make something right.

What are you doing?


Hey. What is that for?

I went to see a warlock
in Park Slope.

Her name's Iris Rouse and she...

Please, please tell me

you're not thinking about
doing what I think...

I can bring my mom back, Jace.

Our mom.

You can't, Clary.

She wasn't supposed
to die, Jace.

It was a mistake. A freak
demon attack. I...

I want more time with her.

So do I.

But you never know what
you're gonna get back.

There are always risks.

You could very well conjure
a demon in Jocelyn's form.

You said "could."

She could also come
back the same, right?

Look, I know you want her back.

But you have to trust me, Clary.

You don't bring people
back from the dead.



Okay. What's this?

What's, uh... What's happening?

What, we don't hug anymore?
We used to hug all the time.

Well, first of all, did we?
And secondly...

Oh, God, it stinks. It's
way too dark in here.

Wait, no, don't, don't! Please.

Wait, no, no, don't,
don't, please.

Can you please keep those closed?
You know how easily I burn.

Simon, what's going on?

Nothing, I'm fine.

- Yeah? Mmm-hmm.
- Yeah.

Remember Aunt Cheryl?
She had melanoma.

It was a freckle.

That's how it starts.

Oh, Simon.

Don't tell me.

- You're turning into a closet drinker?
- No. No.

After everything that I
went through with Mom...

Oh, my God.

Is this blood?

Uh, yeah.

Fake blood. Stage blood. For my band.
We're doing this, uh...

This Ozzy Osbourne glitch...
Glitch hop thing.

That sounds really terrible.


Look, I volunteered
in a hospital,

and I know what real
blood smells like.

Then the guy who
sold it to me lied.


So none of this
behavior seems...

Crazy to you?

Crazy? No.

Not... Not crazy at all.

Whatever's going on,

- get it together, dude.
- Mmm.

Flushing this down the toilet.

No, Becky, please, don't.
Don't take...

No, don't, don't please, don't.
No, wait.

Aldertree can't bench you.

He already did.

- Did Alec come home?
- Yeah.

He's still taking
this really hard.

- Have you spoken to Clary?
- She's all right.

She's keeping to herself.

I made some food for her, but
she didn't wanna eat it.

Can you blame her?

Come on, Iz. This
is way too easy.

Don't get cocky.

You all right?

It's the demon wound,
isn't it, on your back?

Look, if the runes aren't healing
it, you need to get it fixed.

I'll see a medic later. Relax.

Might want to see him now.

They're sending a team to the Iron
Sisters after the Rite of Mourning.

No way.

You always wanted to be an Iron
Sister when you were a kid, huh?

Until I realized I had
to swear off boys.

- When do we leave?
- You're not going anywhere

with a wound on your back.
Aldertree would never let you.

Aldertree doesn't need to know.


Yeah, good luck with that.

Look, Izzy, go and
get it checked out.

The last thing we need is another
one of us sidelined. Okay?

Isabelle Lightwood.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

I would like to make
a formal request

to lead the mission
to the Iron Sisters.

Weren't you wounded
in the demon attack?

Yes, but I'm all healed up now.

I feel fine.

Your wound. May I take a look?

You know, I wasn't
born a diplomat.

I used to be a field medic.

Sometimes I wish I still was.

Really, I'm okay.

I can't let you on the
mission without an exam.

That's not very pretty, is it?

- Does it hurt?
- No.

Not at all.

It looks like a venom infection.

Healing runes aren't
helping much?


Isabelle, in your condition,
I can't grant your request.

You don't understand.
I've waited my whole life

to see the Iron Sisters.

I can do this.

The truth is, you can't
do this, Isabelle.

Not with a venom infection.

But there is something that can
make the infection go away.

Quite quickly, I might add.

I'll take it.

It's called yin fen.

It's quite strong. I don't
usually recommend it,

but if this is a mission
you're set on making...

May I?


This goes on the spine.

- How's that?
- Amazing.

I'll give you a tin.

- Yeah.
- But use sparingly.

A little goes a long way.


Look, I, uh...

Please don't.

Clary, I am so sorry.

I would do anything,
I mean anything,

to take back those 30 seconds.

To get your mom back.


maybe we can get her back.


I found a warlock who
claims she can do it.

But there are risks.

I'll go with you.

Clary, if there's any chance that
we can get your mother back,

we have to take it.

No matter what happens,
I'll be there.


Let's do it.

Are you here to see Dr. Rouse?

Yes. Um...

I... I think she's expecting me.
My name's Clary.

I was indeed expecting you.
I only wondered when.

And I see you brought a guest.
Your boyfriend?

- Uh, no.
- No.

Well, whatever you are,
leave your weapon outside.

Any warlock worth a damn can see through
Shadowhunter glamour with ease.

Oh, don't worry. It'll
be safe in the alcove.

Sorry, did you bring
your mother's...

- Uh, her hair. Yes.
- Perfect.

Nurse Leigh will help
you with the paperwork.

Uh, paperwork?

Yeah, just a simple pin prick
to draw blood for the oath.

For the favor we talked about.

Well, I... I don't
know about any favor.

Oh, that was the deal we made.

It's fine, Alec.
I wanna do this.

Delightful. Follow me.

Your friend can wait here for
you in the waiting room.

No, I'm not leaving her side.

Oh, then I can't do this.

His energy is too turbulent.

I need calm, and he is not calm.

Okay, I'm gonna need to
see some credentials.

Show me your warlock mark.

Dear, if a lady has concealed her
mark, assume it's for good reason.

Alec, it's okay. I'll be fine.


Place your mother's lock of
hair on the table, please.

Now, I need you to focus
as intensely as you can

on a cherished memory of your mother.
Can you do that?

- Yeah.
- That will help

repel any demons that
dare come near her soul.

There you go, Clary. Good girl.

Now, let the process begin.

Raphael, there has to be some
way to get me blood here.

Look, I... I know it's daytime.

I don't know how much longer
I can control myself, okay?

- Hey.
- Hey, Mom.

I thought I heard you
banging around up here.

Simon, what is wrong?

- You love my roast.
- Mmm-hmm.

And you know if you keep
leaving food around,

we're gonna have
rats again, right?

You're right, I'm sorry.
That's my bad.

Becky told me you're keeping
blood in your room.

What's going on?

- Nothing.
- Have you joined a cult again?

Mom, for the last time, World
of Warcraft isn't a cult.

Then what is it?

Come on, monkey.
Just talk to me.

Mom, this is not a normal
person problem, okay?

Simon, I'm your mother.

I'll always love
you, no matter what.

I'm a vampire.

I said it.


You... You have no idea how
good it feels to finally...

Finally get that off my chest.

This is your best prank ever.

Oh, my gosh. Keeping the
fake blood in your room.

The blackout curtains. Wait.
Do you sleep in a coffin?

No, it's a canoe. And, Mom, the
blood wasn't fake. It was real.

It's cow's blood, and
it's gone now, and...

I'm really hungry.

Oh, you're serious.

It was... I know...

I know how weird
this is for you.

But it started,
like, a month ago,

where Clary got into this thing
where there are Shadowhunters,

and I got bit by a
vampire and I died.

And, look, I know...

I know this sounds totally insane
to you, Mom, but please...

Please, just... You
have to believe me.

Tell me... Tell me
you believe me.

I believe you.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Okay, it's gonna be okay.
- Okay.

Yeah. It's gonna be okay.

All gonna be okay.

Oh, my God.

- That bird!
- Focus on your mother, Clary.

No. Stop!

It's a nice place.

Where are all your toys?

Cool gills.

Just because one bird came
back badly doesn't mean...

Well, I'm not willing
to take the chance.

I'm sorry I wasted your time.

You didn't waste my time.
You still owe me a favor.

The deal's off.

No, it's not. You
took a blood oath.

Fine. Call me when you need me.

I need you now.

You are going to host one
of my finest creations.


What are you talking about?

I'm talking about having a baby, Clary.
A baby warlock.

Let me out!

Warlocks are a dying breed, and
I need young women like you,

healthy and fertile, that my own
private demon can impregnate.

Oh, I wish there was another
way to do it. I do.

But now, with Valentine
threatening to wipe us all out,

we need to build our numbers.

I'm a Shadowhunter. A
demon can't get me...

Pregnant? I think I finally discovered
an elixir that makes it possible.

- You spiked the tea.
- Imagine a baby warlock,

part demon, part Shadowhunter.
Now, that would be something.

Definitely harder to
drive into extinction.

The good news is, after the baby's
born, I'll do a memory wipe.

You'll be back home,
none the wiser.

Shh. There's babies sleeping.

I'm looking for Clary.


I came here with her. You met her.
Where is she?

Where is she?

What have you done with her?

You're looking better.

Told you I was fine.

Have you seen Clary? I
can't find her anywhere.

She's fine. She left with
Alec a few hours ago.

That warlock...


Talk to me.

I don't wanna get
Iris in trouble.

Nobody's gonna get in trouble.
I promise.

Was that your baby?

One of them, I think.

She takes our memories. I just
remember little bits at a time.

Wait, there's...
There's more of you?

The women come and go.

The babies are placed in homes
where they're cared for.


Please, try to remember.
Where did she take Clary?




You take upstairs. I'll
take the lower levels.

On it.

Where is Clary?

I suggest you take your
hands off me, young man.

Where is she?

You've gotta to do better
than that, cheekbones.

Nana! Nana, no.

Oh, hi, honeybun.

Why don't you go back inside?

And don't worry, I'm just
playing with the man.

Playtime's over.

Put the girl down.

Her name is Madzie, and
she's better off with me

than left to fend for herself
in this cruel world.

You can save the redhead,

but she still owes me the favor.


Alec. You okay?

We have to find Clary.

Stay back!

What the hell was that?

I... I don't know. I...

I saw this vision of a rune and...
And so I drew it.

You just shot sunlight
out of your hand.

I knew you had a strong skill
set, but that was amazing.

Where's the rune?

I don't know. It's gone.

Look, whatever just happened,
let's keep this to ourselves.

- There you are.
- Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm... I'm fine.

Look, I know, but it's very important
that I speak to Dr. Hughes.

No, it's not a
medical emergency.

Actually, it is.

I... No, I don't really
know what's happening.

Yes, so please, can you have
him call me as soon as he can?

Thank you.


Oh, my...

You all right?

Isabelle, you're looking well.
Shoulder's healing nicely?

Yes. Thank you.

I don't see Simon or Luke.

- Clary asked if they...
- The Clave has enforced the order.

I can't do this, Jace.

Yes, you can.

Just don't let go of me.

Those remaining will take
their place with the fallen.

Those remaining will say
the names of the fallen.

Brother Micah.

Pulvis et umbra sumus.

Brother Jeremiah.

For we are dust and shadows.



Jocelyn Fairchild.

Ave atque vale.

Hail and farewell.

by LiviuBoss
* Rambo Media Ltd *