Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 16 - Day of Atonement - full transcript

Clary and Jace go on an unsanctioned mission, whilst Maia helps Simon with his Yom Kippur family dinner.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Clary and
I'm a Shadowhunter,

born to protect
mankind from demons.

A never-ending
battle against evil,

but I know who I can count on.

Simon, my oldest friend.
A vampire.

Magnus, a warlock from Brooklyn.

Luke, a werewolf pack leader
and New York City cop,

and Jace, Izzy and Alec,

three of the bravest
Shadowhunters alive.

Alone, we're strong.

Together, we are unstoppable.

Previously, on Shadowhunters...

What is Valentine doing to me?

It's not Valentine. The Angel
is crying out for help.

I had to kiss Jace.

Don't make this harder
than it already is.

- What do you want me to do, Simon?
- Look me in the eye,

and tell me you don't have
any feelings for him.

Valentine Morgenstern,
by order of The Clave,

you are hereby remanded
to the guard in Idris.

Where the angel is Valentine?

Hello, father.

I have spent years
clinging to my memories

of freedom, imagining
what I'd feel

when I finally made it back.

Would I be happy?


Hard as I'd try,

I could never quite picture it.

In the end, I felt nothing.

Just the unforgiving
cold of the winter air.

I guess it's true
what they say...

you can never go back home.


Why bring me here?

Because I realized

the thing that was
missing was you.

You made me what I am, father.

Everything you did to me created...

And now it's my turn
to repay the favor.

♪ We're coming ♪

♪ After you ♪

♪ This is the hunt ♪

♪ This is the hunt ♪



Anybody alive in here?

Er, anybody dead in here?

Ohh, my God.

OK, what's the point
of being a Daylighter

if all you do is mope
around in the dark?

I don't know.

I'm starting to think
there isn't a point.

Have you been sending e-vites
out to this pity party?

Luke told me about what
happened with Clary.

Do you wanna talk about it?

If I say no would you go away?

Probably not.

While I was torn up about
everything that happened

with Clary... I
fed on a mundane.

Look... nobody said being a
Downworlder would be easy.

We all make mistakes...

especially when
it comes to love.

You just need something
to clear your head.

Happy hour at the Hunter's Moon!

No thanks. That's what
got me in this mess.


I'm fasting for Yom Kippur.


It's the Jewish
Day of Atonement.

Essentially, you don't
eat anything to

atone for your sins
for the past year...

and judging on my last year,

I have a lot to atone for.

Yeah, but you're
gonna go to Temple?

I mean, you're a vampire.

Isn't that some sort
of fire hazard?

No. It's just a family dinner.

My Bubbie Helen's coming in
from Florida, so I have to go.

Besides, weren't you just saying

that I needed something
to help clear my head?

Yeah, but a family dinner

wasn't exactly what
I had in mind.

I mean, we've... we've
been over this.

For a Downworlder, depression
can be seriously dangerous.

What if you end up
hurting somebody?

My family's all I've got left.

And I need to feel normal again.

You know,

even if it's for a few hours.

♪ Now you carry it with you ♪

♪ You carry it with you ♪


- Can we talk?
- About what?

About how you keep
walking out of the room

every time I walk in?

I haven't...

Yeah, you have, Clary.

And look, I get it, but we can't
avoid each other forever.

Jace, Valentine's missing.

OK? We have more important
things to deal with right now.

Any word from Magnus or Luke?


With Valentine free,

the Downworld Cabinet has been
holding secluded meetings

- at the Seelie Court.
- Well, that's not good.

You think anything good
happens in the Seelie court?

The Clave isn't gonna
let this go unpunished.

The Inquisitor's sent an envoy
to assess the situation.

Chances are they'll be
the ones replacing me

as Head of the Institute.

Not if we can
recapture Valentine.

Sebastian and all available
personnel are searching.

We already know Duncan managed
to hijack the portal.

If he was Luke's accomplice,

he could have been orchestrating
the secret transfer all along.


I appreciate the effort,

but Valentine escaped
on my watch.

I deserve to take
the heat for it.

This isn't your
fault, it's mine.

I was the one in charge
of the transfer team.

Hey, we both were.

Look Alec, you are
a good leader.

You can't just let
Imogen fire you

over something you didn't do.

Alec will do as he's ordered.

- Dad?
- What are you doing here?

I'm the Clave's envoy.

We need to talk.

I never expected it to be you.

You're my son.

I felt it was my responsibility

to deliver your
orders personally.

Allowing Valentine's escape

was a lapse in leadership,

but our top priority
is tracking him down.

We believe he may
still be in New York

and I convinced Imogen
that you know the city

better than anyone in Idris...

You'll remain Head
of the Institute.

- And that's it?
- For now,

but Imogen is keeping
you on a tight leash.

Don't give her an excuse

to give Aldertree
his old job back.

Well, I appreciate the help.

But don't you think this makes
up for what you did to mom.


your mother and I have always
had a complicated relationship.

It's not complicated.

You cheated on her.

There's a reason she returned to
Idris as soon as you got here.

I made a mistake.

I never meant to hurt you...

but I fell in love.

You of all people should
know what that's like...

Magnus isn't an affair.

I shouldn't have said anything.

We can argue all
about family drama

once we find Valentine,

but until then, I have
an Institute to run.


You can go.

You asked Alec to
assign both of us

to search Staten Island?

Yeah, I needed someone
I could trust.

You're the one who said finding
Valentine had to be a priority.

Yeah, but I didn't mean we
had to search together.


this is Idris?


You really think Valentine's
in Staten Island?

No, but I'm pretty sure

the Clave has Idris covered.

Not if they're looking
in the wrong place.

Valentine used to
take me to this cabin

in Brocelind Forest
when I was kid.

And you think he's hiding there?

Probably not, no.

But I bet you we find
more in that cabin

than we do in Staten Island.

Jace, you need to tell someone.

Yeah? I did.

The Clave denied my
request for a portal.

What about Magnus?


is still in the Seelie
Court with Luke.


portalling to Idris
without approval

isn't exactly sanctioned
under the Accords.

There's not a lot of warlocks
stupid enough to risk it.

I was thinking, if I
could find a warlock

that could get me close
enough to the Swiss border

I could hike it. It's only about 30 miles.
It's a long

shot, but it's the best
I can come up with...

What if we don't need a warlock?

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

It worked.

That's impossible.

Obviously it's not.

You're thinking of
that cabin, right?

Yeah. Look, just
wait a second, OK?

C'mon the portal's
about to close.

I'm not sure I can
open another one.

Clary, wait! STOP!

You OK?


Just a little damp.

Did we make it?


Welcome to Idris.

How is this possible?

How did you manage to escape?

Frankly, I'm a little
bit disappointed

that you haven't figured
it out already.

You should remember Azazel.


So you're the reason that demon
switched me with the warlock?

Not exactly.

You see, I made a deal with him.

I summoned him out of Edom

and he helped me escape.

Once I was free,

I returned the favor.

I'm afraid it's not
a very nice place.

The first day I was there,

they started burning my skin.

Just one layer at a time.

They said I was too
pretty for their world...

Too human.

So they made me hideous.

But they also taught me how
to use my demon blood...

how to... draw from its power.

See, I may be grotesque
in my own skin,

but... with it I have power
that you could only dream of.

Then why keep the
Verlac boy's visage

if you're weaker for it?

I think it rather suits me.

Don't you?

As does the accent. A bit more...

than a demonic beast
with burnt flesh.


I know what I did to
you was horrific,

but let me make it up to you...

Azazel wanted the Mortal Cup.

Unchain me,

and it's yours.

You still don't
understand, do you?

See, I don't give a damn

about your Mortal Instruments.
I never have.

I used Azazel to stage an
attack on the Lightwood girl

in order to gain access
to the Institute.

What he did after
that, however...


it was none of my concern.

And yet you wouldn't have
just brought me here

if you were just going
to torture me to death.

So what are you planning?

Don't worry, father.

You'll find out soon enough.

I still can't believe
you made a portal rune.

- You've said that already.
- You don't understand.

It took warlocks
thousands of years

to learn how to use portals,

and you just improvised one.

I wanna get out of
here before dark.

These woods are home
to several packs

of notoriously feral werewolves.

Valentine certainly
has interesting ideas

about what's kid friendly...

Yeah, well, even he wouldn't
let me go near the lake.


You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You know an Iratze might be
able to help you out with that.

Oh no.

I don't have my stele.

I must have dropped it
when I hit the water.

Don't look at me. I
left mine in New York.

Someone pulled me
through the portal

before I had time to get it.

You know what? It's OK.

I mean, we don't
even need a stele.

You can activate your runes
without them, right?

Yeah, I mean... you
know, theoretically.

And you were giving me
crap about my portal?

I didn't say I couldn't do it.

Yeah, on second thought,

my stele might actually
come in handy.

We should head back to the lake

and see if we can find it.

Dad, what's going on?

Nothing. Why?

Max missed his training
session this morning

because he wouldn't
leave his room.

He said you screamed at him,

and told him to keep the
whole thing a secret?

You've barely ever
raised your voice.

What could Max
possibly have done?

It was nothing, it's just...

Look, with Valentine free

I've been under a lot of
stress lately, and...


My Max sure seems to have a
talent for finding trouble.

I caught him reading through a
file of private fire messages

that I had received
from the Inquisitor

and... well,

you know the rest.

Private fire messages?
It's not what you think.

Look, it's above your
security clearance.

I've said too much already.

I should go talk to Max.

Going somewhere?

Are you going somewhere?

Yeah, I'm coming with you.

No way... Look, um,

I really appreciate the offer

but Yom Kippur is not

a bring your friends
kind of holiday.

I wasn't asking.

I mean, I...

I didn't even tell my
family I was dating Clary.

And how would I explain this?

Hey Mom, meet Maia,
my werewolf friend

who knows I turned a guy to dust

and now she's kinda worried
that I might hurt you,

- or tell you I'm a vampire, or...
- OK, look.

Just let me come with you.

Ah, come on.

Not showing up to
temple is one thing,

but I'm not waiting for
Simon to start eating.

Hey guys...

Hi. I'm Maia.


Simon's girlfriend.


as long as Dad
apologizes to Max,

I don't care what the
fire messages said.

I know you're still upset
about the whole affair,

but think about it. Valentine
escaped under our watch,

and yet Dad somehow
convinced the Inquisitor

to let you keep your job?

What leverage could
he possibly have

to do something like that?

Did he say anything?

Not really...

He said he was in love.

Are you OK?

Something's wrong with Jace.

By the angel.

What the hell?

What happened here?

Is that a lake?

OK, you don't think
there's any chance

steles can float, right?


Perfect. Now I've lost you too.


Oh, God.


Don't waste your strength.

Or, um...

did you forget that
you kept me prisoner

in this god-forsaken
basement for almost a year?

I spent every single
one of those nights

fighting against those chains...
If there were a way out,

I would have found it.

Jonathan, you brought
it on yourself.

You sure about that?

You killed that Timberworth boy.

I had no idea what was next...

If I would be next.

I would never have
killed my own father.

Albert was...

an experiment.



You spurred my
interest in science.

Gave me my first chemistry set.

Taught me the basic
laws of physics.

When I saw Albert on the bridge,

I was... I was just curious.

Would a 32 foot fall kill a boy?

Yes, it will.

Your "experiments" started
to attract attention.

- I had no choice but to send you away...
- Don't lie to me!

- Of course you had a choice.
- No.

- You just chose the other boy.
- No.

You sent me to Hell
to protect him.

That's not true...

I sent you to Edom

because you were out of control.

- I was out of control.
- Yes.


So you were saying that Luke
introduced the two of you?


So does that mean you're
friends with Clary?

Because I haven't heard from her in ages.
Is she OK?

She's good.

- So, how's the band?
- Been great.

We're actually... more
of a solo act now.

Ah, so no more fake
blood glitch hop shows?

His new stuff's
actually really good.

You guys should listen it.

So, I'm guessing
you're not Jewish?


Uh, no... but I'll convert

if it means more Kugel.

I like her.

I'm sorry.

So give us the deets.

How long has this been going on?

Yeah. What do you do for a living?
That kind of thing.

Maia is a... mixologist.

Uh, well, the bartending's
more of a part time thing.

I'm, uh, taking online classes...
for college.

Marine biology. The
dream is to transfer

to the Columbia program.

Cool! You know, we
used to take trips

down to Margate
when we were kids,

but we could never get
Simon to go in that water.

Yeah, he had a bit of a...
phobia of jellyfish.

I was five years old.

He's worried somebody's
going to have to pee

on him if he gets stung.



- It's the same.
- OK, enough. The two of you.

Enough. You know,
I think it's time

for our Yom Kippur
tradition where we share

what it is we're atoning for.

Mom, come on, that's not...
That's not really a thing.

I mean, like, it
should be private.

Well, in our family
it's a thing.

Simon's father started

this tradition 13 years ago.

And now we keep it
alive in his memory.

Who's gonna go first?

OK, I'll start.

Uh, the thing that I regret most

from this past year is that...

I had a relapse
with my drinking.

And it was really
hard on everyone.

And for that, I am...
very sorry.


That wasn't hard.

Who's next?

What are these things?

They look like portal shards.

So Jace and Clary
are at this beach?

Assuming they went
through together.

But none of it makes sense.

How were they able to create a
portal inside the Institute?

Clearly, it wasn't
a normal portal.

Whatever it was, there's
something strange

about the portal for the
wards not to recognize it.

That should explain these.

This isn't a beach.

It's Lake Lyn.

The Lake Lyn? How can you tell?

Because Jace requested a
portal to Idris this morning.

He thought he might have
a lead on Valentine,

but the Clave denied it.

Seems like he went anyway.

We need to help him.

You have to get that
portal approved.

I'll try my best,

- but the Clave.
- I don't care

what the Clave says.
Jace is in trouble.

I agree,

but as long as you're acting
head of this Institute,

- you need to remain here.
- Jace is family.

You can't expect Alec to
abandon his parabatai.


Dad's right.

I need to put the
Institute first.


I'm not abandoning anyone,

I'm sending my best Shadowhunter
to go and rescue them.

Get me a portal to Idris.

I will...

but there's something you
should know about this Lake.

Hello, Clary.

You don't recognize me?

- Ithuriel?
- I was weaker

when we last met.

Thanks to you, I have recovered.

What are you doing here?

Jonathan is alive.

Jace? Is he OK? Where is he?

I can only direct you
toward the correct path.

You must walk it yourself.

Ithuriel, please.

I will do anything.

Just tell me where he is.


So who's next?


Uh, actually... I'd like to go.

'Cause... being around your
family makes me realize

that maybe I haven't been the
world's greatest daughter.

Actually, it's been years

since I've spoken to
either of my parents.

My brother was the favorite.

So... when he died...

I felt like my parents kind of
forgot about me. Altogether.

And eventually I ran away

and... and I haven't
talked to them since.

The thing is...

I don't think it's the anger

that's keeping me from
talking to them...

It's because of...

the guilt.

I am sure your parents
still love you.

And they have not
forgotten about you.

I know I will love my kids...

forever. No matter what.

All right. You're next, Simon.


I did a lot of bad
stuff this year.


I think I can move past it.

I'm not gonna let
it ruin my life.

So... what did you do?

Did you... double park the van?

Did you smoke weed?

- I, um...
- Worse!

I got us tickets to go to
a Blade Runner marathon,

and he ditched me for
some other girl.


I'm guessing Alec got
my message, huh?

I had to do something to
get your guys' attention.

Can I use your stele?

What happened to Clary?

Thank you.

I don't know.

Once minute, we were looking
for her stele by the lake;

the next, she was gone.

You didn't drink any of
the lake water, did you?

No, but Clary did.


Lake Lyn has
hallucinogenic properties.

An Iratze should be
able to cure her,

but we need to get to her soon.

Or what?

Or she could lose
her mind forever.

Do you remember my
eighth birthday?

It was the day you gave
me my first seraph blade.

I was so excited

to use it

that I snuck out of the cabin

on my own.

I was worried.


I didn't know where you went.

It was at least an hour
until I found the blood...

in the snow.

I thought something
terrible had happened.

But it wasn't my
blood, was it father?

By the time you arrived,

I had already skinned the beast.

A rather large werewolf
as I recall...

See, I wanted to give you
its pelt as a trophy.

I wanted you to be proud of me.

Oh, I was so proud.

Out of everything
that you taught me...

killing was always
what I was best at.

It's ironic, isn't it?

That that should be the
reason you came to hate me.

The reason you sent me to Edom.

You're right.

What happened to you,
it was my fault.

But I never hated you.

I understand completely.

And I feel exactly the same way.

Enjoy your time in Edom.


Who are you?

It's me. It's Jace.

I don't know you.

You're confused.

We're here to help you.

Just hold still.

Where's Jace?

Look, we're not gonna hurt you.

You're not gonna get the chance.

Hey. Stop. Stop. Look.

I know you're scared,

but it's me. It's Jace.

Let go of me!

Hey! Hey! It's OK.

Everything's going to be OK.

♪ Took breath from
my open mouth ♪

♪ Never known how
it broke me down ♪

♪ I went in search
of somewhere else ♪




You're OK?

Now that you are.

♪ You went and said
you're someone else ♪

I just got word from Isabelle.

Jace and Clary are safe.

They'll be in Valentine's
cabin shortly.

That's good to hear.

Hopefully they can
recover something

we can use to track him.


Thank you.

Izzy never would have made it
to Idris without your help.

Alec, you and Isabelle
and Max and Jace

are the most important
people in the world to me.

I know I've lost your trust.

I hope I can earn it back.

Then why are you
still lying to us?

You told Max to keep a secret
about some fire messages.

- Yes, but...
- Whatever it is,

just keep Max out of it.

I sent those fire messages

to Imogen to make sure

that you would remain the
head of the Institute.

Oh, so you're protecting me
because I'm a Lightwood.


It's because I've always
admired your courage,

and your honesty.

It's the stuff

that great leaders
are made from.

Why should I believe you?

What did you send to Imogen?

The Clave is keeping

a massive secret of their own,

and I threatened to reveal it.

I didn't tell you

because I didn't want you
to have to carry the burden

of lying to people
that you love.

- I know how hard that can be...
- Dad...

- Just tell me.
- But you cannot repeat

this secret to anyone,

not even Magnus.

Promise me, Alec.

I can't promise that.

Either you trust me to be
a leader or you don't.

The Clave lied about
the Soul Sword.

They never recovered it
from Valentine's attack

on the Institute.
They don't have it.

They never did.

Then who does?

Oh, I bet you'd love
to get your hands

on your precious Soul Sword now.

Well, you're in luck.

I'm gonna be sending
it with you.

Considering my Demon Blood,

it didn't seem wise to leave
such a powerful weapon

just lying around,

even if it is deactivated...

It seems a rather fitting end

to you both, don't you think?

You always cared more about
the Mortal Instruments

than you did your own son.

That's not true.

Despite everything I've done,

I have always... always
cared about you.

Do not lie to me.

If you truly, truly
cared about me,

you would have never
sent me away.

I made a mistake.

- It was Jace that was...

The sword still
compels the truth.

Jonathan... not a day goes by

that I don't think about you.

Where I am not haunted
by that decision I made.

To send you to Edom.

I have always dreamed

of creating the
ultimate warrior,

and now... that
dream is a reality.

You have always been my
greatest creation, son.


I haven't been to
this cabin in years,

but I'm pretty sure it's
just past this hill.

There it is!

Someone was just here.

We're too late.

♪ People come and people go ♪


all of the, uh,
jellyfish stuff...

Maybe we keep that between us?

Your secret's safe with me.


Thank you for coming tonight.

Despite my many objections,

I could not have gotten through
that dinner without you.

Quick thinking, marine biology.

I think you totally
pulled it off.

That's 'cause it's true.

I'm taking classes online.

Really? I had no idea you
were interested in that.

I'm pretty sure

there's a lot you
don't know about me.

I'm pretty sure you're right.

I never asked.

But I guess I've been

kind of self-absorbed lately.

A little.




It's late.

I hadn't noticed.


♪ Everything you've done ♪

♪ What a fool I was ♪

Good night, Simon.

Good night.

♪ Please let me in ♪

♪ Because I won't
always have friends ♪

♪ Like you ♪

Even if Dad's
intentions are good,

these secrets only end
up making things worse.

Trust me, I know the
damage secrets can cause

more than anyone.

But if it got out there

that the Clave lied
about the Soul Sword,

it could mean the
end of the Accords.

Maybe you're right...

but I've got to do something.

Are you going to tell Magnus?

What's up?

Nothing. Um...

I'm just really glad
that you're OK.

Did you find anything

in Valentine's books?

These aren't books.

They're journals.

Valentine used to keep these

on the highest shelf
in the cabin.

I remember trying
to read one once,

see what all the fuss was about.

He got to me before I
could even open it.

That was the last time we
went back to that cabin.

Now I know why.

Jonathan Christopher.

These are about you?



You were...

You were opposite ends
of the same experiment?

There are hundreds
of pages of notes.

It's years' worth of research.

These journals are...

They're all that's
left of my childhood.


Wait. Jace, this
was 10 years ago.

Jonathan died in a fire
when he was an infant.

How could Valentine
still be studying him

if he was already dead?

Jonathan is alive.

Ithuriel wasn't
talking about you...

he was talking about my brother.

He's still alive.


Dinner is served.

by LiviuBoss
* Rambo Media Ltd *