Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker (2020): Season 1, Episode 2 - Bootstraps - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Dreams are God's way
of showing us his plans.

The good Lord don't want us to just
sit around and wait for things to happen.

Gotta go out and light a match
under whatever it is you want.

And what I want is to own a factory
for hair products.

God helps those who help themselves.

Let me take you on a tour.

Over here,

I'm gonna have a full-service salon
with six hair culturists.

And over here, I'm gonna make
my new Walker hair-care line...

Hair Grower, vegetable shampoo,
and my brand new pressing oil, Glossine.

Which is why I brought you here,

With your support, I'll be able
to purchase this fine building.

Curious that you decided to open a factory
for, um... feminine products.

It was my idea.

CJ's in charge of the ads.

Well, now. I do more than ads, now.

Of course.

I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.
CJ's been such an asset to my company.

Now I see who wears the pants
in this family.

And it ain't just a dream. I got a plan.

This investment
will make you a 20 percent return,

and nobody's gonna give it to you
that good but me.

Well, I for one...

would feel more comfortable knowing
that there was other investors,

business endorsements.

I endorse them, myself.

I put everything I got into this factory.

Now I could've rebuilt my basement
after the fire, but instead,

I took all my money and I made
a down payment on this building.

Now I'm giving you all the chance
to be first in, part of history.

That's a lot of money
your wife is asking for. It's risky.

To paraphrase the great JD Rockefeller,
ain't no reward without risk.

Who's in, gentlemen?

It's a bit soon.


My apologies, but I have to go.

Just a few more moments of your time!

Please, gentlemen?

Just... listen to me.



Gentlemen, wait, please. Just a mom...


And there went our best shot at investors.

What you gonna do now, Sarah?

I'm gonna get the most famous Negro
in America to endorse me.

♪ God gave you the answer
When he gave you the woman ♪

♪ God gave you the answer
When he gave you the woman ♪

♪ Gave you the answer ♪

♪ When he gave you the ♪

You oughta just take it off,
and get back in bed with me.

Oh, Charles Walker, you are terrible!

You look just good enough to eat!

- Mmm.
- Mmm.

So where you off to?

Ransom's house.

Apparently, his wife Nettie has an idea
how to get in touch with Booker.


Still no word, huh?


He is an important man.

Travels all around the world.

- Hmm.
- Going to conventions...

giving speeches.

First Negro in the White House.

Yeah, it's no surprise he's...
missed all of my letters.

My calls. My telegram.

We're running out of time.

Hate to lose our down payment.
I think I should talk to the investors.

Now, now, I... I know men.

I appreciate that, baby.

Really, I do, but...

this is my company.

Yeah, okay.

If I can't be the one to grow it,
it just don't seem worth having.

No, it's fine.

It's fine.

But there is something you can do.


I'm serious.


Get tickets to Booker's convention.

So the NNBL is a gentlemen's organization.
I don't think they'd welcome you too well.

I don't need to be welcomed.
I just need five minutes with Booker.

You're something else.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

Keep on going around now. Keep on...

Just hurry back.

You bet.

- ♪ I'm a master ♪
- ♪ Master ♪

- ♪ Y'all should give me honorary masters ♪
- ♪ Masters ♪

♪ Rapper work the green
Just like the Masters ♪

♪ The new slave
Talkin' like he got a masta ♪

♪ Whoo whoo ♪

♪ Screamin' "Free thought!" ♪

Don't go wasting the oil on the side!

Get every drop in the tin!

I'm a guitar player, not a laborer.

Hey, you start another fire,
I will shoot you dead.

For the 15th time,
that damn fire wasn't my fault.

Whose fault is it, then?

Your mama was making too much too fast.
Her burner's went bust.

So it was Mama's fault?

She put a roof over your head
and food on your plate,

and you got the nerve to blame her
for what you did?

I ain't do nothing.

It was your job!

You had the burners on, and then you left.

See? That's why I'm finna hurry up
and open my juke joint...

I mean, saloon, and get out
from under this whole damn family.

Mmm, I'll believe it when I see it.

What's got you
in such a good mood, Daddy?

Booker T. Washington is in town next week.

CJ is out getting us tickets!

Oh! Did I ever tell you all that Booker
was on the plantation next to mine?

- Yes, Daddy.
- Yes, Cleophus.

Used to see him every Sunday at worship.

He was about six years old, maybe...

I'm about... 17 or 18, maybe...

Pardon me for staring.

Your face is exquisite.

I do a little photography on the side.

I'd love to take your picture.

Me? Really?

Think about it.

Looks like you could use a break.

I can take over for you if you want.

Uh, yeah. Thanks.

It's hot!

I know.

Freeman mentioned you were
looking for an endorsement from Booker,

so I asked the ladies to put a rush
on your membership.

Now you'll be the newest member,
just in time.

- Oh, Nettie, you're a miracle!
- There's more.

The National Association president
is gonna be in town...

Margaret Murray Washington?

Mm-hmm. Booker's wife will be joining him
at the convention.

- Ransom, you got a brilliant wife.
- Oh, amen to that!

I may have the degrees,
but she's the real brains in the family.

- Indeed. Yes, indeed. Thank you, Nettie.
- Of course.

Any news?

Uh, well...

We knew raising 10,000
was going to be difficult.

Thanks to Nettie,
I'm gonna get Booker's endorsement.

There'll be tons of other investors
to meet.

I got a good feeling about this.

I left word for a college buddy of mine
who works for Booker,

Emmett Scott.

I'm optimistic too,

but we need a Plan B.

A few Plan Bs.

I could take out a second mortgage
on the house.

I can't let you do that. Too risky.

You could lose your home.

Theodore, the mortician
we met at the factory,

said he's willing to talk numbers again.

- Maybe CJ can meet with him.
- No.

No, CJ ain't as good a salesman
as he thinks he is.

Besides, nobody can represent
my company like me.

Theodore is the richest colored man
in town.

Convince him, and sycophants fall in line.

I'm gonna go talk to Theodore right now.

Thanks again, for everything.

Ransom, we can't fail.



Hope I'm not interrupting.

I heard you were...

interested in talking more
about investing in my factory?

Just tell me what it'll take
to get you to come on board.

Who was it...
and what did they do to you?

It's okay.

Ransom said that you was in a meeting
with the mortician.

He tried to...


I got away.

Don't you run from me!

Take one more step,
and I will blow the black off you.

I've come too far, done too much.

- I'm not gonna let that happen again.
- It's all right.

You gonna be all right, Sarah.

Is CJ home?

What do I tell him?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

You and I both know ain't no good
gonna come from CJ knowing.

Ooh-whoo! Hey, Pop.

Something smells good in here!

- Hey, baby.
- Hey.


What's wrong?


Just glad to see you.

Did you get 'em?

Yes, sir! Ha.

Three tickets to hear
Booker T. Washington speak

at the National Negro
Business League conference.

There it is.

I heard if he lets you speak,

it's like a personal endorsement
from Booker.

His support can triple your business.

That's why I figured me and Daddy
take John...


- What about me?
- You called me?

Well, no.

Baby, they say you
don't even need a ticket.

All the wives, they congregate
in the kitchen, they make refreshments.

How am I supposed to meet investors
and hear speeches from the kitchen?


Seem to remember you making
disparaging remarks

about Booker in the past.

Something about him bending
to the white man's will.

Just 'cause I don't always agree with him
don't mean I don't respect him.

Now, he got a plan to uplift the race!

He built Tuskegee College
to see it through!

I admire the hell out of that!

Let me go and speak on your behalf.
Trust me.

You gonna have to find another way, John.
I'm going.

- You finished with the basement?
- We out of paint.

Then go into town and get some!

You don't rest until every inch
of my house is fixed, you hear me?

For the last time,
I ain't start that goddamn fire!

You better talk to him.

Hello, Miss Addie.

You remember me?
I'm Lelia's husband, John.

That's right!

Oh, what a pleasant surprise.

- How you doing?
- Mmm.

Would you care to join me
in a Cocaine-Cola?

Come on.

- Come on!
- Oh, okay!

So you're from Pittsburgh, huh?

What do you do for work?

I play guitar.

I mean, used to.
I'm trying to open me a juke joint now.

You wanna serve country folk liquor
in the middle of nowhere?

The way I see it,
if I pick the right location,

all the top musicians'll be
coming through.

I can get them to play for nothing.

Can I freshen your drink?

So how's Sarah's business doing?

Busy. Too busy, if you know what I mean.

Sarah gonna help you open
your little juke joint?

Her charity don't never seem
to extend to me.

She'll eat a barn full of pigs feet

sooner than lift a finger
to help my black ass.

We oughta call Sarah Madam Pigs Feet.

Swine ain't safe around her!

I tell you, all that swine
must be affecting her brain

'cause she thinks she can just waltz
into that men's conference

and get an audience
with Booker T. Washington.

Sarah's trying to get an endorsement
from Mr. Washington?

Ain't that crazy?

How she gonna build a factory

when half her house look like
burned fried chicken?

Sarah still ain't learn her place.

And get this. She say she's gonna
open salons all over the world.

You're lying, John.

The nerve! Just wish I could knock
Miss High-and-Mighty off her horse.

God, really can't stand that woman.


In case you hear anything else about Sarah
that I might find interesting...

Lelia's been good to me.

Suit yourself.

But, I believe in your juke joint.

If you change your mind,

you know where to find me.

Let me go on and get out of here.

Night, Miss Addie.

Good night, John.

Madam Pigs Feet.

- Yeah, you're gonna be right in there.
- All right, let's go.

It's Ransom.


What are you doing here?

I'm here to assist.

Assist what?

Assist highfalutin Negroes
in their illicit recreational activities

that this fine city's got to offer.

How can I help you?

Fifty cents on 4-8-2.

Sho' you right.

You wanna write it down?

I hear a number once, I got it.
I don't need to hear it again.

Say, I got an arrangement
with a nice, trick broad

that's giving happy endings at lunch.

I'll see you after the speech.

I bet I will.

I want in too.

- She ain't into that.
- Not what I meant.

I want a bet a dollar on 5-3-1.

I thought you didn't gamble.

Lord knows I don't, but I'd like to take
whatever winnings I might get

and invest in my boss's factory.

Now is this a loan or a bet?

It's a bet.


I got you, cousin.

Ah, Mr. Scott.

Mr. Ransom. Look at you.

I got your note. Mr. Washington
is aware of Madam CJ Walker.

Oh, so she can speak?

Mr. Washington seemed inclined
to add her to the docket.

Can't promise, but tell her to be ready.

Madam Walker is always ready.

The Southern white man is scared,

thinks the Negro has harbored resentment
of such magnitude

that he should be afraid.

We made some gains during Reconstruction.

We elected colored senators
and congressmen,

like your very own former representative,

the distinguished
Reverend Charles Spencer Smith!

Then white fear set in
and brought Jim Crow,

not only wiping away those gains
but setting us back.

And this is why we must ease their fears

and appeal to their compassion.

We must create our own businesses.

And show whites

that Negroes are capable
of economic independence.

Yeah! Uh-huh!

We can uplift our race!

Amen! Uh-huh!

We can be separate and equal!

Now I've organized this
National Negro Business League

to support us
with our most pressing fiscal issues.

I am very, very proud to introduce you all

to businessmen representing
every industry.

We even have a female...

beauty culture luminary.

Please welcome Miss...

Addie Munroe!

Miss Munroe is representative
of the finest

of Negro womanhood in business,

and she is quite fetching to the eye,
wouldn't you agree?

Huh, gentlemen?

Thank you. All right, gentlemen.

Now, Miss Munroe will be outside
selling raffle tickets.

Um, all benefits go to the new structure
at our beloved Tuskegee Institute.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much.

Miss Munroe.

Six speakers
and he still didn't call my name.

Conference ain't over, darling.

Emmett said it could happen at any time.

He even trotted Addie out
like a dummy in a dress.

Now, now.

Please find Emmett, and remind him
how many jobs I'd be creating.

Will do.


Mrs. Thomas,
such a pleasure to see you here.

Good day to you.

Margaret Washington,
may I introduce you to Madam CJ Walker,

our newest member?

She has a fabulous
local hair-care company.

Oh, yes. I think I have heard of you.

Being recognized by an esteemed educator
such as yourself is an honor.

You have an open invitation to my salon,
any treatment, free of charge.

Bless your heart.

Hard to get anything but that cheap
snake oil stuff in Tuskegee.

Which is why I want to open
my own factory.

A factory? Impressive.

I want to make going to the salon
affordable for all women.

You are doing the Lord's work.

Care to join us? We club women,
we socialize in the serving room.

Oh, there's nothing I'd like more.

But first, can I trouble you for a favor?

I'm in need of investors for my factory,

and an endorsement from your husband
could make all the difference.

I'm just having a hard time
getting to him.

I make it a point not to get involved
with my husband's affairs.

Well, you know how marriage is!

I have my business, and he has his.

Come, Mrs. Washington.
The ladies are expecting us.

You ladies have a good day.

Bye, Sarah.

Socializing with the wives sounds fun.

I didn't come here to make sandwiches.
I came here to do business.

Oh, I know.

Oh, CJ!

- Ten more minutes.
- Oh! There he is.

Follow him in.

I ain't following him in the bathroom.
That's not a good idea.

You've been talking about
speaking on my behalf...

Go in and invite him to our house
for dinner.

Sarah, I ain't going in the...

Get in there.


- See, I don't...
- Get in there.

Well, well, well.

Sarah! Oh, Madam.

What brings you here?

You still running around,
dreaming of opening a factory?

Oh, Addie, you'd be surprised
how many people want me to succeed.

I'm in escrow on an old feed mill
in Bucktown.

I'll be open in a month.

Well, now that I have
Booker's endorsement...

- You call that an endorsement?
- ...maybe I'll open a factory too.

But you need an education to run one.

And we both know you ain't got that.

Oh, you'd be surprised how much I learned
over the years.

Gosh, it wasn't that long ago
that I was showing you

how to make change for a dollar!

And now, my product outsells yours.

Who told you that?

All your former customers
that switched over to me.


Oh, where you going, Addie?

This was just getting good.

Baby, baby, baby!

- Guess who's coming to dinner tonight?
- Don't play with me, CJ.

Booker T. Washington said
he's free for the evening

and wants a home-cooked meal.

We gotta throw Booker the best dinner...
No, the best party he's ever seen!




- Come on.
- Stop!

You hit, cousin. $500.

Ransom, stop dillydallying.
We're gonna be late for the party.

Well, Booker was the first Negro
to dine in the White House.

Now, what you think he had to do
to get that invitation?

Promise Massa
he'd keep the slaves in line.

Oh, Pop!

You brought a famous man like Booker
bathtub hooch?

Make you forget you got 20 lashes
that day.

Set up right in here.

Mm-hmm. Come on in.


Thank you. Come on in.

Well, hello!

Good to see you.
The food's just set up in here.

- Evening, Lelia.
- Good to see you.

Yes. Yes, sir. Hello, Reverend.

Thank you so much for coming.
The food's just in there.

Uh, y'all know I do sing a little, right?

With your help, with your support,

I can uplift the race too, Mr. Washington.

Female entrepreneurship
will uplift the race.

I'm ready to do my part, Mr. Washington.

Come in!

It's Ransom.

Forgive me if I'm being too forward,
but if I could have a brief word?

I'll stay out here.

I feared we wouldn't have a chance
to speak for the rest of the night.

What is it, Ransom?

I wanna invest in your factory.

I have $500.

Where'd you get that kind of money?


did a little legal work on the side
when I was at Columbia.

In a few hours, Booker will endorse you.

Businessmen will be
falling over themselves to invest.

I wanted to be the first.

Bless your heart.

I'll put it in the safe.

Your tenacity is remarkable, Madam.

Nettie and I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you.

- Yeah!
- Whoo!

- Go on!
- Whoo!



Hey! Whoo!

- Show me what you got.
- CJ!

Come on. Show me what you got.

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

Madam CJ Walker.

- The Madam.
- Whoo!



All right, now.

Do it, CJ!


Oh, baby, I just want to take a moment
and say thank you.

We got a great Negro leader
coming to our house.

Yes, we do.

We did it.

You did it.

I'm just glad I could come through
for you, baby.

I love you.

I love you too.


Now we're gonna bring up a local favorite.

Give it up for Ms. Lelia Robinson!

Come on, girl.

Lelia, what the hell
you think you're doing?


See what you got.

♪ Last night
I dreamed that someone kissed me ♪

♪ Two wonderful lips ♪

♪ Stretched right close to mine ♪

♪ Sweet kisses that came in the night ♪

♪ Sweet kisses that brought me to life ♪

♪ I really like my honey and sugar a lot ♪

♪ But they're not half as sweet
As the kisses I got ♪

♪ Sweet kisses
That came in the night ♪

♪ Sweet kisses
That brought me to life ♪

♪ Oh, Mr. Dream Man
Hear my plea ♪

- ♪ I'm his honey, and he's my bee ♪
- Oh!

♪ So, please make sure
He buzz around nobody but me ♪

♪ Sweet kisses that came in the night ♪

Booker better get here.

He's late.

Booker's got every right
to be late, Sarah. He's free.

I'm gonna be right back.

What are you doing here?

As Madam's newest and, no doubt,
best-looking investor,

- I thought it was time we break bread.
- Since when are you an investor?

Since I helped you with that cash.

What cash? My number hit.

Come on, cuz, you can't be that square.

You fixed it?



Hey, you look here.

This is the best job I've ever had,
and you ain't gonna mess that up.

Got me? Now see yourself out of here.

CJ, I need to know... every detail
of what happened in the bathroom.

I told Booker you're my wife,
and I invited him to dinner.

What then?

He put away his pistol.

- Pistol?
- Yeah.

- Why did he take out a pistol?
- I went in, and I locked the door.

Just us.
I didn't want us to be interrupted.

And I must've scared him.

The man has a lot of enemies.
He just whipped out his pistol.

Booker's not coming to our house.

He just told you what he thought
you wanted to hear.



Call your friend, Emmett.

Yes, she wanted to talk to him
about getting an endorsement,

maybe speaking.

Yes, for her factory.

But I thought you said he...

Ah. Okay.

I see.

You're right.

Booker's not coming.

Why, because CJ scared him?
Never should've trusted you.

Booker thinks beauty culture is frivolous.

Now, he might let you
say a prayer or something,

but he was never gonna let you
present to investors.

How many days before we lose the lease
on the building?

A week.

Get out!

Now, now, Sarah, calm down.

Especially you. Get out of my face!

Get out! Everybody out!

- Thank you.
- Sarah.

I blame you for this.

Putting those ideas in her head.

Those ideas were already there.

Madam was a mess in there.

You had no right involving
your trifling cousin in Madam's business.

And I played the numbers for Sarah
as a backdrop.

That wasn't your choice to make.

As hard as she's trying to work
to be respectable...

the last thing she wants is
his dirty money.

Listen, nobody was stepping up to invest,
I was just trying to help.

You tell her.

Oh, I will.

I'll tell her.

- You took all these?
- Mm-hmm.

How you get your mitts
on a camera like that?

The ofay my mama worked for gave it to me.

What I wouldn't give
for talent like yours.

Everybody's got something.

You just ain't found yours yet.

♪ You've got my attention, babe ♪

Turn to the right.

♪ 'Cause the moon... ♪

Put your chin up.

Just a bit.

♪ Breeze will take you right
In your zone ♪

♪ You got tonight
But you act like you don't ♪


♪ Just so you know ♪

♪ I'm onto you... ♪

Eyes back to me.

♪ I'm onto you... ♪


♪ Oh, you ♪


two, one.

Bunch of us are headed
to Grady's Bar and Grill.

You wanna come?

No. I'm gonna go in.

She needs me.

No, she doesn't.

Madam needs to be alone.

Come on, CJ.

CJ, you seen Lelia?

- What?
- Lelia, you seen her?

I saw her with that little boy, Esther.

Oh, all right!

Hey. Yeah, yeah.
Oh, there it is, there it is, there it is.

Margaret Murray Washington, please.


Madam CJ Walker.

Can I join you ladies
at the convention tomorrow?

I have a surprise.

Oh, we started in, what, 1895,

when that awful man denigrated
Negro womanhood in the Missouri newspaper.

He said that all Negro women
are either prostitutes, liars, or thieves.

- You don't say?
- Mmm.

- Mama, you hear this?
- Mmm.

Of course, we had to respond.

So that's how the National Association
of Colored Women got started?

Yeah. First, we were maybe a 100 women.

Now we are 250,000 strong,
and Margaret is our fearless leader.

Ain't nothing a colored woman can't do
when she set her mind to it.

Got that right.

That's right.

I was wondering if I could...

get you to put in a good word for me
to Mr. Washington.

I got some investors on the fence,
and seems like men can't hear a good idea

unless it comes out another man's mouth.

As I said before, it's just not our place.

Where exactly is a woman's place?

I mean, you're all accomplished women
with college degrees.

Most of you smarter than your husbands.

Why hide back here?
Go out there where the action is.

We live in a man's world.

Any opportunity I get to convene
with other like-minded women,

I gladly take it.

Don't mistake us for victims.
We choose to be here.

We may be near the kitchen,

but we're together.

No disrespect, but it don't matter
if you choose to be here.

- You're still in back, afraid to speak!
- And look at the time.

- We better go prepare lunch.
- I know how it is.

See, I've been silent most of my life,

but something changed when I started
making my product and telling my story.

There's power in it.

Don't get me wrong.

Just last week, I went to a man
with a business opportunity.

He took his genitals out
and tried to force himself on me,

so I understand y'all's hesitation.

Many of us fear harm
from our own husbands,

and rightly so.

Sometimes silence is the only protection
a colored woman can count on.

And now that I've finally learned
to tell my story,

I can't be silent anymore.

I can't.

♪ Rise up ♪

I am proud to say I have finally
paid off my sharecropping debt.

Hear! Hear!

Hear. Hear.

- Now I just need $200 to buy...
- Wait, Sarah.

They're gonna let me speak.

♪ Your strength can push us through ♪

Mr. Washington,

my name is Madam CJ Walker,

and with great humility,
I ask that you endorse my new factory.

Now my factory will create jobs...

and opportunity for our people,

especially our women.

Look at your wives.

Look at 'em!

Aren't they gorgeous?


But they are so much more.


political, brilliant!

And they are wasting their talents
in the back!

Help me give them opportunities
that will benefit your whole family.

Female enterprise is good for us all.

It's the way of the future.

I can see it clear as day.

This is how you can truly uplift the race!

Thank you for those, um...
passionate remarks!

- May I have a word with you, please?
- Yes.

- Please.
- Thank you, Mr. Washington.

Forgive me for being so bold,
but God was speaking through me.

That little outburst that you had in there
was rude and uncalled for.

Sir, with all due respect,
I need your endorsement.

Where you lead, others follow.

- Jobs are at stake.
- Jobs?

In a trivial company that shames Negroes
into Eurocentric standards of beauty.

I have no interest
in making colored women look white.

I want us to feel beautiful too.

But Negroes cannot afford to waste money
on cosmetics.

That's why I pay my employees four times

what they'd earn taking in laundry
for half the hours.

And soon you will have Negro women
out-earning Negro men.

Is that what this is about?

How is America going to take us seriously
if we allow our women to surpass us?

It's not a competition.

We all need to be lifted, sir.

The Negro man needs to be lifted first.

I know our men have it hard,
but so do our women.

I would rather endorse a palm reader

than a hair culturalist, Mrs. Walker,

and the little outburst in there
is precisely the reason why

you ladies need to be kept in your place.

Good day.

We ain't mortgaging this house
for your little factory,

so get that notion out your head.

We gotta do something, CJ.

This is our dream.
That's why we came here!

Well, I didn't come here
to build no damn factory.

Sarah, we're doing just fine.

Now, why can't you just be satisfied
with what we got?

Because I can't,
and you shouldn't be either.

Booker was right.
You need to learn your place.

I know my place.

Inside the factory, making my products,
growing my company.

My, my, my products. My company. Yours.

Yours. You're f...



Pardon me, but, uh...

I brought the paperwork.

You done already decided
to do this... with him.

There are no other options, CJ.

If she defaults on this property,
she will never get another.

For the last time,
mind your goddamn business!

This is my house.

What I say goes.

What I say!


Female enterprise is good for us all.

Good luck with the factory.

Well, come in! Come in! Thank you.

Thank you! God bless you.


Well, look who it is.

You want dirt on Madam Pigs Feet?

How much is it worth to you?

Your darling Lelia won't be disappointed?

Lelia don't give a damn about me.

I see.

Well, I'd pay a pretty penny to find out

why Sarah's product
sells better than mine.


Club women to the rescue!

Ooh, yes.

There you go, Mama.

Ransom, get us another
bottle of champagne, please!

♪ Hold my head high, the further I go... ♪

Mama, you are opening up a factory.


I'm opening a factory.

- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ I'm a woman ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ And this life is full of laughter ♪
- Whoo!

- Never get to drink without my husband.
- Partners!

♪ Remember how ♪

♪ The early days were darker ♪

- Oh!
- ♪ Days were darker ♪

♪ And so I stand up
Time and time again... ♪

Lady Margaret.
Thank you, Nettie...

- To female entrepreneurship!
- Yes!

- Yes!
- Whoo!

- ♪ 'Cause I learned how ♪
- ♪ I learned how ♪

- ♪ To stop the hurting ♪
- ♪ Stop the hurting ♪

♪ By giving all my love right back to me ♪

♪ Oh, I can rule like a queen ♪

♪ Be a superhero ♪

♪ Hold my head high the further I go ♪

♪ I can love myself
More than anyone else ♪

♪ I am fire and the world's gotta know ♪

♪ Oh ♪

- ♪ Woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ I'm a woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ Woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ I'm a woman ♪

- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ 'Cause I can rule like a queen
Be a superhero ♪

♪ Hold my head high the further I go ♪

♪ I can love myself
More than anyone else ♪

♪ I am fire and the world's got to know ♪

- ♪ Woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah, I'm a woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah, I'm a woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, a beautiful, beautiful woman ♪

- ♪ Yeah, I'm a woman ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪