Seinto Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 12 - The Secrets of Sanctuary - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It is said that
every several hundred years,

the goddess Athena is reincarnated.

And now a new Athena
has been born into this world,

but, this time, under a dark prophecy
that she will lead mankind to ruin.

The warriors who protected
the goddess Athena were known as Knights.

Today, a new generation of Knights
control the fate of the world.

They are called
the Knights of the Zodiac.

♪ Hold it in your heart ♪

♪ Cosmo is a part of you ♪

♪ Burning heart, gotta flow ♪

♪ Don't you stop it, let it go ♪

♪ Prophecies are made
A galaxy so far from here ♪

♪ But you don't need them now
Stay strong, and believe what you feel ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Pegasus of destiny
No one can take away from you ♪

♪ Now your hope is the sky ♪

♪ And your dreams are the wings
Are gonna take you high ♪

♪ Saint Seiya ♪

♪ The stars out there keep calling ♪

♪ Forever, we'll stay with you
To the end ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ They say that all boys
Are born true fighters ♪

-♪ Remember we can do this ♪
-♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Then fly away ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

Previously on Saint Seiya...


Shaka's opened his eyes.


Shaun, this is goodbye.

Big Brother.

The seventh temple, the House of Libra.

Let's rip through this temple!




He's... dead.

Entombed inside an ice coffin.

So that's why
Magnus' Cosmo disappeared.

It's all my fault.


I sense it too.

It's coming from inside the ice.

It's Magnus' Cosmo.

He's alive.

If we work fast, maybe we can save him!

Pegasus Ryu-Sei-Ken!

What? Not even a scratch.

We need to get him out
while we can still feel his Cosmo.

Unless we do something,
he's gonna die.

Damn it.
How do we break him out?

Who did this to him?

Such power.
It must have been a Gold Knight.

The Gold Libra Knight?

Sometimes the best way
to make haste

is to pause and make sure
that nothing is overlooked.

That voice.

Who the hell are you?

Seiya, wait.

Seiya, Shaun, this is
the one who trained me

high up on Lúshan Mountain,

my master, Dohko.

Your master?

But why is he here in the Libra Temple?

Master, does that mean...

you're the Gold Libra Knight?

Yes, Long, I am.

Hope your master's not here to fight us.

In this temple, only you
can stand in your own way.

Use it wisely,
and you will find your path.

The Libra Armor.

Yes, Long.

The Libra Armor is special.

It is not just a single piece.

It is made of 12 different elements.

But if you're not our enemy,

then who did this to Magnus?


Magnus' icy coffin.

The Gold Aquarius Knight Camus
used it to entomb his own student.

Magnus' master did that?

Even if the Gold Knights
combine their strength,

it still would not be enough
to break the ice coffin.


Are you saying he's trapped
in that ice tomb forever?

This is all I can bestow upon you.

Listen well, Long.

Choose the right weapon
from this Armor.

That is the only hope you have.

If you fail...

then Magnus will perish.

Master, I will borrow this with gratitude.

These are the twin rods.

Whoever wields them can attack an opponent
with strength and agility.

Next are the spears.

The Libra Armor
has six types of weapons--

spears, twin rods, swords,

triple rods, tonfas, and shields.

These weapons may only be wielded
by the 12 Gold Knights.

As principle,
Knights fight without weaponry.

We can only use them
with Athena's blessing.

The proper time to use weapons
is determined by the Libra Knight.

Passed down from days of old,

the Libra Knight's role is to determine
the good and evil within the Knights.

Those are powerful weapons.

A Gold Knight with one of those
would be absolutely unstoppable.

If we don't choose
the right weapon to break through the ice,

we'll end up shattering it
and Magnus along with it.

But what should we use?

Only one of these is the right weapon.

Isn't that so, Master Dohko?

I'll use this one...

in honor of my master.

There's only one chance.

Let the power of the Libra Armor,
given to us by my master, free you.

Fly free once more, Cygnus!



He's gone.

But we freed him from the ice.

We were too late.

It's because I let him go
at the Gemini Temple.

My failure caused this.

Shaun, remember the promise
we made to Magnus.

We swore that we would make it
to the Grand Master's chambers,

even if only one of us was left.

Take all the time you need, Shaun.

We'll go on ahead.

Catch up when you're ready.


Why did my brother and Magnus
both have to die?

This is the top of Star Hill?

That is our goal,

the Grand Master's Temple.


Grand Master?

Grand Master, we apologize

for trespassing on Star Hill
without your leave.

The reason we came here is to know...

Grand Master?

The Grand Master is...


It's my master, Sion.

It looks like he was killed
some decades ago.

Who the hell could have done this?

Slaying Grand Master Sion,

then leaving his body like this
is sacrilege.

It must be whoever is acting
as the Grand Master in Sanctuary now.

I knew this was--

-Get out!


Master Mu!


Hold on.

The Grand Master's still alive?!

No. That isn't the Grand Master.

And they say curiosity killed the cat.

So Aiolos was right.

My Cosmo isn't working!

Star Hill is the private domain
of the Grand Master.

In this temple, I am the only one
who may use Cosmo.

We're at a disadvantage.

Just the kind of wisdom I'd expect
from the Silver Eagle Knight.

You are an imposter.

I already figured out who you might be.

Don't let your head grow too large,
little worm.

The Grand Master
hasn't moved a single step.

And he still dodged
all of Marin's attacks.


This is the difference
between a god and a worm.

Is this how it ends?

So this is my fate, isn't it, Aiolos?

And now the spirit
of Aiolos is banished...


My Lady...

How are you doing, Baldy?

Back again?

I'll remind you I'm a black belt in judo

and a master of the sword.

I'm gonna break you in half
before you can...

Ah, yes, the young lady,
and she's helpless.

You and your Bronze buddies
tricked me before,

but playtime is over.

This time, I,
Silver Cerberus Knight Dante,

will finish off Athena.

A Silver Knight?

I'll make your deaths quick,

quick and painful.

This is the eighth House,

the House of Scorpio.

I acknowledge your achievement.

No one has ever dared
to barge into my temple.

I, the Gold Scorpio Knight Milo...

welcome you, Bronze Knights.

He is the guardian of the Scorpio Temple?

Milo the Scorpion
will give you your last rites.

Long, what's happening?

I can't move.

You have but one path remaining to you.

You will become my prey.

Now feel the Scorpion's sting.

Scarlet Needle!

The pain...

it's like we're being hit
by a poisonous stinger.

It's like my whole body
is flooded with venom.

Mere children...

but not fools.

I'm impressed you were able to climb
all the way to the eighth House.

What you accomplished
was close to a miracle.

You have earned my respect,
Bronze Knights,

but it ends here.


How can this be?

I won't die.

Not until I save Sienna.


Magnus. You're alive.

Your pulse is weak, but it's there.

I heard the best way
to warm a chilled body

is with the heat of another body.

Because you were frozen
by a Gold Knight,

I'll have to use my Cosmo to warm you.

I'll raise it as high as I can.

Hopefully that'll bring you back.

But what will happen first?

Will Magnus come back to life,

or will my own life force burn out?

Hey, Kiki.

Wake up.

Whoa. Huh?

What the--We're alive?

You okay?

Where are we?

At the foot of Star Hill,

back where we started.

We dropped from the top, remember?

The Grand Master's attack
was coming at us.

I'm counting on you, Genet.

The defensive barrier saved us.

Master Mu...


Let's move, Kiki.


Marin sacrificed herself for us.

I'm taking up her torch.

And I'm gonna get
some payback for Master Mu.

So what's the plan?

Our enemies in Sanctuary,

we'll show them the true spirit
of the Knights of the Zodiac.

Okay! Let's go!

Now, Athena...

time for my revenge.

Today, I send you to the Underworld.

I won't let you
lay one finger on the lady.


Take this!


Who the hell are you?

Out of my way!

Unicorn Gallop!

If you harm so much
as a single hair of Lady Sienna,

you are dead meat.

You little brats.

What can two Bronze Knights do
against a Silver Knight?

We're more than two!

It's you.

Unicorn Jab!

Lionet Ban!

Hydra Ichi!

Bear Geki!

Wolf Nach!

You've come.

Milady, there are still
five flames on the clock.

Don't worry. Our fires aren't out yet.

I won't give up.

You idiot.

Look at yourself.

You're on the edge of despair.

You must really want to die.

Wrong. A fire still burns in my heart.

All I see is hope!

Burn bright, Cosmo within me!

This is madness!

Take this!

Pegasus Ryu-Sei-Ken!

♪ Believe me, I'm speechless ♪

♪ I wish that I could say ♪

♪ Those words
You whispered so sweetly ♪

♪ And maybe I'll regret this ♪

♪ But I've gotta be honest ♪

♪ 'Cause we made a promise ♪

♪ I won't break it now ♪

♪ I wish I could hold you ♪

♪ But how could I be so unfair ♪

♪ To lead us to nowhere? ♪

♪ We've both been down that road before ♪

♪ And if this should end us ♪

♪ Please know that I'm helpless ♪

♪ I've made up my mind ♪

♪ It's not that I don't feel ♪

♪ The feelings you do ♪

♪ It's just my heart's not ready yet ♪

♪ For something so soon ♪

-♪ Oh, no, no ♪
-♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It's just my heart's not ready yet ♪

-♪ Ain't ready ♪
-♪ For somebody new ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Oh ♪