Secret Royal Inspector Joy (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


I must figure out where
the entrance to Baekgwiryeong is.

You're not going to use it here, are you?

You might end up
blowing up all of Baekgwiryeong.

I could blow up something even bigger
to catch the inspector.

"Yeomcho"? Isn't that gunpowder?

They don't sound like your common thieves.

I know where Park Tae-seo's base
with the mine is.

There was a mine?

These are aconite.

You just wait right there!

I'm coming over to kill you!

This is what you get for coming after me.

Everyone get out!

My lord!

A busuchan of Hongmungwan,

dispatched to Left Chungcheong Province
as a secret royal inspector

has died in an accident.

I am Ra Yi-eon, a busuchan of Hongmungwan.

I have returned after my inspection
in Left Chungcheong Province.


My lord!

I have a feeling

something good will happen today.

Look at the sun halo.

Rings around the sun

have been called sun halos
and are considered auspicious.

There was also one
on the day I passed the state exams.

My mother told me the same thing once.

She saw a sun halo
and said something good would happen.


that was my last conversation with her.

That day, nine years ago,

she was unable to hide herself
trying to hide me

and ended up being dragged away.

Even though it was Chilseok,
the day of reunion.

So to me,

a ring around the sun

is nothing but a sad omen.

Unlike you.

I'm sure something good

will happen this time.

How can you be so sure?


we'll be parting ways soon.

Once you get to Hanyang,

follow Cheonggye Stream,

and you won't lose your way.

Once a fruit shop comes into view,

then you'll see Mojeon Bridge,

Gwangtong Bridge,

Jangtong Bridge, Supyo Bridge,

and then Harang Bridge.

Once you come across the sixth bridge,
you're almost there.

the sixth bridge over Cheonggye Stream.

Hoehyeon-dong, south of Supyo Bridge.

If we ever get separated,

on Chilseok,

you can come and find me there.


where I live.

Make sure to come.

I'll bestow happiness upon you.

You said you'd make me happy,
and this was it?

You told me to wait and see. This was it?

How could you mock me like this, my lord?

My lord?


answer me now.

Young Master.

Young Master…

My lord.

My lord,

you can't leave us like this.

What am I supposed to do?

My goodness. My lord!

I thought things would be different.

After meeting you,
my life wasn't that sad anymore.

So I even had hopes of happiness.

But you leave me with such sadness.

My lord!

Are those of lowly birth like me
not even allowed to hope?

You're too cruel.

Too cruel, my lord.

My lord!

Young Master…

We must find our young master…


I wonder if Yook-chil and Gu-pal
have arrived safely.

I'm sure they have.

My lord,

have you arrived safely as well?

I got you!

Catch me if you can!

Come and catch me!


Is this an escape route?

What a sneaky bastard,
building all this in secret.

It's not even yours.
It's none of your concern.

It is mine. You used our family name
to line your pockets behind the scenes.

-So that makes it mine.
-"Our family"?

Crazy bastard.

Father told me
everything that's yours is mine.


Father told me

to kill you.

So why did you let things come to this?

If you had taken care of the inspector
and given up the silver mine sooner,

I wouldn't need to go this far.

They're over there! Get them!

Damn it!



will this symbol be enough to find her?

I have no idea.


even if I end up finding nothing,

I must check for myself.

If it is my mother,
I must find out why she's there.

And if…

it's not her…

We're not sure of anything yet,

so don't worry about it in advance.

If it's not her,
we can move on and look elsewhere.

I'll be by your side
until you find your mother.

I don't really have anywhere to go anyway.

I'll help too.

Who knows?

My spiritual powers might be helpful.

Bi-ryeong, it's been a while since
you saw Moo-jeok and the kids, right?


Hopefully, they're not
struggling too much on the island.

My brother steps up when he needs to.

He's probably forgotten all about me

and is busy playing, eating,
and sleeping with the kids.

I hope that's the case.

I'm sure it is.


The wind is pretty strong.

The mine is gone.


What do you mean, the mine is gone?

It seems that Tae-seo blew up the mine.

Then what about the silver?

None of it was salvaged?

It seems so.

Don't tell me…

You collected the silver
for Turukson at least, right?

We're supposed to pay her today!

Go bring the guys.

I'll try to hold off somehow.

Are you sure?

You said that Turukson woman is no joke.

Just until the rifles arrive.

Once we get that shipment,
wiping out a place like Tail Island

will be a breeze.

We can just steal the gunpowder.

We won't need to pay.

We've dealt with her because
we didn't know when we'd get the rifles,

but once we get them,

it'll be a whole different story.

Where is the ship from Nagasaki now?

It passed Wolmi Island this morning.

It will arrive sooner than I thought.

You go and get Tae-seo and Mal-jong.


Was this meant for Gokdu?

Yes. I don't know what's inside,
but it's quite heavy.

That should be double
what you were promised.


I knew it! You were right, after all.

You intercepted it
without even raising your voice.

If they didn't want to lose what's theirs,

they should've respected
what belongs to others.

Of course.

How much is all this worth?

Let's see.

It came from Nagasaki,

crossing the wide ocean to destroy Joseon.

Such devotion.

My goodness.

There must be at least 20 in here.


But I hear that Leader Kang of Gokdu
is as sly as a snake.

Do you think she'll keep her word?

Well, I guess that's why you intercepted
these so she wouldn't try anything funny.

Let us go home for now.


My goodness.
This was done so swiftly and smoothly.

Let's go home!



Master Tae-seo.

Master Do-soo just came in too.

Your father is inside.

"Your father"?


Didn't something just wriggle in there?


Maybe it's fish?

That woman must be the master.

Isn't that a man?

Isn't it a woman?


-Anyhow, let's go and ask.

Excuse us.

May we ask you for some directions?

By any chance,

do you know where
a place called Mido or Tail Island is?

Did you just say Tail Island?

-Yes, Tail Island.

Yes, I did say Tail Island…

People rarely go to Tail Island
unless they're fishmongers.

We're not fishmongers.

We're looking for
a woman named Turukson on Tail Island.


Do you know her?

Well, actually…

I'm not sure yet,

but this Turukson person
might be my long-lost mother.

I see.

If you could tell us where it roughly is,

-we can--
-I'll take you there.

I just happen to
have business there as well.

Thank you.

Thank you.

-This is great.
-It is.

We may find her sooner than we expected.

Do you by any chance
know of a man named Eo Moo-jeok?

I'm looking for someone as well.

By the way, what did you throw
into the sea earlier?

Fish food.

Fish food?

There's fish food that big?

Well, sometimes we chop it up
before we throw it in.

That's amazing.

This is it.

What? But this is a trading group.

Maybe your mother joined a trading group.

Yes. She must have been
working at a trading group.

Right. That must be it.


Her mark must be in the ledger
because she's working at a trading group.

Soyang is a trading group after all.



Let's go in.


My mother would never do something bad.


If you could just wait here,
I'll go and get Turukson.

Thank you.

There are a lot of rare items here.

I saw these when I was in Qing.

This must be quite the trading group.


We're not trapped in here, are we?

No way.


-Excuse me.

Excuse me.

-Look here!

Excuse me.

There are people in here.
What are you doing?

You're back.

Did anything happen?

Gokdu sent word.

They're ready to pay us for the gunpowder.

They did?

You were worried about nothing.
Everything is working out.

I guess that Leader Kang
isn't so unreasonable after all.

Keep the goods hidden well.

If I don't return within two hours,
sink them in the Minmeoru Sea.

I will. Don't worry.

We should be able to free
a lot of the hostages with that money.

Get some rest.
I'll run over and get the money.


You come with me
and carry the sack of gunpowder.

Yes, ma'am.


This tea came from Indochina,

would you like some?

A butcher like me has no use for tea.

I'm busy. Just make the payment.

In life,

there are times you must make a choice

even when you're not happy
with the available choices.

That's enough nonsense.

If you're trying
to play tricks with the silver,

don't bother.

I just hope that you make a wise choice.

I'm sure she's worth
a lot more than silver.

Especially for you.

What I need is silver to pay the ransom
for the hostages in Qing.

I don't need anything else.

Let's go back.


Even if she'll become fish food?

Maybe I'll chop her up
before throwing her in.

I was feeding the fish earlier,

and your daughter was surprised
at how big the feed was.

Do whatever you wish.

But if you do that, I'll dump
what belongs to you into the sea.

You should've asked him

whom he handed it over to
before feeding him to fish.

Tell me what you want.

Put those three on a boat
and get them off this island now.

I'm holding onto the rifles as security
until you pay me for the gunpowder.

In life,

there are times you must make a choice

even when you're not happy
with the available choices.

I just hope that you make a wise choice.

Get a boat ready!



It's Moo-jeok.

He really forgot about me
and is having fun with the kids.


We should go.

For now,

we have to go.

Excuse me.

Can I get some aconite around here?


We don't have aconite.

I heard that you can get some
at Gokdu Trading Group on Gapbigocha.

Thank you.

Its leader is quite resourceful.

I hear she even deals with silver

-and gunpowder.
-Excuse me.

Where is Leader Kang Han-gi?

Thank you.

Women love this color.

Where are these goods from?

How is it possible

that we haven't had a single
secret royal inspector return alive?

I am Ra Yi-eon, a busuchan of Hongmungwan.

I have returned after my inspection
in Left Chungcheong Province.

He's not a ghost, is he?


But there was definitely a funeral…

I confirmed it.

There was indeed a funeral.

And as the chief state councilor stated,

someone went after me,

and I was murdered.

Fortunately, I barely managed to
save myself in a life-and-death situation.

However, I believed I'd have to die
for the culprit to show himself.

So for the investigation…

I hid the fact that I was still alive
and let the funeral be held.

And you made such a fuss
without knowing that…

How could you call me out
with unverified intel after I went to bed?

I'll discuss with my advisors and officers
to decide what to do about this.

Do you understand?

So what did you find out?

A wicked group of people has colluded

with local magistrates
to misappropriate and pocket taxes

by stealing tributes, illegally exploiting
taxpayers, and using other methods

with the backing of someone powerful.

And I found out…

who was behind it all.

Even so.

You could've given me a heads-up.

Do you know how surprised I was?

I apologize, sir.

I had to keep it secret
for the sake of the investigation.


I'm just glad you're back safe and sound.

So how can I help you?

I need you to buy time
until I submit a report on my mission.

Since I informed the king
I knew who was behind it,

the chief state councilor must be anxious.

If you buy me time,

I will make sure

to solve the cases
and prove that he's been behind all this.

All right.

Be careful.

Now that it's come to this,
he won't just stand by and watch.

Yes, sir.

Now, why don't we go have something to eat

and talk about it in detail?

I'm sure you haven't eaten well
in a while.

I apologize, my lord,

but I have an urgent matter
to take care of today.


Your family must have been very shocked.

-Go home and--
-Yes, sir.

Let's talk about it more tomorrow…


What's the date today?

Is it Chilseok today?


I'll see you at home later.

You saw it, too.

Yes, I saw it, too.

We even see ghosts now.

I don't care if it is a ghost.

I just want Lord Yi-eon back.

Lord Yi-eon…

My lord!

Young Master!

Young Master!

Let's sit here for a minute.
My legs are killing me.


Let's give her some alone time.

Once you get to Hanyang,

follow Cheonggye Stream,

and you won't lose your way.

Once a fruit shop comes into view,

then you'll see

Mojeon Bridge,

Gwangtong Bridge,

Jangtong Bridge,

Supyo Bridge,

and then Harang Bridge.

Once you come across the sixth bridge,

you're almost there.


the sixth bridge over Cheonggye Stream.

Hoehyeon-dong, south of Supyo Bridge.

If we ever get separated,

on Chilseok,

you can come and find me there.

Make sure to come.

I will

bestow happiness upon you.

Have you eaten?

What does it matter at a time like this?

Didn't I tell you
my place was by the sixth bridge?

This is the fifth bridge.

You can't even count.

I mean,

there used to be
a noodle place right over there.

Maybe they went out of business?


Right, if you go about 80 steps this way…

Maybe not?



Are you really Lord Yi-eon?

Yes, I am.

What are you doing?

Are you really not just a hallucination?

Have you ever seen
a hallucination feel pain?

Are you really not a goblin?

Have you ever seen a goblin so ticklish?

Are you really Lord Yi-eon?

Are you sure?

You really are Lord Yi-eon.

You are.

Don't you think Jo-yi's taking too long?

Should we go look for her?

-Right? It's been too long, right?

Then let's go and look for her.


Where did she go?

It's hard to find her
because she's so tiny. My goodness.

Why are there so many people?


Hanyang sure is different.

People are really open.

Well, that's being too open.
I'm embarrassed for them.


Is that Jo-yi?

What do you mean, Jo-yi?

It is, right?

She must have lost her mind
because she was in too much pain.

Coming through! My lord!

Young Master!

-My lord!
-My lord!

-My lord!

That's our late young master, right?

That tiny face on that tall body
with shoulders as broad as rafters.

That does seem like our lord.

But how…

My point exactly.

How is our late lord…

You think he survived?

That must be it.

You're right. We never found his body.

That's right.
There's no way he died that easily.

Hold on.

Does this mean
he's been fooling us all this time?

You're right.

I'm sure he had his reasons.

But still!

-This is wrong!
-This is wrong!

By the way,

doesn't that woman
seem awfully familiar from behind?

That physique, the hairstyle,
and even the clothes…

Is that Jo-yi?

What are you talking about?

Have you forgotten
she left for Gapbigocha with Gwang-soon?




-But what are you doing here?

Have you gone mad?

How could you be having fun here
when you should be at the funeral?

How could you do that
to the late Lord Yi-eon?

She's right. The funeral
should still be going on.

Gu-pal, have you gone insane?

-Pull yourself together!
-What's with you?

That hurts!

What are you doing here?

-That's not it.
-Stop lying!

He's alive! Lord Yi-eon is alive!

Lord Yi-eon is alive?

Yes, he is!

Then that man next to Jo-yi
is Lord Yi-eon?

It is.





Wait, but…

Where are they?

Where did they go?

-Where are they?
-They were there.

What in the world happened?

Why didn't you let us know
that you were alive?

I had no choice.

I knew there would be people
digging around to make sure I was dead.

I had to stay dead.

I had no idea,
so I bawled and wailed on the ground.

You bawled and wailed on the ground?

You must have desperately missed me.

On the day the mine collapsed,

when I saw you get buried
under the pile of rocks, I almost fainted.

How did you manage to get out?

Did some soldier save you?

I was unconscious for a while.

Then I saw a butterfly flying by.

A butterfly?

What was a butterfly doing inside a mine?

I thought so too.

A butterfly in a mine?

But if a butterfly had entered,

then it meant there was a way out.

So I followed it.


I had no time to waste.

I had to follow them
to get to the bottom of the case.

Then have you been
secretly investigating this whole time?

By faking my own death,

I was able to
get to the bottom of this case.

They're just diabolical.

How can someone

be so meticulously wicked like that?

Those who commit crimes
are all meticulous.

How could they commit crimes
if they were lazy?

Those rotten bastards.

The world is so heartless.

I thought I'd be rewarded if I worked hard

and things would get better
if I did my best.

But the bad guys are living it up
for everyone to see.

I feel like everything was in vain.

I finally made it to Hanyang as I wished.

I finally met…

my mother whom I'd longed for.

But what's the point?

There's something I realized
after dying once.

Being with you in the present…

is quite nice.


you don't have to face
the world alone anymore.

From now on,

I'll be by your side.


I will catch those bad guys

and show you
that not everything was in vain.

That's right!

What's wrong with me?

Gwang-soon and Bi-ryeong must be waiting.
I need to get going.

Well, before it gets too late,
we must find a tavern to stay the night.

What do you mean, a tavern?

A tavern?

You can't stay at a tavern.

Who knows what scoundrels
might be staying there?

It's fine.

I have Gwang-soon and Bi-ryeong.
There's nothing to worry about.

Why don't you

just stay at my place?

I mean,

I have a lot of rooms at my house.
So let's sleep together…


No. I mean, you stay in my room
and I stay in your room… What?

Why would I be in your room?

What I mean is,
let's just spend the night together…


How could you ask me that?

Have you treated
all the women you've seen like this?

Have I treated
all the women I've seen like this?

I've never spent time alone with a woman.

This is my first…



You can't stay at the tavern forever.

What are you planning to do?

According to Gwang-soon,

houses around Ojangdonggye are affordable.

So even wanderers like me should be
able to settle down without much trouble.

I'm going to the estate agency
in that area tomorrow.


Do you have to
go through all that trouble?

It's time for me to stand on my own feet.

I know you too well.

So I'm not going to stop you,

but always be careful.

You're in Hanyang.

I really need to get going now.

Gwang-soon and Bi-ryeong
have been waiting for a long time.

Right, Yook-chil and Gu-pal
must be waiting for me too.

Then hurry up.


I'll walk you there. Where are they?

That's not necessary. You go first.

I'm perfectly capable of going by myself.


I can't let you go
by yourself this late at night.

-I'll walk you there.
-It's right around the corner.

Don't worry.

I said, I'll walk you there.

-Lead the way.
-I said, I'm fine.

Lead the way.

Look at you two having fun.

Do you not care about us at all?

You're so cruel, my lord.

How could you do this to us?

Hey! Do you know how worried I was?

Didn't it occur to you
that we'd be worried sick?


My goodness.

-You brat…

-My lord!
-Come on!

Listen to me.

Do you know how worried we were?

My lord! Are you all right?


Our lord!

He's back!

-The other way!

Here, too…

Has peace come to Joseon
while I wasn't paying attention?



We'll now go arrest the suspects.

Who dares to arrest me?

-Please, dismiss him.
-Please, dismiss him.

So what are you going to do?

How will you overturn it now?

We should kill him.

-Seung-yul, is that you?
-How could you be this cute?

There must be a lady you fancy. Right?

He is a lord, after all.

You're the dead inspector!

I'm here to catch you.

What are you trying to say right now?

I will catch them this time.