Savage Kingdom (2016–2019): Season 3, Episode 6 - Savage Kingdom - full transcript

After the death of her mother, Motsidi is starving and alone. In a terrifying reunion with her father, she has everything to lose. In an act of charity, Blue Eyes takes pity, giving Motsidi a new lease of life. A violent traitor rises in the ranks, challenging the selfish princess and bringing an end to Mmamotse's rule. The Makulu Pack make one last stand as the battle for supremacy begins.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Motshidi's mother is dead.


Now she fights to survive.

The realm is
descending into turmoil.

A new dynasty emerges.

It's the final battle for
control of the Savage Kingdom.



From the ashes from
a crumbling empire,

a phoenix rises.

Sega is forging a
clear path to the throne.

She rebuilt the Matahta
pride from dust and despair.

Now they are ready.




Sega and her sisters are on
the verge of a new dynasty.

And their plans do
not include him.

A two-faced tail-less despot,

Ramogata has played his part.

Now he and his brothers
just take, take, take.


No more.

Your time as our king is over.

You're history.

We are the future.


Commander Mmamotse smells
treachery in her ranks.


She and her daughter are
entitled to eat first.


But her disloyal
minions hoard the banquet.

The spoiled princess
played no part,

but takes more than her share.

One defiant traitor is tired
of Lasedi's arrogant greed.


She won't stand
for it anymore.

Mutiny spreads like a virus.

As far as the
clan is concerned,

Princess Lasedi is no
longer welcome to anything.

Mmamotse is losing control.

The gauntlet is down,
news will spread quickly.

Motshidi is now all alone.

She is a year old, she has
never been more vulnerable.

Her mother viciously killed.

Her training cut
short, much too soon.

She is left with
nothing but her instincts.


And growing hunger.

Think. What would she do?

(twig snapping).

Way too naïve.

She's not fooling anyone.

She was never taught stealth.

This world is too big for her.

Motshidi needs time
to learn and to grow.

But there is no patience
in this violent kingdom.


(yipping, barking).

Weakness will be exploited.

(vultures hiss).

Kitso leads the Makulu pack
into the heart of the kingdom.

It's time to
challenge hyena rule.

(yipping, growling).

Right on cue, the
wretched soldiers appear.

With no purpose but
to harass and plunder.




Rotten thieves.


This time the
dogs are not afraid.


That's the last thing you
will ever take from us.


Kitso knows it's a gamble.

(snarling, growling).

And would love nothing
more than to tear a

tyrant limb from limb.

NARRATOR: Kitso's mob has
the spoiled princess cornered.

(growling, yipping).

(yipping, barking).

Slink back to
where you belong.

Tell your mother her
days are numbered.

Kitso's new army
is triumphant.

Winning back their rightful
place in the heartland.

Motshidi haunts the shadows.

She's eaten nothing
since her mother left.

She cannot hide forever.

Death stalks hunger.

The unmistakable
perfume of fresh blood.

Something she hasn't
smelled in a long time.

Her absent father, the
cannibal king is back.

Breakfasting on baboon.

Sweet revenge for
her mother's death.


Blue Eyes took a
beating but it's worth it.

He won't lose this prize.

Motshidi must stay low.


(growling, hissing).

If the rotten scout spots
her, it could be the end.

(growling, hissing).

(growling, hissing).

Show no fear.

(growling, hissing).

She follows her father's
lead as best she can.

(growling, hissing).

He could be
someone to look up to.

And he does have food.

But he's not the sharing sort.

Tread carefully.

Blue Eyes will think nothing
of killing his own daughter.

He's done it before.

NARRATOR: Motshidi
begs her father for food.


Even just a small taste?

Deadly temptation
draws her in.

She has nothing left to lose.


Her courage pays off.

Blue Eyes takes pity
on his feeble daughter.

And leaves her his meal.

His act of charity
is out of character.

It will not happen again,

but it will buy
Motshidi some time.

She must learn to
kill for herself,

or she will die.

The Matahta pride has
seen the last of Ramogata.

Sega has cast
off the millstone.

Her four useless sons
will be the next to go.


They won't help her
reach the throne.

Only her daughter holds
the key to the kingdom.

(snorting, squealing).

She trains like a warrior,

while her lazy brothers
couldn't care less.

Women's work.

The Matahta sisters
won't sit back and

watch their daughter fail.

A pig can go a long way.




(squealing, snarling).

(squealing, snarling).



The pride's time is coming.

This young champion
is one of their own.

She delivers a feast for all.

Empires are built
on fresh blood.

(laughing, howling).

Princess Lasedi still
tries to pull rank.

(laughing, howling).

But she's no longer
welcome at the hyena's feast.

The traitor will see to that.


Hatred runs deep.

The princess does
not understand.

But the traitor
will teach her.


Lasedi's standing is gone.


You are no longer anyone.

(growling, crying).

I want your head.



NARRATOR: The severed
head of her daughter

is delivered to Mmamotse's door.


A not-so subtle sign.

Her troops are revolting.

When you build a
clan on hatred,

it's destined to
rot from within.

Lasedi just lost her head,

Mmamotse is losing
her entire kingdom.

Motshidi cannot rely
on handouts forever.

Her father's generosity has
kept death a breath away.

She must kill something.



What little energy
she has, wasted.

Motshidi's flame
flickers weaker by the day.

How quickly tides can turn.

Mmamotse is losing
her grip on her empire.

She once ruled every
corner of this land.

Now even lowly sentries
show her no mercy.

(growling, yipping).


(growling, yipping).

(growling, yipping).

She will be punished
for her crimes of war.

(growling, yipping).

And banished forever.

(growling, yipping).

NARRATOR: Mmamotse
fights to the bitter end.

But her reign of
terror is finally over.

Mombo's darkest hour is past.

The gates to
power are wide open.

The Makulu pack
makes the first move.

Stamping their
authority on the heartland.


No longer slaves
to the hyenas,

Kitso's newest recruits
are drunk on freedom.

Testing boundaries.

But everyone draws
a line somewhere.

Kitso turns a blind
eye to their antics.

These games home skills
that will serve the pack well.

With Kitso as their leader,

the Makulu pack
secures their future

as stewards of the
Savage Kingdom.

Motshidi has no
time for games.

She's starving.

But refuses to give up.

What is this monster?

Is it even food?


Only the blind folly of
innocence will follow an

unknown foe into darkness.



NARRATOR: Motshidi emerges
from the pit of despair.

She has finally
slain her dragon.

A baptism of fire.

Her very first kill.

She can now fill her belly.

And secure her own future.

Motshidi finally takes
her rightful place

on her mother's throne.


With Mmamotse's fate sealed,

her once impenetrable
fortress is no longer safe.

You can trust no one,

not even your own army.

The traitors killed
her first born daughter.

There's no guarantee
they won't do it again.

She has no choice but
to get her pups away.

She ruled the kingdom
with an iron claw.

Everything she had is gone.

Cruel justice for the
blood hungry tyrant.

Forces are shifting
across the kingdom.

And Sega has the Matahta
pride positioned perfectly.

Everything she's
worked towards has

led to this moment.

With the hyena army in chaos,

the throne is now
within her reach.

Now is her time.

But a handsome stranger
could threaten her plans.


The sisters are
rightfully wary.

Males bring
nothing but trouble.


But if Sega is to be queen,

she could use a royal guard.

Young, fit, strong.


But he is a king among kings?

The sisters must
choose wisely.





He stands his ground.

And proves himself a
noble match for Queen Sega.

He vows to do what she commands

to protect her kingdom.

And he will provide more
heirs to expand their empire.

All hail the new rulers

of the Savage Kingdom.