Salem (2014–2017): Season 3, Episode 4 - Salem - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Salem"...

The explosion came from Deerfield.

Every settlement between there
and here is being emptied out,

and the people are coming here for
refuge. So I need to take my men...

Leave us unarmed?

Know what it is? I
know what it can do.

Attend to your next delivery.

You witch! Stay away from me.
I control you now.

Alice Land recently joined a brothel.

I will see to this matter, the
brothel in Salem, myself.

Welcome to my Bird's Nest.

Do you see any birds you'd
like to share a nest with?

Heard you been asking
questions about Mercy Lewis.

There ain't no Mercy Lewis.

I take from you every power I gave.



Cotton, time to come home.
Don't be a fool!

You'll die out here.

A man must leave his father and
mother and cleave unto his wife...

I want you, Cotton. My thighs are aching for
your weight. I want to feel you inside me again.

Why must you hurt me? All the
things I will do for you.

Things no woman has ever
done, or let you do.

I will make us no longer two...
but one flesh.

What God has joined together
let no man split apart.

That's what they'll do
when they catch you!

Split you in...

two... I'm too alone without...

you... I need you. Love you.

Destroy you. So
disappointed in you...

Anything you want. Nothing!

I want nothing from you!

But there is nowhere for you to go.


I will tell them the awful truth about
Salem, and they will raze this town!

Tell them everything? Then they will
hang you for the murder of your father.

So, let them hang me. So
long as they believe me.

I will tell them all!
Cotton, no!

Searching for something? A
missing husband, perhaps?

I've given him some
freedom to stretch

his legs. His legs
will be stretched.

And broken on the rack
once our Dark Lord catches up to him.

But, Dear Sister...

the Dark Lord told us to
look after one another.

And I can help you.

We can help each other.

What do you want?

Tell me what happened to Mary.

You were there.

He wrenched from her all the powers

he had granted her, as if he
was turning her inside out.

I do not know how she survived it.

But she did? She did survive.

That is something at least.
Why do you care so much?

I love her. Then you're a fool.

Love makes fools of us
all, as you now see.

Wait. You said you would help me.

Dear Sister, I will help you. I
will tell the Dark Lord everything.

You have no hope on your own
of catching your husband.

If Cotton makes it alive to Boston, either the Dark
Lord will kill us, or the Puritans will burn us.

Janet Montgomery

Shane West

Seth Gabel

Tamzin Merchant

Ashley Madekwe

Elise Eberle

Iddo Goldberg

Joe Doyle

Oliver Bell


Created by
Brannon Braga & Adam Simon

Guest starring:
Jeremy Crutchley

Samuel Roukin

Jonny Coyne

Meagen Fay

Calm yourself.

You're still reeling from
the loss of your powers.

In time, you will once again get
used to being a mere creature.

Robert Picardo

Now leave us.

Emily Skeggs
Ashlyn Pearce

She still can't be trusted.

Have no fear.

In her condition, she
couldn't hurt a fly.

Main Title Theme Song by
Marilyn Manson & Tyler Bates

I could have killed you,

or wiped your memory and
left you a blank slate.

But then you wouldn't have
remembered who I am...

your son. I remember you.

And I hate you.


Hate is just a shadow of love.

Where there is one, the
other is sure to follow,

and there is nothing more
powerful than the two combined.

Written by
Joe Menosky & Donna Thorland

Directed by
Joe Dante

If it were any other man proclaiming from the rooftops
that the Devil had come to Earth, they'd laugh.

Speak of mass panics or
delusion of fanatics...

This is not any other man. This is
Cotton Mather. He will be believed.

I wasn't the one sitting next to
him when he drowned my familiar!

If Cotton makes it to Boston

and tells the truth about Salem we shall
be surrounded by troops and cannons.

Let them come. No army
of mere men can take us.


I will have things as I
wish them, or all will pay.

Especially you.

So, your Cotton will not
make it to Boston. Will he?

No, My Lord. I promise.

He's miles to Boston.

Miles of dark woods filled
with Injuns and beasts

and witches.

Yes... night's Black Agents.

And we will call on friends in Boston.

His door shall be watched,
and the North Church, too.

Every shadow 'cross every road into
Boston shall hold one of our own.

Announced the ears that I give good
reward to anyone who found him...

and such pain for you should they fail.

What astonishing powers you have.

What have you done to me?

Only reminded you that
we need not strain

for a far-off Heaven when our bodies

may take us there here on Earth.

You are wise beyond your age.

We may fashion ourselves
whatever we aspire to.

We can become anything.

We might even fashion ourselves
into the rulers of Salem.

But I am pressed and
pulled from all sides.

As Magistrate...

and head of the Selectmen...

I must try and obey the designs of those

whose fortunes we need to
build this town into a city.

While keeping the love,
or at least the votes,

of those who still must
earn their livelihood.

This refugee crisis
which divides us all...

is my curse.

But every curse contains a blessing,

as every blessing contains a curse.

For example, there are sure to be many

poor, lost birds among these refugees...

birds in desperate need of our nest.

Girl? Are you in here? Hello?

What are you doing down there?

All the shouting and fighting outside...

I was afraid.


It's a lot of cold and
hungry people out there.

But... I'm here. It's safe now.

And I can't just keep calling you girl.

What's your name? Dorcas.

I brought you this, Dorcas.

My mother's shawl was soft like this.

Where is your mother?

She got sick... while
we were in the jail.

You were in jail?

A neighbor said we were witches.

My mother said if that was
true, we wouldn't be so poor.

But no one believes us.

They thought even you was a witch?

I was chained to a wall.

I couldn't even touch her as she died.

They chained a little girl to a wall.

So many innocents died...

like Dollie...

while real witches walked
free and still do.

If only I could get one in my hands,

and I know which one I want... Mercy.

Would that bring Mama back?
Or Dollie?

Don't suppose it would.

But what else can I do?

Make sure there are no more Dollies.

I believe I have a notion.

You are even more
beautiful in your misery.

Be thine own palace, or
the world's thy jail.

That's a true

one. Come, Mary. You may step
out of your jail anytime.

It is but your mood.
Please stop.

I thought you rather liked poetry.

I once loved poetry, but
now it hurts my ears...

to hear of things I
will never know again.

Such as? Love.

I am two fools, I know.

For loving, and for saying so.

Have you ever considered
that the love you think

you have lost was never worth pursuing?

I know how you feel about John Alden,

but he will simply never be
your equal. And you know it.

Love is a conversation.

You cannot deny, our
words mingle as free

and equally as our lips
might, if you but let them.

You think John Alden is the man
who stands between you and I?

If not Alden, who then?

You know very well... my son.

Now, I want to be alone
with my thoughts.

Very well... but have a care.

You are without magic, in a
house full of dark secrets.

Mr. Stoughton. Is it really you?

Cotton? Cotton Mather?
Don't be daft.

What would Cotton Mather be
doing in the middle of...

Age of Miracles! It is.

Why, Cotton, we haven't seen you
since your graduation party.

And what a party it was.
Do you remember, Will?

Aye, how could I forget? Cambridge
never saw such a spread.

Mr. and Mrs. Stoughton, please.
Do you have room for one more?

Room for the son of Increase Mather?

Why, what kind of Puritans
would we be if we didn't?

Just what were you doing in the
road way out here, Cotton?

I have urgent business in Boston.

Boston. Providential, indeed.
Precisely our destination.

You are hardly dressed for business,
Cotton. Urgent or otherwise.

I can explain. I, um...

Are you back on the bottle, son?

No need to be shy. Everyone in
Cambridge knew of your struggle.

Indeed. Salem is too full
of temptations for me.

In Boston, I may restore myself.

Well, God loves no man more
than a repentant sinner.

Prodigal sons and all that.

And if God has seen fit to deliver you into
our hands that we may carry you home...

the blessing is all ours.

Too true, my dear. All ours.

It's clear where your
interests lie, Hathorne.

You dance to the tune of the Mansion, while
you protect filthy thieves and beggars

instead of those who work hard,
pray hard, and get nothing.

You've not done nothing since the
attack on Deerfield to make us safer.

I think of nothing all day
and night but protecting us.

Even now our foremost Indian fighter,
John Alden himself, tracks our enemies.

John Alden? Where is he?

Either slaughtered or
fled to save himself.

Seriously, Hathorne, I don't know if it's merely
sheer incompetence or outright malevolence

that make you such a... such
an abject failure as a leader.

Who protects us from the
French and the Indians?


Who leads the rebuilding of our church?

- Hathorne! - Nonsense. Putnam.

What kind of name is that anyway?
Sounds French.

Three cheers for Hathorne!

Hathorne! Hathorne! Hathorne!

It's far too cold and dangerous to
spend the night on the streets.

Especially for such a pretty girl.

I'll take you to my little nest.
Follow me.

Where am I? You're in my
cozy kingdom... my kitchen.

Hearth and home, dear Cotton...
hearth and home.

Patience, Little Lady.
You'll have to wait for the leftovers.

He don't understand the speech
of animals. Speech of animals?

The little darling.

She says she's just been biting your
father's burning balls in Hell.

What?! No. No, not you.

You two are witches. And that
little thing is your familiar?

Of course. And the very best.
Who's the very best?

- Who's the very, very best?
- God, please!

There will be no talk
of Him in this house.

That being said, our prayers
have been answered.

Praise the Dark Lord.
Praise his unholy name.

But you attended my father's
sermons faithfully.

Fine words your father always spoke.
Fine words.

But then we moved to the
country and began to farm.

Soon we learned the dark secrets
that working the land brings.

Your father's sermons
were fine for city folk,

but once you dedicate yourself to reaping and
sowing, it's the voice of the moon you hear.

And it tells a different tale.

Once we made our pact,
our grain grew high.

Our traps were always filled.

Your god is nothing but words.
Ours don't muck about.

He gives us what we want.

And now, finally we
have a gift for him...

a gift fit for the king.

I beg of you. Please. No.

We have been promised such great reward!

But, you know, William, it occurs to
me that the reward might climb higher.

How is that, Dear?

Well, if the Dark Lord is offering a great
reward now, how much greater a reward

will he offer later when
none have found Mather?

But we have found him.

So, why not let the Dark
Lord fret a little longer...

and perhaps sweeten the
reward for his return?

Haven't I the cleverest of all wives?

But now, it will seem suspicious if we are
not seen to be still searching for Mather.

So you must go rejoin the
hunt and pretend to search

and wait some time before coming back. And
by then I will have Cotton all ready!

Come here.

Off with you.


My work here is never done.

Nothing from nothing ever yet was born.

But all from all may yet be torn.

In each resides a secret power.

That sleeping yet awaits its hour.

Mary Sibley. Mary.
Save us. Save us.

Save us. Save us.

More stones. Stones. More stones.

Spare us!
I am innocent.

No more witch than you.
Save us!

Save us! More stones.
Save us. More stones.

Men crushed beneath stones.

whole families even,
murdered as witches.

And how many died from the
plague you spread, Mary Sibley?

Who is there?

Have you forgotten me, Mary Sibley?

I have not forgotten you.

Look behind you.

Remember me now? I
am Rebecca Nurse.

Just one of many innocents
killed as witches by witches.

I gave my every waking
hour to help the poor.

Even raising their children when
they couldn't afford to keep them.

And my reward? You had
me hanged as a witch.

Leave me be!

It was... It was not my fault.
I had no choice.

You always had a choice.
You still have a choice.

You, who never felt
for any of your victims,

now feel what I felt.

Abandoned by all, even by God, and
hanging from the neck until dead.

Memory... the
greatest curse of all.

I, being what I am, can
never escape mine,

but you can.

Would you escape the horrors
of your past, Mary Sibley?


Let me show you the way.

Wait, wait, wait. I'm not here
for that. I'm not here for that.

Or for that, either.

Go get your things. I'm
here to rescue you.

Mercy's already rescued us.

She hasn't rescued you. She's
turned you all into whores.

My uncle turned me into a whore. At least with
Mercy, I get to keep some of my earnings.

That's because she wants something else.

You don't know the things she's done.
She wants your blood.

Mercy takes a cup of our blood.
Men take all of it.


The girls here aren't the ones in cages.

The men are, especially
the ones who serve her.

They got no choice but to obey.

She keeps their manhoods
locked up in her room.

Hello. Come here.

Hello, gentlemen. Sit down. Sit.

Plethora of choices.

Bevy of beauties before me.

Then there was the time John Alden,
single-handed, took out an Abenaki camp.

Killed 12 braves with his bare
hands and freed the hostages.

Even a frog-eating, blue
coat Frenchie like you

must have heard of that one.
Alden, Alden, Alden.

Okay, English.
Who is this legendary John Alden?

I am.

Mather remains at large, I'm afraid.

How disappointing.

I dearly wanted him alive.

Now, I suppose I have no choice.

Please, stop.

Think of what you're about to do.

It's not too late. It's
never too late to repent.

God is most forgiving. Well,
if it was up to your God,

we would all be naked and
ignorant in wretched Eden.

Who clothed us? Who taught
us to till the soil?

Who gave us the gift of fire that transforms
animals into meat and grain into bread?

Your God? No. No.

'Twas our Dark Lord and
his Fallen Angels.

It is to them we owe all that we are.

He is coming to claim his kingdom.
And we rejoice.

You risk an eternity of suffering
in Hell when, with one act

of grace to me, you could
gain an eternity in Heaven!


I don't want your pie in the sky
when I die. I want my pie now.

And I prefer to have a meat pie.

- No!
- Stop, my dear!

Our Dark Lord wants him greatly...
Just as I foresaw.

But he insists on having him alive.

Alive? But he will
taste horrid alive.

I'm not sure he intends on eating him.

Not eat him? Nonsense.

Surely as soon as the Dark Lord tastes
my dish, he will give us even more!

Very risky, my dear. Very risky.

William, are you questioning my cooking?

Of course not, but we
mustn't risk angering him.

You saw what he did to that Essex hag.

- Are you calling me a hag now?
- Did I say hag?

- Yes, you said hag.
- I did not say hag. No, no.

I would never call you a crone or a hag.
- William, I can't take this anymore.



If you would live...
come. I know you.

- You are a witch. - Whatever I be, if I
served him... would I have saved you?


Be not afraid.

I know the horrors behind you.

And I know all too well the horrors

that lie in front of you.

And I would spare you all to come.

The horrors haven't half begun.

Everyone you ever knew

or loved will die... horribly.

And all... all because of you.

There is another way...
a sweet, swift way.

I once stood as close to
God as I stand to you now.

I knew him well.
He loves nothing more

than to forgive those
willing to beg him.

Could I but step back in
time and beg, I would.

I cannot, but you can.

Loving arms await you

to enclose you in his cloudy breast

and wipe all the horrors
from your heart.

It will be so easy.

Just one small step.

Do it, Mary. Do it! I can't.

- Jump. - No. No.

I would go straight to Hell.

I know exactly what
punishments await me there,

and they are far worse
even than what I feel now.

No, silly child!
Don't you see?

Your son has freed you.

A contract you could never break

has been broken by the
only one that could.

You're no longer destined for Hell.

Free. Yes, utterly free.

Free to escape it all.
It'll be so easy.

Just one... small...
step. I'm afraid.

Help me. You do it.
Push me.

Push me.

You can't.
You can't.

The Dark Lord forbade you
from ever harming me.

Or even now, I would be
falling into eternity,

or onto the Salem common.

Well, I'll not do your
dirty work for you.

No. Not now.
I thank you.

Thank you for helping me see.

I do have a choice, unlike you.

Is that why you hate us so,
because God created us to be free?

Because he was tired of being
surrounded by puppets like you.

I'm no puppet! I fought.
I rebelled.

I am free! Then act now...

Disobey my son.


You just found somebody
else to pull your strings.

You are out of danger... for the moment.

- What do you want?
- The question is what do you want?

I want to make it to Boston.

I want to expose this foul witch cult
and their Devil who rules from Salem.

I can send you there in an
instant, but to what end?

Their army... the world's
army cannot stop him.

Then what would you have me do?

You can stop him.
That's madness.

What could I possibly
do that an army cannot?

Your love may conquer all.

There is no one left
in Salem that I love.

Not yet. Your love still sleeps,

like we all once slept
in our mother's womb.

A child? My child?

I can see its little heart beating

deep in its mother's inner ocean.

Prove it. Prove it?

I know you, Mather... your
past, present, and future.

You who once told a young woman
that love is a leap of faith.

With my skills, that door can
take you anywhere you wish.

Just step through it, and there you
are. Boston, if that's what you want.

But let me assure you, if
you abandon Salem now,

you will never see that baby alive.

Is it failure, or
is it betrayal?

In the end, there
is no difference.

Though virgin no longer,
virgin heart still.

Unspoiled, and more
importantly, more impotently,


So, unbroken skin seeks to be opened.

Let me write my name in your blood.

All right, friend.
Time to go a-courting.

Who do you work for? The
King of France, idiot.

And Baron Sebastian Marburg?

What is this? No, no. No, no.

No, no, no. All right, stop.
You'll blow us all to hell.

Is this how you blew up Deerfield?

What's next? Salem? Hear that?

What? Hear what?


How did I come to be here?

I have no power to send myself anywhere.

We feared you
wouldn't survive your Reckoning.

And when you did,

that your spirit and mind would
be broken beyond repair.

So we have rescued you.

It is not something we
will ever manage again.

We shall care for you,

hide you here amongst us.

There is no shame in
failure, Mary Sibley.

Well, thank you, Mothers.
But no.

No, I have not failed. He has.

He has made a terrible mistake. He should
have killed me when he had the chance.

Instead, he freed me.

Now send me back. You are right.

I couldn't have demanded it
if you hadn't the strength,

but you do. You are you again...

the strongest of us all.

And not a moment too soon.

They are winning.
The tree is dying,

and with it will die you
and us and all our world.

Well, they picked the wrong
witch and the wrong woman.

I shall prove to them that, truly,

Hell hath no fury like
this woman scorned.