SGU Stargate Universe (2009–2011): Season 2, Episode 2 - Aftermath - full transcript

Rush finally gets full control of the Destiny but it's not long before mistakes are made.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is what Destiny intended from
the moment it entered the star system.

That ship is the
best chance we have of getting home.

Are we done?

We'll never be done.

You shouldn't
have left him on the planet.

You think I don't know that?

Everyone thinks we're safe.

They think that
they'll never find us again.

Why did you take one
of our people prisoner?

We're not safe, are we?

- They're coming!
- Who's coming?

Lucian alliance.
They're coming to take Destiny.

There's only one way
this is going to end

if we wait.

I'm not surrendering this ship.

I've managed to find a clue

which may give us
control of this ship

once and for all.

It's the number of chromosomes
in human DNA.

All we have to do now
is run through the variations.

I was never
your conscience, Nicholas.

I haven't forgotten you, Gloria.

There can only be one commander,

and Kiva's dead.

What are we doing
to get the ship back?

They're going to kill me.

I thought you were
going to get some sleep.

Yeah, so did I.

What's going on here, then?

Some sort of crash.

The interface is frozen.

Why didn't you call me?

Well, I was going to
try a restart first.

That's fixed it in the past.

What did you just do?

Seems I fixed the problem.

Yeah, I can see that. How?

Good night, Dr. Park.

Glad to see you have
everything well in hand.

Wait, where are you going?

For a walk.

You get into trouble,
next time, call me.

You're not going to tell anyone,

are you?


Your program finally worked.

Unlocked the master code.

You found the keys

to controlling all
of Destiny's systems.


And you're not going
to tell anyone...

Are you?

Ancient legend said the address
led to great understanding.

It could make you
as powerful as the gods.

Which gods?

Don't ask me.

I assume it meant
god-like power.

Like the ascended ancients.

If you could control
time and space...

Wait, you think that Destiny
is capable of that?

I don't know.

That's what the legend said.

You asked me

why the Lucian alliance
wanted the ship so badly.

Why are you here?

I'm trying to understand
your perspective.

You really want me to go over

the last 12 or 13 years?

The how and the why
of the Lucian alliance?

They're warlords.

On my home planet,

they would burn our farms
so we had nothing to eat

but the food they supplied.

They told our teachers
what to teach.

Children were given weapons

and trained to fight.

Two years ago,

I was taken by a gang
at gunpoint

and told if I didn't join
the alliance guard,

my family
was going to be murdered.

So you're saying

that you had no choice
in any of this?

We're not getting enough food.

None of us are.

We haven't been able
to replenish our supplies

in some time.

You're saying
we could all starve?


What are you
going to do with us?

You can't keep us
locked in that hold forever.

That hasn't been determined yet.

Colonel Young...

He's going to make
that decision?

I will have a say.

Some of us
have been co-operative.

Yes, you have.

There is more we can do.

There are those among us
who are no danger to you.


Give us a chance
to prove it to you.

What are they
going to do with us?

They didn't tell me anything.

I'm a traitor.

You know Young.

What will he do?

I used to know him.

Trust me, he's changed.

You've got to be kidding me.

It's hardly worth sitting down.

Yeah, maybe we shouldn't be

giving our rations to the enemy.

They're human beings.
They have rights.

How we treat prisoners of war

says everything about us
as a moral and civil society.

Which pamphlet
did you get that from?

It's what I believe.

I don't care
how secure they are.

I can't sleep knowing

there's a room full
of people on this ship

who would kill me
first chance they got.

You know,
HR was my job on Icarus.

And psych evals are
T.J.'s responsibility.

She's going to need some time.

It's going to be
hard enough for her

to fulfill her duties as medic.

Great. Fine. Thanks.

The IOA reports

our conflict
with the Lucian alliance

in the Milky Way

is escalating.

Intel suggests

they may be planning
an attack on earth.

Have you learned anything
from the prisoners?

Not yet.

It would help
if I could reassure them

that we're not just.

Going to pump them
for information

and then dump them
on the next planet.


Well, they dumped us on a planet
to die.

Is everyone on board
willing to starve for them?

We haven't come
to that point yet...

How ugly

are you willing to let
this get, Camile?

I'm just asking

because I don't think
this has anything to do with

the proper treatment of P.O.W.S,
and you know it.

They tried to kill us,

and we do not have
the capability

to hold onto these prisoners
over the long haul.

They're not all dangerous.

If you would just
read my report...

"I was just following orders"

is a claim
that I've heard before.

People will say anything

to save themselves, Camile.

So we're just
going to leave them

on the next viable planet
and then wash our hands of it?

Let's hope we find
a viable planet.

You thought this was going
to be easier, didn't you?

You thought all you'd need to do

was turn the key.

This ship,

its systems were designed
to be run by an entire crew.

Well, you have a crew.

Yeah, a crew that knows
what they're doing.

This is what you wanted.

You know, the ancients...

They never intended Destiny
to operate on its own.

They were supposed to come here,

in person.

There was a point
to this mission.

There had to be.

And yet, the first thing you did

was turn the autopilot
system back on.

Until I can be sure I know
how to use each function,

I wouldn't want
to stop accidentally

in range of another
binary pulsar, would I?

Good plan.

You see, right now,

I'm trying to understand

why Destiny stops
at some planets and not others.

Maybe they're just rest stops,

designed to let people
get out, stretch their legs,

smell the roses,

But in the grand scheme
of Destiny's greater mission...

Not very important.

Certainly environments
can change significantly

through the years,

become dangerous, even.

But that would mean
Destiny's got

some kind of real-time
subspace link to the gates,

and look here,

this planet we're approaching,

different classification

Not merely locked out,

but it seems to be

So it seems.

So very helpful.

Do you remember

the long walks we used to take

in the gardens back home?

Wherever we were,

we'd always find a quiet place
to call our own...

That's it.

We need food now.

This planet we're approaching

should be rich in plant life.

A big red X

generally means "danger",

don't go there,"

doesn't it?

Is this your only purpose,
to question my actions?

So, what are you going to do?

Oh, well, I'll take that
as a yes, then.

There has to be a reason
the Destiny dropped out.

There is.

Where have you been?


We're in range of a planet

that looks like it may
have food and water.

Riley says there are no gates.

Shuttle range.

Wow, look at that.

Well, how does Destiny have data

on a planet with no gate on it?

Well, there is a gate on it.

It appears to be

So Destiny just
happened to drop out

close enough for us
to use the shuttle?

That's convenient...

Well, it's not magic.

As I've been doing all along,

I've been telling Destiny
any way I can

how short of resources we are.

Well, we'll send a team.

Okay, I suggest we land
close to the gate,

try and determine
why it's not working,

maybe even repair it.

Shuttle trip will take
just under an hour.

Less than seven hours total
is not much time.

However, if we can get
the gate operational,

we'll be able to transport
a lot more food and water

than the shuttle.

Two gates cannot dial each other

in this close a proximity.

This planet may well be in range

the next time
we drop out of FTL.

If we can get the gate active,

we might be able to dial
back down the line.

You want to go?

No, no, I should stay here...

Oh, what's more important
right now...

Well, there's
a number of systems

that've been
malfunctioning of late.

I'm working in those, actually.



I'm almost ready to go.
Just packing up my kit.


You sure?

Well, I'll admit I'm not 100%,

but we're low on medicinals,

and I know we'll only
be there a few hours,

so I should at least
take a look around.

I'll take it easy.


Yeah, I just...

I wanted to make sure
you're... You're okay.

Good luck down there.


Dr. Rush has pinpointed

the stargate's position
on the surface,

and I've plotted a course.

Colonel Young, this is Scott.

All systems are go.

We are ready for take-off.

Go ahead, Lieutenant.

Roger that.

I'm worried about you, Nicholas.

Yeah, so am I.

I've got work to do,

and I can't seem
to leave myself alone.

You're missing things.

Dr. Franklin.

It's too much for one person.

I don't care how smart you are.

Okay, so tell me.

What am I missing?

Well, for one,

the data on the planet.

It's extensive.
What about it?

You didn't notice
the volcanic activity?

The atmospheric super-rotation?

A few minutes away now.

It'll be fine.

They'll be fine.

You based your calculation

on optimal structural integrity.

I based it on the specs
in the database.

Which don't account for flaws

that were developed over,
I don't know,

say, a million-plus years.

Lieutenant Scott.

This is Dr. Rush. Do you read?

Yeah, I hear you.
Go ahead.

You're about to enter an area
of atmospheric super-rotation.

Okay... What does that mean?

Well, I've done
some calculations,

and you will experience some...
Excessive turbulence,

but nothing the shuttle
wasn't built to handle.

Okay, thanks for the heads-up.

All right, you heard the man.

Hang on, it could be
a little bit bumpy.

Not so bad.


All right, hang on,
guys, hang on!

Lieutenant Scott,
do you hear me?

Lieutenant Scott,
can you hear me?

Loud and clear.

We made it.

Glad to hear it.

Check back in
once you've landed.

Will do. Scott out.

- Hang on!
- What's going on?

Just lost power!

Half of the systems are down.

Come on, come on...

You've got to give me something.
Come on, come on...

- Pull up!
- Can't!



Is anyone hurt?

Over here.


You okay?


He's got a pulse.

Everyone else okay?

- Yup.
- Yup.

Dunning, you all right?


Just relax.
It's okay, just relax.


I can't move.

Okay, don't try.

Now, just...
Tell me where it hurts.

It doesn't hurt.

I can't feel my legs at all.

Where's Rush?

No idea. I called him.

This is Young.
Go ahead, Lieutenant.

Still not sure
what happened, sir.

Like Rush said,

it was a pretty rough ride
through the atmosphere...

Whoa, what do you mean,
"like Rush said"?

He called to warn us
on the ship's comm,

but it seemed like
we made it through fine.

Then shortly after,
I lost flight control.


Riley's legs are pinned for now.

T.J.'s working on him.

Everyone else is fine.

Right now we're trying
to get the back door open.

We took a lot of damage, sir.

One of the windows is gone.

Bottom line,

I don't think we're going
to be flying out of here.

Destiny is going
to jump in six hours.

And we can't stop it.

Lieutenant, this is Rush.

You need to find the gate
and get it operational.

Hopefully, the next time
Destiny drops out,

we'll still be in range.

All right, copy that.

I'll check back in 30 minutes.

All right, you have
a decent idea

which direction to go
to find the gate?

We'll figure it out.

Hey, how's Riley?

I don't know.

All right, it,

you take Eli, Volker, and Greer.

Okay, let's go.

He's wedged in there
pretty good.

I'm not sure we should be
trying to move him anyway.

We're going to have to

I'm sure you're thinking

this probably wouldn't
have happened

had we not been so desperate

for food and water.

That doesn't matter now.

I reported to the IOA.

I don't care.

They insist that you keep
the prisoners on board...

- Camile, I don't care.
- Colonel...

We need backup
in the prisoners' hold


Stand down!

Back up against the wall!


Hold it right there!

Break it up!

Grab his arm!

Stand down now!




I don't see anything!

I've got no addresses coming up.

Well, this is
where it should be.

You sure?

No, if I was sure,
there would be a gate here.

Okay, stop, stop, stop!

I'll try and reach in there

and see if I can feel anything.


Lift it up.

T.J., we can't hold this...


His leg's stuck pretty good.

I think the pressure's
actually helping

cut off circulation to a wound.


Destiny just jumped.

This is not good.

Oh, try not to panic.

Experience tells me

that this is a very good time

to panic.

What are the odds
it will still be in range

next time it drops out?

It's impossible to know.


I found it.

The gate?

You can see it from there?


I don't see it.

Look down.

You need to sleep

or you're just going
to make more mistakes.

You know, it would be easier

if you would actually help.

What makes you think I can?

Can I speak to Franklin?


One of two things
is happening here.

Either I'm...
I'm losing my mind,

or you and Dr. Franklin

are somehow being
manifested by the ship

in order to communicate with me.

Now, he tends to be
a little bit more helpful

when it comes to
technical matters.

Let's see. What are
you trying to do?

Figure out how to control
how long Destiny stops

when it drops out of FTL.


Can't help you with that, sorry.


I am losing my mind, then.

There don't seem to be
any stargates coming up

in Destiny's immediate path.

Now, I'll have to stop
this ship soon,

or we're going to be
out of range

of the planet
the team's stranded on.

But with no other gates
in range,

you don't know how to explain
to everyone else

why the ship has stopped.


I can't just keep
dropping in and out of FTL.

I'm going to damage the drives

They have to run
for a minimum of four hours

each time they're activated,

which means...

Next time I drop out,

I've got one last shot at this.

Why don't you just
tell the truth?

Ask for help?

No... No, I can't.

Because Colonel Young
can't be trusted?

He... he let the Lucian alliance
take over this ship.

The man is mentally unstable.

And he's getting worse
all the time.

He nearly just killed a man.

Your negligence

caused the shuttle to crash.

The situation is desperate
because of him.

He's not fit
to lead this mission.


How's Riley?

He's stuck pretty good.

He's... He's losing
a lot of blood.

There's no way to get him free?

T.J. Thinks the pressure
from the wreckage

is what's keeping him
from bleeding out.

There's got to be something
we can do.

Let's get this gate uncovered.

Are you in any pain?

I'm okay.

You ever been
in this situation before?

Stuck on an alien planet

after a shuttle crash?

No, this one's a first for me.

I meant

having to tend to someone
that you knew was going to die.


I have.

Sounds crazy,

but I came so close lately,

with the explosion,

And then getting shot...

I kind of figured that maybe
it just wasn't my time.

I'm not all that spiritual,

but my mother's
pretty religious.


She'd be praying for me
right now if she knew.

My dad...

He always said it was stupid,

but he always
went to church with her.

I won't leave you if it...

If it comes to it.

Do you believe in anything?


The afterlife?

I don't know.

Since we've been here,
we've seen...

Some incredible things.

We know that there's so much
we don't understand...

Beings more powerful than us...

Can I...

Tell you something
that I haven't told anyone?


Who am I going to tell, right?

Remember that planet
that we stopped at

that we thought
was created by aliens?


I know this sounds crazy,

but I went back there.

I don't know if it was a dream,

a vision maybe.

They said
that they came and got me.

They have my baby,

and she's safe there.

Do you believe that?

It felt real,

and I don't know
how to explain it.

I want it to be possible.

It's just that little...
Little bit of hope...

It makes things bearable,

So I let it live.

I want to apologize
for my people's behavior.

Next viable planet we stop at,

you're all going
to be left there,

and I expect co-operation
until such time,

or appropriate force
will be used

to maintain order.

You know, I think

I remember reading somewhere

close enough to a stargate

can detonate the
super-conductive material

that it's made of.

The resulting explosion can
take a chunk out of a planet.

Well, it's not going to...

It's not going to be
that... that big.

You're sure?

We don't have much
of a choice, do we?

It could take weeks
to dig this thing out.

Hopefully, the blast
won't damage the gate.

Do you want me
to flip the switch or not?

Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, sure...

I'm flipping the switch.

No, flip it already.

Fire in the hole!

That was pretty big.

I used the communication stones.


We'll just skip over the fact
that I didn't authorize that.

I have a short list.

Based on intel provided
by both myself and Camile Wray,

you are being ordered

to keep a select number
of Lucian alliance on board

who may prove valuable.

And if I don't,

I assume you're going to tell me

that you've been ordered
to relieve me of my command.

You think you've
earned the trust

of the men and women
on this ship

enough for them to follow you?

Military personnel
are still in the service

of stargate command

and expected to follow orders.

Rush, this is Young.

Where are you?

It's less than three hours.

The address to the planet
came up,

but it's still locked out.

The strange thing is

that there are no other
planets in range.


Why'd we drop out?


It doesn't make sense.


Try to bypass the lock-out.

Dial anyway.

It's a long shot.

It's all we got.

Rush, we're headed
to the gate room.

Where have you been?

Engine control room.

Doing what?

Well, the FTL drive's still
suffering some effects

from the pulsar radiation,

stopping at
shorter intervals now,

but regardless of whether

we're in range
of a planet or not.

You feel that?

Hey, science guys,

this thing is shaking.

Someone's trying to dial in.

Oh, clear the event horizon.

The address is here.

We've got Destiny!

Shaking's stopped.

Everyone, back away.

I'm going to try to dial them.

It's working.

It's working!

Destiny, this is Scott.
Permission to come aboard.

Permission granted.

Glad to see you guys are okay.

Where are the others?

Riley's not going
to make it, sir.


Sir, I'm not
just going to let him die alone.

Can you give me a minute?



Sorry, sir.

You are a fine soldier,

a good man.

None of this is your fault.

You know that.

Don't stay on my account.

Just make them leave.

I don't want anyone
to risk being stuck here.

I'm not going to be around
that much longer.

What... what can I tell
your family?

Nothing really seems
like enough.

How long do you think
he'll last?

I don't know.

How much time
until Destiny jumps?

No, we're good.

We're fine.

I don't want you to worry, okay?

I'd ask for your gun,

but I don't want them
to blame you.



I'm in pain.

I'll get T.J.




He's gone.

You know...

You'd figure
being stranded on this ship

in the middle of nowhere

with a bunch of strangers

would be the problem,

but that...
that isn't it exactly.

To Riley.

It's not so much being out here

as it is not being there.

For the birthdays, the weddings,

the funerals...

Simple things

like just
taking your nephew to school

on his first day,

or even taking the dog
for a walk.

You know, just not...

Not being there.

There was nothing
that could be done for Riley.

Stalling Destiny any longer
wouldn't have helped him.

I know.

Well, you think I don't know?

All of this is my fault.

I was trying to save lives...

All of our lives,
not just my own.

This database

just confirms
what I knew all along.

This ship was named "Destiny"

for a reason.

It must be like Rush said...

Another short jump.

Because of the radiation effect.

Something just
came up on sensors.

This is Rush.

Meet me in the observation deck.

I heard the radio chatter.

What's going on?

There's an object out there.

It's just coming into range.

Well, what is it?

We're not sure,

but we're about to find out.

We're headed straight for it.