SAS Rogue Heroes (2022): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Paddy initiates the Free French soldiers into some unorthodox training methods, and Stirling leads a raid on Benghazi accompanied by the prime minister's son, Randolph Churchill.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I have been asked by General de
Gaulle to find a way to get French

paratroopers involved in missions
with a British unit.

I've already chosen my officers.

So far in this war,
I've killed 21 men.

So, in fact, you can call me 21.


You play the piano, Paddy?

Almonds was trying to teach me.

Oh, I see. Let the games begin.

What is it about Stirling
that you dislike so much?

I invented the SAS.

He had no right to destroy it
in its first mission.

Only the dreamer and
the madman left.

I have 20 of the toughest, finest
paratroopers in the French army

under my command.

This was my idea.

And everything up until then
has been part of a strategy.

You only have to spare one man.

Somebody left behind to train the
Free French in desert warfare.

I decided it has to be you.

So I stay in Jalo while you continue
to go out on missions?

So, the loser finds a way to win.

Two trucks.

Now, I would suggest that we form
up into ranks and straight lines

for a formal military greeting,

with salutes and all that...
wonderful nonsense.

But that would give them a rather
false impression of who we are.

Hey, sir. Will you want to share
out our shish, like?

Offer it only if asked.

Do we raise their flag?

Their flag? Have we got it.

Yeah, I made one.

I bought some coloured bedsheets
in a brothel in Cairo.

Visiting the mother, was you, Riley?

Well, if you've made one, raise it.

I thought the French flag
was all white.

OK, all of you, when the
Free French arrived,

there will be no infantile abuse
or counterproductive stereotyping

for any reason whatsoever.

Even if it transpires that the
unwashed French bastards deserve it.

And, besides, insults would be
unwise, even light-hearted ones.

I have it on very good authority
that they are a rough lot.



For God's sake. This is Paddy
Mayne's welcoming party.

Where the bloody hell is he?

Oh, here's the mad bastard.

Frenchmen at 500 yards, sir.

There is a man among them
called Augustin Jordan.

He is a poet, and he's killed more
Germans than all of us put together.

Now, I gave my word that we would
unfasten their leashes

and let them fight.

Rommel's airstrips are now
heavily defended.

Men like Jordan are men like us,
and they've lost their country.

It'd be rather unsporting to
kill him at 500... 400.

Perhaps, instead, you should read
poetry to one another,

and then wrestle naked in the sand
to see which of you

is the finest Spartan warrior.

Never wrestle naked in the sand.

Sand under the foreskin is
one of the most painful

medical conditions imaginable.

Have you been drinking?


And are you going to at least
be polite?

The last French words I heard
were, "Ne tirez pas."

And I was very polite.

I said, je suis desole.

J'ai peur d'avoir.


Company, garde-a-vous!


Paddy, perhaps you would like to
inspect your men, hmm?

This is Lieutenant Amelde.
Former paratrooper.

This is Soldier X.
Real name unknown.

Ex-Foreign Legion.

We call him La Vinas. Grapes.

Cos he drinks wine instead of water.

La Vinas.


How many of your men do not remember
their own names?

Most of my men speak no English
at all.

Well, actually, Paddy speaks French.

No, he fucking doesn't.

Paddy speaks dog.

And your men speak dog.


..we will communicate as dogs.

This is one man that knows his name.

Sergeant Essner, ex-Foreign Legion.

He joined the adventure before
the war began, and he's German.

He is invaluable at roadblocks.

We have German uniforms in our
truck, and four of my men

are fluent in German, but
Sergeant Essner's the real thing.

Ooh, Mr real thing.

How real are you, Sergeant Essner?

I am a real soldier.

I despise the French.

But I fucking hate Germans.

You are a German... a French man's uniform.

Nothing but a turncoat.

Expect to be isolated
by my contempt.

Yes, sir.


..there are two of us.

I am Corporal Bruckner.
I am German, too.

They came as a pair.

That's fucking brilliant.

Tweedledum and Tweedle-Deustch.



What the fuck is that?

This is Aspirant Halevy.

He speaks German, as well.

He is Jewish.

His entire family, including his two
children, were taken to the camps.

He has made a vow to kill as many
Nazis as he can.

I am a hand grenade, sir.

Pull the pin, throw me where
the enemy's most numerous.

We have use for men like him, Paddy.

Fair play.

Show me to the philosopher.

Augustin Jordan,
my second in command.

Winner of the Croix de Guerre,

and former professor of philosophy
at La Sorbonne.


I hear you're a poet.

The eyes of a familiar
compound ghost.

Both intimate and unidentifiable.

I find TS Eliot rather dull.

Not a debate worth getting
sand under the foreskin for,
one might imagine.

Parade dismissed.

Well, this is going to be
rather fun, isn't it?

While you're settling in,

I'm going to be taking my men on
a little jolly up country.

What's a jolly?

Halt! German up front!

Jesus Christ. It's OK. It's OK.

Truck is ours.

It was stolen to order by our friend
here at the LRDG.

The intelligence boys took it,
they painted it up,

put the German vehicle identity code
on the roof.

We're going to be using it
with us tonight.

There's someone down there, sir.
Oh, yeah.


On tonight's jolly, we're going
to be taking a guest with us.

His first name is Randolph.

His second name is Churchill.

Blimey. Fuck.

His father, Winston, has heard
about us, and wants to know more,

so sent his son along to join
in the fun.

But, please, feel free to treat him
as badly as you treat everyone else.

Too right, sir.



Stand easy.

We will begin your training regime
this morning with a wee competition.

You will divide into two groups.

And use these poles and these planks

to build two scaffolds 30 feet high.

There are hammers, nails and screws.

But no plan.

So you will have to use
your initiative.

Is there a French word
for initiative?

The first team to build a scaffold
30 feet high, which a man can climb,

will be the winners.

How do we divide?

Germans, Jews,
non-French Legionnaires

against the French. No.

We do not divide ourselves that way.

I have just divided you in that way.

Any more questions?

Well, there fucking should be
a question.

"Why are you asking us to build
two scaffolds 30 feet high

"in the middle of the
fucking desert?"

We're trained not to
question orders.

We're trained to carry them out.

Lesson number one,
on morning number one... must ask why.


Very fucking good.


Sharp. Yeah.

You must ask why, because if you
know why you are carrying out

your mission, when things fuck up -
as they inevitably will -

you will know how to achieve
what you set out

to achieve in a different way.

In your own way.

So, why are we building
two towers 30 feet high

in the middle of the desert?

Because when they are built,
you are going to climb them

and jump off them.

While you are carrying out this test
of teamwork, initiative and stamina,

I'm going to be up there
on that ridge.

Observing? Nope.

I'm going to be shooting at you.

You'll be what?

I'll be shooting at you with
live ammunition.

It'll be up to you to avoid
my bullets.

I see evidence of slacking
or shirking...

..that really does get my goat,

and I might just decide
to wing the culprit.

But most of all, I'll be shooting
at you by way of encouragement.

As a general rule, I'll be shooting
at anybody who stands still.

So don't stand still!

Oh, oh.

If any of you feel like this is all
a wee bit unfair,

fucking please feel free to try
and do something about it.

Oh, be warned.

When I put up that bucket earlier,
there was a frog in it.

Now, then, she's a truck.

Treat her like a horse,
not a kitten.

And you're Italian. Drive like one.
What does that mean?

Green means go.
Amber means accelerate.

Red means accelerate and
honk your horn.

I thought we were supposed to be
in the Afrika Korps?

When in Rome, Cooper!

Be careful with him, David.

Yes, jolly good.

So, you're going to just drive into
Benghazi and plant explosives?

Oh, yes. That's the plan.

I like plans that can be explained
with one breath.

Benghazi is Rommel's doorway
to the Mediterranean.

We're going to blow that door off
its hinges.

You'll be able to tell your father
victory is spelled SAS.

How will we get into Benghazi?

Oh, war is mostly chaos.

With random explosions,
bits of heroism

and lots of self preservation.

Most of the time, soldiers have
no fucking idea what's going on.

Italian checkpoints are manned
by boys and shopkeepers.

Aren't you going to shave?
No. No point.

All you need to get past them
is arrogance,

a few German uniforms,

and parachutist Cooper.

He speaks Italian as well
as your average Nazi.

The Italians will assume
we're trusty German allies.

And if that doesn't work,
well, then you just... fire.

Next time we're in an oasis and
you pull up a frog, keep it.

Share it with the group.

Bully beef can get terribly







I have you! Get on your feet!

Put your hands in the air!



Back off!

I don't believe you.
Don't believe me?

I expected better from you.

My commanding officer has some idea
that you and I are similar.

A shared love of poetry
and philosophy.

I wonder...

..if it's something more or not.


Perhaps we should find out.

What say you, Professor?

One go each.

I say, you're fucking insane.

Ye who philosophise on life
and death...

Yes, yes. now are looking
at the real thing! Stop...

In this moment! Stop!



You're up.

I offer you a moment.

I have a wife and a child.

I save my bullets for the enemy!

We're here to defeat fascism,
not play your games.

I cannot believe you just risked
your life for no reason.

I told you the reason.

You would do this purely to discover
that I'm not you?

Yeah. That's it?


Oh, and listen.

Since I have stopped firing bullets,
your men have stopped working.


Lesson learned about men
and the motivation of men.



See, Mr Jordan...

..SAS training is mostly about
what is in here.

Now get back to work.

Do the same, just in case you have
to go out with a bang.

How's the old man?

Oh, you know, he's keeping busy.

Just think.

If in two minutes' time,
we all get a bullet in the head.

It'll your name on the front
of the newspapers,

and we'll all be but a footnote.

Rather amusing.

Fuck. No, no, that's good.

That's good. We're in luck.

Ooh, a dandy.
Even more good luck.

Tell him I have to shit.
I've got dysentery.




Scheisse, scheisse...!






Per favore.

Oh, right. We forgot to put the
fucking numbers on the roof.

It was Dudley Clark's job
to sort that out.


Cooper, you're driving on the bloody
English side of the road!

Get over!

Jesus bloody Christ...!

Looks like you might make the
front pages of the newspapers,

after all, old boy.

Turn left up here.
Let's see if they follow.

Don't indicate! When was the last
time you saw an Italian soldier

indicating before he turned?
Well, I thought we were supposed

to be Germans. Shut up, Cooper.
Don't you fucking dare look around.




Sorry, sir. All right.

Right, come on. Cooper.

Turn left up here.

They follow us, we open fire.

Fuck. It's a dead end, sir.

Bloody hell.

Right, two hours to relax
before dark, gentlemen.


No-one divides us, Lieutenant Mayne.

Just like me.

Next to the bone is best!

Life close to death

is truly fucking magnificent!

Before you jump,
do you have a question?

Pourquoi? Why are we jumping?

Because why the fuck not?






Pretty fucking good.



Fucking move!

Oh, fucking hell.


Mr real thing.

Let's have a good look at you.

Go! Why the fuck not...

Fucking useless!



Like a sack of shite.


That's fucking diabolical.

Go! Go! Go!

Stand by!



That is a fucking order.



Fuck's sake.

Absolutely no chance.

Get that out of the way now.

That is a fucking order!

Pourquoi pas!


He did it! He did it!


Listen out, chaps,
prime the 30-minute fuses.


You and Jim head for
the petrol docks round there. Go on.

Sea kings, you take Cooper
and eradicate that harbour.

Churchill, I should hope you've got
your swimming cap

Rendezvous back here in 27 minutes.

WHISPERS: Come on.





I don't know any Italian.

You know any German?

Bit of libretto, Wagner.

We have to convince them
we're Germans.

Try it.






Fucking marvellous!

How the fuck are we going to get out
of here now?

How long? About four minutes.

Where the fuck is Stirling?

One more minute
and we'll leave him behind.


What the fuck is he doing?

Stand up straight, walk with us.


They've set up roadblocks.

OK, Cooper, we need to try
something new.


WHISPERS: Do your line.


WHISPERS: 20 seconds.


MUSIC: Oh! What A Surprise
for the Du-ce
by Elsie Carlisle



They're looking for Germans
with beards!

Yes, on reflection,
terrible idea not to shave.

Fuck it!


When we're next in his city,
especially one where you have
created a good deal of chaos,

your approach to checkpoints
can be much less subtle.



So, what will you say to your father
when we get back to London?

I will say, holy, holy...holy fuck!


You shites.

You don't want to join us?

I'm only staying to make sure you
don't damage any of our property.

Your men are very drunk.

You make me curious.

Don't you have anyone back
in England?

Nobody in England, no. I'm Irish.

And in Ireland, I have a mother.

Why do you ask?

What you did today,

I wondered if you'd do that
if you loved someone.


We British don't have these
pointless conversations.


But in my opinion,

loving somebody can make you
too fond of life,

which...can turn you into a coward.

A coward?

How so?

My friend, they're just playing.

It's just the piano.

Your wee loyal German sounds like
a Nazi to me.



You Nazi rat!

Don't touch the piano again!


Calm down, Pad!

Captain Mayne? Get out!

Captain Mayne...whatever
is the cause of your pain?

You have my deepest sympathy.



I can hear it,
but I don't believe it.

What the...? Couple of souvenirs
from Benghazi. What's left of it.

I sent you out in an Opel Blitz

and you come back in a fucking pram
and a handcart!

Oh, bollocks!

There's a rumour going around in
Cairo that Winston Churchill's son

went on a mission behind enemy
lines with the SAS.


Of course, no-one but a fool like
me would believe such a rumour.

Mr Churchill, how was your trip?

Oh, you know, bit of sightseeing.

How the hell did you manage to hitch
a ride with my driver?

Oh, she has friends
in very high places.

I would like to speak to
Mr Churchill.

I have a message for him
to give to his father.

Randolph, may I introduce you
to a single cause

walking on two legs,
with a single goal

and many, many strategies
for achieving it?

In London, the British Prime
Minister tends not to take
General de Gaulle's calls.

I thought I'd try another method
of getting his attention.

Well, you certainly have
my attention.

Well, permission denied, Randy.

And perhaps you would come with me
and explain exactly

how you managed to get a hold
of such confidential information.

Your journey was wasted.

Who told you he was being
picked up here?

Dudley Clarke.

The other reason I came
was to see how you were.

Thank you.
For what?

For not smelling of blood or petrol.

I'm sorry.

It takes me a while to get back
to normal.

Before I go,
I take these, er...amphetamines.

When I get back,
I take barbiturates.

I am myself in between.

But...I'm not in between quite yet.

How long?

About an hour after sunset,
I will stop shaking.

And then about an hour after that,
I will stop hearing explosions.

May I stay for that?

How was Cairo?
When the wind blows from the west,

you can hear the Panzer Division
straining at the leash.

But also buzzing with talk about
the rogue heroes of the SAS

and the phantom major
who leads them.

And how is Dudley Clarke
responding to all the glory?

It seems he's impatient
for your destruction.

The trucks we were given
by intelligence...

..for our attack on Benghazi
had no code numbers on the roof.

We were sent out as sitting ducks.

As Head of French Intelligence

I'm officially warning you to
be aware

of your own intelligence operatives.

They do not all mean you well.

So, you see, I'm not just devoted
to one cause,

I'm also concerned for you.

Did I hear
Head of French Intelligence Cairo?

I reported my boss
for being a drunk.

For the good of France,
I do bad things.

Oh, God!


You're quite a number, aren't you?

What is a number?

As a general rule, I avoid
possession and being possessed.

So please do not waste your concern
on me. I am sorry.

Your life is no business of mine.

You can make it your business.

Why the fuck are they not training?

Oh, dear.


My men have refused to work
under the Captain Mayne's command.

My men have decided
that he's a madman.

Two of them have broken jaws.

One has three broken ribs.

And among the broken bottles
on the floor,

you'll find several teeth.

All right, I will speak to him!

He needs to be put
in a fucking cage!

Destroy many planes?

Two boats.

We're counting boats now, are we?


I knew you would make a fucking
useless training officer!

I knew you were deeply unsuited
to the task!

So, why did you do it? I did it
because you were proving to be

a more effective
commanding officer than me.

I did it to win the game.
There it is.

If this is some kind of
double bluff,

I'm telling you,
it isn't very smart.

Oh, it's the truth!

My father taught me to win at
everything, in any way possible.

Who shot the gazelle?
It was that or a Frenchman.

Why did you fight them?
Because they're French.

So, it's your daddy's fault?

Oh, yes. Because of my daddy,
I already feel the urgent need
to shoot a gazelle to match you.

Go fucking shoot one, then.
Apologise to the French!

No fucking chance!

There's a herd of gazelle
two miles from here.

Go get it out of your system.

I blame my father. What's your
excuse for being such a mad fucker?

I don't need a fucking excuse.

One night, someone's going to come
in here and slit your throat.

They are welcome to try!

What sort of boats?

Torpedo boats.

Yes, and half the harbour.
What a shame you missed it.

And you're serious
about the gazelle?

Yes. You want to shoot one,
you need to shoot a gazelle?

Oh, yes. Good.

Because they've probably
all fucked off now anyway.

Oh, you mad Irish cunt!

Ah, the use of Irish as an adjective

is very provoking.

Oh, yeah? So we go to it.
You and me in the sand, come on!

I would beat you to death.
I would pull a knife.

I'd take your knife from you,
cut off your balls and stir them
into a Bloody Mary,

which I would then force-feed
down your Jacobean throat.

You need to forget about
Eoin McGonigal.


That was me pulling a knife.

It's best for you to leave
this tent right now. No.

I know you went to find him,
to bury him properly.

Well, now you MUST bury him
in your head.

No-one can bear undeclared grief,

Now, I am going to relieve you
of your training duties.

I didn't find his body.

I didn't find his body.

I know.


Paddy? Churchill's son turned up,
as promised.

He came with us.
He's very impressed.

He will lobby for us
with his father.

Also, we are apparently
the talk of Cairo.

Now is our moment.

I'm going to ask GHQ for Jeeps,

Vickers machine guns, ammunition,
explosives, more men.

The war is in the balance.

We can change the course of it,
while you...

sulk like Achilles in your tent.

I'll not apologise.

But you can tell the Frenchmen
that I shot that gazelle for them.

And that I will roast it on a fire
and share the meat with them.

I am gradually coming around
to the notion

that they might actually be
good men.

All our men are good men.

They just have the misfortune
to be led by us.

Come on, I'll help you cook
this fucking thing.




Come on, boys! Come on!

To our future jollies together
and the defeat of fascism!


Why don't you pretend to be
bloody civilised and get in a line?