Rush (2008–2011): Season 2, Episode 11 - Episode #2.11 - full transcript

As a result of an incident at a petrol station the Tactical Response Team go on the hunt for ex-SAS soldier John Welsh who is known to have links to a terrorist group. Their hunt puts them into working with Detective O'Neil who has a personal grudge against Welsh. Meanwhile, the Drug Squad raid Lawson's girlfriend Jacinta's home for evidence of her involvement with a drug importer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Bad dream?


What was it about?

- Don't you hate that?
- Uh, it's alright.

It's better not knowing.

Sandra used to write hers down.

She'd have a notebook
and a pen by the bed.

- I don't.
- Hmm?


I don't dream. I never have.

Some people find that weird.

It's rejected, sir.

Try it again.


It's rejected.

Do you have another card?

No, I don't.

I'm sorry, sir.

No, I need to fill my tank.

TR-2, are you able
to respond to a silent alarm

at a Williams town servo, corner
of Ferguson and Lygon Street.

Uh, yeah. We're two away.

Alright, wakey-wakey. Break's over.


It's just a tank of petrol.

The offender doesn't
seem to be armed.

Now, if, for any reason,
you should decide to turn that off

before I've filled up,

I will come back in here
and I'll put you in a wheelchair.


- Hey! I need you to open the door.
- I can't. I can't!

Josh, he's up your end.

Stell, go down Ferguson.
Dom, you cut him off at the park!

Stop! Police!


Oi! Stop!

Get on the ground.

Josh is down.
I repeat, Josh is down.

Hey. Get up, you girl.

Come on.

Why'd you stop chasing him?

- You were down.
- I'm not bloody down.

Well, the good news is that they'll
be big like a couple of footballs

and the bad news is that
they'll be black and painful.

Big black balls.

I do love a girl in her undies
on the computer.

Do you?

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

- Tell me how much.
- Oh-ho! Hmm.

So what?

- Say it. Speak.
- You're kind of, um...

on my voice box there.

- Aw!
- Maybe you should dance.

Do a little dance for me, like this.

Did you invite someone else?

- Stay there.
- No. No. You...

- Jacinta Burns?
- Yes.

- Warrant.
- What?

Papers, computers, anything else
that may be associated.

- Oh, excuse me.
- Step aside.

Lawson? Lawson?

Put some pants on, sir.

Senior Sergeant Lawson Blake,
Tactical Response.

Apologies. Marie Carroll. Detective
Senior Sergeant, Drug Squad.

Drug Squad? You want to tell me
what this is all about?

It seems that your
lady friend has been...

Jacinta - individual,
living in a democratic society.

Jac, Jac, let me handle this. Go on.

We believe she's been
talking to a drug importer.

- Got your facts straight?
- Please, don't touch that.

Don't obstruct my men.
How about you put something on too?

Well, how about
you get out of my house?

Jac, Jac, show me that.

That allows me to break, enter
and search this property.

You've been dealing in affairs
that don't concern you.

- I find that very hard to believe.
- Oh, well, it's called research.

- It's called a criminal act.
- Alright, Detective.

I suggest you and your men
do your job and you do it quickly.

And I'd like to see
your mobile phone if I may.

- No, you may not.
- Detective?

Can we have a chat?

Now, can you tell me exactly
what this is all about?

What - hasn't she filled you in?

Well, let's hear your version.

We believe her source is involved in
the importation of drugs.

And, currently, he's trying
to cover his tracks

by feeding your girlfriend
a bunch of misinformation -

trying to deflect the blame
onto someone else.

Well, do you know who her source is?

We have an idea but we need her
to give a proper ID,

hence our little... interruption.

Well, with all due respect, there
are other ways of going about it.

Wouldn't you agree?

Either she gives us her informant

or she's gonna be looking at
charges herself.

Pleasure having you.

Do you reckon this guy
just got lucky, Josh?

Nuh. He knew exactly
what he was doing.

Oh. You want
an ice pack or something?

Oh, whoa. Hey, Leon,
we got a weapon here.

Sawn-off shot tie, balaclava, gloves.

- Everything.
- We caught him on his way to work?

I've got an address for you.

Car's registered to a John Welsh,

22 Queensberry Street,
North Melbourne.

- Has he got any form?
- Yeah, I'm onto it.

How they hangin', Josh?

The next person to ask that dies.
And that means you too.

So this fella really knows
how to handle himself

so he might be military.

I want everything
you've got on him, alright?

Get out!

Cordon this off.
Don't let anyone near that car.

Josh, we've got a report of
a carjacking not far from you.

Jackson Street and Friar.

Offender fits the description
of your nut job.

He's currently driving
a blue Pulsar hatch.

Got it.

He's got a bit of a CV. Did two
years for a bank job in '03.

And you were right about
the military training.

He was SAS until '02.

I better get to work, sort this out.

Yeah, so, what is 'this' exactly?

Just a story.

Just a story that's
drawing police attention.

Going-nowhere bullies.

Not you.

Look, I'm doing
an investigative piece.

The person at the centre of it,

well, has a... has a profile.

Who is he?

- It's not finished yet.
- Oh, great.

I'll look forward to reading
about it in the paper, shall I?

Sandy Bennett is using
his shipping company

to bring in illegal substances.

Now, I've got enough material

to show that he's
a drug-dealing fathead

hiding behind his MCC membership.

Yeah, look, Jac, if you have
information about a crime,

you need to tell the police.

It's not finished yet. I said that.
It's not finished yet.

A lot of things still
need to fall into place.

Well, who's giving you
the information?

I can't tell you that.

I'm not writing about
a crime, Lawson.

I'm writing about
the abuse of power.

It'd be somewhat hypocritical,
don't you think,

if I told my cop boyfriend.

You're not gonna tell me
who your source is?

Well, no.

All I can tell you
is that he works for Bennett.

He's got inside information.

- Please don't ask me anything else.
- How else am I supposed to help you?

Well, I left my car
at work last night

so you could give me a lift.


Is he OK?

No, no, no. Rory, you can't do that.

Just... just wait a minute.

Just let me talk to him first.

We're about two minutes
away from the office.

Please, don't do anything
until I've spoken to him.

- What's the problem?
- Doubt.

My source has got doubts.

Rory said he's pulled out.

- Who's Rory?
- My editor.

The whole frickin' world
gets a whiff of doubt

and they start hacking down walls
and squishing ladybugs.


Oh. Oh, no, please. Please, David...

Just... just come and talk to me.

No, no, no. Actually,
I'll come and talk to you.

Oh, shit. Shit!

Could be making hub caps
for a living.

Could I make hub caps for a living?

I doubt it.

Thanks for the lift.

Hey, um, we were halfway through
something this morning

before those "going-nowhere bullies"
busted in on us.

- Oh, no, we weren't.
- Oh, we weren't?

No, we'd only just started.

We had hours and hours to go.


Rory? Hi.

I'm gonna ring our source to
let him know that everything's OK.

I can't believe
what's happened this morning!

They took my laptop.


Hello, Mr Welsh.

Stell, take the car
and watch the back.

Police! Open up!


It's clear.

Check that out.

- Put the weapon down!
- I'm on the job!

- I'm on the job!
- Get on the ground!

- Put the weapon down!
- Get down on the ground!

- I'm a cop. I'm a cop!
- Get on the ground now!

My badge is in my back pocket.

- I thought I was in real trouble.
- Why not make your presence known?

- He was in the house. I couldn't.
- What were you doing?

We've got a surveillance post
across the road.

We're investigating John Welsh
and a bunch of truck-jackings.

So, what - you thought you'd do
some up-close surveillance?

Try the lights.

No mains power.

So every three days,
someone's gotta come in here

and change the listening devices.

The techs were getting jack of it

and I didn't think
he'd be back so soon.

- What's your interest in him?
- Didn't want to pay for his petrol.

- What?
- And assault.

- Assaulting a police officer.
- Fair dinkum?

I'm not surprised.
He hates anything in a uniform.

Strange for a bloke
with his background.

You know anything about him?

Yeah, he was SAS.


Now he's into armed robbery.

Went from law-abiding member of the
military to armed robber overnight.

Happens with these elite guys.

They get out of the army,
still need their adrenaline fix.

You really are lucky
to still be walking.

- Emergency pack.
- How'd you know that'd be there?

He needs to go to more
Neighbourhood Watch meetings.

Oven's the first place you look.

He's not worried about break-ins.

There would have been another one
upstairs and one at every exit

in case he needs to leave in a hurry.

Dom, get onto Leon, see if he's got
anything on Welsh's whereabouts.

- He's gonna need another car.
- Yep.

You seem to have a pretty good idea
where this guy's head's at.

Do you know anything about this?

Tabong Liberation Front.

Depending on who you ask, they're
a freedom-fighting unit in Burma.

They're also on
the terrorist watch list.

They're known to put bombs on buses.

Welsh goes over
a few times a year to train them.

Being an expert in

who better to train terrorists?

- Leon's got nothin'.
- Alright.

So he's not coming back here.
Where would he go?

This is where you
bow out, I'm afraid.

He assaulted three people.

Mate, I understand you having
half a mongrel for this bloke...

What's he gotta do
before you arrest him?

I'm not turning my back
on three months' slog.

- What's he gotta do?
- He was gonna do it today.

We had a whole sting operation
ready to go.

But I reckon you
probably spooked him.

Meaning there's no plan to bring
him down in the foreseeable future?

- Thanks to you.
- Right.

If I see him, I'm arresting him.

The guy's a jerk
but I can kind of see his point.

- Josh?
- Yeah, he's got a point.


- So, what are we doing?
- Going after him.

Right, well, I don't think
we've got all that long

before he shuts us down.

Hang a left up here,
do a run past the park.

You'll want to be careful. It'll
crack if you keep doing that.

That poor window. You're staring
at it like it stole your muesli bar.

I don't eat muesli bars.

I don't either.


I think there's someone
following me.


In my car. I went to meet with
my source and he didn't turn up.

Now, I don't know,
there's a car behind me.

Well, hang on. What do you mean
following you?

It's taken every turn with me.

Well, are you sure it's not just
heading in the same direction?

OK, thanks.

- No. Hang on. Wait up.
- Forget it.

Are we OK?

Yeah, yeah, we're fine.

Shit! Leon, Leon?

I need you to triangulate
a mobile for me.

Yeah, yeah, good-o.
Yeah, I'll get back to you.


Josh, Organised Crime
have been on the phone.

Figured they would sooner or later.

Could you come back to base?

You've called Jacinta Burns.

Please leave a message and I'll
call you back as soon as possible.

Jac? Jac, hi, it's me.

Can you answer your phone?

Look, we're heading towards you now.

- We're heading down Boundary Road.
- Is that her?

Yep. Yep.

- Pull over. Pull over.
- Yeah, I am.

Hey. Hey.

You right?

- What... you're not hurt?
- No.

- You hit your head?
- No.

What the hell happened?

Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Listen, I don't know. I was just...

- I think I got wiped off the road.
- Wh... what? By who?

Did you get a number plate?

- What about a make of a car?
- Um...

- Did you see that?
- Ye... yep. It was white.

And... newish.

- Did you get a look at the driver?
- Uh, no.

- You didn't recognise him at all?
- He had a hat...

No, he had a hat on and...


- Wrap... You know.
- It's alright. Don't worry about it.

- We'll follow it up, OK?
- No.

- No. Actually, just let it go.
- Wh... what, Jac?

You just got run off the road.
I'm not gonna let it go.

- I don't want to deal with it.
- You don't have to.

I'll deal with it.
That's what I do, OK?

Oh, God, yeah, sorry.
That's what YOU do.

- That's your... thing.
- Listen...

Are you gonna tell me
what's really going on here?

I'm not gonna do this now.

Stop this secretive
bullshit, OK? Stop it.

Fair enough.

I just want to go home.
Don't worry about it. It's OK.

Jac? Jac? Jac, look...

I'm sorry.

Are you OK?

Are we about to get
our arses kicked?

I think so.

Are we in the shit?

No, no, no. They are.

O'Neil, specifically.

See, they were gonna
grab John Welsh today.

His boss went through the roof

when he realised
there was no Tactical component.

How did he think he was gonna do

"One man - how hard can it be?"

- He wanted all the glory.
- Yeah, I reckon so.

So is he a total idiot or...?

No. I asked around.

World's best practice.
Great reputation. His men love him.

He just reckons
he's bulletproof, that's all.

- Good thing his boss doesn't.
- Yeah.

So Welsh is going after
a pharmaceuticals truck.

We're on point for arrest.
Just waiting for TR-1.

Glad we got that all sorted out.

You'll get your arrest
but I get the cum shot.

The what?

The cum shot. The money shot.

The big one for the truck-jackings.

Well, you were pretty sure
we'd scared him off.

What makes you think
he's gonna go for it?

He has no idea we had him
under surveillance.

All he knows is there's
a bunch of cops chasing after him

over some dispute about petrol.

So, hopefully, he'll go for it.

So, uh, this is it.

Well, here it is. Home, sweet home.

Um... should have cleaned up.

There's, um... there's
some bread in the cupboard

and milk in the fridge, DVDs...


Excellent. I'll make myself a nice
cup of tea and a piece of toast.

- Right.
- Do you have WiFi yet?

Uh... no.


Um, Lawson, you're being so sweet

but, look, I'm sorry
but I've got to work.

That's fine.
There's a computer round there.

Yeah, but everything
I need is at home.

- No, you're not going back there, OK?
- Really?

Someone tried to
run you off the road today.

- Yeah, well, that's debatable.
- No, you said it yourself, OK?

- I can't be sure...
- You're staying here.

At least for tonight. OK. Look...

I'll bring you home something to eat.
What do you want for dinner?


gefilte fish.

Thai will do.


- Just take it easy, OK?
- Uh-huh.




- Hey?
- Yep.

You have the most
perfectly shaped arse

on any Tactical Response Unit
I have ever seen.

I'm still on shift, alright?

What does that smile tell you?

I don't know. What?

That Jacinta's
a highly intelligent woman

who's exceptionally good
at her job, Shannon.

- Everything alright?
- Yep.

Need follow-up on that car, though.

Yep. I put out a call
and Leon's accessing road cameras.

- Says he'll get back to us.
- Yeah, great.


Seatbelts on, boys.

Go around, please.

Uh, Steve O'Neil,
this is Lawson Blake.

- G'day.
- G'day, mate.

So this is Steve's show, alright,
but we own the arrest phase.

OK. Fine.

Let's go.

- Oi.
- Hey.

Heard you copped one
in the balls earlier.

I'm never gonna live it down.

Well, I had a crap morning as well,
if it makes you feel any better.

OK. Let's get this started, yeah?

Do you want to give us
some background, Steve?

John Marshall Welsh is the target.

Ex-SAS, highly trained.

He's wanted over a number of
suspected truck hijackings.

Now, he's an expert in firearms

and he will resist arrest.

Welsh tried to bribe the driver

in the theft of a shipment
of pharmaceuticals.

Luckily, the driver came to us.
So don't shot him. He's on our side.

Now, according to information
supplied by the driver,

he is to bring his truck to this
truck stop on Moorland Street.

Alright? Driver goes in
for a coffee.

Welsh takes the truck while the
driver's inside. We follow him.

Why not take him there?

He'll be armed. It's a public space.

If it gets ugly, it's too risky.

Alright, then where
do you plan we do the arrest?

He'll have a storage facility.
We'll follow him there.

Are you saying you don't know
where that is?


I'll be in a surveillance car.
I'll guide you in.

That could be bloody anywhere.

That truck could be going to Adelaide
for all you know.

Taking him at the truck stop's
not possible.

If you want to know what this guy's
capable of, ask Sergeant Joshua.


Let's go root this pig!

What do you reckon about O'Neil?

I'd hoped he'd have done
his homework more thoroughly.

I'm not real comfortable with doing
the arrest who knows where, you know?

We'll be right.
Just do it on the fly.

Seems to be the way he operates.

- You want this guy badly, don't you?
- Yep.

- Kerry?
- Yeah?

It's about O'Neil.

Remember that hit-and-run last year
where Ted Harris got killed?

- What's that got to do with O'Neil?
- Yeah, I'm getting there.

Last time they arrested
this Welsh guy,

about half a dozen cops
beat the living crap out of him.

The cops reckoned Welsh put
all their names on a hit list.

- And Harris was on that list?
- Yeah.

- Along with someone closer to home.
- O'Neil.

- Did he mention this?
- Nup.

Hey, O'Neil?

Just a sec. I'm gonna ride
with you, yep? Just get my shooter.

Hey, Josh, listen to this.

"I do not respect
the decision of this court."

"If my country refuses
to fight against injustice,"

"then it's my right
to take up that fight myself."

Guess who said it?

It sure as shit
wasn't Martin Luther King.

- Who?
- John Welsh. At his trial.

His defence was he was robbing banks

to finance his Burmese
liberation buddies.

I bet that failed
as a defence strategy.

So does that make him a saint?

I just reckon anyone who sticks it

to the generals over there
can't be half bad.

They blow up buses, Leon.

TR-2 in position.

Think it'd be worth the risk,
going for a packet of chips?

Oh! Why'd you have to
say 'chips', Dom?

I'm hungry, Stell.

You want to risk getting
your nuts crunched, go for it.

No, I might wait.

Think he'll show?

I don't know.

This is a military mission to him.

"Complete the mission"
is all he'll be thinking.

He'll be here.


How do you have a normal life?

- What?
- I'm thinking about Welsh.

How do you come down
from a job like that - the SAS?

Well, the smart ones
go mountain climbing.

So, I hear he's got you
on a hit list.

- Oh, I don't know if that's current.
- What happened?

Arrested him a few years back
for an armed rob.

He went berserk.

Took six of us to bring him down.

He broke my leg in three places,

fractured my skull, broke my jaw.

I was six weeks in hospital
and eight months off work.


So, what about Ted Harris?

Teddy got killed crossing the road.

It wasn't Welsh making good
on any threats.

Oh, yeah?

Seems like he's pretty serious
about his threats.

- Couldn't be proved.
- What do you reckon?

I reckon it's possible
but where's the evidence?

Anyway, it might be best if you
just stay in the background

till we wrap this thing up, eh?

I've got a healthy respect for
the man but I'm not scared of him.

Here we go.

Yeah, truck's in position.

Yeah, driver's
gone into the cafe.

Standing by.

So where is he?

Making sure it's all clear.

Got a Plan B?

Mate, all you had to do was sit
in there and drink your coffee.

Josh, the suspect
has entered the vehicle.

- The driver is still in there.
- Is he a hostage?

Possibly - let's just follow them
to the next location.

- But keep your distance.
- Alright.

What'd I say about Adelaide, Kerry?

Anything jumping out at you
about where this might be headed?

Did you know anything
about this place?

We knew he had something around here
but no exact address.

The truck's gone down the end
of the road, into the farm there.

Stell, can you get onto Leon -

see if he can get a satellite
picture of the property?

Yeah. Leon, I need you
to send me a satellite...

We'll take it from here, OK?

Arrest away, but I only
ask one thing.

Don't cordon and call.

Why is that?

He'll know the driver was turned
and he'll kill him.

Believe me - I know how he works.
He won't hesitate on that count.

Alright. We'll keep that in mind.

What do you reckon?

- He knows Welsh better than us.
- Yeah.

Hey, there's geese.

It's gonna be a problem getting
close without upsetting them.

We could rush him before he has a
chance to take the driver hostage.

Yep, I agree.

Stell, how we doing?

Alright, if we can all gather round.

Come on, boys.

Those of you who don't know, my
name's Senior Sergeant Lawson Blake.

Now, the situation we have today

is an offender held up
in that house there -

John Welsh - and one hostage.

Our mission today is to effect the
lawful arrest of that offender, OK?

Satellite map of the property here.

Got the road here,
going up through there.

House. Adjoining shed.


O'Neil, you and your men
make the perimeter at 100m.

OK? You got that?

Now, because there are geese
on the property,

it does make a covert
approach impossible.

So two Tac vehicles,
this one from this position.

That one from the rear
of the property.

We'll move in simultaneously,
at speed.

OK, the goal is
to apprehend quickly

and deny Welsh the opportunity
to exploit his hostage

or to make a stronghold
of the house.

Now, if he does get past us,
you blokes on the perimeter

are the second line of defence.

The second line of defence.
You get that?

I want everybody
to be safe out there.

Alright? John Welsh
is a trained killer.

He's killed before -
he will not hesitate

if you stand between
him and his freedom.

So let's all go home tonight, OK?

- No worries.
- Let's go.

Gee 'em up, why don't you?

Just want my men to know
what they're up against.

You four with me.

Go, mate. You take
the rest of them round there.

Dangerous dickhead.

TR-2 in position.

Alright, O'Neil, let me know
when your men are in position.

Yeah, copy that.

Lawson, there's a D
well inside the perimeter.

O'Neil, tell your men to hold
their designated positions.

No further.

All units, hold your position.

Oh, Christ, Lawson.
This is a hunting party.

Police! Don't move!

Go, go, go!

Put your weapon down!

Back off! Back off!

O'Neil, come in.

O'Neil, I know what you're doing.

Hey. Hey.

Get out of here.


You're inside the perimeter.
Get back.


Take care of him, will you?


O'Neil, put it down!

Look at me!

- What?!
- Put it down now!

- Covering, Josh! Covering!
- Covering!

We've got this. You two, piss off!

What the hell is wrong
with you people?

I'm trying to make an arrest!

Step away from the weapon.
Step away from the weapon.

Leon, we're gonna need an ambo.

Just stop.


No fish, plenty of pad Thai.




Dunno, mate.


You didn't even check
to see who it was.

Good point.

Who are you, Lawson?

I thought you were supposed to be
staying at my place tonight.

Well, that was your idea.

I mean, it was a good idea
but my idea's better.


I just... I don't get it, OK?


Do you want me to help you
or... or not?

Look, I-I'm sorry, OK,
that I involved you in my work.

Well, it's also my work, you see?

We have systems in place
to deal with this.

- 'We'?
- Yes, 'we'. Us.

The police.

See, I'm gonna have a problem with
that because I don't do systems

and I don't do 'us'.


So my story's dead.

Legal's pulled it. Crisis over.

Can... can we just move on?

I've got some
beautiful wine in here.

Just pretend today didn't happen, eh?

See, I spent all day...

all day worrying about you.

I know.

I know.


Welsh is gonna live.

Ah. Call that a win?

O'Neil will probably
get away with it too.

His boys will back him up,
say whatever he wants.

That's our culture.

That's police culture.

The tribe protects the transgressions
of the individual.

Bit deep for me.

It's a double-edged sword. There
are times when it works for you.

You know what was in the container?

What - not drugs?

Most of it was antibiotics.
Surgical equipment.

Dressings, stuff like that.

What - is there money
on the black market for band aids?

It was for his friends in the TLF.

Medical supplies for them.
That's why he did all this.

Crazy man on a sane mission.

Guess so.

Do you think that's you?

Hmm? Strip away all this and...
what's left?

I think you need a drink.

Should bloody send the container
to Burma anyway.

Yeah. Sort of justice in that,
isn't there?

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

So, what is it with your editor?

I have a career, Lawson.

Yeah, so do I, but I don't get
all kissy with my colleagues.


Tell me why, then,
Blue Eyes looked at me

as if I was about to
drown her kitty-cat.

What? What, Shannon?

I think you're a little paranoid.

See, this is why it'll never work.
You've got no sense of irony.

You think I can't
keep up with you. Is that it?

I just think we come from
two very different worlds.

- Mm-hm. Yeah?
- Yep.

And what worlds would they be?


You think you're
smarter than me, don't you?

- Much smarter.
- Hmm.

Get up, then.

That's got nothing to do with
being smart.

Oh, yes, it does - you see, if you
knew how to handle yourself,

you could get out from under me.

- Maybe I don't want to.
- Maybe you're not up to it.

I could.

No, you couldn't.